MGT300 Class Notes Favorite campus - Starbucks in library Structures are modern No asbestos Formerly organization & leadership OB… Organizational Behavior THERE IS BIAS IN THE RESEARCH Douglas McGregor – changed (sigmond freud of business) - Theory x – authoritative (old school)… do not trust employees Theory y – values people, wants to have long term retention – turnover is kiss of death WHOLE BOOK IS GEARED TOWARDS THEORY Y & POB!!! GET MOTIVATION UP, RETENTION UP, TURNOVER DOWN! Exam has 50 questions Deadly Smile… paper written by professor POB – Positive Organizational Behavior ALAN.GOLDMAN@ASU.EDU -email address Hawthorne Studies – BIG DEAL - Research studies that went back to the 1920’s Understanding worker motivation January 22, 2020 Hitler was a very authoritarian person empowered by the German people. Leaders have been giving up some of their power… more of the decentralization of organizations. Why is giving power to employees good or bad? - right way lower retention Good business Good for productivity MGT 300 Introductory Core Concepts Core Concepts - Management Leadership Organizations Organizational behavior (OB) Teams; collaboration (dead center and core of management and leadership) Core Concepts - Micro behaviors & analysis Macro behavior & analysis - MICRO: Psychological, personality, personality type MACRO: systemic, big picture, companywide - MICRO: the individual worker, colleague, boss, manager, leader MACRO: the organization, company Managers and Leaders - What’s the difference between a manager and a leader? o Vision… linked up more with leaders o Manager is more involved in operations o Leaders are more in the ivory tower. Managers - Some are smaller Some are larger thinkers Predominantly left brain managers o More analytical… math & science Predominantly right brain managers o More creative side Organizational behavior - POB positive organizational behavior o 85 to 90 percent is going to be positive NOB negative organizational behavior Academics are primarily concerned with POB Our TEXT book spends most time with POB; Why ae both important (POB & NOB) in MGT 300? Screen Play for divorcing couple but make an arrangement to get back together afterwards POB - Excellence, profitability, innovation, R&D Motivation, teams quality retention turnover - Micro & macro levels of organizations Shifts focus between individual and companywide behavior Managers and leaders Analyzes organizational policies Observes human resources Customer service Prioritizing innovation and R&D - Why does the book prioritize innovation & R&D o It’s the lifeblood of the business Why do highly successful businesses prioritize innovation and R&D Why did steve jobs, founder and former ceo of apple inc. prioritize innovation and R&D o He fit the bill. Leadership & organizational priorities - Profits o Must have a profit Innovation and R&D Customer service …. Fortune 500 bank, airline, grocery Brand Community Environment Giving back Uniqueness BENCHMARK best practices and scrutinize Douglas McGregor - MIT Trained Professor Developed most important leadership theory of the 20th century McGregor developed “Theory X & Theory Y X/Y Theory applications to OB; managers; corporate culture McGregor addresses philosophical assumptions, values, ethics, human nature and psychology in leadership and organizations Individual – organizational fit - Some employees fit better in theory X organizational culture Some employees fit better theory y organizational culture Why do some workers prefer a theory x boss Why do some workers prefer a theory y boss Theory Y - There has been a drift or movement toward theory y Why are the majority of leaders and companies moving progressively toward theory y policies and culture - Multiple leaders More decision makers Increasing use of teams and collaboration Are you more theory x or y? both? Your family? Your workplace? National Culture and country of origin - - - We look beyond organizational culture to national culture? o Goes by different terms: corporate, organization o National culture is big on Why is national culture of serious interest in OB and leadership? Your country of origin? Similar workplace practices / values to US? o Yes o Commitment to self rather than the company Do you see your home country as more x or y? explain Does country of origin influence workplace values? Does country of origin influence approaches to leadership? Does country of origin influence teamwork and collaboration? Does country impact gender equality, discrimination, ageism; diversity? Impact of corporate and country culture on: Hires? Nepotism? Promotion? Organizational, Professional & National Culture Analysis - Some organizatins & professions are more theory X Professional cultures are another dimension of analysis Workplace Behavior/Values in Military? Law Enforcement? Teaching? Banking? Airline Industry? Lawyers? Doctors? Nurses? Accountants? Construction Industry? Artists? Actors? Company by Company Analysis - More X or Y in culture Diversity & Complexity in workplace - MGT 300 takes many looks at diversity; Diversity is a nexus; highest priority to leaders and organizations U.S. views on gender? European? Asian Countries? Middle East? North, South, and Central Americas? Country by Country views on gender? Country by Country views on age in workplace? Country by Country, company by company views on promortions? Who you know? Family status? What you’ve accomplished Country Specific Values re: Hires; Promotions; Nepotism Individualism, Collectivism - Committed to one company Lifetime employement Commitment to self and career Soldiers of fortune and mercenaries o Extreme of individualism Country Specific differences in individualism and collectivism POB goal of high, higher, highest retention rates? Examples? o Positive Organizational Behavior is the goal of our book What company practices leads to more turnover, lower retention? Is turnover the “kiss of death?” (more “x” or “y” downsizings?) Is getting fired similar to divorce? Are downsizings mass divorces? Slide Tite - Our daft textbook appears to favor theory x or y? o Y Professor Goldman favors x or y? o 70 y 30 x CHAPTER 1 P. 33 TALK ABOUT ASSUMPTIONS OF THEORY X & THEORY Y - The average human being will have an inherent dislike of work -theory x o Must be coerced, threatened with punishment The Hawthorne Studies - Took place at att plant in hawthorne, Illinois Human relations movement January 29, 2020 1927-1933 for the hawthorne experiement…. It’s an att plant. Hawthorne is explaining (we were trying to figure out the lighting) - Leadership Organization Scientific Management… Fredrick taylor - more of an X type Chapter 13 is about communication 80/20 rule… theory y driven rule… two eyes, two ears, and one mouth… when we communicate, use your senses proportionately. 1 mouth… 20 % talking, 40% listening, 40% observing Dav ….. management gurus…. Mcgregor The culture map… book Management Competencies - Shift from manager as controller to manager as enabler Controller consisten with “theory x” Enabler consisten with “theory y” Shift from “management keep tabs” to an “empowering leadership style” Managers shape cultures, business systems, and workplace conditions Manager remove obstacles; provide learning opportunities; offer feedback, coaching and career guidance Managers in large companies and corporations work in partnership with human resources Terminology, TAKE 1 (ONGOING) - - “MANAGER” AND “LEASDERS” The “Vision Thing” OB (organization behavior); POB (positive organizational behavior), NOB (Negative organizational behavior), DOB (Destructive organizational behavior), TOB (Toxic organizational behavior); FINANCIAL CAPITAL; HUMAN CAPITAL; SOCIAL CAPITAL; TEAM CAPITAL THEORY X, THEORY Y (Douglas McGregor) Hawthorne Studies The Hawthorne Effect SHIFTS, TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT - Management and Business Organizations undergoing dramatic change; employees and bosses may work in scattered, multiple location Managers may not be able to physically monitor worker behavior and productivity Extreme theory Y, E-Business, multiple locations leaders to new trends in empowerment E.g., BOSSLESS DESIGN turning management authority/MGT over to employees Teams, collaboration at core of management, decision making, product; innovation, R&D Social Media is a growing tool for managers to enhance communication and collaboration in support of empowered or bossless work environments SHIFTS, TRENDS IN MANAGEMENT 2 - Management is defined as “attainement of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources The vas majority of our studies, data and findings in OB/MGT are from fortune 500s Course materials not limited to Fortune 500s; our findings can be applied on a case-by-case basis to all facets of business organizations, onternational WHAT DO MANAGERS DO: GOOGLE’S 8 RULES FOR GOOD MANAGERS GOOGLE’S RULES FOR MANAGING TEAMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be a good coach Empower your team and don’t micromanage Express interest in team members’ successes and personal well-being Be productive and results oriented Be a good communicator and listen to your team Help your employees with career development Have a clear vision and strategy for the team Have key technical skills so you can help advise the team MANAGER FAILURES (TOP 10 CAUSES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ineffective communication skills Poor work relationships and interpersonal skills Person – job mismatch Failure to clarify direction or performance expectations Failure to adapt and break old habits Breakdown of delegation and empowerment Lack of personal integrity and trustworthiness Inability to develop cooperation and teamwork Inability to lead and motivate others Poor planning practices and reactionary behaviors INTRODUCTION TO A MANAGER’S LIFE 1. Multitasking 2. Life on a speed dial 3. Time management The things of production vs the humanity of production - There has been a longer tension between historical forces in management thinking We have identified tension between theory x and theory y management thinking Theary x is what we sometimes refer to as the “classical perspective” The classical theory x perspective is represented by Frederick taylor oand scientific management Taylor is the “father of scientific management” SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT - automaker and factory pioneer; henry for, made extensive use of Frederick taylor’s scientific management techniques in his early auto assembly lines Ford replaced workers with machines for heavy lifting and moving autos from one worker to the next – reducing worker hours and improving efficiency and productivity; under this system, a ford car rolled off the assembly line every 10 seconds - Taylorism and scientific management was at the core of the early industrial revolution and was most pronounced in the automobile industry of the early 20th century We witnessed efficiency, high quality, low defects, precision in design and delivery; standardization February 5, 2020 Steve Jobs – Beautiful Polished Rocks Hawthorne Studies… connect some of the dots… some of the theory x & theory y approach… developed by douglas mcgregor….theory can really explain organize and categorize what we are doing… management and organization has been leaning towards theory y. Teams come primarily from the y side. Emotional intelligence, bosses who care about employees, empowerment, shift of power. Extreme Y stumble upon a term bossless. Attribute genius to a term that is able to be direct. Bumping heads is not always a bad thing. It can be very productive as long as Video Training: Steve jobs 1. Identify one “takeaway” or lesson to be learned from the Jobs’ Video a. Conflict and argument can be constructive. Working in teams b. Don’t be afraid to speak your own views, even if opposing c. Substance and style, if people don’t like someone or something, 2. Respond: why do you think Jobs preferred conflict in this innovative teams? a. Great ideas and innovation comes from colliding ideas and thoughts. b. Working through the process, you are able to get to the desired destination. c. If someone has an innovative idea, do not cause loss of face. Push aside the ideas nicely to not deter other 3. Is Jobs presenting more of an “X” or “Y” approach to teams. a. Y because it is collaborative MGT 300 Introductory Core Concepts Constructive conflict in teams Characteristics of Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor) - Developed standard method for performing each job Selected workers with appropriate abilities for each job Trained workers in standard methods Supported workers by planning their work & eliminating interruptions Provided wage incentives to workers for increased output Contributions and criticisms of scientific management - Contributions - o Demonstrated importance of compensation for performance o Initiated the careful study of tasks and jobs o Demonstrated the importance of personnel selection and training Criticisms o Did not appreciate the social context of work or acknowledge emotions, relations; o Did not acknowledge variance among individual workers o Regarded workers as uninformed & ignored their ideas & suggestions Frank & Lillian Gilbreth: Time and motion studies - Pioneered time and motion study & was on a quest for the one best way to do work Known for early time and motion studies with bricklayers Gilbreths’ work had great impact on medical surgery Drastically reducing the time that patients spent on the operating table Surgeons able to save countless lives through application of time & motion study Lillian Gilbreth became known as “the first lady of management” Lillian Gilbreth pioneered the field of INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY LG made substantial contribution to early field of Human Resource Management Scientific Management that began with Taylor dramatically increased productivity across all industries Today there is a renaissance in the retail industry based on scientific management SM used by supermarket chains such as Meijer Inc. and Hannaford These chains use computerized labor waste elimination systems based on scientific management principles The system breaks down tasks; greeting a customer, working the register, scanning items…. Into quantifiable units and devises standard times to complete each task; Executive say computerized systems allows staffing of stores more efficiently as people are routinely monitored by computer, expected to meet strict standards February 12, 2020 1878 Lilian Gilbreths.. Frank Gilbreth…. Max Weber on bureaucracy pow toon. PowerPoint Characteristics of Scientific Management - 1. Developed standard method for performing each job 2. Selected workers with appropriate abilities for each job 3. Trained workers in standard methods 4. Supported workers by planning their work & eliminating interruptions 5. Provided wage incentives to workers for increased output Contributions and criticisms of scientific management - - CONTRIBUTIONS o Demonstrated importance of compensation for performance o Initiated the careful study of tasks and jobs o Demonstrated the importance of personnel selection and training CRITICISMS o Did not appreciate the social context of work or acknowledge emotions, relations o Did not acknowledge variance among individual workers o Regarded workers as uninformed and ignored their ideas & suggestions Frank & Lillian Gilbreth: Time and motion studies - Pioneered time and motion study & was on a quest for the one best way to do work Known for early time and motion studies with bricklayers Gilbreths’ work had great impact on medical surgery Drastically reducing the time that patients spent on the operating table Surgeons able to save countless lives through application of time & motion study Lillian Gilbreth became known as “the first lady of management” Lillian Gilbreth pioneered the field of INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY LG made substantial contribution to early field of Human Resource Management More on scientific management and modern applications - Scientific Management that began with Taylor dramatically increased productivity across all industries Today there is a renaissance in the retail industry based on scientific management SM (scientific management) used by supermarket chains such as Meijer Inc. and Hannaford These chains use computerized labor waste elimination systems based on scientific management principles The system breaks down tasks: greeting a customer, working the register, scanning items… into quantifiable units and devises standard times to complete each task. Executives say computerized systems allows staffing of stores more efficiently as people are routinely monitored by computer, expected to meet strict standards. Other systematic approaches to managing organizations MAX WEBER - Bureaucratic Organizations is within the classical perspective Max Weber (German, 1964 – 1920) introduced most of the bureaucratic concepts Initially family style businesses of late 1800s loyal to a single individual Shift to allegiance to an organization on its mission Weber envisioned and theorized organizations managed on an impersonal, rational basis; it was called a bureaucracy Such organizations would be more adaptable to change Organized by formal structure, organizational chart and assigned positions Rationality meant employee selection & advancement on competence and qualification, not based on family or who you know Max Weber and bureaucracy - Organizations rely on rules & procedures that are impersonal and applied uniformly to all employees Positions are organized in a HIERARCHY, with each position under the authority of a higher one Managers give orders successfully not on the basis of his or her personality, but on the legal power invested in the managerial position The term “bureaucracy” hass taken on a negative meaning in today’s organizations and is associated with endless rules and red tape Ther eis good and bad in the bureaucracy Humanistic perspective - “Don’t hug you blueprints” said Mary Parker Follett Stressing of human dimensions: ethics; power; leading to encourage best in workers Concepts of empowerment, facilitating rather than controlling employees Chester Barnard also associated with humanistic perspective Barnard remembered for concept of the informal organization Information Organization includes cliques; informal networks; naturally occurring social groupings; in groups and out groups, occurs in all formal organizations Barnard also stated that workers have free will and seek out a positive benefit on the job to themselves; Barnard known for his Acceptance Theory of Authority that is important because if manager treat employees well it’s critical to company success Human relations movement - Based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control This early work from the HR movement and in Industrial Psychology received little attention because of the prominence of scientific management That CHANGE AGENT is the series of studies at a Chicago electric company, which came to be known as the Hawthorne Studies A “dairy farm” view of management: just a contented COWS GIVE MORE MILK… SATISFIED WORKERS WILL PRODUCE MORE WORK THE hr MOVEMENT COMBINES ELEMENTS OF Scientific Management, time and motion studies and design of job tasks with theories of motivation; It is not purly theory Y In the HR view, jobs should be designed so that tasks are not perceived as dehumanizing or demeaning but instead let workers use their full potential Two best known HR contributors: Abraham Maslow (humanistic psychologist) and Douglas McGregor McGregor: theory x and theory y February 19, 2020 Douglas McGregor - MIT Trained Professor Developed most important leadership theory of the 20th century - McGregor developed “Theory X & Theory Y X/Y Theory Applications to OB; Managers; Corporate Culture McGregor addresses philosophical assumptions, values, ethics, human nature and psychology in leadership and organizations - Why is study? o Gives us insight Individual – organizational fit - Some better in x, Some better in y Why some prefer different theories Theory Y - - Drift or movement towards theory y…. back from the 1920’s (1927-1933 hawthorne experiment) Why are the majority of leaders and companies moving progressively toward theory y policies and culture? o Motivation/productivity goes up when employees think they are being cared for, that they matter Our Daft textbook appears to favor theory X or Y? o Y Professor Goldman favors X or Y? o Y, but is down the middle. Sees both sides. o Easier to move from theory x to theory y, than theory y to theory x. About Theory Y - Empowerment Multiple leaders More decision makers Increasing use of Teams and Collaboration Are you more theory x or y? both? Your family? Your workplace? JUST LOOPED AROUND … GO THROUGH NOTES BEFORE TODAY, ADDED FROM LECTURE FROM 2/19 ________________________________________________ What makes managers succeed? - Effective Communication Strong Work Relationships and excellent Interpersonal Skills - Excellent Person – Job Matches and Alignments (vs. Person-Job Mismatches) Clear Directions and Performance Expectations Clear delegation and empowerment Managerial integrity and personal trustworthiness Ability to develop cooperation and team work with employees and colleagues Ability to lead and motivates employees Excellent planning and strategizing Making the leap: becoming a new manager… Zuckerberg of Facebook - Not easy to make the leap from strong employee & performer to manager The shift is tricky; deceptive; more than meets the eye; doesn’t come natural Wildly innovative Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fumbled with day to day managing Zuckerberg knew managing was awkward for him Zuckerberg mad the leap in part by hiring manager, mentors and advisors who February 26, 2020 Exam #1 Review Chapter 1 -4 IMPORTANT Chapter 5 extra light – 6 light 10 questions are getting today! 40 question exam! Receiving 34 items on page that are involved in the exam! Hard copy of exam review. Core Concepts - - - - - Organizational Behavior: OB o Very big picture o Macro in organizations Management o Supervisor Leadership o Has “vision” o Future Teams; collaboration o Japanese are considered most collabrative culture o Americans are considered more of individuals Theory x; theory y; o Douglas McGregor o Most important theory of the 1900’s o X – power is more centralized o Y – power is more decentralized Centralized; decentralized leadership - - Organizational / company / corporate culture o Use them somewhat interchangeably o Most research has been done in the corporate world o What do we mean by the word culture? Micro and Macro Behavior o Micro is more of the individual o Macro is more of talking about Apple, IBM Organizational Behavior Focus and Goals - - POB is central focus Majority of OB research on positive organizational behavior Minority of research on NOB; POB = Increasing worker motivation and productivity; lowering turnover NOB = Bullying; gossip; online personal activity during work hours Benchmarking = we hold up as examples POB; we set positive e standards; o Looking for best practices, examples o Set positive standards o Most POB country is Finland Overall Goals of Manager/Organizations: High Profits, High Productivity, Continuous Improvement; High / Highest Quality Services and Products; Zero Defects; High Worker Motivation; Low Turnover; High Retention Levels Hawthorne Studies - - AT&T Hawthorne Plant 1927 – 1933 Interviews conducted with employees over workplace lighting preferences o It wasn’t the lighting that motivated the employees, it was that if you show you care for your workers, emotional intelligence, this shows the worker that you care Harvard Professors Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger led the studies Employee productivity and motivation positively impacted Beginnings of empowerment, human relations movement, humanizing the worker and the work place and eventually provided a basis for theory Y Douglas McGregor - - Viewd as the “author” or creator of the most influential management theory of the 20th century Theory x; theory y Documenting, analyzing, explaining a vas array of management, leadership and organizational styles ranging from extremely authoritarian and centralized to extremely decentralized and worker empowerment Trend over the past half century toward theory y Theory y is a center of team, collaborative, empowerment, decentralized workplace Theory x continues forward as a very legitimate, mainstream approach - A contingency approach explains the use of X or Y variations depending of the organization, products, services and a variety of variables Corporate Culture - Most simply corporate culture can be viewed as predominantly theory x or theory y or variations between the two Corporations and organizations-in-general develop a “society” or “culture” that is unique and singular We can speak of Apple Culture; Nissan Culture; GAP Culture; Nike Culture; Southwest Culture; Trader Joe’s Culture; Fiat Chrysler Culture HR, Managers, Workers and Applicants look for a corporate culture “fit” A corporate culture may be very theory Y, team oriented, informal Or a corporate culture may be mostly theory x; formal, rigid, rule governed Corporate culture includes values, beliefs, and the macro philosophy Emotional Intelligence (EI) - The PSYCHOLOGIZING of the workplace Daniel Goleman EI and Relationship Building EI and theory y EI and collaboration and team building National Culture valuing of EI Corporate Culture Valuing of EI National Culture - - Refers to external societal, cultural influences on workers and business National Cultures; US, Italian, Canadian, Mexican National Culture has a deep influence on management styles, worker expectations, recognition, promotion, longevity, turnover, retention, gender, demographics in the workplace Expatriations or overseas assignments require national culture training Joint Ventures across border, MNCs and global business requires working knowledge of many facets of national culture and influences on decision making, contracts, deal making, building relationships, customers Cross cultural management is a strategic area of study in 2020; crucial Benchmarking Leaders and ORGANIZATIONS - What is benchmarking? o Looking for the best practices Why benchmark? o Idk Steve Jobs; Apple Doug Rauch; Trader Joes Herb Kelleher; Southwest Airlines Michael Crow; Arizona State University Key Developments in Management - Assembly line manufacturing Scientific Management Hawthorne Studies Human Relations Movement o Popped out of the Hawthorne studies Empowerment, theory x, theory y Total Quality Control, total quality management (TQM), Six Sigma Zero Defects; Continuous Improvement TQM and W. Edwards Deming o Godfather of quality movement Sustainability Key Concepts in Management - National Culture; Corporate culture Innovation in the Workplace From Personnel Departments to Human Resource Departments Turnover; Retention; Downsizing; Rightsizings Labor Legislation; Gender Equality; Child Labor Laws; Sexism; Ageism Clash of National Cultures re: labor laws; ageism; sexism Ethical and Unethical OB; unethical; Enron, Arthur Anderson CSR: corporate social responsibility; Best? Worst? Improving? CSR and Corporations & Country aby Country Analysis o Finland is #1 Key Concepts in Management 2 - - Supply Chains; Global Supply Chains Sustainability Emotional Intelligence Scientific Management and Time & Motion Studies o More of Theory X Delegating Authority to Teams; Empowerment in Workplace Financial Capital; Human Capital; Social Capital; Environmental Capital Chain of Command; Command and Control; Horizontal and Vertical Chain of Commands o Horizontal is more Y o Vertical is more X International Blunders / Cross Cultural: McD’s in India; IDIA in Bangkok; Brainstorming; Groupthink o Brainstorming has to do with innovations o Groupthink would mean were the individual gets silenced in the group EXAM REVIEW HARD COPY