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COVID-19, Diet, and Stress: Health Essay

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Christian Allocco
Professor Langland
ENGL 1013
December 10, 2020
Health; Diet, Covid-19, and Stress
During the Covid-19 period, the eating habits of various people have changed. The government
came up with several management measures that are supposed to be adhered to by people within
the country (Abbas and Kamel). Factors such as working from home and social distancing,
amongst others, are the essential control measures that people within the country have been
adhering to since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. These factors have raised the stress of
several individuals, and a majority of them have opted for the option of consuming individual
meals to manage their stress.
Eating authentic food to manage stress has become a common culture for several people
during this pandemic moment. Stress can be categorized as either short term or long term. People
suffering from short term stress tend to have low appetite. On the other hand, individuals
suffering from long-term stress during the Covid-19 period tend to have increased appetite. This
is because the human body responds to long-term stress by releasing a cortisol hormone
(Naidoo). A buildup of cortisol within the human body usually leads to increased appetite. One
of the significant characteristics of long-term stress is that they prefer high sugar and fat content.
These are meals that release a hormone known as dopamine. This hormone lowers the stress
levels of an individual with time after consumption of meals containing high levels of sugar and
fat. These are meals that can lead to health conditions such as weight gain and fatty liver
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There are several ways people can manage their stress levels and eating culture during the
Covid-19 period. People are supposed to understand that their food consumption methods and
schedules might change with time during this active pandemic moment. There are three possible
primary results; eating culture might decrease, increase, or maintain the same level people are
used to daily. For such scenarios, individuals are supposed to have a significant comprehension
when they are either hungry or full. Satiety is a moment when an individual has enough food to
the extent that they cannot consume more. It can also mean an individual has finished the
required amount of food (Abbas and Kamel). During this pandemic period, individuals need to
consume healthy food and water in all their meals. A balanced diet is essential as it is a meal that
contains all the vital nutrients. People must adhere to all their eating plans to avoid missing
meals for better results. This is because missing meals tend to lead to binge consumption of
authentic foods.
Self-reflection about meals is essential during this pandemic moment. Everyone tends to
crave authentic food during stressful moments. Simultaneously, there are times when people
prefer consuming vast amounts of food to manage their stressful conditions. There are different
satisfaction which arises after the consumption of memorable meals. Consumption of authentic
food or multiple types of foods can either make an individual have a better or worse feeling
(Herrera). While people are self-reflecting, they are supposed to be positive on every idea they
come up with. The concept can be in the form of preferring special meals of others. There are
multiple ways of managing self-reflection when it comes to dietary choices. An individual can
opt for the option of creating a food log. This can lead to a better choice before an individual
ends up picking authentic food or meal.
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Mindful consumption of food is essential when it comes to managing stress during this
pandemic period. Everyone has precise hunger levels and satiety. Conscious food consumption is
necessary since it can lead to weight management (Abbas and Kamel). Several distractions can
lead an individual to avoid mindful eating. Factors such as eating while doing other activities
such as using mobile phones and watching television leads to unmindful food consumption.
People who tend to eat while performing other activities tend to consume a lot of food. This is
because their brains are occupied focusing on other factors such as using mobile phones. One of
the human brain's significant characteristics during meal consumption moments is that it might
fail to recognize when an individual has had enough food (Antinoro). Eating while performing
other activities can also lead to immediate consumption of authentic food. This may lead to
individuals not being satisfied with the food since digestion and burning of calories is altered.
Covid-19 pandemic tends to make individuals have different reactions when it comes to
their general health. This is a moment when individuals are supposed to be conscious of their
general health. There are multiple activities in which people can involve themselves so that they
can feel relaxed. Calm people are considered to have better health than individuals who feel
anxious about everything within their lives (Naidoo). Physical activities are also essential for
better health results. Physical activities can be weight lifting, short runs, sprinting, jogging
during the morning, and practicing yoga. Whenever an individual is sad, which can lead to stress,
they must visit their therapist for guidance, which is supposed to manage their condition. There
are times when an individual can opt to visit their family members so that they can discuss the
situation at hand. All these activities can lead to better health.
Sleeping is essential during this pandemic period. An ordinary adult is supposed to sleep
between six to eight hours. People who spend less time sleeping have poor food consumption
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culture, which can be over-eating or preferring authentic food, leading to poor diet outcomes
(Naidoo). People are supposed to create commitment so that they can enjoy their sleep. One way
of committing to sleep during this pandemic period is by informing people about an individual
sleep schedule within society. This can result in people becoming responsible for their sleeping
schedule, which they are supposed to adhere to (Quan). Other multiple options are essential
when it comes to managing sleep. The common ones are; creating a sleeping routine, sleeping in
a conducive environment, and avoiding consumption of a lot of food before sleeping. Sleep is
also important in building of the body’s immunity. People who seep for less hours are likely to
be predisposed to diseases and may also end up being stressed due to lack of enough sleep.
People are supposed to be compassionate about themselves during the active pandemic
period. Several people are undergoing stress, and one of the best management is by creating a
self-love mood while carrying out daily activities (Herrera). These are moments when people are
supposed to consider practicing the art of emotional consumption of food. Accepting that we are
in a pandemic moment and control measures are supposed to be adhered to is essential.
There are multiple ways of managing stressful moments and dietary culture during this
pandemic period. Stress plays a key role when it comes to food consumption culture. The longterm focus tends to lead to improved appetite, while short term stress results in low appetite.
People are supposed to understand during the active pandemic period, their dietary patterns can
change with ease, and they are supposed to be cautious about everything they do. During a time
when those with the best immunity are likely to survive the pandemic then it is vital for everyone
to improve their immunity. Good dietary practices have been known to help builds one immunity
as it involves intake of well-balanced meals.
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Work Cited
Abbas, Ahmed M., and Mark Mohsen Kamel. “Dietary Habits in Adults during Quarantine in the
Context of COVID-19 Pandemic.” Obesity Medicine, vol. 19, Sept. 2020, p. 100254,
Antinoro, Linda. “Eating While Performing Other Activities Can Lead to Weight
Gain.” Brigham Health Hub, 5 June 2020, brighamhealthhub.org/eating-whileperforming-other-activities-can-lead-to-weight-gain/. Accessed 11 Dec. 2020.
Herrera, Yarisbel M. “Managing Stress and Emotional Eating During COVID-19.” Brigham
Health Hub, 8 June 2020, brighamhealthhub.org/managing-stress-and-emotional-eatingduring-covid-19/.
Naidoo, Uma. “Eating during COVID-19: Improve Your Mood and Lower Stress.” Harvard
Health Blog, 7 Apr. 2020, www.health.harvard.edu/blog/eating-during-covid-19improve-your-mood-and-lower-stress-2020040719409.
Quan, Stuart. “8 Tips to Sleep Better and Wake Up Refreshed.” Brigham Health Hub, 5 June
2020, brighamhealthhub.org/8-tips-to-sleep-better-and-wake-up-refreshed/. Accessed 11
Dec. 2020.