Experiencing Archaeology by Experiment Proceedings of the Experimental Archaeology Conference, Exeter 2007 edited by Penny Cunningham, Julia Heeb and Roeland Paardekooper Oxbow Books Published by Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK © Oxbow Books and the individual authors, 2008 ISBN 978-1-84217-342-8 A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library This book is available direct from Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK (Phone: 01865-241249; Fax: 01865-794449) and The David Brown Book Company PO Box 511, Oakville, CT 06779, USA (Phone: 860-945-9329; Fax: 860-945-9468) or from our website www.oxbowbooks.com Printed in Great Britain by Short Run Press Exeter Contents Introduction Penny Cunningham, Julia Heeb and Roeland Paardekooper v 1 Flint Tools as Portable Sound-Producing Objects in the Upper Palaeolithic Context: An Experimental Study Elizabeth C. Blake and Ian Cross 2 Analytical and Experimental Approaches to Carving Technology during the Cypriot Middle Chalcolithic Period Elizabeth Cory-Lopez 21 3 Experimental Archaeology within the Heritage Industry: Publicity and the Public at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village Mary Ellen Crothers 37 4 101 ways to skin a fur-bearing animal: the implications for zooarchaeological interpretation Eva Fairnell 47 5 The Nature of Scientific Experimentation in Archaeology: Experimental Archaeology from the Nineteenth to the mid Twentieth Century Carolyn Forrest 6 Experiment and Experience – Practice in a Collaborative Environment Cordula Hansen 69 7 Exploring the Materiality of Prehistoric Cloth-types Susanna Harris 81 8 Using Experimental Archaeology to Answer the Unanswerable: A case study using Roman Dyeing Heather Hopkins 1 61 103 Introduction Penny Cunningham, Julia Heeb and Roeland Paardekooper ‘The term experimental archaeology is a convenient way of describing the collection of facts, theories and fictions that has been assembled though a century of interest in the reconstruction and function of ancient remains’ John Coles (1967, 1). There seems to be a growing interest amongst archaeologists to re-create past artefacts and actions at a 1:1 scale in order to answer questions and gain new insights that would otherwise remain hidden. This interest became apparent at the Experimental Archaeology Workshop that took place on the 9th November 2006 at UCL in London (organised by Asmus, Marii & Pryce). The papers presented there managed to illustrate how valuable experimental archaeology can be as a research tool. However, there seemed to be a certain amount of confusion about the terminology used as some experience-based projects were also described as experiments. An archaeological experiment must answer a specific research question. It should have a clear statement of the aims and/or hypothesis, as well as the materials and methodology used so that it is repeatable. All variables should be discussed and as many as possible should be controlled (Outram 2008; Kucera 2004; Reynolds 1999; Trachsel & Fasnacht 1996). However, one of the most important aspects of experimental archaeology is that the data derived from experiments is related back to the archaeological record (Outram 2008; Lammers-Keijsers 2005). Without this feed back process, the results will be meaningless. Basic principles like those described by Kelterborn (2005) are encouraged. This does not mean that projects that cannot be described as experiments are not important to experimental archaeology in general. In our opinion, the experiential element of pre and pilot experiments are just as important as experiments that are more ‘scientific’ as they give an added human aspect to the experiments (see Richter 1992 for a description of the formation and testing of hypothesis in experimental research). A problem during a pilot study, for example, has the potential to open up an entirely new research avenue, or change how we think about material culture. Authors’ addresses: PENNY CUNNINGHAM, JULIA HEEB and ROELAND PAARDEKOOPER, University of Exeter, School of Geography, Archaeology and Earth Resources, Department of Archaeology, Laver Building, North Park Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QE. vi Penny Cunningham, Julia Heeb and Roeland Paardekooper Whilst carrying out experimental archaeology, we will inevitably gain our very own experiences. These are modern day experiences and effectively tell us nothing directly about the past. Although during an experiment we might be making more mistakes than we realise, in the end, the understanding of materials, techniques and (social) structures we gain deepen our understanding of the processes involved and of how people might have been engaging with their environment. To explore these and other issues further, a similar event to the 2006 UCL workshop was held at the University of Exeter on 17th and 18th November 2007. As the University of Exeter is currently the only university in Europe offering an MA in experimental archaeology, Exeter seemed a suitable place to hold such an event. The ‘call for papers’ for the Exeter conference identified a number of key themes that was felt worthy of further discussion: 1. Explore the scope of ‘experimental archaeology’ and distinguish between full experiments, pilot experiments, pre-experiments, experiential activities, public demonstrations and hobby projects. 2. The role of experimental archaeology in academic research. 3. Improving ways of promoting experimental archaeology in academic research. 4. Improving communication between academic experimental archaeologists and crafts people. 5. How to communicate experiments to the academic community and to the public. Contributors, both for the conference and this volume, were asked to present papers that dealt with these theoretical issues as well as practical case studies. In total, 12 papers, encompassing a variety of topics dealing with one or more of the above themes, were presented at the conference. As a means of establishing a way forward for experimental archaeology as a widely used research methodology, several recurring issues that emerged from the question sessions after each paper and those in the ‘call for papers’, were discussed in a closing round-table discussion. One of the first issues that emerged during the round-table discussion, was a division between the delegates regarding the question, ‘what constitutes an archaeological experiment?’. For some, the term ‘experiment’ should be used only for experiments that take a clear scientific approach. For others, the nature of the experiments depended on the question asked and they recognised that for some questions, a purely scientific approach was not appropriate. Furthermore, by taking a purely scientific approach, one might miss the ‘humanist’ and/or social aspect of the past, isolating the experimental data as simply a set of results. In contrast, others questioned whether experiments are an appropriate method to explore social aspects of the past. The consensus during the round-table session was that both the experimental and experiential elements are valid although it is important to state clearly if the project was a scientific experiment, or not, when presenting a report or publication. There is, of course, always an element of experience in an experiment, but not always an experiment in an experience. A further issue discussed was whether experimental Introduction vii archaeology should be considered a sub-discipline within the wider discipline of archaeology. The papers presented at the conference, and within this volume, clearly demonstrate that experimental archaeology takes an inter-disciplinary approach. In addition, experiments often form just one aspect of a research project. Therefore, it is not necessary to isolate experimental archaeology from the rest of the discipline. On the contrary, there needs to be a better level of integration and an increased awareness of the use of experimental archaeology as a valuable methodology to answer specific archaeological questions. What became clear during the conference is that the term ‘experimental archaeology’ encompasses a great variety of practical approaches to archaeology. These include controlled experiments, the phenomenology of objects and the experience of taskscapes. This diversity is probably one of the reasons why experimental archaeologists sometimes feel that they are not being taken seriously by mainstream academic archaeology, which seemed to be a recurring issue in the discussion. The most important point to stress is that one should be honest about stating the form and nature of any activity carried out in the name of experimental archaeology. There were some calls for a code of practice or guidelines regarding the methodology of experimental archaeology. These would, however, mainly apply to controlled experiments, and for these there are already guidelines and principles available (see the bibliography). Similar issues apply to the publication of experimental archaeology. We need to encourage and facilitate the academic publication of results through either a journal or website and an annual conference on experimental archaeology. By presenting some of the papers from the Exeter conference (Forrest, Hansen, Harris, Cory-Lopez and Hopkins) and papers by other conference participants (Blake and Cross, Corthers and Fairnell), this volume can be viewed as beginning to address the issue of communicating experimental archaeology to the wider academic community. All the papers in this volume address some of the themes that arose from the conference. Hansen, Blake and Cross, and Hopkins all take a multi-disciplinary approach to their experiments. Through a series of acoustical and use-wear analyses, Blake and Cross explore whether traditional stone tool types (Aurignacian-type blades) from the European Palaeolithic may have been used as ‘sound tools’. Hopkins investigates Roman dying techniques based on archaeological evidence from Pompeii, Italy. Her experiments involve the use of system theory, finite element analysis and ergonomics to understand not only the dying process, but also its economic role within Pompeii. Both Hopkins and Blake and Cross use methods that are commonly used in other disciplines (engineering and music) along with archaeological data to inform their experiment methodology and as a means of addressing research questions. As an art practitioner, Hansen comes from a non-archaeological background, and in her paper demonstrates the value of the ‘experiential’ element that accompanies most archaeological experiments. In addition, she highlights the significance of conducting regular and long–term experimental projects that allow research questions to be developed in more depth as the experimenter gains knowledge and experience of the processes/materials experimented with. We also learn how this long-term project has greatly benefited from regular dialogue between academics and craft specialists. As academics are often not skilled enough to carry out meaningful experiments, we viii Penny Cunningham, Julia Heeb and Roeland Paardekooper learn that any dialogue and cooperation with skilled specialists can only enrich the results of an archaeological experiment. By taking a phenomenological approach to her experiments, Harris’ paper takes the ‘experiential’ element in a new direction and explores how we can investigate past human experience through experiments. Harris uses a series of questionnaires to explore how modern people experience a number of materials, including leather, linen and wool, with the results used to understand prehistoric cloth types. Similarly, Fairnell uses her skills and knowledge as a taxidermist to inform a series of pilot skinning experiments that explore the relationship between cut marks and skinning. We can clearly see that both papers mark the beginning of some interesting research and are looking forward to the next instalment. In addition, we can see how including an experiential, or phenomenological approach, does not detract from the experiments. An issue also voiced by Mathieu (2002, 2–3) who includes phenomenological studies in the scope of experimental archaeology. A more traditional, or scientific, set of experiments by Cory-Lopez (we can also add Hopkins and Blake and Cross as scientific experiments) is present in this volume. Cory-Lopez used the theory of Châine Opératoire to unravel both operational and social aspects of stone carving in the Cypriot Chalcolithic period. Cory-Lopez, Hopkins, and Blake and Cross, outline clear hypotheses, methodologies, results and how their experiments answer specific archaeological questions. An important aspect of experimental archaeology is its role in presenting archaeological knowledge to the public. Crothers looks at the issue of presenting archaeological experiments, largely in the form of house (re)constructions, to the public. Crothers demonstrates how experimental archaeology can be used to increase visitors understanding of archaeology as a whole. In addition, she highlights the important relationship between academics and craft-specialists in communicating the value of experimental archaeology to the public. Forrest presents the history of experimental archaeology and takes the view that experiments have always been part of archaeology since the very beginning of the discipline. In addition, Forrest comments on the relationship between amateur archaeologists, often seen as only providing an ‘experiential’ element and academics, who carry out ‘scientific’ experiments. Thus, an artificial dichotomy between amateurs (in the genuine meaning of the word – including craft specialists) and professionals is created within the field of experimental archaeology. She concludes by recommending a greater depth of dialogue between both amateur and professional archaeologists, an issue that also appears in many of the other papers (for example, Crothers and Hansen). Furthermore, the valid contribution that specialists can make to archaeological research needs to be recognised. This call for collaboration is also mentioned in the introduction to the recent World Archaeology volume on experimental archaeology (Outram 2008, 5). All the papers in this volume clearly demonstrate that if we view experimental archaeology as comprising a whole array of different practical approaches and create a greater depth of dialogue between archaeologists, crafts people and other specialists, we can only enhance our understanding of the past. In addition, by opening up dialogue between academics and other specialists we have a fantastic opportunity to Introduction ix promote experimental archaeology as a truly interdisciplinary research methodology, which has the possibility of answering many questions, and formulating new ones all the time. This volume can be seen as one method of approaching the problem of promoting experimental archaeology within the academic community and beyond. We, the editors, hope that this will be the first of many publications on experimental archaeology. In addition, on the 15th and 16th November 2008, a third Experimental Archaeology Conference is to be held at the University of Edinburgh. We would like to thank the 12 presenters very much as well as the 70 participants and authors of the articles presented in this volume. Without the help of the Department of Archaeology of the School of Geography, Archaeology & Earth Resources of the University of Exeter as well as Oxbow Books and the encouragement of our colleagues, this publication would never have seen the light of day this fast. We wish experimental archaeology, in all its aspects, a great future. The editors, Midsummer 2008 References Coles, J. M. (1967) Experimental Archaeology. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Volume 49, 1966–1967, 1–20. Edinburgh. Kucera, M. (2004) Das Experiment in der Archäologie. In M. Fansa (ed.), Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2004, 7–13. Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg. Lammers-Keijsers, Y. (2005) Scientific experiments: a possibility? Presenting a general cyclical script for experiments in archaeology. EuroREA 2/2005, 18–24. Hradec Králové, EXARC. Kelterborn, P. (2005) Principles of experimental research in archaeology. EuroREA 2/2005, 120–122. Hradec Králové, EXARC. Mathieu, J. R. and Meyer, D. A., (2002) Reconceptualizing Experimental Archaeology: assessing the Process of Experimentation. in J. R. Mathieu (ed.) Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviours and Processes, 73–82. Oxford, BAR. Outram, A. (2008) Introduction to experimental archaeology. World Archaeology 40(1), pp. 1–6. Reynolds, P. (1999) The nature of experiment in archaeology. In A. F. Harding (ed.), Experiment and design: Archaeological studies in honour of John Coles, 157–162. Oxford, Oxbow. Richter, P. (1992) Experimentelle Archäologie: Ziele, Methoden und Aussagemöglichkeiten. In M. Fansa (ed.), Experimentelle Archäologie, Bilanz 1991, 19–49. Oldenburg, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte. Trachsel, M. and Fasnacht, W. (1996) Zur Situation der experimentellen Archäologie in der Schweiz. In M. Fansa (ed.), Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland, Bilanz 1996, 95–106. Oldenburg, Isensee Verlag.