Uploaded by Lindsay Cole

Food Web Activity: CP Biology Lab

KHS Science
CP Biology
Food Web Activity - Making the Connections
Overview - The goal of this activity is for you to explore different biomes and create a food web that will
show the transfer of energy and nutrients in a real world scenario. You will need to use organisms that are
accurate to the chosen or assigned biome and interactions that make sense in the context of the activity.
Biomes (to be assigned by your teacher): Tundra, Chaparral, Deciduous Forest, Desert, Savanna,
Grasslands, Taiga, Rainforest, Freshwater, Marine
Your food web should include:
● A range of 10-14 organisms: You need to have 1-3 order trophic level
(1-2 decomposers, 2-4 producers, 4-7 consumers, some at each trophic level)
● The role of all organisms in web: Trophic levels, common name of organism, consumer type.
● Arrows in correct direction indicating energy transfer. Include the ultimate source of energy!
● The biome and where it may be located.
Creation guideline:
● How exactly you create your food web is a personal choice, but remember, you will have only this
class to have this done and you will be presenting it during the next classes. So stay focused and on
task as much as possible. You are also welcome to work on this outside of class.
● Presentation Suggestions (just to name a few):
○ poster board and drawings
○ cutting pictures of organisms out and pasting on paper
○ Google Slides (this would absolutely have to be self created...not cut in paste an already
completed food web) this would result in a zero.
○ Mobile (web of string glued to paper to each organism etc.)
Enjoy :)
Grade based on organization, appearance, accuracy, completeness and meeting deadline.