Journal of Dental Research Effect of Cavity Depth and Application Technique on Marginal Adaptation of Resins in Dentin Cavities E.K. Hansen J DENT RES 1986 65: 1319 DOI: 10.1177/00220345860650110701 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: International and American Associations for Dental Research Additional services and information for Journal of Dental Research can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: Citations: >> Version of Record - Nov 1, 1986 What is This? Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on March 2, 2014 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Effect of Cavity Depth and Application Technique on Marginal Adaptation of Resins in Dentin Cavities E. K. HANSEN Department of Technology, Royal Dental College, Blegdamsvej 3C, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark The wall-to-wall polymerization contraction of two restorative resins was investigated in butt-joint dentin cavities prepared in extracted human teeth. The cavity diameter was 4 mm, and the cavity depth ranged between 0.5 and 3.0 mm. The width of the maximum marginal contraction gap was measured, using a light microscope, approximately 0.1 mm below the original free surfaces of the fillings. It was found that increasing the cavity depth from 0.5 to 3.0 mm did not influence the marginal contraction gap close to the free surfaces of the fillings. It was also found that a two-phase application technique, where the surface of the first layer was placed parallel to the free surface of the cavity, did not reduce the marginal contraction gap, while a two-phase technique with oblique layers resulted in approximately a 25% reduction. One of the basic drawbacks of restorative resins is the inevitable shrinkage during their polymerization; this shrinkage is often measured as the volume contraction of free test specimens (Lee et al., 1969; Dennison and Craig, 1972; Goldman, 1983). However, the volume polymerization contraction has little, if any, relationship to the actual wall-to-wall polymerization contraction in a dental cavity (Asmussen and Jorgensen, 1971; Hansen, 1986). One of the reasons for the discrepancy between the volume contraction of a free test specimen and the wall-to-wall contraction in a cavity is probably that the volume contraction is independent of several important variables, such as the cavity design, the filling surplus, the area of the free surface of the filling, the contraction pattern in a dental cavity, and the Theological properties of the restorative resin used (Knappwost, 1951; Bowen, 1967; Asmussen, 1975; Hansen, 1982, 1984, 1986; Davidson et al., 1984). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of cavity depth and different application techniques on the maximum marginal contraction gap of restorative resins in butt-joint dentin cavities. traction gap was then measured, using a light microscope (Reichert MeF Universal Microscope, Vienna, Austria, 8 X 63) with a measuring ocular. All procedures except cavity preparation and handling/mixing of the restorative materials were carried out in a room maintained at 36.5 + 0.50C. In the present investigation, two different experiments were carried out: Group 1. - The cavity diameter was 4 mm and the cavity depth either 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 mm. The cavities were cleaned for 10 seconds with a cotton pellet soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, followed by water spray and air-drying, both for 10 seconds. Two composite resins were tested: Silux, a light-activated microfilled restorative, and Concise, a chemically-activated macrofilled restorative. The materials were applied with a syringe (Hawe-Neos, Gentilino, Switzerland), and the free surface of the filling was covered with a matrix (Hawe-Neos). The chemically-activated resin was polymerized with light finger pressure on the matrix while the light-activated resin was irradiated for 25 sec with a visiblelight curing unit (3M/LC lamp, 3M A/S); close contact was ensured between the exit window of the lamp and the matrix. Silux was tested in all six cavity types, while Concise was tested only in 0.5 mm and in 3.0-mm-deep cavities. For each experimental condition, 10 fillings were investigated. Group 2. - The cavity diameter was 4 mm and the cavity depth 3.0 mm. Silux was applied with three different twophase techniques, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The first layer was placed either with the surface parallel to the free surface of the cavity (Fig. 1, A), obliquely in the apical area of the cavity (Fig. 1, B), or obliquely in the coronal area (Fig. 1, C), and was then polymerized. Approximately half the cavity was filled with the first increment. For each of the three application techniques, the maximum marginal contraction gap of 10 fillings was recorded. The results for both groups were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple-range test (Bruning and Kintz, 1977). Materials and methods. Results. J Dent Res 65(11):1319-1321, November, 1986 Introduction. The method used has been described in detail in a previous paper (Hansen, 1982). Briefly, the procedures were as follows: The investigation was carried out using extracted human teeth of the permanent dentition. After extraction, the teeth were cleaned mechanically and stored in tap water at room temperature for from one to 28 days. One of the root surfaces was then ground flat on wet carborundum paper No. 220 (Struers A/S, Denmark), and a cylindrical butt-joint cavity was prepared in the ground dentin surface (the dimensions of the cavities are explained later). Ten minutes after polymerization, a standardized method of gentle wet-grinding and polishing was used to remove approximately 0.1 mm of the surface of the dentin and filling. The width of the maximum marginal conReceived for publication April 1, 1986 Accepted for publication May 27, 1986 The results of this investigation are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, where the solid circles represent Silux, and the open circles represent Concise. Group 1. - Neither restorative resin showed a wider marginal contraction gap, measured 0.1 mm below the original free surface of the filling, when the cavity depth was increased from 0.5 to 3.0 mm (Fig. 2). The gap was slightly reduced from 9.5 pum to 8.2 pum (Silux) and from 7.3 pum to 6.6 pum (Concise). The statistical analysis showed that the width of the maximum marginal contraction gap (MG), measured 0.1 mm below the original free surface of the filling, was independent of the cavity depth (Silux: P = 0.54; Concise: P = 0.43). Group 2. - No difference was found between 3.0-mm-deep cavities filled with a bulk technique and similar cavities filled with a two-phase technique where the surface of the first layer was parallel to the free surface of the cavity (Fig. 1, A). The maximum marginal contraction gap was 8.2 pum (bulk tech- Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on March 2, 2014 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. 1319 1320 HANSEN J Dent Res November 1986 Fig. 1 Two-phase application techniques tested. A = Surface of first layer parallel to the free surface of the cavity. B = First layer in the apical area of the cavity. C = First layer in the coronal area of the cavity. * = apical area. B A MGA pm C nique) and 8.9 pum ("parallel" two-phase technique). The two "oblique" techniques (Fig. 1, B and C) both resulted in a statistically-significant reduction of the marginal contraction gap, independent of the location of the first increment. The 12 reduction was in the order of 25%. The results of group 2 are shown in Fig. 3, and the statistical analysis is shown in the Table. General findings. - The largest polymerization contraction was nearly always found in the gingival area of the cavities; only 11% of the fillings had the widest contraction gap in the coronal region, while the frequency in the gingival region was 51%. 8 4 Discussion. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 D mm Fig. 2- Maximum marginal contraction gap (MG) in relation to cavity depth (D). * = Silux. 0 = Concise. T-bar = one standard deviation. MG 1m 12 The present investigation has shown that, for two resins, the cavity depth does not influence the maximum marginal contraction gap (MG) in butt-joint dentin cavities. The marginal gap, measured 0.1 mm below the original free surfaces of the fillings, was not increased even though the volume of the fillings was increased by six times, in the 3.0-mm-deep cavities, as compared with the 0.5-mm-deep cavities (Fig. 2). It could be argued that the polymerization of Silux was significantly reduced in the deeper part of the cavity, because of the reduced conversion of the light-activated resin, and that this could be the reason for the unchanged contraction. However, the fact that the same phenomenon was found with the chemicallyactivated Concise ruled out this possibility. The lack of a relation between cavity depth and marginal adaptation can be explained by one of the results found in a previous analysis of marginal adaptation of restorative resins in dentin cavities (Hansen and Asmussen, 1985b). In that paper, five variables were analyzed: area of the cavity walls, the total area of both cavity walls and cavity bottom, cavity depth, area of the free surface of the filling, and cavity volume. The best explanation for the "linearity" between the maximum marginal contraction gap (MG), measured 0.1 mm below the original free surface of the filling, and one or more of the five 8 _ 4 TABLE DUNCAN'S MULTIPLE-RANGE TEST A B C A B C D Fig. 3 Maximum marginal contraction gap (MG) in relation to different two-phase application techniques. A Surface of the first layer parallel to the free surface of the cavity. B First layer in the apical area of the cavity. C = First layer in the coronal area of the cavity. D = Bulk technique. (See also Fig. 1). T-bar one standard deviation. = = = A B C ** ** - NS D. NS ** * Statistical analysis of differences in maximum marginal contraction gap. A, B, and C = different two-phase application techniques (see Fig. 1). D = bulk technique. NS = P>0.05. * = P<O.05. ** P<0.01. Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on March 2, 2014 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. MARGINAL ADAPTATION OF RESINS IN DENTIN CAVITIES Vol. 65 No. 11 variables was found with MG = a + b-V/A, where V is the cavity volume and A is the area of the cavity walls. The correlation coefficient was 0.935, i.e., 87% of the variation of the marginal contraction gap could be explained by variations in the V/A ratio. In cylindrical butt-joint cavities, the ratio V/A is a constant, when the cavity diameter is constant, no matter how deep the cavity, because V A Trr2h 2Trh r 2 1321 gap from 8 to 6 Rxm (Fig. 3) may seem of minor importance, because the gap is still unacceptable. However, a reduced contraction gap improves the conditions both for dentin-bonding agents (Hansen, 1984, 1986; Munksgaard et al., 1984; Hansen and Asmussen, 1985a) and for the possibility of a faster closure of the contraction gap by later hygroscopic expansion of the restorative resin (Hansen and Asmussen, 1985a). REFERENCES aide., r MG = a + b-V/A = a + b2-2 This means that the polymerization contraction close to the free surface of the filling is independent of the cavity depth, as was actually found in the present investigation. It also means that the contraction gap will be increased if the cavity diameter r is enlarged, because V/A = 2 . The relationship between MG and cavity diameter is in accordance with earlier findings (Munksgaard et al., 1984; Hansen and Asmussen, 1985a; Hansen, 1986). This relationship is independent of the cavosurface angle, as well as whether the free surface of the filling is circular, bean-shaped, rectangular, triangular, or oval (Hansen and Asmussen, 1985a). Rupp (1979) advocated the use of an incremental technique, but the present results show that such a technique will have no reducing effect on the marginal contraction gap in dentin cavities if the applied layer results only in a reduction of the cavity depth (Fig. 1, A). In order to reduce the V/A ratio, one should use "oblique" layers (Fig. 1, B and C), which results in a significant reduction of the marginal contraction. If the cavity is filled in this manner, the original cavity bottom will become part of the cavity walls, reducing the V/A ratio and, in so doing, reducing the marginal contraction gap (Fig. 3). in accordance with previous results (Hansen, 1982), the largest contraction was most often found in the apical area of the cavity, also when using techniques B and C. The rationale for testing two different oblique techniques was that placing the first increment in the coronal area would result in a small residual cavity in the apical area, where the largest contraction was most often found. 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