How to Engineer an Effective Access Review Program Ram Ramadoss, Staff Information Security Engineer, September 25, 2008 1 Agenda Definitions Challenges Common Mistakes Made by Organizations Access Review – Applications, Systems and Databases Summary Q&A 2 Definitions Identification Authentication , Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Access Control, ACLs (Access Control Lists) Role Based Access Control & Rule Based Access Control Least Privilege (Need to Know) & Segregation of Duties (SoD) Access Review 3 Definitions (contd…) PCI (Payment Card Industry) SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) Act of 2002 SOX Section 404: Assessment of internal control 4 Applications/Databases and Servers – Access Overview AAA Central Authentication System Users Database 1 Database Users Server X A P P L I C A T I O N U S E R S Server Y Application A Database 2 Database Users Application B Database 3 Application C Database Users Server Z Local Authentication System Users Database 4 Database Users 5 Challenges Small Organizations: Many users may have full access to the system Users may perform multiple functions - Development, Test and Production Group/Shared Ids - individual accountability issues Large Organizations: Large number of users and systems Mainframe and Legacy Systems User Provisioning managed by multiple groups Lack of custom tools for access review Contractors, Partners and IT Outsourcing Validation of non-personal ids, shared ids and ownership 6 Common Mistakes Made by Organizations “Compliance Says So” Confusion between compliance and security Not taking a risk based approach Not defining the scope of review Tool centric rather than process centric Unable to sustain repetitive access reviews No central compliance monitoring group 7 Access Review – High Level Overview Policies and standards Scope of review, frequency, all types of ids (employee / contractor, group ids, system ids…), authorization levels, systems, provisioning and de-provisioning processes Discovery – Extract ids from sample systems, analyze ids, reverse engineer and identify access and authorization rules based on the current access Business SMEs, Production / System Admins and DBAs support crucial Validate ids against access and authorization rules; Obtain management approvals; Identify ids and authorization levels for clean-up; 8 Access Review – High Level Overview Set-up scripts to extract ids and authorization levels Repeat access review process at least every 90 days Review provisioning process - include management approvals and access/authorization rules De-Provisioning must address terminations, users leaving business and moving to other job functions 9 Access Review – High Level Flow A User List – Access Levels access rules require revision Employee Information - HR Review access rules Validation of rules and next steps A Review ids with no access rules Document Revisions access and/or authority levels require revisions Access / Authority changes requires management approval Management Approval Complete Access Review Access Review – Applications Overview J2EE, DotNet, Mainframe, Legacy, COTS and ERP Business Unit users – large population Large number of applications Challenges Lack of process, documentation and access / authorization rules No consistent user id or naming standards – difficulty in mapping individual users Provisioning managed by multiple groups 11 Access Review – Applications Challenges Applications may not use central/core authentication systems Group/Shared Ids, System Ids – Ownership and Accountability Transfer of users within the company No third party tool to address access review for complex application environment Approach Rule based access and periodic access review Conduct reverse engineering – Map ids to users, Job Titles, Business Units, Department Work with business unit contacts to extract access /authorization rules Identify owners for non-personal ids and obtain access and authorization approval 12 Majority of the ids can be mapped to access /authorization rules Access Review – Applications Approach (contd…) Ids with no access/authorization rules – Management approval is required Important Things Access/Authorization rules must be used as part of provisioning Applications with local authentication – Daily process review must be in place to disable/remove employees and users leaving the business 90 day access review – Validation of user ids against access and authorization rules Management approval for remaining ids; Conduct ongoing clean-up Auto Process to suspend Ids with no activity for more than X number of days 13 Access Review – Applications Id Privileges Name Job Title Department Personal ID1 READ / UPDATE John Sales Consultant Business Unit A Personal ID3 READ / UPDATE Linda Sales Consultant Business Unit A Personal ID4 READ / UPDATE Joe Sales Consultant Business Unit A Personal ID6 READ Ruby Sales Consultant Business Unit A Personal ID2 READ Mary Repair Consultant Business Unit B Personal ID7 READ Terry Repair Consultant Business Unit B Personal ID8 READ / UPDATE Mike Repair Consultant Business Unit B Personal ID9 READ Wendy Repair Consultant Business Unit B Personal ID5 READ /UPDATE / DELETE Ron Development Engineer Department IT SystemId1 READ / UPDATE / DELETE SystemId2 READ / UPDATE / DELETE GroupId1 READ / UPDATE GroupId2 READ / UPDATE Administrator Id READ / UPDATE / DELETE / Add Users 14 Business Unit A Access Review – Applications Sample Access and Authorization Rules: 1. Sales Consultant from Business Unit A shall have READ / UPDATE access to “Sales” application 2. Repair Consultant from Business Unit B shall have READ access to “Sales” application 3. Administrator Id must be approved by XXX (Segregation of Duties) Further Research Required: 1. Owner must be identified for System Id1,Systems Id2, GroupId1 and GroupId2; Access and authorization levels must be validated; Rules can be created based on the validation 2. Personal Id5 must be challenged – Why does an IT user require update access? 15 Access Review – Operating System Overview Many users may have privileged access Some ids have standard access and authorization levels Windows / UNIX and Mainframe Challenges Provisioning managed by multiple groups Difficult to derive access and authorization rules Difficult to re-validate access permissions UNIX systems – may not use central authentication UNIX servers may have several invalid/inactive ids 16 Access Review – Operating System Approach Sys Admins, Production Support Users and DBAs play a crucial role Extract ids and privileges. Access Review must cover all ids at the server Identify system accounts, global groups and privileges for each platform (Windows / UNIX) Access/Authorization Rules for system Ids and Ids/groups supporting multiple servers and Ids for application/database access -Administrators, Back-up Operators, Help Desk or Support teams Remaining ids require management approval 17 Access Review – Windows Server Id Privilege Group Group Name Job Title Department Persoanl ID1 Administrator Domain\Administrator John System Administrator Department IT Persoanl ID3 Administrator Domain\Administrator Linda System Administrator Department IT Persoanl ID4 Administrator Domain\Administrator Joe System Administrator Department IT Ruby System Engineer Production Application Support Department IT Department IT Persoanl ID6 Administrator Domain\Administrator Persoanl ID2 Administrator Domain\Domain Administrator Mary System Engineer Production Application Support Persoanl ID7 Administrator Domain\Administrator Terry Development Engineer Department IT Persoanl ID8 Backup Operator Domain\Back-up Operator Mike Analyst Department IT Persoanl ID9 Administrator Domain\Administrator Wendy Project Manager Business Unit 1 Persoanl ID5 Power User Domain\Global_Group_1 Ron Business Analyst Business Unit 2 SystemId1 Power User Application X SystemId2 Power User Application Y GroupId1 User Right Developers, Department IT 18 GroupId2 User Right Business Unit 1 Built-in Groups Windows Built-in Users and Built-in Groups Built-in Users Account Operators Administrator Administrators Anonymous Authenticated Users Guest Backup Operators Local System Domain Admins Domain Computers Domain Controllers Domain Users Enterprise Admins Everyone Group Policy Creators Owners Guests Network Power Users Print Operators RAS and IAS Servers Remote Desktop Users Server Operators 19 Access Review – Mid-Range Databases Overview Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, Sybase Potential data exposure areas Critical data - Company financial data, Customer financial data Challenges Databases may not follow consistent user id or naming standards – difficulty in mapping individual users Provisioning may be managed by multiple groups User ids may be used for database processes Developers / Business user access to databases 20 Access Review – Mid-Range Databases Challenges (contd…) Oracle databases may not be using central authentication Application Ids with DBA privileges Approach Identify users with DBA and Non-DBA privileges for each database Provisioning -strict management approvals for DBA access SoD – Restrict Developers and Testers access Identify owners for Non-Personal Ids – access and passwords restrictions Minimize Group/Shared Ids access to the database 21 Access Review – Mid-Range Databases Approach Risk based approach – identify critical tables that contain sensitive data Identify users with DBA and Non-DBA privileges for each database Provisioning process - strict management approvals for DBA access SoD – Restrict Developers and Testers access to production 22 Access Review – Mid-Range Databases Approach (contd…) Explore AAA central authentication Authorization - Tables that contain sensitive data Logging and Auditing - monitor privileged user access Access and Authorization rules for users with DBA Job Tiles and System Ids, Quarterly review of all user ids • Ids with access and authorization rules • Remaining ids require management approval 23 Access Review – Mainframe Databases Overview DB2, IMS and Legacy Databases RACF Authentication Challenges Access can be granted independently databases, tables, views and datasets Some databases may have 1000s of tables Development/Test users - access to production environment Difficult to encrypt data in mainframe databases 24 Stakeholders - Engagement Engage Business unit contacts, Application contacts, System Administrators, Application Administrators, DBAs • Access and Authorization Rules • Provisioning and De-provisioning • Management approvals Engage Security Compliance, Internal Audit and External Auditor to review for compliance 25 Summary – Access Review Access Review Standards and Processes Access Review should include validation of access/authorization rules and management approvals Provisioning processes - access/authorization rules and management approvals De-Provisioning process - terminations and users leaving the business. Automated processes to de-activate invalid user ids Central authentication - AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) 26 Summary – Access Review (contd…) Contractors, Service Providers and Partners access review contractual requirements and oversight Group/Shared Ids - ownership and access restrictions. (password expiration at periodic intervals and when users leave the business or transfer within the company) Development/Business users - restricted access to production databases and operating systems and least privileged access Logging and Auditing - monitor privileged user access Remote Network Access, Network Element Access & Central Authentication - Access Review 27 Q&A 28