FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS ON INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the College of Business Education Danna Charriesse J. Beloy Reynalin S. Entia November 26, 2020 FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS ON INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING ____________________ An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the College of Business Education ____________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course Research 1 leading to the Degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy ____________________ Danna Charriesses J. Beloy Reynalin S. Entia November 26, 2020 Declaration of Original Work We declare that the thesis represents our own work. All the materials incorporated in this paper, unless cited and acknowledged as the work of other author(s), are the product of our research. Rules in proper citation have been adhered to; and rules of grammar were also employed. Furthermore, we, the researchers, also declare that it has not been previously submitted to this College or any other institution as an academic requirement for the granting of a degree, diploma, or any other qualification. Danna Charriesse J. Beloy Author Reynalin S. Entia Author November 26, 2020 Witnessed by: Dr. Melchor Q. Bombeo, CPA Dean, College of Business Education/ Faculty Adviser Mr. Alexis Baligod Chairman of the Panelist Mrs. Maria Norfelly Marimon, CPA Panelist Dr. Jo Mark M. Libre Research Instructor Acknowledgement The researchers of this study would like to express their gratitude to the following persons whose support and assistance motivate the researchers to finish the study. The success of this study is dedicated to the following persons: The Panel of Examiners: Mr. Alexis Baligod the chairman, Mrs. Maria Norfelly Marimon, CPA, Dr. Mark M. Libre, and Miss Irene Quileste who made themselves available in evaluating and sharing their truthful ideas for the betterment of this research study. Dr. Michelle M. Palmera, Mrs. Rubylene A. Masinadiong, MBA, and Ms. Abegail Grace B. Escobido, RPm, MPsy, RPsy, for being the survey questionnaire validators of this research study. Dr. Melchor Q. Bombeo, CPA, the research adviser and instructor, for his patience, motivation, his guidance and his insightful comments to the improvement of the research study. Dr. Jo Mark M. Libre, the research instructor for the preliminary stage of the study, for being generous through sharing his knowledge to the researchers and significant comments to the research study. Families of the researchers who continuously sent their unending love and support financially and emotionally, which motivated the researchers all throughout the study. To the Almighty Father, for the divine guidance, wisdom, knowledge and understanding which he imparted to the researchers. D.C.J.B. R.S.E. Table of Contents Page Title Page i Approval Sheet ii Declaration of Original Work iii Acknowledgement iv Table of Contents v Chapter 1 The Problem and its Scope Background of the Study 1 Rationale of the Study 5 Statement of the Problem 6 Significance of the Study 7 Definition of Terms 7 Scope and Limitations 8 2 Review of Related Literature Related Literature and Studies 9 Synthesis 13 Conceptual Framework 14 3 Methodology Research Design 15 Locale 15 Sources of Data 15 Research Instrument 16 Sampling Technique 16 Procedure of the Study 17 Ethical Consideration Data Analysis 17 17 CHAPTER I The Problem and Its Scope Academic performance of students is a key feature in education (Rono, 2013). It is considered to be the centre around which the whole education system revolves. Narad and Abdullah (2016) opened that the academic performance of students determines the success or failure of any academic institution. Signh, Malik and Signh (2016) also argued that academic performance of students has a direct impact on the socio-economic development of a country. Similarly, Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq and Behanu (2011), asserted that students’ academic performance serve as a bedrock for knowledge acquisition and the development of skills. Additionally, Farooq et al., (2011) emphasized that the top most priority of all educators is academic performance of students. According to Narad and Abdullah (2016) academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a specific period of time. They added that these goals are measured by using continuous assessment or examinations results. Business Administration students have many career opportunities which include accounting. They are the future owners of businesses and will take up managerial roles in organizations. The knowledge of accounting is a must in order to assist in the preparation of financial statements and decision making. Financial statements should be presented fairly and the information should be reliable. To run a business, entrepreneurs need ideas, records, reports and accurate information about the resources and responsibilities of the business (Besuspariene E. et.al, 2018). The first course in accounting is a mandatory course in most business programs such as Business Management, Business Administration in all majors and other Bachelors degrees related to business. Accounting is also a significant knowledge to other fields of study, like Engineering, Information Technology, Architecture and other professions. It is for the reason that accounting is used in people’s daily activities from acquiring, to budgeting and spending their income. Studies found out that business students perceived accounting as irrelevant to their field of discipline. Thus, introductory accounting subjects are introduced to all students in other academic disciplines. The introductory accounting course is very crucial since it will be the basis in creating impressions on the importance of accounting to business administration students. Several studies show that students before entering college are not aware of the purpose and significance of accounting. This unawareness leads to misconception in the importance of accounting. They perceive accounting as boring and cumbersome. These unaligned perceptions are the key factors affecting the academic performance of students (Sandhiya R., 2019). Furthermore, a study was conducted among the secondary school students in Malaysia, to address the concerns on student’s performance towards accounting subjects. Students perceived accounting as a boring, tiring, number-crunching subject which affected their performance (Hashim et.al, 2012). Geiger and Ogilby (2010) study the perception of accounting and non accounting students towards introductory accounting courses. The findings of the study show that at the beginning of the semester both groups of students perceive accounting positively. However, at the end of the semester both accounting and non accounting students have diminished perception towards the subject. The largest factor that affects the change of their perception is the greater indication of boredom as the semester continues. Individual instructor methods of teaching significantly implicate the change of perception. The academic performance of student, behavior, and intention in the introductory accounting course are influenced by personality. Understanding these personalities will guide accounting instructors in developing effective and efficient teaching strategies (Swain and Olsen, 2012). Prior study shows that business majors less favourably grasp the essence of accounting as to their field. Students perceive that in order to perform better in accounting courses, one should be knowledgeable in mathematics although less in communication skills (Meixner et.al, 2009). Another study shows the same findings, accounting is often perceived to have greater involvement in mathematics due to the misconception of the meaning of accounting. It is perceived to have greater value to transactions and its supporting details over communication and interpersonal skills ( Hashim et.al, 2012). The knowledge of accounting is a must to all students, there are four reasons why: First, they will not be ripped off to their transactions; they can negotiate a good price knowing that businesses need to make profit. Second, they will not be intimidated by their own finances. Third, they can make better sense of current events; one example of this is the increasing number of investment scam in the Philippines. Learning accounting makes them decide better on current events specifically about finance and investments. Lastly, so that they will be better in their work and impress their boss ( Johnsons, 2015). In China, Dalian Polytechnic University School of management, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China studies the problems faced by non accounting students in the accounting courses. The study found out that non accounting majors in economic management often have problems in the setting of teaching objectives, the arrangement of teaching contents, the design of teaching methods and the selection of teaching materials. However due to continuous advancement in education many colleges explore the curriculum reform of non accounting majors. Combining the needs of formulating clear and reasonable teaching objectives, enrich teaching methods, increase case teaching and actively solve current problems. It can help students combine abstract and profound theoretical knowledge with vivid and rich corporate practices to learn accounting courses so that they can use the knowledge they have learned to grow into qualified talents adapted to economic and social development (Xingyuan Huang, Yangyang Si, 2019). Teaching accounting to non accountants should be based on a user’s perspective, in order for them to realize the importance of accounting. Otherwise, accounting should be based on a preparer’s perspective, which should be applicable to accounting students (Tickel et.al, 2012). In the study performed in Al-Jabal Al Gharbi University, Libya student’s low performance in accounting courses is caused by negative perception of students towards accounting. This perception is associated with lack of teaching assistants, lack of computer laboratories and computer applications, crowded dormitories, lack of interaction between students and faculty, a gap between what is taught and practical applications, irrelevant textbooks and exams, and lack of proficiency in English. The study recommended greater emphasis on teaching computer accounting technology, improving the effectiveness of instructors and textbooks, and offering pre- college accounting courses (Mohamed T, 2013). The process of learning is mysterious but studies show that the most effective tool to effective learning is having a good study habit (Grace, 2013). Most student failure in accounting subjects is caused by a lack of effective and consistent study habits. A good study habit is always accompanied by a positive attitude towards the subject (Uju E. et.al,2017). The Lyceum of the Philippines University, in Batangas City conducted a study in the College of Business Administration students entitled Accounting Student’s learning Satisfaction of professional Subjects as Basis for Continuous Improvement. The study shows that the use of various teaching aids makes the student satisfied with the various teaching methods of the professor. In the Philippines, an article published by Sunstar Pampanga emphasizes factors affecting academic performance of students. These factors include home, school and student factors. Home includes family size, financial capacity, work at home, parent attitudes and guidance. The distance from home to school, the relationship between teacher and student constitute the school factor. The student himself contributes to his performance particularly peer group influence, and the student values and priorities. In the present day business, introductory accounting for non accountants in the Philippines is a much learned topic as a root for compliance. Non- accountants in the Philippines maintain the belief that learning basic business accounting would take much time and effort, if not resources, and would just leave it all to their retainer paid accountants or bookkeepers. They did not realize that hiring external personnel to do the job will add up to their cost. In Jose Maria College, students in other fields not majoring in accounting are required to take introductory accounting courses. In the K-12, students under ABM are already introduced to accounting subjects in Senior High School. Objective The objective of this study is to explore the factors affecting the academic performance of business administration students in introductory accounting. Statement of the Problem This research study aims to ascertain the factors affecting the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students regarding the introductory course in accounting. Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following queries: 1. How does the following factors affect the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students: 1.1 Teaching Methods 1.2 Learning Facilities 1.3 Study Habits 2. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of Business Administration students from ABM strand and non-ABM strand in introductory accounting?[S1] Hypothesis Ho1- The factors do not affect the academic performance Ho2 - There is a significant difference in academic performance of Business Administration students from ABM strand and non-ABM strand in introductory Accounting Significance of the Study The proponents want to conduct this study to be aware of the academic performance of Business Administration students of Jose Maria College on introductory accounting. The proponents believe that this study will benefit the students in Jose Maria College especially those who will be taking introductory accounting subjects. Furthermore, this will help teachers to be aware of the students' concern to effectively teach the subject. This study will be beneficial to the following: School Administrator. This study will help the administrators in providing resources to their students and accounting professors for a better teaching environment. Teachers. This will help the teachers to use the adequate teaching methods in teaching the course. Students. This will increase their interest in the subject and will help them know the importance of the course on their field. Employers. Graduates with accounting knowledge will be beneficial to their business. Operational Definition of Terms Jose Maria College - A private non-sectarian and non-profit institution where the study is conducted. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration- a program in Jose Maria College and other Universities or colleges that prepares students for managerial roles in companies or organizations. Introductory Accounting – This is the first course related to accounting that should be taken up by all students in the College of Business Education. Teaching Method – The principles and approaches used by professors to enable effective learning. Academic Performance – The measurement of student performance across various academic subjects. Scope and Limitations This study will focus on the factors affecting the academic performance of first year and second year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students on Introductory Accounting, as part of their curriculum, in Jose Maria College for the academic year 20202021. A limitation of the study is that the sample will be drawn in the students of Jose Maria College; the results may not be generalized to other institutions. CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature The review of related literature of this study identifies the factors affecting the academic performance of business administration students in introductory accounting. These factors include teaching methods, learning facilities, and study habits. The Review of Related Literature Teaching Methods The classroom is a dynamic environment, bringing together students from different backgrounds with various abilities and personalities. Effective teaching methods require the ability of the teacher to be creative and innovative in order to meet the needs of the student. Teachers greatly influence the ability of students to understand the subject. In class, teachers behavior, attitude and methods of teaching affect the willingness of the student to learn ( Kuutila, 2014). Accounting instructors must explore the use of active learning, energize the classroom, and use other innovative strategies to motivate nonaccounting majors to excel in the accounting subjects (Morgan, 2009). Teaching methods indicate the strategies by which the teacher conveys the lesson to the learners based on some predetermined instructional objectives to enable learning among the students in a classroom. However, in choosing the preferred teaching method, the teacher must consider some factors. Also, effective implementation of any curriculum rest- on the availability of various methods of teaching. Hence, to teach is to impact knowledge, an attempt to help the learner have a change of attitude and acquire skills through a series of planned activities ( Buseri & Dorgu, 2011). There are two general approaches in teaching teacher centered approach and studentcentered approach. Igbokwe (2010) confirmed that many teachers used the traditional approach in which the teacher is in charge of subject matter and made decisions about what was needed and what the students should do. Traditional teaching method or commonly known as the teacher centered approach is used more frequently than the student-centered approach. It is viewed that in this method, the student became the learner who was a passive recipient of information and the teacher provided the information or evaluated if the student understood the specific topic discussed. In a teacher centered approach, teaching practices are the focus of the session. The teacher is to be more active than the student. Thus, student involvement is marginal. In this approach students rely on teachers for all the information needed. Student-centered method. This approach links the student with their experiences, backgrounds, skills and abilities. This method gives more emphasis on skills and practices on acquired learning and further increases independence in problem-solving skills (Al Zajdali, et. Al., 2010). The teacher should act as the facilitator of where the students will work together. Nyarko and Torto (2010), gives emphasis that higher levels of teaching should be learnercentered rather than teacher-centered. Students learning should be self directed and must rely on the students experience and abilities. Learning Facilities School facilities and resources are extremely important to enhance the academic performance of students. Books, learning materials, hand-outs, technology, library facilities and laboratory facilities are the necessary tools in learning. When students are provided with resources and facilities, they will be able to appreciate and perform better in class (Maina, 2010). It is important to note that academic concepts are made known to students by the teachers. Hence, it is vital that the classroom environment should be disciplined, and well ordered (Kudari, 2016). Technology today is necessary to acquire and enhance knowledge. When students need to improve their skills and knowledge to academic concepts, then the internet serves as the imperative sources of information. Some concepts in the textbooks are hard to understand, in order to acquire better understanding students, make use of the internet. Projects, assignments, research work are easily done through the internet (Kapur, 2018). Library is the place where a collection of books, tapes, articles, newspapers and journals are kept. These materials are meant for borrowing and reading not only for students but also for teachers. This is an important place for learning and acquiring knowledge. Nowadays, computer are also part of the resources in the library (David, 2014) Study Habits Study habit is one of the greatest student learning factors that hugely influences students’ academic performance. Most common challenges to the success of students in all subjects are a lack of effective or positive study habits. If students can develop a good study habit and self discipline, they are bound to perform better in their academic pursuit (Mark et.al,2009). College students already possess the ability to differentiate between what is right and wrong or what is useful or not. Goal oriented students usually are positive thinkers regarding their school experience; they are disciplined, diligent, responsible and resourceful. They devote their time to reading and answering problems and less prioritize recreation and leisure activities. With a positive attitude they will be able to dedicate themselves to their studies and generate the desired academic outcomes (Maina, 2010). In order to improve student academic performance, it is extremely important to develop study habits. The students need to establish a proper study habit in order to generate good academic outcomes. One important aspect of studying is concentration towards the subject of learning, when one is unable to concentrate on undesired results may receive (Kapur, 2018). It is also important to practice time management. College students have a busy schedule, which includes academic and non academic activities. Students should know how to balance between all the activities and tasks in school and also the chores at home. Highly important activities should be given more time and less time should be given to unnecessary activities (Kapur, 2018). Synthesis The proponents of the study perceived that the major factors affecting the performance of the student in class are teaching methods, learning facilities, and study habits. Effective teaching methods should be applied in order to grab the interest of non accounting students in learning accounting. This study discussed two different approaches of teaching, teacher-centered and student-centered approach. Teacher centered approach enables the student to be reliant on teachers' information. However, a student-centered approach enables the student to use their abilities and experiences towards the subject. Learning facilities also affect the academic performance of students. Readily available resources help students to acquire more knowledge and understand the lesson. Students should develop study habits in order to reach the desired academic outcomes. Conceptual Framework[S2] The conceptual framework in Figure 1 shows the dependent variable and independent variable of this study. Figure 1. CHAPTER III Methodology This chapter discusses the research methodology of the study. It incorporates the design of the study, the locale of the study, the data gathering instrument, the sampling procedure, and the data analysis procedure. Research Design The study utilizes a descriptive research methodology to identify the factors that affect the subjects of the study and to define the respondent’s demographic profile. It is a quantitative research that uses a survey questionnaire in gathering information that can be used for data analysis. Research Locale The proponents will conduct the study in Jose Maria College, located at Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway, Sasa, Davao City, Philippines. This is the chosen location because the respondents are students therein. Also, this study will be implemented particularly to first year and second year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students. Sources of Data The proponents will gather primary data through the use of survey questionnaires to have a clearer grasp on the main focus of this study which is about the factors affecting the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students of Jose Maria College on Introductory Accounting. In addition, related journals, theses, articles, and websites that are reliable are used as secondary data. Research Instrument The survey questionnaire is divided into three parts: The first part encloses the demographic profile of the respondents such as their year and course, gender, and senior high programs . Then, the last two parts contain statements answerable using the 5-point Likert Scale to measure the variables affecting the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students on Introductory Accounting. The respondent rates each statement according to his/her degree of agreement. The range of ratings are as follows: 5 (Strongly Agree), 4 (Agree), 3 (Neutral), 2 (Disagree), and 1 (Strongly Disagree). Thus, the formulated survey questionnaire has been validated and sent out to 30 respondents for pretesting purposes. The researchers used Cronback’s Alpha in measuring the reliability of the research instrument. Table 1 below showed a 0.8696 alpha coefficient which indicates a good result. Table 1. FINDINGS OF THE RELIABILITY TEST FACTORS NUMBER OF ITEMS CRONBACH’S ALPHA TEACHING METHOD 10 .8689 LEARNING FACILITIES 10 .8715 STUDY HABITS 10 .8677 ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 10 .8704 OVERALL 40 .8696 Sampling Technique The sample consists of first year and second year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students of Jose Maria College who are taking Introductory Accounting classes. The researchers aim to have 30 respondents which is 31.25 % of the total population. The researchers use simple random sampling to give equal chance to each member of the population to be selected. Procedure of the Study The proponents will do the following procedures in conducting the study: Asking Permission to Conduct the Study. The proponents will present a request letter to conduct the study to the appropriate official. Validating of the Survey Questionnaire. There will be three professors who will validate the questionnaire. Conducting the Survey Questionnaire. The survey will be done through virtual mode by using google forms. Analyzing and Interpreting the Data. This procedure will then follow with the help of the proponents’ chosen statistician to ascertain for the results and discussion. Ethical Consideration The respondents are provided on the upper part of the survey questionnaire with an explanation about the purpose of the study. Also, the researchers guarantee to retain the anonymity of the respondents, the confidentiality of the data, and that all appropriate guidelines on confidentiality are applied. Data Analysis The researchers applied the following descriptive statistical tools in interpreting the gathered data: Frequency Percentage. This was used by the researchers in analyzing the profile items in the survey questionnaire. Mean and Standard Deviation. This was used by the researchers in measuring the statistical average regarding the independent and dependent variables of this research. Pearson Correlation. Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances. This was used by the researchers in assessing the difference in the academic performance of Business Administration students from ABM strand and non-ABM strand on introductory accounting. The table below shows the range of responses to specific statements. Scale Range of Mean Description Interpretation 5 4.5-5.0 Strongly Agree The respondents strongly indicate that the factor has strong significance to academic performance. 4 3.5-4.49 Agree The respondents indicate that the factor has significance to academic performance. 3 2.50-3.49 Neutral The respondents has neutral responses. 2 1.50-2.49 Disagree 1 0.01-1.00 The respondents indicate that the factor has no significance to academic performance. Strongly Disagree The respondents strongly indicate that the factor has no significance to academic performance. CHAPTER 4 Results and Discussion This chapter discusses the results of the analyzed data and its interpretation. Profile of Respondents The profile is composed of the year and course, gender, and senior high program. Its distribution is shown in the following tables. Table 2. FREQUENCY TEST FOR ITEMS AS TO YEAR & COURSE Demographic Profile of Respondents Respondents (n = 30) Frequency Percentage (%) Classification BSBA 1 8 26.7 BSBA 2 22 73.3 Total 30 100 Table 2 presents the frequency distribution of respondents as to year and course. Out of 30 respondents, 26.7% of them are from BSBA 1 with 8 respondents. The remaining 73.3% are from BSBA 2, having the most number of 22 respondents. Table 3. FREQUENCY TEST FOR ITEMS AS TO SENIOR HIGH PROGRAM Demographic Profile of Respondents Respondents (n = 30) Frequency Percentage (%) Classification ABM student 10 33.3 Non- ABM student 20 66.7 Total 30 100 Table 3 presents the frequency distribution of respondents as to their senior high program. Out of 30 respondents, 33.3% of them are ABM graduates with 10 respondents. The remaining 67.7% are Non-ABM graduates, having the most number of 20 respondents. Table 4. FREQUENCY TEST FOR ITEMS AS TO GENDER Demographic Profile of Respondents Respondents (n = 30) Percentage (%) Frequency Classification Female 18 60.0 Male 12 40.0 Total 30 100 Table 4 presents the frequency distribution of respondents as to their gender. Out of 30 respondents, 60.0% of them are females, having the most number of 18 respondents. The remaining 40.0% are male with 12 respondents. Table 5. INDICATORS FOR INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Mean SD 4.44 .814 Verbal Description Indicators The professor encourages me to Agree read the topic in advance. The professor creatively uses 4.2 .774 Agree teaching aids like visual aids and powerpoint presentations in teachings. The professor has a commendable 4.1 .730 4.1 .759 Agree expertise of the subject. The professor gives more examples Agree and activities on complex topics for easy understanding about the content. The professor presents the topics in a way that his/her 4.1 .662 Agree students understand. The professor attends and answers 4.1 .785 Agree clearly the questions asked in class. I like to study in a quiet place to 4.43 .935 Agree increase my concentration level. I take down notes and make outlines 4.10 .844 Agree to help me understand the lesson more. I look for other references to further my understanding on a certain topic. 4.10 .845 Agree I relate the course content with the 3.97 .712 Agree 3.90 .712 Agree 4.33 .884 Agree 4.2 .664 Agree 4.2 .714 Agree 4.2 .834 Agree learning objectives. I prefer to finish my school-related tasks like homework and projects before leisure time. The school has a comfortable study area. There are enough places in the campus to study whenever I have vacant hours. The school provides us with modern equipment like computers, laboratory facilities, and the internet to aid us in our lessons. The classroom arrangement has an impact on my motivation to learn. The school’s equipment for 4.2 ..699 Agree discussion like projectors are in good condition. The school atmosphere motivates 4.1 .712 Agree 4.0 .769 Agree me to learn. Weighted Mean Table 5 projects the indicators under independent variables that would affect the student academic performance in introductory accounting. Each of the three factors: teaching method, learning facilities and study habit were assigned ten ( 10 ) indicators. The researcher employed descriptive statistics in order to summarize and select the indicators that the respondents selected with strong significance as to their academic performance. In teaching method factor, the respondents highly look-up on the professor's encouragement to read the topic in advance (4.44). The respondents would also prefer to study in a quiet place to increase their concentration (4.43 ) based on the indicators under study habit factor. Furthermore, in the learning facilities factor, the respondent put significance if the school has a comfortable study area ( 4.33). In accordance with the study of Kuutila ( 2014), teachers greatly influence the ability of students to understand the subject. In class, teachers' behavior, attitude and methods of teaching affect the willingness of the student to learn. In addition, Maina (2010) in its study states that school facilities and resources are extremely important to enhance the academic performance of students. Books, learning materials, hand-outs, technology, library facilities and laboratory facilities are the necessary tools in learning. Table 6. INDICATORS FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Mean SD 4.6 .669 Verbal Description Indicators I am challenged to do more if I get Strongly Agree lower remarks. I pay attention and listen during 4.07 .740 Agree discussion especially in technical topics. I aim for higher grades in every 4.0 .910 Agree 4.12 .773 Agree subject. Weighted Mean Table 6 presents the indicators for the academic performance of students on introductory accounting. The respondents had strong significance to challenge themselves to do more when they got lower remarks (4.6). Also, it is shown that the respondents signify that they give attention and listen during discussions in technical topics (4.07) and that they aim for higher grades in every subject (4.0). Table 7. Pearson Correlation Table Factors Academic Performance Correlation Strength Teaching Methods 0.690** Strong Study Habits 0.480** Moderate Learning Facilities 0.523** Moderate Table 7 shows that the variables in the factors column have significant correlation values with the academic performance (p<0.001). The Teaching Method factor has the strongest positive relationship with academic performance. Then, the two other factors (Study Habits and Learning Facilities) have moderate positive relationships with academic performance. Table 8. T-Test result for differences in academic performance of ABM and Non-ABM (Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances) Senior High Program Mean SD Significance level ABM 3.93 .67667 .183 Non-ABM 3.815 F value Decision 1.867 Reject .40298 Table 8 shows a significant level of 0.183 which is greater than the 0.05 alpha. This implies that there is no significant difference in the academic performance of the respondents as to their senior high school program. CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Recommendations CONCLUSIONS The general results show that according to profile, most of the respondents are female second year BSBA students, who graduated with a non-ABM senior high program. The study indicates that there is no significant difference in the academic performance of students with regards to the senior high school program. Among the factors studied, the teaching method has the strong significance that would greatly help to increase the academic performance of the student on introductory accounting; which might also apply to other subjects. Both study habits and learning facilities moderately affect the students academic performance. Thus, the factor which would greatly affect the student academic performance is the teaching method. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the result and conclusion, the proponents recommend that this study will be used in the assessment of the methods to be employed in teaching Introductory accounting. Furthermore, the proponents recommend that the future researcher may use the study in finding out the factors that greatly affect the academic performance of students in Jose Maria College. ANNEX _ INFORMED CONSENT The study is entitled “Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Students on Introductory Accounting”. We would like to ask your permission to be a part of our study. You were selected to take this part in this study along with other 1 st and 2 nd year BSBA students. The survey will take Ten (10) minutes to complete. If you agree to take part in this study, please be informed that: · All data that we will acquire will be kept confidential and will remain anonymous. · You may stop participating in this study at any time. · You shall receive information about the nature of the study and the results after we have obtained the necessary data. I, (name of respondent), understand the nature of this study and I agree to participate voluntarily. I give the researchers permission to use my data as part of the study. Signature over Printed Name Date Researchers: Danna Charriesse J. Beloy Signature over Print Name Dr. Melchor Q. Bombeo, CPA, DM Reynalin S. Entia Signature over Print Name Dr. Melchor Q. Bombeo, CPA, DM Adviser’s Signature over Print Name Mentor’s Signature over Print Name SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Of Bachelor Of Science In Business Administration Students On Introductory Accounting I. Profile Name (Optional): ________________ Year & Course: ________________ Senior High Program: ___ABM Gender: ___Female ___Male ___Non ABM INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly read each item carefully and place a (✔) mark to indicate your degree of agreement to the following statements in relation to Introductory Accounting. Rating Scale: 5- Strongly Agree 2- Disagree 4- Agree 1- Strongly Disagree 3- Neutral II. Independent Variables A. TEACHING METHOD ITEMS RATING 5 4 3 2 1 1. The professor has a commendable expertise of the subject. 2. The professor presents the topics in a way that his/her students understand. 3. The professor gives more examples and activities on complex topics for easy understanding about the content. 4. The professor encourages me to read the topic in advance. 5. The professor provides hand-outs before discussion. 6. The professor creatively uses teaching aids like visual aids and PowerPoint presentations in teaching. 7 The professor attends and answers clearly the questions asked in class. 8 The professor encourages students’ interaction by asking thought provoking questions. 9 The professor gives feedback on my progress in class. 10 The professor incorporates the importance of the subject on my future profession. 2. STUDY HABITS ITEMS RATING 5 4 3 2 1 1. I prefer to study by myself. 2. I prefer to study with my friends. 3. I relate the course content with the learning objectives. 4. I look for other references to further my understanding on a certain topic. 5. I take down notes and make outlines to help me understand the lesson more. 6. I make myself prepared in every meeting by reading the topics in advance. 7. I solve exercises in the book to enhance my analytical and problem-solving skills. 8. I prefer to finish my school-related tasks like homework and projects before leisure time. 9. I start studying for quizzes and exams at least several days before the actual date. 10. I like to study in a quiet place to increase my concentration level. 3. Learning Facilities ITEMS RATING 5 4 3 2 1 1. The school has a comfortable study area. 2. The library has updated resources that I can use as my references. 3. The school provides us with modern equipment like computers, laboratory facilities, and the Internet to aid us in our lessons. 4. The school’s equipment for discussions like projectors are in good condition. 5. The classroom arrangement has an impact on my motivation to learn. 6. The classroom furniture has an impact on my motivation to learn. 7. The accounting laboratory is well-maintained. 8. There are enough places in the campus to study whenever I have vacant hours. 9. The school atmosphere motivates me to learn. 10. The school is responsive to students’ suggestions about improving its learning facilities. III. Dependent Variable A. Academic Performance ITEMS RATING 5 4 3 2 1 1. I make myself ready for every subject. 2. I read and practice solving regularly. 3. I always participate in class activities. 4. I enjoy doing homework and activities because they help me improve my skills in the subject. 5. I pay attention and listen during discussion especially in technical topics. 6. I exert effort in solving sample problems given in the book. 7. I practice and read different references to gain more understanding and methods of solving. 8. I always ask the teacher if I don’t understand the lesson. 9. I aim for higher grades in every subject. 10. I am challenged to do more if I get lower remarks.