nCU1 - Science and Microbiology Microbiology is the study of all living organsims that are too small to be visible by the naked eye a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Bacteria Archaea Viruses Fungi Prions Protozoa Algae ---- all of these are known as MICROBES --------------------------------role ((nutrient cycling, biodegrading, climate change, biofuels manufacturing, pollution cleaning, processing and producing of food)) MICROORGANISMS - Can only be seen under a microscope Maintain balance of chemical elements Breaking down remains of dead Recycling: C, N, S, P, etc. Some may cause infectious diseases by: ------ great number ------ producing toxins HISTORY 1. Robert Hooke (mid 1600s_ - Observed strands of fungi among the specimens of cells he viewed - Made key observations under the microscope 2. Anton van Leewenhoek (1670) - Dutch merchant - “Father of Microbiology” - Known for the “animalcules” - The FIRST to provide an ACCURATE description of the protozoa, fungi, and bacteria 3. Frederick Griffith (1928) Discovered the BACTERIAL TRANSFORMATION - Worked with pneuomococci (pneuomonia causing bacteria) - Mixing pathogenic fragments of dead bacteria to harmless ones, would render the harmless as a pathogenic - 1st experiment to demonstrate that bacterias could undergo GENETIC CHANGES 4. Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum (1940) - 1st to postulate about the “Bacterial Conjugation” 2 types of cells 1. - Prokaryotic cells Lacks nucleus Probably the smallest living organism ---usual sizes A. 0.15 µm –mycoplasmas B. 0.25 µm- chlamydiae C. 0.45 µm- rickettsiae D. 2.0 µm- many of the basterias ---shapes A. cocci- spherical B.bacilli- rodlike C. vibrio- comma shape D. spirochete- flexible, wavy shape E. spirillum- corkscrew Pleomorphic- ricketssiae and mycoplasms - Cling to each other in a distinct arrangement - -- ex. Diplococcus (two cocci), staphylococcus (grapelike/many cluster of cocci) 2. Eukaryotic Cells - Larger and more complex than prokaryotes - Contains various organelles (compartments for localizing metabolic function) SIMMILARITIES - Both has DNA for their genetic information Take Note: viruses are neither a prokaryote nor a eukaryote - Not a living organism but can replicate MICROBIAL METABOLISM 1. Cellular respiration - producing energy necessary for a metabolic process to happen by using O2 and realeasing CO2 and other waste products - Either by photosynthesis or not depending on the microorganism 2. Photosynthesis - Synthesizing their own food (autotrophs) by CO2 and water - Unicellular algae - Bacteria - Cyanobacteria 3. Chemical reactions and energy - Organization is maintained by energy usage - Shift of energy/ large loss of energy - Activation energy- required for combination or breaking of compunds - --------using heat energy, chemical energy, and catalysts to spark an energy GROWTH REQUIREMENTS FOR MICROORGANISMS 1. Chemical requirements - Requires water, mineral elements, growth factors, gas, oxygen chemical substances of microorgs has C - Producing nutrients from simple INORGANIC COMPOUNDS (CO2) - Chemoautotrophs- chemical reaction - Photoautotrophs- photosynthesis - Nitrogen- used for proteins, DNA and RNA synthesis (nitrogen fixing bacteriaRhizobium and Azobacter) - Phosphorus- nucleic acid synthesis and phospholipid construction - Oxygen- for cellular respiration of AEROBIC BACTERIA - ---ANAEROBIC BACTERIA- lives in environment that lacks oxygen - produces odoriferous gas - ----MICROAEROPHILLIC- live in low levels of O2 (capnophillic) - Trace elements- Au, Cu, Zn 2. Physical Requirements a. Temperature - Psychrophile- cold 0 oC- 20 - Mesophile- 20 oC-40 oC - Thermophile- higher than 40 oC b. pH of solution - neutrophilic BACTERIA- in body - acidophilic- below 6.0 (sauerkraut, yogurt, orgs: yeast and mold) c. osmotic pressure - 1%- normal salt concentration of microbial cytoplasm - Halophilic- microorganisms in high salt concentration (diatoms and dinoflagellates) MICROBIAL REPRODUCTION AND GROWTH 1. Cytokinesis (unicellular algae and protozoa)- asexual splitting of cell 2. Binary fission (bacteria)- DNA duplicates then divide the cell into two 3. 30 mins-3 hrs.- range of generation time of reproduction of bacteria 4. Growth curve a. Lag phase (1st phase) - Population remains same - Accustoming to environment b. Logarithmic phase (2nd phase) - Optimal level of bacterial growth - Rapidly doubling - Represented by a STRAIGHT LINE - - Metabolic peak c. Stationary phase Reproduction is offset by DEATH plateu Accumulation of waste Lack of nutrients Umfavorable environmental conditions d. Death phase May enter this stage if unfavorable environment conditions was not altered during the stationary phase Rapid dying MICROBIAL GENETICS 1. Bacterial conjugation - Gene transfer occurs when 2 bacteria come together and mate - One donor (F+) and recipient (has F-) - A sex pilus joins the donor and recipient (during transfer) - F factor plasmid- DNA most often transferred - --- produces DOUBLE-STRANDED DNA FOR INTEGRATION - Special conjugation tube- channel for transferring - F factor- episome - integrates itself to the chromosome - High Frequency recombination (Hfr) donor- the donor - F factor is rarely transmitted, recipient cell cannot become donor cell - Take Note: if F factor is transferred during conjugation, the donor cell can be a recipient cell - F plasmid- carries an excised chromosomal DNA - Sexduction- happens when the F plasmid is transferred to a recipient during conjugation then the donor genes are also transferred 2. Bacterial Transformation - Competent cell- in a log phase and needs a COMPETENCE FACTOR for transformation - takes up DNA and destroy one strand the double helix - Replacing as a similar but not identical strand - complete transformation - Streptococcus pneuomoniae and Haemophillus influenza- used for study of transformation 3. Bacterial Transduction - 3rd important kind of BACTERIAL RECOMBINATION a. Lytic Cycle - Bacteriophages (BACTERIAL VIRUS) transfer DNA from one bacterium donor to another recipient bacterium - encourages the bacterium to make a copy of it - host bacterium LYSE and release new phages b. Lysogenic cycle - viruses may integrate its DNA to the bacterial DNA - does not lyse the bacterium (temperate phase/PROPHAGE) - virus detach at a later time and the lytic cycle will now proceed to happen 4. Mutation - Permanent alteration in sequene of the nitrogenous bases (A, T, C, and G) of DNA - Beneficial/detrimental TYPES a. Point mutation- most common - Single base pair - Substituting a different base to a normal base b. Missense mutation - - - - Substitution of new amino acid in the FINAL PROTIEN c. Nonsense mutation Changing of genetic code and destroying of information d. Frameshift mutation Adding/Deletion of pairs of nucleotides in the DNA The READING FRAME is shifted Spontaneous mutation- NOT in laboratory Induced mutation- in laboratory MUTAGENS Agents capable of bringing mutations a. Chemical mutagens Nitrous acid- converts adenine to HYPOXANTHINE (can’t pair with thymine) Base analog- incorporated by error in DNA Resembles a nitrogenous base Dyes & fungal toxins (aflatoxin) b. Physical Mutagens X ray, gamma ray, UV light, X ray & gamma ray- Breaks covalent bonds of DNA molecule UV light- binds together adjacent thymine bases, forming DIMERS Photoreactivation- bacterial enzymes that can repair radiation damage Mutation rate- probability of a mutation occurring in a cellular division Bacteria 1/1 bill MICROBIAL SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION - taxonomy- science of classification taxon- alternative expression for a classification category Carolus Linnaeus (1750-1760)- 1st taxonomists and classified all known plants and animals during his time CLASSIFICATION SCHEME 1. Species- fundamental rank - Population that breed among themselves - 70% similarity in biochemical 2. Genus – - group of various species (Shigella flexneri & Shigella boydii) - Atleast 70% similar 3. Family- various genera - Grouped because of simmilarites 4. Order - Various family 5. Class - Grouped order 6. Phylum/division - Where group of class is categorized to 7. Kingdom - Broadest classification entry CRITERA FOR ESTABLISHING SPECIES a. b. c. d. e. Morphology Cellular features Biochemical properties Genetic characteristics Antibodies 5 KINGDOMS - Classified by Robert Whittaker (1969) 1. Monera- prokaryotes like protozoa and cyanobacteria 2. Protista – eukaryotes and single celled protozoa, unicellular algae, and slime molds 3. Fungi- eukaryotes that bacterial enzymes absorb simple nutrients from soil like molds mushrooms, and yeast 4. Plantae- plants 5. Animalia- animals