! !"#$%&'()*$%'(%+,)-$./'01$*)&$.)2' a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Changan BRANDMARKS, COLORS & TYPEFACES DIGITALOLABESTPRACTICES INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE ICONS & IMAGES SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS VIDEO, END FRAME & SUBTITLE BEST PRACTICES FILTERS,GRAPHICS,ICONS&ANIMATION LICENSE PLATE TREATMENT USING ANIMIATION !"#$%&'$()'*+,-+, !"#$%&'()$"*"+"(,-$ HEADLINE IS ROBOTO BOLD, ALL CAPS. Subhead/body copy lead-in is ROBOTO, sentence case. Body copy is ROBOTO Regular, sentence case. White remains the primary font color, but on white background or light color background will be black Still we can use other color to get the best visual design online and boards DIGITAL BEST PRACTICES IMAGERY (VISUAL STORY) ./01234536, !"#$%&'()$*)"%$+%,#"%*-(."#%+/0*/"%#1('&%2#*-&0"%(/3%"0".(/$% "#&")*(004%+/%5/#$(.'(-%6*$1%/+%$"7$%*#%$1"%8"#$%% 9'%6*$1%-*/*-,-%$"7$ Don’t put phone contact or website on the image Don’t put social media links on photos Only with logos and 1 line enough The logo On Image For Online Logos can be found on bottom or top with same sequence Changan logo on the top left or bottom left and Union motors on the top right or bottom right Maintaining a consistent area of isolation around the Changan / Union Motors brandmark preserves maximum legibility and brand impact. These margins should surround the logo, separating it from headlines and text. The area of isolation should be at least twice the height of the wordmark. These are minimum requirements. Whenever possible leave even more space around the wordmark. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA Best Practice The importance of adhering to these guidelines whenever possible cannot be overstated. Through a consistent visual approach, not only does the Changan brand’s social media presence remain consistent across the UAE, but it also connects it to the look and feel of the overall brand, such as in each country’s website and advertising. This guideline chapter was created to communicate the brand design and best practices regarding constructing creative layouts, video, imagery and social media posts. The following pages include examples that illustrate the preferred Topics and content. Mobile-first design / As the most challenging format, mobile should always be considered the first layout to design. In most cases, mobile-first designs are much more easily translated into desktop and tablet, than vice versa. Cover photos / Compositions should be created with approved imagery, with a vehicle typically as the hero. The “Find New Roads” themeline should be included as an overlay. Best Practice Topics to cover In our DIGITAL media Participate and anticipate in all National days of all Nations as we are International brand and we sell to all nations Participate and anticipate in all Public holidays within UAE national and Islamic Calendar Participate and anticipate in all IMPORTANT days around the world ex.(save earth day, New Year) with related to UAE Trends that happen around the world Participate and anticipate in Trending Events And Challenges Happen online with related to our business and UAE Important news (NOT POLITICAL ) Post all our cars Interior and exterior on daily basis Educate audiences about CHNAGAN brand history and Updates. !"#$%$&'()'*' Should we post on rate 1POST PER DAY Content share online as much we can do it must carry UAE environment(roads,landscaspes,people with UAE) for better results and engagement and reach to audiences !"#$%&'#() *$"&+ ("#"&,-".) !%#-"#-) When user-generated content and social posts are used, images should be cleared of our branding and content with any privacy concern. This can be done by obscuring the unwanted content with an image-blurring tool. Suggested Censorable Content: / License plates / Street addresses / Non-Changan branding / Non-Changan clothing / Non-Changan vehicles Note: The pink boxes shown throughout these guidelines are for illustration purposes only and should not appear on final work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hen editing images on Instagram, Facebook and other social channels, always use true-to-life, vibrant color filters. Filters that appear unnatural take away from the Changan brand look/feel. Avoid using filters that appear vintage, black-andwhite, blurred, soft-focused, exaggerated HDR, overly color-hued or too stylized. Note: Err on the side of caution when using filters not shown on this page. All images should align with the Global Color Standards outlined on the previous page. ! Preferred Use with caution or Avoid using ICONOGRAPHY SHAPES, ANGLES & STYLE Here are a few examples of how icons use basic shapes to build recognizable images. The look and feel of the Chevrolet icons should remain consistent throughout all applications. Each one should have the same level of detail and similar shapes that work together to create a theme. To the right (Icon Layers, Icon Shapes) is a breakdown of the different shapes that are layered to create a typical icon. Notice the angles and basic design elements that are utilized to keep the icons visually clean and precise. Every icon is built in Adobe Illustrator within a 1-inch square, subdivided into a 20x20 grid. There’s always 1 unit of padding, horizontally and vertically, so each icon is a maximum height/width of 18 units. “Snap to grid” should always be on, and every point in the path should be aligned to the grid. Even complicated shapes can be achieved this way, and it gives the layers a sense of balance and uniformity. Consistent line weight is key to a consistent system. Use the stroke settings to the right when creating Chevrolet icons. Round cap stroke should be used sparingly within any given icon. The example to the right shows the use of a round cap stroke. LICENSE PLATES Display The following examples communicate the preferred license plate treatments for in-situation advertising and for vehicles displayed in studio settings, in showrooms, at events and at auto shows. When developing in-situation realistic images, further enhance the authenticity of the environment with realisticlooking and market-accurate license plates. Authenticlooking plates should be used for all in-situation executions (01). When a vehicle is on display in a showroom, at an auto show or event, or shown in a studio setting, a EX.“CS95” wordmark vanity plate should be used (02). This ensures the eye is not drawn away from badging or other surface language on the vehicle. The following pages describe the standard and wide EX.“CS35” plates in detail and how to produce them physically for events and photo shoots, and digitally for CGI assets. DON’T: / Make license plates a solid color or the same color as the vehicle (04) / Use the vehicle nameplate as a substitute for a valid rear or front license plate (05) ANIMATION STYLE Animation and illustration are sometimes designed for special projects and campaigns, as well as to market to different audiences such as highly specific social media channels. Though highly stylized, these campaigns should still appear consistent with the global look/feel and clearly relate to and use core brand elements to assist in brand recognition. Note: The additional shading of brand colors is allowed by permission to enhance certain animation styles. The examples shown here exhibit good use of brand color alignment with the addition of shading and texture to add dimension to the visuals. " Digital Lunch Program For Changan Showroom How will be digital Lunch !"#$%&'($)*"+,%-#$+'%./%012")3%*$4")% 516768$9%:)2$811;<%=+0'),()*%% What we need >)*$()%$?6"@*$+'0%AB%2)*$()0C%% B%!)@'1@0%21++$2'0%'1%2)*$()0% =+0'),()*%=+D36$+2$(%:-E%A%FG"G%F3*)(G11?" 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In order to reach to the right audience, we need photos and videos (for UAE audience). Currently, we don’t have enough supportive material to showcase the product benefits. We must generate and create content for UAE audience. 4 Content Marketing Plan For the Social Media Monthly Market execution actions on following months September October November December September During September we will prepare the audience for new opening and the lunch of the showroom and new models We will push people to wait and get excited for the opening of the showroom and new models shape designs Advertising the new opening soon to be lunch at least 3 weeks before the opening • Update all CRM Database of interested and non-Interested Clients and verify the contacts details to make it more accurate to send to al our clients regular newsletter emails campaign especially of our great lunch and new car models lunch. • Shooting videos and photos for the CS95 & CS85 & CS35 is must to produce content and lead campaign online and trailers for the great lunch and models trailers videos . • For the great lunch we will do a live event that podcast on FACEBOOK_INSTRGRAM_ YOUTUBE and we need to run ad campaign to with exact date to let people wait for it. • Generate animation video will be posted and be paid add all over our social media to start advertising to let people wait for the live event of Changan in our showroom include lead generation link to collect database about whose interested in our showroom opening. • For this campaign also we will send bulk email to all our clients about the LIVE EVNT LUNCH . • Photos and video for car and showroom to be taken by professional camera and edited to wait for the opening Coming Soon • Educate audience about history of Changan In tips that. Comes every week • Website needs to be ready before the opening for the marketing the models and the location of the new showroom • See the content plan for more references September Samples of the new coming Models teaser trailer October Live event of the opening of the showroom at October 1st will focus this Month on the new models shapes ,comfortability with always send nivation to audience to visit our showroom for more info's and try our cars from 2nd week of October #Discover_Changan_new_models line theme to be include in all our design the theme of the campaign ! Will interduce and focus in this month the new shapes and beautiful designs Of Changan Products with tagline ( Its beautiful, You don’t need to go fast ) ! Building Brand image of Safe , comfy and luxury lifestyle of the Chanagn Products ! Posting content produced from Live event of the showroom opening for Paid social media ad with professional editing for trailer ! will send email bulk email campaign to all our database for all new models with 1 email per week ! Hygiene in our showroom during Covid 19 pandemic to make audience save to visit our new showroom to make it save for people to visit us November will focus this Month on the new model unique options ,comfortability with always send invitation to audience to visit our showroom for more info's and try our cars #Your comfort is a our Priority line theme to be include in all our design the theme of the campaign • Will interduce and focus in this month the new model unique options ,comfortability for all Changan Products • Focus main Paid Ads on CS95 & CS85 models unique options ,comfortability with tag line Your comfort is our Priority • will send email bulk email campaign to all our database for all new models with 1 email per week December 1st half of the month will be UAE National day greetings • design cars with UAE flag. and 2nd half will be #Happy New Year theme • Design Cars with new year celebrations • Generate main Paid Camping For CS95 & CS85 with lead generation campaign collect data for CRM for all who interested in Changan Automobile • Running search add campaign on Google search for increase traffic and subscribes for the website. 9:;&-"<$< Thank You