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Network Data Analysis: Protocols, DNS, Devices

After merging all data in our group, we got this plot. We
have two thousand bins that have at least one frame in
them. We have busy days that contains more than three
thousand packets in them. Moreover, we have additional
data in the Pi’s, but we haven’t merged yet.
------------------------------ Next Slide -----------------------------After getting the data from whole group, we have started
to analyze the data. In the assignment content, we have
3 different metrics, protocols, DNS requests and
encryption. For aggregate, we have device types, such as
computers tablets, IoT devices, times of day such as day
and night, and lastly active vs idle times.
You can see our devices from the right figure. In the
group, for computers we have MacBook pros and
windows machines. For phones iPhones and Samsung
phones. For tablets, iPads and Samsung tablets. And
lastly, we put our apple watch, projector and Nintendo
switch to IoT devices.
Please note that the unassigned devices correspond to
the devices of our friends.
So, in the review session, we will look at four different
titles, these are: Protocol Types over Day/Night, DNS
Request Counts over Day/Night, Protocol Types over
Device Types, DNS Request Counts over Device Types.
------------------------------ Next Slide -----------------------------Our data have different timezones but the recorded
timestamp is in UTC. So, we converted the data according
to group members’ timezones. Then we picked the night
hours as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then, we grouped by the protocol
typed over day and night. As you can see from the plot,
our usage for night is lower than the day hours. And the
UDP protocol is the highest in the plot for both of them.
------------------------------ Next Slide -----------------------------For DNS requests, we can see the same pattern in the
previous plot. Our DNS request count for night is lower
than for day hours. Also, the count of the DNS requests is
close to the UDP protocol count.
------------------------------ Next Slide ------------------------------