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Construction Drawings & Processes Guide

Basic Architectural Drawings
● Cover Page
○ Project Documentation
○ Approval Box for Authorities
○ Location Map (2km radius)
○ Vicinity Map (500m radius)
○ Setting of the Project
○ Landmarks and Roads
○ Zones and Boundaries
○ Natural and Man-made Features
○ Orientation
○ Perspective
○ Site Development Plan
● Floor Plans
● Roof Plan
● Elevations
● Sections
Supplemental Architectural Drawings
● Reflected Ceiling Plan
● Floor Pattern and Layout
● Schedule of Doors
● Schedule of Windows
● Stair Details
● Toilet Details
● Kitchen Details
● Other Room and Architectural Details
Working Drawings
- A graphical representation to show how
the building is to be constructed; also
called ​Construction Drawings.
Who uses these Working Drawings?
● Contractor/Builder
● Suppliers
● Project Manager
● Owner
● Fabricator
Architectural Drawings
- Layout and structure, features
Engineering Drawings
- Shows how structure will be built
Ex. foundation plan, framing plan,
beam detail, slab detail, stairs detail,
roof details
Basic Symbols
​ asic Abbreviations
● Elevation - Elev.
● Center Line - CL
● Fixed - F
● Down - Dn
● Galvanized Iron - G.I.
● Closet - Clo.
● Concrete Hallow Blocks - CHB
● Finish Floor Line - FFL
● Natural Ground Line - NGL
● Room - R
● Lavatory - L
● Sink - S.
● Washing Machine - W.M.
● Walk-in-Closet - W.I.C.
● Shower - Sho.
● Reinforced Concrete - R.C
● Range - R.
● Refrigerator - Ref.
The concrete will arrive in a ready mixed
concrete truck, the drum will be spinning
slowly to keep it from settling
It will be poured into the form
Whole night to pour the concrete
Also known as ​Raft Foundation
A continuous slab resting on a soil that
extends over the entire footprint of the
Used when the soil is weak​, as it
distributes the weight of the building
over the entire area of the building
Once the tool will be filled with material it
will be withdrawn with kelly bar
The reinforcement cage will be placed
Concrete will be delivered and
discharged directly
● Preparation includes dewatering and
controlling of water from seeping
through the excavated surface
● After that, preparation and installation
for rebars and formworks for Mat
Foundation can proceed
Preventing it from collapsing, preventing
erosion, provide support where soil
angle of a post is exceeded or otherwise
collapsed in a more natural form
Principal characteristic: ​being able to
withstand the pressure of the retained
material, which is the soil
Deep foundation
Also known as ​Displacement Pile
Provide support for structure,
transferring of loads
A ​pile hammer ​is used to drive the pile
to the the ground to compact the soil
around the side which lead to
densification of the mass and intensify
bearing capacity
The ​blow count​ is the number of times
the pile must be structured to achieve
desired depth
Before excavation, we need to clear the
site from any debris
There is need for support on the sides
(sandbags/sheet piles)
The water needs to be drained if it is
present, a lot of clearing
● Remove water; clearing out
● After water is removed, we place the
gravel bedding
● Then, put link concrete before the final
pouring of concrete after we place the
Reinforcement cages will be
pre-fabricated ​and relocated in
accordance to approved drawing
Will be performed via combined rotation
and pull down force applied to the tool
Most economical footing,
square/rectangular shape
1m to 1.5m depth from NGL
The base is covered w/ gravel bedding
“Pile Driving Analyzing Test”
Dynamic Load Testing
Understand and know our design, a fast
reliable of evaluating foundation load
bearing capacity
Accelerometers​ attached to foundation
measure force and velocity
Detect possible caving in during pouring
Rebars are either ​pre-fabricated or
constructed on site​ using hydraulic
vendors and sheer
Most of the time we use ​site laborer
known as steel men​, they place rebar
and sheer adequate concrete cover and
embedment using concrete spacer
Rebars are connected either by spot
welding or tying steel wire or mechanical
Traditional formworks is fabricated using
timber but usually phenolic plywood but
you can also use steel
Tension test provide information about
strength and ductility of material
Tensile test to place a sample of
material in between of two fixture called
grit one top and bottom which clamp the
material which is the steel bar, we begin
to apply weight to the material ​grit​, we
keep increasing weight called ​load of
ore force ​at the same time measuring
the length of sample
Bend Test
Used to provide​ temporary and
permanent walls​ in construction industry
Used as excavation support and for soil
Creates a border that keep the soil path
away from the structure
They are designed to interlock w/ each
other, they are installed in sequence
along the plan excavation
When arranged together they form a
wall for permanent or temporary support
along with anchors for extra lateral
Soil is compacted first either manually or
with equipment then gravel bedding will
be placed, and a pair of barrier
polyethylene sheet​ for moisture
Concrete spacers​ are placed to ensure
proper concrete cover
Soil poisoning​ is done as termite
Slab on grade means the slab directly
supported by grade meaning the bottom
structure which is normally earth
For suspended slab, these are grouped
into two types:
- One way slab (supported by
2 sides)
- Two way slab (supported by
4 sides)
- Usually 2mm thk
Concrete is allowed to cure 7 to 28 days
after pouring depending on its design
Reinforce concrete beams are structural
members that can be used to carry both
horizontal and vertical loads
Made by encasing steel bars or steel
plates within the concrete
- It increases the beam strength
Beams having reinforcements are called
“Reinforced Concrete Beams”
Five (5) Types of Beams
1. Simple Beam
- A beam having a single span only;
supported at its end without restrain
at the support
2. Semi-Continuous Beam
- A beam with two spans with or
without restraint at two extreme ends
3. Continuous Beam
- A beam that rests on more than two
4. Cantilever Beam
- A beam supported on one end and
the other end beyond the support,
beam or wall
5. T-Beam
- A beam poured simultaneously
thereby producing a monolithic
structure where the portion of the
slab at both sides of the beam
serves as flanges of such beam
Beam Detailing
Top Bar
Any of the longitudinal bars serving as
tension reinforcement in the section of a
concrete beam or slab subject to a​ negative
Bottom Bar
Any of the longitudinal bars serving as
tension reinforcement in the section of a
concrete beam or slab subject to a ​positive
Web Bars
Some beams with deep sections have to be
provided with steel reinforcement at the side
center portion which is called a ​web bar​. It
is placed on concrete beams to resist
diagonal tension
Extra Bars
The second lower layer of the beam
reinforcements along the top bars and the
second upper layer at the bottom bars
which were cut and hooked on its edges is
what we call extra bars or sometimes we
call it ​additional bars​. It increases the
strength of the beam
All ends of beams and rebars must be
bended to the reinforcements of the
structure where it is attached
Provided on beams to resist shear and als
hold the longitudinal reinforcements in place
- Spacing of stirrups start from 0.05 or
2”, .10 or 4”, .15 or 6” and a
maximum at .20 or 8”
These are welded or tied to a beam rebar
using #16 G.I. wire
Computing for the Length of Extra Bars
in a Beam
1. Verify the Length of the Beam
- Using the placement of dimension
lines on column-column span
2. Compute for the Clear Length
- Subtract the length of beam to the
width of the left column (CwL) and
half of the width of the right column
3. Compute for CL/4 & CL/5
- ¼ of the clear span will be the length
of extra bars along the 2 supports of
the beam at the top from inside
portion of left and right columns
- ⅕ of the clear span will be the
clearance from inside portion of the
left and right columns up to 2 edges
of extra bars along the center or mid
span of the beam
Intermediate Beams
For the intermediate beam, the solution will
be the same. But since intermediate beam
is attached on beams and not on column,
the clear length between the left and right
beams where the intermediate beam is
attached will be the one to be computed
Cantilever Beams
For cantilever beams, since this beam is
supported on one side only, the top portion
is subjected to tensile stress and the bottom
is subjected to compressive stress. So,
more straight reinforcements will be
provided at the top portion of the cantilever
beam and less at the bottom
Concrete is Strong on Compression and
Weak of Tension
Slab Reinforcements: Compute for the
Length of Slab Steel Bars to Bend
● One-Way Slab
○ Supported by beams on two
opposite side to carry the load along
one direction at the shorter span
○ Steps:
1. Verify the length of slab along the
shorter span
2. Compute for the Clear Length
- Subtract the length of slab to the
width of the left beam and half of the
width of the right beam
3. Compute for CL/4
- ¼ of the clear span will be the length
of steel bars need to bend on two
opposite sides of the slab
● Two-Way Slab
○ Steps:
1. Same with the one way slab, verify
the length of slab on one side
2. Compute for Clear Length same with
One-Way Slab
3. Compute for CL/4 same with
One-Way Slab
4. Then, same computation will be
applied on the two sides of the slab,
since two-way slab are likely to bend
along four supporting sides
● Cantilever Slab
○ For Cantilever Slab, the top portion
is also subjected to tensile stress
and the bottom is subjected to
compressive stress. Again,
“Concrete is Strong on Compression
and Weak of Tension”
○ Therefore, reinforcements will be
provided at the top portion of the
slab with a concrete cover of 0.25 or
1” and no need to provide
reinforcements at the lower portion
of the cantilever slab
Sample Structural Design Plans
● Cover Sheet: General Notes
○ Concrete Strength Requirements
○ Design Standards
○ Codes
○ Slab Details
● Sheet 2: Connection Details
● Sheet 3: details on how structural edges
terminate and relevant connection
details are drawn
● Foundation Plan
● Floor Framing Plan
○ Floorplans showing all the column,
partitions of the said floor including
the beams and slabs
○ All structural elements must be
properly labeled
● Schedule of Steel Reinforcement for
Two Types of Slabs
1. One-Way Slab
- A slab supported by beams at
opposite sides to carry the load
along 1 direction
- The ratio of the longer span to the
shorter span is equal/greater than 2
- Bend in one direction and in the
direction of the longer span
2. Two-Way Slab
- A slab supported by beams on all its
4 sides
- Loads are carried along by the
supports in both directions
- The ratio of the longer span to the
shorter span is less than 2
Essentials in a Floor Framing Plan:
- Columns
- Beams
- Type of Slab
Is the construction of a temporary structure
to support temporarily an unsafe structure
Is the construction of a temporary structure
to support temporarily an unsafe structure.
Usually made of ​phenolic board
Phenolic Board
Can be used multiple times
Concrete Spacers
Placed to provide ample concrete cover
from the soffit
Power Trowels
To ensure that slabs are aligned
A means for moving users from one level to
another (Ching, 2008)
(h) Stairs
Stairs shall be at least 750 mm in clear
width, with a rise of 200mm and a minimum
run of 200mm
Types of Stair Plans
1. Straight Run
- No turns/winders
2. Quarter Turn “L”
- Makes a right angle in the path of
travel that the flight of stairs is
connected by intervening landing
3. Half Turn “U”
- Turns 180 degrees at a landing
4. Winding/ WInder Stair
- Uses “winders” instead of landings
for the turn
5. Circular Stairs
- Has circular plan configuration
6. Spiral Stairs
- Wedge-shaped threads supported
by a central post
3. Handrails ​- placed on sides of stairs
for hand grip in order to prevent
injurious falls
4. Guardrails ​- placed on sides and
unenclosed openings
5. Threads​ - horizontal parts which
people step on
a. Min from NBC: 250 mm
6. Riser​ - vertical part of the step
a. Min from NBC: 200 mm
7. Nosing​ - extends beyond the riser as a
projection of the thread
8. Baluster​ - any number of closely
spaced support for a railing;
collectively, it is known as​ balustrade
9. Newel (Post) ​- the post at the
top/bottom of the flight of the stairs
Stair Detailing
Stair Plan
Types of Stair Construction
1. Wood Stairs
2. Steel Stairs
3. Concrete Stairs
Stair Parts
1. Stair Width​ - depends on code and
occupant load requirement; avoid
railings to generate clear width
a. Min from NBC: 750 mm
2. Landing​ - should be as wide as the
stairway they serve
Decide on thread measurement
Decide on riser height
Get intended height of floor to floor
Divide floor to floor height with the
intended riser height, the result will be
the number of steps
5. Draw stairs on plan view
a. Step numbers
b. Railing locations
c. Stair gaps
d. Nosing extensions
e. Grid lines
f. Walls and windows
g. Labels, text, dimensions
h. Stair directional arrows
Stair Elevation
● Full height of stairs
● Levels
● Railings
● Step numbers
● Detail call outs
Stair Details
● Material connections
● Handrail details
● Thread and riser measurements
● Finishes
Detailing Stair Rebars
Consider the stair as a one-way slab
rotated diagonally
Lower ends is connected to stair
footing and connected to landing
Bar Profile ​- these bars don’t carry
major loading but rather hold the
concrete in place in the steps
Triangulated combination of members and
joints that forms a rigid structural
component of the roof designed to support
both permanent and imposed loads
Steel Roof Trusses
Used mainly for the industrial buildings
where free space requirements are
essential for more working areas. The span
of truss varies from 10’-0” to 300’-0”
depending on the type of requirement and
the available spaces
Why Use Structural Steel Trusses?
● Steel is highly durable material
● Steel has a high resistance to fire and
pest infestation
● Steel trusses ensure that you do not
experience pest and termite problem to
which timber is susceptible
● Steel is a material which is 100%
recyclable, and when fabricators
prepare steel structures, the material
they use is 90% recycled
Parts of a Common Roof Truss
1. King Post​ - central vertical post
working in tension to support the
beam below from the truss apex
2. Top Chord/rafter​ - sloping or
3. horizontal member that establishes
the upper edge of the truss; it is the
inclined member placed above the
purlins and extends ridge to eave
4. Metal Gussets​ - used to connect
altogether the truss members
5. Web members​ - joins the top and
bottom chord of the truss to form a
triangular pattern
6. Bottom chord​ - horizontal or
sloping member that establishes the
lower edge of a truss and usually
carries combined bending and
tension stresses
7. Bearing Point​ - it is where the truss
is supported by a wall or other
structural members such as a
8. C-Purlins​ - horizontal members
panning between trusses connected
to the top of the top chord to support
a roof covering
9. Angle Bars Cleat​ - support the
C-Purlins; used to connect purlin to
principal rafter
10. G.I. Ridge​ - where the two sloped of
the top chord meet; highest point/
apex of the roof
Shows the composition and assembly of
the different building systems
Shows profiles and layers of
architectural finishes together with
construction methods and engineering
● Space in between two architectural or
structural elements such as walls and
● May show interior and exterior elements
● May show singl;e or multiple level
including sub-structures
3d representation to convey structural
systems of the building
○ Footing
○ Columns
○ Beams
○ Shear Walls
○ Trusses
It is provided to understand the
placements of structural elements