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Energy Source Project - Google Docs

Name ______________________________
Energy Source Project Guidelines
Date _______________________________
Essen al Ques ons
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of different energy resources?
2. Are all energy resources equal?
Objec ves
1. Research and energy source and iden fy advantages an
disadvantages about the source.
energy resource, renewable,
nonrenewable, inexhaus ble,
biomass, fossil fuels,
geothermal, hydropower,
nuclear, solar, wind, coal, oil,
natural gas, nuclear energy
Information: You have been hired by Hays County to inform them about the advantages and
disadvantages of your energy source. You will present your information to a special committee that is
receiving the districts energy policy.
Although you want them to choose your energy source, you cannot lie or hid any disadvantages.
There is a possibility you will later debate with another expert to decide the best energy source. You
must research your energy source and create a final product to present to Hays Energy or Hays City
Council describing your energy source. Choose an option below and use your research notes to create
the final product. Pay careful attention to the rubric and criteria to make sure you are successful.
Project Deadline: __________________________________________________________________
Energy Source Project Rubric
Descrip on of Source
Informa on
Interes ng
facts and
informa on
Content Area
General informa on is
absent or incorrect.
There are few to no
interes ng facts or
other background
informa on.
General informa on is
missing some aspects
or is par ally incorrect.
There are a few
interes ng facts or
informa on.
General informa on is
complete and accurate.
There are many
interes ng facts and
pieces of background
informa on.
Advantages and
Loca on
East of Access
Few to none of the
components are
Some of the
components are
All of the components
are present.
Bibliography and Project
A list of resources or
project notes is absent.
Grammar and
Many mistakes. There
is li le crea vity, the
Total Points
_________ out of 25
________ out of 25
Some resources or
project notes are listed
and/or format is
A few mistakes. There
is some crea vity and
the final product is
All resources and
project notes are listed,
using correct format.
_______ out of 10
No mistakes. There is
an abundance of
crea vity and the final
Crea vity
Organiza on
Time and Effort
final product is messy
and disorganized
somewhat neat and/or
product is very neat
and organized.
_______ out of 20
Li le me and effort is
Some me and effort is
A lot of me and effort
is evident.
_______ out of 20
Advantages and Disadvantages: List all the advantages and disadvantages in the boxes below. Consider
the following for each:
1. Cost (direct and indirect)
2. Availability (is it hard to get? Will it run out?)
3. Environmental Consequences
a. Effect on the land when trying to acquire the source
b. Effect on the land, ocean or air a er using the source (pollu on)
4. Loca on
5. Ease of access
Interes ng Facts and Other Background Informa on: While conduc ng your research, you will come
across interes ng facts and other background informa on about your energy source that does not fit
into the sec ons above. Use this space to record notes to use for your final product.
Bibliography: List your resources in the space below. If you are unsure about the author or tle, ask a
teacher or librarian for help or write down the informa on you know (ex: website address) to come
back to later. Use the informa on on the next page to help you write your bibliography.
Name ______________________________
Energy Source Project Notes
Date _______________________________
Essen al Ques ons
1. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of different energy
2. Are all energy resources equal?
Objec ves
2. Research and energy source and iden fy advantages an
disadvantages about the source.
energy resource, renewable,
nonrenewable, inexhaus ble,
biomass, fossil fuels,
geothermal, hydropower,
nuclear, solar, wind, coal, oil,
natural gas, nuclear energy
Direc ons: Research your energy source and fill out the informa on below. Refer back to your Energy
Source Project Guidelines handout to make sure you are mee ng the requirements you need to create
your final product. Make sure to record each resource that you use, including pictures or photographs
that you might use in your final product.
General Informa on:
1. Name of Energy Source: _________________________________________________
2. What is your energy source made from?
3. Is your energy source renewable or nonrenewable? If it is nonrenewable, is it inexhaus ble?
4. Explain why your energy source is renewable or nonrenewable.
5. Where is your energy source located? How do you access it?
6. How is your source used to release energy? What processes have to happen?
7. How much of your energy source is used for fuel in the United States? (in %)
8. What are some careers available in your energy source?
**Students who plagarize will receive a 0 and must resubmit an original project**
Product Options:
Option 1: Letter or Informational Table – Individual Assignment
Letter: Product Description
You will design an informational letter to send to members of Buda City Council describing
your energy source. You must write in a professional tone and use correct letter format. The
letter can be hand-written or typed and must be legible. All of the content areas in the rubric
and the project notes must be included. You can include pictures or diagrams if necessary.
Your audience will be expected to read your product.
Option 2: Poster – Individual Assignment
Product Description:
You will design a poster that informs the public about your energy source. Information
should be presented in an attractive and logical manner and be colorful with many pictures
explaining each idea. All of the content areas listed in the rubric and the project notes must
be included. Your audience will be expected to read your product.
Option 3: Powerpoint Presentation – Individual Assignment
Product Description:
You will create a powerpoint presentation that informs the City of Buda Energy panel about
your energy source. The presentation should follow a logical order. You will be expected to
present the powerpoint and your presentation should last about 3-5 minutes with
approximately 10-20 slides. All of the content areas listed in the rubric and the project notes
must be included. Your audience will be expected to read and listen to your product.
Option 4: Informational Video – Group Assignment of 2-3 students
Product Description:
You will create an informational video that informs the City of Buda Energy panel about your
energy source. The video presentation must be audible (clear and loud speaking voices) and
include visual aids such as posters, drawings, tables or pictures to help explain your material.
The video should last approximately 3-5 minutes. All of the content areas listed in the rubric
and the project notes must be included. Your audience will be expected to watch and listen
to your product.
The following Webquest and all the links are the only online resources that are approved for your
h p://questgarden.com/116/11/6/101206202446/process.htm