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Case Study Analysis: Employee Performance & Training

Summary for Case 1...................................................................................................................................2
Answer 1:......................................................................................................................................................2
Answer 2:......................................................................................................................................................2
Answer 3:......................................................................................................................................................3
Summary of case 2..................................................................................................................................... 3
Answer 1:......................................................................................................................................................3
Answer 2:......................................................................................................................................................3
Answer 3:......................................................................................................................................................4
Summary of case 3..................................................................................................................................... 4
Answer 1.......................................................................................................................................................4
Answer 2.......................................................................................................................................................5
Answer 3.......................................................................................................................................................5
Summary for Case 1
When good reviews go bad
It is important for the employees to perform continuously in order to stay at their position and
gain the promotions that the employees deserve to get. The case study has shown two different
cases where the employee perform well in their organization and their senior manager
appreciated on their performance. However, because of the situation, they did not get their
promotion where they think they deserve it.
In the first situation, Kathleen Bostjacic got appreciated from her boss Merrial Lynch for her
appraisal. In addition, for the few years, Kathleen Bostjacic worked well in her organization.
However, because of her two maternity leave, she fall down from her performance and as a
result, she lost her job.
In the second situation, Paula Best was performing well in the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi and she
was expecting to get promotion and become a vice president. Three of her colleagues was
expecting to get the promotion as well. However, they could not get the promotion and because
of that they went to call to the equal employment opportunity commission on the base of sex
and race discrimination. However, their appeal did not worked because of the financial crisis.
There are many employees who did not get their promotion whereas their performance was
good in the organization.
Answer 1:
In the case study, Kathleen Bostjacic got appreciated by her boss because of her appraisal. In
addition, Kathleen become self-motivated because of her appraisal and she worked well for first
three years and her salary became almost double during these three years of time.
However, she took maternity leave for the long time and it cost her the job. It is because, she
could not perform well after her maternity leave. It could be the reason of her long leave and
because of that she could not catch the new system of the company.
Answer 2:
In order to keep the employee at the same level, the management need to motivate their
employees by using motivational theories. In addition, they can provide reward to the
employees, arrange many cultural programs in order to develop the attachment of the
employees with the organization. In addition, they can arrange many motivational training for the
employees as well.
Answer 3:
If I was part of the HR department and the employees come to me with their concerns, then I
would take necessary steps in order to keep them in their company. Therefore, I would have
ensure them that, we are concerned about their situation and the company is taking steps to
judge their situation as well.
Summary of case 2
How leaders flourish at Ganderson Lutheran Health system
Ganderson Lutheran health system has got more than 7000 employees. The world was
struggling to get appropriate employees in 2001 and at that time this organization has
established talent development review group in order to develop the employee’s skills and get
the organization’s leaders as well. In order to develop the skills of the employees, this project
sends the employees to develop their skills and take many tests in order to review the capability
of the employees. They put the name of the review system is 360-degree review. With the help
of that, many employees have got promotion and the organization had able to retain their
employees as well.
Answer 1:
The talent development review group has taken many steps in order to develop the employee’s
skills and give them Promotion as well. At this stage, the figure 9.3 has shown many steps the
talent development review group has taken in order to review overall performance of the
organization and on the base of that the employee’s gap has been detected by the organization.
This was perfect planning for the organization at that stage.
However, the organization could have provide more training regarding to technological and
communication skills of the employees.
Answer 2:
In order to measure the performance of the employee development programme, the
organization need to see the number of promotions that the employees have got and the
employee log book in order to see their performance as well.
On the top of that, the organization can take steps to double check the employees by taking
many tests and the organization’s overall performance could be measured in order to check the
performance of the employees as well.
Answer 3:
The case study has shown the employee development method for the employees. On the top of
that, the organization can take steps to put the employees in the real life tests or put them to the
higher position for the temporary basis in order to check their performances as well.
On the top of that, the organization can take many type of tests in order to determine the
employee’s intention to stay in the organization for long time or the effect of the motivation on
the employees as well. It helps the organization to get the appropriate employees for the
appropriate position and it helps the organization to get the appropriate leaders as well.
Summary of case 3
Jack B. Kelley drives home safety lessons
Jack B Kelly inc is a trucking organization who carries gas, oil and other related fuels between
the USA and Canada. Therefore, they provide well training to their drivers before they send
them to their work.
They have got three parts of their corporate vision which includes their relationship with the
customers and workers to build. In addition of that, the organization works to provide safe work
place for their employees and regarding to that, they provide safety training as well.
In addition of the training, the organization provides computer system training to their drivers
during the orientation program and they also take two days test during the orientation program
as well in order to make sure that their drivers are capable to work and they can drive safely in
the road as well.
Answer 1
JBK is a formalized organization who has got their vision and they provide formalized training to
their employees as well. It helps them to develop their driver’s skills and to build good
relationship with their customers as well.
The case study has shown that, JBK provides safety training to their employees. It helps them
to motivate their employees and to focus on the customers as well.
On the other hand, at the time of providing driving training, the organization is making sure that,
their driver will take care of their trucks properly as well.
Answer 2
If I was participating the tasks of training of JBK then I would work to make sure that, the
employee follows all the safety programs and they have clear idea about their work as well.
At this situation, I would take steps to make sure that, the employees have clear idea about the
equipment that they will work in the future. In addition, I would have put them in many situations
and ask them to do that in order to make sure that they can overcome the situation by good way.
Answer 3
No E learning is not the appropriate method for JBK. It is because, it is more physical job to do
in JBK rather than learning from the internet.
In addition, JBK’s drivers might not be able to understand of using the developed technologies
or they might not provide the importance of e learning. Therefore, it is better to provide physical
training to the employees of JBK during their orientation program.