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HRM Case Study: Employee Performance & Leadership

(STUDENT ID : 201905050014)
19 APR 2020
Summary of Case 1 ................................................................................................................................... 3
Answer to the question no 1 ..................................................................................................................... 3
Answer to the question no 2 ..................................................................................................................... 3
Answer to the question no 3 ..................................................................................................................... 4
Summary of Case 2 ................................................................................................................................... 4
Answer to the question no 1 ..................................................................................................................... 4
Answer to the question no 2 ..................................................................................................................... 4
Answer to the question no 3 ..................................................................................................................... 5
Summary of case 3 .................................................................................................................................... 5
Answer to the question no 1 ..................................................................................................................... 5
Answer to the question no 2 ..................................................................................................................... 6
Answer to the question no 3 ..................................................................................................................... 6
Summary of Case 1
When good reviews go back:
In some situations, the employees of the organization get appreciated by their senior
management but the do not get rewards that they deserve to get. The case study has shown
two of the situation, where the employees deserve to get reward for the performance but in the
long term they do not get it.
According to the case study, Kathleen bostjacic works in an organization under Merrial Lynch.
Merrial Lynch was happy on Kathleen Bostjacic’s business appraisal and she was working well
in the organization. However, after her first maternity leave she found that, she was transferred
to another division and after her second maternity leave she was eliminated from her job.
On the other hand, Paula best was maintaining the security of bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. She
was expecting to get promotion and become the vice president of the bank. However, she did
not get that. Her three of the colleagues also did not get the promotion and they went to claim
that to the equal employment opportunity commission under the right of sex and race
discrimination. However, the commission has found that, they could not get the promotion
because of the financial crisis.
Answer to the question no 1
The case study has shown that, Kathleen Bostjacic got appreciated by her boss Merrial Lynch
because of her appraisal. In addition, because of the appreciation, Kathleen Bostjacic became
self-motivated and work well for three years and her salaries became double during this period.
On the other hand, after her maternity leave, she became far behind from her performance and
as a result, she got transfer from one position to another position. After her second maternity
leave, she could not survive in the job at all.
Answer to the question no 2
The management of the organization need to take steps in order to develop the employee
performance and in addition of that they need to send the employees for the training, provide
reward to the employees and motivate the employees towards the work in order to make them
to work in the same level for the long time.
Answer to the question no 3
If I was the part of the HR department of the companies, then I would have arrange the training
session for the employees. It is because, training sessions helps the employees to motivate
them towards their work and it helps the employees to make good attachment with the
Summary of Case 2
How leaders flourish at Ganderson Lutheran Health system
It is important for the organization to retain their employees. It is because, the employees of the
organization could be count as an asset for the organization.
This case study has done on the organization called Ganderson Lutheran health system. This
organization has introduced a separate project for employee’s performance development which
is called talent development review group. Main target of this group is to deveop thei
employee’s leadership skills and with the help of that, the organization used to get many new
leaders from the inside of their organization.
In order to develop the employee leadership skills, the organization used to do 360 degree
review of the employees and they used to send their employees for many types of the training.
Deb Rislow is one of the example, who joined to the organization as an information system
director and after taking the training, she became the cheap of information officer of 900
Answer to the question no 1
The case study has shown that, the organization has taken many steps in order to develop the
leadership skills of their employees. It helped the organization to get many leaders from their
employees. The skills development programs that has been described in the case study; it was
good enough for an employee to develop the skill.
In addition of those program, the organization can include some cultural activities in order to
make the employees attached with the organization and it could have motivated them towards
their work as well.
Answer to the question no 2
The organization has got 7000 employees. The Gunderson’s development program’s main goal
was to get many leaders for their organization. It is because, at that time, there were shortage of
appropriate employees and many organizations was looking for that. By looking at the scenario
it could be said that, the organization can measure the employee performance by looking at the
output of the employees and the rate of employee retention as well.
Answer to the question no 3
The case study has shown the employee development method for the employees. On the top of
that, the organization can take steps to put the employees in the real-life tests or put them to the
higher position for the temporary basis in order to check their performances as well.
On the top of that, the organization can take many types of tests in order to determine the
employee’s intention to stay in the organization for long time or the effect of the motivation on
the employees as well. It helps the organization to get the appropriate employees for the
appropriate position and it helps the organization to get the appropriate leaders as well.
Summary of case 3
Jack B. Kelley drives home safety lessons
Jack B. Kelly is the organization that runs truck in the USA and Canada. They are well
organized organization as they have their vision which are related to develop their customer
service, safety for the drivers and to develop the finance of the organization as well.
In addition of that, they take tests to the drivers during the orientation program and they provide
training to their drivers during the orientation program as well.
The case study has also shown that, the organization do not let their drivers to drive on the road
unless they become fully satisfied and on the top of that, the organization run the training
program to teach the drivers about the computer system.
Answer to the question no 1
JBK provides appropriate training to their employees. It helps them to making their new
emplyees train about loading, unloading, trucking system, usage which is according to the
organization need and work demand. Therefore, it clearly shows that, training session is
according to the needs for JBK’s employees.
In addition of that, at the time of running trucks on the road, the organization need to make sure
that, their drivers are running their trucks safely. It could be make sure by using the orientation
session that JBK has formalized.
Answer to the question no 2
In order to make sure that the employees have got clear idea about the health and safety rules
of the organization, I would prefer to give them brief about the health and safety of the
organization. In addition, of that, I would prefer to make them understand about the importance
of maintaining the safety of JBK.
On the top of that, I would have taken some steps for the safety of the employees where I would
have remind them by providing signs, hanging the posters or sending them safety messages. In
addition of that, I would prefer to include some practical events in the training sessions in order
to make sure that the employees have understood the safety issues and they are able to
overcome the situation.
Answer to the question no 3
E learning is the process that many of the organization follows in order to train their employees
through the online internet system. JBK’s drivers preferred to do physical job and physical
learning would be applicable for them to train them during the orientation program.
It has already been maintained in the case study that, JBK will provide computer system training
to their employees during the orientation program. Therefore, for the beginners, it would not be
a good idea to provide training over the internet.