Cell Poster Project Name: ________ Task: You will create a poster showing either an animal or a plant cell. Details: 1. Your poster will include a plant OR animal cell. Label which one it is. 2. You must include color (does not include the color of the paper) 3. Each organelle must be drawn, labeled and have its function listed. 4. Organelles on the poster should include: Cell wall (if plant) Chlorophyll (extra credit) Cell membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum (extra credit) Nucleus Additional organelles = extra Chloroplasts (if plant) credit. Mitochondria Vacuole Cytoplasm 5. Your name and period should be on the front, lower right of the poster paper 6. Poster is due on: Friday, October 25th, BEFORE THE START OF CLASS. (YOU WILL HAVE TWO DAYS IN CLASS TO WORK ON IT) Cell Poster Project Grading Rubric Item Animal Cell Plant Cell Possible points Possible Points animal cell drawn 4 animal cell labeled/identified 2 plant cell drawn 4 plant cell labeled/identified 2 Organelle: nucleus drawn, labelled, function identified 4 4 Organelle: cell membrane drawn, labeled, function 4 4 identified Organelle: cell wall drawn, labeled, function identified 4 Organelle: chloroplast drawn, labelled, function identified 4 Organelle: mitochondria drawn, labeled, function identified 4 4 Organelle: vacuole drawn, labelled, function identified 4 4 Organelle: cytoplasm drawn, labelled, function identified 4 4 Organelle: 4 4 Organelle: 4 4 Organelle: 4 4 5 5 Neatness (readable, organized) 5 5 Design (creative, colorful) 5 5 Effort (well done, on task, used time wisely) TOTAL SCORE