Uploaded by Ronaldo Melgar

Intellectual Property Protection on China Act

2021 Spartan Model Congress (use 12 font, Times New Roman)
117th Congress
___________Ronaldo Melgar_______________ introduced the following bill; which was
referred to the Committee on _____1/21/21_________________________
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the "_____________Intellectual Property Protection on China
Act______________________ of 2021".
SECTION 2. ESTABLISHING (write what is being established, and how is it going to be
(all explanations discussing “why” the bill is needed, etc. are to be placed in the essay)
This will affect all companies of China and the Chinese Communist Party
SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION. This will be carried out by a coalition of government
agencies like the Department of Defense and the Department of State with major companies like
Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft.
SECTION 5. PENALTIES. Their will be a penalty of chance to be blacklisted to doing
business in the U.S. and fines.
SECTION 6. FUNDING. (funding, if appropriate, and amount)
Congress shall authorize an amount not to exceed $_____10,000,000,000______________
(this is not a section on how to fund the bill, but on how much money you will authorize
– please do some basic research on how much things cost – GOOGLE it!)
SECTION 7. ENACTMENT. March 1, 2021
Signature ____________________________
My fellow congressman too long has china been trying to erode our way of life and try to siphon
our American innovation and business. They have sought to try and steal our technology and
ideas in order to enrich their authoritarian regime and pass it off as Chinese ideas and business.
That is why I am proposing the Intellectual Property Protection on China Act this bill will make
our government agencies and major business focus on preventing and handling foreign Chinese
influence within the American government and major American Business’s. This will be
completed by training companies and government agencies how to recognize foreign Chinese
influence and attempts at stealing U.S based technology and intellectual property. Then they will
make strategies to stop the influence immediately and investigate and review what has been
affected in the company and government. This will be carried out by the coalition of government
agencies and business and be implemented throughout the control as to make sure a united front
is made. This will help the U.S by keeping American business safe and able to thrive and grow
and help prevents the influence of CCP from gaining financial and economical power which
could then be used to spread their authoritarian ideals. That will overall help the American
people thrive and grow so that we can continue to make technology and inventions that can help
America succeed and protect our ideals of freedom and chance for anyone to do business and
build their own company.