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Biodiversity Loss: Causes, Effects & Solutions

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Causes, Effect s and Solut ions for Biodiversit y Loss
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“If we pollute the air, water and soil that keep us alive and well, and destroy
the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function, no amount of
money will save us.”
David Suzuki
Biodiversity Loss: Causes, Effects &
Biodiversit y can be defined as t he variabilit y and variet y of life on our
planet . This includes t he variet y in ecosyst ems, species and genet ics.
The level of Biodiversit y usually increases wit h t he t emperat ure,
meaning t hat it is higher in warm climat e zones near t he equator.
As an example, t he world’s t ropical rainforest s cover around 10% of
t he planet ’s surface, but cont ain 90% of all species on t he planet .
Human impacts on Biodiversity | Ecology and Environment | Bi…
Audio Lesson
Biodiversity Loss: Causes, Effects & Solutions (Audio Lesson)
1. Why is Biodiversity Important?
2. Causes for a Loss in Biodiversity
3. Effects of Biodiversity Loss
4. Solutions to the Biodiversity Loss Problem
5. Conclusion
Why is Biodiversity Important?
1. Support a variet y of plant species
2. Ecosyst em balance
3. Freshwat er resources
4. Nut rient storage
5. Soil format ion
. Breaking down pollut ant s
7. Food resource
. Climat ic st abilit y
9. Sust ain recreat ion areas
10. Source of drugs
Support a variety of plant species
With greater Biodiversity, the variety of plants increases. This leads to
more opportunities, especially for farmers, since they are able to plant a
greater variety of crops and thus use their land more effectively.
Ecosystem balance
Our ecosystems depend on complex processes. If only a small number
of species die out, there can be a huge effect on the whole ecosystem
since there are often chain effects that affect many other species.
With the preservation of Biodiversity, it can be assured that the
ecosystem stays in its natural balance.
Freshwater resources
Through a variety of microorganisms and other creatures, it can be
assured that freshwater resources are sustained.
Nutrient storage
Plants and other forms of vegetation store nutrients of all sorts. When
the plants are consumed by animals, these nutrients come back to the
planet in a natural way. Biodiversity is important to sustain this natural
Soil formation
A variety of plants contributes to soil formation. It also assures that
there are enough minerals and other nutrients in the soil.
Breaking down pollutants
Through the process of photosynthesis, plants help to break down
pollutants and thus clean the air. In areas with a high wood and plant
density, air quality tends to be much better than in areas with a low
concentration of plants.
Food resource
A greater variety of animals and plants is useful for humanity in the
sense that it provides a big selection for food sources and thus
supplies all nutrients necessary for human health.
Climatic stability
Since our natural system is balanced if do not intervene too much,
Biodiversity protects the planet from global warming. For example, the
rainforests store huge amounts of CO2, which is classified as a
greenhouse gas.
If by human actions like deforestation, this CO2 is released, it will have
an adverse impact on our planet’s temperature. Thus, protecting a
variety of plants and forests helps to stabilize our climate.
Sustain recreation areas
Whether it is animals or humans, every species needs a place to rest. It
is therefore crucial that we contain the natural variety of our planet in
order to provide recreational areas where people and also animals can
rest and recharge.
Source of drugs
Our nature, especially our plants, provide an immense variety of
substances which are used for pharmaceutical processes. We would
not be able to produce most of our drugs without extraction precious
ingredients from a variety of plants.
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Causes for a Loss in Biodiversity
1. Draught s
2. Floods
3. Wildfires
4. Eart hquakes
5. Posit ion in food chain
. Degree of specializat ion
7. Dest ruct ion of habit at s
. Excessive pollut ion
9. Over-consumpt ion
10. Climat e change
11. Hunt ing
12. Over-exploit at ion
13. Conflict s
14. Invasive species
Draughts are one natural source for a loss in biodiversity. Since water is
an essential prerequisite for all life on earth, a lack of water has serious
consequences for all species. Plants which have not enough water will
die off or will provide smaller crop yields.
Animals will die since there organism is not able to work without water. If
the draughts continue over a long period of time, there could be a
severe loss in biodiversity.
Floods are also harmful to the biodiversity of our planet. Animals and
plants do need water to survive, however, too much of it may become
deadly for them as well. Many organisms can simply drown in floods and
the variety of animals and plants in the affected areas is therefore
Wildfires are a severe problem for biodiversity since they can kill big
areas of land. Thus, they destroy the natural food sources for animals,
which have to move to other areas or they will die.
Earthquakes are another serious natural cause of a loss in biodiversity.
They could kill large portions of the local wildlife.
Position in the food chain
The position in the food chain is crucial for animals to determine their
likelihood of extinction. If there are too many predators, the prey
animals may almost have no chance to protect their species from
extinction and thus biodiversity will be reduced.
Degree of specialization
The more specialized as species is, the more likely it is to go extinct if
environmental circumstances change since they will not be able to
adapt to the new circumstances appropriately.
Destruction of habitats
For many reasons, the habitats for animals and plants get destroyed by
human intervention. We need more space for building houses. Moreover,
we need more space for farming since we have to feed an increasing
number of people. This leads to a destruction of the living environment
of many species.
They have to move or they will die. This problem is especially severe
when it comes to the deforestation of the rainforests. Since 90% of all
species on our planet live there, a destruction of this area will be
extremely harmful to the variety of biodiversity.
Excessive pollution
Pollution is another great man-made example causing a loss in
biodiversity. There are several forms of pollution, including air and water
pollution. Air pollution can lead to health issues for animals and even for
humans, resulting in health diseases which in turn could diminish the
variety of species.
Moreover, water animals can be contaminated by toxic industrial byproducts and thus go extinct. This problem is especially severe for
water animals which react quite sensitive to changes in the natural
environment and which are not able to adjust properly and fast enough.
Another problem causing a loss in biodiversity is human overconsumption. Our consumption levels increase steadily. However, this
leads to a higher level of pollution and to a destruction of natural
environments, since for a higher level of production, more resources
have to be extracted out of the ground. Thus, natural habitats are
destroyed and the variety of animals and plants is diminished.
Climate change
Through the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in industrial
processes and also in our daily lives (like driving cars), we contribute to
global warming.
Global warming leads to a loss in biodiversity since animals and plants
are usually quite sensitive to changes in their natural living conditions
and thus many will go extinct when these conditions change.
For example, if the ocean becomes warmer, the oxygen levels likely
decrease. However, many fishes need a high oxygen concentration to
survive. Thus, dropping oxygen levels can lead to the extinction of many
fishes and other sea animals.
Hunting, especially the hunting of endangered species, can also lead to a
loss in biodiversity. Often, animals are just hunted because of precious
by-products of their existence.
For example, elephants are often killed solely because of their ivory.
Human greed can thus lead to an extinction of many species if we do
not protect them properly.
Another cause of a loss in biodiversity is the over-exploitation of our
planet regarding all kinds of natural resources. Since there are many
precious materials in the ground, firms want to extract them in order to
make a lot of money.
However, this extraction process harms the surrounding environment,
leading to a decrease in the variety of animals and plants in the affected
Conflicts also lead to a decrease in the variety of species. In conflicts,
large areas of land can be destroyed. Moreover, sometimes, even quite
harmful chemicals are used. These chemicals have a serious adverse
impact on the ecological system, which can lead to a decline in
Invasive species
The introduction of invasive species can cause serious problems to the
natural local ecosystems since they can carry diseases that may harm
local species. Moreover, if the invasive species are able to adapt to the
new conditions properly, they may also displace local species.
Thus, the introduction of invasive species may lead to the extinction of
part of the local species and therefore to a loss in biodiversity.
Effects of Biodiversity Loss
1. Ecological effect s
2. Spread of diseases
3. Loss of livelihood for locals
4. Loss of our recreat ional space
5. Societ y effect s
. Effect on food product ion
7. Economic effect s
Ecological effects
The loss of biodiversity has severe ecological effects. Since our planet
has a natural system and species depend on each other, losing a small
number of species can lead to big effects.
Predator species that lose their prey will also be in danger of extinction
now if they are not able to substitute their prey species through another
Moreover, the extinct prey which may have consumed plants is now no
longer be able to do so. Thus, these plants will grow excessively and may
dominate other plants and eventually displace them.
Spread of diseases
Due to a loss in biodiversity, diseases are likely to occur more frequently.
Since our environmental system is quite sensible and structured,
removing species from the food chain can create serious trouble. For
example, if a lion kills an antelope, he will eat part of it. The remaining
part will be eaten by other animals.
However, if these other animals go extinct and are no longer able to
consume the rest of the antelope, it may waste and in this wasting
process, several kinds of diseases can be developed. If other animals
are contaminated with these diseases, it can also spill over to humans
due to our consumption of meat.
Loss of livelihood for locals
The loss of biodiversity also causes a decline in the livelihood of many
locals. This can be due to reduced crop yields or other effects. Locals
may also raise cattle in order to survive. However, if a loss in biodiversity
leads to a decrease in biomass of feed, farmers will no longer be able to
raise enough cattle due to the feed shortage.
Loss of our recreational space
We can also lose our recreational space as an effect of the loss of
biodiversity. Many people are stressed by their work and sometimes
need space to relax.
A forest or a lake surrounded by plants may be an optimal area for this.
However, if we further destroy our forests in order to get more
settlement space, we will lose many of these recreational
Society effects
There are also adverse effects on our society from a loss in
biodiversity. In nowadays society, we are just so focused on computers,
smartphones and other electronic stuff and lose the connection to
nature which our ancestors have built in a natural way.
This loss of connection to nature may lead people to feel something is
missing but they do not exactly know why since they have never been in
touch with nature yet. Moreover, nature provides a relaxing environment
which if lost can lead people to become too stressed and mentally ill.
Effect on food production
A loss in biodiversity can have vast adverse effects on our food
production. Since we nowadays exploit many natural living spaces to an
unhealthy degree, chances are that we lose many food sources which
we could otherwise use in the future.
For example, there may be sources of food in the Amazonian
rainforests which we have not even explored yet. However, through the
deforestation process, these species are likely to be lost even before
we can discover them. Thus, we rob ourselves since we will not be able
to use this species in the future.
Economic effects
Apart from the environmental effects which are bad enough, a loss in
biodiversity also causes adverse economic effects. For example, if we
lost bees, we would suffer from a serious decline in crop yields which
would lead the GDP to collapse and would also lead to an increase in
Solutions to the Biodiversity Loss Problem
1. Government rest rict ions and policies
2. Educat ion
3. Prot ect ion of species
4. Prot ect ion of habit at s
5. Stop deforest at ion
. Prevent overhunt ing and overfishing
7. Prevent species invasion
. Stop pollut ion
9. Stop over-exploit at ion of resources
10. Save energy
11. Stop over-consumpt ion
12. Convince ot hers
Government restrictions and policies
In order to mitigate the problem of the loss of biodiversity, governments
are responsible to provide a framework that protects the natural variety
of animals and plants. Human greed is endless, thus this will not work
without penalizing behavior which threatens a loss in biodiversity.
We also have to educate people on how important preservation of
biodiversity is for the planet as well as for humanity. Many people are so
stressed from their jobs or their social lives that they are not even
aware of what a loss in biodiversity really means.
This education on biodiversity should start quite early, probably in the
early school age, so that children are already of this issue quite early
and can adapt their behavior into adulthood.
Protection of species
We have to protect many species from hunting or other behavior which
threatens their existence. This is especially crucial for species that are
already endangered. Species, especially animals, become endangered
since people are greedy and want to make as much money as possible.
Often, just small parts of the killed animal are of interest. For example,
many elephants are killed just because of their ivory tusks. We have to
end this perverse game in order to avoid a loss of biodiversity. A list of
endangered species is given by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature.
Protection of habitats
Another related topic is the protection of habitats. Since the human
population increases, we need more settlement space and space to
raise crops and cattle. However, this leads to the destruction of natural
habitats of many animals and plants.
We have to protect those habitats, since if they are destructed, these
animals and plants are likely to be endangered from extinction or even
go extinct.
Stop deforestation
About 90% of all species on our planet live in the tropical rainforests.
Thus, deforestation is a huge problem for the variety of species. If we
lose these forests, we will also lose many species which will have
negative chain effects on the whole planet.
Prevent overhunting and overfishing
We also have to prevent overfishing and overhunting. Since populations
of many animals decline at an alarming rate, we should protect them by
setting strict hunting and fishing limits. Thus, we can make sure that
populations are able to reproduce and are not becoming endangered of
Prevent species invasions
We should also be aware that invasive species can pose a serious threat
to local species since they can carry many diseases that local species
may not be able to deal with properly.
Moreover, invasive species may displace local ones which may lead to
an extinction of part of the local plant variety.
Stop pollution
Another big responsibility for humanity is to stop or at least reduce all
kinds of pollution. Our environmental system reacts quite sensitive to
changes in its natural living conditions.
Since through pollution, many ecological parameters are affected in an
adverse way, pollution will contribute to a loss in biodiversity since many
animals and plants will not be able to adapt to increased pollution
properly and eventually go extinct.
Stop over-exploitation of resources
We should also make sure that the excessive exploitation of resources
is mitigated. Many of our industries require metals and other materials
in order to fulfill their production goals.
However, by extracting these precious resources, the living space of
many species will be destroyed. Thus, we should reduce the extraction
of resources in order to sustain the species‘ living space.
Save energy
Saving energy is a big contribution that everyone of us can make on a
daily basis. Whenever you don’t need light, switch it off. There are
several other occasions in our daily lives in which we can save energy.
Since energy is produced through the use of fossil fuels, the
consumption of energy leads to pollution and also to global warming
since large amounts of CO2 are emitted into the air.
This pollution leads to a loss in biodiversity since animals and plants
become contaminated. Thus, we can mitigate the problem of the loss of
biodiversity by saving energy.
Stop over-consumption
Our daily consumption behavior also affects our environmental system
to a significant degree. In order to reduce the pollution of our
environment and thus to stop the loss of biodiversity, we should be
aware of how our consumption behavior adversely affects our planet.
By avoiding consumption, especially consumption which just relies on
the purpose to meet the newest trends, can contribute to sustain the
variety of species on earth.
Convince others
Your contribution matters! However, you should also be aware that
convincing others and making them aware of their adverse impact on
the environment can make you even more powerful since you can start
a „convincing chain“.
People that you have convinced may convince others. Thus, you can
have a big impact and contribute to sustaining biodiversity on our plant.
The loss of biodiversity can be caused by natural phenomena, however,
the biggest effects come from human intervention with nature. The
loss of biodiversity causes severe adverse effects on our whole
environmental system, including humanity.
It is therefore crucial to take the steps necessary in order to prevent a
loss in biodiversity and thus to ensure a livable future for our children
and also for a variety of animals and plants.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiversity_ loss