Uploaded by Shahma Rasheed

Building Highways: Pros & Cons

Article writing
• The government of your country is planning to build a
highway. The public, however, has different opinions
about it.
• Here are some comments made by the public about the
It will surely clear our
crowded roads
How can the government
maintain the road? It will
be so costly!
Let’s make a plan!
• 1. solve the problem of crowded roads
• Clear traffic jams
2. Improve the economy
Highways- are they necessary for our
country today?
• Countries these days are leaping as high
as they could to get a firm grasp on the
highly sophisticated developments of
science and technology. The building of
highways is one such development
which as I believe, is very useful for the
people. I am of the opinion that this
project should indeed be carried out for
the betterment of the people.
• Firstly, highways help to clear out
problems regarding crowded roads.
Traffic jams caused by too many
vehicles on the road at the same time
can be cleared with ease if there is an
alternate spacious road to the same
• More importantly, a good transport
infrastructure will ultimately improve
our economy. This is because a
highway network would enhance our
transport system that reduces
transportation and production costs.
This will in turn, will increase the
produc tivity and local businesses
would flourish.
• On the other hand, the building and
maintenance of such structures are costly.
The space taken up for the building of the
highways could be fertile lands which
could be used for farming or for other
more suitable purposes. It is a great loss
for nature, welcoming more pollution than
it can already tolerate.
• Taking highways as the solution to the
crowded roads and for the comfort of
the people into account, I believe that
highways are indeed to be considered
by the government, as content citizens
leads to a peaceful country.