Uploaded by Tracy Pirie Boberg

Chemistry & Physics Worksheet

Previous AnswerNO
Convert 543.7 L to kL
Previous Answer-
0.5437 kL
Convert 0.000348 into scientific
Previous Answer-
3.48 x 10-4
How many significant figures
does 0.056090 have?
Previous Answer5
Convert 85.6°F to K
(hint – convert to Celsius first)
Previous Answer-
302.9 K
What is the equivalent of
6.72x10 ?
Previous Answer672,000
A chemist measures the mass of a chunk of
wood to be 97.2g. When the wood is
burned, 32.0g of carbon dioxide, 21.0g of
ash and 31.5 g of water vapor are produced.
How many grams of oxygen were used in
the burning?
Previous Answer12.7 g
What is the frequency of
green light (495nm)?
(hint- first convert 495nm to m)
Previous Answer6.06x1014Hz
Which of these two
molecules is covalent?
SO3 or KNO3
Previous AnswerSO3
What is the chemical formula
for disulfur trioxide?
Previous AnswerS2O3
What is the chemical name
of NO2?
(hint this compound is covalent)
Previous AnswerNitrogen Dioxide
What is the chemical name
of KCl?
Previous AnswerPotassium Chloride
Previous Answer39, 51, 39
What is the full electron
configuration of Cu?
Previous Answer1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9
What element has the following
electron configuration?
Previous AnswerTin (Sn)
What is the abbreviated
electron configuration of As?
Previous Answer[Ar]4s23d104p3
What is the chemical formula
for magnesium nitrate?
Previous AnswerMg(NO3)2
What is the name of NH4CN?
Previous AnswerAmmonium Cyanide
What is the chemical formula
for ammonium oxide?
Previous Answer(NH4)2O
Determine the shape and
bond angle of CF4?
(make sure you know how to draw these molecules,
and know how many bonded and lone pairs there are)
Previous AnswerTetrahedral, 109
Determine the shape and
bond angle of H2O?
(make sure you know how to draw these molecules,
and know how many bonded and lone pairs there are)
Previous AnswerBent, 105
Determine the shape and
bond angle of PBr3?
(make sure you know how to draw these molecules,
and know how many bonded and lone pairs there are)
Previous AnswerPyramidal, 107
What type of change alters
the chemical bonds of a
Previous AnswerChemical Change
Ice is an example of what
kind of change?
Previous AnswerPhysical Change
Most solids sink in their
liquid form, but ice floats in
water. Why?
Previous AnswerHydrogen bonding
A miner finds a silver-colored
nugget with a volume of
25mL and a mass of 262.5g.
Is the nugget silver?
(The density of silver is 10.5g/mL)
Previous AnswerYes
Is Sodium a homonuclear
diatomic molecule?