11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA Experiment No. - 8 Name – Gautami Sinha Class Roll - CSE2019/001 University Roll-11700119099 Subject Code: PCC-CS393 IT Workshop Lab (Python-3) SOURCE CODE: #1)Write a python program to make a list of cubes. n = int(input("Enter number till which you want cube: ")) cubes = [] for i in range (n+1): cubes.append(i**3) print("The cubes are as follows: ", cubes) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #2) Write a python program to find cubes of a list using list comprehension. print([(x,y) for x in [10,20,30,40] for y in [40,30,20,10] if x!=y]) print() OUTPUT: CSE2019/001 11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA CSE2019/001 SOURCE CODE: #3) Write a python program to combine and print elements of two list using list comprehension. list1 = [10,20,30,40] list2 = [50,60,70,80] print([(x,y) for x in list1 for y in list2]) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #4) Write a python program to find the sum and mean of elements in a list. list4 = [1,2,3,4,5,6] sum = 0 for i in list4: sum+=i mean = float(sum/float(len(list4))) print("Sum: ", sum) print("Mean: ", mean) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #5) Write a python program to illustrate the use of enumerate() to print an individual item and its index in the list. 11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA CSE2019/001 list5=[10,20,30,40,50] for index,i in enumerate(list5): print(i,"is at index ",index) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #6) Write a python program to print the elements in the list using an iterator. list6 = [10,20,30,40,50] it=iter(list6) for i in range(len(list6)): print("Element at index",i,"is :",next(it)) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #7) Write a python program to create a list of numbers divisible by 2 or 4 using filter() function. def check(x): if(x%2==0 or x%4==0): return 1 evens=list(filter(check,range(4,25))) print(evens) print() 11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA CSE2019/001 OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #8) Write a python program that adds 2 to every value in the list using map() function . def add(n): return n+2 n = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] print("Original list: ",n) added = map(add, n) print("New list: ",list(added)) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #9) Write a python program to pass more than one sequence to the map() function. def add(a,b): return a+b list9_1 = [1,2,3,4,5] list9_2 = [6,7,8,9,10] print("Original lists are: ",list9_1," and ",list9_2) added = map(add,list9_1,list9_2) print("Added list is: ", list(added)) print() OUTPUT: 11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA CSE2019/001 SOURCE CODE: #10) Write a python program to calculate the sum of values in a list using the reduce function(). import functools num_list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] print("Sum of values in list= ") print(functools.reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,num_list)) print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #11) Write a program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS. Check whether a country member of BRICS or not. members = ["brazil", "russia", "india", "china", "south africa"] country = input("Name the country: ") if country.lower() in members: print(country,"is a member of BRICS") else: print(country,"is not a member of BRICS") print() OUTPUT: SOURCE CODE: #12) Write a program that creates a list of words by combining the words in two individual lists. word1= ["sing", "sketch", "push"] word2 = ["ing"] 11700119099 GAUTAMI SINHA print("The words are: ", [(a+b) for a in word1 for b in word2]) print() CSE2019/001