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Landslides & Slope Instability: Engineering Geology Presentation

Landslides and slope instability
EARS5020 Advanced Engineering
EARS5020 Advanced Engineering
What is a landslide
• Landslide: refers to the downward sliding of huge.
which occur along steep slopes of hills or mountains
and may be sudden or slow.ass
• Landslides are the physical expression of a group of
processes which fall under the term of “mass
• the principal driving force for landslides is gravity
and movement in down and outward.
• landslides must have clearly defined boundaries
involving only a limited portion of the hillslope.
Landslide boundaries will occur at the top, bottom,
sides and the base.
EARS5020 Advanced Engineering
Landslides defined….
• Movement of a landslide must be moderately
rapid and excludes creep.
• Frozen ground phenomena are excluded.
• Movement can include falling, bouncing, sliding
or flow.
• Movement can include soil or rock or some
combination of the two
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Why do landslides happen ?
• Landslides occur when the stresses acting on a slope
exceed the strength of the materials forming the
• forces along potential rupture surfaces exceed the
forces resisting movement (i.e., cohesion, frictional)
• Landslides can occur due to endogenic or exogenic
• while the principal force involved in movement is
gravity landslides can be triggered by other events
• common landslide triggering events are excessive
rainfall, earthquakes and man.
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Functional Relationships
Relationships between driving force (weight) & resistance force (R)
Resisting force (R) is proportional to
shear strength of material (S)
The main driving force is the
Where shear strength or resistance (S) downslope component of the
S = C + (sn -u) tan f
weight (force) of the material
The factors in S are:
above the potential slip plane
= W sin q
u = fluid pressure (pore water pressure)
tan f = coefficient of internal friction
f = angle of internal friction (frict. resist.)
sn = normal stress (i.e., normal to surface
or plane of discontinuity
C = cohesion of material
----------------------------------------C and f depend on material type
C, f, and u vary with water content
=Weight of material (above plane)
q= angle of the plane
(from horizontal)
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Slope Stability
• Forces on Slopes
– Driving forces--tend
to move material
down slope
Potential slip plane
• Weight of material
(includes water)*
• Vegetation
D = W sin A = driving force
• Fill material
the downslope component of
• Building loads
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Slope Stability
• Forces on Slopes
– Resisting forces--forces that
tend to resist movement
• Shear strength
Potential slip plane
N = W cos A = the normal component of W
contributes to the shear strength along the slip plane
contributes to the resisting force.
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Some Implications, Relationships
• The steeper the angle of inclination from horizontal,
the larger the shear stress
• Decreases in S  less strength, i.e., less force is
required to cause a rupture
• C and q have different values for:
– different types of soil or rock materials
– dry materials vs. wet materials
• Angles of frictional resistence (q) of dry rock
materials vary from q >40o for some igneous rocks,
to q = 10o-20o for clay.
• For materials like soil and clay-rich rocks, q can be
smaller by a factor of 2 for saturated conditions
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Factors Resulting in Decreased Slope
• Increased pore pressure (affects sn); e.g.,
Storms, fluctuating groundwater
• Increased water content (reduces C, q)
• Steepening of slopes (affects sn)
• Loading of slopes (affects sn)
• Earthquake shaking (reduces C, q)
• Removal of material from the base of slopes
(Directly reduces S)
– Rivers, waves, man
• Changes in vegetation
• Change in chemical composition of pore
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Classification Schemes
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Classification of landslides (after
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Varnes, Geology
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Landslide classification
Landslides can be classified on the basis of:
• Type of movement
• rate of movement
• age of movement
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Landslide classification - material and movement type (Varnes, 1978)
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• Falls are abrupt movements of masses of geologic materials,
such as rocks and boulders, that become detached from steep
slopes or cliffs.
• Separation occurs along discontinuities such as fractures, joints,
and bedding planes.
• movement occurs by free-fall, bouncing, and rolling.
• Falls are strongly influenced by gravity, mechanical weathering,
and the presence of interstitial water.
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• Toppling failures are distinguished by the forward
rotation of a unit or units about some pivotal point,
below or low in the unit, under the actions of gravity
and forces exerted by adjacent units or by fluids in
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Can be true ‘falls’ or can be ‘topples’ depending on the size
and orientation of the joint blocks (images courtesy of Eddie
Bromhead and Oldrich Hungr)
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Left: Block topple at the
crown of the Stambach
Landslide, Austria.
Below: flexural toppling
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Problematic landslides…
are they rock or are
they ‘debris’ ?
Left: a ‘disrupted’
rockslide in Taroko
Gorge, Taiwan.
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Rotational and Translational
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Rotational slide
• This is a slide in which the surface of rupture is curved
concavely upward and the slide movement is roughly rotational
about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface and
transverse across the slide.
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Translational slide
• the landslide mass moves along a roughly planar surface with
little rotation or backward tilting.
• A block slide is a translational slide in which the moving mass
consists of a single unit or a few closely related units that move
downslope as a relatively coherent mass
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Landslide classification - material and movement type (Varnes, 1978)
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The Vaiont landslide - large rock slide on a planar discontinuity
(photo courtesy of Eddie Bromhead)
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The Vaiont Dam Disaster
• Date: October 9, 1963
• Casualties: c. 2000 deaths and the towns of Longarone
and Villanova in the Piave Valley were destroyed.
• Background: The Vaiont Dam was constructed in a high
valley in the Italian Alps Piave River in 1959-1960 and was
266 meters tall, making it the world’s second highest dam.
• Geology: Limestones of Cretaceous age with strong rock
materials and a good-very good quality rock mass. There
was evidence of unloading fractures parallel to the valley
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• Sequence of events: As the reservoir began to reach its
planned level a large tension crack opened, up to 300 m
wide and 1.5 m high.
• Heavy rainfall led to reactivation of initial movement.
Rapid drawdown of the water level in an attempt to control
the landslide, which was moving at rates of up to 0.4m per
day failed. The last measurements on the 9th of October
indicated a rate of 80 cm per day over a large area.
• On October 9 at about 10:15 pm the landslide
accelerated. A large block 2 km long, 1.5 km wide, and
several hundred meters thick slipped (2.7x108m3) down the
mountainside into the reservoir. The resultant wave
overtopped the reservoir by 70m flooding the towns below
(Villanova, Longarone and Casso).
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Geological cross section of the Vaiont Landslide
(reproduced from Herndon and Patton, 1985).
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• A large number of two-dimensional limit equilibrium
analyses using methods of slices were performed after
the failure by various investigators.
• The friction angles required for stability back-calculated
from these analyses range from f = 17.5° to f = 28°.
However, strength test data on the clay material along
the failure surface show friction angles ranging from 5°
to 16°, with an average value c. 12° (Hendron and
Patton, 1985).
• On the basis of these values the slope should not have
been stable prior to impounding the reservoir.
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Left: the Vaiont dam
Below: the Piave Valley
before the disaster
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The Piave valley:
after the landslide
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Damage to a car park in Lyme Regis by a shallow rotational slide
(note the stem bends in the trees and the ‘toe’ heave.
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Left: a translational landslide
affecting a motorway near the
town of Calitri in Southern Italy.
Note the road section to the right
of the photograph which shows no
back-tilted rotation indicating that
the landslide is translational (i.e.
a planar shear surface) and not a
rotational slide (i.e. a circular
shear surface).
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Flow slides
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Types of flow
There are five basic categories of flows that differ
from one another in fundamental ways.
• Debris flow
• Debris avalanche
• Earthflow
• Mudflow
• Creep
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Debris flow
• A debris flow is a form of rapid mass movement in which a combination of
loose soil, rock, organic matter, air, and water mobilize as a slurry that flows
• Debris flows include <50% fines.
• Debris flows are commonly caused by intense surface-water flow, due to
heavy precipitation or rapid snowmelt, that erodes and mobilizes loose soil
or rock on steep slopes.
• Debris flows also commonly mobilize from other types of landslides that
occur on steep slopes, are nearly saturated, and consist of a large
proportion of silt- and sand-sized material.
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Debris avalanche
• This is a variety of very rapid to extremely rapid debris flow.
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• Earthflows have a characteristic "hourglass" shape.
• The slope material liquefies and runs out, forming a bowl or
depression at the head.
• The flow itself is elongate and usually occurs in fine-grained
materials or clay-bearing rocks on moderate slopes and under
saturated conditions.
• However, dry flows of granular material are also possible.
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• A mudflow is an earthflow consisting of material that is wet
enough to flow rapidly and that contains at least 50 percent
sand-, silt-, and clay-sized particles.
• In some instances, for example in many newspaper reports,
mudflows and debris flows are commonly referred to as
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• Creep is the imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement of
slope-forming soil or rock.
• Movement is caused by shear stress sufficient to produce permanent
deformation, but too small to produce shear failure.
• There are generally three types of creep
(1) seasonal, where movement is within the depth of soil affected by
seasonal changes in soil moisture and soil temperature.
(2) continuous, where shear stress continuously exceeds the
strength of the material
(3) progressive, where slopes are reaching the point of failure as
other types of mass movements. Creep is indicated by curved tree
trunks, bent fences or retaining walls, tilted poles or fences, and
small soil ripples or ridges
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Landslide classification - material and movement type (Varnes, 1978)
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Above: a false colour infra red image of the Black
Ven landslide complex from April 1994. The blue
colours indicate clay rich Liassic rocks, the greenbrown colours indicate water-rich landslide debris.
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