Soil pollution Abstract : Soil pollution has increased over the last decades and may pose a risk for human and ecological health. the main causes of soil pollution are associated with human activities, resulting in the accumulation of containments in soils that may reach levels of concern. world soil day was Estabilished in 2002 by the international union of soil sciences to celebrate the importance of soil and its vital contributions to human health and safety .on….. Soil pollution is defined as the presence of poisonous chemicals in the soil. Illegal dumping is the major reason for soil pollution which affects the quality of the soil and the health of people living on it. soil pollution also spreads to polluted water that absorbs by the soil. Scientific studies and Evideances have shown the direct effects of pollution. Ecological warriors have come up with a chain of environment friendly solutions. it is a state of emergency to control the decontamination in soil, air and water. soil reamadiation is the best procedure to control impurities in soil or to remove impurities from soil .