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Cyber Law & Ethics in UAE: Social Media, Cloud, AI

CSF3003 – Cyber
Law and Ethics
• Student Signature: Afra Jassem Alteneiji/ h00387494
• Student Signature: Asma Aaref Alteneiji/ h00374014
• Student Signature: Aaesha Abdullah Alteneiji/ h00360168
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Five rules for social media in UAE
• Social media users in UAE
• Impact of social media on Cloud computing services and data privacy misconduct in UAE
• Impact of social media on Cloud computing services and data privacy misconduct in UAE
• Impact of social media on AI/Machine Learning and data privacy misconduct in UAE
• Social Media Rules & Cybercrime Law in the UAE
• Conclusion
• In this modern era, social media plays a vital role in grooming and
providing awareness among public free of cost. Initially there was not
any specific rules and ethics being announced by all social media
• The UAE security and law enforcement agencies and authorities have
been critically monitoring their resident’s Social media traffic 24/7.
Serious offense and fine with imprisonment to anyone who commits
Five rules in UAE to use social media
• Moreover, in UAE, if anyone is using social media must be vigilant about rules,
laws and regulations about social media usage. There are five rules discussed
by the competent approving authority.
• That without permission do not post anyone picture on any social media.
According to article 21 you will be punished with imprisonment for 6 months
and a fine of AED 150,000.
Five rules in UAE to use social media
• Respect for other citizens privacy and confidentiality, if someone discloses any
such critical info, he will be charged temporary imprisonment with fine of
250,000 AED.
• One must avoid spreading rumours and gossips about UAE. Offense will be in
terms of defamation of UAE citizen or invading someone privacy.
• Don’t use any online illegal channel and don’t post any hated article about
Social Media Users
in UAE
• This image illustrates the number of social
media users in the UAE, and indicates that
YouTube is the most used program, as the
number of users reached 8.65 million.
Impact of social media on Cloud computing services and data privacy misconduct in
• Big data refers to learn data combination
from different legitimate sources and after
critically evaluating the pattern analysis
provides market a trend to do business.
• Social media is using this technique to work
on digital marketing and fetching users
likes, dislikes, check-in etc. and with such
information advise the companies to follow
specific strategy to launch deals and
promotions accordingly.
• Social media analytics comprises of
behaviour of its users on internet not only
on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
Impact of social media on Cloud computing services and data privacy misconduct in
• There is no specific rule for data protection
at UAE which is applicably to any social
media etc.
In an article 31 of constitution at UAE it
clearly states that, citizens and residents of
UAE have freedom of rights to post
anything related to them only.
• No one can post any stuff which is not legal
and allowed.
• UAE has strict data protection laws for
posting and sharing private or intellectual
property of someone over social media.
Impact of social media on Cloud computing
services and data privacy misconduct in UAE
Cloud computing is also one of
the emerging technologies
used to provide remote access
to all computing services over
Firstly, we will indicate the
risks involved, which is cloud
services could be trustworthy
services and relationship
among its users and clients.
All social media services are
using the cloud services where
the data is stored in virtual
No law/act has been made yet
to UAE residents, but there is
a trust among all service
providers with prescriptive
legislative framework which is
helping them with a financially
advantageous service
UAE doesn’t have any official
standards for provision of
cloud computing services.
Impact of social media on AI/Machine
Learning and data privacy misconduct in
Machine learning with artificial intelligence
plays a pivotal role in deploying the latest
emerging trained at UAE to help and enjoy
the international standard at UAE.
Information retrieval on social media thru
web semantics for emotional intelligence
have earned very huge targets of getting
data sets with small clicks.
UAE has also faced such legal issues as
they were yet to accept new technology with
its implication on their citizens .
The law agencies of UAE dealing with
discrimination and hatred would also use
Artificial intelligence which helps in short
listing or selecting the right candidate.
Social Media Rules &
Cybercrime Law in the UAE
UAE is among country where cyber laws for
social media are followed and being
implemented in true letter and spirit.
UAE residents who uses social media and
internet have been advised to stay vigilant in
their use.
Avoid posting unsolicited pictures of any
celebrity without asking permission.
If you do so an imprisonment of a month with
AED 150,000 to 500,000 fine.
The authorities have also highlighted and put
special light on the avoid posting some individual
or company confidential information publicly
without asking permission will be penalized
heavily with fine and imprisonment.
New standard of Information Security in the UAE
• UAE is enriched with foreign and local investment and opportunities across UAE.
This has increased the chances of vulnerabilities and UAE residents prone to more unsecure environment.
• UAE already had multiple times attacks on its public and private intellectual property.
• This has increased the requirement for proper cyber law and act for UAE residents.
• More often, more than half of population of UAE residents had been affected by cyber bullying and social media espionage
till date.
• UAE residents have been informed through social media a about awareness on all such current attacks over the globe.
• There had been acts and rules for NESA, still there is a roam for improvement and cyber security agencies urged to provide
latest and emerging solutions for all current cyber threats at earliest possible after testing.