Uploaded by Lance Guillo Hernandez

Composting & Waste Segregation Webinar Summary

With the primary objective to strengthen and improve the composting system and the
segregation of waste in every LGU, DOST launched the second serving of their webinar
series entitled “Techsilog”, that focused on promoting their technologies used for composting
wastes such as the DOSTITDI Composting and Plastic Densifier. The discussion was
emphasized on three categories specifically the different kinds of composting technologies,
plastic densifier and all about the DOST-ITDI on how it helps in producing this promising
technology. The discussion started with presenting the RA 9003 or commonly known as the
Ecological Solid Waste Management. It scrutinized on the section 21 stipulating the
necessity to segregate waste at source and section 22 which specifies on the need to label
each waste container. This lead to the introduction of the three composting technologies that
ITDI offers which are the bioreactor which generate a large volume of waste coming from the
municipal or LGU, dual-drum composter that can be utilized in barangays, schools,
universities, canteen and small farms and the household tumbling composter intended for
home composting.
For the bioreactor composting technology, schematic diagram were presented by
explaining on how would composting run by starting on the feeding of organic waste on the
vessel, then the preparation to in-vessel composting, curing process for the maturity of the
discharged compost, screening for final output and the packaging portion. In addition, the
compost mixture also discussed with a ratio of 1 part of dry waste (agricultural waste) and 2
parts of wet waste (kitchen waste, leftover food). To become richer in nutrient, they also
included nitrogen rich waste such as manure. For the amount of mixture it can have an input
ranging from 500-1000 kg per drum. Also, they included the conditions where in compost is
mature and ready to use when temperature has dropped to 33-35 deg C or approximately
ambient for several days, Pile has shrunk about 1/3 to its original volume, Different
materials in substrate are no longer recognizable and colour turned from dark brown to
black. The needed materials in composting operation and layout of a composting facility
were also identified.
Moreover, the dual drum composter is also highlighted where in it has the same
mechanism and process involved in the bioreactor; the main difference is that dual drum is a
small scale motorized composter with only a 50 kg per drum feeding capacity and it has
operation hours of 6-8 hours unlike from the bioreactor that it is a continuous process. For
the initial mixture, it contains 1 part dry waste, 2 part wet waste and 2 parts inoculant. In
terms of site requirement, this include the covered area, has electrical supply and water
supply and it needed manpower to operate this technology. Last is the household tumbling
composter designed for the daily loading of kitchen waste. It complies with the RA 9003 to
segregate waste and source, to compost biodegradable waste and ability to do not attract
pests and house pets. Materials and procedure for household composting and site
requirement for household tumbling composter were likewise detailed out. At the end of his
discussion, he presented the accredited fabricators and fabrication cost of the Dual-drum
and Household Tumbling Composters.
The next discussion focused on the Plastic Densifier which starts the presentation
with the introduction on how plastic pollute the environment and its harmful effects to human
itself. It categorized to the different Plastic Resin Identification code like polyethylene
terephthalate (PETE), polystyrene and the polyvinyl chloride. To address this plastic
problem, ITDI develop a technology which is the Plastic Densifier that has features including
Steel casserole with cover, double jacketed body with a melting capacity of 50 kg, Motorized
blunger for homogenous mixing, Cylindrical steel downspout to facilitate the discharge of
melted plastic, Exhaust or chimney to absorb smoke emission, temperature recorder
measures the melting temperature, LPG feed with three line burner and a portable unit. It
undergoes preparation of plastic waste such as segregation, shredding and grinding. Then it
will directly go through the melting process where it preheat furnace and pouring of used
cooking oil for temperature of 100-150 deg C. Afterwards, the resulting molten waste
products is easily moulded by casting into the metal moulds then let it cool. The final
product displayed potential uses for table tops, blocks for pathways, planters, boards and
In connection with statement above, electric densifier was also covered since using
styro densifier needs to used oil along the process and right now, there were shortage in
terms of oil production that is why it is introduced which do not requires oil and it can save a
lot. It is design for polyethylene plastic bags with 4 kg PE plastic bags/ day capacity and has
the ability to develop alternative products from the melted plastic wastes. For basic
components it has AC motor, hopper, barrel and screw, heater and die. The last portion of
the seminar centered on the ITDI Technology Transfer mechanism. It explained how the
mechanism transpires which starts with sending of letter of intent where the client signifies
interest in adopting ITDI technology. Series of activities which comprised of consultative
meetings, technology needs assessment, drafting of agreement, conduct of fairness opinion
review were also discussed up to the technology transfer implementation. It also
demonstrated the classification of ITDI technologies which include for commercialization, for
pre-commercialization, for extension, for public good, and for further research and
development. Overall, the seminar highlighted the emerging technology on how it would
resolve waste and address other environmental concerns.