Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 Issue 1 July 2018 © 2013-2018, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notice While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Documentation disclaimer “Documentation” means information published in varying mediums which may include product information, operating instructions and performance specifications that are generally made available to users of products. Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of Documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by or on the express behalf of Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User. Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites referenced within this site or Documentation provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages. Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product while under warranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support website: getGenericDetails?detailId=C20091120112456651010 under the link “Warranty & Product Lifecycle” or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Please note that if You acquired the product(s) from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United States and Canada, the warranty is provided to You by said Avaya Channel Partner and not by Avaya. “Hosted Service” means an Avaya hosted service subscription that You acquire from either Avaya or an authorized Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) and which is described further in Hosted SAS or other service description documentation regarding the applicable hosted service. If You purchase a Hosted Service subscription, the foregoing limited warranty may not apply but You may be entitled to support services in connection with the Hosted Service as described further in your service description documents for the applicable Hosted Service. Contact Avaya or Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) for more information. Hosted Service THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ONLY IF YOU PURCHASE AN AVAYA HOSTED SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION FROM AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE), THE TERMS OF USE FOR HOSTED SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTPS://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO UNDER THE LINK “Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services” OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, AND ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO ACCESSES OR USES THE HOSTED SERVICE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE HOSTED SERVICE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE DOING SO (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY TO THESE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, YOU MUST NOT ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED SERVICE OR AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED SERVICE. Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTPS://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO, UNDER THE LINK “AVAYA SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS (Avaya Products)” OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOES NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS OBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA AFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU AND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE (“AVAYA”). Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license types described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the applicable license will be a Designated System License. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or other materials available to You. “Software” means computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, patches, bug fixes, or modified versions thereto. “Designated Processor” means a single stand-alone computing device. “Server” means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users. “Instance” means a single copy of the Software executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or similar deployment. License types Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose. Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers, so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using the Software at any given time. A “Unit” means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server or an Instance of the Software. Heritage Nortel Software “Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December 2009. The Heritage Nortel Software is the software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located at under the link “Heritage Nortel Products” or such successor site as designated by Avaya. For Heritage Nortel Software, Avaya grants Customer a license to use Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of the authorized activation or authorized usage level, solely for the purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in, for execution on, or for communication with Avaya equipment. Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice. INDEPENDENTLY OBTAIN ANY APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENTS, AT THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S EXPENSE, DIRECTLY FROM THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER. Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service, or hardware provided by Avaya. 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WITH RESPECT TO CODECS, IF THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS HOSTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT USE OR EMBED THE G.729 CODEC, H.264 CODEC, OR H.265 CODEC, THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL RELATED FEES AND/OR ROYALTIES. THE G.729 CODEC IS LICENSED BY SIPRO LAB TELECOM INC. SEE WWW.SIPRO.COM/CONTACT.HTML. THE H.264 (AVC) CODEC IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO: (I) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND/OR (II) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR H.264 (AVC) AND H.265 (HEVC) CODECS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE HTTP:// WWW.MPEGLA.COM. Virtualization Compliance with Laws The following applies if the product is deployed on a virtual machine. Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Note that each Instance of a product must be separately licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user customer or Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two Instances of the same type of products, then two products of that type must be ordered. You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to laws and regulations related to call recording, data privacy, intellectual property, trade secret, fraud, and music performance rights, in the country or territory where the Avaya product is used. Copyright Third Party Components “Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software (“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the products, Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: https:// or such successor site as designated by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting You, such as modification and distribution of the open source software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party Terms. The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with the product. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM. Service Provider THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. THE PRODUCT OR HOSTED SERVICE MAY USE THIRD PARTY COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO THIRD PARTY TERMS AND REQUIRE A SERVICE PROVIDER TO BE INDEPENDENTLY LICENSED DIRECTLY FROM THE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER. AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER’S HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AVAYA AND IF THOSE HOSTED PRODUCTS USE OR EMBED CERTAIN THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MICROSOFT SOFTWARE OR CODECS, THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS REQUIRED TO Preventing Toll Fraud “Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. Avaya Toll Fraud intervention If You suspect that You are being victimized by Toll Fraud and You need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Support website: or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Security Vulnerabilities Information about Avaya’s security support policies can be found in the Security Policies and Support section of https:// Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the Avaya Product Security Support Flow (https:// Downloading Documentation For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya Support website:, or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Contact Avaya Support See the Avaya Support website: for product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem with your Avaya product or Hosted Service. For a list of support telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support website: (or such successor site as designated by Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya Support. Trademarks The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s), and product(s) provided by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its affiliates, its licensors, its suppliers, or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing contained in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s) and product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party. Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc. All non-Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Contents Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................................................... 17 Purpose................................................................................................................................ 17 Document changes since last issue........................................................................................ 17 Chapter 2: Overview............................................................................................................... 18 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 18 New in Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2.......................................................................... 18 Configuring TLS and high ciphers for dialer............................................................................. 20 TLS in Proactive Contact 5.2 and backward compatibility......................................................... 21 Chapter 2: Features................................................................................................................ 24 Support for Common Server 3 for fresh installations................................................................. 24 Support for TLS 1.0 and High Ciphers..................................................................................... 24 Shadow jobs in preview mode................................................................................................ 24 Support for an external syslog server for logging...................................................................... 24 Manual Dialing...................................................................................................................... 25 Java, WebLM, and Tomcat upgrades...................................................................................... 25 Log customization................................................................................................................. 25 Microsoft Windows versions supported................................................................................... 25 Chapter 3: Interoperability..................................................................................................... 26 Product compatibility.............................................................................................................. 26 Chapter 4: Deployment options............................................................................................. 27 Proactive Contact system....................................................................................................... 27 Proactive Contact stand-alone system.............................................................................. 28 Proactive Contact with PG230RM........................................................................................... 28 Proactive Contact with PG230RM..................................................................................... 29 Proactive Contact with CTI..................................................................................................... 30 Proactive Contact with CTI diagram.................................................................................. 31 Deployment options features.................................................................................................. 33 Features supported through Avaya PBX............................................................................ 33 Supported features with differences for CTI....................................................................... 34 Proactive Contact with CTI or PG230RM pods......................................................................... 36 PG230RM and CTI pods.................................................................................................. 37 Proactive Contact in non-telephony mode............................................................................... 38 Converting a dialer into non-telephony mode........................................................................... 38 Manual dialing in telephony mode........................................................................................... 39 Manual dialing configurations for telephony mode.................................................................... 40 Chapter 5: Preinstallation preparation.................................................................................. 41 Performing a site inspection................................................................................................... 41 Agent workstation requirements.............................................................................................. 42 Supervisor workstation requirements...................................................................................... 43 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 5 Contents Proactive Contact software architecture.................................................................................. 44 Telephony requirements (CTI option)...................................................................................... 45 Avaya PBXs and equipment supported............................................................................. 46 PBX hardware options..................................................................................................... 46 CTI software supported.................................................................................................... 47 PBX features / options required for Proactive Contact ....................................................... 47 Chapter 6: Licensing.............................................................................................................. 50 PLDS overview..................................................................................................................... 50 Activating license entitlements................................................................................................ 50 Searching for license entitlements.......................................................................................... 52 Moving activated license entitlements..................................................................................... 53 Regenerating a license file..................................................................................................... 55 Downloading software from PLDS.......................................................................................... 56 Chapter 7: Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact................................. 57 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 57 Servers and clients................................................................................................................ 58 Implementation..................................................................................................................... 59 Standalone Dialer............................................................................................................ 59 POD Dialers.................................................................................................................... 59 Oracle Database............................................................................................................. 60 Internet Monitor............................................................................................................... 62 CORBA Binaries............................................................................................................. 63 Supervisor...................................................................................................................... 65 EventSDK....................................................................................................................... 67 Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI........................................................................................ 68 List of certificates and configuration files................................................................................. 71 List of certificates on the dialer......................................................................................... 71 List of certificates on the supervisor workstation................................................................. 71 List of certificates on the agent workstation........................................................................ 72 Commands........................................................................................................................... 72 Combining CAs............................................................................................................... 72 Importing certificates into the Windows Certificate Store..................................................... 73 Importing certificates into the Jacorb store......................................................................... 74 Other commands............................................................................................................. 75 Chapter 8: Supported servers............................................................................................... 76 Servers supported by Proactive Contact releases.................................................................... 76 Server installation.................................................................................................................. 76 Hardware requirements for HP DL 360 G9 server.................................................................... 77 Downloading HP documentation............................................................................................. 77 Standard server specifications................................................................................................ 78 Chapter 9: Hardware............................................................................................................... 80 Avaya-provided equipment..................................................................................................... 80 Customer-provided equipment................................................................................................ 80 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 6 Contents Clearance requirements......................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 10: RAID overview and configuration..................................................................... 82 Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)....................................................................... 82 Obtaining HP DL360 G9 RAID Configuration tool..................................................................... 82 Configuring RAID on Proactive Contact servers....................................................................... 83 Chapter 11: Mondo Backup and Restore.............................................................................. 84 Mondo Backup...................................................................................................................... 84 Creating a Mondo backup...................................................................................................... 84 Restoring a Mondo backup..................................................................................................... 85 Restoring from rebootable DVD back up ........................................................................... 85 Restoring from tape......................................................................................................... 86 Restoring from rebootable DVD back up ................................................................................. 87 Chapter 12: Install server operating system........................................................................ 89 Verifying platform characteristics and software media............................................................... 89 Installing operating system .................................................................................................... 89 Chapter 13: Proactive Contact installation........................................................................... 91 Verifying the installation environment...................................................................................... 91 Configuring the system for a fresh installation.......................................................................... 92 Installing Proactive Contact.................................................................................................... 92 Starting the Dialer processes.................................................................................................. 93 Changing the boot order for installing Proactive Contact by using a USB................................... 93 Post Dialer installation procedure for fresh installation.............................................................. 94 Uninstalling Proactive Contact ............................................................................................... 95 Enhanced password support.................................................................................................. 95 Change the default password................................................................................................. 96 Chapter 14: Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2).................... 98 About the QDTC Card........................................................................................................... 98 Using QDTC2 card with PG230RM................................................................................... 98 Types of digital transmission standards............................................................................. 99 Card upgrades with QDTC2............................................................................................. 99 Hot plug-in.................................................................................................................... 100 Card indicators.............................................................................................................. 100 Advantages of using QDTC2................................................................................................ 101 Configuring the QDTC2 Card............................................................................................... 101 Adding a card in the PG230RM...................................................................................... 101 Activating the card......................................................................................................... 103 Changing the state of the card to Out Of Service.............................................................. 104 Deleting a card from the PG230RM................................................................................ 105 Parameter Description and Default Parameters for QDTC2 emulated cards............................. 106 Description of various card parameters........................................................................... 106 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card...................................................................................... 111 Parameters for QUAD E1............................................................................................... 111 Parameters for QUAD E1 PRI......................................................................................... 112 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 7 Contents Parameters for QUAD E1 DSS....................................................................................... 113 Parameters for QUAD T1............................................................................................... 114 Parameters for QUAD T1 PRI......................................................................................... 116 Chapter 15: Switch configuration........................................................................................ 118 Establishing audio headset links........................................................................................... 118 Configuring port assignments............................................................................................... 119 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI.............................................. 122 Configuring a CTI link for Proactive Contact .................................................................... 122 Configuring Proactive Contact features........................................................................... 123 Configuring special information tones treatment............................................................... 125 Configuring agent stations.............................................................................................. 126 Configuring vectors, VDNs, and wait queue announcements............................................ 127 Configuring automatic route selection for outbound calls................................................... 128 Configuring hunt groups for Agent Blending (optional)...................................................... 128 Configuring agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending (optional)................................... 129 Optional: Configuring vectors and VDNs for Agent Blending............................................. 129 Configuring phantom numbers and reason codes for Agent Blending (optional).................. 130 Configuring double-digit reason codes............................................................................ 131 Configuring CTI link for double-digit reason codes............................................................ 131 Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server.................................................... 132 Configuring SSL on a UAC enabled system..................................................................... 133 Changing mid-tier configuration of Supervisor workstation on a UAC enabled system......... 135 Configuring SIPREC............................................................................................................ 135 Deploying trusted certificates................................................................................................ 137 ® Exporting trusted CA certificate for Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services 7.0.............. 137 Requirements for configuring a CTI deployment..................................................................... 138 Vector example, VDN 891.................................................................................................... 138 Vector example, VDN 4986.................................................................................................. 139 Vector example, VDN 8901.................................................................................................. 140 Configure server for CTI....................................................................................................... 141 Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for outbound........................................................ 141 Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for Agent Blending............................................... 146 Configuring primary system............................................................................................ 149 Configuring the secondary system.................................................................................. 150 Configure pod environment.................................................................................................. 151 Configuring servers in a pod........................................................................................... 151 Pod list sharing............................................................................................................. 151 Chapter 16: Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending.................................. 155 Agent Blending and Communication Manager....................................................................... 155 Communication Manager and Agent Blending................................................................. 155 Setting up Communication Manager configuration for Agent Blending............................... 156 Agents, calls, and logins for Communication Manager Agent Blending............................... 157 Configuring Communication Manager for Agent Blending................................................. 157 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 8 Contents Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center..................................... 159 ® Agent Blending support for Avaya Aura Contact Center ................................................. 159 ® Avaya Aura Contact Center and Agent Blending............................................................. 161 ® Setting up Avaya Aura Contact Center configuration for Agent Blending........................... 161 Installing Agent Blending................................................................................................ 162 Configuring Agent Blending for Proactive Contact ........................................................... 163 ® Configuring Avaya Aura Contact Center for Agent Blending............................................ 164 ® Agents, calls, and logins for Avaya Aura Contact Center Agent Blending.......................... 166 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending.................................................................................. 167 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending............................................................................ 167 Setting up Aspect CallCenter configuration for Agent Blending.......................................... 167 Configuring Agent Blending groups for Aspect CallCenter................................................ 169 Agents, calls, events and logins for Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending......................... 169 Configuring Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending............................................................ 170 Pinnacle Switch and Agent Blending..................................................................................... 175 PINNACLE 5ESS and Agent Blending............................................................................ 175 Agents, calls, and log ins for PINNACLE 5ESS and Agent Blending.................................. 175 Setting up PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending.............................................................. 176 Configuring PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending............................................................ 177 Rolm 9751 (9005) and Agent Blending.................................................................................. 178 ROLM 9751 CBX (ROLM 9005) and Agent Blending........................................................ 178 ROLM 9005 installation for Agent Blending...................................................................... 178 Setting up ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending...................................................................... 179 Agents, calls, and log ins for ROLM 9005 and Agent Blending.......................................... 180 ROLM 9005 domains for Agent Blending......................................................................... 181 Configuring ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending.................................................................... 183 Verifying hunt group configuration forROLM 9005 Agent Blending..................................... 184 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending................................................................................ 184 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending.......................................................................... 184 Setting up the Spectrum for Agent Blending configuration................................................. 184 Agents, calls, and log ins for Spectrum and Agent Blending.............................................. 185 Spectrum Configuration for Agent Blending..................................................................... 186 Chapter 17: Server environment configuration................................................................. 194 Configure calling lists........................................................................................................... 194 Calling list environment.................................................................................................. 194 Calling list environment component overview................................................................... 194 Creating a calling list...................................................................................................... 197 Editing calling list defaults.............................................................................................. 198 Creating agent keys....................................................................................................... 201 Configuring NFS............................................................................................................ 201 Creating voice messages............................................................................................... 202 listname.dnld file structure.............................................................................................. 204 listname.upld file structure.............................................................................................. 209 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 9 Contents Configure job environment................................................................................................... 212 Creating inbound jobs.................................................................................................... 212 Creating blend jobs........................................................................................................ 213 Creating managed jobs.................................................................................................. 214 Unit Work Lists.............................................................................................................. 214 Configure job files.......................................................................................................... 216 Configure completion codes................................................................................................. 226 Completion codes.......................................................................................................... 226 Completion code catergories.......................................................................................... 227 Adding completion codes............................................................................................... 228 compcode.cfg field descriptions...................................................................................... 228 Completion codes table................................................................................................. 230 Configure reports................................................................................................................ 232 Report parameter descriptions........................................................................................ 232 Configuring reports........................................................................................................ 233 Creating reports............................................................................................................ 234 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones ....................................... 238 Agent keys.................................................................................................................... 238 Setting the currency format............................................................................................ 240 Configuring time zones.................................................................................................. 242 Menu files..................................................................................................................... 249 Command files.............................................................................................................. 253 Removing old database....................................................................................................... 257 Turning off database security at Dialer.................................................................................. 263 Configuring the FTP service................................................................................................. 264 Configuring the Telnet service.............................................................................................. 264 Automating Tomcat startup................................................................................................... 265 Configuring network printer.................................................................................................. 267 Chapter 18: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0........................................................................................................................................... 270 Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration......................................................... 270 Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes......................................................... 271 Difference between Proactive Contact hard dialer and soft dialer integration...................... 273 System components for Avaya Proactive Contact CTI dialer and Avaya IR integration........ 274 Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software......................................................................... 275 Configuring the Avaya Proactive Contact IR integration software....................................... 275 master.cfg..................................................................................................................... 277 inbound.edt .................................................................................................................. 278 outbound.edt ................................................................................................................ 278 Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR ............................................. 279 Configuring the Avaya IR integration software........................................................................ 282 AGENT API REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 283 Initial IR Connections and Administration............................................................................... 283 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 10 Contents Set up IR connections.......................................................................................................... 283 Connect to Avaya IR ........................................................................................................... 284 Disconnect from Avaya IR ................................................................................................... 284 Resetting connection to IR................................................................................................... 285 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response ..................................... 285 Using DoNotCall external function.................................................................................. 287 Using FinishedItem external function............................................................................... 288 Using End_softdisc external function............................................................................... 288 Using Handle_disc external function............................................................................... 289 Using HookflashLine external function............................................................................. 289 Using ListCbackFmt external function............................................................................. 290 Using LogloStart external function.................................................................................. 290 Using LogloStop external function................................................................................... 291 Using MoFlashBlind external function............................................................................. 292 Using ReadField external function.................................................................................. 292 Using ReleaseLine external function............................................................................... 293 Using SendMessage external function............................................................................ 293 Using SetCallback external function................................................................................ 294 Using Set_early_hu external function.............................................................................. 295 Using SetNotifyFld external function............................................................................... 295 Using Set_Softdisc external function............................................................................... 296 Using UpdateField external function................................................................................ 296 System file reference........................................................................................................... 297 System configuration files.............................................................................................. 297 master.cfg..................................................................................................................... 297 Adding new entry to dgswitch.cfg.................................................................................... 298 inbound.edt................................................................................................................... 298 outbound.edt................................................................................................................. 298 and 299 ivr1pool.job................................................................................................................... 299 Using ivr.cmd and ivr.hlp................................................................................................ 299 Using ivr_config.tpl........................................................................................................ 300 ivr_passwd.vl and ivr_services.vl.................................................................................... 301 Other files........................................................................................................................... 301 Binaries.............................................................................................................................. 301 Chapter 19: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ..................................... 303 Overview of Proactive Contact —Avaya IQ integration............................................................ 303 Requirements for Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ ................................................................ 303 Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ synchronization................................................................... 304 Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ Configuration....................................................................... 304 Proactive Contact supported files with Avaya IQ ................................................................... 305 Setting up Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ .......................................................................... 305 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 11 Contents Chapter 20: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center ..................................................................................................................... 307 About Agent Blending.......................................................................................................... 307 ® Overview of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center ............................................ 307 ® Architecture of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center integration.................. 309 ® Differences in Proactive Contact Agent Blending feature for Avaya Aura Contact Center ® MBT and Avaya Aura Contact Center CS 1000 ............................................................. 310 Avaya Aura Contact Center Configurations............................................................................ 311 Configuring hard dialer................................................................................................... 311 Configuring WS open interfaces...................................................................................... 311 Creating users.............................................................................................................. 312 Creating CDN............................................................................................................... 312 Adding Passive RoutepointAddresses............................................................................. 312 Adding RoutePointAddresses and agents in CCT ............................................................ 312 Creating skillset............................................................................................................. 312 Mapping CDN and skillset.............................................................................................. 313 Mapping skills to CDNs.................................................................................................. 314 Changes on the dialer.................................................................................................... 314 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center ............................................. 315 ® Agent Blending support for Avaya Aura Contact Center ................................................. 315 ® Avaya Aura Contact Center and Agent Blending............................................................. 316 ® Setting up Avaya Aura Contact Center configuration for Agent Blending........................... 317 List of configuration files................................................................................................. 317 Configuring Agent Blending for Proactive Contact ........................................................... 320 ® Configuring Avaya Aura Contact Center for Agent Blending............................................ 321 Avaya CS 1000 integration checklist............................................................................... 324 AACC configuration table............................................................................................... 325 Maintenance and Troubleshooting........................................................................................ 326 ® Verifying if Avaya Aura Contact Center and the dialer are synchronized........................... 326 Error codes................................................................................................................... 326 Chapter 21: Client environment configuration................................................................... 329 Configuring Supervisor software........................................................................................... 329 Removing security from database communications................................................................ 329 Configuring agent workstations (network attached)................................................................ 330 Configuring Agent workstation for use with Citrix.................................................................... 330 Configuring agent workstations (terminal server attached)...................................................... 331 Virus scanning software....................................................................................................... 331 Using Windows Firewall....................................................................................................... 332 Enabling enhanced Internet browsing security....................................................................... 332 Sockets.............................................................................................................................. 333 Configuring user groups....................................................................................................... 334 group.pds file................................................................................................................ 335 Adding users....................................................................................................................... 336 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 12 Contents Setting password ageing...................................................................................................... 337 Configuring sftp without a password...................................................................................... 337 Configuring a trusted host for network backup/restore............................................................ 337 Access server..................................................................................................................... 339 Chapter 22: Optional features.............................................................................................. 340 Multitenancy....................................................................................................................... 340 Agent Blending.................................................................................................................... 340 Setting up Agent Blending.............................................................................................. 340 Blending....................................................................................................................... 341 Predictive Agent Blending.............................................................................................. 341 Setting up Predictive Agent Blending.............................................................................. 342 Setting up Average Speed to Answer.............................................................................. 342 ASA domain group parameter values.............................................................................. 343 Setting up Service Level................................................................................................ 344 SL domain group parameter values................................................................................ 344 Proactive Agent Blending............................................................................................... 345 Outbound Agent Blending.............................................................................................. 345 Inbound calling and Agent Blending................................................................................ 346 Blending and ACDs....................................................................................................... 346 Domain Use.................................................................................................................. 346 Configuring Health Manager with Predictive Agent Blending................................................... 350 Enabling cell phone time zone.............................................................................................. 351 Configuring PG230RM for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection.................................................... 352 Configuring a job for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection in Editor application............................... 353 Configuring Opt-out feature on Avaya PG230RM................................................................... 353 Configuring Opt-out feature on Communication Manager ....................................................... 356 Configuring PG230 for Autorelease to Ready Mode for Voicemail........................................... 357 Optional features configuration............................................................................................. 358 Unit Work List job compatibility with infinite lists............................................................... 358 Configuring agent playable messages............................................................................. 359 Testing Infinite Jobs....................................................................................................... 360 Configuring agent session timeout.................................................................................. 361 Configuring ANI outpulse............................................................................................... 361 Configuring the default ANI number for the .edt files in case of a softdialer......................... 362 Configuring the callsel report.......................................................................................... 363 Cruise Control configuration........................................................................................... 363 2016 OFCOM implementation........................................................................................ 367 Configuring international dialing and time zones.............................................................. 368 Configuring letter generation.......................................................................................... 371 Configuring managed dialing.......................................................................................... 372 Configuring Predictive Agent Blend................................................................................. 374 Configuring FCC amendment......................................................................................... 375 Chapter 23: Maintaining and troubleshooting servers...................................................... 381 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 13 Contents General troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 381 Replacing external components............................................................................................ 381 Replacing internal components............................................................................................. 383 Contacting Avaya Services................................................................................................... 386 Chapter 24: SNMP Configuration........................................................................................ 387 Configuration...................................................................................................................... 387 Listing of files and executables............................................................................................. 387 Fetching alarms from the switch - configuring PG230 Alarm Monitor........................................ 388 Configuring port 2051 on the PG230 switch..................................................................... 388 Configuring NetSNMP......................................................................................................... 390 Tests.................................................................................................................................. 390 Generating Traps................................................................................................................ 391 Generating Traps ......................................................................................................... 391 Configuring traps.cfg...................................................................................................... 391 Tests............................................................................................................................ 391 Known issues...................................................................................................................... 392 Chapter 25: Overview of HALDAP....................................................................................... 393 Background........................................................................................................................ 393 Architecture overview.......................................................................................................... 393 LDAP replication................................................................................................................. 394 Overview of the LDAP installation and configuration tools ...................................................... 395 LDAP installation tool........................................................................................................... 395 Install LDAP........................................................................................................................ 395 Turn on/off LDAP authentication .......................................................................................... 396 Test LDAP installation.......................................................................................................... 396 LDAP administration tool...................................................................................................... 396 Add/Delete LDAP Nodes...................................................................................................... 396 Add FTP User..................................................................................................................... 397 Export LDAP db.................................................................................................................. 397 Import LDAP db.................................................................................................................. 397 Display LDAP info............................................................................................................... 398 Start/Stop LDAP service...................................................................................................... 398 Synch FTP User.................................................................................................................. 398 Installing LDAP on all dialers in POD using LDAP scripts........................................................ 398 Configuring HA LDAP on the Primary dialer........................................................................... 401 Configuring HA LDAP on the Secondary dialer...................................................................... 402 Testing High Availability functionality of LDAP........................................................................ 403 Creating third party client users in LDAP .............................................................................. 404 Determining open LDAP version........................................................................................... 405 Performing ldapsearch on the primary dialer.......................................................................... 405 Performing ldapsearch on the secondary dialer ..................................................................... 406 Synchronizing time on the dialers using ntp........................................................................... 406 Deleting local node.............................................................................................................. 406 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 14 Contents Migrating to Proactive Contact 5.2........................................................................................ 407 Post installation................................................................................................................... 407 Verifying whether replication is configured correctly................................................................ 407 Verifying whether replication is working correctly.................................................................... 408 LDAP logs.......................................................................................................................... 408 “Failed to copy the certificate from the node” when adding node........................................ 409 “Server is unwilling to perform (53)” when executing ldap commands................................ 409 Replication does not work.............................................................................................. 409 Deleted accounts do not replicate................................................................................... 410 dialerSM and bridgeSmEnf do not come up/Java process count is incorrect/password expiry related errors seen in logs.................................................................................... 411 Unable to log in to only one of the dialers in POD............................................................. 411 User password expires everyday.................................................................................... 412 Reference material.............................................................................................................. 412 Chapter 26: Enhanced Access Security Gateway............................................................. 413 About Enhanced Access Security Gateway........................................................................... 413 Verifying if EASG tools rpm is installed.................................................................................. 413 Enabling EASG to service accounts...................................................................................... 414 Generating response........................................................................................................... 415 Logging in as an admin user................................................................................................ 415 EASG utilities ..................................................................................................................... 415 EASG log maintenance........................................................................................................ 416 Chapter 27: Dynamic Logging............................................................................................. 417 Logs prior to Avaya Proactive Contact 4.1.2.......................................................................... 417 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2............................................................................................ 417 Overview...................................................................................................................... 417 Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4......................................................................... 418 Syslog-Ng logrotate configuration................................................................................... 421 Setting log levels using logadm...................................................................................... 423 Viewing logs using logcat............................................................................................... 431 Collecting logs using get_logs........................................................................................ 434 Dynamic Logging in Proactive Contact ................................................................................. 435 Log configuration and collection...................................................................................... 435 Specifying the properties of the logs to be collected......................................................... 436 Collecting system information......................................................................................... 437 Setting the debug level.................................................................................................. 438 Disabling Dynamic Logging.................................................................................................. 439 Exceptions.......................................................................................................................... 440 Known issues...................................................................................................................... 440 Syslog server configuration.................................................................................................. 441 Configuring the remote logging server............................................................................. 441 Configuring the remote logging client.............................................................................. 442 Disabling remote logging................................................................................................ 443 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 15 Contents Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................. 444 Not getting any logs....................................................................................................... 444 Sudden syslog-ng shutdown.......................................................................................... 444 Logs with time out of sequence...................................................................................... 444 Binary dumps core........................................................................................................ 444 Listing of all related files....................................................................................................... 445 Logs............................................................................................................................. 445 logadm file.................................................................................................................... 446 logcat file...................................................................................................................... 448 logmsg file.................................................................................................................... 452 init_syslog file............................................................................................................... 453 check_dynlog file........................................................................................................... 453 init_dynlog file............................................................................................................... 453 get_logs file.................................................................................................................. 454 rotate_logs file.............................................................................................................. 455 find_hot_files................................................................................................................. 455 default-dynlog-levels.xml file........................................................................................... 455 proc-list.txt file............................................................................................................... 457 syslog-ng.conf .............................................................................................................. 458 syslog-ng.logrotate.conf................................................................................................. 458 syslog-ng...................................................................................................................... 458 458 Chapter 28: Resources......................................................................................................... 459 Documentation.................................................................................................................... 459 Finding documents on the Avaya Support website........................................................... 459 Training.............................................................................................................................. 460 Viewing Avaya Mentor videos............................................................................................... 460 Support.............................................................................................................................. 461 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 16 Chapter 1: Introduction Purpose This document contains Avaya Proactive Contact installation, configuration, initial administration, and basic maintenance checklist and procedures. This document is intended for people who install and configure a verified Avaya Proactive Contact reference configuration at a customer site, including solution engineers, Avaya Professional Services, and business partners. Document changes since last issue Issue Date Summary of changes 1 June 2015 Initial issue 2 May 2016 Changes for Release 5.1.2 3 August 2017 Updated the following topics to remove incorrect references to System Manager WebLM server: • Activating license entitlements • Moving activated license entitlements 4 July 2018 Major changes for Release 5.2: • Added New in Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2. • Added chapter Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact. • Updated Servers supported by Proactive Contact releases with a column for Release 5.2. • Added topic 2016 OFCOM Implementation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 17 Chapter 2: Overview Overview Avaya Proactive Contact is an enterprise outbound solution software application that consists of software, hardware, and network components. In a Proactive Contact system implementation, a single large system cabinet holds all the system components. It integrates seamlessly with the operations of a call center. New in Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 Support for Avayatized Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 version Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 supports version 6.9 of Avayatized Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Supports Transport Layer Security 1.2 including High Ciphers Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 for connections between the dialer server and the clients including high ciphers. Dialer is configured, by default, to support TLS 1.2. Customers have an option to configure security setting of their choice. To support TLS 1.2, following components are modified: • Agent binary • Listserver • PC Agent • Agent API • Event SDK • Internet Monitor • WebLM • Supervisor TLS 1.2 and SHA-2 certificates are now supported between the dialer server and the Avaya Application Enablement Server (AES). Supports SIP Recording Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 introduces a unique call-id on the ISDN and H.323 trunks when using the PG230 trunks. The function of such an ID is to enable SIP Recording (SIPREC) July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 18 New in Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 recording solutions in cases where PG230 trunks are converted to SIP. The ID provided within the trunks can be correlated with the ID provided by the Event SDK to identify individual calls on the SIP trunks. For more information, see Configuring SIPREC on page 135. Support for custom certificate Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2, introduces deployment of the custom certificate into Proactive Contact system including Dialer, Supervisor, Agent, and Event SDK. Customers can create and install their own certificates into PC system and the certificate may be signed by any third party Certificate authority (CA). Java, WebLM, and Tomcat upgrades Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 upgrades the Java platform on the dialer and supports the following versions of Java, WebLM, and Tomcat: • Azul JDK version 1.8 and JacORB version 3.2 • WebLM version 7.1.0 • Tomcat version 9.0 Secure System Access The Access Security Gateway, effective from Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.1, is a system access challenge and response feature. It is a multi-user, one-time token system that is able to securely generate responses for the challenges posed by administrative and support access from remote systems. The Enhanced Access Security Gateway has been integrated with Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 to further improve remote access security. The Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) has been integrated into the Avaya Proactive Contact system. EASG provides secure authentication and auditing of all remote access into the maintenance ports. Area codes with Time Zone Mapping (U.S and Canada) Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 includes updated area code mapping tables for the United States and Canada. The area code and time zone information is stored in locale.cfg, timezone.cfg, and sttday.cfg files located at /opt/avaya/pds/config directory. Migration from Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.1.x to Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 creates a backup of the original Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2 locale.cfg, timezone.cfg, and sttday.cfg files in /opt/avaya/pds/pc52_orig/pds/config backup directory for migration. Customer's custom files are restored to the /opt/avaya/pds/ config directory. To use the latest area codes from Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.2, refer to the files in /opt/ avaya/pds/pc52_orig directory. Customers must manually update their customized locale.cfg file with the new area codes. If customer does not have any customization and require to use updated area code information, then the locale.cfg, timezone.cfg, and sttday.cfg files can be copied from the backup directory to the active directory. For detailed instructions for migration, see Migrating to Proactive Contact, 5.2, - Release Notes. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 19 Overview Configuring TLS and high ciphers for dialer About this task Use CUI menu to configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) and high ciphers. Procedure 1. Log in to the Proactive Contact Dialer as administrator. 2. Navigate to ADMINISTRATOR MAIN MENU > ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS > Configure SSL/TLS and Ciphers. The system displays the following: ================================================ SSL/TLS configuration ================================================ 0. Exit 1. Configure SSL/TLS 2. Toggle High Ciphers 3. Disable Specific Ciphers Type the number corresponding to the required option in the menu. 3. To configure SSL/TLS, press 1. For example The current setting of Agent connection is CORE_SSL_METHOD:TLSv1.2 0. Exit 1. SSLv23 2. TLSv1 3. TLSv1.1 4. TLSv1.2 Enter TLS Option to set:4 TLSv1.2 set succesfully in Agent, listserver. The current setting of Dialer CORBA Service is SERVICE_SSL_METHOD:TLSv1.2 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Exit SSLv23 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 Enter TLS Option to set:4 TLSv1.2 set succesfully in Dialer CORBA service. 4. To toggle high ciphers, press 2. For example Enter Option:2 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 20 TLS in Proactive Contact 5.2 and backward compatibility High Ciphers are enabled in the current system. Do you want to Disable High Ciphers (Y/N): 5. To disable specific ciphers, press 3 For example Enter Option:3 Currently following ciphers are supported ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384 DHE-DSS-AES256-GCM-SHA384 DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA256 ECDH-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA384 ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384 AES256-GCM-SHA384 AES256-SHA256 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256 DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256 DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256 ECDH-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 ECDH-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 ECDH-RSA-AES128-SHA256 ECDH-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256 AES128-GCM-SHA256 AES128-SHA256 The current setting is !MD5:!RC4:!3DES:!SHA:!IDEA:!SEED:!CAMELLIA Do you want to modify this setting (Y/N): TLS in Proactive Contact 5.2 and backward compatibility Proactive Contact 5.2 Dialer can communicate with the clients using the following communication protocols. The dialer supports TLS 1.2 by default. The security protocol has to be downgraded on the dialer, for the dialer to communicate with clients supporting older TLS version. For detailed steps to configure the security protocols, see Configuring TLS and high ciphers for dialer on page 20. The following table lists the client versions and the communication protocol supported. Dialer Clients (Agent, AgentAPI, Supervisor, EventSDK) Protocol Supported 5.2 5.2 TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSL3 Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 21 Overview Dialer Clients (Agent, AgentAPI, Supervisor, EventSDK) Protocol Supported 5.2 5.1.3 TLSv1, SSLv3 5.2 5.1.2 TLSv1, SSLv3 5.2 5.1.1 TLSv1, SSLv3 Important: • TLS configuration in Dialer is not related to AES communication. • Dialer communication with AES through TSAPI is configured in the AES server. • Dialer can communicate to AES using SSL, TLSv1, and TLSv1.2 depending on the configuration on AES server. Default Setting on Proactive Contact 5.2 Dialer and Clients Proactive Contact 5.2 Clients communicate using the TLS 1.2 protocol. Dialer set to work with older Proactive Contact Clients Proactive Contact 5.2 Clients communicate using the TLS 1.2 protocol. The older clients can communicate with the dialer using the highest supported protocol between them. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 22 TLS in Proactive Contact 5.2 and backward compatibility July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 23 Chapter 2: Features Support for Common Server 3 for fresh installations With HP DL 360 G8 servers going end of sale, Common Server 3 (CSR3), that is, HP DL 360 G9, is the new supported platform for deploying Avaya Proactive Contact. The deployment of Proactive Contact on CSR3 is done only through either customer procured VMWare or through Avaya Virtualized Platform. You can deploy Avaya Proactive Contact 5.1.2 OVA on VMWare ESXi Version 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, or 6.0. Older releases of Proactive Contact are not supported on CSR3. However, you can migrate from any of the current supported hardware running any version of Proactive Contact to CSR3 running Proactive Contact 5.1.2. You can either upgrade on the existing Proactive Contact 5.1.1 server or install PC 5.1.1 using CSR3 and virtualized platform, and then upgrade to PC 5.1.2. Support for TLS 1.0 and High Ciphers From Release 5.1.2, Avaya Proactive Contact supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 and High Ciphers. This enhancement is for improved security. Shadow jobs in preview mode From Release 5.1.2 of Proactive Contact, you can configure shadow jobs to be available in preview mode. With this feature, an agent can view the details of a shadow job in the preview mode before dialing out to a customer. Support for an external syslog server for logging Avaya Proactive Contact supports storing of logs on an external syslog server. Users can configure the logs that need to be stored. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 24 Manual Dialing Manual Dialing Proactive Contact introduces a new dialing mode called the Manual Dialing mode that is available only with Preview jobs. In the Manual Dialing mode, the dialer presents the call record to the agents for previewing and does not automatically dial the number. The agent must click a button to dial or cancel the call. Using Manual Dialing, an agent can dial a number through Proactive Contact or a third-party application. Java, WebLM, and Tomcat upgrades Avaya Proactive Contact upgrades the Java platform on the dialer and supports the following versions of Java, WebLM, and Tomcat: • Java version 7.0.91 • WebLM version 6.3 • Tomcat version 7.0.55 Log customization Prior to Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2, users collected logs using the get_logs tool. However, the get_logs tool collected all the logs and users could not select specific logs. In Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2, users can capture specific logs or system details using the following scripts: • collect_logs • get_info • config_debug Microsoft Windows versions supported Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2 applications (PC Agent, Supervisor suite, APIs (Agent API), and Event SDK) support Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1, and 10, and Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Avaya Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2 does not support Microsoft Windows XP. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 25 Chapter 3: Interoperability Product compatibility For the latest and most accurate compatibility information, go to CompatibilityMatrix/Index.aspx. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 26 Chapter 4: Deployment options Proactive Contact system In a Proactive Contact system implementation, a single large system cabinet holds all the system components. This implementation includes the following hardware components: • System cabinet • Proactive Contact digital switch • Enhanced Network Bus Controller (ENBC) I/O Transition Module • Proactive Contact system CPU • Maintenance modem (United States and Canada only) • Administrator console • Console/Remote Access server • Agent workstation (customer provided) • Supervisor workstation (customer provided) • Printers • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Related links Proactive Contact stand-alone system on page 28 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 27 Deployment options Proactive Contact stand-alone system 1 Proactive Contact system cabinet 2 Administrator workstation 3 Supervisor workstation 4 Agent workstation 5 Agent workstation 6 Printer 7 PSTN Related links Proactive Contact system on page 27 Proactive Contact with PG230RM Proactive Contact with PG230RM implementation uses the same components as the Proactive Contact system implementation option, but in a smaller system cabinet. In this implementation, Avaya provides only the Avaya PG230RM switch and a DVD containing the Proactive Contact software applications. The customer purchases the other system components including the Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform and client machines. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 28 Proactive Contact with PG230RM For more information, see Planning and Prerequisites for Proactive Contact. Proactive Contact with PG230RM supports several switches. You must configure the switch for agent blending on Proactive Contact with PG230RM. Related links Proactive Contact with PG230RM on page 29 Proactive Contact with PG230RM The following diagram shows the Proactive Contact system with the PG230RM. It shows a typical system using a PG230RM switch with agent telephones attached to an Avaya PBX. Inbound calls come into the call center from the PSTN to the Avaya PBX. Agents attached to the Avaya PBX are given a port on the PG230RM switch through an acquire call or dialback call from the PG230RM switch to the Avaya PBX. The Avaya Proactive Contact Server determines when to make calls and uses the PG230RM switch to place outbound calls using the PSTN or the Avaya PBX. The agent workstations are on the LAN. Information is sent to the agent workstation from the HP ProLiant DL360 G8/G9 or HP ProLiant DL385 G5 server to be used by the agent or customized agent API application. Administrator and Supervisor are clients of the system for configuration and management. Note: If you have deployed Proactive Contactin a virtualized environment, you need PG230RM to be on the same LAN as Avaya Proactive Contact Virtual Machine. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 29 Deployment options 1 HP ProLiant DL360 G7/G8/G9 or HP ProLiant DL385 G5 server 2 Avaya PG230RM 3 Avaya PBX 4 Agent workstation 5 Agent workstation 6 Administrator workstation 7 Supervisor workstation 8 Printer 9 PSTN Related links Proactive Contact with PG230RM on page 28 Proactive Contact with CTI The Proactive Contact with Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) deployment option provides a low-cost, CTI-enabled alternative to Proactive Contact system and Proactive Contact with July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 30 Proactive Contact with CTI PG230RM options. Proactive Contact with CTI is a software solution that uses Avaya MultiVantage Application Enablement Services (AES) to communicate with the Avaya Communication Manager (CM) switch. Note: Configure Proactive Contact with CTI to use AES to communicate with Avaya CM. APC connects to Application Enablement Services (AES) by using an encrypted connection. Administrator opens ports 1066-1081 on the AES for Soft dialer or Agent Blending. For more information on Proactive Contact with CTI, see Planning and Prerequisites for Proactive Contact. Related links Proactive Contact with CTI diagram on page 31 Proactive Contact with CTI diagram The following diagram shows a system using Application Enablement Services (AES) for handling and placing outbound calls. Inbound calls come into the call center from the PSTN to the Avaya PBX and outbound calls go to the PSTN from the Avaya PBX. The sever (to be used by the Proactive Contact agent or customized agent API application) sends information to the agent workstation. The agent workstations are on the LAN. Information is sent to the agent workstation from the server to be used by the Proactive Contact agent or customized agent API application. Administrator and Supervisor are clients of the Proactive Contact system for configuration and management. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 31 Deployment options 1 Proactive Contact Server 2 Application Enablement Services 3 Avaya PBX 4 Agent Workstation 5 Agent Workstation 6 Printer 7 Supervisor Workstation 8 Administrator Workstation 9 PSTN Related links Proactive Contact with CTI on page 30 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 32 Deployment options features Deployment options features Almost all features are supported in the same way for both the options of Proactive Contact: with PG230RM, and with CTI For more information, see Capacity section in the Planning for Avaya Proactive Contact. Related links Features supported through Avaya PBX on page 33 Supported features with differences for CTI on page 34 Features supported through Avaya PBX Inbound Inbound calls do not come into the system directly. If agents get inbound calls, they can answer the calls from either their telephones or softphones if they have them. The system tracks inbound calls and does not deliver calls to an agent until the inbound call is released. Direct calls Direct calls are calls that an agent can get at their telephone such as personal calls. This is one of the system features based on inbound. If agents use their telephone or softphone to answer the call, the system will not deliver any further calls to the agents until the agents hang up the direct calls. Manual calls This feature allows an agent to place a new call when an agent has an open line after ending a call. With Proactive Contact with CTI, the agent needs to use their telephone or softphone to make manual calls. Field calls An agent can make field calls by placing the cursor on a field. Proactive Contact with CTI does not work with field calls. Transfer calls of any kind. Agents can transfer their outbound call through their telephones or softphones if they have one. The agent still needs to release the line (unless AUTOWRAP feature is enabled) and release the record. Proactive Contact with CTI supports the capability to put data in the UUI field so that if a call is transferred to another phone on the PBX, a softphone application can use the UUI field to provide screen pops. Use of the UUI field requires softphone application development work. PC Agent does not perform the UUI transfer. Conference calls Agents can conference their outbound call with other agents or supervisor through their telephones or softphones if they have one but they cannot conference the call within the system application. Call hold/off hold Agents can place their outbound call on hold through their telephones or softphones if they have one but they can not do this within the system application. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 33 Deployment options Agent telephone buttons For Proactive Contact with CTI the PC Agent application removes the buttons for the transfers, conferences, or holds telephone features. Note: If the character-based agent application is being used, configure the keys file without the keys to do transfers, conferences, or holds. Reports Call handling from the telephone or softphone does not get reported in the Proactive Contact reports. ANI support There are ways, using ARS partitioning for example, to implement this feature through the Avaya PBX, but it is not easily changed once it is configured. Supervisor monitoring This feature in implemented through the Avaya ACD feature called Service Observe. Related links Deployment options features on page 33 Supported features with differences for CTI Voice messages All voice messages reside on the Avaya PBX and are described there as announcements. Announcements can be integrated or external. Integrated announcements reside on a circuit pack in the carrier. External announcements are stored on an adjunct, and played back from the adjunct equipment. For more complicated messages, vectors can be configured on the Communication Manager and the VDN for the vector can be used. Wait Queue messages Wait queue messages are configured on the Avaya PBX in vectors. These are the same vectors used by the make call VDN. A vector is a series of commands that tell the system how to handle calls. After a call is classified, it follows the steps in the vector. If the call is not immediately delivered to an agent, there must be a step in the vector to play an announcement. There can be a series of announcement steps to play different messages as the called party waits for an agent. The announcement is interrupted when an agent becomes available. The wait queue messages do not need to be configured in the voicemsg.cfg file on the system. Virtual agent and agent delivered messages Virtual agent messages and agent delivered messages are configured in the voicemsg.cfg file on the system. An outbound call is transferred to the announcement port and disconnects at the end of the announcement. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 34 Deployment options features Greeting and agent blend messages Placing a call from the agent phone to the announcement extension implements greeting and agent blend messages. Record specific messages The Record specific messages feature is not supported in a CTI system. Stringing of voice messages To play multiple messages for the virtual agent message feature and the agent delivered message feature: • A vector needs to be configured • The announcement extensions are configured in the vector • The voicemsg.cfg file lists this vector's Vector Directory Number (VDN) as the voice message extension. Line groups Line groups are associated with a vector on the Avaya PBX. The vector is identified by its VDN. This VDN is used by the system to make predictive calls. The make call vdn is configured within the job configuration. Agent Blending The only difference with Agent Blending is that after an agent is acquired for outbound calling, instead of the call to acquire the agent remaining connected, the agent work mode is changed to AUX and the call is disconnected. A reason code can be sent with the change of the work mode so that CMS reporting can determine that this is a acquire call. The CMS has to be configured to interrupt the reason code. When the agent is released to inbound, the work mode is changed to either Manual In or Auto In depending on configuration on the system and the agent is able to take inbound calls. Managed Dialing (Preview) Both Proactive Contact with PG230RM and Proactive Contact with CTI options support two modes of Managed Dialing. In one mode the agent classifies the call (busy, no answer, answer machine, and so on). In the other mode the call is classified by the switch. If a system with CTI only does managed calling with the agent doing the call classification, then the Avaya PBX does not need the additional call classification ports. Enserver events This event contains the Universal Call ID, a unique tag assigned to a call on the Avaya PBX. It is used by Avaya IQ to match calls made by the system with calls as reported from the Avaya PBX. Beep detection Enables the system to leave a message after detecting the last beep of an answering machine. Beep detection cannot be done with Application Enablement Services (AES). Proactive Contact with CTI does not support this feature. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 35 Deployment options Related links Deployment options features on page 33 Proactive Contact with CTI or PG230RM pods Proactive Contact can be configured in a pod environment. A pod can have up to ten systems connected by a Mid-Tier structure (either the Mid-Tier of one of the ten systems or a stand-alone Mid-Tier). The systems included in a pod are a group of more than one Proactive Contact with PG230RM systems, or Proactive Contact with CTI. However, you cannot have a mix of PG230 and Proactive Contact with CTI. A pod can share features such as calling lists, job, phone strategies, and record selections. A job on one system can use a calling list from another system in the pod. Multiple systems calling the same list at the same time provide scalability on a sign campaign beyond the physical limitations of one system. The shared list feature allows the agent capacity of multiple systems to be used for a single job. The supervisor can monitor, control, and administer multiple systems from a single Supervisor interface. Each system in a pod can be connected to a separate or to the same Application Enablement Services (AES) system depending on the network traffic and network configuration. If the system is configured for Agent Blending, the blending system can use the same AES system. A pod's primary system runs the Mid-Tier software and controls that pod’s data management. Every pod must have a primary system. Secondary systems feed data to the primary system that processes the data and makes it available for monitoring and reporting. Therefore, a supervisor can view status or create reports for the operations of all the systems in the pod. The secondary system is any system in a pod that reports data to and is coordinated with other secondary systems by a primary system. One secondary system can also be configured to take over primary functions in the event of a primary system failure. Note: For better performance, in a POD having 4 or more dialers, it is recommended not to perform any dialing activities on the dialer running the Mid-Tier services. Use this dialer for administrative and reporting purposes. You can perform the dialing activities on the secondary dialer. Related links PG230RM and CTI pods on page 37 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 36 Proactive Contact with CTI or PG230RM pods PG230RM and CTI pods Related links Proactive Contact with CTI or PG230RM pods on page 36 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 37 Deployment options Proactive Contact in non-telephony mode Avaya Proactive Contactintroduces the Manual dialing feature so that the dialer does not dial a call automatically. An agent must dial the phone number manually. If you want to have a dedicated Proactive Contact server setup with non-telephony mode, you can convert the dialer into the non-telephony mode from the Installation and Configuration CUI menu. In this setup, the dialer does not have any dialing capability. The agent must manually dial using a third-party software. This dialer setup cannot have predictive, preview, blend, or virtual jobs. When you convert your dialer into the non-telephony mode, the system sets the following parameters automatically in the master.cfg file: • SWITCHTESTMODE: YES • SWITCHTYPE:DIGITAL The system sets the following parameters in the Job template: • TESTMODE:VOICE=100 • PVLENGTH:0 • SHADOW_IN_PREVIEW: YES • MANUAL MODE: YES • THIRD_PARTY_DIAL: YES In the non-telephony mode, an agent cannot dial using the Proactive Contact dialer. The agent can preview a customer record in Proactive Contact Agent application, but must use a third-party application for dialing. To use the Click to dial functionality of the Proactive Contact Agent application for dialing, you must integrate a third-party application with your Proactive Contact Agent. The Click to dial functionality is disabled on your Proactive Contact Agent if you do not integrate a third-party application with your Proactive Contact Agent. When your dialer is in the non-telephony mode, you can have only manual dial-enabled preview jobs. The system displays the following an error message if you try to run a predictive, managed, virtual, or an inbound job in the non-telephony mode: The dialer is in non-telephony mode. Only manual mode jobs are allowed to run. Note: After your dialer is converted into the non-telephony mode, contact Avaya Services to revert to the telephony mode. Converting a dialer into non-telephony mode July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 38 Manual dialing in telephony mode Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Type the check_pds command to verify whether the dialer processes are stopped. 3. Type the stop_pds command to stop the dialer processes. 4. Switch to sroot user. 5. Type menu install and press Enter. 6. In the INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION screen, type 3 to select Configure the system and press Enter. 7. In the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION screen, type 6 to select Convert Dialer into NonTelephony mode and press Enter. 8. At the Are you sure you want to convert the dialer into the nontelephony mode? prompt, type Y and press Enter. Manual dialing in telephony mode If you have an existing Proactive Contact setup, you can use the Manual dialing feature with managed jobs. You can also have the existing dialing options, such as predictive and virtual in this setup. You can configure Manual dialing using Proactive Contact or a third-party software. You must enable the Manual Mode Dialing setting for a managed job to use the Manual dialing feature. In telephony mode, if an agent wants to dial using a third-party software, the agent requires two phones or extensions. The agent logs in to Avaya Proactive Contact Agent with one phone and dials the customer with another phone or application. When the agent joins a manual dial-enabled preview job, the dialer displays a message, Job is in Manual Mode. Manual dialing in telephony mode works in both CTI dialer and Proactive Contact with PG230. For a Proactive Contact with PG230 (hard dialer) setup, two options are available for an agent to place a manual call: • The agent phone can have multi-line appearance. In this case, the first line appearance is occupied by the nail up call from the dialer. The second line appearance can be used by the agent to place the manual call. • The agent can use a separate phone/application (other than the phone used by the nail up call) for placing a manual call. For a CTI (soft dialer) setup, the agent must use a separate phone/application (other than the phone used by the nail up call) for placing a manual call. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 39 Deployment options Manual dialing configurations for telephony mode Three options are available for manual dialing in telephony mode. Agents must enter a valid headset number while logging in to the dialer from the Proactive Contact Agent application. Dialing manually using an associated telephone To use this option, the following configuration is required in a job: • MANUALMODE:YES • THIRD_PARTY_DIAL:YES Dialing manually using Proactive Contact dialer In this option, an agent must enter the telephone number in the manual dial entry box on Proactive Contact Agent to dial the number. To use this option, the following configuration is required in a job: • MANUALMODE:YES • THIRD_PARTY_DIAL:NO Dialing manually using another application In this option, an agent uses the Click to dial functionality to dial the number. To use this option, the following configuration is required in a job: • MANUALMODE:YES • THIRD_PARTY_DIAL:YES July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 40 Chapter 5: Preinstallation preparation Performing a site inspection About this task Prior to installing and configuring the Proactive Contact system, you must perform a site inspection to ensure successful implementation. Procedure 1. Locate the packing list and verify shipment of all required items. Look for items that were “shorted” during the original shipment. This means that the items were not in stock on the ship date, and were placed on back order. a. Verify that back-ordered items have been received. b. If any back-ordered items are still missing, escalate the problem to your Project Manager or Avaya Sales Representative. 2. Locate all hardware components and verify that the equipment has no visual damage. 3. Verify that all customer provided equipments (server, remote access solution, network connections) meet specifications. 4. (optional) If your site uses dedicated headsets: a. Verify that there are the correct number and gender of headset connection(s) terminating at the system cabinet. b. Verify the termination of cabling at the workstations for completeness and availability for testing. c. Obtain a site layout and identify the workstation to headset number correlation. You do this by mapping workstations to amphenol(s). 5. (optional) If your site uses dial-back/ACD headsets: a. Verify ACD dial pattern to 'Dial Back' the workstation's phone and availability for testing. To do this, you must identify the key code to be entered by agents. b. Obtain a site layout and identify all workstation's phone extensions. 6. (optional) If your site uses dial-in headsets: a. Verify the correct number and gender of headset connections terminating at the system cabinet. b. Verify ACD dial pattern to dial in to the system. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 41 Preinstallation preparation c. Identify all extensions as they correspond to the key codes entered by agents and determine availability for testing. 7. Verify the Ethernet connection and network addresses for all system components. If this system includes the PG230RM, verify that an isolated segment exists to run from PG230RM to the CPU and remote access solution. Verify with customer that these are the actual addresses to be used. 8. Verify the following telephone line requirements a. The correct number of DB-15 connections (T1) or Amphenol cables (Analog/E&M) exist to match total of Outbound/Inbound/Transfer ports b. The client's switch/CO configuration matches the specified interface requirements. For example: E&M 4-Wire, Wink Start. c. The modem line (DID telephone line) is installed for support router or any other remote access device. d. The inbound hunt group number exists if inbound lines are to be configured. 9. Verify host connectivity. Determine availability for file transfer testing. 10. Verify digital switch preparation. 11. Verify that there is adequate space for system cabinet(s). Access to front and back sides of cabinet(s) is necessary for maintenance purposes. Agent workstation requirements Each agent workstation consists of a computer and a voice connection. During jobs, agents use the workstation to talk to customers and update customer records. Agent workstations can be network connected or serial connected, that is, direct connected. The Proactive Contact system provides quality service using network connected computers. The Proactive Contact system supports connections to an Ethernet network. The Proactive Contact system uses the TCP/IP protocol to move data to the agent workstations and back. These systems can use the Avaya graphical user interface or through Agent API. Agent workstation hardware requirements The following are the hardware requirements for Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition (32bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit): • 1.3 GHz (Dual Core) Processor. • 2 GB RAM. • 2 GB free disk space. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 42 Supervisor workstation requirements • DVD drive. • Network capable. • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later. Note: For information about additional hardware requirements to support these operating systems, go to the Microsoft website. Agent workstation software requirements • Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise version (32-bit or 64-bit) Note: Your services agreement with Avaya Professional Services does not include Integration development and consulting. • If you are using an Agent API solution, provide network-connected agent computers. The Proactive Contact Agent session communicates through the Agent API to the system. An emulation session is not necessary. The Proactive Contact Agent application broadcasts record information via DDE. If you are creating a cut and paste solution to your host, the host emulation session must support DDE. You are responsible for creating any cut and paste solution, unless you have contracted with Avaya Professional Services (APS) for this cut and paste work. If you have contracted with APS to create a cut and paste solution to your host, you will be asked to provide the host emulation software name, for example, Reflections and the host emulation software type, for example, vt100 or 3270. Supervisor workstation requirements Supervisor workstations are network-attached computers. Supervisor workstations require a headset or phone. Identify and dedicate workstations for each Proactive Contact Supervisor license purchased. The location of Supervisor workstation can vary based on your operational requirements. Proactive Contact Supervisors use these workstations to: • Set up and manage system settings • Set up jobs • Monitor calling activity • Produce call center reports July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 43 Preinstallation preparation Supervisor workstation hardware requirements The following are the hardware requirements for Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition (32bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit), and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit): • 1.3 GHz (Dual Core) Processor. • 2 GB RAM. • 2 GB free disk space. • DVD drive. • Network capable. • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later. Note: • For information about additional hardware requirements to support these operating systems, go to the Microsoft website. • If the Supervisor workstation machine has multiple network interfaces and the dialer is not accessible through any of the network interfaces on the workstation, the data in all the Monitor applications connected to the dialer might freeze for 15 minutes when the user runs the Monitor application from this workstation. Supervisor workstation software requirements • Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Edition (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise version (32-bit or 64-bit) • Microsoft 32-bit ODBC Note: If you install a version of Oracle client on the system and the setup detects the Oracle client environment settings, the setup overwrites the existing Oracle environment variables. Proactive Contact software architecture The Proactive Contact system consists of a dialing server system, Mid-Tier services software, and client software. The diagram below shows these system components. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 44 Telephony requirements (CTI option) Telephony requirements (CTI option) Proactive Contact uses Avaya Application Enablement Services (AES) to support the Proactive Contact with CTI deployment option. An Avaya PBX is used for all connections between agents, customers, and transfer-to and consult-to parties. For predictive dialing to occur, the PBX also includes a TN744 card and other appropriate options for automated call progress analysis (CPA). This configuration does not use the Avaya PG230RM outbound dialing switch. You require TN744 for using G650 Media Gateway, or alternatively, G430 Branch Gateway or G450 Branch Gateway. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 45 Preinstallation preparation Related links Avaya PBXs and equipment supported on page 46 PBX hardware options on page 46 CTI software supported on page 47 PBX features / options required for Proactive Contact on page 47 Avaya PBXs and equipment supported For the latest and most accurate compatibility information, go to CompatibilityMatrix/Index.aspx. PBX and Proactive Contact system quantities Multiple Proactive Contact systems can use one Avaya PBX. Any given Proactive Contact system can be connected to only one PBX. Related links Telephony requirements (CTI option) on page 45 PBX hardware options In the following table: • With CPA indicates whether or not the option or requirement applies when the system does predictive calling, or managed calling with automated call classification (CPA - Call Processing Analysis). • No CPA indicates whether or not the option or requirement applies when the system does only managed calling without CPA (the agent has to determine the status of the far end station for every call made). Switch equipment options With CPA No CPA TN744 Call Classifier Card(s) - Latest version is TN744-E however newer versions can be available. Yes No Announcement boards or equivalent for voice messaging Yes Yes More outgoing ports to account for increased calling rates Yes Yes You require TN744 for using G650 Media Gateway, or alternatively, G430 Branch Gateway or G450 Branch Gateway. To calculate the number of cards needed, contact your Avaya Sales or Support Representative. Related links Telephony requirements (CTI option) on page 45 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 46 Telephony requirements (CTI option) CTI software supported AES support Version 3.x. and later. AES requires the following: • One TSAPI Basic license for each agent • One $0.00 TSAPI Advanced license for the CTI Dialer if doing Predictive Dialing. The material code will be one of the following: NPL SMC Description $0 201923 AES PROPRIETARY BNDL SML $0 201924 AES PROPRIETARY BNDL MEDIUM $0 201925 AES PROPRIETARY BNDL LG Related links Telephony requirements (CTI option) on page 45 PBX features / options required for Proactive Contact In the following table: • With CPA indicates whether or not the option or requirement applies when the system will do predictive calling, or managed calling with automated call classification (CPA - Call Processing Analysis). • No CPA indicates whether or not the option or requirement applies when the system will do only managed calling without CPA (the agent has to determine the status of the far end station for every call made). Switch equipment options With CPA No CPA TN744 Call Classifier Card(s) - Latest version is TN744-E however newer versions can be available. Yes No Announcement boards or equivalent for voice messaging Yes Yes More outgoing ports to account for increased calling rates Yes Yes You require TN744 for using G650 Media Gateway, or alternatively, G430 Branch Gateway or G450 Branch Gateway. To calculate the number of cards needed, contact your Avaya Sales or Support Representative. Switch feature Computer Telephony This provides ASAI Link Core and ASAI Link Plus feature capabilities. With CPA No CPA Yes No Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 47 Preinstallation preparation Switch feature Adjunct This is a system wide feature. The Links order process remains the same however. With CPA No CPA Required Required Yes Not required but site can have other ARS needs Yes No Yes No Yes, but only if the system is using agent blending Yes, but only if the system is using agent blending Yes No If the site already has a non-Avaya product using AES with ASAI Link Core capabilities and ASAI Link Plus, you must still use and enable Computer Telephony Adjunct Links. Agent States and EAS The PBX needs to be configured for EAS and can run without agent states, but it is better if they are provided. When they are provided and an agent uses the phone for other purposes, the system makes the agent unavailable for outbound calling. Auto Route Selection (ARS) Call Classification Universal Call Identifier (UCID) A call identifier that has a unique value for each call, and is provided through the CTI link to the system. Phantom extensions VDNs and Vectors Note: If an agent who is acquired to outbound leaves the job, and tries to logoff from the ACD phone, the agent first disconnects the acquired call on the ACD. The agent keeps getting repeated acquire calls from the Dialer. If the agent tries to logoff from the ACD by selecting logoff, the PBX does not recognize the logoff key as the acquire call on the agent's ACD phone is ringing. If the agent tries to receive the acquired call, the call drops and relaunches another acquired call. This process continues repetitively. This leaves the agent in a state where the agent cannot logoff from the ACD. To resolve this issue, the PBX must have a mechanism to put the agent into AUX-Work mode after receiving an acquire call through the acquire VDN. When an agent leaves the job and is yet to logoff from the ACD, the agent will already be in AUX state, so even if the Dialer launches acquire calls on the VDN, the agent will not receive the call. If the agent selects logoff on the ACD phone, the PBX will recognize the agent selection and will allow the agent to logoff from the ACD phone. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 48 Telephony requirements (CTI option) Related links Telephony requirements (CTI option) on page 45 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 49 Chapter 6: Licensing PLDS overview Avaya Product Licensing and Delivery System (PLDS) provides customers, Avaya Partners, distributors, and Avaya Associates with tools for managing license entitlements and electronic delivery of software and related license files. Using PLDS, you can perform operations such as license activations, license upgrades, license moves, and software downloads. Installation software packages for Avaya products are available as OVA and ISO files on PLDS. Users can download the OVA files or the ISO images to a computer, and choose to either burn a DVD for installation or transfer the file to the target server for installation. You can check PLDS to determine if a later service pack or software release is available. If updates do exist, see the appropriate upgrade procedures, contact Avaya, or contact the Avaya Partner Service representative. When you place an order for a PLDS-licensed software product, the license entitlements on the order are automatically created in PLDS. When the license entitlements are created, PLDS sends you an email notification. The email notification includes a license activation code (LAC). Using LAC, you can find and activate the newly purchased license entitlements in PLDS. You can then download the license file. Important: You must provide the WebLM host ID to activate the license file in PLDS. You can view the WebLM host ID in the WebLM Server Properties page. Examples of license management tasks that you can perform in PLDS include: • • • • Adding more license entitlements to an existing activation Upgrading a license file to a new major release Moving license entitlement activations between license files Regenerating a license file with an new host ID Activating license entitlements Before you begin Obtain the host ID of the Proactive Contact WebLM server if you are activating license entitlements on a new license host. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 50 Activating license entitlements About this task Use License Activation Code (LAC) to activate one or more license entitlements from the available licenses. After successful activation of the license entitlements, PLDS creates an activation record and sends an activation notification email message to the customer who is registered with the entitlements. The activation record and activation notification provide details on the number of activated licenses and the license host. The license file can be accessed on the License/Keys tab of the Activation Record in PLDS and is also an attachment to the activation notification email message. You must install the license file on the Proactive Contact WebLM server to use the licenses. Procedure 1. In your web browser, type to go to the Avaya PLDS website. 2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS website. 3. In the LAC(s) field of the Quick Activation section, enter the LAC that you received in an email message. Note: If you do not have an email message with your LAC, see “Searching for entitlements” and make a note of the appropriate LAC from the LAC column. Note: The Quick Activation automatically activates all license entitlements on LAC. However, you can remove line items or specify the number of licenses to activate from the available licenses. 4. Enter the License Host information. You can create a new license host or use an existing license host. 5. Click Next to validate the registration detail. 6. Enter the License Host information. The Host ID of the Proactive Contact WebLM server. The Host ID is obtained from the Server Properties page of the Proactive Contact WebLM server where the license file is installed. 7. Type the number of licenses that you want to activate. 8. Review the Avaya License Agreement and accept the agreement. 9. Perform the following steps to send an activation notification email message: a. In the E-mail to field, enter the email addresses of the additional activation notification recipients. b. Enter the comments or special instructions in the Comments field. c. Click Finish. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 51 Licensing 10. Click View Activation Records. • The Overview tab displays a summary of the license activation information. • The Ownership tab displays the registration information. • The License/Key tab displays the license files resulting from the license activation. In general, a single license file will be generated for each application. From the License/Key tab, you can view and download the license file. Install each license file on the Proactive Contact WebLM server associated with the License Host. Searching for license entitlements About this task Use the functionality to search for an entitlement by using one or all of the following search criteria: • Company name • Group name • Group ID • License activation code PLDS also provides other additional advanced search criteria for searching license entitlements. Note: Avaya associates or Avaya Partners can search license entitlements only by company name. Procedure 1. In your web browser, type to go to the Avaya PLDS website. 2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS website. 3. Click Assets > View Entitlements. The system displays Search Entitlements page. 4. To search license entitlements by company name, type the company name in the %Company: field. To see a complete list of companies before you search for their corresponding entitlements, do the following: a. Click the magnifying glass icon. b. Type the name or several characters of the name and a wildcard (%) character. c. Click Search Companies. d. Select the company name from the list. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 52 Moving activated license entitlements Tip: You can use a wildcard (%) character if you do not know the exact name of the company you are searching for. For example, if you enter Av%, the system searches for all the company names starting with the letter Av. You can enter a wildcard character at any position in the search criteria. 5. To search license entitlements by group name, enter the appropriate information in the %Group name: or %Group ID: fields. Group Names or IDs are specific to Functional Locations and Sold-To’s that define the actual location of equipment and software. Tip: You can use a wildcard character if you do not know the exact name of the group you are searching for. For example, if you enter Gr%, the system searches for all the groups starting with the characters Gr. You can enter a wildcard character at any position in the search criteria. 6. To search license entitlements by LAC, enter the specific LAC in the %LAC: field. Tip: If you do not know the exact LAC that you want to search, use a wildcard character. For example, if you type AS0%, the system searches for all LACs starting with AS0. You can enter a wildcard character at any position in the search criteria. You will receive LACs in an e-mail if you have provided the email address in the sales order. If you do not have this code, search by using one of the other search criteria. 7. To search license entitlements by application, product or license status, select the appropriate application, product, and/or status from the field. 8. Click Search Entitlements. Result The system displays all corresponding entitlement records at the bottom of the page. Moving activated license entitlements Before you begin Ensure that you obtain the host ID or license host name of the license host: • From which the activated license entitlements are moved • On to which the activated license entitlements are moved About this task Use this functionality to move activated license entitlements from one license host to another. You can chose to move all or a specified quantity of license entitlements. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 53 Licensing Note: If you move a specified number of activated license entitlements from one host to another by using the Rehost/Move transaction in PLDS, two new license files are generated: • One license file reduces the number of license entitlements on the license host from which you are moving license entitlements. • One license file increases the number of license entitlements on the license host to which you are moving license entitlements. Install each of these license files on the appropriate server. If you move all activated license entitlements, only one license file is generated. Install this new license file on the license host to which you are moving license entitlements. Remove the license file from the license host from which you are moving all license entitlements. Procedure 1. In your web browser, type to go to the Avaya PLDS website. 2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS website. 3. Click Activation > Rehost/Move from the Home page. 4. Click View Activation Record information to find and select licenses to rehost or move. You can search the activation records by the Company name, license host, Group name or ID using the Search Activation Records functionality. Note: If you are an Avaya associate or Avaya Partner, enter the search criteria and click Search Activation Records. 5. Select Rehost/Move for the license host from which you are moving license entitlements. 6. In the Search License Hosts field, enter the license host to which you are moving license entitlements. Alternatively, you can click Add a License Host to select an existing license host. 7. Validate the Registration Detail, and click Next. 8. Enter the License Host information. The Host ID of the Proactive Contact WebLM server. The Host ID is obtained from the Server Properties page of the Proactive Contact WebLM server where the license file is installed. 9. Enter the number of Licenses to move in the QTY column field and click Next. 10. Accept the Avaya Legal Agreement. You can search the activation records by the Company name, license host, Group name or ID using the Search Activation Records functionality. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 54 Regenerating a license file 11. Perform the following steps to send an activation notification email message: a. In the E-mail to field, enter the email addresses of the additional activation notification recipients. b. Enter the comments or special instructions in the Comments field. c. Click Finish. 12. Click View Activation Records. • The Overview tab displays a summary of the license activation information. • The Ownership tab displays the registration information. • The License/Key tab displays the license files resulting from the license activation. In general, a single license file will be generated for each application. From the License/Key tab, you can view and download the license file. Install each license file on the Proactive Contact WebLM server associated with the License Host. Regenerating a license file Procedure 1. In your web browser, type to go to the Avaya PLDS website. 2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS website. 3. Click Activation > Regeneration from the Home page. 4. Search License Activations to Regenerate. You can search the activation records by the Company name, license host, Group name or ID using the Search Activation Records functionality. 5. Click Regenerate from the appropriate record. 6. Validate the Registration Detail, and click Next. 7. Validate the items that will regenerate and click Next. 8. Accept the Avaya Legal Agreement. You can search the activation records by the Company name, license host, Group name or ID using the Search Activation Records functionality. 9. Perform the following steps to send an activation notification email message: a. In the E-mail to field, enter the email addresses of the additional activation notification recipients. b. Enter the comments or special instructions in the Comments field. c. Click Finish. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 55 Licensing 10. Click View Activation Record. • The Overview tab displays a summary of the license activation information. • The Ownership tab displays the registration information. • The License/Key tab displays the license files resulting from the license activation. In general, a single license file will be generated for each application. From the License/Key tab, you can view and download the license file. Install each license file on the WebLM server associated with the License Host. Related links Searching for license entitlements on page 52 Downloading software from PLDS About this task Note: You can download product software from also. Procedure 1. In your web browser, type to go to the Avaya PLDS website. 2. Enter your Login ID and password to log on to the PLDS website. 3. On the Home page, select Assets. 4. Select View Downloads. 5. Search for the available downloads by using one of the following: • An application type and the version number • Download name 6. Click the download icon from the appropriate download. 7. When the system displays the confirmation box, select Click to download your file now. 8. If you receive an error message, click the message, install Active X, and continue with the download. 9. When the system displays the security warning, click Install. When the installation is complete, PLDS displays the downloads again with a check mark next to the downloads that have completed successfully. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 56 Chapter 7: Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Overview Proactive Contact uses industry compliant SHA2 certificates as default certificates. These certificates are located in the /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2 directory on the dialer. Proactive Contact implements the same certificate on the dialer and its clients. For example, if the dialer uses agent_cert.pem and ProactiveContactCA.pem, then the PC-Agent client desktop also uses the same certificates for communicating with the dialer. This is the same for Supervisor as well. From Proactive Contact 5.2 onwards, this remains the default implementation. However, customers will be able to deploy their own certificates which can be different on the dialer and any of its clients. For example, if the dialer is configured to use agent_cert.pem, the PC-Agent application can use either the same certificate as the dialer or any other custom certificate or viceversa. This is the same for Supervisor as well. Certificate-set The following certificate-set is required to use a custom certificate: • User certificate (custom certificate) • Private key of the user certificate • CA certificate that signed the user certificate Chained certificate-set A chained user certificate is signed by an intermediate CA and not directly by the RootCA. The following example depicts the signing or creation of a chained user certificate, where the arrow means signed, issued, or created: RootCA > IntermediateCA–1 > IntermediateCA–2 > IntermediateCA–3 > IntermediateCA–4 > User certificate The following certificate set is required if you are using a chained user certificate: • User certificate (custom certificate) • Private key of the user certificate • Root CA • All intermediate CAs July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 57 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Note: When servers and clients use certificates for mutual authentication, the user certificate is exchanged. This user certificate is validated against the CA certificate present locally with the server or the client. If the server and client are both using different certificates, then the server must contain the CA certificate of the client to validate the client’s certificate. Similarly, the client must also contain the CA certificate of the server in order to validate the server’s certificate. If the server and/or client are using a chained certificate, then the CA certificate used to validate the user certificate at either end must be a concatenation of the Root CA and all the Intermediate CAs in the certificate chain. For more details, see Combining CAs on page 72. Servers and clients The following table lists the servers and clients in Proactive Contact deployment Server Example for Clients LDAP (POD Dialer-1) LDAP (POD Dialer-2) Oracle Database Oracle on Supervisor Corba binaries Supervisor Apps Agent (on dialer) PC-Agent, AgentAPI apps Enserver EventSDK apps IMon, WebLM Web browser Listserver dccserver, LSAPI apps Note: • Both servers and clients can use different certificates instead of using the same certificate in the current or default implementation. The customer decides whether to use the default certificate or a custom certificate. The customer can choose to use custom certificates from the above list of servers and clients. Each server and each client can have their own identity certificate. • One user certificate can also be used for all the servers and clients listed above. Only in the case of Ldap and Imon, the restriction so applies that the CN and SAN of the user certificate should contain the hostname of the dialer. If you have obtained a user certificate for LDAP with CN the same as the hostname of the dialer, you can use the same certificate everywhere else. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 58 Implementation Implementation Standalone Dialer The certificate for LDAP must have the CN field same as the hostname of the dialer. For example, if the hostname of the dialer is ss52test, then the CN field in the subject of the certificate must be as below: Subject: C=IN, ST=MH, L=PN, O=AVAYA INDIA=RND, CN=ss52test Following are the requirements for LDAP: • User certificate with CN field same as the hostname of the dialer • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate Placement 1. Copy the user certificate inside /etc/openldap/certs/ as servercrt.pem 2. Copy the private key inside /etc/openldap/certs/ as serverkey.pem 3. Copy the CA certificate inside /etc/openldap/cacerts/ as cacert.pem Note: User can have them in a different directory and also name it differently. This is configurable through /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file, using parameters- TLSCertificateFile, TLSCertificateKeyFile, and TLSCACertificateFile. POD Dialers Complexity 1 — Different CAs If the same CA is used to sign the user certificates for all the dialers in POD, then the same CA certificate can be copied on all the dialers as mentioned in step 3 of Standalone Dialer. However if the user certificates of all the dialers are created by different CAs, then all the CAs must be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. This combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate and copied on to all the dialers in POD as mentioned in step 3 of Standalone Dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Complexity 2 — Chained Certificate If the user certificate is/are chained certificate, then obtain all the intermediate certificates including the RootCA and the last CA to sign the user certificates. The user certificate and the private key must be used in the same way as mentioned in steps 1 and 2 of Standalone Dialer. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 59 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Now, the RootCA, intermediate CAs and the last CA used to sign the user certificate, must all be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. The combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate and copied on to all the dialers in POD as mentioned in step 3 of Standalone Dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Complexity 3 — Chained Certificate with different RootCAs in case of POD For POD, if all the dialers are using chained user certificates, each having same or different RootCAs, then you must obtain all the same or different intermediate CA certificates including the same or different RootCAs and the same or different last CA used to sign the user certificates. The user certificate and the private key must be used in the same way as mentioned in steps 1 and 2 of Standalone Dialer. All these RootCAs, IntermediateCAs and the last CAs, must be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. The combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate and copied on to all the dialers in POD as mentioned in step 3 of Standalone Dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Oracle Database Oracle Database stores certificates in wallet. The wallet is present at /opt/dbase/wallet directory on the dialer. The wallet must be of auto_login type. Following are requirements for Oracle database wallet: • User certificate — userCert.pem • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate — userKey.pem • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate — RootCa.pem Related links Creating a new wallet on page 60 Placement on page 61 Creating a new wallet About this task Oracle Database stores certificates in the wallet in the /opt/dbase/wallet directory on the dialer. The wallet must be of the auto_login type. Before you begin To create a new wallet, ensure that you have the following files: • User certificate — userCert.pem • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate — userKey.pem • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate — RootCa.pem July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 60 Implementation Procedure 1. Log in to the Proactive Contact Dialer. 2. Create a directory, and within the directory, create a wallet by using the following command : orapki wallet create -wallet ./ -auto_login -pwd password Note: delete the Note icon User can choose the password but use this same password consistently for all the below steps whenever prompted. 3. List the contents of the newly created wallet by using the command orapki wallet display -wallet. 4. Remove all the existing certificates from the wallet by using the command orapki wallet remove -trusted_cert_all -wallet. 5. Encrypt the private key by using the command openssl rsa -des3 -in userKey.pem -out userKey2.pem. 6. Export them what is them? all and create a pkcs12 format keystore by using the command openssl pkcs12 -export -in userCert.pem -inkey userKey2.pem certfile RootCa.pem -out test.p12. 7. Convert the pkcs12 format keystore into JKS keystore by using the command keytool importkeystore -srckeystore test.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 destkeystore test.jks -deststoretype JKS. 8. Convert the JKS keystore into an Oracle wallet by using the command orapki wallet jks_to_pkcs12 -wallet . -keystore test.jks -pwd " password" -jkspwd " password". Related links Oracle Database on page 60 Placement Dialer: 1. Copy the wallet files ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso to /opt/dbase/wallet directory. 2. Ensure the permission of the wallet files are correct as per oracle:oinstall. 3. Configure the location of the wallet through /opt/dbase/OraHome2/network/admin/ sqlnet.ora. Supervisor: 1. Copy the wallet files ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso to <Sup_Install_Location> \Services\3rdParty\Oracle11g\wallet\. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 61 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact 2. Configure the location of the wallet through <Sup_Install_Location>\Services \3rdParty\Oracle11g\sqlnet.ora. Other: 1. Any other application using the database on the dialer must use the wallet files created above to communicate with the dialer and reference the same in their sqlnet.ora. Complexity 1 — Using chained certificate in Oracle Wallet If the user certificate is a chained certificate, then obtain all the intermediate certificates including the RootCA and the last CA used to sign the user certificates. All these RootCAs, IntermediateCAs and the last CAs, must be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. This combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate in step 5. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Related links Oracle Database on page 60 Internet Monitor The certificate for Internet Monitor must have the CN and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) field same as the hostname of the dialer or same as the DNS name of the windows system where IMon or Tomcat is deployed. Following are the requirements for IMon: • User certificate with CN and SAN fields same as the hostname of the dialer or DNS name of the Windows system — userCert.pem • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate — userKey.pem • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate — RootCa.pem To create a new IMon keystore with the above custom certificate, private key and CA certificate follow the step: 1. Export all into a .p12 file using the command openssl pkcs12 -export -out imoncert.p12 -inkey userKey.pem -in userCert.pem -certfile RootCa.pem. Use any password of your choice when prompted. Complexity 1 — Using chained certificate for IMon If the user certificate is a chained certificate, then you must obtain all the intermediate certificates including the RootCA and the last CA used to sign the user certificates. All these RootCAs, IntermediateCAs and the last CAs, must be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. The combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate in step 1. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 62 Implementation Placement The imoncert.p12 created in step 1, can be placed anywhere on the dialer or on the windows server. It should be referenced correctly inside server.xml file, under the keyword “keystoreFile”, provide the FQPN of the .p12 file. The password used to create the .p12 file in step 1 should be referenced correctly inside the server.xml file, under the keyword “keystorePass”. This server.xml is located at /opt/avaya/pds/imon/apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M26/conf on the dialer. After changing the certificate keystore on the system that is hosting the IMon or Tomcat, the CA certificates must be imported and stored on the Windows system of the browser from where the IMon is being accessed. To import the CA certificates into Windows system, see Importing Certificates into Windows Certificate Store. The steps mentioned must be followed for all the intermediate certificates and the last CA used for signing the user certificate. CORBA Binaries The CORBA binaries on the dialer are part of midtier processes (mts) and some dialer processes (pds). In this section, all the steps required to bring all mts and pds processes up are completed, and then the configuration and placement in Supervisor and EventSDK is performed. Following is the certificate-set requirements for CORBA binaries: • User certificate — userCert.pem • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate — userKey.pem • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate — RootCa.pem Placement 1. Copy the above certificate-set at any location of your choice on the dialer. 2. Create a jacorb keystore file using this certificate-set as mentioned in Importing certificates into Jacorb keystore. 3. Following configuration files needs to be changed: a. sm_sha2.conf b. corba_svc_sha2.conf c. corba_nm_svc_sha2.conf d. corba_ens_svc_sha2.conf 4. In all the above configuration files, change the following parameters to point to the FQPN of user certificate, private key and the CA certificate. a. SSLPrivateKey PEM: /path/to/userKey.pem b. SSLCertificate PEM: /path/to/userCert.pem c. SSLCAfile PEM: /path/to/RootCa.pem 5. The location of the jacorb keystore file can either be /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/ SHA2/keystore/jacorb, or any location on the dialer. Configure the location July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 63 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact inside /opt/avaya/JacORB/etc/, under parameter 6. The password used to create the jacorb keystore must be set in the same file under the parameter After following all the above steps, you can start mts and pds processes. Complexity 1 — Using chained certificate If the user certificate is a chained certificate, then obtain all the intermediate certificates including the RootCA and the last CA used to sign the user certificates. All these RootCAs, IntermediateCAs and the last CAs, must be combined or concatenated into one .pem (x509 format) file. The combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate in step 4 c. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Import all the intermediate CAs to the jacorb keystore. For more information see, Importing certificates into Jacorb keystore. Complexity 2 — Using different certificates signed by same RootCA on different dialers in POD You can use a different certificate-set having the same RootCA on different dialers in POD. The procedure is mentioned above does not change. Following points must be noted here: • The RootCA certificate referenced in all the configuration files must be the same. • Copy the jacorb keystore of the primary and reference in file of all the dialers in POD. Complexity 3 — Using different chained certificates on different dialers in POD having a common RootCA You can also use different chained certificates for different dialers in POD, all chained certificates having a common RootCA. The procedure mentioned above in Complexity-1 does not change. Following points must be noted here: • The RootCA certificate referenced in all the configuration files must be the same. • Copy the jacorb keystore of the primary and reference in file of all the dialers in POD. Complexity 4 — Using different certificates signed by different RootCAs on different dialers in POD This is a complex scenario. Here you have two different certificate-sets. User certificates are different and the RootCAs are also different. In this case, you must combine or concatenate all the RootCAs that you have and create a single .pem (x509 format) file. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Copy the CA certificate file .pem created on to all the dialers in POD and then reference as mentioned in step 4. Import all the CAs to the jacorb keystore. For more information see, Importing certificates into Jacorb keystore. Steps to import the CAs or intermediate CAs are the same. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 64 Implementation Note: • The RootCA is now a combination or concatenation of the individual RootCAs and hence must be referenced in all the configuration files on all the dialers in POD. • The jacorb keystore created on the primary having all the RootCAs imported, must be copied to all the dialers in POD and referenced in Complexity 5 — Using different chained-certificates having different RootCA on different dialers in POD In this scenario, you have different sets of chained user certificate, intermediate CAs and RootCAs. The procedure for implementing such certificates is as mentioned in Complexity-3 and Complexity-4 combined. • Combine or concatenate all the RootCAs and intermediate CAs in to one single CombinedRoots.pem file. • Copy this CombinedRoots.pem file on all the dialers. • Reference this CombinedRoots.pem file in all the configuration files as mentioned in step 3 and step 4. • Import all the RootCAs and intermediate CAs in to the jacorb keystore of the primary dialer. • Copy the jacorb keystore on all the secondary dialers. • Reference the jacorb keystore appropriately in file of all the dialers. Supervisor Certificates for supervisor are referenced inside <Sup_Install_Location>\Supervisor \Common\corba_svc.conf. The parameters remain the same as mentioned in step 4 in CORBA Binaries. This file is referred to as supervisor-config file. Use the same certificate-set as used in CORBA Binaries on the dialer. Or you can have a different certificate-set for the Supervisor. You can also have different certificate-set for each supervisor workstation individually, in case multiple tenants require their supervisors to use different certificates. Based on the above different situations and also considering all the complexities mentioned in the CORBA Binaries, different cases and for the supervisors are described as follows: Case 1— Using the same certificate-set as mentioned in CORBA binaries In this case, the Supervisor does not have their own identity certificates. Rather it uses the same certificates as used for the CORBA Binaries. Placement 1. Copy the certificate-set used in CORBA Binaries on to the supervisor workstation. 2. Configure the supervisor-config file to point to the userCert.pem, userKey.pem and RootCa.pem as mentioned in step 4 of CORBA Binaries. If same certificate-set is used across all the dialers in POD, then the above steps are sufficient for Supervisor workstation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 65 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Case-2 — Connecting to POD that is using different certificates In this case, the supervisor does not have their own identity certificates. It uses the identity certificate of any of the dialer in POD. Placement 1. Copy the userCert.pem, userKey.pem from any dialer in POD to the supervisor workstation. 2. From the same dialer, copy the CA file that is generated by combining or concatenating the different CAs. This is the same file as referenced by the parameter SSLCAfile of any of the configuration files mentioned in step 3 in CORBA Binaries. 3. Configure the supervisor-config file to point to the userCert.pem, userKey.pem and RootCa.pem as mentioned in step 4 of CORBA Binaries. Case-3: — Supervisor having their own certificate-set In this case, supervisor has own identity certificate and the RootCA can either be the same as dialer or can also be different than the dialer. Placement 1. Configure the supervisor-config file to point to the userCert.pem, userKey.pem, and RootCa.pem as mentioned in step 4 of CORBA Binaries. 2. If the RootCA of the userCert.pem is different than the one on the dialer, then a. Copy the RootCa.pem on the dialer. b. Concatenate the above RootCa.pem to the RootCa.pem being already used on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. c. Copy the new RootCa.pem to all the dialers in POD. d. Import the RootCa.pem copied in step 1 into the jacorb keystore. For detailed steps on importing, see Importing Certificates into Jacorb Keystore. e. Copy the jacorb keystore file to all the dialers in POD. Case-4: — Supervisor having their own chained certificate-set This case is similar to Case 3, only the user certificate is a chained certificate. In this case, you must obtain all the intermediate CAs along with the RootCA and the last CA used to sign the user certificate. To create a single CombinedRoots.pem file, see Combining CAs. Placement 1. Configure the supervisor-config file to point to the userCert.pem, userKey.pem, and CombinedRoots.pem as mentioned in step 4 of CORBA Binaries. 2. Copy all the CA files, RootCA, intermediate CAs to the dialer. 3. Concatenate all the CA files to the RootCA.pem being already used on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. 4. Copy the new RootCa.pem to all the dialers in POD. 5. Import the RootCa.pem copied in step 1 into the jacorb keystore. For detailed steps on importing, see Importing Certificates into Jacorb Keystore. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 66 Implementation 6. Copy the jacorb keystore file to all the dialers in POD. Case-5 — Different supervisors using different certificate-set In this case, different supervisor deployment can use their own certificate-set. They can also use chained certificate-set, having same or different RootCAs. Placement steps for this case are similar to Case 4. Follow the steps as mentioned in Case 4 for all the supervisor that are using different certificate-set or chained certificate-set. EventSDK For EventSDK clients created using C, C++: 1. Copy the combined or concatenated RootCA file of the primary dialer as referenced by the parameter SSLCAfile in step 4 above to the system where the EventSDK application is deployed. 2. To use the same certificate as on the dialer, copy the userCert.pem and userKey.pem from the dialer as referenced by SSLCertificate and SSLPrivateKey parameters in step 4 in CORBA Binaries on to the system where the EventSDK application is deployed. 3. Reference the copied files in your CORBA configuration file. 4. To use different certificates for EventSDK client application, copy your CA certificate on the primary dialer. If you are using chained certificate, then copy all the intermediate CAs to the dialer. a. Concatenate all the copied CA certificate files to the RootCa.pem being already used on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. b. Copy the new RootCa.pem to all the dialers in POD. c. Import all the CA files copied in step 4 into the jacorb keystore. For detailed steps on importing, see Importing Certificates into Jacorb Keystore. d. Copy the jacorb keystore file to all the dialers in POD. For EventSDK clients created using Java or JacOrb: 1. To use the same certificate as on the dialer, copy the jacorb keystore file of the primary dialer as referenced by the parameter. 2. To use different certificates, then copy your CA certificate on the primary dialer. If you are using chained certificate, then copy all the intermediate CAs to the dialer. a. Concatenate all the copied CA certificate files to the RootCa.pem being already used on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. b. Copy the new RootCa.pem to all the dialers in POD. c. Import all the CA files copied in step 2 into the jacorb keystore. For detailed steps on importing, see Importing Certificates into Jacorb Keystore. d. Copy the jacorb keystore file to all the dialers in POD. e. Copy this jacorb keystore file to the system where your EventSDK java client is being used or deployed. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 67 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI PC-Agent and AgentAPI applications both communicate with the agent binary on the dialer. Therefore in this case, the Agent binary on the dialer is the server and PC-Agent, AgentAPI applications are the clients. Related links Agent binary on page 68 PC-Agent on page 68 AgentAPI on page 70 List server on page 70 Agent binary The requirements for Agent binary on the dialer are: • User certificate: userCert.pem • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate: userKey.pem • CA certificate used to sign the user certificate: RootCa.pem Placement 1. Copy the above certificate-set at any location of your choice on the dialer. 2. Configuration file that is required to be changed is: /opt/avaya/pds/config/ agtSecurity.policy. 3. In the above configuration file, change the following parameters to point to the FQPN of user certificate, private key and the CA certificate. a. CertLocation: /path/to/userCert.pem b. KeyLocation: /path/to/userKey.pem c. CAFileLocation: /path/to/Rootca.pem Complexity 1 – Using Chained user certificate If the user certificate is a chained certificate, then you must obtain all the intermediate certificates including the RootCA and the last CA certificate used to sign the user certificates. All these RootCAs, IntermediateCAs, and the last CAs must be combined or concatenated into one .pem x509 format file. This combined or concatenated file must then be used as the CA certificate in Step 3 c. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Related links Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI on page 68 PC-Agent You can use the same certificate as configured for Agent binary on the dialer. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 68 Implementation Placement 1. Copy the certificate-set that Agent binary on the dialer is using to the windows machine where PC-Agent is deployed. 2. Modify the pdsagent.ini configuration file located at following locations: a. <Agent_Install_Location> b. %appdata% 3. In all the above pdsagent.ini files, change the following parameters to point to the FQPN of the user certificate and the private key: a. ClientCertificatePath b. ClientCertificateKeyPath 4. The CA certificates must be imported and stored on the Windows workstation of the PCAgent. To import the CA certificates into Windows system, see Importing Certificates into Windows Certificate Store. 5. If the dialer is using chained certificate, then you must individually import the RootCA and all the intermediate CAs in to the Windows workstation. To import the CA certificates into Windows system, see Importing Certificates into Windows Certificate Store. Complexity 1 — Using a different certificate in PC-Agent In this case, PC-Agent has its own certificate-set that is different from the certificate set used by the Agent binary on the dialer. Placement • PC-Agent - Copy the certificate-set to the windows machine where PC-Agent is deployed. - Modify the pdsagent.ini configuration file located at following locations: • <Agent_Install_Location> • %appdata% - In all the above pdsagent.ini files, change the following parameters to point to the FQPN of the user certificate and the private key: • ClientCertificatePath • ClientCertificateKeyPath - Copy the CA certificate used by the Agent binary on the dialer to the windows machine where PC-Agent is deployed. - The CA certificates needs to be imported and stored on the Windows workstation of the PC-Agent. To import the CA certificates into Windows system, see Importing Certificates into Windows Certificate Store. - If the dialer is using chained certificate, then you need to individually import the RootCA and all the intermediate CAs in to the Windows workstation. To import the CA certificates into Windows system, see Importing Certificates into Windows Certificate Store. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 69 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact • Dialer - Copy the RootCA used to sign the certificate used by the PC-Agent on to the dialer. - Concatenate the copied RootCA to the CA certificate file used by the Agent binary on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Complexity 2: — Using a different chained-certificate in PC-Agent In this case, PC-Agent has its own chained-certificate-set that is different from the certificate-set used by the Agent binary on the dialer. The placement of such certificate is similar to Complexity 1. The CAs and all Intermediate CAs in the chain must all be concatenated to the CA certificate file used by the Agent binary on the dialer. For commands to combine the CAs, see Combining CAs. Related links Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI on page 68 AgentAPI The cases and complexities for AgentAPI applications remain the same as mentioned in PC-Agent section. Related links Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI on page 68 List server The list server binary requires the following: • User certificate • Unencrypted private key of the user certificate the CA certificate used to sign or issue the CORBA certificates must also sign or issue the certificate for a list server. You can optionally use the same CORBA certificate for a list server as well. Placement 1. Copy the user certificate and the private key at any location on the dialer. 2. Following configuration file must be changed using the command /opt/avaya/pds/ config/listserv.conf. 3. In the above configuration file, following parameters must be updated with the FQPN of the user certificate and the private key: a. CertLocation: /path/to/userCert.pem b. KeyLocation: /path/to/userKey.pem Related links Agent, PC-Agent and AgentAPI on page 68 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 70 List of certificates and configuration files List of certificates and configuration files List of certificates on the dialer The following table lists the default certificates present on the dialer, different processes, binaries, areas using them, and the respective configuration file which references them: Certificate Process/ Binary/ Area Configuration file /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/cacertificate/ ProactiveContactCA.pem All /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/certificate/ agent_cert.pem Agent agtSecurity.policy /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/certificate/ agent_cert.pem All corba binaries sm_sha2.conf, corba_svc_sha2.conf, corba_nm_svc_sha2.conf, corba_ens_svc_sha2.conf /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/certificate/ corbaServer_cert.pem List server listserv.conf /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/certificate/ listserver_cert.pem List server /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/certificate/ listsrvClient_cert.pem HDCC, SPMP /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/keystore/jacorb Oracle DB Server sqlnet.ora /opt/dbase/wallet/ewallet.p12 LDAP slapd.conf /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem LDAP slapd.conf List of certificates on the supervisor workstation The following table lists the default certificates present on the supervisor workstation and the configuration file which references them: Certificate Process/ Binary/ Area Configuration file C:\Windows\AvayaCerts\ProactiveContactCA.pem All supervisor apps <Sup_Install_Location> \Supervisor\Common \corba_svc.conf C:\Windows\AvayaCerts\corbaServer_cert.pem All supervisor apps corba_svc.conf C:\Windows\AvayaCerts\corbaServer_key.pem All supervisor apps corba_svc.conf Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 71 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact Certificate Process/ Binary/ Area Configuration file <Sup_Install_Location>\ Services\3rdParty \Oracle11g\wallet\* Oracle client appsAnalyst, Monitor <Sup_Install_Location>\ Services\3rdParty\Oracle11g \sqlnet.ora List of certificates on the agent workstation The following table lists the default certificates present on the agent workstation and the configuration file which references them: Certificate Process/ Binary/ Area Configuration file <Agent_Install_Location>\agentClient_cert.pem Agent application PDSAgent.ini <Agent_Install_Location>\agentClient_key.pem Agent application PDSAgent.ini <Agent_Install_Location>ProactiveContactCA.cer Agent application Windows certificate inventory Commands Combining CAs Different certificates When the server and clients both use different certificates signed by different CAs, then in some cases CAs must be combined and referenced in the respective configuration file. You must have the Root CAs used to sign the certificates. For example, if you have the Root CAs in .pem (x509) format like RootCA1.pem and RootCA2.pem, use the following commands to concatenate them into one : openssl x509 –text –in RootCA1.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in RootCA2.pem >> combinedRoots.pem Chained certificate If you are using a chained certificate, you must obtain all the intermediate CAs along with RootCAs in .pem format. In such cases, you will have to concatenate all the intermediate certificates as well. For example, you have the following two chained certificates userCert1.pem and userCert2.pem: RootCA1.pem > IntermediateCA12.pem > IntermediateCA13.pem > IntermediateCA14.pem > userCert1.pem July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 72 Commands RootCA2.pem > IntermediateCA22.pem > IntermediateCA23.pem > IntermediateCA24.pem > userCert2.pem You will need to combine all the CA certificates, using the following command: openssl x509 –text –in RootCA1.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in RootCA2.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA12.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA13.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA14.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA22.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA23.pem >> combinedRoots.pem openssl x509 –text –in IntermediateCA24.pem >> combinedRoots.pem The combinedRoots.pem is the file ready to be used as the CA file in your configuration. Importing certificates into the Windows Certificate Store About this task Use this procedure to import certificates into the Windows Certificate Store. • If the user certificate is signed by the Root CA, then import the Root CA to the Windows Certificate Store. • If the user certificate is a chained certificate, then import all the intermediate CA certificates including the Root CA and the last CA that is used to sign the user certificate, to the Windows Certificate Store. Procedure 1. Log in to the Windows system with an Administrator account. 2. In the command prompt, type mmc, and click Enter. 3. Click File > Add/Remove snap-in. 4. In the navigation pane, click Certificates and then click Add. 5. In the Certificates snap-in window, select My user account and click Finish. 6. In the navigation pane, click Certificates and then click Add. 7. In the Certificates snap-in window, select Computer account and click Next. 8. Select the Local computer option and click Finish. 9. In the Add/Remove Snap-in window, click OK. 10. In the navigation pane, expand Certificates- Current User. 11. In the navigation pane, expand Trusted Root Certificates and right-click the Certificates folder. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 73 Implementing Custom Certificates in Proactive Contact 12. Select All Tasks and click Import. 13. In the Welcome to Certificate Import Wizard window, click Next. 14. Click Browse, select the location of your CA file that is stored in the .pem format, and click Next. 15. Ensure that the Place all certificates in the following store option is selected and the certificate store Trusted Root Certification Authorities is mentioned. 16. Click Next. 17. Click Finish. 18. In the navigation pane, expand Certificates (Local Computer) and repeat Step 11 to Step 17. Next steps Repeat Step 1 to Step 18 for all the intermediate CAs and the last CA that is used to sign the user certificate. Importing certificates into the Jacorb store About this task Use this procedure to import certificates into the Jacorb store. Note: When you are prompted for a password, enter the static password clientpass. This is the password set in the file on the dialer. To use another password, you must first modify the password in the file on the dialer. Procedure Go to the /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/SHA2/keystore/jacorb directory and run the following commands: a. keytool -import –alias rootcaalias –file RootCa.pem –keystore jacorb b. openssl rsa -des3 -in userKey.pem -out userKey2.pem c. openssl pkcs12 -export -in userCert.pem -inkey userKey2.pem -name clientalias -out corbaD1.p12 d. keytool -importkeystore -keystore jacorb -srckeystore corbaD1.p12 To import a chained certificate, repeat the first command for all the intermediate CAs and the last CA that is used to sign the user certificate. Then, run the other commands. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 74 Commands Other commands • To list the contents of the jacorb keystore, run the following command: keytool –list – keystore jacorb. • To list the contents of the Oracle wallet, change the directory containing the wallet files and the run the following command: orapki wallet display –wallet. • To see the contents of x509 certificate (.pem) file, run the following command: openssl x509 –text –in <cert.pem>. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 75 Chapter 8: Supported servers Servers supported by Proactive Contact releases The table below lists the servers that Release 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, and 5.2 of Proactive Contact support. Server Proactive Contact 5.1 Proactive Contact 5.1.1 Proactive Contact 5.1.2 Proactive Contact 5.2 IBM x3650 M2 HP DL 385 G2 HP DL 385 G5 HP DL 360 G7 HP DL 360p G8 HP DL 360 G9 Note: • HP DL 360p G8 is the only server Avaya provides along with Proactive Contact 5.1.1. However, you can upgrade to Proactive Contact 5.1.1, even if you are using any other server that is supported. • HP DL 360 G9 is the only server Avaya provides along with Proactive Contact 5.1.2. However, you can upgrade to Proactive Contact 5.1.2, even if you are using any other server that is supported. Related links Downloading HP documentation on page 77 Server installation July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 76 Hardware requirements for HP DL 360 G9 server You must follow the installation instructions to install the servers supported by Proactive Contact on your system. The installation instructions are provided in the installation guides for a specific server. The following table provides the reference to the appropriate installation guide. Servers Installation reference IBM x3650 M2 For detailed instructions for installing IBM x3650 M2 server, see HP DL 385 G2 For detailed instructions for installing HP DL 385 G2 server, see HP DL 385 G5 For detailed instructions for installing HP DL 385 G5 server, see HP DL 360 G7 For detailed instructions for installing HP DL 360 G7 server, see HP DL 360p G8 For detailed instructions for installing HP DL 360p G8 server, see HP DL 360 G9 For detailed instructions for installing HP DL 360 G9 server, see Hardware requirements for HP DL 360 G9 server HP DL 360 G9, also known as Common Server 3 (CSR3) is the new supported platform for deploying Avaya Proactive Contact. The deployment of Proactive Contact on CSR3 is done only through either customer procured VMWare or through Avaya Virtualized Platform. Hardware requirements for HP DL 360 G9 are: • Form Factor Rack Server (1 U Rack Height) • Six Core Intel Xeon E5-2620v3at 2.4 GHz, 15MB Cache • 32GB (4GB x 8) DDR3 1600MHz Memory • Integrated 4-port Gigabit Ethernet NIC • Hot swappable power supplies, fans, and hard drives • Internal SATA DVD RW drive • RAID 1 configuration: Hot Pluggable 300GB 10K 2.5 SAS HDD (qty 2) • RAID 5 configuration: Hot Pluggable 300GB 10K 2.5 SAS HDD (qty 3) • Power supply: 500W AC (qty. 2) Downloading HP documentation Use this procedure to find and download the server documentation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 77 Supported servers Procedure 1. Use a browser to navigate to the Avaya Support website at 2. At the top of the screen, enter your username and password and click Login. 3. Put your cursor over Support by Product. 4. Click Documents. 5. In the Enter Your Product Here search box, type Common Servers and then select 3.0.x from the drop-down list. If there is more than one release, select the appropriate release number from the Choose Release drop-down list. 6. Use the Content Type filter on the left to select the type of document you are looking for, or click Select All to see a list of all available documents. For example, if you are looking for user guides, select User Guides in the Content Type filter. Only documents in the selected category will appear in the list of documents. 7. Click Enter. Standard server specifications Standard configurations and options for the HP DL360 G7 server: Base unit Baseline Options DL360 G7 1U chassis, dual socket No additional options supported. Processor Intel E5620 Quad Core /2.4 GHz (Westmere) • Intel X5670 six Core/2.93 GHz (Westmere) 3 memory channels per CPU with up to 3 RDIMMs per channel. Most applications use 1 or 2 RDIMMs per channel to optimize memory speed. • Upgradable to dual processors for either E5620 or X5670 4 GB DDR3 RDIMMs (1333 MHz) Modules — Memory Total of 24GB (4GB x 6) DDR3 1333MHz Registered CAS-9 Memory HW RAID 1 P410i RAID controller with 256 MB cache and battery backup. Optioned as RAID 1 or 5 N/A Hot-Plug disk drive cage 4 Small Form Factor 2.5” hot-plug hard drives bays are available when an optical drive is installed. HP offers servers with 8 drive bays that do not support an optical drive that is not supported by Avaya. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 78 Standard server specifications Base unit Baseline Options Disk drive 146GB SAS 2.5" 10K RPM 6G DP Hard Drive. Two base configurations: Options: • RAID 1, 2 x 146GB drives • Additional 146GB 10K RPM drive (4 max. with optical drive) • RAID 5, 3 x 146GB drives • High performance 146GB 15K drives • 300GB 10K HDD NICs 4 integrated ENET Gigabit NIC ports with TCP offload engine (included on motherboard) HP NC382T PCI Express Dual Port Gigabit NIC expansion card (Broadcom 5709 silicon) PCI slots Two PCI-Express Gen 2 expansion slots: Meeting Exchange Recording uses a PCIone full-length, full-height slot and one X riser in place of the low profile PCIe riser low-profile slot (1-FL/FH x 16 PCIe & 1-LP in the standard server. x 8 PCIe Riser Removable media Slim line SATA DVD-RW optical drive (used in all Avaya configurations) No additional options supported. Power supply 460 W hotplug AC power supply (qty 2) • 750W AC power supply • 1200W DC power supply • Single and dual power supply configurations Fans 3 fan modules (fan redundancy standard) No additional options supported. Additional items One front USB, two back USB, one internal USB — July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 79 Chapter 9: Hardware Avaya-provided equipment Avaya provides the following equipment: • Server and power cord or cords • Slide rails • Cable management arm assembly • Cable management arm stop bracket • Cable management arm mounting bracket • Cable management support arm • Two 10–32 screws • Four M6 screws • Five small cable ties • One large cable tie • Compact flash reader, USB cable, and flashcard (for backing up files. Included when required by the product ordered.) • Modem and USB or serial cable (for remote maintenance. Included when required by the product ordered.) • Other hardware as ordered, such as uninterruptible power source (UPS). Customer-provided equipment The customer must provide the following equipment: • Standard 19-inch four-post equipment rack that is properly installed and solidly secured. The rack must meet the following standards: - American National Standards Institute and Electronic Industries Association standard ANSI/EIA-310–D-92. - International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC 297 - Deutsche Industrie Norm standard DIN 41494 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 80 Clearance requirements • Screws that come with the racks for installing the rails • #2 cross-point (Phillips) screwdriver or 3/8 inch flathead screwdriver • USB keyboard, USB mouse, and monitor must be available on the site for advanced installation or troubleshooting. • Power from a nonswitched electrical outlet • Access to the network Clearance requirements Install the server in a rack that meets the following requirements: • Minimum depth of 70 mm (2.76 inches) between the front mounting flange and inside of the front door if the server is installed in a cabinet. • Minimum depth of 157 mm (6.18 inches) between the rear mounting flange and inside of the rear door if the server is installed in a cabinet. • Minimum depth of 718 mm (28.27 inches) and maximum depth of 762 mm (30 inches) between the front and rear mounting flanges to support the use of the cable-management arm. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 81 Chapter 10: RAID overview and configuration Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) is used to combine multiple small, inexpensive disk drives into an array of disk drives which yields performance exceeding that of a Single Large Expensive Drive (SLED). The array of drives appears to the computer as a single logical storage unit or drive. The Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of the array is equal to the MTBF of a single drive, divided by the number of drives in the array. Therefore, the MTBF of an array of drives can be too low for many application requirements. However, storing information redundantly in various ways can make disk arrays fault-tolerant. Types of Raid Levels There are at least nine types of RAID plus a non-redundant array (RAID-0). Avaya Proactive Contact supports RAID-1 and RAID-5 configuration only. RAID-1 RAID Level 1 provides redundancy by writing all data to two or more drives. The performance of a level 1 array tends to be faster on reads and slower on writes compared to a single drive, but if either drive fails, no data is lost. This is a good entrylevel redundant system, since only two drives are required; however, since one drive is used to store a duplicate of the data, the cost per megabyte is high. This level is commonly referred to as mirroring. RAID-5 RAID Level 5 distributes parity among the drives. This can speed small write operation in multiprocessing systems. The parity data is skipped on each drive during read operation. All read and write operations can be overlapped. RAID-5 stores parity information but not redundant data (parity information can be used to reconstruct data). Obtaining HP DL360 G9 RAID Configuration tool Procedure 1. Go to Avaya Support site at 2. In the left pane, click Downloads. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 82 Configuring RAID on Proactive Contact servers 3. In the Please enter the name of your product text box, type Common Server. 4. Select the Common Server option that appears below the text box. The system redirects the web page to the Common Server page. 5. Download the Common Servers - HP DL360 G9 RAID Configuration Tool iso image. 6. Write the downloaded iso to a blank CD Configuring RAID on Proactive Contact servers You must follow the configuration instructions to configure RAID on Proactive Contact servers. The configuration instructions are provided on Avaya Support site. The following table provides the reference to the appropriate configuration instructions. If you have installed RAID 5, you must reinstall Appliance Virtualization Platform (AVP). For information on how to install AVP, see the Installing Appliance Virtualization Platform by using hard disk drive in the Migrating and Installing Avaya Appliance Virtualization Platform guide. Server Reference IBM x3650 M2 For detailed instructions for configuring RAID on HP DL 385 G2 server, see HP DL 385 G5 For detailed instructions for configuring RAID on HP DL 385 G5 server, see HP DL 360 G7 For detailed instructions for configuring RAID on HP DL 360 G7 server, see https:// 100124286 HP DL 360p G8 For detailed instructions for configuring RAID on HP DL 360p G8 server, see https:// 100176987 HP DL 360 G9 For detailed instructions for configuring RAID on HP DL 360p G9 server, see https:// 101016393 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 83 Chapter 11: Mondo Backup and Restore Mondo Backup Mondo Rescue backs up your file system to CD/DVD, tape, NFS (archives stored remotely) or ISO's (archives stored locally). Mondo uses afio as the backup engine; afio is a well-respected replacement for tar. If there is a catastrophic data loss, you can restore some files or the complete system, even if your hard disk drives are now blank. Mondo Rescue allows you to perform the following operations: • Clone an installation of Linux by backing up the important information and excluding / home, /var/log. • Backup a non-RAID file system and restore it as RAID including the root partition (If your kernel supports that). • Backup a system running on one format and restore as another format. • Restructure your partitions. For example; shrink/enlarge, reassign devices, and add hard disk drives before you partition and format your drives. Mondo restores your data and amend /etc/ lilo.conf and /etc/fstab accordingly. • Backup the Linux or Windows systems, including the boot sectors. (However, do run "Scandisk" when you first boot into Windows) • Backup CD/DVD to verify the integrity of your computer. Note: Mondo is not an everyday backup program. Mondo backup does not replace tar, afio, and kbackup. You can recover from scratch using Mondo backup. Tar and afio offer a quick, convenient way to backup small sets of files, sometimes to removable media. Creating a Mondo backup About this task Follow these steps to create a bootable backup using Mondo Rescue. Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as sysadm. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 84 Restoring a Mondo backup 2. From the Administrator Main Menu, type 3 and press Enter to select Back up, restore and verify. 3. From the BACKUP and RESTORE MENU, type 2 and press Enter to select Local backup up/restore/ verify. 4. From the LOCAL BACK UP AND RESTORE OPERATIONS, type 12 and press Enter to select Create bootable backup. 5. Go to the previous menu, type 0 and press Enter. 6. Select the backup destination. Note: Avaya Proactive Contact uses the highest compression level for creating a backup of the complete system. During backup, you must have multiple discs for an entire backup. A bootable DVD disc is created during tape backup. Use the bootable DVD disc to restore from tape. Use a blank DVD to write the bootable disc only once. Caution: When you restore the system from the bootable backup, the current data on the disk is erased and the hard disk drive is re-partitioned. You must be careful when you restore the system from the backup media. 7. Follow the on-screen instructions. Restoring a Mondo backup Restoring from rebootable DVD back up About this task Caution: When you restore the system from the bootable back up, the system deletes your current data on the disk and re-partitions it. Therefore, you must be careful when you restore the system from the back up media. Procedure 1. Insert the Mondo back up DVD to the computer. 2. Restart the system. 3. At the boot prompt, type nuke and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 85 Mondo Backup and Restore 4. In the Alert screen, for the message Mountlist analyzed. Result:”2 MB overallocated on /dev/sda.” Switch to interactive mode?, use Tab to select and press Enter. 5. On the Editing mountlist screen, use Tab to select the Reload option and press Enter. 6. On the Alert screen, Tab to select Yes for the Reload original mountlist? message and press Enter. 7. On the Editing mountlist screen, Tab to select the OK option. and press Enter. 8. On the Alert screen, Tab to select Yes for the Are you sure you want to save your mountlist and continue? (No changes will be made to your partition table at this time.) message and press Enter. 9. For the Do you want to erase and partition your hard drives? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 10. For the Do you want me to restore all of your data? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. After the above messages, the mondo restores the data. It takes close to 30 minutes to restore the data. After restoring the data, the following prompts are displayed. 11. For the Initialize the boot loader? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 12. For the Did you change the mountlist or cloned the system? message, Tab to select No and press Enter. 13. For the Label/Identify your ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions if necessary? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 14. For the message Mondo has restored your system. Please wait for the command prompt. The remove the back up media and reboot, press Enter. 15. At the sh: can't access tty; Job control turned off prompt, type Reboot. 16. After reboot, ignore the EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode message. Login prompt appears within one minute. Note: If the system does not display prompts as described in Step 4 to 16 in the procedure, wait till the system automatically completes the restoration procedure. Restoring from tape Procedure 1. Insert the botable DVD into the DVD drive and mondo taken tape in Tape drive. 2. Login as sroot user and reboot the system using the reboot command on the prompt. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 86 Restoring from rebootable DVD back up 3. On the boot: prompt, type expert. 4. On the sh: can't access tty; job control turned off prompt, type mondorestore. 5. On the How should I restore? prompt, select Automatically and press Enter. When the Restoring from Archives prompt appears, Mondo restores your data from the tape and following prompts are displayed. 6. On the Alert screen, on the "Mountlist analyzed. Result:" 3 MB overallocated on /dev/cciss/c0d0. "Switch to Interactive Mode"? prompt, Tab to select YES and press Enter. 7. On the Editing mountlist screen, tab to select Reload, and press Enter. 8. On the Alert screen, on the Reload original mountlist? message, tab to select YES and press Enter. 9. On the Editing mountlist screen, tab to select OK and press Enter 10. Follow on-screen instructions. 11. After the reboot, ignore the EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode message. Login prompt appears within one minute. Restoring from rebootable DVD back up About this task Caution: When you restore the system from the bootable back up, the system deletes your current data on the disk and re-partitions it. Therefore, you must be careful when you restore the system from the back up media. Procedure 1. Insert the Mondo back up DVD to the computer. 2. Restart the system. 3. At the boot prompt, type nuke and press Enter. 4. In the Alert screen, for the message Mountlist analyzed. Result:”2 MB overallocated on /dev/sda.” Switch to interactive mode?, use Tab to select and press Enter. 5. On the Editing mountlist screen, use Tab to select the Reload option and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 87 Mondo Backup and Restore 6. On the Alert screen, Tab to select Yes for the Reload original mountlist? message and press Enter. 7. On the Editing mountlist screen, Tab to select the OK option. and press Enter. 8. On the Alert screen, Tab to select Yes for the Are you sure you want to save your mountlist and continue? (No changes will be made to your partition table at this time.) message and press Enter. 9. For the Do you want to erase and partition your hard drives? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 10. For the Do you want me to restore all of your data? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. After the above messages, the mondo restores the data. It takes close to 30 minutes to restore the data. After restoring the data, the following prompts are displayed. 11. For the Initialize the boot loader? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 12. For the Did you change the mountlist or cloned the system? message, Tab to select No and press Enter. 13. For the Label/Identify your ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions if necessary? message, Tab to select Yes and press Enter. 14. For the message Mondo has restored your system. Please wait for the command prompt. The remove the back up media and reboot, press Enter. 15. At the sh: can't access tty; Job control turned off prompt, type Reboot. 16. After reboot, ignore the EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode message. Login prompt appears within one minute. Note: If the system does not display prompts as described in Step 4 to 16 in the procedure, wait till the system automatically completes the restoration procedure. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 88 Chapter 12: Install server operating system Verifying platform characteristics and software media About this task Before you install the operating system software, ensure you have verified the following: Procedure 1. Obtain the CD/DVD for the operating system software which has the following label: Avaya Proactive Contact Linux ES Bootable. 2. Work with your IT representative to determine the hostnames and IP addresses that will be assigned to both the built-in network interface and the PCI network interface. Note: Do not install the operating system on a workstation with network interfaces that are improperly connected or terminated. This operating system software includes drivers for the network interfaces. If a valid interface is non-existent when you install this operating system, the installation and configuration of the software does not succeed. 3. Ensure that the target server is configured with at least 146 GB of free space on the hard disk drive and a CD/DVD drive. 4. The install will completely erase and reformat the target disk; therefore ensure to backup the existing data. Next steps Installing Avaya Proactive Contact LINUX ES operating system. Installing operating system You must follow the installation instructions to install the operating system supported by Proactive Contact. The installation instructions are provided in the release notes. The following table provides the reference to the appropriate release notes. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 89 Install server operating system Proactive Contact Release Description Release 5.1.2 For detailed installation instructions, see Avaya Proactive Contact Release Notes for Dialer and Database Release 5.1.2. You can download the release notes from the Avaya Support site at http:// For detailed installation instructions for installing the operating system in a virtualized environment, see Avaya Proactive Contact, 5.1.2 - Release Notes for Avaya Proactive Contact OVA. You can download the release notes from the Avaya Support site at Release 5.2 July 2018 For detailed installation instructions, see Release Notes for Avaya Proactive Contact 5.2 Dialer and Database. You can download the document from the Avaya Support site at support Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 90 Chapter 13: Proactive Contact installation Verifying the installation environment Before you begin Install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system on the appropriate server: • IBM x3650 M2 • HP Proliant DL385 G5 • HP Proliant DL385 G7 • HP DL 360p G8 • HP DL 360 G9 About this task Use this procedure to perform checks before you install Proactive Contact on the server. Procedure 1. Verify that the file /etc/resolv.conf contains an entry for a domain, by typing more /etc/resolv.conf at the Linux prompt. The display includes a line similar to the following: domain 2. If the file /etc/resolv.conf does not contain a line as shown above, use a text editor such as vi to add your local domain name to the file. 3. Verify that the file /etc/hosts contains an entry with the following syntax, by entering more /etc/hosts at the Linux prompt. IP_address machine_name machine_name.domain_name The machine_name.domain_name entry is optional, but has to be included when you intend to access the system from outside the local domain. 4. Verify that the file /etc/sysconfig/network contains a HOSTNAME entry that matches the machine name specified in the /etc/hosts file, by entering more /etc/ sysconfig/network at the Linux prompt. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 91 Proactive Contact installation Configuring the system for a fresh installation Procedure 1. Go to the /opt/avaya/pds/etc directory. 2. Edit the master.cfg file to set the following parameters: • DBSERVERIP: IP address of the primary dialer • DIALERID: ID number, which is a positive integer value of maximum two digits. • NAMESERVICEHOST: The primary machine host name from /etc/hosts. • PRIMARY: YES (For primary dialer only. Maintain the default value of NO in case of secondary dialer) • WEBLMURL: WEBLM URL (For example, http,//,8080/WebLM/ LicenseServer:) The IP address indicates the WEBLM server IP address. 3. Run the command manage_corba_users –D <DIALERID> -A Example Installing Proactive Contact You must follow the installation instructions to install Proactive Contact on your system. The installation instructions are provided in the release notes for a specific release. The following table provides the reference to the appropriate release notes. Proactive ContactRelease Release Notes Proactive Contact 5.1.2 For detailed instructions for installing Proactive Contact 5.1.2, see Avaya Proactive Contact Release Notes for Dialer and Database Release 5.1.2. You can download the release notes from the Avaya Support site at support. Proactive Contact 5.2 For detailed instructions for installing Proactive Contact 5.2, see Release Notes for Avaya Proactive Contact 5.2 Dialer and Database. You can download the document from the Avaya Support site at July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 92 Starting the Dialer processes Starting the Dialer processes Procedure 1. Log in as an admin user. 2. Start the database by running the following commands on the primary dialer: DISCUSS • start_db • check_db 3. Verify that all the database processes are running. 4. Run the following command on the primary dialer only in case of fresh installation: • gennis • StartThinAgent • mig_gennis 5. Run the Mid-Tier software by running the following commands on the primary dialer: • start_mts • check_mts Verify that all the Mid-Tier processes are running.this is a step 6. Run the following command on both primary and secondary dialers in a pod: • tmigration 7. Start the Dialer software by running the following commands on the primary dialer: • start_pds • check_pds 8. Run the following commands on the secondary dialer: • start_pds • check_pds Verify that all the Dialer processes are running. Changing the boot order for installing Proactive Contact by using a USB About this task If you install the dialer from a USB, at the mandatory re-boot after the Dialer installation is complete, the server fails to boot up and displays a message regarding illegal op-code. To avoid this issue, you must change the boot order. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 93 Proactive Contact installation Procedure 1. When the server is booting up, press F9 to enter the BIOS setup. 2. Navigate to the Boot Sequence section. 3. Click Hard Disk and move it up in the list, so that it appears above the USB devices option. 4. Ensure that the CD/DVD option is the first priority in the boot sequence. Post Dialer installation procedure for fresh installation Before you begin Install the Dialer and database software. About this task To complete the Proactive Contact software installation follow these steps: Note: These steps are only for a fresh installation on Primary Dialer. To configure a secondary Dialer in pod, refer to the Pod configuration section. Procedure 1. After installation completes, log out of the Linux system and log in as admin. 2. At the Linux prompt, use any convenient editor to open/etc/master.cfg and set the value as shown of the parameters in the following table: Parameter Value to enter DBSERVERIP IP address of Dialer DIALERID Dialer ID number desired, typically 1 NAMESERVICEHOST Name of machine that hosts the Dialer from /etc/hosts PRIMARY YES WEBLMURL URL of the WebLM license server. For example: http,//,8080/WEBLM/ LicenseServer, where is the IP address of the server. 3. At the Linux prompt, type su sroot and press Enter. 4. At the password prompt type <password> and press Enter. 5. At the Linux su prompt, type manage_corba_users -D DIALERID_of_Primary_Dialer -A and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 94 Uninstalling Proactive Contact 6. At the Linux su prompt, type manage_corba_users -D DIALERID_of_Secondary_Dialer -A and press Enter. 7. At the Linux su prompt, type exit and press Enter. 8. To confirm you are logged in as admin, type whoami and press Enter. If you are logged in as admin, log in as admin. 9. To configure the Mid-Tier software, at the Linux prompt: a. Type start_db and press Enter. b. Type check_db and press Enter. c. Type start_mts and press Enter. d. Type check_mts and press Enter. 10. To configure the Dialer software, at the Linux prompt: a. Type start_pds and press Enter. b. Type check_pds and press Enter. c. Type check_mts and press Enter. d. Type check_db and press Enter. Next steps If the last three checks do not detect any errors, begin using Avaya Proactive Contact. If errors were discovered, check the installation logs to see if you can discover the cause of the problem. Uninstalling Proactive Contact To revert the system to the previous version of Proactive Contact, use the Mondo backup. Enhanced password support The password security is enhanced based on the following criteria: • Password encryption algorithm: SSHA (LDAP only) • Password Composition 1. Minimum password length: 8 characters 2. Passwords must include any three of the following: - One upper case letter - One lower case letter July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 95 Proactive Contact installation - One number - One special character • Password history: 7 passwords • Account lockout threshold setting: Lockout after 3 attempts Note: Account lockout threshold is configurable. You can configure the password security option as On or Off. When configured as On, anytime a new user is created or a user resets the password, the system ensures that the newly created password matches the enhanced password security criteria described earlier. Change the default password You must change the default passwords of all the default users in Proactive Contact. The default users in Proactive Contact are as follows: • sysadm • system • admin • auditor • agent1 • agent2 • agent3 • agent4 • agent5 • agent6 • agent7 • agent8 • agent9 • agent10 • roleadm The following are the default operating system user accounts created in Proactive Contact: • sroot • craft July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 96 Change the default password • cust • rasaccess Note: In Avaya Proactive Contact 5.1, the service accounts cust1, csroot, dadmin, and root are available only in the files database, that is, in /etc/passwd. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 97 Chapter 14: Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) About the QDTC Card The Quad Digital Trunk Card 2 (QDTC2) is RoHS compliant and includes lead-free components. QDTC2 card can provide T1, E1, and all primary rates ISDN support (including the international versions of T1 and E1). You can configure the line impedances (75/120 Ohms) characteristics using the switch administration console. The Quad Digital Trunk Card 2 (QDTC2) is used in a Digital Switch. The Digital Switch is used as the switching component within the Proactive Contactand the Avaya PG230RM Gateway. The QDTC2 provides four T1 or E1 spans per card for the PG230RM. Related links Using QDTC2 card with PG230RM on page 98 Types of digital transmission standards on page 99 Card upgrades with QDTC2 on page 99 Hot plug-in on page 100 Card indicators on page 100 Using QDTC2 card with PG230RM Before you begin You must upgrade the ENBC firmware present in the PG230RM switch to be able to use the QDTC2 card. After upgrading the ENBC, when you unplug a QT1, QT1PRI, QE1 or QE1PRI card from a slot in the PG230RM switch and plug-in a QDTC2 card, the ENBC configures the QDTC2 card to work exactly the same way as the previous card that was present in that slot. Consequently, you can configure an unused slot in the PG230RM as you would for a QT1, QT1PRI, QE1 or QE1PRI and the QDTC2 will emulate the respective card when inserted into that slot. If you wish the QDTC2 to emulate a QE1 or QE1PRI card with 75 ohm impedance, you must specify this in the card configuration screen of the administration console. Related links About the QDTC Card on page 98 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 98 About the QDTC Card Types of digital transmission standards There are three basic types of digital transmission standards. They are as follows: • T1: T1 is the digital transmission standard used in North America and some parts of Asia. • E1: E1 is the digital transmission standard used in Europe, some parts of Asia, and in most of Latin America. • J1: J1 is the digital transmission standard used in Japan. Note: J1 is supported using T1. T1 has an option to support the yellow alarm processing of J1. Related links About the QDTC Card on page 98 Card upgrades with QDTC2 The new QDTC2 replaces the following six existing QDTC cards: • QT1 (11975-06) • QT1-PRI (12334-02) • QE1-CAS 75 ohm (12331-07) • QE1-CAS 120 ohm (12331-08) • QE1-PRI 75 ohm (12333-03) • QE1-PRI 120 ohm (12333-04) When the QDTC card is configured: • For T1 trunks, each 1.544 Mbps T1 service provides 24 channels of 64 kbps PCM voice with robbed bit signaling. This configuration provides a maximum total of 96 channels or ports. • For E1 trunks, each 2.048 Mbps service provides 30 channels of 64 kbps PCM voice, one signaling channel and one framing and alarm channel. This configuration provides a maximum of 120 voice ports. • The QTDC2 can convert the serial data streams on each span between μ-Law and A-Law and to also provide 0dB (no loss), 3dB or 6dB loss in each direction of transmission. The QDTC2 can convert the serial data streams on each span between µ-Law and A-Law and to also provide 0dB (no gain), 3dB or 6dB gain in each direction of transmission. The configuration parameters are controlled through the Digital Switch administration console. Therefore, there are no jumpers or switches to set on the card. Related links About the QDTC Card on page 98 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 99 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Hot plug-in The QDTC2 can be plugged into a system that is powered and operating without causing any undesirable effects to that system. Note: You must wear an anti-static strap when inserting or removing a card from the PG230RM to prevent a static discharge. Warning: When you insert a card in a live dialing system, the card insertion can cause the switch to reboot. You must replace or insert the card when the dialer is not in use. Avaya is not liable for the switch reboot or if the switch is out of service when adding/removing the card in the PG230RM. Related links About the QDTC Card on page 98 Card indicators The front panel of the QDTC2 card has three LEDs. They are red, green, and yellow LEDs for maintenance and diagnostics status indication. The following table describes the operation of the various LEDs. Red LED Yellow LED Green LED Card Status OFF OFF Card Active; OFF Normal operation OFF OFF ON Waiting for ENBC to initialize OFF ON ON Waiting for firmware to download * ON OFF Remote (yellow) alarm detected ON * OFF No Flash: Carrier lost detected ON OFF OFF 1 Flash: RAM test failure 2 Flashes: FIFO test failure 3 Flashes: Slave processor not communicating 4 Flashes: Unexpected interrupt ON OFF ON Flashing: Communication bus failure ON ON ON Self-test in progress Related links About the QDTC Card on page 98 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 100 Advantages of using QDTC2 Advantages of using QDTC2 There are several advantages of using a QDTC2 card. The following table compares the advantages of the QDTC2 card with existing cards and any special considerations required before using the QDTC2 card. Existing card Advantages of QDTC2 Special Considerations Future Enhancements QT1 Emulates all functions of QT1 without configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. Single card configuration can combine both QT1 and QT1PRI spans. QT1PRI Emulates all functions of QT1 PRI without configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. Single card configuration can combine both QT1 and QT1PRI spans. QE1 CAS 120 Emulates all functions of QE1 CAS 120 ohm without configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. Impedance configuration defaults to 120 ohm. Single card configuration can combine both QE1 and QE1PRI spans. QE1 CAS 75 Emulates all functions of QE1 CAS 75 ohm with only one configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. QDTC2 requires that 75 ohm impedance be configured through card configuration screen. Single card configuration can combine both QE1 and QE1PRI spans. QE1 PRI 120 Emulates all functions of QE1 PRI 120 ohm without configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. Impedance configuration defaults to 120 ohm. Single card configuration can combine both QE1 and QE1PRI spans. QE1 PRI 75 Emulates all functions of QE1 PRI 75 ohm with only one configuration change Requires ENBC Generic software upgrade. QDTC2 requires that 75 ohm impedance be configured through card configuration screen. Single card configuration can combine both QE1 and QE1PRI spans. Configuring the QDTC2 Card Adding a card in the PG230RM When you install a card in the PG230RM cabinet, you must add the card using the card maintenance application. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 101 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Before you begin Ensure that you have installed the QDTC2 card in the PG230RM switch. You must have the following information about the card that is being added: • Rack number • Level number • Slot number About this task You must specify the card type that the QDTC2 card must emulate. Unless you add the card in the ENBC software, you cannot use the card. Procedure 1. Log in to the switch. 2. In the Administrator Main Menu, type C and press Enter to select the Maintenance menu. 3. Type A and press Enter to select the Card Maintenance menu. 4. In the Card Maintenance menu to add a card: a. Type A and press Ctrl+N , type the rack number and press Ctrl+N, type the level number and press Ctrl+N , and type the slot number and press Ctrl+N. b. Select the type of card that you want the QDTC2 card to emulate. Keep pressing Ctrl+A to scroll through the list of available card types. c. Press Enter to select the card type. Example To add a 4–Span Quad T1 PRI located at rack 1, level 1, and slot 16, type A Ctrl+N 1 Crtl+N 1 Ctrl+N 16 Ctrl+N. When you do this step, the system displays data in a form very similar to the following. C A R D R L S -------1 1 15-1 1 1 15-2 1 1 15-3 1 1 15-4 1 1 17-1 1 1 17-2 1 1 17-3 1 1 17-4 1 1 18-1 1 1 18-2 M A I N T E N A N C E CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A A)DD, D)ELETE, C)HANGE, P)ORT: A 1- 64: 65-128: 129-192: 193-248: July 2018 R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16__ L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S ---18-3 18-4 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 2.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 2.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 2.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 2.00 A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? PORTS: 24 O 102 Configuring the QDTC2 Card Activating the card After adding a card to the Switch software, you must activate the card. By default, the card is in a Out of Service state. If there are more than one span on the card, you must activate each span individually. Before you begin You must add the card to the software before activating the card. About this task Using the following steps, you can activate one or more cards or spans. Procedure 1. Log in to the switch. 2. In the Administrator Main Menu, type C and press Enter to select the Maintenance menu. 3. Type A and press Enter to select the Card Maintenance menu. 4. In the Card Maintenance menu to activate a card: Type C and press Ctrl+N, type the rack number and press Ctrl+N, type the level number and press Ctrl+N, and type the slot number followed with a hyphen and the span number and press Enter. Type A and press Enter. For example, to activate a 4–Span Quad T1 PRI located at rack 1, level 1, slot 13, and span 2, type C Ctrl+N 1 Crtl+N 1 Ctrl+N 13–2 and press Enter. Type A and press Enter to activate the card. When you perform this step, the system displays data similar to the following example. C A R D R L S -------1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 10 M A I N T E N A N C E CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- Enhanced Network Bus 15.02 A Enhanced DTG 1.00 A Large Port Voice Card 2.03 A Large Port Voice Card 2.03 A Conference Card 10.01 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A)DD, D)ELETE, C)HANGE, P)ORT: C 1 1 13-2 1- 64: 11111111 11111111 11111110 65-128: 129-192: 193-248: July 2018 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S ---11 12 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- Enhanced DTMF Receiver 1.06 A Digital Dialer Card 1.00 A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 4-Span Quad T1 PRI Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? PORTS: 24 A 103 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Changing the state of the card to Out Of Service About this task You must set the state of the card to Out Of Service: • When you change the parameter of the card. • When you delete a card. You must remove the card span from any resource group and change the card state to Out Of Service. Procedure 1. Log in to the switch. 2. In the Administrator Main Menu, type C and press Enter to select the Maintenance menu. 3. Type A and press Enter to select the Card Maintenance menu. 4. In the Card Maintenance menu to activate a card: Type C and press Ctrl+N, type the rack number and press Ctrl+N, type the level number and press Ctrl+N, and type the slot number followed with a hyphen and the span number and press Enter. Type O and press Enter. Example To change the state to Out Of Service of a 4–Span Quad T1 PRI located at rack 1, level 1, slot 13, and span 2, type C Ctrl+N 1 Crtl+N 1 Ctrl+N 13–2 and press Enter. Type O and press Enter to activate the card. When you perform this step, the system displays data in a form similar to the following example: C A R D R L S -------1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 10 M A I N T E N A N C E CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- Enhanced Network Bus 15.02 A Enhanced DTG 1.00 A Large Port Voice Card 2.03 A Large Port Voice Card 2.03 A Conference Card 10.01 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A Enhanced Call Progress 1.00 A R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A)DD, D)ELETE, C)HANGE, P)ORT: C 1 1 13-2 1- 64: 11111111 11111111 11111110 65-128: 129-192: 193-248: July 2018 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S ---11 12 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- Enhanced DTMF Receiver 1.06 A Digital Dialer Card 1.00 A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 4-Span Quad T1 PRI Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? PORTS: 24 O 104 Configuring the QDTC2 Card Deleting a card from the PG230RM Ensure that the card is not in any of the resource groups and is in the Out of Service state before you delete. Before you begin The card must be in the Out of Service state before deleting. Ensure that the card is not in any of the resource groups. You must have the following information about the card that is being deleted: • Rack number • Level number • Slot number About this task You can delete the card from the application. Procedure 1. Log in to the switch. 2. In the Administrator Main Menu, type C and press Enter to select the Maintenance menu. 3. Type A and press Enter to select the Card Maintenance menu. 4. In the Card Maintenance menu to delete a card: a. Type D and press Ctrl+N , type the rack number and press Ctrl+N, type the level number and press Ctrl+N , and type the slot number and press Ctrl+N. b. Press Enter to confirm the card deletion. Example To delete a 4–Span Quad T1 PRI located at rack 1, level 1, and slot 16, type D Ctrl+N 1 Crtl +N 1 Ctrl+N 16 Ctrl+N. When you perform this step it will look like the following C A R D R L S -------1 1 15-1 1 1 15-2 1 1 15-3 1 1 15-4 1 1 16-1 1 1 16-2 1 1 16-3 1 1 16-4 1 1 17-1 1 1 17-2 M A I N T E N A N C E CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 M 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 4-Span Quad T1 PRI O 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 O R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A)DD, D)ELETE, C)HANGE, P)ORT: D 1 1 16__ 1- 64: 11111111 11111111 11111110 65-128: July 2018 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S ---17-3 17-4 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 19-1 19-2 19-3 19-4 CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 O 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 96-Port Quad T1 1.00 A 4-Span Quad T1 PRI Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? PORTS: 24 O 105 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) 129-192: 193-248: #00 Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:04 Are You Sure? Then, Depress Enter! Parameter Description and Default Parameters for QDTC2 emulated cards Description of various card parameters This topic provides information about various card parameters. Related links General configuration of QDTC2 card on page 106 Description of QDTC2 card parameters on page 107 Configure Span type field on page 107 Configure Code field on page 108 TXGAIN and RXGAIN on page 108 TXCLCK and RFCLCK on page 109 SLIP threshold field on page 109 OOF threshold field on page 109 CRC on page 109 TS0 on page 109 TS16 on page 110 Modify Port timing on page 110 General configuration of QDTC2 card The card is equipped with four independent spans. You can set the QDTC2 card as a 1, 2, 3, or 4 span card. The number of spans chosen determines how much address space is assigned to the card on the switch. Normally, the card is setup such that all 4 spans are assigned in the switch database, then any unused spans are placed into an “UNUSED” state on the switch Maintenance menu. This allows for easy agent and line upgrades in the future. If the unused spans are not set to this unused state, then they will be in a constant Alarm condition and will show up in the switch alarm screens and light the alarm LEDs on the front panel of the card. There are instances, however, when it is desirable to configure the card for lesser spans; such as on a very large system where only a small amount of address space remains and only a portion of the spans will fit into the database. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 106 Parameter Description and Default Parameters for QDTC2 emulated cards Description of QDTC2 card parameters The fields are described in detail below: Span location The card Span Location for this example is Rack 1, Level 1, Slot 10, Span 1. Status The Status is given as Out of Service, but will be shown as Maintenance or Active during normal operation. This field is a status only type field and cannot be changed. Card type Card Type is shown as 4-Span Quad E1, as set earlier. This field is status only and cannot be changed. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 Configure Span type field Span Type is a configurable field and has the following settings: Field Name Field Description CAS/R2 This is the default setting for this field and provides the normal E1-CAS operation as specified in the ITU (CCITT) Q-Series standards – Q.421, Q.422, Q.424, and Supplement No. 6. This setting is used for all countries and PBXs, unless the operation of the link is specifically defined as one of the remaining options. CAS/MerT This option provides for connection to the old Mercury E1-CAS Network in the UK (and any other regions that used this protocol). The T designation indicates that this is the Termination end of the span. CAS/MerTD This option provides for connection to the old Mercury E1-CAS Network in the UK (and any other regions that used this protocol). The TD designation indicates that this is the Termination end of the span and that it is optioned for the DDI (Direct Dialing Inward) operation. CAS/MerN This option provides the network side connection of the old Mercury E1-CAS Network in the UK (and any other regions that used this protocol). The N designation indicates that this is the Network end of the span and that the connection must be to a Mercury provisioned termination. CAS/MerND This option provides the network side connection of the old Mercury E1-CAS Network in the UK (and any other regions that used this protocol). The ND designation indicates that this is the Network end of the span and that DDI (Direct Dialing Inward) operation is supported. The connection must be to a Mercury enabled DDI termination. CAS/NthT This option provides for connection to the E1-CAS Network in the Netherlands (which can be referred to as ALS-70D or T11). The T designation indicates that this is the Termination end of the span. CAS/NthTD This option provides for connection to the E1-CAS Network in the Netherlands (which can be referred to as ALS-70D or T11). The TD designation indicates that this is the Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 107 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Field Name Field Description Termination end of the span and that it is optioned for DDI (Direct Dialing Inward) operation. CAS/NthN This option provides the network side connection of the E1-CAS Network in the Netherlands (which can be referred to as ALS-70D or T11). The N designation indicates that this is the Network end of the span and that the connection must be to a Netherlands termination. CAS/NthND This option provides the network side connection of the E1-CAS Network in the Netherlands (which can be referred to as ALS-70D or T11). The ND designation indicates that this is the Network end of the span and that DDI (Direct Dialing Inward) operation is supported. The connection must be to a Netherlands DDI termination. CCS/31 This option is used when no signaling channel is needed. In this case, channel 16, which would normally carry signaling information, is allowed to be used to carry bearer voice or data. This option can be selected if the span is being used to carry only data, or if an ISDN D-channel is being provided for use by this span but is resident on another span (NFAS operation), or if the signaling information for this span is being carried directly from our switch by the SS7 network (which is not an option at this time). Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 Configure Code field Code is a configurable field and sets the line coding on the span as follows: Field Name Field Description AMI Alternate Mark Inversion. This is the primary way that E1 bit streams are transmitted, wherein the polarity of each “1” (one) in the data stream is inverted from the previous “1” in order to provide many edges from which to extract a clock. However, no provision is made for data streams carrying many consecutive “0’s” and, consequently, no edges from which to derive a stable clock. Schemes like HDB3, below, were created to make AMI more robust. HDB3 High Density Bipolar with 3-Zero Substitution. This is the default setting for this field and provides the typical E1-CAS line coding scheme where AMI is used along with a scheme for guaranteeing “1’s” density. With HDB3, when 4 consecutive “0’s” (zeroes) are detected in the span bit stream, a 1 is substituted for the 4th zero and a bipolar violation is inserted in the stream. When the far end sees the bipolar violation, it replaces the 1 with a 0, therefore restoring the data to its correct value. This is done in order to insure 1’s density in the bit stream, which allows a more stable receive clock to be extracted, therefore, preventing clock slips and loss of data. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 TXGAIN and RXGAIN TXGAIN and RXGAIN are configurable fields that indicate the setting of the transmit and receive gain of the span. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 108 Parameter Description and Default Parameters for QDTC2 emulated cards Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 TXCLCK and RFCLCK TXCLCK and RFCLCK are non-configurable fields. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 SLIP threshold field SLIP is a threshold field that can be set between 0 and 255 occurrences of clock slip. If the accumulated number of clock slips reaches the threshold value, then an alarm will be set. Setting the threshold to 0 will disable the alarm altogether. The default setting is 255. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 OOF threshold field OOF is a threshold field that can be set between 0 and 255 occurrences of Out-Of-Frame conditions on the span. If the accumulated number of OOFs reaches the threshold value, then an alarm will be set. Setting the threshold to 0 will disable the alarm altogether. The default is 17. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 CRC CRC is a field used to enable (On) or disable (Off) the Cyclic Redundancy Check on the span. CRC is On A CRC check is performed on bits that are inserted by the span into the Multi-Frame Alignment Signal (MFAS). This is the default state for this field. CRC is Off The CRC bits are hard coded to “1’s” and the check is not performed when this field is set to Off. It is important that the two ends of the span match on this setting. If one end is set for Off and the other for On, then alarms will be seen at both ends. It is sometimes difficult to determine the reason for these alarms if you are not aware that this parameter is set differently at each end. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 TS0 TS0 is the field that controls what is sent out in the framing channel (Time Slot 0) when the framing sequence is not being sent (only odd numbered frames are used for framing alignment). While these bits can be changed here, no attempt is made to explain the details of this field. Refer to the ITU specifications. The default value for this field is “11A11111.” July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 109 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 TS16 TS16 is the field that controls signaling for all the channels on the span. Provision is made to change various bits in this field to modify what is sent along with the signaling bits. The default value for this field is “00011y11.” Again, no attempt is made here to explain the details of modifying this field. Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 Modify Port timing Modifications are made to this screen in the same manner as with the previous screen. There are six configurable timing parameters for each port. These timing parameters are entered and displayed in units of 10 milliseconds. Therefore, an entry of 20 provides an actual time of 200 milliseconds. Note that the Guard time is an exception to this rule and is represented in 100 millisecond units. Field Name Field Description SEIZE TIMEOUT This parameter has a default entry of 100 (1000 ms). When the E1-CAS port seizes the line towards the PBX or network, it expects to see a Seize Acknowledge signal coming back within this time period. Failure to see Seize Acknowledge results in a failed seizure attempt. This parameter must not be modified unless a network provider or PBX administrator requests that it be set to a different value. FLASH-DET MIN/MAX This parameter has a default entry of 4 (40 ms) MIN and 21 (210 ms) MAX. This parameter is only used when the interface is set to the network side in either the Mercury or Netherlands protocols. When set to Network, this interface has the ability to detect a hookflash type signal, called “recall” in the E1 world, from the termination end. The validity of the recall signal is measured against the MIN and MAX time limits. Signals that are shorter than the MIN or longer than the MAX are ignored. FLASH SEND This parameter has a default entry of 10 (100 ms). When a hookflash is requested by the application, the transmit (outgoing) A-bit will be transitioned from 0 to 1 for this amount of time and then back to 0, representing a hookflash (or recall) to the far end. Note that setting this parameter at too high a value can result in the far end interpreting this signal as a disconnect. PULSE TIMEOUT This parameter has a default entry of 18 (180 ms). Pulse Timeout is used to filter short, undesirable pulses on the incoming A and B bits. These transitions are primarily hits and other unwanted pulses that appear on the signaling bits after the call is established. Note that this parameter provides the minimum time needed for a disconnect to be recognized from the far end. GUARD This parameter has a default entry of 7 (700 ms) and uses 100 ms units. The guard timer is set when a disconnect is detected from the far end or when a disconnect is initiated from this end. This action prohibits the application from using this interface again until after the Guard timer expires. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 110 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card Related links Description of various card parameters on page 106 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card You can configure the QDTC2 card as any of the following card types: • Quad E1 PRI • Quad T1 • Quad E1 • Quad T1 PRI • Quad E1 DSS This section provides the default and additional values that are available for various cards. Related links Parameters for QUAD E1 on page 111 Parameters for QUAD E1 PRI on page 112 Parameters for QUAD E1 DSS on page 113 Parameters for QUAD T1 on page 114 Parameters for QUAD T1 PRI on page 116 Parameters for QUAD E1 QUAD E1 card is of four types. The types are • 4-SPAN QUAD E1 • 3-SPAN QUAD E1 ( 3-Span Quad E1 CAS-120) • 2-SPAN QUAD E1 ( 2-Span Quad E1 CAS-120) • 1-SPAN QUAD E1 ( 1-Span Quad E1 CAS-120) The following table provides the parameters name and their values for QUAD E1: Parameters Default Value CARD TYPE X-Span Quad E1 CAS-120 SPAN TYPE CAS/R2 Additional Values • CAS/MerT • CAS/MerTD • CAS/MerN • CAS/MerND Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 111 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Parameters Default Value Additional Values • CAS/NthT • CAS/NthTD • CAS/NthN • CAS/NthND • CCS/31 CODE HDB3 AMI TXGAIN 0dB • 3dB • -3dB • 6dB • -6dB TXCLCK SCLK SLIP 255 LAW A TS0 11A11111 RXGAIN 0dB Cannot be changed Mu • 3dB • -3dB • 6dB • -6dB RFCLCK LOOP OOF 17 CRC ON TS16 00011y11 IMPEDANCE 120 Cannot be changed Off 75 Related links Default Parameters for QDTC2 card on page 111 Parameters for QUAD E1 PRI QUAD E1 PRI card is of four types. The types are • 4-Span Quad E1 PRI (4-Span QDTC2 E1 PRI120) • 3-Span Quad E1 PRI (3-Span Quad E1 PRI-120) • 2-Span Quad E1 PRI (2-Span Quad E1 PRI-120) • 1-Span Quad E1 PRI (1-Span Quad E1 PRI-120) The following table provides the parameters name and their values for QUAD E1 PRI: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 112 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card Parameters Default Value Additional Values CARD TYPE X-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 ACCESS TYPE USER NETWORK TRX CLOCK 2048 Cannot be changed CA IP RULE 0 SLIP MAINT LIMIT 255 SWITCH TYPE NET5 • QSIG-MASTER • QSIG-SLAVE • AT&T 5E • AT&T 4E • NTI • NI2 • NTT REF CLOCK 1544 Cannot be changed NCA IP RULE 0 OOF MAINT_LIMIT 17 IMPEDANCE 120 75 SPAN TYPE ECR4 DCR4 A/Mu Law A Mu TXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB RXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB Related links Default Parameters for QDTC2 card on page 111 Parameters for QUAD E1 DSS QUAD E1 DSS card is of four types. The types are • 4-Span Quad E1 DSS ( 4-Span Quad E1 DSS-120) July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 113 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) • 3-Span Quad E1 DSS ( 3-Span Quad E1 DSS-120) • 2-Span Quad E1 DSS ( 2-Span Quad E1 DSS-120) • 1-Span Quad E1 DSS ( 1-Span Quad E1 DSS-120) The following table provides the parameters name and their values for QUAD E1 DSS: Parameters Default Value Additional Values CARD TYPE X-Span Quad E1 DSS-120 ACCESS TYPE USER NETWORK TRX CLOCK 2048 Cannot be changed CA IP RULE 0 SLIP MAINT LIMIT 255 SWITCH TYPE DASS2 • DPNSS AX • DPNSS AY • DPNSS BX • DPNSS BY REF CLOCK 1544 Cannot be changed NCA IP RULE 0 OOF MAINT_LIMIT 17 IMPEDANCE 120 75 SPAN TYPE ECR4 DCR4 A/Mu Law A Mu TXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB RXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB Related links Default Parameters for QDTC2 card on page 111 Parameters for QUAD T1 QUAD T1 card is of four types. The types are • 24–Port QUAD T1 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 114 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card • 48–Port QUAD T1 • 72–Port QUAD T1 • 96–Port QUAD T1 The following table provides the parameters name and their values for QUAD T1: Parameters Default Value CARD TYPE XX-Port QUAD T1 SPAN TYPE SF Additional Values • ESF • SF_NR • ESF_NR CODE AMI • B7ZS • B8ZS • TXGAIN 0dB • 3dB • -3dB • 6dB • -6dB TXCLCK SCLK Cannot be changed SLIP 255 LAW Mu A LENG 0–133 • 133–266 • 266–399 • 399–533 • 533–655 • -7.5dB • -15dB • -22.5dB RXGAIN 0dB • 3dB • 6dB • -6dB • -3dB RFCLCK LOOP Cannot be changed OOF 17 SF REMOTE ALARM MODE BIT2 (STANDARD) FBIT12 (JAPANESE) SIG. TYPE E&M • E&M-S Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 115 Installing and Configuring Quad Digital Trunk 2 card (QDTC2) Parameters Default Value Additional Values • FXOLS • FXOLC • FXOLD • FXOGS • FXOGC • FXSLS • FXSLD • FXSGS • CLEAR Related links Default Parameters for QDTC2 card on page 111 Parameters for QUAD T1 PRI QUAD T1 PRI card is of four types. The types are • 4-Span Quad T1 PRI • 3-Span Quad T1 PRI • 2-Span Quad T1 PRI • 1-Span Quad T1 PRI The following table provides the parameters name and their values for QUAD T1 PRI: Parameters Default Value CARD TYPE X-Span Quad T1 PRI ACCESS TYPE USER Additional Values • NETWORK • 24B TRX CLOCK SCLK CA IP RULE 0 SLIP MAINT LIMIT 255 SWITCH TYPE AT&T 5E Cannot be changed • NTI • NI2 • NTT • NET5 • QSIG-MASTER • QSIG-SLAVE Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 116 Default Parameters for QDTC2 card Parameters Default Value Additional Values • NTT REF CLOCK RCVD Cannot be changed NCA IP RULE 0 OOF MAINT_LIMIT 17 SPAN LENGTH 0–133 • 133–266 • 266–399 • 399–533 • 533–655 • -7.5dB • -15dB • -22.5dB SPAN TYPE ESF D3/4 A/Mu Law Mu A TXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB RXGAIN 0dB • -3dB • 3dB • -6dB • 6dB Related links Default Parameters for QDTC2 card on page 111 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 117 Chapter 15: Switch configuration Establishing audio headset links About this task Lines in the opmon.cfg file configure the agent headset line to establish an audio link to the agents through the digital switch. Headset lines are identified by a unique ID number that is assigned to the headset line in the dgswitch.cfg file. There are both dedicated and dialback headsets. Procedure 1. To configure the dedicated headset links: a. Open /opt/avaya/pds/config/opmon.cfg with a convenient editor such as vi. Note: For more details refer to STR b. Set the CFGTIME parameter to 15. c. Set the DEDHEAD parameter to headset_range, port_number For example, DEDHEAD: 1-24, 1 2. To configure dialback headset links: a. Open /opt/avaya/pds/config/opmon.cfg with a convenient editor such as vi. b. Set the DIALBACK parameter using this syntax DIALBACK: <headset1>[,<headset2>][,...]:<grp>:[<ISDN>]:<pfx>: <sfx>. The parameters are: Parameter Description <headsetid> Single headset ID or range of headset IDs in the resource group <grp>. You can mix singles and ranges in the same list. Headset IDs correspond to those in dgswitch.cfg. <grp> Digital switch resource group number used for dialback headset ports. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 118 Configuring port assignments Parameter Description <ISDN> Indicates the ISDN protocol. If omitted, the system automatically takes the value as 0. Possible values are: • 0 = Non-ISDN (default) • 1 = ISDN • 2 = DPNSS/DASS2 <pfx> String that prefixes dial-back phone numbers before dialing out on the line (such as 9 for an outside line). Numeric characters only-no hyphens or parenthesis. <sfx> String that suffixes dial-back phone numbers before dialing out on line. Numeric characters only-no hyphens or parenthesis. c. Set the DIALBACKNUM parameter to specific pool of headset or ALL. For example, the following entries configure the first four headsets as dedicated, the next six as dial-ins, the next two as dial-backs to extensions, and the last two as dialbacks to outside numbers. Note how the dial-backs to outside numbers have a prefix, 9, specified in their associated DIALBACK entry. DEDHEAD:1-4:1 DIALIN:5-10:4000-4900 DIALBACK:11-12:10:0:: DIALBACKKEY:7001,3123:7002,3154 DIALBACK:13-14:11:0:9-: DIALBACKKEY:8001,7234198:8002,7239116 Configuring port assignments About this task The dgswitch.cfg file contains the digital switch port addressing information for Proactive Contact. This file contains the following sections: • headset port information • inbound/outbound port information • transfer trunk port information Port assignments are usually mixed on a trunk card. For example, a T1 card with 24 ports can have 20 inbound/outbound trunks and 4 transfer trunks. Gather the data for all three sections before you configure this file. Procedure 1. To edit the dgswitch.cfg file, type dgcreate at the command prompt. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 119 Switch configuration The system opens a utility where you can add cards, ports, headsets, and specify other switch configuration information. To create the dgswitch.cfg file, type dg_import. Note: The information in the dgswitch.cfg file must match the switch configuration information defined in the digital switch database and loaded at start up. Entries in this file cannot be preceded by a blank spaces. The ID numbers used for headset lines must match those in the opmon.cfg file. To know more about dgcreate or dgimport, refer to the Software Technical Reference for Avaya Proactive Contact Guide. 2. Use this format to enter port addressing information. <type>:<port no>:<equip no>:<ISDN protocol>:<dir number>: #<Rack>-<level>-<slot><position> These parameters are: Entry Description <type> The type of entry. Acceptable values are: • H = Headset The number of agent licenses you need equals the OPLIMIT parameter value in themaster,.cfg file. You need one H: line for each agent license. • N = Normal inbound and outbound The number of outbound phone lines you need is determined by the values of the LINEASSIGN or PORTS parameters in the master.cfg file. You need one N: line for each phone line. • T = Transfer trunk The number of transfer trunks you need equals the TRANSPORTS parameter value in themaster,.cfg file. <port no> Sequential port number used for each <type>. This entry is also used as the headset number if a port is associated with an agent line interface card. <equip no> Decimal equivalent of the port address assigned by the digital switch to the equipment port. This entry associates the port address assigned by the digital switch with the <port no> used for headsets and lines. <ISDN protocol> For ISDN cards, indicates the type of ISDN protocol. Acceptable values are: • 0 = Not an ISDN card (default) • 1 = ISDN • 2 = DPNSS/ DASS2 Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 120 Configuring port assignments Entry Description <dir number> The directory number. A string up to 30 characters long, which is usually not used. <rack> The cabinet that the card containing the port is in. On one-cabinet systems, always 1.On systems with a second cabinet, the e cabinet is rack 1, the telephony cabinet is rack 2. <level> The shelf that the card is in (counting from top to bottom). On onecabinet system, always 1. On two-cabinet systems, if <rack> = 2, <level> can be 1 or 2. <slot> The position on the card where the port is located. Number of positions per card varies by card type (see the Digital Switch Reference Manual for more information). A T1 card has 24 positions. 3. Insert the action for another step, or delete if it's not required. Example The following is part of the baseline dgswitch.cfg file (ellipses (. . .) indicate omissions). # Headset Ports H:1:744:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-1 H:2:745:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-2 H:3:746:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-3 H:4:747:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-4 H:5:748:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-5 H:6:749:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-6 H:7:750:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-7 H:8:751:0::#H:29:1:1-1-17-3-8 ... # Outbound Ports N:1:752:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-9 N:2:753:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-10 N:3:754:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-11 N:4:755:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-12 N:5:756:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-13 N:6:757:0::#O:10:1:1-1-17-3-14 ... # Inbound Ports N:29:1324:1::#I::1:1-1-19-2-21 N:30:1325:1::#I::1:1-1-19-2-22 N:31:1326:1::#I::1:1-1-19-2-23 N:32:760:0::#I:10:1:1-1-17-3-17 N:33:761:0::#I:10:1:1-1-17-3-18 N:34:762:0::#I:10:1:1-1-17-3-19 N:35:763:0::#I:10:1:1-1-17-3-20 N:36:1216:0::#Dummy port for IVR # Transfer-thru Trunks T:1:764:0::#T:28:1:1-1-17-3-21 # Can't mix ISDN and T1 Transfers #T:1:1302:1::#T:9:1:1-1-19-1-23 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 121 Switch configuration Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI The CTI deployment is the same as a non-CTI deployment with the exception that there is no switch. All dialing, agent headsets, transfers, and call classification is done by the Avaya ACD. This is accomplished through the Application Enablement Services (AES). You must configure Avaya Communication Manager to work with Proactive Contact. The Proactive Contact system communicates with the Avaya Communication Manager using a Computer Telephony Interface link through the Avaya Application Enablement Services (AES) server. You configure the Avaya Communication Manager directly. In general, the Avaya Communication Manager configuration applies to Avaya Application Enablement Services (AES). Important: Before you configure the switch for Proactive Contact with CTI, Avaya AES must be installed, configured, and working properly. For more information on installing AES, see the Avaya support Web site for the appropriate Avaya AES installation guides. Related links Configuring a CTI link for Proactive Contact on page 122 Configuring Proactive Contact features on page 123 Configuring special information tones treatment on page 125 Configuring agent stations on page 126 Configuring vectors, VDNs, and wait queue announcements on page 127 Configuring automatic route selection for outbound calls on page 128 Configuring hunt groups for Agent Blending (optional) on page 128 Configuring agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending (optional) on page 129 Optional: Configuring vectors and VDNs for Agent Blending on page 129 Configuring phantom numbers and reason codes for Agent Blending (optional) on page 130 Configuring double-digit reason codes on page 131 Configuring CTI link for double-digit reason codes on page 131 Configuring a CTI link for Proactive Contact Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the display system-parameters customer-options command and press Enter. The system displays optional features licensed on the system. 2. Verify that the following features are set to y:. • Computer Telephony Adjunct Links on page 3 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 122 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI If they are not set to y, contact the Avaya sales team or Avaya Partner to enable these features. A system license file controls the settings on this form. 3. Navigate in the Optional Features form to verify that Processor Ethernet is set to y on page 5. If it is not set to y, contact the Avaya sales team or Avaya Partner to enable this feature. A system license file controls the settings on this form. 4. At the system prompt, type the change node-names ip command and press Enter. Specify a node name for the Avaya AES server and its IP address. For example, Name: aes98, IP Address: 5. To enable AES on the IP Services form, at the system prompt, type the change ipservices command and press Enter. On the form, enter the following values: Option Value Service Type AESVCS Enabled y Local Node IP address of the node name which is mentioned in the clan board Note: The system automatically populates the default Local Port (8765) when you select the AESVCS service type. 6. Navigate to about page 3 of the form and enter the following values: Option Value AE Services Server hostname Password alphanumeric password Enabled y 7. At the system prompt, type the add cti-link link number command and press Enter. On the form that displays, enter these values: Option Value Extension available station number Type ADJ-IP Name descriptive name Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring Proactive Contact features About this task To configure Proactive Contact features for Avaya Communication Manager follow these steps: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 123 Switch configuration Procedure 1. At the system prompt, type change system-parameters customer-options and press Enter. The system displays optional features licensed on the system. 2. Navigate to about page 4 and enter y for the Global Call Classification option. 3. Navigate to about page 6 and enter y for the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) ? option. 4. Navigate to about page 9 and enter y for the Agent States option. 5. Navigate to about page 11 and enter y for the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) enabled ? option. 6. If you are not using CTI, on the same page enter y for the Phantom Calls option. 7. At the system prompt, type change system-parameters features and press Enter. 8. Navigate to about page 5 and enter y for the Create Universal Call ID (UCID) option. 9. Navigate to about page 13 and enter the following values: Option Value Copy ASAI UUI During Conference/Transfer y Send UCID to ASAI y 10. (Optional) If you are using ISDN trunks, there is an option for Call Classification After Answer Supervisor on page 12. Set this option using the guidelines below. If you set this parameter to n, a classifier port is attached to the call at setup. If you set this parameter to y, an answering machine detection is desired, and a classifier port is attached to the call after the ISDN CONNECT event. The classifier port then determines if an answering machine answered the call. Setting the parameter to y works best in environments where you want any events prior to the ISDN CONNECT to be ignored. For example, noisy circuites or color ringing. In the US and Canada, the circuits are relatively quiet and color ringing is not yet popular, so the n option is sufficient. Tip: For slow networks, using the y setting, especially for systems located in a different country than the customers they dial, the person called will answer "hello" before the ISDN CONNECT message reaches the Proactive Contact system, so the initial "hello" is missed. 11. Enter the change announcement n command, where n is an announcement number. Configure four announcements for the messages that Proactive Contact uses to play on the agent’s telephone. In the sample configuration, announcement numbers 6 through 9 were used with extensions 20206, 20207, 20208, and 20209. The following four messages in the table below must be administered and recorded. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 124 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI Announcement Extension Message Type Recorded Message 20206 Greeting “Welcome to Proactive Contact System” 20207 Inbound “You are now in inbound mode” 20208 Outbound “You are now in outbound mode” 20209 NotLogged In “You are not logged in” change announcements 5 Ann. No. Ext. Type 5 6 7 8 9 10 integrated integrated integrated integrated integrated integrated 20205 20206 20207 20208 20209 20210 Page ANNOUNCEMENTS/AUDIO SOURCES COR TN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of 16 Name Group/ Q QLen Pr Rt Port annouce05 annouce06 annouce07 annouce08 annouce09 annouce10 n n n n n n NA NA NA NA NA NA n n n n n n 32 32 32 32 32 32 01D14 01D14 01D14 01D14 01D14 01D14 Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring special information tones treatment About this task To set the special information tones (SIT) settings, follow these steps: Procedure 1. On the Communications Manager system, at the system prompt, type the change sittreatment command and press Enter 2. On the page that displays, enter the following values: Option Value SIT Ineffective Other dropped SIT Intercept dropped or answer Setting to answer lets the agent handle the Intercept classification since it can provide information on how to reach the called party. SIT No Circuit dropped SIT Reorder dropped SIT Vacant Code dropped SIT Unknown dropped Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 125 Switch configuration Option Value Pause Duration (seconds) .5 to shorten the time between the "hello" and the call reaching the agent Talk Duration (seconds) Determines how long to wait to see if the talking stops before classifying the call as Answer Machine. For example, 1.5 Note: The Proactive Contact system overwrites the AMD Treatment setting so it does not matter what you set for this parameter (dropped or answered). Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring agent stations About this task On Communication Manager system versions earlier than version 5.1.1, there are three settings that are important for each agent station configuration. This procedure requires that agent stations must already exist. Procedure 1. On Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the change station station number command and press Enter. 2. On the page that displays, enter the following settings: Approximat e Page Option Value 2 Auto Answer all 3 Button Assignments button number release The agent is expected to be using a headset. Communication Manager provides the capability to turn the ringer off. You can either set the Active Station Ringing parameter to silent on the telephone’s station form or add the feature button ringer-off. Set auto-answer on the telephone’s station form is set to all. If the telephone station is configured with the ringer-off feature button, the agent must turn this feature on by pressing the feature button. The agent’s telephone does not ring and the agent hears a zip tone when the agent is delivered a predictive call. If the agent uses a headset feature button, assign a release feature button to the agent’s telephone if the agent is not using a softphone that has a release button. This allows the agent to release the line after pushing their headset button. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 126 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring vectors, VDNs, and wait queue announcements About this task If you configured a CTI link for Proactive Contact, use the steps below to configure a vector for that CTI link. Configure this vector with an adjunct route link step that the system will use to make outbound calls. More than one vector can use the same CTI link. The steps in the vector determine what happens to an answered outbound call when an agent is not available. The steps can vary at the discretion of Proactive Contact system administrator. You can also configure an announcement for calls in the queue. Configure as many vector directory numbers (VDN)s as there are jobs. These VDNs point to vectors. The VDNs are used by the Proactive Contact system to make the predictive and managed CPA calls. Tip: More than one line group (VDN) is useful if you want different wait queue messages or outbound dialing configurations. Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the add VDN command and press Enter. The system displays a Call Vector form similar to this: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 adjunct wait-time announcement wait-time announcement wait-time announcement wait-time disconnect 2 41016 20 41017 5 41018 5 routing link 2 secs hearing silence secs hearing music secs hearing music secs hearing music after annoucement 41019 2. Edit the form to create your own vector configuration. The first and second vectors are required. At least one announcement is usually preferred. A goto step can have the vector repeat the same announcement after a pause. 3. At the system prompt, type the add vdn extension number command and press Enter. The system displays the Vector Directory Number form. 4. Configure a VDN for the vector used for the Adjunct Route you configured in step 1. 5. At the system prompt, type the list announcements command and press Enter to set up announcement ports. The announcement ports contain wait queue messages and messages to be played as directed by agents and the virtual agents. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 127 Switch configuration Here are examples of announcement types: • Greeting: Welcome to <call center name> extension 41016 • Outbound message: You are now an outbound agent extension 41019 • Not logged in message: You are not logged in extension 41015 Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring automatic route selection for outbound calls About this task Automatic route selection (ARS) is very specific to each installation. Use the following steps as need to route the dialed outbound call to an announcement or station. Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the display ars analysis digits command and press Enter. The system displays the automatic route selection information. Make any required changes. 2. At the system prompt, type the display route-pattern route pattern number command and press Enter. The system displays the route pattern information. Make any required changes. 3. At the system prompt, type the display trunk-group trunk group number command and press Enter. The system displays the trunk group information. Make any required changes. Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring hunt groups for Agent Blending (optional) Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the add huntgroup hunt group number command and press Enter. 2. Add a new hunt group for Acquire - Outbound calls and set the ACD, Queue, and Vector fields to y. 3. Enter a description group name in the Group Name field. 4. Enter a valid extension in the Group Extension field. 5. Set other field values on this page. 6. Navigate to page that contains the Skill field. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 128 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI 7. Set the Skill field to y. 8. Set other field values on the page. 9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add a new hunt group for the ACD inbound calls. You can use the default Service Level values. These values must match the Agent Blending configuration settings. • Default service level target is80 in 20 • Expected call handling time (sec): 180 Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending (optional) About this task To configure agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending, follow these steps: Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the add agentloginID command and press Enter. 2. Enter a descriptive name in the Name field. 3. Enter an appropriate password in the Password field. 4. Navigate to page 2. 5. Set the Skill Number (SN) field to the appropriate number for your installation. Note: The Skill Number is very site specific.It is required that the agent have an acquire skill. The number of inbound skills is site specific. Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Optional: Configuring vectors and VDNs for Agent Blending Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the change vector acquire skills vector number command and press Enter. Modify the vector to deliver calls to the Acquire skills as necessary. Proactive Contact uses this vector to acquire agents for outbound calls. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 129 Switch configuration 2. To add a VDN to route calls to Proactive Contact Acquire ACD call vector, type the add vdnVDN number command and press Enter. a. Enter a descriptive name in the Name field. b. Set the Vector Number field to the call vector number used in step 1. 3. To change the call vector used to deliver calls to the Proactive Contact Inbound skills for inbound ACD calls, type the change vector Inbound skills vector number command and press Enter. Make any changes required to the vector. 4. To add/change a VDN to route calls to Proactive Contact inbound calls to the ACD, type the add/change VDNVDN number command and press Enter. a. Enter a descriptive name in the Name field. b. Set the Vector Number field to the call vector number used in step 3. Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring phantom numbers and reason codes for Agent Blending (optional) About this task Phantom numbers are used during Agent Blending to pick an agent for outbound calling by dialing the acquire VDN. Once the agent is picked, the CTI dialer puts the agent in AUX work mode. Procedure 1. On the Communication Manager system, at the system prompt, type the change station station_number command and press Enter. Set the type field to CTI. 2. To configure a reason code to use when the agent is acquired for outbound calls and put into AUX work mode, type the display reason-code-names command and press Enter. Enter a description, for example Outbound Work. Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 130 Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI Configuring double-digit reason codes About this task Reason codes are codes for status changes. From Release 5.1.2, Avaya Proactive Contact accepts reason codes in the range of 1-99 from Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in the soft dialer mode. With the double-digit reason codes, agents can go on break, but still be available to receive outbound calls. If the value of a reason code is 0 in the cti.cfg file, the system turns the reason code feature off. Procedure 1. On Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, at system prompt, type Change System Parameters and press Enter. The system displays the Change system-parameters features screen. 2. Go to Page 14 of the screen. 3. Under REASON CODES, type Y in the Two-Digit Aux Work Reason Codes? field. Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 Configuring CTI link for double-digit reason codes Procedure 1. On Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, at system prompt, type Change CTI Link and press Enter. The system displays the CTI link N configuration screen. 2. Go to Page 2 of the screen. 3. Under FEATURE OPTIONS, type Y in the Two-Digit Aux Work Reason Codes? field. Example Related links Avaya Communication Manager for Proactive Contact with CTI on page 122 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 131 Switch configuration Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server About this task The administrative interface for the AE Services server is the Web-based OAM (Operations, Administration, and Maintenance) interface. Procedure 1. Type http://hostname or IP address:8443/MVAP, into the Address field of your Web browser, to access the OAM tool. 2. Log in using your username and password (administrator privileges required). The system displays the Welcome screen. 3. Verify that the license has the proper permissions for the TSAPI feature. 4. Under CTI OAM Home on the left navigation bar, click Administration > Switch Connections. a. Enter a Connection Name (alphanumeric plus 1 special character). b. Click Add Connection. 5. On the Set Password screen, enter a Switch Password. Warning: This must be the same password you entered in the IP Services form in the Avaya Communication Manager. a. Enter the same password in the Confirm Password field. b. Select the SSL check box. c. Click Apply. 6. Click Administration > Switch Connections. a. Click the New Switch Connection radio button. b. Click Edit Connection. c. Enter the IP address of the CLAN board. 7. Click Status and Control > Switch Conn Summary to view the status of the switch connections. 8. Click Administration > CTI Link Admin > TSAPI Links to administer the TSAPI link. Click Add link to add a new TSAPI link. • For AES4.1 or earlier releases, select Unencrypted option in Security field. • For AES4.2 and above releases, select Encrypted option in Security field. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 132 Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server 9. Select an appropriate free Link to use. a. Enter the Line, Switch Connection and Switch CTI Link Number b. Click Apply Changes. 10. Under CTI OAM Home on the left navigation bar, click Maintenance and then Service Controller. Select TSAPI Service and click Restart Service. 11. Click Security Database > Tlinks to view the Telephony Link Name to be used by Proactive Contact. 12. Under CTI OAM Home on the left navigation bar, click User Management. Click User Managment again to continue. 13. For Proactive Contact to access the TSAPI link, you must configure a user ID and password. In the left panel, under the User Management heading, click Add User. Enter the following required values: Parameter Value User ID User ID for unrestricted CTI user Common Name Enter a common name Surname Enter a surname User Password Enter a user password Confirm Password Confirm the user password CTI user Yes Click Apply. 14. Under CTI OAM Home on the left navigation bar, click Security Database > CTI Users > List All Users. Select the Proactive Contact user ID and click Edit. Select Disable for the Unrestricted Access field. You can configure this setting according to the security requirements in your environment. Contact your Avaya support representative for more information. Related links Configuring SSL on a UAC enabled system on page 133 Changing mid-tier configuration of Supervisor workstation on a UAC enabled system on page 135 Configuring SSL on a UAC enabled system About this task Warning: By default, Dialer and Supervisor communication is over SSL and is secured. The dialer and Supervisor both need to have the same settings of the SSL July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 133 Switch configuration You must run the SSL tool with Administrator privileges. To run this tool where UAC is enabled perform the following steps: Procedure 1. Go to <Windows installation directory> system32 folder. 2. Select cmd.exe. 3. Right click and select Run As Administrator. The system displays a command prompt. 4. Navigate to the < Installation path of Proactive Contact 5.1> Supervisor> Common. 5. Run SSL Configurator.hta from the command prompt. Note: To configure the mid-tier configurations for Supervisor applications where UAC is enabled, run Health Manager with Administrative privileges. . Related links Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server on page 132 Changing SSL configuration on Proactive Contact on page 134 Changing SSL configuration on Proactive Contact Before you begin Warning: By default, Dialer and Supervisor communication is over SSL and is secured. The Dialer and Supervisor both need to have the same settings of the SSL. In a POD environment, all dialers need to have the same setting of SSL. This change affects all connections with Proactive Contact CORBA services. This procedure requires the restarting of the dialer and mid-tier services, it should be done out of hours. Procedure 1. Log in to Proactive Contact Dialer as admin. 2. Run the stop_pds, stop_mts command from the command line. 3. Verify the status of all services by running the check_mts, check_pds commands. 4. Log in to the dialer as sroot. a. Type ssl_conf to run the ssl_conf script. b. Type Y or N for the question Do you want to turn off CORBA SECURITY? 5. Run the go lists command and delete the .STATUSINFO.txt file. 6. Run the start_mts; start_pds commands from the command line 7. Check the health of all components by running the check_db check_mts check_pds commands. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 134 Configuring SIPREC Related links Configuring SSL on a UAC enabled system on page 133 Changing mid-tier configuration of Supervisor workstation on a UAC enabled system About this task To change the mid-tier configuration on a UAC enabled system, the user must run Health Manager with Administrator privileges. To run Health Manager with Administrator privileges on a UAC enabled system, perform the following steps: Procedure 1. Select the Health Manager application. 2. Right click and select Run as Administrator. Related links Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server on page 132 Configuring SIPREC Before you begin To configure SIPREC, set the SEND_CALLID_OUTCALL parameter value to YES in the master.cfg file. By default, the value of SEND_CALLID_OUTCALL parameter is No. Procedure 1. Log in to the Proactive Contact Dialer. 2. Type the command telnet <IP address of PG230> and press Enter. 3. On the Digital Switch Login screen, enter the login credentials. 4. Go to DATABASE ADMINISTRATION MENU. The system displays the following: D A T A B A S E A) B) C) D) E) F) G) July 2018 A D M I N I S T R A T I O N Card Summary Resource Group Summary Inpulse Rules Outpulse Rules Print Data Base Summary Print Data Base Detail BRC Configuration Summary H) I) J) K) L) M) N) M E N U Answer Supervision Templates Routing Table Summary ISDN Supervision Templates ISDN Message Templates ISDN NFAS Group Summary LPVC Configuration Summary Signaling Group Summary Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 135 Switch configuration 5. Select ISDN Message Templates. Enter Selection: _ I S D N NO -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MESSAGE ------SETUP ________ SETUP CALLPROC ALERTING ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ R/T --T _ R T T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M E S S A G E DSP --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO -17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 T E M P L A T E MESSAGE ------________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ R/T --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DSP --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S U M M A R Y NO -33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 MESSAGE ------________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ R/T --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DSP --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Message Template Tmpl Message 1 SETUP R/T T IE BEARER DATA 8090A3 IE CHAN ID DATA A98300 IE CP NUM DATA 80 D ANI ________ IE CD NUM DATA 80 D FLD 1 ________ IE USR-USR DATA 04 D FLD 2 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 6. Edit ISDN MESSAGE TEMPLATE SUMMARY to include the following fields: IE DATA D FLD 2 USR-USR 04 ________ On enabling the fields in the master.cfg and PG230 ISDN message template, the Call ID that the dialer generated for each call is passed to the PG230. This information is further passed to the CM’s user-user information for the call. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 136 Deploying trusted certificates Deploying trusted certificates About this task If you want to use any certificate such as AES server certificate and Trusted Certificate signed by a custom CA then, you must deploy the trusted certificates on the client system as well. You must also mention the path in the tslibrc file. Perform the following procedures to deploy the trusted certificates: Procedure 1. Open the AES Management Console in a web browser. 2. Go to Security > Certificate Management > CA Trusted Certificates. 3. Select the certificate that your custom CA creates and which you deploy on the AES. 4. Click Export. 5. Copy the certificate from the browser. 6. Log in to the dialer as admin. 7. Change the directory to /opt/avaya/pds/openssl/certificate. 8. Create a new certificate file using the vi editor. 9. Paste all the contents copied from the web browser into this file. 10. Save the certificate and exit the vi editor. 11. change the directory to /opt/avaya/pds/config. 12. Edit the .tslibrc file using the vi editor. 13. Add Trusted CA File=/opt/avaya/pds/openssl/certificate/ CustomCert.pem at the end of the file. 14. Ensure that the path and the filename are correct. Save the file and exit the vi editor. If you use blend along with a Proactive Contact with CTI then the previous line needs to be present in /opt/avaya/pab/config/.tslibrc file as well. Exporting trusted CA certificate for Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services 7.0 About this task Customers who want to upgrade to Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services (AE) 7.0 server cannot connect to the AE server using the old Avaya-provided server certificate. If you have been using these certificates in a production environment, you must prepare and execute a rollout plan, as soon as possible, to update your Proactive Contact 5.1, 5.1.1, and AE Services server with July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 137 Switch configuration your own certificates. Avaya strongly encourages customers to create this certificate prior to upgrading to the AE Services 7.0 release. Note: • For any AE Services release, where the installed AE Services server certificate has been replaced with a customer provided certificate, the client/server TLS connection is not affected. • SHA2 based certificate does not work with Proactive Contact. Procedure 1. On AE Services server management web console, go to Security > Certificate Management > CA Trusted Certificates page. 2. Select the certificate you want to export, then click Export. The system displays the certificate in a new window. 3. Copy the entire text in the window and add it to the end of the existing /opt/mvap/ tsapi/client/certs/CA/avayaprca.pem on Proactive Contact. Requirements for configuring a CTI deployment Note the following points about CTI deployment. • Agent stations must be in a COR that allows them to play the announcement ports on the Avaya ACD. Those announcement ports are used for the "Welcome to Proactive Contact" announcement. On a PAB CTI dialer they would also have announcements recorded for "Moving to Outbound", "Moving to Inbound", "Please login to the Avaya Proactive Contact." • In the vectoring, the first step must be an adjunct routing link. The number at the end of the line is the CTI link number that must be the link the system uses. If this is incorrectly referenced, no dialing will take place. • The COR on the tlink, which correlates to an FRL, must also be in a COR/FRL that allows local, local long and long distance dialing depending on the needs of the dialer. Vector example, VDN 891 Bold face lines do not appear in the file, but are included here as a comment on the line directly below them in the display. Definity: display vector 891 (page 1) 2/1/2006 3:27:56 PM - CALL VECTOR Number: 891 Name: Sales Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/Il-Digits? y ASAI Routing? i Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route' y CINFO? y BSR? y Holidays? y Variables? y __________ >This points to the CTI link number. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 138 Vector example, VDN 4986 01 adjunct routing 3 02 wait-time 1 secs hearing silence >These 'announcements' correlate directly to voicemsg.cfg. 03 announcement 2061 04 announcement 2098 05 announcement 2062 06 announcement 2099 07 disconnect after announcement 2063 08 09 Vector example, VDN 4986 Definity: display station 4986 (page 1) 2/8/2006 7:31:36 PM STATION Extension: 4986 Type: 2420 Port: 0lD0107 Name: Avaya test phone 1 Lock Messages? n Security Code: Coverage Path 1: 3 Coverage Path 2: Hunt-to Station: BCC: 0 TN: 1 COR: 10 Must be a COR that allows playing of announcement ports. COS: STATION OPTIONS Loss Group: 2 Data Option: none Speakerphone: 2-way Display Language: english Personalized Ringing Pattern: Message Lamp Ext: Mute Button Enabled? Expansion Module? Media Complex Ext: IP SoftPhone? n Remote Office Phone? n Definity: display station 4986 (page 2) 2/8/2006 7:31:36 PM STATION FEATURE OPTIONS LWC Reception: audix LWC Activation? y LWC Log External Calls? n CDR Privacy? n Redirect Notification? y Per Button Ring Control? n Bridged Call Alerting? n Active Station Ringing: single H.320 Conversion? n Service Link Mode: as-needed Multimedia Mode: basic MWI Served User Type: AUDIX Name: audix01 Automatic Moves: no Emergency Location Ext: 4986 Auto Select Any Idle Appearance? n Coverage Msg Retrieval? y Auto Answer: none Data Restriction? n July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 139 Switch configuration Idle Appearance Preference? n Restrict Last Appearance? y Per Station CPN - Send Calling Number? Audible Message Waiting? Display Client Redirection? n Select Last Used Appearance? n Coverage After Forwarding? s Multimedia Early Answer? n Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? IP Audio Hairpinning? n Definity: display station 4986 (page 3) 2/8/2006 7:31:36 PM SITE DATA Room: Jack: Cable: Floor: Building: Headset? Speaker? Mounting: d Cord Length: 0 Set Color: ABBREVIATED DIALING Listl: personal 1 List2: group 2 List3: system BUTTON ASSIGNMENTS 1: call-appr 2: call-appr 3: call-appr 4: send-calls Ext: voice-mail Number: 4343 5: directpy 6: next 7: call-disp 8: release 1 4986 n Vector example, VDN 8901 Bold face lines do not appear in the file, but are included here as a comment on the line directly below them in the display. VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER (page 1) Extension: 8901 Name: SALES >This is where the actual vectoring steps are located. Vector Number: 891 Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conferencing? n Allow VON Override? n >Must be a COR that allows local, local long & long distance dialing. COR: 5 TN: 1 Measured: both Acceptable Service Level (sec( : 20 VON of Origin Annc. Extension: 1st Skill: 2nd Skill: 3rd Skill: VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER (page 2) AUDIX Name: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 140 Configure server for CTI Return Destination: VDN Timed ACW Interval: BSR Available Agent Strategy: 1st-found Observe on Agent Answer? n Display VDN for Route-To DAC? n VDN Override for ISDN Trunk ASAI Messages? n BSR Local Treatment? n Configure server for CTI Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for outbound Procedure 1. Create a cti_passwd.cfg file by doing the following: a. At the system prompt, type cti_passwd -s (for the CTI option). b. At the Enter the password for the CTI Server prompt, enter the Avaya AE Services password. Note: This is the password for the user created on AES. For details refer to Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server on page 132 c. At the Reenter the password for the CTI Server prompt, reenter the password. The system creates the cti_password.cfg file. 2. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/config/swif_ct.cfg file and change the parameters as needed. (See parameter list at the end of this section.) 3. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/config/ directory. 4. To copy and rename the tslibrc file, type cp tslibrc name.tslibrc and press Enter. 5. Edit the new .tslibrc file and add the IP address of the Avaya CT server (or AES) to the new file. Note: The =450, port number, is not needed in this entry. Note: If you are also planning to use Agent Blending, copy the *.tslibrc file to the /opt/ avaya/pab/config directory. 6. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg and make the following changes with a text editor such as vi. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 141 Switch configuration Parameter Setting CCSFLOOR .9 (baseline setting) If you set this parameter to 1, then the predictive outbound job dials with only 1 agent logged into the job. Note: The 1 setting does not apply to managed jobs/preview licenses. DBSERVERIP Oracle database server IP address. DIALERID 1 SWITCHTYPE SOFTDIALER LINEASSIGN Enter following data in this order: a. Line groups (REG1 and REG2) b. Type (enter O = Outbound) c. Port numbers that map to trunk port numbers in the dgswitch.cfg file but not to actual ports on the switch. (1-8 or 9-16) Examples: LINEASSIGN:REG,O=1-22;REG1,O=23-44;VIRT,O=45-48 Where: • You must provide atleast one REG. • O is the Outbound type of Line pool. REG, REG1, and VIRT are the names of Line pools. Note: Line pools listed in LINEASSIGN can have a maximum of 4 characters in the line pool name. If you create a line pool with more than 4 characters in the name, you will not receive any error message, but internally, the system binaries will truncate the name to 4 characters. For Example, Proactive Contact will not differentiate between REG1 and REG10. This can cause an issue when starting jobs. The line pool name is truncated after the fourth character. NAMESERVICEHOST server host name PRIMARY YES (if this is the primary system) PORTS Number of outgoing trunks IICB_HOST server host name OPERATORS Number of outbound agents OPLIMIT Number of agent types (I = Inbound, O = Outbound, B = Blend, P = Preview, M = Managed). For example: Example:OPLIMIT:I=10,O=10,B=10,P=10,M=10 Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 142 Configure server for CTI Parameter Setting VISUALCPA NO This must be set to YES if you have ISDN for outbound lines. (CTI deployment) 7. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config. 8. Open opmon.cfg with vi or a similar editor and in the SOFTDIAL row, enter the number of active headsets (equivalent to the number of outbound agents on the system). For example: SOFTDIAL:1-96. 9. Open dgswitch.cfg with vi or a similar editor and enter the same number of Headset Ports as the number of outbound agents and the same number of Trunks as configured in the PORTS and the LINEASSIGN rows of master.cfg. 10. Open voicemsg.cfg with vi or a similar editor and link a message number, label and extension to an announcement port on the switch to play voice messages. To add these links, append four lines to the bottom of the file in the following format: msg_num:msg_lbl:ext_num:port:type:sw_msg_num Field Description msg_num Message number. Message number 250 is played by the agent when the agent logs in to the system. Proactive Contact with CTI always requires message number 250. Proactive Contact with CTI uses message numbers 251, 252, and 253 for agent blending. Other messages can be used to automatically play messages or play messages at the request of the agent. msg_lbl Message label ext_num Extension number port Location of the announcement port on the PBX type Type of message to play. For example, Music sw_msg_num Switch message number For example: 250:greeting:20206:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message27 251:inbound:20207:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message28 252:outbound:20208:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message29 253:notLoggedIn:20209:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message30 11. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts directory and copy the telephny_sd.spt file to the telephny.spt file. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 143 Switch configuration 12. Enable auto-start (following reboot) of the database, Mid-Tier services and Proactive Contact processes by adding the following lines to the mts_script, db_script, and pds_script files located in the /etc/rc.config.d directory. DB_START=1 MTS_START=1 PDS_START=1 13. Modify the pdscontrol script. This script starts the agent binary during pds_stop/start. Normally it is set to agent -d which starts the agent binary as a daemon. Make the following change to this line in the script if you plan to do any type of predictive dialing. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/shell/pdscontrol script and make the following change. agent -m -d This tells the Avaya PBX/ACD to do the call classification. Outbound calls are being placed through VDN 8901. Tip: If you only have preview agent licenses (managed jobs only), do not change it. If you do, then the agent hears everything and can see dialing the customer and then call classify the final result. You must add the -m option. Without the -m on a managed job the agents station is placing the call, not the outbound VDN of 8901. Related links swif_ct.cfg file parameters on page 144 swif_ct.cfg file parameters The settings in the following table are for outbound calling for Proactive Contact with CTI. Parameter Setting SERVER The name of the advertised service on Application Enablement Services (AES) (TSAPI link). For example: SERVER:AVAYA#DIALER#CSTA#US-ENP-AP09 LOGIN The user name created in AES. For example: LOGIN:Avaya REASONCODE An integer from 1 to 9. Reasoncode is optional for agent blending. When an agent is acquired, the dialer sends a command to change the state. If the REASONCODE parameter is configured, then the reasoncode is sent with the command. For example: Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 144 Configure server for CTI Parameter Setting REASONCODE:9 From Release 5.1.2, Proactive Contact accepts reason codes in the range of 1-99 from Avaya Aura® Communication Manager in the soft dialer Switch configuration mode. With the double-digit reason codes, agents can go on break, but still be available to receive outbound calls. PHANTOMNUMBERS A list of phantom numbers that are used to acquire agents. This can be a list, a range, or a combination of both. For example: PHANTOMNUMBERS: 7001-7010, 7023 WORKMODE An optional parameter used with Agent Blending only. When the agent is released back to inbound calls after being acquired for outbound calls, the work mode of the agent is set to one of the following parameters: • MANUAL_IN: the default value. This setting is used if the parameter is not in the file or if the parameter is not set to the AUTO_IN parameter. • AUTO_IN: the agent is available to receive calls and can receive a new ACD call immediately after disconnecting from the previous call. When Multiple Call Handling is enabled, an agent in AUTO_IN work mode can choose to receive ACD calls by placing the active call on hold. • AUXILIARY: the agent is not available to receive any ACD calls for the specified split. This mode is used when the agent is doing non-ACD activities, such as going on a break. AGENTANSWER Directs the dialer to either answer or not answer predictive calls delivered to the agent. On older Avaya PBXs, there is no way to stop the phone from ringing when calls are delivered to the agent in auto answer mode. Note that there will not be any zip tone when the call is answered by the dialer and the agent will need to watch for visual cues on the screen. Set YES to have the dialer answer the calls or NO to not answer the calls. Note: Set to NO if the CM is version 3.1 or later. Related links Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for outbound on page 141 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 145 Switch configuration Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Create a cti_passwd.cfg file by doing the following: a. At the system prompt, type cti_passwd -s (for the CTI option). b. At the Enter the password for the CTI Server prompt, enter the Avaya AE Services password. Note: This is the password for the user created on AES. For details refer to Configuring Avaya Application Enablement Services server on page 132 c. At the Reenter the password for the CTI Server prompt, reenter the password. The system creates the cti_password.cfg file. 2. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pab/config/ directory. 3. To copy and rename the tslibrc file, type cp tslibrc name.tslibrc and press Enter. 4. Edit the new file and add the IP address of the AESserver to the new file. 5. To copy and rename the ctirc.cvct file, type cp ctirc.cvct ctirc1 and press Enter. 6. Edit the new file and add the AES TLink name and the AES user ID in the following format: tlink name:AES User ID:PDS:TS2 The system uses the AES TSAPI link to monitor the Avaya Communication Manager inbound queue. Important: Be careful not to delete the last two lines of the file: chgsvr and cep_pway. 7. To copy and rename the CBA_procs.example file, type cp CBA_procs.example CBA_procs and press Enter. 8. Edit the section relating to the process start order as follows: PROCESS_CONTROL SOE| 1 | 5 | -1 | -1 USR| 2 | 4 | -1 | -1 CTI| 3 | 3 | 11 | 15 ACD| 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | July 2018 | -1 | 21 | 24 10 | | 25 | 24 | 35 11 | | 0 | 0 | 1 1 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 146 Configure server for CTI 9. Modify the processes associated with each process group shown in the first section of the file. Use the Proactive Contact host name. PROCESS_INSTANCE USR|hostname|/opt/avaya/pab/bin/|cbauser|1 CTI|hostname|/opt/avaya/pab/bin/|cti|1 ACD|hostname|/opt/avaya/pab/bin/|acdmon|1 nocancel min_asa 2sec gen_rel 10. To copy and rename the CBA_cfg.example file, type cp CBA_cfg.example CBA_cfg and press Enter. 11. To define the domain groups, copy and rename the file, type cp and press Enter. This file specifies the VDNs that control the acquire and release of the agent between set up. There is one inbound (INB) domain and one TEAM domain assigned to each domain group. This means that any agent that logs into the domain group has the ability to take outbound calls. 12. Define the domain groups in 13. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg and change CALL BLENDING to YES. 14. Modify the pdscontrol script. This script starts the agent binary during pds_stop/start. Normally it is set to agent -d which starts the agent binary as a daemon. Make the following change to this line in the script if you plan to do any type of predictive dialing. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/shell/pdscontrol script and make the following change. agent -m -d This tells the Avaya PBX/ACD to do the call classification. Outbound calls are being placed through VDN 8901. Tip: If you only have preview agent licenses (managed jobs only), do not change it. If you do, then the agent hears everything and can see dialing the customer and then call classify the final result. You must add the -m option. Without the -m on a managed job the agents station is placing the call, not the outbound VDN of 8901. 15. With root access, run the /opt/avaya/pab/bin/install_license script and enter the number of agents that can be acquired for outbound calling. 16. Run the /opt/avaya/pab/bin/install_acd_ext script. a. Select 2 to add ACD extensions. These number are the extensions of the agents’ telephones. b. Enter the ACD extensions. c. Set 1 as the scai link. d. Enter Q to quit. 17. To restart the TSAPI Services on the Avaya Application Enablement Services from CTI OAM Home, go to Maintenance > Service Controller. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 147 Switch configuration 18. To restart the system, at the system prompt, type stop_pds and press Enter. Then type start_pds and press Enter. Related links Domain groups with CTI on page 148 Domain groups with CTI Note: The domain group and/or domains can also be configured using a utility on the system called cbaui in the /opt/avaya/pab directory. Use the following format to define the top portion of the domain groups in *DG | DG_NM | dg_id | RTI | CM | MAAS | SC | DSL | MSL | AUT | MAO | TR | TT | ACWT | MQR | afi | rti | Field Description * Start Of New Record (MUST be in first column of record) DG Domain Group Record Key (Always DG) DG_NM Domain Group Name (Descriptive name use by UI to specify a domain) dg_id Domain Group ID (filled in by the system) RTI Time Interval (hours) CM Control Method (ASA-Avg.Spd Answered,SL-Sevice Lvl,OB_ONLYOutbound) MAAS [Target] Average Speed to Answer (seconds) SC Service Criterion (seconds) DSL Desired Service Level (%) MSL Abatement Service Level (%) AUT Traffic Intensity Threshold (%) MAO Minimum number of agents on outbound (number of agents) TR Initial Traffic Rate (calls/second) TT Minimum Talk Time (seconds) ACWT Minimum After Call Work Time (seconds) MQR Minimum Queued for Release (OB_ONLY groups) afi Acquisitions From Inbound (filled in by system) rti Releases To Inbound Use the following format to define the bottom portion of the domain groups in *DM | DM_ADRS | DM_EXT | DG_NM | dg_id | AP_ID | PBX_ID | GW_ID | DM_TYP | Field Description * Start of the new record (must be in the first column of the record) Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 148 Configure server for CTI Field Description DM Domain Record Keyword (Always DM) DM_ADRS Domain Address DM_EXT Domain Phone Number DG_NM Domain Group Name (Description name used by UI to specify a domain group.) Use TRANS if defining a floating transient domain. AP_ID system ID PBX_ID PBX ID GW_ID Gateway ID DM_TYP Domain Type: IB = inbound, TRANS = transient acquire, TEAM = team acquire, AUX = auxiliary Related links Configuring Proactive Contact with CTI for Agent Blending on page 146 Configuring primary system About this task The primary system hosts the Mid-Tier software and the database as well as acts as the list server for the secondary system. Procedure 1. Configure the host files for a pod environment. 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc. 3. Open master.cfg with a text editor such as vi and make the following changes: Parameter Setting PRIMARY YES DIALERID <number> Must be different than the secondary system. NAMESERVICEHOST primary hostname 4. Set up a job using the calling list downloaded to the primary system since the primary system acts as the list server for the secondary system For example, create the job outbnd. In the job configuration file /opt/avaya/pds/job/ outbnd.job, verify that the LIST field contains the calling list name to be shared. The secondary system’s job configuration file must also point to this list, for example pc1list1 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 149 Switch configuration Configuring the secondary system About this task The secondary system can supply CTI events, but does not run the naming service. The services on the secondary system register themselves with the naming service on the primary system. You can configure the secondary system to use the naming service, database, and calling list on the primary system. Procedure 1. Configure host files for the pod environment. 2. To stop the MTS services on the secondary system, at the system prompt, type stop_mts and press Enter. Note: The Mid-Tier Services (MTS) must only run on the primary system. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc. 4. Open master.cfg with an editor such as vi and make the following changes: Parameter Setting PRIMARY NO DIALERID <number> Must be different than the primary and any other system. DBSERVERIP <primary IP address> Where the database resides. NAMESERVICEHOST <primary hostname> 5. Set up a phone strategy, record section, and job on the secondary system pointing to the calling list on the primary system. Create a job called job-pod on the secondary system. In the /opt/avaya/pds/job/ job-pod.job file, configure the LIST parameter with the calling list name from the primary system, pc1-list1. 6. Execute the following commands on both the primary and secondary systems to update the system configurations: a. At the system prompt type stop_pds and press Enter. b. At the system prompt type start_pds and press Enter. 7. Verify that the Supervisor application can see both systems: a. On the Supervisor system, select Start > Programs > Proactive Contact 5.x > Supervisor > Editor and log in. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 150 Configure pod environment b. On the top left corner, use the drop-down list to verify that both systems are in the list and you can select them. Configure pod environment Configuring servers in a pod About this task If you are configuring a pod environment, you configure the secondary systems after you have completed the primary system configuration. You "clone" the primary system configuration for use on the secondary system(s). You can have up to ten systems in a pod environment. Ensure that you include only fresh dialers with no prior data in a pod. You must have Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configured for each of the dialers included in a pod. Proactive Contact System does not allow a pod without LDAP. Note: In POD environment, you must schedule or run pds_maintenance or start_pds on all the dialers with a subsequent delay of 10 minutes. Otherwise, some Java processes might not come up. Procedure 1. Install the operating system (RHEL) on each non-primary dialer. 2. Install the dialer software on each non-primary dialer. 3. Load the backup files from the primary dialer to each non-primary dialer. Next steps Configure the system files on the non-primary dialers. Pod list sharing Shared lists can reside on any system in the pod. In pods where the maximum capacity can be reached, you must put the shared lists on a secondary system to maximize processing ability. The shared lists can be configured for sharing across the pod and the other system can use the lists. During system specification, you identified the systems to receive shared lists and noted their system IP addresses and each system's DNS name. You will require this information to configure list sharing. Related links Configuring list sharing with Campaign Update on page 152 Configuring list sharing without Campaign Update on page 152 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 151 Switch configuration Testing pod secondary server configuration files on page 153 Configuring list sharing with Campaign Update Procedure 1. Ensure that /opt/avaya/pds/config/hash.cfg contains: cancel: key field. If you use the same key field for Campaign Update for all lists, you only need one cancel parameter at the bottom of the list. To use different cancel key fields for different lists, include a cancel parameter for each list under the list's regular key field. For example: dialer1-list1:ACCTNUM List resides on 'dialer1 dialer2-list2:ACCTNUM List resides on 'dialer2 cancel:ACCTNUM list3:BANKNUM Local to this dialer and will not be shared cancel:BANKNUM dialer1-list4:ACCTNUM cancel:ACCTNUM 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/voicemsg.cfg and use complete list name for each list. For example: GROUP:dialer1-list1,dialer2-list2,list3,list5 IDENT:ACCTNUM Related links Pod list sharing on page 151 Configuring list sharing without Campaign Update Procedure 1. Use vi or a similar editor to edit /opt/avaya/pds/config/hash.cfg to include all shared lists in this format: hostname-list#:key field Parameter Setting hostname Host name of the system where this list resides. - LISTSERVER_SEP value from master.cfg # Calling list number key field Client’s unique field 2. Insert the action for another step, or delete if it's not required. 3. Insert the action for another step, or delete if it's not required. Example dailer1-list1:ACCTNUM dailer2-list2:BANKNUM Related links Pod list sharing on page 151 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 152 Configure pod environment Testing pod secondary server configuration files Procedure 1. At the secondary system prompt, type make_test and press Enter. 2. Verify the test parameters are correct. 3. If you have a primary system configuration platform set up, on the primary system, log in as admin. 4. At the primary system prompt, type start_db and press Enter. 5. At the primary system prompt, type check_db and press Enter Note: The check process can have processes not run because these files are configured incorrectly: • /etc/hosts • /etc/resolv.conf • /opt/dbase/OraHome1/network/admin/listener.ora • /opt/dbase/OraHome1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 6. At the primary system prompt, type mtsconfigure and press Enter to use the information from the Oracle processes to set up the Mid-Tier files. 7. At the primary system prompt, type start_mts and press Enter to start the Mid-Tier processes. 8. At the primary system prompt, type check_mts and press Enter to verify that all MidTier processes were started. Note: These processes can fail if the Oracle processes did not start. 9. On all secondary systems, run the following commands in order: a. At the system prompt, type pdsconfigure and press Enter to use information from the Oracle and Mid-Tier processes. b. At the system prompt, type start_pds and press Enter to start the system processes. c. At the system prompt, type check_pds and press Enter to perform a final check to see that all processes are running. Note: Sometimes, even when not all the Oracle and Mid-Tier services have started, all of the system processes can start up without errors. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 153 Switch configuration 10. Verify the following: • The time of day is correct before test running jobs. • Download process. • The list of jobs is correct. • The features work properly on clone system • All custom scripts in customs directory work properly. • All reports work as expected. • Upload process. 11. Fix any problems encountered in Step 10. Related links Pod list sharing on page 151 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 154 Chapter 16: Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Agent Blending and Communication Manager Communication Manager and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports the Avaya Communication Manager switch with AES. For Agent Blending to acquire or release an agent, the agent must log in to both the Avaya Communication Manager switch and Proactive Contact. To configure Avaya Communication Manager, you must set: • System settings • Call queues to treat as domains • Domain groups • Control methods and parameters of each group Agent Blending monitors the activity for each split, hunt group, or skill hunt group you set up as a domain. Agent Blending for Avaya Communication Manager expects to receive call event messages for the following domains: Inbound domain An agent group that receives inbound calls from customers. Acquired domain An agent group that receives acquired calls from Proactive Contact. On an Avaya Communication Manager with EAS, domains are skill hunt groups. On an Avaya Communication Manager without EAS, domains are splits or hunt groups. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 155 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Setting up Communication Manager configuration for Agent Blending About this task Complete these steps before you configure Communication Manager. Note the TSAPI licensing requirements detailed below. Agent Blending monitors three types of domain groups: Predictive Agent Blending, Proactive Agent Blending, and Outbound Agent Blending Procedure 1. Ask your Avaya Communication Manager representative to provide the following information for each domain you want Agent Blending to monitor: • Vector directory number (VDN) • Domain type (inbound or acquire) 2. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name • Domain group type • Domain group settings 3. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, set up a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. The control method can be either ASA or SL. Assign one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain to the group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, set up a Proactive Agent Blending domain group and assign at least one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain to the domain group. The control method is OB_ONLY (Outbound only). c. To configure the system for Outbound Agent Blending only, set up an Outbound domain group and assign an acquire domain to the domain group. The control method is OB_ONLY (Outbound only). Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. 4. Provide the appropriate TSAPI licensing as follows: • One TSAPI BASIC license is required for each agent for: - Hard Dialer with Blended agents only - Soft Dialer with Preview or Predictive agents July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 156 Agent Blending and Communication Manager • One TSAPI ADVANCED license is required per CM connection for: - Soft Dialer with Predictive agents - Soft Dialer with Preview agents with the Managed with CPA option only ADVANCED provides the Make Predictive, Phantom Call and CTI Station functions Proactive Contact uses to launch Switch Classified Calls. A TSAPI BASIC license is required for every agent in a Softdialer (Preview and Predicative), with the ADVANCED only being required to perform the Predictive functionality on top of the BASIC. A hard dialer always uses the Proactive Contact hardware to launch and classify calls, so no TSAPI ADVANCED is required. For Blended agents on a hard dialer, TSAPI BASIC allows Proactive Contact to monitor agent phones to keep track of things such as call activity and agent states Agents, calls, and logins for Communication Manager Agent Blending The following table summarizes how agents log in to Proactive Contact and the Avaya Communication Manager switch, based on the calls they handle, and whether Agent Blending monitors the agents and calculates statistics based on their calling activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in Avaya Communication Manager log in Inbound only No N/A Uses an agent identifier associated with a skill unrelated to an Agent Blending domain. Inbound only Yes N/A Uses an agent identifier associated with an inbound skill related to an inbound domain in an Agent Blending domain group. Outbound and Yes inbound ACD agent Inbound uses an agent identifier associated with a blend skill and an inbound skill related to an Agent Blending domain group. Outbound Yes ACD agent Uses an agent identifier associated with a blend skill related to an Agent Blending Outbound domain group Outbound only No Outbound agent N/A Configuring Communication Manager for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Enable the Computer Telephony Adjunct Links feature on Communication Manager (CM). 2. Reserve one cti-link number for the CTI interface. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 157 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending 3. If you are using the Monitoring and Recording interface with AES Call Recording, configure the T1 lines designated as headset trunks differently to enable Avaya Communication Manager to identify call events for acquired calls. Assign a station ID to each port on the T1 that is used as a headset trunk. 4. For each agent queue that Agent Blending recognizes as a domain, define the Vector Directory Number (VDN) and the domain type. Note: The splits, hunt groups, or skill hunt groups included in domain groups are different. Skills and splits are configured the same using the hunt group form. The difference is in how the agent logs in and the configuration of the vectors associated with VDN's that the dialer monitors. If the CM is configured for Expert Agent Selection (EAS), the agent is given an agent login with skills assigned. If the CM is not configured for EAS, then the agent must log into a split. Example The following example contains two VDNs and skill sets. The VDN 24118 is an inbound domain that queues calls to skill set 18. The VDN 24119 is an acquire domain that queues calls to skill set 19. Agents 1 and 2 are inbound-only agents that belong to skill set 18. Agents 3, 4, and 5 are Predictive Agent Blending agents that belong to skill sets 18 and 19. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 158 Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center Agent Blending support for Avaya Aura® Contact Center Proactive Contact provides Agent Blending capabilities using the following configurations: • CS 1000 • Communication Manager Mid size Business Template (MBT) configuration. MBT consists of Application Enablement Services, Communication Manager, and SIP Enablement Services (SES). July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 159 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Note: When you integrate CS 1000 with Avaya Aura® Contact Center over Application Module Link (AML), Proactive Contact Agent uses ACD position ID as a phone extension. You can configure ACD position ID in CS 1000. The ACD position ID is associated with the phone extension of an agent. MBT is used when Proactive Contact uses a phone number as a phone extension which resides on Communication Manager. Supported configurations: • Proactive Contact with PG230 and CS 1000 connected to Proactive Contact through Contact Management Framework of Avaya Aura® Contact Center using AML. • Proactive Contact with PG230 and CS 1000 connected to Proactive Contact through Contact Management Framework of Avaya Aura® Contact Center using SIP. • Proactive Contact with PG230 and MBT connected to Proactive Contact using Contact Management Framework and SIP of Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Note: You must have a PG230 to configure Proactive Contact with Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Predictive Agent Blending (PAB). Proactive Contact does not support Avaya Aura® Contact Center configuration with a CTI dialer. Software requirements: • Avaya Aura® Contact Center 6.1 SP2 and Proactive Contact. • Earlier versions of Nortel environments such as CC7 are not supported. Upgrade earlier versions of Nortel environments to Avaya Aura® Contact Center 6.1 SP2 or higher. • Communication Manager supported by Avaya Aura® Contact Center SP2. • The supported version for AES is 5.2.1, CM is 5.2.1, SES is 5.2.1, and CS 1000 is 6.0 • CS 1000. Hardware requirements: • Server which runs with Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.x. • Avaya PG230 switch which is generic 16.2 and higher versions. You must also enable the Web Services. To enable the Web Services, perform the following steps: 1. Go to Start > AACC > CCT. 2. Click the CCT console. 3. Click CCT Web Services. 4. Select Enable Web Services. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 160 Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center Note: CallRecordUser is defined on Avaya Aura® Contact Center and is used for OpenInterface and CallRecord API. You must create CallRecordUser on Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000. For Agent Blending to acquire or release an agent, the agent must log in to both Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Proactive Contact. To configure Avaya Aura® Contact Center, you must set the following: • Treat call queues as domains • Domain groups • Control methods and parameters of each group. Agent Blending monitors the activity for each split, hunt group, or skill hunt group that you setup as a domain. Agent Blending for Avaya Aura® Contact Center receives call event messages for the following domains: Inbound domain: An agent group that receives inbound calls from customers. Acquired domain: An agent group that receives acquired calls from Proactive Contact. On Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000, domains are skill hunt groups. On Avaya Aura® Contact Center without CS 1000, domains are splits or hunt groups. Setting up Avaya Aura® Contact Center configuration for Agent Blending About this task Agent Blending monitors two types of domain groups: • Predictive Agent Blending. • Proactive Agent Blending. You must perform the following steps before you configure Avaya Aura® Contact Center: Procedure 1. Contact your Avaya Aura® Contact Center representative to provide the Controlled Directory Number (CDN) information for each domain you want Agent Blending to monitor. 2. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 161 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending • Domain group type • Domain group settings 3. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, set up a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. The control method can be either Average Speed to Answer (ASA) or Service Level (SL). Assign one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain to the group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, set up a Proactive Agent Blending domain group and assign at least one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain to the domain group. The control method is OB_ONLY (Outbound only). Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. Installing Agent Blending Procedure 1. Log in as admin. 2. Stop the Dialer and Mid-Tier processes using the following commands: stop_pds stop_mts 3. Login to the Proactive Contact Dialer as root user. 4. Type menu install and press Enter. 5. In the INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION screen, type 2 to select Value added products and press Enter. 6. In the VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS screen, type 2 to select Install Predictive Agent Blend and press Enter. The system displays the following warning message: WARNING : It is important that PDS processes are stopped before we proceed. If you haven't stopped the PDS processes then please stop them using stop_pds, stop_mts and stop_db, as appropriate Have you stopped the PDS processes? (Y/N) 7. Type Y and press Enter. The system prompts you to enter the required information. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 162 Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center Configuring Agent Blending for Proactive Contact Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Stop the Dialer and Mid-Tier processes using the following commands: stop_pds stop_mts 3. Copy ctirc.auracc to ctirc1 using the cp ctirc.auracc ctirc1 command. 4. Edit line CallRecordUser:<AACC Server IP> :<Domain_Name>:< AACC Switch Connection Type>:<Event Watch Interval in Secs>:9084:9091:9092 in ctirc1 file to provide Avaya Aura® Contact Center IP and domain name in ctirc1 file. For example:CallRecordUser: 5. Set CallRecordUser user password using the cti_passwd –b command. 6. Copy CBA_cfg.example file to CBA_cfg using the cp CBA_cfg.example CBA_cfg command. 7. Copy CBA_procs.example file to CBA_procs using the cp CBA_procs.example CBA_procs command. 8. Verify the host name in CBA_procs file is the dialer host name. If the hostname in CBA_procs is not a dialer host name, then change the host name in CBA_procs to the dialer host name. 9. Copy file to using the cp command. 10. Configure file similar to Communication Manager blend. Use CDN numbers instead of VDN numbers. 11. Restart the Dialer and Mid-Tier processes using the following commands: start_mts start_pds Note: Confirm that the SOA is configured properly by using the http:// <CCMSHostName>:9080/SOAOI/services/OpenNetworking?wsdl link. The details of CallRecordUser:<AACC Server IP>:SIP:300:9080:9091:9092 elements are as follows: • CallRecordUser: AACC user CallRecordUser, which is used to get events from AACC. Do not change this user. • <AACC Server IP>: The second field is the AACC Server IP Address. It can be the alias for the IP address of the AACC server, and additionally must match the entry in the /etc/hosts file of the PDS. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 163 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending • AACC: The third field is the Domain Name. Domain Name is passed with AACC server, and AACC uses it for user authentication. This is the alias for the IP address of the DNS Server, used by AACC Server. • SIP: The fourth field is the connection type, being used by AACC to integrate with Voice Switch. It can have one of the two values, SIP or AML. • 300: The fifth field is watch interval in seconds to monitor the events flow. cep_auracc will watch and check whether events received during last interval. If not cep_auracc will assume, there is come issue with switch connection and it will restart event registration. • 9080: The sixth field is the port number, on which Contact Manager Service as web service is exposed on AACC (CCT-OI services). • 9091: The seventh field is the port number used by CMF Service as Client. • 9092: The eighth field is the port number used by System Event Service as Client. Configuring Avaya Aura® Contact Center for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Start the Computer Telephony Adjunct Links feature on Avaya Aura® Contact Center. 2. Reserve one CTI-link number for the CTI interface. 3. If you are using the Monitoring and Recording interface with AES Call Recording, configure the T1 lines designated as headset trunks so that Avaya Avaya Aura® Contact Center can identify call events for acquired calls. 4. Assign a station ID to each port on the T1 that is used as a headset trunk. 5. For each agent queue that Agent Blending recognizes as a domain, define the CDN and the domain type. Note: Agent blending has four different configurations based on the switch you use: a. Agent blending using Communication Manager and AES: In this case, the ctirc.cvct file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. b. Agent blending using AACC+CS 1000(SIP): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. c. Agent blending using AACC+CS 1000 (AML): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. d. Agent blending using AACC+ Communication Manager + AES (SIP): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 164 Configuring Avaya Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center Example The following example contains two CDNs and skill sets. The CDN 35001 is an inbound domain that queues calls to skill set Skill_Inbound. The CDN 35002 is an acquire domain that queues calls to skill set Skill_Acquire. Agents 1 and 2 are inbound-only agents that belong to skill set Skill_Inbound. Agents 3, 4, and 5 are Predictive Agent Blending agents that belong to skill sets Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire. • The example contains two CDNs and skill-sets. CDNs are 35001 and 35002 and skill-sets are named as Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire. • The CDN 35001 is an inbound domain that queues calls to Skill_Inbound skill-set • The CDN 35002 is an acquire domain that queues calls to Skill_Acquire skill-set • Agents 1 and 2 are inbound-only agents assigned with to Skill_Inbound skill-set. • Agents 3, 4, and 5 are Predictive Agent-Blending agents assigned with to Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire skill-set. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 165 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending The following screenshot shows the CDN configuration: Agents, calls, and logins for Avaya Aura® Contact Center Agent Blending The following table summarizes how agents log in to Proactive Contact and the Avaya Avaya Aura® Contact Center switch, based on the calls they handle, and whether Agent Blending monitors the agents and calculates statistics based on their calling activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in Avaya Aura® Contact Center log in Inbound only No N/A Uses an agent identifier associated with a skill unrelated to an Agent Blending domain. Inbound only Yes N/A Uses an agent identifier associated with an inbound skill related to an inbound domain in an Agent Blending domain group. Outbound and Yes inbound ACD agent Inbound uses an agent identifier associated with a blend skill and an inbound skill related to an Agent Blending domain group. Outbound Yes ACD agent Uses an agent identifier associated with a blend skill related to an Agent Blending Outbound domain group Outbound only No Outbound agent N/A July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 166 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports Aspect CallCenter with Aspect software release 6.0 or later. Aspect CallCenter consists of the Aspect switch and software, Aspect system workstation, and Aspect CallCenter management workstations. The Aspect CallCenter communicates with Proactive Contact using TCP/IP through an Ethernet network connection. The Aspect CallCenter must have the Application Bridge and Event Bridge software packages. For the Agent Blending system to acquire or release an agent, the agent must log in to both Aspect CallCenter system and Proactive Contact. Aspect CallCenter requires configuration for the following: • System settings • Data System Interlink Table • Agent groups • Agent super groups • Call Control Tables (CCTs) Agent Blending and domains Agent Blending monitors agent states and call state events for each agent group and agent super group that you set up as domains. Agent Blending for Aspect CallCenter expects event messages from the following types of domains: Inbound domain An agent group or agent super group that receives inbound calls from customers Acquire domain An agent group or agent super group that receives acquired calls from Proactive Contact Auxiliary domain An agent group or agent super group that routinely receives transferred calls from the inbound and acquire domains Setting up Aspect CallCenter configuration for Agent Blending About this task During configuration, you specify the Agent Blending settings, domains, domain groups, and domain group control methods. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 167 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Obtain the following information from your Aspect CallCenter representative: • TCP/IP address of the Aspect CallCenter • TCP/IP address of the backup Aspect CallCenter (if any) • Alias (system name) of the Aspect CallCenter • Alias (system name) of the backup Aspect CallCenter (if any) • Field separator (if not ‘|’), consult the Aspect Data System Interlink Table setting • TCP/IP address of Proactive Contact. • TCP port number of Proactive Contact. • Data interlink number for the Proactive Contact Ethernte connection. 2. Each domain belongs to a domain group. Domain groups can contain agent groups or a mixture of agent groups and agent super groups. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name • Domain group type • Domain group settings 3. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, define a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. It can be ASA or SL. Assign one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain to the group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, define a Proactive Agent Blending domain group, and assign one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain to the domain group. c. To configure the system for Outbound Agent Blending only, define an Outbound domain group, and assign only acquire domains to the domain group. Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. 4. Provide the following information for each Agent Blending domain to monitor: • Domain identification (domain name). • Domain type (inbound, acquire, or auxiliary). • For each acquire domain, supply an unpublished, unique, telephone number. Note: Proactive Contact uses this number to call the domain. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 168 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending Configuring Agent Blending groups for Aspect CallCenter About this task For Predictive Agent Blending and Proactive Agent Blending, Aspect CallCenter requires some groups to be configured. Procedure 1. Configure one or more agent groups or agent super groups to handle Proactive Contact acquisition calls. 2. Configure at least one agent super group. Include at least one inbound agent group and an acquire agent group to handle the inbound calls. 3. Configure Aspect CallCenter to distribute each call that the agent super group receives to the agent who was in the idle state for the longest period of time. 4. For each acquire domain, configure the Aspect CallCenter to associate unique and unpublished telephone numbers with the agent group or agent super group of the domain. All the agents must use the same class of service. Agents, calls, events and logins for Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending If you want Proactive Contact to monitor call state and agent state events, agents must log in to Proactive Contact as ACD agents. Proactive Contact can acquire and release only those agents who are: • Logged on to the system as ACD agents • Logged on to an acquire agent group on the Aspect CallCenter The following table summarizes how agents log on to Avaya Proactive Contact and Aspect CallCenter system. This table is based on the calls agents handle and whether you want Agent Blending to monitor call state and agent state events. Call type Agent state events Call state events Proactive Contact log in Aspect CallCenter log in Inbound only No No N/A Agent group is not a Proactive Contact domain. Agent group is not a part of an agent super group that is a Proactive Contact domain Inbound only Yes Yes N/A Agent group is an inbound domain or is in an agent super group that is Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 169 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Call type Agent state events Call state events Proactive Contact log in Aspect CallCenter log in a Proactive Contact inbound domain group Outbound and inbound Yes Yes ACD agent Agent group is an acquire domain in an Agent Blending domain group Outbound only Yes Yes ACD Agent Agent group is an acquire domain in an Agent Blending Outbound domain group Outbound only No No Outbound agent N/A Transfer calls Yes Yes N/A Agent group is configured as a Proactive Contact auxiliary domain Configuring Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending Before you begin Complete the Aspect CallCenter setup. Procedure 1. Set up the Aspect CallCenter group designation to identify each agent group or agent super group (AG for agent groups, ASG for agent super groups). Combine the group designation with the group identification number. Precede the identification number with zeros to make it three digits. For example: • To identify an agent group with the identification number of 60, name the Agent Blending domain as AG060. • To identify an agent super group with the identification number of 30, name the Agent Blending domain as ASG030. 2. Enable the event monitoring feature as follows: a. Create the /dbs/acc.dbs/event_mon.cnf file with a text editor, such as vi.. b. Type the value 2 in the file. There must not be anything else in the file. c. From the system prompt, type dbput, and press Enter. d. Reboot the Aspect CallCenter controller. Aspect CallCenter recognizes the changes after the reboot. 3. The Data System Interlink Table is a database record on the Aspect CallCenter. This table configures the network connection between the Aspect CallCenter and Proactive Contact. Configure the following fields on the Data System Interlink Table. Set fields that are not July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 170 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending detailed here to any value. For more information about the fields in the Data System Interlink Table, see Aspect Application Bridge Implementation Guide. a. In the Data Interlink Number field, type a number from 11 through 30. Your Aspect representative provides this value for the Ethernet link for your system. b. Verify that the Version Number field is Release 6.0 (or greater). c. Set the Physical Protocol field, to Ethernet. d. Set the Physical Protocol field to TCP/IP. e. Verify that the case-senstiveAspect CallCenter Address field is correct. It must be the Aspect CallCenter alias your Aspect representative configured. The Aspect CallCenter attaches this value as the header in messages the Aspect CallCenter sends to Proactive Contact. f. Verify that the case-senstiveData System Address field is all lower-case and correct. It must be the Proactive Contact alias your Aspect representative configured. The Aspect CallCenter expects this value as the header in messages the Aspect CallCenter receives from Proactive Contact. g. Set the Message Format field to Variable. This setting controls the packet length of data sent to Proactive Contact. h. Set the Field Separator field to any value documented in the Application Bridge Implementation Guide. If you choose any value other than 7 (which translates to the vertical bar or pipe character ‘|’), tell your Avaya representative. This value is the field separator the Aspect switch inserts between data fields sent to Proactive Contact. i. Set the Send Type field to Yes, instructing Aspect CallCenter to send full data packets. 4. Configure the required number of Call Control Tables (CCTs) to process call events. Configuring a CCT requires the data interlink number. The Aspect CallCenter processes both inbound and outbound calls according to steps defined in the CCTs. Define at least one CCT for each agent group or agent super group that is an Agent Blending acquire domain. The CCT must use the application number and data interlink number associated with Proactive Contact in the Aspect CallCenter database. Each CCT for an Agent Blending domain must contain the following steps: SEND DATA Must be the first step in a CCT and it must contain the attribute LINK#>nn, where nn is the Data Interlink Number configured in the Data System Interlink Table. The LINK attribute causes Aspect CallCenter to send a Call Information Message (CIM) to Proactive Contact. This message identifies the call domain to Agent Blending. The step must also contain a SUBTYPE attribute. The SUBTYPE must be the agent super group or agent group designator and group identification number, for example, SUBTYPE ASG002. Use these guidelines to create the SUBTYPE attribute: • Use the group designator AG if the CCT directs calls to an agent group. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 171 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending • Use the group designator ASG if the CCT directs calls to an agent super group. • Precede the group identification number with zeros to make it a unique three digit number. Do not insert characters or spaces between the group designator and group identification number. Note: The SUBTYPE value is always the same as the domain identifier specified for Proactive Contact. For example, agent group 9 is domain AG009 in Agent Blending and SUBTYPE AG009 in the CCT. SELECT SELECT selects the agent who was idle (available) for the longest period of time in the agent group or super group specified for a call. For agent groups, the attribute is AGENT BY>GRP NUM>nnn in which nnn is the agent group identification number. For an agent super group, the attribute is AGENT SG BY>GRP NUM>nnn. Do not precede identification numbers with zeros in this SELECT step. For example, the attribute for an agent group with the identification number 49 reads AGENT BY>GRP NUM>49. Note: Agent Blending does not work with CCTs that use network routing. Do not use call priority, a PRIORITY step, in CCTs. Related links Predictive Agent Blending for Aspect CallCenter on page 172 Aspect CallCenter and Outbound Agent Blending domain group on page 174 Predictive Agent Blending for Aspect CallCenter The following illustration is an example of an agent super group containing two agent groups. One agent group handles inbound calls. The other agent group handles inbound and acquire calls. A Predictive Agent Blending domain group contains the agent super group and acquire agent group as domains. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 172 Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending Proactive Contact monitors inbound calls to agent super group 2, acquire calls to agent group 64, and agent states for both agent groups. In this example, CCT 409 handles inbound calls to the agent super group. CCT 411 handles the calls Proactive Contact places to acquire agents in agent group 64. The SEND DATA commands in the CCT work with the Agent BlendIng configuration for the domains. The LINK attribute causes Aspect CallCenter to send the event messages for ASG002 and AG064 to the data interlink connection for Proactive Contact. The SUBTYPE attribute matches the domain identifiers configured in Agent Blending. In CCT 409, the SELECT command applies to agent super group 2. The agent who was idle the longest in agent group 60 or 64 receives the call. If an agent is unavailable, CCT 409 directs the Aspect CallCenter to queue the call for 24 seconds. CCT 409 then plays message number 40, after which CCT 409 queues the call for 30 seconds. Message number 50 is played repeatedly until the call connects to an agent. CCT 411 handles acquire calls that Proactive Contact places to agent group 64. Although Agent Blending directs the system to place an acquire call when it predicts agents will be idle, inbound July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 173 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending calls can come in simultaneously with acquire calls. In that case, no agent can be available when a call arrives, so the Aspect CallCenter queues the call for 90 seconds, and then hangs up. Note: The data interlink number is 11. Related links Configuring Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending on page 170 Aspect CallCenter and Outbound Agent Blending domain group The following example shows an acquire agent group that corresponds to an Agent Blending acquire domain. An Outbound Agent Blending domain group contains an acquire domain. During calling operations, Avaya Proactive Contact places one call to the unpublished telephone number associated with the agent group for each agent logged in to the group. Related links Configuring Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending on page 170 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 174 Pinnacle Switch and Agent Blending Pinnacle Switch and Agent Blending PINNACLE 5ESS and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports the PINNACLE 5ESS switch with the PINNACLE ACD Generic 5E9 or newer software. It supports Operator Services Position System (OSPS) or Business and Residence Custom Services (BRCS) stations. For Agent Blending to either acquire or release an agent, the agent logs on to both the PINNACLE ACD and Proactive Contact. The following items on the PINNACLE 5ESS switch require configuration: • System settings • Call queues to treat as domains • Domain groups • Control method and parameter values of each domain group Agents, calls, and log ins for PINNACLE 5ESS and Agent Blending The following table summarizes how agents log in to Proactive Contact and the PINNACLE 5ESS system. This table is based on the calls they handle and whether you want Agent Blending to monitor the calling activity and calculate statistics on the call activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in PINNACLE 5ESS log in Inbound only No N/A Joins an inbound service team that is not an Agent Blending domain. Inbound only Yes N/A Joins an inbound service team that is an Agent Blending domain Outbound and inbound Yes ACD agent Joins an acquire service team associated with an acquire domain in an Agent Blending Predictive or Proactive domain group. Outbound only Yes ACD agent Joins an acquire service team associated with acquire domain in an Outbound Agent Blending domain group. Outbound only No Outbound agent N/A July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 175 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Setting up PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending About this task During configuration, you specify the Agent Blending settings, domains, domain groups, and domain group control methods. Each domain belongs to a domain group. Agent Blending for PINNACLE 5ESS expects to compile statistics for three types of domain groups: Predictive Agent Blending, Proactive Agent Blending, and Outbound Agent Blending. Agent Blending for PINNACLE 5ESS monitors call queue event messages for the following types of domains. • Inbound Domain: receives inbound calls from customers • Acquire Domain: receives acquire calls from Avaya Proactive Contact. Procedure 1. Obtain the following values from your PINNCALE representative or consult the PINNACLE documentation: • TCP/IP address of PINNACLE 5ESS • Your PINNACLE 5ESS customer name • Your PINNACLE 5ESS configuration ID • Your PINNACLE 5ESS subscription ID 2. Provide the following information for each domain you want Agent Blending to monitor: • Queue ID (domain address) • Queue pilot number (domain extension) • Domain type (inbound or acquire) 3. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name • Domain group type • Domain group settings 4. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, set up a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. It can be ASA or SL. Assign one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain to the group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, set up a Proactive Agent Blending domain group. Assign one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain. c. To configure the system for Outbound Agent Blending only, set up an Outbound domain group and assign only an acquire domain. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 176 Pinnacle Switch and Agent Blending Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. Next steps Configure the PINNACLE 5ESS switch. Configuring PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending Before you begin Complete the PINNACLE 5ESS setup. About this task You must configure serving teams, call queues, and call queue event messaging on PINNACLE 5ESS to work with Agent Blending. Procedure 1. Define one serving team for agents who handle outbound calls. Define a minimum of one other serving team for agents who handle inbound and outbound calls. 2. For call queues that are part of a Predictive or Proactive Agent Blending domain group: a. Configure all inbound domains to route calls to the inbound serving team (if any) and reroute excess calls to the acquire serving team. Do not configure a delay in rerouting calls to the acquire serving team b. Configure all acquire domains to route calls to the acquire serving team. 3. For call queues that are part of an Outbound Agent Blending domain group: a. Configure one serving team as the acquire serving team. b. Configure the domain to route calls to the acquire serving team. 4. Configure your PINNACLE 5ESS to send only the events listed in the following PINNACLE 5ESS inbound event message tables for OSPS stations: Code Label Q QUEUE c DAANSW B BUSY C INCALL U INT_SETUP l LOGOUT a VECABAND d INDISC Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 177 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Code Label R READY G INT_CONF_SETUP_COMPLETE Rolm 9751 (9005) and Agent Blending ROLM 9751 CBX (ROLM 9005) and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports the Siemens ROLM 9751 CBX, release 9005 (ROLM 9005). Note: The ROLM 9005 PBX, the ACD, and the CTI are referred to as ROLM 9005. Keep the following items in mind when preparing to install Agent Blending with your ROLM 9005: • ROLM 9005 documentation refers to the switch as a CBX while Proactive Contact documentation refers to the switch as a PBX. The two terms are synonymous. • The Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) software for ROLM 9005 is CallBridge Link Manager (CallBridge). • You must configure CallBridge correctly for Agent Blending to function. • Agent Blending requires CallPath. • Agent Blending communicates with CallPath as a client running a CallPath application. Agent Blending uses the CallPath Monitor function to monitor call-progress event messages. The following items on the ROLM 9005 require configuration: • System settings • Call queues to treat as domains • Domain groups • Control method and parameter values of each domain group ROLM 9005 installation for Agent Blending The following illustration represents routing, forwarding, and messaging between Proactive Contact and the ROLM 9005 system in a completed Agent Blending installation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 178 Rolm 9751 (9005) and Agent Blending Setting up ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending About this task Agent Blending for the ROLM 9005 expects to receive call-progress events for three types of domains: inbound, acquire, and auxiliary. • An Inbound Domain is a domain that receives inbound calls from customers. • An Acquire Domain is a domain that receives acquire calls from Proactive Contact. • An Auxiliary Domain is a dummy hunt group for an agent group that is either an inbound or an acquire domain. Agent Blending for ROLM 9005 expects to compile statistics for three types of domain groups: Predictive Agent Blending, Proactive Agent Blending, and Outbound Agent Blending. Agent Blending agents that handle inbound and outbound calls work in a Predictive or Proactive Agent Blending domain group. Agents that handle outbound calls work in Outbound Agent Blending domain groups. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 179 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Provide your Avaya representative the following values: • TCP/IP address for the CallPath server • Host or data source name • Pilot Numbers and Directory Numbers for each domain to be set up on Agent Blending 2. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name • Domain group type • Domain group settings 3. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, set up a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. It can be ASA or SL. Assign one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain to the domain group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, set up a Proactive Agent Blending domain group. Assign one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain. c. To configure the system for Outbound Agent Blending, set up an Outbound domain group, and assign only an acquire domain. d. Assign auxiliary domains to the same domain group as the domains from which they receive transfer calls. Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. Agents, calls, and log ins for ROLM 9005 and Agent Blending The following table summarizes how agents log on to Avaya Proactive Contact and the ROLM 9005 system. This table is based on the calls they handle and whether you want Agent Blending to monitor the calling activity and calculate statistics on the call activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in ROLM 9005 log in Inbound only No N/A Logs on normally. ACD administrator assigns an agent telephone number to an agent group that is not associated with an Agent Blending Predictive or Proactive domain group. Inbound only Yes N/A Logs on normally. ACD administrator assigns an agent telephone number to an agent group Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 180 Rolm 9751 (9005) and Agent Blending Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in ROLM 9005 log in associated with an inbound domain in an Agent Blending Predictive or Proactive domain group. Outbound and inbound Yes Logs on normally. ACD administrator assigns an agent telephone number to an agent group associated with an acquire domain in an Agent Blending Predictive or Proactive domain group. Outbound only Yes Logs on normally. ACD administrator assigns an agent telephone number to an agent group associated with an acquire domain in an Agent Blending Outbound domain group. Outbound only No N/A ROLM 9005 domains for Agent Blending Inbound agent groups Agent Blending expects agent groups that are set up as Agent Blending domains to behave as inbound or acquire domains. The domain type depends on how you define the agent groups on ROLM 9005 and how you configure Agent Blending to group the agent groups in domain groups. An agent group configured as an inbound domain has inbound agents associated with the agent group. Each inbound agent group receives inbound calls as shown in the following illustration. An agent group configured as an acquire domain can have blend agents or outbound-only agents associated with the agent group. An agent group with blend agents associated with it receives overflow calls from one or more inbound agent groups as shown in the following illustration. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 181 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending To acquire a blend agent, Agent Blending tells Proactive Contact to place a call to the acquire agent group. This call appears as an inbound call to ROLM 9005, which is routed to the pilot number of the dummy hunt group associated with the acquire agent group. An Agent Blending Outbound domain group contains one or more acquire agent groups. When Agent Blending starts, Agent Blending directs Proactive Contact to place one call to each acquire July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 182 Rolm 9751 (9005) and Agent Blending agent group for each agent. Proactive Contact acquires an agent for outbound calling when the agent logs in and releases the agent when the agent logs out. Dummy hunt groups ROLM 9005 and CallPath use dummy hunt groups to send detailed call-progress event messages to Agent Blending. To tell Agent Blending when an inbound call enters a queue, configure a dummy hunt group to forward calls unconditionally to an agent group. Configuring ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending Before you begin Set up the ROLM 9005 switch. Procedure 1. Configure the ROLM 9005 to route calls to Agent Blending domain groups: a. Define at least one inbound agent group for inbound agents (if any). b. Define at least one acquire agent group for blend agents. c. Configure all inbound agent groups included in the agent. d. Configure blend domain group to send overflow calls to the acquire agent group. Note: Do not configure a delay in sending overflow calls to the acquire agent group. Do not configure the acquire agent group to reroute overflow calls. 2. Set up one or more acquire agent groups for Agent Blending Outbound domain groups. 3. Set up a dummy hunt group on ROLM 9005: a. Define a hunt group pilot number. b. Define the hunt group without members. c. Set up a routing table for the hunt group pilot number with one step. d. Define the step in the routing table to forward calls to an agent group pilot number. Note: Do not set up the acquire agent group to reroute overflow calls. Note: A dummy hunt group does not cause a noticeable delay when connecting customers with agents. Next steps Verify hunt group configuration. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 183 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Verifying hunt group configuration forROLM 9005 Agent Blending Before you begin Configure the ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending. Procedure 1. Ensure that all agents will always operate in automatic answer mode. 2. If your agents are using ROLM 9005 telephones, set the AUTO/MAN button to AUTO for all agent telephones. 3. Define all pilot numbers for each agent group and dummy hunt group to use the CPTH. With CallPath, Agent Blending can receive complete call-progress event messages. Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports the Rockwell Spectrum with Transaction Link. The Rockwell Spectrum is commonly called the Spectrum. To allow Ethernet access to Spectrum, all Agent Blending systems require allocation of a separate subnet within the corporate LAN. Agent Blending treats Spectrum applications as Agent Blending domains. Setting up the Spectrum for Agent Blending configuration Procedure 1. Obtain the following information for the Proactive Contact CPU:. • TCP/IP address • Host or data source name 2. Contact your Rockwell representative to obtain the following information: • IP address and host name of the Spectrum switch • PDI III card port number configured for TLLAN (the TCP port to which Proactive Contact connects) • Whether agents have the automatic Return to Call Work feature enabled in their COS .Agent Blending works better if the feature is enabled. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 184 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending 3. Proactive Contact needs the following information about Spectrum: • IP address and host name of the TLLAN ports on the Spectrum. • The PDI III card port numbers configured for TLLAN, which is the TCP port to which Proactive Contact connects. 4. Set up Spectrum Applications, Application Telescripts, and Agent Groups 5. Set up an Agent Blending domain for each Spectrum Application that Agent Blending recognizes as a domain. 6. Set up inbound and acquire domains. a. Set up an inbound domain for a Spectrum Application that routes incoming calls to Spectrum agent groups. The Spectrum agent groups contain only inbound agents (inbound-only agent groups and acquire agent groups) b. Set up an acquire domain for a Spectrum Application that routes calls to Spectrum agent group(s). The groups contain only ACD blend agents (acquire agent groups). 7. During site preparation, identify which domains are grouped and which control method to use with each domain group. Each domain group must be defined as one of four types: • Outbound • Predictive-(ASA) • Predictive-(SL) • Proactive Note: A domain group contains one or more domains. Agents, calls, and log ins for Spectrum and Agent Blending The following table summarizes how agents log on to Proactive Contact and Spectrum. This table is based on the calls they handle and whether you want Agent Blending to monitor the calling activity and calculate statistics on the call activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in Spectrum log in Inbound only No N/A Joins an inbound group that is not an Agent Blending domain. Inbound only Yes N/A Joins an inbound group that is an Agent Blending domain Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 185 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in Spectrum log in Outbound and inbound Yes ACD agent Joins an acquire group associated with an acquire domain in an Agent Blending Predictive or Proactive domain group. Outbound only Yes ACD agent Joins an acquire group associated with acquire domain in an Outbound Agent Blending domain group Outbound only No Outbound agent N/A Spectrum Configuration for Agent Blending Configuring Spectrum Transaction Link for Agent Blending About this task Transaction Link is part of the Spectrum Call Processing subsystem. Proactive Contact monitors the transaction link for unsolicited call-progress event messages. This configuration enables Proactive Contact to track the status of calls on the Spectrum. The Call Processing Software Subsystem controls the Transaction Link Feature Group. This software uses the X.25 data link provided by the Peripheral Data Interface (PDI) card or the Ethernet data link provided by the PDI-III card. Agent Blending supports connection only to the transaction link that uses the Ethernet data link. Procedure 1. To access Transaction Link features, configure Spectrum with: • Class of Service (COS) • Trunk Group (TRKGRP) • Serial Data Port (SDP) • Device parameters 2. Use TL1 commands or ICS menus to configure the parameters associated with Transaction Link. Enter TL1 commands from a maintenance terminal or an ICS workstation. For help with TL1 commands, see Spectrum Command Reference Volume. For help using the ICS, see Spectrum InfoView Management System Next steps Configure the PDI-III card to support transaction link. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 186 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending Configuring the PDI III card to support Spectrum Transaction Link for Agent Blending About this task The PDI III card provides a connection to a standard LAN Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 LAN that uses a 10Base-T cable. LAN media other than 10Base-T can be used with a 10Base-T converter. Procedure 1. Configure Port 2 of the card as a Serial Data Port (SDP). 2. Set the device type as LAN. 3. Configure one or more of the LAN Serial Data Ports for TLLAN operation. Agent Blending requires these port numbers. Note: Ports 5 through 24 of the card are pseudo-ports. Pseudo-ports are assigned to ICS workstations connected to the LAN port of the card. Up to 20 ICS workstations can be assigned to a PDI III card. 4. Use the ENT-SDP or ED-SDP TL1 command to configure the PDI-III card for transaction link. The Network Address, Network Mask, and Default Route are associated with this port. Configure the Network Address using the format provided in the Spectrum LAN Installation document. Next steps Configure Trunk groups. Configuring Spectrum trunk groups for Agent Blending About this task Enable the Host Transaction Link feature for each Trunk Group that receives incoming calls for applications monitored by Proactive Contact. Configure at least one Trunk Group to allow the Host Transaction Link. This configuration allows Spectrum to generate call-progress messages on the Transaction Link. You can configure Trunk Groups that use ICS or TL1 commands. Procedure 1. To configure Trunk Groups that use ICS: a. Select Routing > Trunk Assignments > Trunk Group. b. Select Yes for Allow Host Transaction Link. 2. To configure Trunk Groups that use TL1 commands: a. At the system prompt, type ENT-TRKGRP or ED-TRKGRP and press Enter. b. Set HOSTFLAG = Y HOSTFLAG is Host Transaction Link Flag. The default is N. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 187 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending Next steps Define class of service (COS). Defining class of service (COS) for Spectrum Agent Blending About this task To access Transaction Link features, configure a Host Transaction feature in the class of service of an agent for each agent who works with Agent Blending. This configuration allows each agent, supervisor, and IVR assigned to the Class of Service to access Transaction Link. In addition, enable the automatic Return to Work feature. You define a Class of Service using ICS or TL1 commands. Procedure 1. To define Class of Service that use ICS: a. SelectSystem > Class of Service. b. Select Yes for Allow Host Transaction feature c. Select Yes for Return to Call Work feature. 2. To define Class of Service using TL1 commands: a. At the system prompt, type ENT-COS or ED-COS and press Enter. b. Set CALLORIG = Y. CALLORIG is Call Origination state This parameter enables Return to Call Work. The default is N. c. Set HOSTFLAG = Y. HOSTFLAG is Host Transaction Link Flag. The default is N. Next steps Define agent groups. Defining agent groups for Spectrum Agent Blending About this task Although agents can belong to a primary and a secondary agent group through Spectrum, Proactive Contact requires that agents belong to only one group. In addition to defining skill sets, define agent groups based on whether the agents are inbound or acquire. Inbound groups take only inbound calls. Acquire groups can take inbound and outbound or only outbound calls. Define an agent group using ICS or TL1 commands. Procedure 1. To define Agent Groups using ICS: a. Select Staffing > Agent Groups. b. Define the parameters. There are no special requirements. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 188 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending 2. To define agent groups that use TL1 commands. a. At the system prompt, type ENT-AGRP or ED-AGRP and press Enter. b. Define the parameters. There are no special requirements. Next steps Create an application telescript. Application telescripts for Spectrum Agent Blending Application Telescripts direct calls to agent groups capable of providing the services required for that application (such as billing, repair, and sales). The application calls the Application Telescript. You must have a minimum of these two telescripts for Proactive Contact: • Inbound script • Acquire script Create an Application Telescript using the ICS, TL1 commands, or the Telescript Graphical Editor. Inbound domains When designing telescripts for use with Agent Blending Inbound Domains, use the multiple queue feature of the QUEUE AGENT GROUP command. You can list multiple agent groups with this multiple queue feature. For inbound domains, list one or more inbound agent groups and at least one acquire agent group. Aquire domains If the application is an Agent Blending Acquire Domain, include only one acquire agent group. Do not include an inbound agent group. Spectrum must queue calls to ACD blend agents only. Related links Create an application telescript with ICS for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 189 Creating an application with TL1 commands for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 190 Application telescript examples for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 190 Create an application telescript with ICS for Spectrum Agent Blending About this task Complete an Application Telescript for each domain you want Agent Blending to recognize. Procedure 1. In the InfoView Control System main window, double-click the Script Management Facility task icon. 2. Name the telescript. You can reference the telescript by name instead of number. 3. Use the script steps options to add a QUEUE AGENT GROUP step. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 189 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending 4. Add an INFORM HOST CALL STATUS step immediately after the QUEUE AGENT GROUP. 5. Verify the script. 6. Close the script. 7. Activate the script. (You must activate the script before you can assign it.) Next steps Define an application. Related links Application telescripts for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 189 Creating an application with TL1 commands for Spectrum Agent Blending Procedure 1. Name the telescript. You can reference the telescript by name instead of number , for example, EDApp_Name . 2. At the system prompt, type ENT-VSTEPAPPL and press Enter. 3. Add a QUEUE AGENT GROUP step. 4. Add an INFORM HOST CALL STATUS step immediately after the QUEUE AGENT GROUP step. 5. At the system prompt, type VERIFY-App_Name and press Enter to verify the script. 6. At the system prompt, type CLOSE-App_Name and press Enter to close the script. 7. At the system prompt, type ACT-App_Name and press Enter to activate the script. You need activate the script before assigning it. Next steps Define an application. Related links Application telescripts for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 189 Application telescript examples for Spectrum Agent Blending In the following examples, all agents handling inbound-only calls belong to group 101, the inbound group. All agents handling inbound and outbound calls belong to group 102, the acquire group. Application Telescript 20 (inbound calls) Application 20, using Application Telescript 20, handles all inbound calls. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 190 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending Step Description QUEUE AGENT GROUPS 101 and 102 Simultaneously queues two agent groups: 101 and 102. Searches for longest idle primary agent in either group. If an agent is available, Spectrum assigns the call to that agent. If no agents are available in either group, Spectrum queues the longest available agent whose secondary assignment is agent group 101 or 102. INFORM HOST CALL STATUS Allows Proactive Contact to track calls in Spectrum. DELAY FOREVER Leaves the call permanently in queue waiting for the next available agent. Application Telescript 21 (acquire domain) Application 21, using Application Telescript 21, handles Proactive Contact acquire calls. Step Description QUEUE AGENT GROUP 102 Queues only agent group 102. Spectrum searches Agent group 102 for the longest idle primary agent. If an agent is available, Spectrum assigns the call to that agent. If no agents are available in group 102, Spectrum queues the longest available agent whose secondary assignment is agent group 102. INFORM HOST CALL STATUS Allows Proactive Contact to track calls in Spectrum. DELAY FOREVER Leaves the call permanently in queue waiting for the next available agent. To use telescripts for more complex purposes, use other applications to handle the complex decisions prior to routing the calls to the applications. Caution: Do not include any other routing in the acquire domain telescripts. Do not place overflow or other queue-related routing in the inbound Application Telescript. Related links Application telescripts for Spectrum Agent Blending on page 189 Defining an application (Spectrum) About this task When creating a Spectrum application, assign an Application Number (domain address) and an Application Directory Number (domain number). Use ICS or TL1 commands to create the application. Note: Before you schedule a telescript, it must be created and active. Procedure 1. To define an Application with ICS: a. .On the Supervisor Terminal, navigate to the Main Command window, and select Routing > Applications. b. Enter the Application Information. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 191 Supported switch configurations for Agent Blending c. In Schedule Type, select Application Scripts d. In the Auto Schedule field, select Yes. e. In the Weekday and Weekend Schedule boxes, enter the Script ID of the Application Telescript you designed for Agent Blending. 2. To define an Application with TL1 commands: a. At the command prompt, type ENT-APPL or ED-APPL and press Enter. b. Complete the parameters for application number, correlation tag, and directory number. c. Type AUTOSCHED = Y and press Enter. d. Type SCHEDTYPE = APPL and press Enter. e. Enter the name or number of the Agent Blending Application Telescripts used for each schedule. Setting up an outbound job (Spectrum) About this task Outbound Agent Blending acquires agents to handle outbound calls as soon as they log in to Proactive Contact and the Spectrum. For a group of agents to handle only outbound calls, configure the outbound job on Proactive Contact. You do not need to set up the agents as outbound agents on Spectrum. However, you can take advantage of the special features of Spectrum, such as detailed reports and least-cost routing using Outbound Agent Blending on Proactive Contact. Agents who are assigned to Spectrum as outbound-only agents cannot be acquired to take inbound calls. Proactive Contact controls the calling list. Proactive Contact acquires the outbound agent through Spectrum. Procedure 1. On Spectrum, set up one or more Application Telescripts that routes calls to only one acquire agent group (no inbound agent group). 2. On Proactive Contact, set up one or more acquire domains. 3. On Proactive Contact, set up an Outbound-only domain group. 4. Assign the acquire domain that you set up in step 2 to the Outbound-only domain group. 5. Set up the parameters on Proactive Contact for an outbound job. Setting up Predictive Agent Blending (Spectrum) About this task Predictive Agent Blending agents log on to the Spectrum and Proactive Contact. The agents immediately start handling inbound calls. If the inbound traffic is low, Proactive Contact acquires the Spectrum agents for outbound calls. When inbound traffic increases, Proactive Contact releases the agents back to Spectrum to handle inbound calls. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 192 Rockwell Spectrum and Agent Blending Procedure 1. On Spectrum, set up an Application Telescript that routes calls to one or more acquire agent groups and up to one inbound agent group. 2. On Proactive Contact, assign the application associated with the telescript to a domain. 3. On Spectrum, set up one or more Application Telescripts that route calls to only one acquire agent group (no inbound agent group). 4. On Proactive Contact, set up one or more acquire domains. 5. In your Proactive Contact domain group configuration, select ASA SL. Assign the domain you configured in step 2 to the domain group. 6. Set up the parameters on Proactive Contact for the outbound job. Spectrum controls the inbound side. Setting up a Proactive Agent Blending job About this task When agents log on, Proactive Contact immediately acquires them for outbound calling. When there is a call in the inbound queue, Proactive Contact releases the first idle Spectrum agent to handle the call. As long as there are calls in the inbound queue, agents remain on the Spectrum handling inbound calls. When the inbound queue is empty, Proactive Contact acquires all available Spectrum agents to handle outbound calls. Procedure 1. On Spectrum, set up an Application Telescript that routes calls to one or more acquire agent groups and up to one inbound agent group. 2. On Proactive Contact, assign the application associated with the telescript to a domain. 3. On Spectrum, set up one or more Application Telescripts that route calls to only one acquire agent group (no inbound agent group). 4. On Proactive Contact, set up one or more acquire domains. 5. In your Proactive Contact domain group configuration, select Proactive Agent Blending. Assign the domain to the domain group. 6. Set up the parameters on Proactive Contact for the outbound job. Spectrum controls the inbound side. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 193 Chapter 17: Server environment configuration Configure calling lists Calling list environment The system processes a calling list through these actions: 1. Obtains raw data from host 2. Converts raw data to a Proactive Contact calling list 3. Performs Timezoning, Dupe check, and other preparatory steps before use. 4. Sets up calling and reporting 5. Creates upload extract 6. Converts extract to host format 7. Uploads raw extract data to host Before the system can perform these actions, you must configure the calling list environment to establish all the files required to convert the host computer data to the Proactive Contact calling list format and vice versa. Calling list environment component overview Screens Screens define how the customer data is displayed to the Agent. You use the ScreenBuilder utility to build screens. Screen builder files are in the /opt/avaya/pds/lists directory. The files that describe each screen are as follows: • listname.scrn • • listname.acpt The name of the file, without the extension, must be the same as the name of the job to which each screen relates. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 194 Configure calling lists Menus Menus perform these four actions: • Call other menus • Call help screens • Execute binaries • Execute shell scripts. The top level menu is: system. There are two types of menu files: menu and cmd. The menu files can call only .cmd or other .menu files. The .cmd files can execute only shell scripts and binaries. Calling scripts Calling Scripts control the way the system handles a call. They control the hold queue output to agent and job monitor screens and what values a field is assigned. The following files are used by calling scripts: telephny.spt, telephny.tbl and telephny.labels Completion codes Agents use completion codes to record the result of a call. The code is recorded in the CODE field of the calling list. Each job is associated to a keys, .ky file. The job file has an entry OKEYS that contains the name of a corresponding .ky file. Voice messages Voice messages are digitized recordings that are delivered to customers. The calling script can define which recordings are used. They can be used for customers on hold. Messages delivered to customers are called wait messages. Messages initiated by an agent are called pf messages. Messages are in the /opt/avaya/pds/switch/voice/ directory. In addition, the file that controls message loading to the switch is /opt/avaya/pds/config/voicemsg.cfg. Calling list configuration Calling list configuration files contain calling list file settings. Calling list configuration files are found in the /opt/avaya/pds/lists directory in a directory for each list. The files differ for inbound and outbound lists. Outbound lists • listname.fdict Calling List Dictionary Format file that sets the format of the calling list. • listname.dnld Contains information about: - The medium that the raw data is stored on, how it is stored, and the name of the converted file. - Converting data to Proactive Contact format (general purpose data conversion program). - What scripts to run in what order and when to cease repeated attempts. - Key words and values in this file control list_prep processing details. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 195 Server environment configuration Inbound lists • inbndlistname.fdict Calling List Dictionary Format file that sets the format of the calling list. - Converting data from Proactive Contact format (general purpose data conversion program). - The medium that the raw data is stored on, how it is stored, and the name of the converted file. - What scripts to run in what order and when to cease repeated attempts. Calling environment files Calling environment files determine how the calls are made. Those files include the following: /opt/avaya/pds/config/ locale.cfg In which time zone the customer to be called resides. The legal times in which a time zone can be called. Provides a means to assign a telephone number to a particular time zone designator and to check if the phone number is valid. /opt/avaya/pds/config/ phonefmt.cfg Determines how to format phone numbers from calling list format or standard format to dialing format. /opt/avaya/pds/config/ stdday.cfg Defines the time zone regions and the standard/daylight savings time changes. /opt/avaya/pds/config/ timezone.cfg Defines the time zone information and dialing guard times. Job files Job files control how the calling activities run on the system. /opt/avaya/pds/ config/*.edt Controls what system job fields the supervisor has access to, and how the supervisor will enter data into those fields in the Job Run Verification Screen. Also set default values to fields to which the supervisor does not have access. /opt/ avaya/pds/job/ *.job The job file contains all the information that Proactive Contact needs to place phone calls to customers. A job file integrates a calling list, phone strategy, record selection, and other settings to place outbound calls and receive inbound calls. Utilities Utilities for displaying data files or calling lists: • edump Displays an EBCDIC data file. • adump Displays an ASCII data file. • fdictdump Displays .fdict file header information or calling list data. Refer to the man pages for details on usage and options for adump, edump, and fdictdump. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 196 Configure calling lists Creating a calling list In previous versions of Proactive Contact creating a calling list involved editing several files. In this version, you use a wizard that creates the list with a set of standard defaults. Before you begin You need a set of data, typically in csv format, to create the calling list. Procedure 1. Start the Editor application and log in as sysadm. 2. Use the Calling List Application Wizard to create a new calling list. For more information on using the Calling List Application Wizard, see Using Avaya Proactive Contact Supervisor Guide. 3. Log on to the dialer as admin. 4. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/compcode.cfg. Add new calling list fields. 5. In a terminal window, at the system prompt, type make-histrpt and press Enter, The system creates a set of reports according on the choices you make. 6. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/reportgen/ and view the code.tsub file. This file is used by the report binary to produce a release.rept file. The script that updates this file based on the compcode.cfg file is named make_tsub. 7. Verify the Quota value in /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master/cfg reflects the range of call completion codes selected for the quota setting. These ranges are the default for all calling jobs. Next steps Change any default settings for the calling list. Related links Configuring calling lists details on page 197 Configuring calling lists details About this task There are a number of tasks required to create calling lists. This set of tasks completes the process. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg. 2. Use a text editor such as vi to make the following changes in the master.cfg: a. Set the MAXPHONE parameter to the number of phones in use. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 197 Server environment configuration b. Set the QUOTA parameter to contain all the agent release codes in the compcode.cfg file. Note: The Infinite Job parameter, INFINITE, and the Sales Verification parameter, VERIFY, are set to YES by default. To turn off either feature, set the desired parameter to NO. 3. If you do not want to display new calling lists, change the YES to NO in the fifth column of these menu files which are set to YES by default. • /opt/avaya/pds/menus/edit.cmd • /opt/avaya/pds/menus/transfer.cmd • /opt/avaya/pds/menus/clistrpt.cmd 4. To call a new script from a job, edit the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts/telephny.tbl file to include the new messages and the names of the new agent key files. Related links Creating a calling list on page 197 In previous versions of Proactive Contact creating a calling list involved editing several files. In this version, you use a wizard that creates the list with a set of standard defaults. calllistapp.tbl file structure on page 203 Editing calling list defaults Before you begin Using Editor, create a calling list. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/hash.cfg. a. In a non-pod environment, edit the file to contain the line list#:key_field in which # is the calling list number and key_field is the client’s unique field. Examples: list1:ACCTNUM or list2:BANKNUM b. In a pod environment, edit the file to contain the line hostname-list#:key_field in which hostname is the name of the system where the calling list resides. Example:bluecat-list1:ACCTNUM 2. Use Editor to change the default Postupdate settings. a. Start Editor and click the Callings Lists tab. b. Select the calling list you created. c. Right-click and select Calling List Details. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 198 Configure calling lists d. Make changes in the Postupdate settings section as needed. Note: If you are using the default system calling list, for example list1, you must rename the file PUlist1.cfg to PU<dialername>-list1.cfg to: • Use post update feature on this calling list • Save this calling list with another name The PUlist1.cfg is located at $VOICEDIR/config directory. This step is not required for any new calling lists that are created using Editor application. Next steps Continue to create a calling list by creating agent keys and voice messages. Related links Calling list details field descriptions on page 199 Each set of options on the page can be toggled on and off by using a check box in the Details column of the Calling List Details Features tab. Calling list details field descriptions Each set of options on the page can be toggled on and off by using a check box in the Details column of the Calling List Details Features tab. General The General option of the Calling List Details Features tab is described in the following table. Name Description Number of phone fields Upto a maximum of 14. List is a part of Do Not Call Group Check box that denotes the selected list is part of a Do Not Call group. Post Update The Post Update option of the Calling List Details Features tab is described in the following table. Name Description Number of phones to update A number between 2 and 4, inclusive that is the number of phones per record to track. Number of call attempts to keep A number between 1 and 5, inclusive that is the number of attempts to make a call. Maintain history of attempts • Keep initial attempts:Keep all calling list results • Overwrite initial attempts: Keeps only the most recent calling list results Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 199 Server environment configuration Name Description Update record codes Accepts a coma separated list of completion codes which you choose from a dialog box of all possible completion codes. Infinite Job The Infinite Job option of the Calling List Details Features tab is described in the following table. Name Description Key for removing duplicate records A drop-down list of keys. Records with the same value for the selected key are marked as duplicate. Choose a key with a unique value for each record. Key for indexing records A drop-down list of keys. Records are indexed on the value of the selected key. Choose a key with a unique value for each record. Key for indexing Do Not Call processing A drop-down list of keys. Records are indexed for Do Not Call processing on the value of the selected key. Choose a key with a unique value for each record. How often should Dialer check in new records The number of minutes of interval between two infinite call selections. You must set the value to 0. LATELIST Check box to enable Latelist on an infinite job. Sort newly downloaded records If the check box is selected, newly downloaded records are sorted. Match Compcodes Allows you to select the completion codes as defined on the dialer. Key for sorting The key on which the sorting for the infinite jobs is performed. These options appear on the Calling List Details Features tab as described in the following table: Group Name Description Campaign Update Update mode Select the Campaign Update check box for enabling the feature. From the Update mode drop-down, select from the options: Realtime, Batch, and both. Native voice and data transfer — Check box to turn on or off Native voice and data transfer. Sales verification — Check box to turn on or off sales verification. Related links Editing calling list defaults on page 198 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 200 Configure calling lists Creating agent keys Before you begin Create a default calling list. About this task When you create a calling list, the opt/avaya/pds/lists/ directory contains all the listname related files. Note that many of these files, such as listname.dnld and listname.fdict are created by default. Procedure 1. To configure agent key files, start Editor. 2. Click the Agent Keys tab. 3. Click the Agent Keys icon. 4. Select ag_cmd in the list of Agent Keys. The Agent Key Details tab appears in the right hand side of the window. 5. To edit a key value, select the row that contains the value and use the drop menus in each column to change the desired values. For the Description column, enter the desired text. 6. To create a new key, right-click and select Insert Row. Use the drop−down menu in each column to enter the desired values. For the Description column, enter the desired text. Next steps Configure voice messages. Configuring NFS About this task NFS provides the mount of a directory onto the switch for the loading of voice messages. You can use the default settings to enable any system to mount the exported NFS directory. You must change the default settings to enable specific systems or switches to mount the exported NFS directory. Procedure 1. Using an editor such as vi, open the file /etc/exports. 2. Append this text, switch_ip_address/,sync) to the end of the /opt/avaya/pds/switch line. 3. Save and close the the file /etc/exports. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 201 Server environment configuration 4. At the system prompt, type su sroot and press Enter. 5. At the password prompt. type sroot_password and press Enter. 6. At the system prompt, type exportfs -r and press Enter. Creating voice messages Before you begin Create a default calling list. About this task When you create a calling list, the opt/avaya/pds/lists/ directory contains all the listname related files. Note that many of these files, such as listname.dnld and listname.fdict are created by default. Procedure 1. To configure voice message files, start Editor. 2. Click the Messages and Scripts tab. 3. Click the Messages icon. The Messages - Active window appears to the right. 4. To change the settings for a message, select the message and right-click Change. Use the Message Wizard to change the message settings. 5. To create a message, click File > New. Use the Message Wizard to create the new message. Related links Messages field descriptions on page 202 calllistapp.tbl file structure on page 203 Messages field descriptions on page 202 Messages field descriptions Name Description Folder The name of a user-defined group that messages belong to. This is a free text field. Message A text label for the message. Slot Unique message identifier. It can be value in the range 1-247 and the range 254-2047. Extension The telephone extension Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 202 Configure calling lists Name Description Type • Voice: Plays a computerized voice message. • Music: Plays a computerized music. Gender • Male: Plays message with a computerized male voice. • Female: Plays message with a computerized female voice. • Null Describes a message other than voice. Usually for Music the Gender is NULL. Contents Either the actual contents of the message or the name of the message file. Related links Creating voice messages on page 202 Creating voice messages on page 202 calllistapp.tbl file structure The calllistapp.tbl file format depends on the type of system: Stand-alone system name!type!stage!description!date!protected: Pod system name!type!stage!description!date!protected: The following table describes the various stage parameter values. Stage Description ACTIVE List is available for calling at the present time INPROGRESS List is not available for calling as it is still being configured. PENDING List has been fully configured and will become ACTIVE the next time the dialer services are restarted. DELETE PENDING A user has deleted the list and it is has been moved to a backup location where it remains for a time period that is configurable before being deleted. A user can retrieve such a calling list and return it to another stage. Related links Creating voice messages on page 202 Configuring calling lists details on page 197 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 203 Server environment configuration listname.dnld file structure A listname.dnld file establishes processing parameters for calling list downloads from the host, or from media. The file is divided into eight sections. Each of the following tables explains the contents of one section of the file. SUMMARY Keyword Values Description DICT filename Filename of the .dict file to use. FDICT filename Filename of the .fdict file to use. Keyword Values Description HOSTFTP YES or NO Host initiated ftp (anonymous ftp) INITIATEFTP YES or NO Initiate ftp (direct ftp) to do the transfers with host. SYSTEM host_name Host computer name in host file. LOGON username Username to use to log onto the host. Can be blank. PASSWD password Password to use to log onto the host. Can be blank. HOSTFILE filename Name of the file to get from the host (use full path name). EXEC_PRE program or shell script Run against the file before getting the file (INITIATEFTP) or checking that the file has arrived (HOSTFTP). Blank to keep from running. EXEC_POST program or shell script Run against the file after making a copy of the file that just arrived but before CR/LF processing. Blank to keep from running. REMOVECR YES or NO Yes to remove carriage returns, No to keep them. REMOVELF YES or NO Yes to remove line feeds, No to keep them. NOVERIFY YES or NO Set to YES if no verification is to be done during the download process, such as when you send a header, trailer, carriage return or line feed with the raw data. If Table continues… Download data July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 204 Configure calling lists Keyword Values Description possible, parameter should be set to NO to allow for verification during download as a safeguard. Set to NO to allow verification. Keyword Values Description SKIPNUM number Number of records to skip before starting to convert (readtape utility only). READNUM number Maximum number of records to read (readtape utility only). APPEND YES or NO YES - append the new records to an existing calling list. NO - do not append the new records to an existing calling list. ALTDATABASE filename Override the calling list name SWITCHYEAR year Set to the year for which any 2 to 4 digit year conversion must distinguish between 19## and 20##. Default is 70. For example, SWITCHYEAR:70. Keyword Values Description RECSIZE number Record size in bytes. BLKSIZE number Block size, a multiple of RECSIZE not to exceed a value of 32000. BLKSREAD number Number of blocks Proactive Contact reads at one time. BLKSREAD multiplied by BLKSIZE cannot exceed 32000. Default is 10. TERMINATOR character Optional. Character placed in every blank position in each record. Leave blank to force a null character. CHARSET ASCII or EBDIC Data type of host file data. the default is ASCII. CASE case Optional. Character case. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, UPLOW (small caps), and IGNORE. The default is UPPER. Read data Configuration format Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 205 Server environment configuration Keyword Values Description This feature is enabled by default. However, you can disable this feature for versions of Proactive Contact prior to 5.1.2 using the IGNORECASE parameter present in the case.conf file. For Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2 and later, the case.conf file is not used, because now Proactive Contact dialer has the capability to use upper, lower, or title case, or ignore the case of the text. TAPEDEV name Tape device name or path and filename of the raw data file. Uses the $VOICEDIR variable in the path of the raw data file. TAPENAME name File dictionary name. Omit the .fdict file extension; it is automatically taken by the system. Usually the same as the DATABASE name. FILEFORMAT FIXED, CSV Defines how records in the file are separated. If FIXED, each field is a set length, If CSV fields are separate by a specific character set by the FIELDDELIMITER parameter. The default is FIXED RECORDDELIMITER character Defines the character(s) that separate one record from the next. Typical values are linefeed and CR/LF. FIELDDELIMITER character If the FILEFORMAT is set to CSV, then this defines the characters that separate one field from the next. Typical values are commas (CSV) or tabs (TSV). QUALIFIER character Indicates that the data in each field is enclosed by the QUALIFIER value. The default is double quotes ("). Keyword Values Description TIMEZONE YES or NO Runs setzones against the list. The default is YES. Prep format July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 206 Configure calling lists XFR format Keyword Values Description ENDTIME hh, mm The filetransfer script runs scripts from this action list file only as long as the ENDTIME, expressed in hours <hh> and minutes <mm>, has not expired. SCRIPT script:configfile:dly_secs:retry The SCRIPT keyword indicates an instance of a script to run: script is the file name of the script to run. Usually, the script entry indicates the hosttopds or pdstohost script. configfile is the configuration file for script. This entry is usually the appropriate *.dnld or *.upld file. Do not include the file extension; it is automatically taken by the system. dly_secs is the time, in seconds, the process waits before executing the next command in sequence. retry A value of YES indicates the script will retry upon failure. Keyword Values Description ISSALESVERIFY YES or NO Indicates whether the list supports sales verification. The default is No. ISDNCFLAG YES or NO Indicates whether the list is part of a DNC group. The default is No. ISINFINITE YES or NO Indicates whether the list supports infinite list processing. The default is No. ISANIDNIS YES or NO Indicates whether the list supports ANI/DNIS. The default is No. ISNVDT YES or NO Indicates whether the list supports Native Voice and Data Transfer. The default is No. ISCAMPAIGN YES or NO Indicates whether the list supports campaign update. The default is No. Features format July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 207 Server environment configuration Post update feature format Keyword Values Description ISPOSTUPDATE YES or NO YES to enable the Post update feature. NO to disable the feature. PHONE number Number of phones for which the system updates the calling list fields. The value must be between 1 to 4. ATTEMPTS number Number of calling attempts for which the calling list fields for post update are maintained by the system. The value must be between 1 to 5. UPDATETYPE character The options are: F or L. F specifies the system to keep the initial attempts. L specifies the system to overwrite the initial attempts. CHECKCODE number Set of completion codes for which the post update fields are updated. The value comprises the range of completion codes as defined in the system. INF_PREP format Keyword Values Description INF_SETLIST listname Name of the list to be processed. INF_TIMEZONE timezone Runs setzones against the list. INF_EXECPROG program:options Execute a program or shell script. Place this parameter wherever you want custom scripts or commands run. INF_REMOVEDUPS fieldname Runs de_reject to remove duplicate records. Default is ACCTNUM. INF_INDEXLIST fieldname Runs clhash on the list to turn on the indexing. If you are using Campaign Update, this feature must be running (not blank). Must be run after TIMEZONE and REMOVEDUPS July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 208 Configure calling lists listname.upld file structure A listname.upld file establishes processing parameters for calling list uploads to the host, or media. The file is divided into four sections. Each of the following tables explains the contents of one section of the file. Upload data Keyword Values Description ADDCR YES or NO Add carriage return ADDLF YES or NO Add line feed XFERTAPE YES or NO Must always be set to NO. HOSTFTP YES or NO Host initiated ftp (anonymous ftp). SYSTEM host_name Host computer's name in hosts file. LOGON username The username to use to logon to the host. Remove if not used. PASSWD password The password to use to logon to the host. Remove if not used. HOSTFILE filepath The name of the file to get from the host (use full path name). Keyword Values Description SELECT selection This denotes the selection criteria for the records to be uploaded. For upgrades, verify code changes have been made. Write data Note: Amaximum of 40 codes can be used within the SELECT statement. If more than 40 codes are needed, use SELECT2 and SELECT3, each with 40 codes available for each statement SELECT2 selection2 To be used in conjunction with SELECT if more than 40 codes are needed Note: For multiple extract criteria, use "\;"-however, this means Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 209 Server environment configuration Keyword Values Description AND, not OR. Example: SELECT:DTE:`date + %Y/%m/ %d`\;CODE:16! 20!21! 36!38! selection3 To be used in conjunction with SELECT if more than 40 codes are needed RMDUPSFIELD fieldname The name of the field to use for matching records whende_reject is run to remove duplicate records. Default is ACCTNUM. RMDUPSVALUE value The value to write to the STATUSFLAG field when de_reject processing finds a duplicate record. ALTDATABASE name Override the calling list name Keyword Values Description RECSIZE number Upload record length BLKSIZE number Must be a multiple of 10 of RECSIZE, but less than 32000 BLKSREAD number 32000/BLKSIZE (drop off decimal) is the largest number that can be used. Use 10. SELECT3 Configuration TERMINATOR Space replaces nulls with ASCII 40 (spaces) or blank shows nulls as ASCII 0 (^) CHARSET ASCII or EBDIC Data type of file data. CASE case Optional. Character case. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, UPLOW (small caps), and IGNORE. This feature is enabled by default. However, you can disable this feature for versions of Proactive Contact prior to 5.1.2 using the IGNORECASE parameter present in the case.conf file. For Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2 and later, the case.conf file is not used, because now Proactive Contact Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 210 Configure calling lists Keyword Values Description dialer has the capability to use upper, lower, or title case, or ignore the case of the text. TAPEDEV name Tape device name or path and filename of the raw data file. Uses the $VOICEDIR variable in the path of the raw data file. DATABASE listname Calling list name TAPENAME name File dictionary name. Omit the .fdict file extension; it is automatically taken by the system. Usually the same as the DATABASE name. MAPNAME filename Name of the listname.fdict file associated with the calling list FILEFORMAT FIXED, CSV Defines how records in the file are separated. If FIXED, each field is a set length, If CSV fields are separate by a specific character set by the FIELDDELIMITER parameter. The default is FIXED RECORDDELIMITER character Defines the character(s) that separate one record from the next. Typical values are linefeed and CR/LF. FIELDDELIMITER character If the FILEFORMAT is set to CSV, then this defines the characters that separate one field from the next. Typical values are commas (CSV) or tabs (TSV). QUALIFIER character Indicates that the data in each field is enclosed by the QUALIFIER value. The default is double quotes ("). Keyword Values Description ENDTIME hh, mm The filetransfer script run scripts from this action list file only as long as the ENDTIME, expressed in hours <hh> and minutes <mm>, has not expired. XFR format Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 211 Server environment configuration Keyword Values Description SCRIPT script:configfile:dly_secs:retry The SCRIPT keyword indicates a an instance of a script to run: script is the file name of the script to run. Usually, the script entry indicates the hosttopds or pdstohost script. configfile is the configuration file for script. This entry is usually the appropriate *.dnld or *.upld file. Do not include the file extension; it is automatically taken by the system. dly_secs is the time, in seconds, the process waits before executing the next command in sequence. retry A value of YES indicates the script will retry upon failure. Configure job environment Creating inbound jobs Procedure 1. With a text editor such as vi, open /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg. 2. If the INBNDSYS parameter is not set to YES, set it to YES. 3. Save any changes to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg and close the file. 4. To run the job with no call selection, type config_ed inbound inbnd1 at the system prompt and press Enter. 5. Login to the dialer sysadm user. 6. On the Administrator Main menu, type 5 to select the Inbound Calling List option. 7. Type 2 to select the Create an empty inbound calling list option. 8. Type Y at the Are you sure? prompt. 9. Select the inbound list on which an empty inbound calling list is to be created. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 212 Configure job environment Creating blend jobs About this task Overflow Blend jobs allow agents that login as type 'b' agents to handle both inbound and outbound calls. Agents call also log in as 'i' (inbound) or 'o' (outbound), in which case they would be given exclusively those call types. Procedure 1. Verify that these inbound screens exist in the opt/avaya/pds/tools/inbound directory: • /opt/avaya/pds/lists/inbnd1.acpt • /opt/avaya/pds/lists/inbnd1.fdict • /opt/avaya/pds/lists/ • /opt/avaya/pds/lists/inbnd1.scrn 2. Using a text editor such as vi, set the INBNDSYS parameter to YES in the /opt/ avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg file. 3. Using a text editor such as vi, set the parameters, named in the table below, in the /opt/ avaya/pds/job/blend.job file to the values given in the table. Parameter Value ACTONLOGON YES BUSYON YES EDTFILE blend HITRATE 50 IMMSERVICE NO INBDATAPOST Post- processing calling list label for an inbound job, default value is inbpre. INBDATAPRE Pre- processing calling list label for an inbound job, default value is inbpost INBOUND YES INBQUEFACTOR A number that is the inbound queue factor. INBTESTMODE Release information for inbound test calls. For example: LOW=20,HIGH=120,PERIOD=3600,TIMES=3,COMPUTE=6 0,SWING=50 IN_LIST Name of the inbound calling list IN_SCRN *.scrn file to use on the inbound screen IN_WAITLIM 60 JLABEL Inbound/Outbound Job Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 213 Server environment configuration Parameter Value MOVEAFTERCALL YES PORTS REG,INB RETURNTIME 15 RUNANSWER Label in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing inbound calls. Default is usually blank. XFER_WAITQ Calling script wait queue label in telephny.spt to use during a Native Voice and Data. Default value is waitxfer_f Creating managed jobs About this task Managed jobs are just outbound jobs which allow the agent to pre-screen the record and make a decision about whether to call on it or not. Procedure 1. In the /opt/avaya/pds/job directory, ensure that the *.job file for the managed job has the correct settings for these critical parameters. See Job file parameters- Managed outbound jobs on page 224 for details. • PVCANCEL • PVDIAL • PVEMPTYREC • PVIGNOREDEL • PVKEYFLD • PVLENGTH • PVSEARCHTYPE • RUNCALL 2. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/ 3. Ensure that the following entries, necessary for controlling managed records, appear in the file. :DIAL:::F3 Dial previewed record :CANCEL:cancel_call:35:F4 Managed cancel call :RELEASE:call_complete:89:F5 Managed non-connection :DONE:::SF1 Release record :RELEASE:call_complete:24:SF8 Unit Work Lists In a Unit Work List job, agents handle calls from a specific subset of records, as identified by a specific entry in a designated field of the calling list. This can be useful when agents are paid on July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 214 Configure job environment commission or when a group of agents only handle specific product lines. A unit work list job uses a special unit record selection. The Unit Work List(s) feature is a standard feature for all systems. Unit work lists sort the calling list records into groups based on the value in the unit work list key field. Agents assigned to unit work lists type the Unit ID, when prompted to do so, as they join the job. The Unit ID must match a specific entry in the designated field of the calling list. For example, you can assign agents to handle the accounts associated with a specific car model year. The unit ID's will be a unique value associated with the key field found in the call selection, UNITFIELD. For example: If you set COLMODELYR (found in the A1117o list) as the UNITFIELD in the call selection, the unit ID's would be numbers such as 88, 89, 90, 91, and so on. Related links Creating unit work lists on page 215 Creating unit work lists Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/log_file. 2. Using vi or some other text editor, in the Features listing section of the file, add Unit Work List(s). This information helps when upgrading versions, cloning the system, and technical support contacts. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/callsel/unit call selection name.s. 4. Using a text editor like vi, set the value of the UNITFIELD parameter with a field from the calling list that will be used to organize the records into units. 5. To run the record selection, at the system prompt, type callsel -l listname -s selectionname -u -x -pand press Enter. Note: The optional argument, -u, signals callsel to set up units. 6. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/job/unit work list job name.job. 7. Set the value of the LOGONUNIT to YES and the value of SELECT to a convenient value. Note: LOGONUNIT is the toggle field that determines whether agents must log onto a unit work list (NO), or whether sharing is allowed (YES). 8. To start the unit work list job, at the system prompt type config_ed outbound jobname and press Enter. Related links Unit Work Lists on page 214 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 215 Server environment configuration Configure job files Job file parameters - Blend jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation ACTONLOGON NO NA toggle field. YES indicates to activate inbound lines on logon. Upon activation, a oneto-one correspondence is established between blend and/or inbound agents and inbound lines. Lines are activated as agents log on (up to the total number of lines for the job) and deactivated as agents log out. BUSYON YES YES indicates to turn on the line busy feature, which works with ACTONLOGON. If ACTONLOGON is YES and BUSYON is YES, all deactivated inbound lines are in a forced line-busy state. If BUSYON is NO, deactivated inbound lines are not answered and call forwarding must be used. IDMODE W40 Expert Calling Ratio. A number that indicates the expert calling ratio (former intelligent dialing mode). Usually set to appear on the Job Verification Screen for the supervisor to fill in. IMMSERVICE NO Service inbound call immediately. Toggle field that enables/disables call forwarding on the ACD. If YES, there is no inbound wait queue; calls are only answered if an agent is available. To use this option, call forwarding must be available on all inbound lines. If set to YES, the SERVETIME and INBQUEFACTOR settings are disabled. INBDATAPOST inbpostgene Inbound post-process label. Indicates the postprocessing calling list label for an inbound job. The default is inbpre. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). INBDATAPRE inbpregene Inbound pre-process label. Indicates the preprocessing calling list label for an inbound job. The default is inbpost. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). INBOUND YES Inbound job flag. YES allows inbound calling. The default is YES. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 216 Configure job environment Parameter Typical Value Explanation INBQUEFACTOR 100 A number indicating the inbound queue factor: the maximum percentage of client calls in the queue compared to the number of inbound agents. Range is 100- 200. Numbers outside this range are meaningless. INBTESTMODE LOW=20,HIGH= 120, PERIOD=1500,T IMES=3, COMPUTE=60,S WING=50 Release information for inbound test calls. Each entry defines a test parameter as follows: LOW is the minimum call volume. HIGH is the maximum call volume. PERIOD is the cycle period in seconds that causes fluctuation in the call volume. TIMES is the number of repeats of the cycle. SWING indicates how far to deviate from the cycle period. JOBEND YES YES = End job when no more calls remain, that is when the initial phone for each record has been called at least once. NO - becomes an infinite job LIST redlab28-list1 Outbound calling list (unless inbound only) LOGONUNIT NO Require unit ID for agent login MOVEAFTERCALL NO YES = Move a blend agent to inbound after next call handled. (Used with blend jobs only.) OUTDATAPOST outpostgene Outbound post-process label. Indicates the post- processing calling list label for an outbound job. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). OUTDATAPRE outpregene Outbound pre-process label. This field establishes the pre-processing calling list label for an outbound job. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). QUOTAVAL Indicates the quota, by completion code, for the job. Format is: codenum,quota REL_DIST 20=20,21=20,22 =30, 23=20,24=10 Testing only-Release code distribution. Distribution-style comma separated list format: release-code=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100 REL_TME 5=50,10=10, 20=20,30=20 Testing only-Release time-secs. Distributionstyle comma separated list format: # secs=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100 RETURNTIME 15 A number indicating the blend agent return time, in seconds. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 217 Server environment configuration Parameter Typical Value Explanation RUNANSWER inwait1_f Indicates the label in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing inbound calls. RUNCALL wait1_f Indicates the label in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing outbound calls. SCREEN list1 Agent's called record display screen, such as /opt/avaya/pds/lists/list1.scrn. SELECT all Call selection file for this job, such as. /opt/ avaya/pds/callsel/all.S. Note: Jobs cannot share .S files while running. SERVETIME 5 Maximum time call in wait queue (sec.) For Overflow Blend only. Indicates the number of seconds an agent will sit idle as an inbound agent before the system returns the agent to outbound calling. TESTMODE VOICE=40 BUSY=20 NOANSWER=20 AUTOVOICE=20 Test mode only (leave empty for normal ops). Indicates the distribution of call completion code results required in test modewhich is the results of the system's call progress analysis. Distribution space separated list. type=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100 TESTOPER RELEASE=5,DO Test mode only, leave empty for normal ops. NE=5 Indicates the number of seconds agents are allowed for talk time talktime and update time updtime. TRANSFER_TO_JOB inbnd1 Transfer to inbound job name; Job to transfer operator/agent to when job finishes, assuming the transfer-to job is running and the agent has credential for that job type. An outbound-only agent can't be transferred to an inbound job. WAITLIMIT 90 Total wait delay (secs). Maximum number of seconds a call will remain in the outbound wait queue. XFER_WAITQ waitxfer_f Transfer wait queue label. Indicates the calling script wait queue label in telephny.sptto use during a Native Voice and Data Transfer. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 218 Configure job environment Job file parameters - Inbound jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation ACTONLOGON NO NA toggle field. YES indicates to activate inbound lines on logon. Upon activation, a one-to-one correspondence is established between blend and/or inbound agents and inbound lines. Lines are activated as agents log on (up to the total number of lines for the job) and deactivated as agents log out. BUSYON YES YES indicates to turn on the line busy feature, which works with ACTONLOGON. If ACTONLOGON is YES and BUSYON is YES, all deactivated inbound lines are in a forced line-busy state. If BUSYON is NO, deactivated inbound lines are not answered and call forwarding must be used. IMMSERVICE NO Service inbound call immediately. Toggle field that enables/disables call forwarding on the ACD. If YES, there is no inbound wait queue; calls are only answered if an agent is available. To use this option, call forwarding must be available on all inbound lines. If set to YES, the SERVETIME and INBQUEFACTOR settings are disabled. IN_LIST inbnd1 Name of inbound calling list IN_SCRN inbnd1 Name of inbound screen(s). Indicates the *.scrn file to use on the inbound screen of the UNIX-based interface. IN_WAITLIM 60 Inbound wait queue limit (sec.). Indicates the maximum number of seconds a call can be in the inbound wait queue. INBDATAPOST inbpostgene Inbound post-process label. Indicates the post- processing calling list label for an inbound job. The default is inbpre. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT which is usually alljobs.dat. INBDATAPRE inbpregene Inbound pre-process label. Indicates the preprocessing calling list label for an inbound job. The default is in inbpost. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT which is usually alljobs.dat. INBOUND YES Inbound job flag. YES allows inbound calling. The default is always YES. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 219 Server environment configuration Parameter Typical Value Explanation INBQUEFACTOR 100 A number indicating the inbound queue factor, the maximum percentage of client calls in the queue compared to the number of inbound agents. Range is 100- 200. Numbers outside this range are meaningless. INBTESTMODE LOW=20,HIGH= 120, PERIOD=1500,T IMES=3, COMPUTE=60,S WING=50 Release information for inbound test calls. Each entry defines a test parameter as follows: LOW is the minimum call volume. HIGH is the maximum call volume. PERIOD is the cycle period in seconds that causes fluctuation in the call volume. TIMES is the number of repeats of the cycle. SWING indicates how far to deviate from the cycle period. RUNANSWER inwait1_f Indicates the label in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing inbound calls. SERVETIME 5 Maximum time call in wait queue (sec.) For Overflow Blend only. Indicates the number of seconds an agent sits idle as an inbound agent before the system returns the agent to outbound calling. WAITLIMIT 90 Total wait delay (secs). Maximum number of seconds a call remains in the outbound wait queue. XFER_WAITQ waitxfer_f Transfer wait queue label. Indicates the calling script wait queue label in telephny.sptto use during a Native Voice and Data Transfer. Job file parameters - Outbound jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation CC NO Cruise Control Flag DISABLE_SHADOWJOB NO Disable Shadow job (agent-owned recall related) DNC_GROUP DNC Do Not Call group name. Identifies the filename of the *.dnc file to use EXPIRED_RECALL NO YES- Call expired recalls immediately -- expired recalls have priority over other calls HITRATE 100 A percentage (1-100) indicating the initial hit rate for a job. IDMODE W40 Expert Calling Ratio. A number that indicates the expert calling ratio (former intelligent dialing Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 220 Configure job environment Parameter Typical Value Explanation mode). Usually set to appear on the Job Verification Screen for the supervisor to fill in. JOBEND YES YES = End job when no more calls remain, that is.when the initial phone for each record has been called at least once; NO - becomes an infinite job. LIST name-list1 Outbound calling list (unless inbound only). LOGONUNIT NO Require unit ID for agent login. LOWALTQPRIO NO YES- Make alternate phone lowest priority in selecting next record. MINHITRATE 20 Minimum hit rate. A percentage (1-100) that indicates the minimum hit rate for the job. ORDERZONES YES YES = Sort records for calling by time zone. OUTDATAPOST outpostgene Outbound post-process label. Indicates the post- processing calling list label for an outbound job. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). OUTDATAPRE outpregene Outbound pre-process label. This field establishes the pre-processing calling list label for an outbound job. This label must be one of the standard prefixes to a label in the *.dat file in DATASCRIPT (usually alljobs.dat). QUOTA_EXTFILE Quota settings file name. QUOTA_SAVE NO YES = Save quota setting when the job ends. QUOTAVAL codenum,quota Indicates the quota, by completion code, for the job. RECALL_INTERVAL 10 Recall reschedule interval (mins). RECALL_NOTIFY 2 Recall notification time (mins). RECALL_NUMOFTRY 2 Number of recall attempts. REL_DIST 20=20,21=20,22 =30, 23=20,24=10 Testing only-Release code distribution. Distribution-style comma separated list format: release-code=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100. REL_TME 5=50,10=10, 20=20,30=20 Testing only-Release time-secs. Distributionstyle comma separated list format: # secs=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100. RUNCALL wait1_f Indicates the label in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing outbound calls. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 221 Server environment configuration Parameter Typical Value Explanation SCREEN list1 Agent's called record display screen, such as. /opt/avaya/pds/lists/list1.scrn. SELECT all Call selection file for this job such as /opt/ avaya/pds/callsel/all.S. Note: Jobs cannot share .S files while running. TESTMODE VOICE=40 BUSY=20 NOANSWER=20 AUTOVOICE=20 Test mode only (leave empty for normal ops). Indicates the distribution of call completion code results required in test mode which are the results of the system's call progress analysis. Distribution space separated list. type=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100. TESTOPER RELEASE=5,DO Test mode only, leave empty for normal ops. NE=5 Indicates the number of seconds agents are allowed for talk time talktime and update time updtime. TRANSFER_TO_JOB inbnd1 Transfer to inbound job name; Job to transfer agent to when job finishes, assuming the transfer-to job is running and the agent has credential for that job type. An outbound-only agent can't be transferred to an inbound job. Job file parameters - Basic jobs Parameter Typical Value ANI Explanation Calling party number (ANI-the number to show users with Caller ID) AUTOEND NO YES = Go to next field when field is full, i.e. indicates to add an automatic end of field indicator to agent input. AUTORELEASE NO YES = Start update mode on customer hang up CONNTOLE 1 Connect Tolerance (secs) CPMETHOD E Call pacing method ('C' - Cruise control; 'E' Expert calling) DATAPROCESS generic Main data processing label. One of the main labels in the *.dat file named by DATASCRIPT. Available labels in alljobs.dat include: generic, virtual, and verify. Default is generic. EDTFILE outbound Job type and name of .edt file to use (inbound, outbound, blend). Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 222 Configure job environment Parameter Typical Value Explanation IDENT ACCTNUM Identification field. Value from this field is used to fill the TRN_USERFIELD in the jobnumtran.stat file. JLABEL generic Job description. A brief, unique, and descriptive job label. LINKJOB Name of job to link to when job ends. OKEYS ag_cmd1 Agent command key definition file, such as. /opt/avaya/pds/config/ PORTS REG,INB Line type(s) for use on job. Comma separated list of port labels, choosing one or more line labels from the list specified in /opt/ avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg LINEASSIGN parameter. POST_TRANS Post-process command. Indicates the command to update jobs. The default is usually blank. A typical command line: record_ed LIST1 LIST1 -p POSTUPDATE postupdate Record update program name. The default is usually blank. Runs generic post-update binary as configured by PUdialernamelistname.cfg (for due diligence tracking) SERVICELEVEL 99.0 Desired service level (percentage) SINGLEEDIT NO YES = Allow only single edit of field in agent input. The default is usually NO, with no ability to edit on Job Verification Screen. STARTTIME 08.00 Earliest start time for a job in 24-hour format, local time. Note: Parameter does not override timezone guard times in /opt/avaya/pds/config/ timezone.cfg. STOPTIME 23.00 Latest stop time for a job in 24-hour format, local time. TRANS_CRIT fieldname Post-process filter criteria, such as which inbound codes apply to real-time campaign update. Indicates the call completion code criteria the job has to meet to trigger campaign update. Usually specifies one or more release codes. The fieldname must match a field name in the record format of the calling list. TRANS_MAP fieldname Field to pass to post-process filter. For example, which screen to run record edit against when Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 223 Server environment configuration Parameter Typical Value Explanation using Real-time Campaign Update. Indicates the field name by which the calling is indexed for record search. The default is usually ACCTNUM or ID. The value must match a field name in the record format of the calling list. TRANSTAT 93 Transaction completion code; real-time campaign update. Used only if TRANJOB = YES. Indicates the call completion codes that triggers call back for sales verification. VIRTUAL NO Run job without agents WAITMSG1 1=1-10 SECS. WAITING First wait queue time and message. Indicates message text to be sent to agent screens at various customer wait times. The secs parameter specifies the minimum number of seconds the call is in the queue before the msg. Each msg is 20 characters maximum, and cannot contain commas (,), colons (:), or equal signs (=). WAITMSG2 11=11-20 SECS. WAITING Second wait queue time and message WAITMSG3 21=21-30 SECS. Third wait queue time and message WAITING WAITMSG4 31=31+ SECS. WAITING XFERHOLDMSGNO Fourth wait queue time and message Number of message to play while on hold awaiting transfer Job file parameters - Managed outbound jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation PVCANCEL NO YES = Allow agents to cancel call in preview mode. PVDIAL NO YES = Activate managed (preview) dialing. PVEMPTYREC NO YES = Display empty record at preview. PVIGNOREDEL NO YES = Allow dialing from deleted record. PVKEYFLD Key field for LIS record search PVLENGTH 15 Number of seconds an agent can preview a record before dialing begins. PVSEARCHTYPE NONE Method for record search at preview (LIS, HASH, or NONE). Job file parameters - IVR jobs The values in the table below appear in the /opt/avaya/pds/config/outbound.edt file. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 224 Configure job environment Parameter Typical Value Explanation IVR_AGENTS NO Allow IVR agents on job IVR_ID YES:NO:NO::::: 10: IVR identifier for job IVR_INITSCRIPT NO:NO:NO::::: 11: Initial script to run on the IVR when an agent joins a job other than a pool job. Onlt set this parameter only when if it is necessary to run the Agent API command SetNotifyKeyField. IVR_SCRIPT YES:NO:NO::::: 11: Script to run on the IVR when a call is passed to an agent Job file parameters - Verify jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation TRANJOB NO Transaction verification job. YES= Job uses sales verification. Job file parameters - Other jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation DATASCRIPT alljobs Specifies data script, *.dat, file name, such as /opt/avaya/pds/scripts/ alljobs.dat. The *.dat file to use when preand post-processing the calling list. DISPLAY YES Show this job in available jobs list DONE_TME 5=50,10=20,15= 20,20=10 Test mode only. Number of seconds test operator will stay on line before auto-hitting the DONE key (to release the record). Distributionstyle comma separated list format: # secs=percent * 100, percents must add up to 100 Job file parameters - UWL jobs Parameter Typical Value Explanation LOGONUNIT NO Require unit ID for agent login July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 225 Server environment configuration Configure completion codes Completion codes Proactive Contact uses completion codes to identify the result of a phone call with a customer. Either the system or an agent assigns a completion code to each phone call. The system assigns a completion code when the system does not pass the phone call to an agent. The only successful call attempts that the system identifies are during virtual jobs. Some examples of system assigned completion codes are BUSY, SIT, and NOANSWER. An agent assigns a completion code based on the result of a phone call that the system passed to the agent. Some examples of agent assigned completion codes are RECALL, PROMISE, and AUTOVOICE In Proactive Contact, completion codes are defined in the compcode.cfg file. This file also specifies whether the completion code is included in the Completion Code Summary Report. Using the Completion Code tab of Editor, supervisors can create and manage completion codes. These supervisors can perform the following tasks: • View both system and agent assigned completion codes. • Create and maintain the completion codes that agents can assign. • Assign completion codes to categories for monitoring and reporting activities. • Specify which codes appear in the Completion Code Summary report. • Specify or edit the information in the Report Header field that uses the New Completion Code Wizard. Completion code attributes Proactive Contact assigns a number to each completion code and specifies whether the system or agent assigns the code. A system can have up to 1000 completion codes. Completion codes have the following attributes: Attribute Description Code The number assigned to the code. Code numbers range from 0 to 999. Keyword The short name of the completion code. Type The assigner of the completion code: agent or system. Description A brief description of the completion code. Report Header The title for the completion code column in the Completion Code Summary report. You cannot change any of the attributes for system assigned completion codes. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 226 Configure completion codes You can create or change the following attributes for agent assigned completion codes: • Keyword • Description • Report header You cannot change the code number and type attributes for agent assigned completion codes. Related links Adding completion codes on page 228 Completion code catergories During a job, agents assign a completion code to a phone call to indicate the result of a call. With the Completion Code tab of Editor, you can organize completion codes into categories for monitoring and reporting purposes. Completion codes can be organized into the following four categories: Category Description Right Party Contacts The agent spoke with the correct party. Closures The agent spoke with a party and completed the purpose of the call. A Closure can represent different outcomes, including the following: • Balance paid in full • Bankruptcy • Deceased • Sale verified and completed Abandons The call was abandoned, and the system disconnected the call. An Abandon can be the result of several events, including the following: • The customer who placed the call to the call center hung up while in the inbound wait queue. • The customer hung up while in the outbound wait queue. • The call was held in the wait queue for the maximum time allowed. Recalls The call did not connect to the customer. The system places another phone call to the customer based on the settings you defined on the Retries tab in the Strategies function of the Completion Code Manager. You can associate a completion code to more than one category. For example, an agent places a call to confirm an order and leaves a message on the answering machine. The agent assigns the answering machine completion code to the customer record. The answering machine completion code can belong to both the Right Party Contacts and the Closures categories. Completion codes in a pod environment If your system uses multiple systems (in a pod), each system has a set of completion codes. The completion codes that you create and change in Editor belong to the primary system. When you July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 227 Server environment configuration save the codes in Editor, Proactive Contact saves the changes to each system in the pod. The changes are not available until the dialer is restarted. Related links Adding completion codes on page 228 Adding completion codes About this task System-assigned completion codes are already configured and cannot be defined or edited by the supervisors. Proactive Contact also provides agent completion codes that agents can assign to calls. Supervisors can create and modify additional agent completion codes with the Completion Code tab in Editor. Procedure 1. Open the Editor application. 2. Select the Completion Code tab to display all the defined completion codes for the primary system in a pod or a stand-alone system's codes. 3. Click File > New to start the Completion Code Wizard. 4. Follow the steps in the wizard to add a new completion code. 5. To make the new code available, you must restart the dialer. Related links Completion codes on page 226 Completion code catergories on page 227 compcode.cfg field descriptions The changes that supervisors make to completion codes in Editor are saved to the compcode.cfg file in each standalone system or system in the pod. These changes are unavailable until the systems are restarted. When the systems start, the file is stored in shared memory and used by a standalone system or all the systems in the pod. Field # Field Name Values Description 1 Code number Predefined This field is populated when the supervisor adds a new completion code and the code number is assigned to the completion code by the system. 2 Code name Unique name assigned to the completion code. The completion code name. Default is code n, for example, CODE1. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 228 Configure completion codes Field # Field Name Values Description Maximum length of 16 alphanumeric characters. 3 Code type OP, SYS, UNDEF The assigner of the completion code. Displayed as agent or system in the Completion Code tab of Editor. UNDEF (undefined) is used for completion codes in the compcode.cfg file that have not been configured yet. UNDEF is in the compcode.cfg file but not in a report or in the Completion Code tab of Editor. 4 Activation indication YES, NO When set to Yes for a completion code, activates that code. Code numbers 001 to 199 can be activated. 5 Recall indication YES, NO This field is populated when the supervisor moves the completion code to the Recalls code category and saves the change. 6 Right Party Contact indication YES, NO This field is populated when the supervisor assigns the code as a Right Party Contact in the wizard or sets the code to the Right Party Contacts category in the Completion Code tab of Editor. 7 Abandon indication YES, NO This field is populated when the supervisor drags the code to the Abandon category in the left pane and saves the change. 8 Closure indication YES, NO This field is populated when the supervisor assigns the code as a Closure in the wizard or edits the field in the left pane and saves the change. 9 Report indication YES, NO This field is populated when the supervisor selects the code in the wizard to include it in a report or edits the field in the left pane and saves the change. This field is new in this release. 10 Report header Name of the Report Header. 11 Code description Description of the completion code. July 2018 This field is populated when the supervisor customizes the text of the Report Header in the wizard or in the Report Header field. This field is Maximum length of 32 new in this release. alphanumeric characters. Default is the keyword for the completion code. This field is populated when the supervisor enters a code description in the wizard. It is also populated when the supervisor edits this field in Maximum length of 64 the Description column of the Completion Code alphanumeric Manager and saves the change. characters. Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 229 Server environment configuration Note: The format of an entry in the compcode.cfg is: Field 8 1 9 DTMF_V 2 10 44: VOICE: DTMF detected 3 11 SYS: 4 YES: 5 NO: 6 NO: 7 NO: NO: NO: Completion codes table Code Keyword Type Description 000 NOTCALLED System The account has not been called. 001 CODE1 System Reserved for the system. 002 ERROR System The system detected an invalid phone number. 003 TIMEOUT System The system did not receive a dial tone. 004 HANG_PORT System The line was idle after the system dialed the customer record phone number. 005 NOTINZONE System The local time for the customer phone is outside calling hours. Not within legal hours 006 MOFLASH_B Agent Used for native voice and data transfer. An agent transfers a call to an inbound agent without remaining on the line (voice and data blind transfer). Blind transfer 007 HANG_TRANS System No agent is available for a supervisor transfer. 008 System Reserved for the system. 009 System Reserved for the system. 010 System Reserved for the system. 011 BUSY System The system detected a busy signal. 012 CONTTONE System The system detected a continuous tone, such as a fax or modem. 013 AUTOVOICE System The system detected an answering machine. 014 VOICE System Interim code when a person is on the line. 015 NOANSWER System The call placed was not answered. Report Header Timed out Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 230 Configure completion codes Code Keyword Type Description 016 RINGING Agent Can be user defined but is usually defined as a phone call that was still ringing but was passed to an agent. 017 CUSTHU Agent Can be user defined but is usually used to define when a customer hangs up while the call is in the wait queue, and the call is still passed to an agent. 018 TRANSFER Agent Can be user defined but is usually defined as a transfer release. 019 RECALL Agent Can be user defined but is usually defined as a recall release. Agent Customer assigned codes used by agents. 020034 035 CANCEL System Can be user defined but is usually defined as the agent cancelled the managed call. 036 INTERCEPT System Special Information Tone (SIT) received that indicates an operator intercepted the call. 037 NOCIRCUIT System SIT received that indicates the circuits were unavailable. 038 DISCONN System SIT received that indicates the call was a disconnected number. 039 VACANT System SIT received that indicates the call cannot be completed as dialed. 040 REORDER System The call resulted in a fast busy tone. 041 R_RINGING System Reserved. 042 LINEFAIL System A failure on the phone line occurred. 043 OP_RECALL System Operator set recall. 044 DTMF_V System DTMF tone detected. 045 HU_INB System The customer hung up while in the inbound wait queue. 046 HU_OUT System The customer hung up while in the outbound wait queue. 047 HANG_INB System An agent was unavailable for the inbound call. Report Header Transferred Voice DTMF Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 231 Server environment configuration Code Keyword Type Description 048 HANG_OUT System An agent was unavailable for the outbound call. 049 OPDIED System The agent session ended abnormally. 050 R_HSONHOOK System The agent headset disconnected from . Agent Customer assigned codes used by agents. 051088 089 MANAGEDA Agent Managed Dial: Managed nonconnection A. 090 MANAGEDB Agent Managed Dial: Managed nonconnection B. 091 VIRTVOICE System Virtual Agent: Virtual message to VOICE (to a person). 092 VIRTAUTOV System Virtual Agent: Virtual message to AUTOVOICE (to a calling machine). 093 SOLD Agent Sales Verification: Sold campaign. 094 VERIFIED Agent Sales Verification: Sale verified. 095 UNVERIFIED Agent Sales Verification: Sale not verified. 096 CONNEXPIRE System OFCOM abandon call. 097 FCC_DNC System Customer opted for DNC. 098 AORECALL Agent Agent Owned Recall. 099 System Reserved for the system. 100999 Agent Customer assigned Report Header Verified sale Configure reports Report parameter descriptions Parameter/Option Description report_name Required parameter. It refers to the file /opt/ avaya/pds/reportgen/report_name.rept. This file must already exist, unless the -c option is Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 232 Configure reports Parameter/Option Description also given. report_name can refer to a new or existing file. -c Create report format. -s Select report criteria. Cannot be used with -b option. -e Edit substitution text. -r Run report. -l listname Calling list substitution -v msg Report description. Enclose msg in double quotes ("msg"). -t title Report substitution title. Enclose title in double quotes ("title"). -f # First record to read. -n # Total number of records to read -b Run as background process. Cannot be used with s option. -x Print without page breaks. Examples 1. Edit the /opt/avaya/pds/reportgen/days1.rept file, and include the report template section. report days1 -cs 2. Look for the days1.rept in /opt/avaya/pds/reportgen. Bring up the field value selection criteria screen for this report. report days1 -s -v "days1 test report" 3. Run the report days1.rept in the background and output report results into the /opt/ avaya/pds/reports directory. -l list1 tells the program to use list1 for the LIST substitution parameter. report days1 -rb -v "days1 test report" -l "list1" Configuring reports About this task The report binary provides calling list report generation. It allows customers to view specified fields within their calling list. It also allows you to filter specific records based on field specific criteria (TRUE, FALSE, AND, NOT, and so on) for any field in the record. The customer can change the filter criteria, but not the fields that are displayed on the report. On the system, reports (*.rept files) are located in the /opt/avaya/pds/reportgen directory. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 233 Server environment configuration Procedure 1. With sroot access, at the system prompt, type menu install and press Enter. 2. Select Configure the System > Create history reports. 3. Insert the action for another step, or delete if it's not required. Note: This option must be run every time the call completion codes are changed. Creating reports Procedure 1. To use the report command, at the system prompt, type report report_name -cs and press Enter. 2. Add all specified field names to the expression list. 3. Make all dollar amounts data type real (not dollar). 4. Create the format as specified for the system. 5. Create the specified selection and sort fields. 6. Create tsub files as needed for text substitution. 7. If any further changes are made to /opt/avaya/pds/config/compcode.cfg, type make_tsub at the system prompt and press Enter. Related links Adding an expression to a report on page 234 Adding or deleting a field in a report on page 235 Adding a blank line between records on page 236 Creating duplicate reports on page 237 Using the command line with reports on page 237 Adding an expression to a report About this task Editing an expression follows the same procedure as adding an expression. The only difference is that you must put your cursor on the field expression to be changed and instead of using the Esca (Add) command, use the Esc-c (Change). Then type the new field name over the old one. Warning: Do not add an expression between existing expressions. Do not delete an expression. If a specific expression is not in your calling list, simply change the field name to one that does exist. Changing the placement of field expressions can cause unexpected problems. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 234 Configure reports Procedure 1. At the system prompt, type report list -cs and press Enter. The system displays the Report Generator screen. To add an expression, you do not need to make any changes to this screen. 2. Press the DONE key (^A@^M). The system displays the report format screen. Note the top line shows the different actions available: Label, Expression, Dimension, Print, Write and Quit. 3. Press E for Expression. (E)xpression: ---------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT: days7 EXPRESSIONS LIST Name Expression Page Reset Type -------------------1. E1 # DATE No No 2. E2 # TIME No No 3. E3 # PAGE No No 4. E4 # TITLE No No 5. E5 # RECNUM No No 6. E6 # LIST No No 7. E_7 ACCTNUM No No 8. E_8 NAME1 No No 9. E_9 BALANCE No No 10. E_10 DAYSCNT No No ---TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT 4. Verify that the flashing cursor is positioned on the last field name. 5. Press Esc-a to Add. 6. Type the field name to be added. The field must be in the calling list that the report is calling (from screen1). The Report Generator application is case sensitive. 7. Press Enter. You do not need to edit the remaining information, Report Generator adds this information automatically. 8. Press Ctrl+x to return to Label screen. 9. Press W for Write. 10. Type the file name to save screen. Do not add the extension, Report Generator does this automatically. 11. Press Ctrl+x to exit. Related links Creating reports on page 234 Adding or deleting a field in a report About this task Make sure that the field you are adding has an expression. If it does not, add it. . You will now notice that your cursor is located on the Label screen. Use your arrow keys to move the cursor on the screen. See steps 9 through 11 for delete steps. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 235 Server environment configuration Tip: Do not overlap fields. If a field is too long to view properly in the report, you can truncate the ending characters by selecting the end position after moving over only the number of characters for desired character positions. Procedure 1. On the Label screen, press L for LABEL. You will now notice that your cursor is located on the Label screen. 2. Use your arrow keys to move the cursor on the screen to the spot where a field should be added or deleted. 3. Press Esc-a to Add. 4. Use your arrow key to select the field expression (field name) and note the length of the field. 5. Press the DONE key. Your cursor must be back on the spot it was before. 6. Press S for Start Position. 7. Move your cursor with your right arrow key the same number of spaces as character positions in the field. 8. With the cursor positioned on the last character position, press E for End Position. 9. You will see dots representing the character placement. If you put your cursor over the dots on the screen, you will notice that the field name appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Insert Screen print and highlight the lower right portion. 10. For delete, press Esc-d to Delete. 11. At the prompt, press Y so that Report Generator deletes the field. Next steps You can change a date field to four digit years. 1. Delete the existing date field. 2. Re-add the date-field with minimum 10 character positions. 3. Save the report. Related links Creating reports on page 234 Adding a blank line between records About this task Sometimes user want to have an empty line between each list record. Procedure 1. Backup the original report. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 236 Configure reports 2. Open the report. 3. Press F1. 4. Press L for Label. 5. Place cursor below line to add. 6. Use the escape sequence Esc-i for Insert Line. 7. Press Esc-l to move to the left hand side of the screen. and 8. Press D for detail. 9. Use arrow keys and place your cursor on the new line. 10. Type D for Detail Line. 11. Use the control sequence Crtl+x to return to the right hand side of the screen. Note: In some instances, you will have to add a blank line above the last line of detail, re-add the detail information onto the blank line, and then remove it from the last detail line. Related links Creating reports on page 234 Creating duplicate reports Procedure 1. From the Label Screen, press W and save the current report to a new report name. 2. Press Crtl+x to exit. 3. To open the new report, at the system prompt :type report filename -cs and press Enter. 4. Change the list name. 5. Press F1. 6. Change the Report Title to reflect calling list name, for example list2, so the user will know which list is for which report. 7. Press W for write. 8. Press Ctrl-x to exit. Related links Creating reports on page 234 Using the command line with reports Procedure 1. To run a report from the command line, at the system prompt type report filename rb and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 237 Server environment configuration 2. To view a report from the command line, at the system prompt type rpt_view and press Enter. a. Press CTRL+v for View. b. Select the report number. c. To advance a page, press CTRL+n for Next. d. To view a previous page, press CTRL+p for Previous. Related links Creating reports on page 234 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Agent keys When an agent releases the line, AGTReleaseLine is called with the script name that was associated with the RELEASE key that was chosen. In addition, the completion code that is associated with that key is saved. When the agent releases the line, the following process occurs: 1. If there is a completion code associated with the DONE key chosen, then AGTFinishedItem is called with that completion code. 2. If there is no code for the DONE key, then the completion code that was saved with the RELEASE key, noted above, is used in the call to AGTFinishedItem. 3. If a Quick Release (QREL) is performed, then AGTReleaseLine is not called at all. AGTFinshedItem is called with the completion code associated with the QREL key chosen. Because of the highly configurable nature of the keys file, there are many valid ways to set up the disposition procedure for the agent. However, it is also possible to set up an invalid procedure that will result in failure to disposition the call. An invalid procedure is one that allows an agent to release the line and finish the work without choosing a completion code. The best way to prevent this problem is to ensure that all RELEASE keys and all DONE keys have valid completion codes. All QREL keys must also have completion codes. Note: Quick Release operations are not included in these examples because they always work the same way. Any number of Quick Release operations can be included in any disposition procedure. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 238 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Example disposition procedures Release operations have completion codes This is the most common scenario. • Multiple RELEASE keys are defined. All of them have valid scripts and completion codes. • One DONE key is defined. It does not have a completion code. Done operations have completion codes • Multiple RELEASE keys are defined with valid scripts but no completion codes. • Multiple DONE keys are defined. All have valid completion codes. All Release operations have completion codes and some Done operations have completion codes • Multiple RELEASE keys are defined. All of them have valid scripts and completion codes. • Multiple DONE keys are defined. One does not have a completion code. The others have valid completion codes. Note: If one of the DONE keys with a completion code is chosen, then it will overwrite the code chosen in the Release Line step Related links Adding agent keys on page 239 Adding agent keys Procedure At the system prompt, type add_key and press Enter. Note: You can also use the Add Key Wizard from the Agent Keys tab of Editor to add a new key. The add_key script assigns an agent release code to an existing key sequence. Acceptable codes are: • 20-34 • 51-88 • 100-199 In order to use this script, a key file must have an existing unused key sequence available to add code. In order to change an existing key sequence, the sequence must have a space or tab in the description and must have a description after the key designation. The script reads the /opt/avaya/pds/config/agentkey.tbl file and displays the following prompt: The following key file(s) are available to add new code(s) to.num > keyfilename: keyfile_description num > keyfilename: keyfile_description July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 239 Server environment configuration The script then displays this prompt: Enter either the number of the key file you wish to add new code(s) to or (q)uit. The script walks you through the process of creating the new code and asks you to confirm the code that is created. Related links Agent keys on page 238 Setting the currency format About this task Blank lines and the lines that begin with # are regarded as comment lines. You can comment out any parameter or leave a parameter undefined in this file. If you leave a parameter blank, the default value is the value specified by the locale you set with the LANG parameter in master.cfg. Note: An exception is the ALIGNMENT parameter that is not defined by the locale definition. If this parameter is not defined, it defaults to LEFT. Procedure 1. Use vi or a similar editor to open /opt/avaya/config/currencyfmt.cfg. 2. Edit the parameter values to change the currency format. 3. Save your changes and close the file. Related links Currency configuration on page 240 Currency configuration The currencyfmt.cfg file set the parameters for currency throughout Proactive Contact Parameter Setting CURRENCY_SYMBOL The local currency symbol applicable to the current locale. You can specify any symbols you would like to assign. You can specify '$' or 'USD' (international notation for US Dollar) for US Dollar. For example: CURRENCY_SYMBOL:$: DECIMAL_POINT The character used to format monetary quantities. '.' is used in most countries, but ',' or '$' are used in several countries. If this parameter is not in currencyfmt.cfg, the value of the LC_MONETARY returned by locale is used. For example: DECIMAL_POINT:.: Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 240 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Parameter Setting THOUSANDS_SEP The character used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal point in formatted monetary quantities. ',' in most countries, but '.' is used in several countries. For example: THOUSANDS_SEP:,: GROUPING A string where the numeric value of each byte indicates the size of each group of digits. Normally 3, but you can assign any positive integer value on your demand. If you set to 0, it means that grouping is not used when formatting monetary value. For example: GROUPING:3: POSITIVE_SIGN The string used to indicate a nonnegative valued formatted monetary quantity, such as '+', no symbol, '(+)'. For example: POSITIVE_SIGN:+: NEGATIVE_SIGN The string used to indicate a nonnegative value formatted monetary quantity, such as ’-’, ’(-)’, ’minus." For example: NEGATIVE_SIGN:-: FRAC_DIGITS The number of fractional digits (those to the right of the decimal point) to be displayed in a locally formatted monetary quantity. 2 for US Dollar or France Fran, 3 for Italy Lira, or 0 for Japanese Yen. For example: FRAC_DIGITS:2: P_CS_PRECEDES Set to 1 or 0 depending upon the currency symbol precedes or succeeds the value for a non-negative formatted monetary quantity. For example: P_CS_PRECEDES:1: P_SEP_BY_SPACE Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol is or is not separated by a space from the value for a nonnegative formatted monetary quantity. For example: P_SEP_BY_SPACE:1: P_SIGN_POSN Set to a value indicating the positioning of the positive_sign for a nonnegative formatted monetary quantity. The values of P_SIGN_POSN (and N_SIGN_POSN) are interpreted as: 0 Parentheses surround the quantity and CURRENCY_SYMBOL. 1 The sign string precedes the quantity and CURRENCY_SYMBOL. 2 The sign string succeeds the quantity and CURRENCY_SYMBOL. 3 The sign string immediately precedes the CURRENCY_SYMBOL. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 241 Server environment configuration Parameter Setting 4 The sign string immediately succeeds the CURRENCY_SYMBOL. For example: P_SIGN_POSN:1: N_CS_PRECEDES Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol respectively is or is not separated by a space from the value for a negative formatted monetary quantity. For example: N_CS_PRECEDES:1: N_SEP_BY_SPACE Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol is or is not separated by a space from the value for a negative formatted monetary quantity. For example: N_SEP_BY_SPACE:1: N_SIGN_POSN Set to a value indicating the positioning of the NEGATIVE_SIGN for a nonnegative formatted monetary quantity. For example: N_SIGN_POSN:1: ALIGNMENT Set LEFT or RIGHT for the field alignment. If this parameter is not defined in currencyfmt.cfg, then defaults to LEFT. For example: ALIGNMENT:LEFT: Related links Setting the currency format on page 240 Configuring time zones Procedure 1. Using a text editor such as vi, open /opt/avaya/pds/config/timezone.cfg. 2. Add a new line to the file in the appropriate format for each new time zone. Tip: You can create pseudo time zones where time zone borders split a region and it would prove difficult or costly (in an excessively large time zone table) to establish. Pseudo time zones define a narrow region encompassing the time zone border where the start/ stop (guard) times are set to an hour later start time and an hour earlier stop time. The loss in dialing time is insignificant if the region is set to a very narrow area (by sufficient table definition). Example For example, an installation in Arizona must be MST7 since the state does not observe daylight savings time changes. The dialing start/stop times specified by the day of the week permits the setting of different dialing guard times for each day of the week. The start/stop times are specified in the particular locale's time of day (not local time of the installed system). A day of the week calling can be disabled by setting the same start/stop time. Do not set the stop time less than the start time. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 242 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Related links Time zone codes on page 243 timezone.cfg file contents on page 244 Configuring Time zone on page 245 Time zone codes on page 243 Time zone codes The syntax for the entries in this table which come from the timezone.cfg file is: zone designator:zone name:GMT diff:TZ code:day range:start time:stop time: Note: Before 2007, Mexico observed the same start and stop times for Daylight Saving Time (DST) as the USA and Canada. In 2007, the DST for USA and Canada is changed but Mexico continues to use the pre-2007 DST start and stop times. Therefore, if the country code for the system is set to the country code for Mexico(52), you must create new time zone codes for Mexico to enable the system to distinguish between the time zones for the USA and those for Mexico. Currently, a prefix of "MX" is appended to the existing zone codes to identify the Mexico time zones. Time zone code Time zone description 1 Newfoundland Daylight:3.30:NST3.30NDT:0-6:08.30:19.45 2 Atlantic Daylight:4:AST4ADT:0-6:08.00:20.45 3 Atlantic No Daylight:4:AST4:0-6:08.00:20.45 4 Eastern Daylight:5:EST5EDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 5 Pennsylvania:5:EST5EDT:1-6:09.00:20.45:0:13.30:20.45 6 Eastern No Daylight:5:EST5:0-6:08.00:20.45 7 Central Daylight:6:CST6CDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 8 Central No Daylight:6:CST6:0-6:08.00:20.45 9 Illinois:6:CST6CDT:0-6:08.00:19.45 10 Mountain Daylight:7:MST7MDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 11 Mountain No Daylight:7:MST7:0-6:08.00:20.45 12 Pacific Daylight:8:PST8PDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 13 Pacific No Daylight:8:PST8:0-6:08.00:20.45 14 Yukon Daylight:9:YST9YDT:0-6:08.00:19.45 15 Aleutian Daylight:10:AST10ADT:0-6:09.00:20.45 16 Aleutian No Daylight:10:AST10:0-6:09.00:20.45 17 800 Numbers:LOCAL:LOCAL:0-6:08.00:19.45 18 Japan:-9:JST-9:0-6:09.00:19.45 19 Guam:-10:GST-10:0-6:09.00:19.45 Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 243 Server environment configuration Time zone code Time zone description 20 United Kingdom:0:GMT0BST:0-6:08.00:21.45 21 Republic of Ireland:0:WET0WETDST:0-6:08.00:21.45 22 Western Australia:-8:WST-8:0-6:09.00:19.45 23 South Australia:-9.30:CST-9.30CDT:0-6:09.00:19.45 24 North Australia:-9.30:CST-9.30:0-6:09.00:19.45 25 Victoria Australia:-10:EST-10EDT:0-6:09.00:19.45 26 Queensland Australia:-10:EST-10:0-6:09.00:19.45 27 Hong Kong:-8:EAT-8:0-6:09.00:19.45 28 Chile:4:CLT4CLST:0-6:09.00:21.00 29 South Africa:-2:SAST-2:0-6:09.00:21.00 30 South Korea:-9:KST-9:0-6:09.00:19.45 31 Central Mexico Daylight:6:MXCST6MXCDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 32 Pacific Mexico Daylight:8:MXPST8MXPDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 33 Mountain Mexico Daylight:7:MXMST7MXMDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 34 Eastern Mexico Daylight:5:MXEST5MXEDT:0-6:08.00:20.45 35 China:-8:CST-8:0-6:08.00:22.00 999 Special:8:PST8PDT:0-6:00.00:23.59 (Special time zone used by callsel’s -T option) 36 Russia:-4:MSK-4:0-6:08.00:20.45 37 Samoa Standard Time:11:SST11:0-6:08.00:20.45 Related links Configuring time zones on page 242 Configuring time zones on page 242 timezone.cfg file contents The timezone.cfg file defines the time zone information and the setting of different dialing guard times for each day of the week on a particular region. Repeat the last three fields as needed. Each entry in the file has this format: zone_desg:description:gmt_diff:TZ_code:days_week_range:start_time:stop_time Parameter Setting zone_desg A numeric value is used to define the time zone (for example, 23 for South Australia). description Time zone description Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 244 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Parameter Setting gmt_diff Number of hours the time zone is offset from Greenwich Mean Time (for example, -9:30 for South Australia). Usually the same as TZ_code. TZ_code Key field for stdday.cfg file which contains the changeover dates for standard and daylight savings time changes. days 0-6 Days of the week for which these guard times apply. 0 = Sunday (7 = Sunday is also permitted) start_time Time at which it is legal to call within a time zone (typically 08:00) stop_time Legal time at which calling must stop within a time zone (typically 20:45 to be cautious for a 21:00 legal stop time) Related links Configuring time zones on page 242 Configuring Time zone Before you begin About this task You must first collect all the information listed in the Worksheet for configuring Time Zone on page 246 Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as admin user. 2. Verify whether the dialer processes are stopped by running the following commands: check_pds check_mts check_db If the dialer process are running, then run the following commands to stop the dialer processes: stop_pds stop_mts stop_db 3. Switch to sroot user. 4. Type menu install and press Enter. 5. In the INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION screen, type 3 to select Configure the system and press Enter. 6. In the Configure the system screen, type 5 to select Configure time zone and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 245 Server environment configuration 7. The standard time zones appear. You can either select the standard time zone or create custom time zone. • If you select standard time zone, then no additional steps are required. The configuration script exits making the appropriate changes. • If you create custom time zone, then collect the information listed in the Worksheet for configuring Time Zone on page 246 before proceeding. 8. Follow the on-screen instructions. Related links Configuring time zones on page 242 Worksheet for configuring Time Zone on page 246 Worksheet for configuring Time Zone Before configuring the time zone, collect the details for the information provided in the table. Requirement/component/machine name Value/requirement Notes TZ Code (standard) Description for the time zone Guard Times Day of week range is 0-6, 0 = Sunday Day range: Sub-ranges (e.g. 0-5 and 6) are also allowed, to set different guard times for different days Start time (HH.MM): Stop time (HH.MM): Note: Guard times are in 24-hour clock format Timezone International phone number prefix (country code) Area Number This data provides a means to assign prefix of valid telephone numbers (of any desired length) in standard format, that is excluding country code, to a particular time zone. • The value can be one or more numbers (or range) separated by comma • Whitespace between comma-separated values is not allowed • Instead "ALL" can be used as the value to Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 246 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Requirement/component/machine name Value/requirement Notes designate all area codes • Ensure that numbers are not repeated or ranges do not overlap • All valid phone numbers (in standard format) must appear in this data • It is important to enter correct data Phone Number(s) Standard format length • The length of phone number in standard format (excluding country code) is used for validating the numbers in the calling list. Enter the length (range is allowed) Is this length valid for international dialing (y/n) Are there any specific rejection rules you want to add for this country (y/n) Rejection rules • Rejection rules are used to specify invalid standard format phone numbers • Syntax for pattern: an asterisk (*) is a wildcard character indicating any characters of indeterminate length; a question mark (?) is a placeholder for any single character. Character classes like [0-9] can be used Pattern for INVALID phone numbers Description for pattern of INVALID phone numbers Do you wish to configure offhook retry delay rule for this country (y/n) Off hook retry delay specifies the min delay required before retrying Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 247 Server environment configuration Requirement/component/machine name Value/requirement Notes a failed offhook attempt when initiating another outbound call on the same line Number of seconds to wait before retrying failed offhook attempt Do you wish to configure answer delay rule for this country (y/n) Answer Delay specifies the min delay required before going offhook to answer an inbound line Number of seconds to wait before answering an inbound line Do you wish to configure Recall Limit rules for this country (y/n) Recall Limits determine the limits to recalling numbers when the call results in the specified completion code. (like DEFAULT, BUSY, OP_RECALL) You can refer to compcode.cfg file for the list of completion codes • Do not enter numeric value of the completion code • The attempt range can be a single attempt number, range of attempt numbers or open range (that is “2-”). • The minimum delay is specified by a number followed by “s” for seconds, “m” for minutes, and “h” for hours. Do you wish to configure Recall Limit rules for this country (y/n) Completion code Ensure you are providing this info with “CODE” in caps followed by the number. Attempt range Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 248 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Requirement/component/machine name Value/requirement Notes Minimum delay for this attempt range More Attemp Ranges(y/n) More Recall Rules (y/n) Related links Configuring Time zone on page 245 Menu files The .menu files contain menu commands for the Linux-based menu system. Supervisors and administrators can navigate through the system and perform tasks using menus. The *.menu files provide access to other menus and submenus. Users can also view help screens, run shell scripts, and run binaries from menus. Menus are displayed using the menu binary and can rely on acceptable entries files (*.acpt), screen files (*.scrn), pull-down menu files (*.mnu), and command files (*.cmd). The text descriptions in a *.menu file are tokens. All token values reside in the /opt/ avaya/pds/language/menu_eng.msg file for English language installations. Other language installations token values reside in a menu_lang.msg file. Such toekn files make localization much easier. Menu headers The *.menu files have two distinct sections: a header section and a command section. The header section contains a series of keywords and settings that define how the menu program displays the menu. Menu Options The command section defines the options the user chooses from a menu. The options can direct the user to another menu or to a submenu, or invoke a command. Menu options consist of parameters that define the action and how the menu program displays the option. The system displays up to 14 menu options; you can configure up to 12 of these. Proactive Contact automatically defines the first two options as Exit and Display help. Do not define the Exit and Display help options in *.menu files. Text descriptions The first two parameters of a menu option describe the options function. The first parameter is a short, one word description. Use up to ten characters. The second is a longer description. Use up to 60 characters. (For increased readability, use less than 40 characters for the second entry.) Menu prompts The third and fourth menu option parameters control menu prompts. The third parameter establishes whether the system instructs the user to PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE when the command finishes. The fourth parameter establishes whether the system prompts the user ARE July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 249 Server environment configuration YOU SURE? before running the command. Use a YES setting to produce the prompts; otherwise, leave blank. Menu actions Proactive Contact supports four types of actions for a menu option. Define the action in the eleventh parameter followed by additional arguments. • To invoke another menu (*.menu file), use the keyword menu as the action parameter. Identify the menu name after the keyword. Use a colon to separate the keyword menu from the menu name. • To invoke a command menu (*.cmd file), use the keyword wp as the action parameter. Identify the command menu name after the keyword. Use a colon to separate the keyword wp from the command menu name. • To invoke a binary or a Linux shell script, use the binary or shell script name as the menu action parameter. Include any arguments after the binary or shell script name. Use colons to separate the arguments from the binary or script name, and to separate each argument if the command uses more than one. The system starts shell processes for the actions invoked from the *.menu files. Shell processes are necessary when running shell scripts, but not when running binaries. Use the percent sign (%) to suppress shell processes for menu options that invoke a binary. For example, an option that calls the jobmon binary uses %jobmon. Related links Menu header keywords on page 250 Menu file fields on page 251 Menu example on page 251 Menu header keywords Use a colon (:) to separate a keyword from its value. Keyword Value Explanation WELCOME token Menu title HOME /opt/avaya/pds/ menus Menu’s home directory, usually /opt/avaya/pds/ menus HELPNAME *.hlp file name Text help file for the menu (it takes help directory from master.cfg and *.hlp files) AUTHLEVEL n (Optional) Maximum user ID level permitted to run the menu. For example, a value of 0 permits all users to run the menu. STARTUP proc (Optional) Process to run when user first runs the menu SHUTDOWN proc (Optional) Process to run when user exits the menu. Related links Menu files on page 249 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 250 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Menu file fields Use a colon (:) to separate a keyword from its value. Field Parameter Value Description 1 shortdesc >10 characters One word description to appear on the left side of the screen 2 text >60 characters Text description of the command to appear on the left side of the screen 3 anykey YES Prompts the user with "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE." Leave blank for no prompt. 4 sure YES Prompts the uesr with "ARE YOU SURE?" Leave blank for no prompt. 5 maxuid blank (Optional) Default is blank or you can set to 0 for root access only. 6 fixed 1 Number of fixed arguments (default is 1, maximum is 5) 7 variable 0 Number of variable arguments 8 action command Command to run • menu menu file name to call another *.menu file • cmd cmd file name to call a *.cmd file • %binary or shell script to call a binary or a shell script 9 arg1 action file (Optional) Argument for command in Field 8. If action is menu or cmd, you can add an action file name from the menus directory. 10 arg2 action file (Optional) Second argument for action program. 11 agr3 action file (Optional) Third argument for action program. 12 arg4 action file (Optional) Fourth argument for action program. 13 arg5 action file (Optional) Fifth argument for action program. Related links Menu files on page 249 Menu example Here is an example of a menu file: WELCOME:@W10011 HELPNAME:system SHUTDOWN:op_logout MENU:@P11000::::1:0:menu:control MENU:@P11001::::1:0:menu:campaign MENU:@P11002::::0:0:%jobmon MENU:@P11003::::1:0:menu:report MENU:@P11004:YES:::2:0:noapp_winmsg:-m:iicb_mon July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 251 Server environment configuration MENU:@P10909:YES:::1:0:/bin/cat:$VOICEDIR/help/ssa.hlp MENU:@P10910:YES:::1:0:/bin/cat:$VOICEDIR/help/csi.hlp The token values from the menu_eng.msg file are: Token Value @W10011 SUPERVISOR MAIN MENU @P11000 Calling lists and users @P11001 Campaigns @P11002 Manage active jobs @P11003 Reports @P11004 Monitor Predictive Agent Blend @P10909 Manage database accounts @P10910 View customer support information In this example: • The system displays SUPERVISOR MAIN MENU centered at the top of the screen when a user activates this menu by typing at the system prompt or logging in with supervisor privileges. • Exit and Display help are default menu commands. The menu system reserves the first option (0) to return to the previous menu and the second option (1) to display the menus help screen. • The home directory is /opt/avaya/pds/menus. • The text help file is system.hlp. • When a user exits this menu, the system runs the op_logout binary. There are seven menu options in this example: • Control option invokes the • Campaign option invokes the • Manage option invokes the jobmon binary (the percent sign prevents the system from starting a shell process) • Report option invokes the • Predict and Search options invoke a shell script called noapp_winmsg. • Support option displays the standard help screen /opt/avaya/pds/help/, using the Linux cat utility. • Support option displays the standard customer support help screen /opt/avaya/pds/help/, using the Linux cat utility. • At the system prompt, type show_menu -m system and press Enter to see the screen display for the user which is: SUPERVISOR MAIN MENU July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 252 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Exit Display help Calling lists and users Campaigns Manage active jobs Reports Monitor Predictive Agent Blend Manage database accounts View customer support information Enter Command Number: Related links Menu files on page 249 Command files A *.cmd file contains menu commands for the Linux-based menu system. Supervisors and agents navigate through the menu system and perform tasks using menu options. The *.cmd files, or command files, are submenus from which the user can view help screens, run shell scripts, and run binaries. When a user enters a submenu, the menu program reads the command file and presents menu options. A *.cmd file has two distinct sections, a header section and a command section. Command headers The header section contains six lines, each identifying a keyword and setting. These settings define how the menu program displays the menu. Command section The command section defines the options the user chooses from the menu. Each *.cmd file supports up to twelve menu options which can be configured. Commands consist of several parameters that define the action and how the menu program displays the option. Related links Command file keywords on page 253 Command files fields on page 254 Prompting users in command files on page 255 Command file example on page 256 Command file keywords Use a colon (:) to separate a keyword from its value. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 253 Server environment configuration Keyword Value Explanation WELCOME text Menu title. HOME filepath Menu’s home directory, usually /opt/avaya/pds/ menus. HELPNAME *.hlp file name Text help file for the menu which takes help directory from master.cfg and the .hlp extension. ITEMDIR path Directory in which the menu process finds selection items that have the file extension defined by EXTEN that takes ITEMDIR as the subdirectory of /opt/ avaya/pds. EXTEN extnsn File extension of menu selection items found in the ITEMDIR directory; usually a literal but can be any pattern. If extnsn is not specified, all files in the ITEMDIR are listed; if blank, no items are listed. FTYPE text, binary, none File type text, binary or none. If type is text, each matched file is searched for the parameter displaylist.Menu display is set by this parameter. MATCH pattern (Optional) Any legal pattern to match against the full file name. Any non-blank entry overrides EXTEN. Related links Command files on page 253 Command files fields Use a colon (:) to separate a keyword from its value. Use /opt/avaya/pds for the home directory. Use the following syntax: F num:exec:anykey:sure:displaylist:desc:arg1[:arg2] [:...arg n] Field Parameter Value Description 1 F num Menu option number; acceptable range of <num> is 2 - 13. F0 and F1 are reserved for Exit and Display help commands. 2 exec %binary or shell script name Binary or shell script to run. Prepend binaries with a % to suppress shell processes. 3 anykey YES, NO Prompt the user with "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" prompt at the end of the execution of the binary or shell (to view output). Leave blank for no prompt. 4 sure YES, NO Prompt the user with "ARE YOU SURE?" Leave blank for no prompt. 5 displaylist YES, NO Display calling lists (as specified in /opt/avaya/pds/ lists/calllist.tbl) and allow user to pick one. 6 desc > 35 characters Command description Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 254 Configure agent keys, currency, commands, menus,and time zones Field Parameter Value Description 7 arg1 (Optional) First argument for exec parameter. 10 arg21> (Optional) Second argument for exec parameter. 11 agr n (Optional) nth argument for exec parameter. Related links Command files on page 253 Prompting users in command files About this task You can hard-code specific switches and arguments or to prompt the user to enter required information. There are three ways to prompt the user for additional information. Procedure 1. To prompt the user to select a file, use either the $fn or $sn parameter to instruct the user to select a file from the menu. The directory and file type of the file choices are specified in the ITEMDIR and either EXTEN or MATCH parameters in the header. Only one $fn or $sn parameter can be used per menu command line. The difference between $fn and $sn is that $fn is substituted with the full user-selected filename.ext, whereas $sn is substituted with only the filename, with the extension stripped off. 2. To prompt the user for additional information use the $pn parameter. You can use multiple $pn parameters in a menu command. The format is as follows: 'prompt message,$pn'. Create a prompt message for each $pn parameter followed by a comma followed by $pn. Note: anything following the comma gets appended to the command line, except for the $pn token, which is replaced by whatever the user types in response to the <prompt message>. Note: Anything following the comma gets appended to the command line, except for the $pn token, which is replaced by whatever the user types in response to the prompt message. 3. To prompt the user to choose a calling list found in /opt/avaya/pds/lists/ calllist.tbl, use a YES entry in column 5. The chosen list replaces any list1 parameter that appears in the optional argument list, cols 7 and greater. Note: This is the last question asked of the user prior to executing the command. If only one calling list is defined on the system, that list is chosen automatically without first prompting the user. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 255 Server environment configuration Related links Command files on page 253 Command file example Her is an example of command file, jobstrg.cmd. WELCOME:@W00118 HELPNAME:jobstrg ITEMDIR:callsel EXTEN:G FTYPE:text F2:%callsel:::YES:@P01700:-l:list1:-g:@P01704 ,$pn F3:%callsel:::YES:@P01701:-l:list1:-g:$sn F4:file_mgr:YES:YES::@P01702:STRATEGY:COPY:$sn:@P01705,$pn F5:file_mgr:YES:YES::@P01703:STRATEGY:DELETE:$sn The token values from the menu_eng.msg file are: Token Value @W00118 PHONE STRATEGIES @P01700 Create a phone strategy @P01701 Edit a phone strategy @P01702 Copy a phone strategy @P01703 Delete a phone strategy @P01704 Strategy file name @P01705 Enter the new call strategy name In this example: • The title that appears at the top of the menu screen is PHONE STRATEGIES. The jobstrg.hlp file provides descriptions of the defined menu options. The ITEMDIR and EXTEN entries tell the menu system to display a list of items made up of files from the /opt/ avaya/pds/callsel directory that have a *.G extension -- for any $sn parameter in the Command Section. Menu options defined in jobstrg.cmd begin with F2. The menu system takes the standard definitions for F0 and F1. • The command run from options 2 and 3 is callsel, a binary. The percent sign in front of the binary name prevents the menu system from spawning a shell process. Options 4 and 5 on this menu invoke the file_mgr shell script. The menu system starts a shell process when a user selects either of these options. • When a user selects option 2, the menu system constructs and launches a callsel command. Because Col 5 is 'YES', the list1 entry in Col 8 is replaced with the calling list name in /opt/avaya/pds/lists/calllist.tbl if there is only one list, otherwise the user is prompted to choose one of the calling lists from the table. Additionally, the user is prompted with Strategy File Name', and the answer becomes the Col 10 entry (4th command line arg). • When a user selects option 4, the menu system constructs and launches a file_mgr shell script command. First, the menu system displays the Are you sure? prompt. If the response is YES, the menu system prompts the user to select a *.G file from the /opt/ avaya/psd/callsel directory. The answer becomes the Col 9 entry (3rd command line July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 256 Removing old database arg) Additionally, the user is prompted with Enter New Call Strategy Name, and the answer becomes the Col 10 entry (4th command line arg). When file_mgr completes, the menu system prompts the user to Press any key to continue. At the system prompt, type show_menu -c jobstrg and press Enter to see the screen display for the user which is: Working... PHONE STRATEGIES COMMANDS ________________________________________ 0. Exit to previous menu 1. Display help 2. 3. 4. 5. Create Edit a Copy a Delete 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a phone strategy phone strategy phone strategy a phone strategy Enter Command Number: ITEMS ___________________________ phone1 phone1_2 phone2 verify virtual and Enter Item Number: Related links Command files on page 253 Removing old database About this task After upgrading Proactive Contact there might be two instances of the database. Perform the following steps to detach and remove the old database from the system: Procedure 1. Log in as admin and stop the system: a. Type stop_pds and press Enter. b. Type stop_mts and press Enter. c. Type stop_db and press Enter. 2. Type cd /opt/dbase to go to the database directory press Enter and type su oracle to switch user to oracle. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 257 Server environment configuration 3. Type ./OraHome2/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all to determine if there are two home directories attached to the database. Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle Home : /opt/dbase/OraHome2 Central Inventory : /opt/dbase/oraInventory from : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/oraInst.loc OPatch version : OUI version : Log file location : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/ opatch2014-01-09_16-09-30PM_1.log Lsinventory Output file location : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/ lsinventory2014-01-09_16-09-30PM.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------List of Oracle Homes: Name Location OUIHome1 /opt/dbase/OraHome1 OraDb11g_home1 /opt/dbase/OraHome2 Installed Top-level Products (1): Oracle Database 11g There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home. Interim patches (1) : Patch 13923374 : applied on Thu May 02 12:46:49 GMT 2013 Unique Patch ID: 14858653 Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)" Created on 14 Jun 2012, 19:31:29 hrs PST8PDT Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)" Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)" Bugs fixed: 13419660, 10350832, 13632717, 14063281, 12919564, 13467683, 13588248 13420224, 12646784, 12861463, 12834027, 13036331, 12880299, 13499128 12998795, 13492735, 12829021, 13503598, 10133521, 12718090, 13742433 12905058, 12401111, 13742434, 12849688, 13362079, 12950644, 13742435 12917230, 13923374, 12879027, 12535346, 12588744, 11877623, 13916709 12847466, 13340388, 13528551, 13366202, 12894807, 13981051, 13343438 12582664, 12748240, 12797765, 12923168, 13466801, 13772618, 11063191 13070939, 13035804, 12797420, 13041324, 12976376, 13742437, 14062795 13035360, 13742438, 13326736, 13332439, 14038787, 14062796, 12913474 13001379, 13370330, 14062797, 13742436, 9873405, 14062794, 9858539 12960925, 12662040, 9703627, 12617123, 13338048, 12938841, 12658411 12620823, 12656535, 12845115, 14062793, 12764337, 12678920, 13354082 14062792, 12612118, 9761357, 13742464, 13457582, 13527323, 12780983 12780098, 13502183, 13696216, 11840910, 13903046, 13554409, 13657605 13103913, 14063280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPatch succeeded. 4. If there are less than two Oracle Homes, then skip to step 12. Else to switch user to sroot perform the following: a. Type exit and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 258 Removing old database b. Type su sroot and press Enter. c. Type ls -l and press Enter. total 68 drwxr-x--- 58 oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 drwxr-xr-x 76 oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 drwxr-x--- 3 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 drwxr-x--- 6 oracle oinstall 4096 May 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 May 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 May 2 drwxrwxr-x 11 oracle oinstall 4096 May 2 drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 drwx------ 2 oracle oinstall 16384 Nov 19 drwxrwx--- 7 oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 drwxrwxr-x 6 oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 drwxr-x--- 4 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 20:19 20:19 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 20:19 2012 20:26 20:19 2012 2012 OraHome1 OraHome2 admin cfgtoollogs checkpoints dbscripts diag flash_recovery_area install lost+found oraInventory oraInventory.bkp oradata wallet 5. To make a backup of the database files do the following: a. Type tar -cvzf OraHome1.tgz OraHome1 and press Enter. b. Type ls -l and press Enter. total 734036 drwxr-x--- 58 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 76 drwxr-x--- 3 drwxr-x--- 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxrwxr-x 11 drwxr-x--- 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwx------ 2 drwxrwx--- 7 drwxrwxr-x 6 drwxr-x--- 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle root oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oinstall root oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall oinstall 4096 749880159 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 16384 4096 4096 4096 4096 Dec Jan Dec Nov May May May May Nov Dec Nov Dec Dec Nov Nov 30 8 30 19 2 2 2 2 19 30 19 30 30 19 19 20:19 21:53 20:19 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 20:19 2012 20:26 20:19 2012 2012 OraHome1 OraHome1.tgz OraHome2 admin cfgtoollogs checkpoints dbscripts diag flash_recovery_area install lost+found oraInventory oraInventory.bkp oradata wallet c. Type tar -cvzf OraHome2.tgz OraHome2 and press Enter. d. Type ls -l and press Enter. total 3061152 drwxr-x--- 58 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 76 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-x--- 3 drwxr-x--- 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxrwxr-x 11 drwxr-x--- 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwx------ 2 drwxrwx--- 7 drwxrwxr-x 6 drwxr-x--- 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 July 2018 oracle root oracle root oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 OraHome1 root 749880159 Jan 8 21:53 OraHome1.tgz oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 OraHome2 root 2381596260 Jan 9 15:56 OraHome2.tgz oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 admin oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 cfgtoollogs oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 checkpoints oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 dbscripts oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 diag oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 flash_recovery_area oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 install oinstall 16384 Nov 19 2012 lost+found oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:26 oraInventory oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 oraInventory.bkp oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 oradata oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 wallet Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 259 Server environment configuration e. Type tar -cvzf dbase.tgz [a-z]* and press Enter. f. Type ls -l and press Enter. total 3454824 drwxr-x--- 58 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 76 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-x--- 3 drwxr-x--- 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxrwxr-x 11 drwxr-x--- 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwx------ 2 drwxrwx--- 7 drwxrwxr-x 6 drwxr-x--- 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle root oracle root oracle oracle oracle root oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 OraHome1 root 749880159 Jan 8 21:53 OraHome1.tgz oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 OraHome2 root 2381596260 Jan 9 15:56 OraHome2.tgz oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 admin oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 cfgtoollogs oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 checkpoints root 402718594 Jan 9 16:01 dbase.tgz oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 dbscripts oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 diag oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 flash_recovery_area oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 install oinstall 16384 Nov 19 2012 lost+found oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:26 oraInventory oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 oraInventory.bkp oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 oradata oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 wallet 6. To switch user back to oracle: a. Type exit and press Enter. b. Type su oracle and press Enter. 7. In the inventory.xml file verify that the xml version line displays “standalone=”yes””. This information will be used later. To view the inventory.xml file type cat oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml and press Enter. <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. --> <!-- Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. --> <INVENTORY> <VERSION_INFO> <SAVED_WITH></SAVED_WITH> <MINIMUM_VER></MINIMUM_VER> </VERSION_INFO> <HOME_LIST> <HOME NAME="OUIHome1" LOC="/opt/dbase/OraHome1" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/> <HOME NAME="OraDb11g_home1" LOC="/opt/dbase/OraHome2" TYPE="O" IDX="2"/> </HOME_LIST> <COMPOSITEHOME_LIST> </COMPOSITEHOME_LIST> </INVENTORY> 8. To remove the old Oracle Home: a. Type export SAVE_OHOME=$ORACLE_HOME and press Enter. b. Type echo $SAVE_OHOME and press Enter. /opt/dbase/OraHome1 c. Type export OLD_OHOME=/opt/dbase/OraHome1 and press Enter. d. Type echo $OLD_OHOME and press Enter. /opt/dbase/OraHome1 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 260 Removing old database e. Type cat $OLD_OHOME/oui/bin/ and press Enter. #!/bin/sh OHOME=/opt/dbase/OraHome1 OHOMENAME=OUIHome1 CUR_DIR=$(pwd) cd $OHOME/oui/bin ./runInstaller -detachhome ORACLE_HOME=$OHOME ORACLE_HOME_NAME=$OHOMENAME $* cd $CUR_DIR $ $OLD_OHOME/oui/bin/ -local Starting Oracle Universal Installer... No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed. The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc The inventory is located at /opt/dbase/oraInventory 'DetachHome' was successful. 9. To detach the old Oracle Home, run one of the following scripts: • If the inventory.xml file has “standalone=”yes””, type $OLD_OHOME/oui/bin/ –local • If not type $OLD_OHOME/oui/bin/ 10. To reset ORACLE_HOME back to the current Oracle Home: a. Type export ORACLE_HOME=$SAVE_OHOME and press Enter. b. Type echo $ORACLE_HOME and press Enter. /opt/dbase/OraHome2 11. To verify if the old Oracle Home is no longer available from the inventory, type ./ OraHome2/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -all and press Enter. Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle Home : /opt/dbase/OraHome2 Central Inventory : /opt/dbase/oraInventory from : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/oraInst.loc OPatch version : OUI version : Log file location : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/ opatch2014-01-09_16-18-49PM_1.log Lsinventory Output file location : /opt/dbase/OraHome2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/ lsinventory2014-01-09_16-18-49PM.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------List of Oracle Homes: Name Location OraDb11g_home1 /opt/dbase/OraHome2 Installed Top-level Products (1): Oracle Database 11g There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home. Interim patches (1) : July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 261 Server environment configuration Patch 13923374 : applied on Thu May 02 12:46:49 GMT 2013 Unique Patch ID: 14858653 Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)" Created on 14 Jun 2012, 19:31:29 hrs PST8PDT Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)" Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)" Bugs fixed: 13419660, 10350832, 13632717, 14063281, 12919564, 13467683, 13588248 13420224, 12646784, 12861463, 12834027, 13036331, 12880299, 13499128 12998795, 13492735, 12829021, 13503598, 10133521, 12718090, 13742433 12905058, 12401111, 13742434, 12849688, 13362079, 12950644, 13742435 12917230, 13923374, 12879027, 12535346, 12588744, 11877623, 13916709 12847466, 13340388, 13528551, 13366202, 12894807, 13981051, 13343438 12582664, 12748240, 12797765, 12923168, 13466801, 13772618, 11063191 13070939, 13035804, 12797420, 13041324, 12976376, 13742437, 14062795 13035360, 13742438, 13326736, 13332439, 14038787, 14062796, 12913474 13001379, 13370330, 14062797, 13742436, 9873405, 14062794, 9858539 12960925, 12662040, 9703627, 12617123, 13338048, 12938841, 12658411 12620823, 12656535, 12845115, 14062793, 12764337, 12678920, 13354082 14062792, 12612118, 9761357, 13742464, 13457582, 13527323, 12780983 12780098, 13502183, 13696216, 11840910, 13903046, 13554409, 13657605 13103913, 14063280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPatch succeeded. 12. To switch user back to sroot and rename the old Oracle Home directory: a. Type exit and press Enter. b. Type su oracle and press Enter. c. Type mv OraHome1 Old_OraHome1 and press Enter. $ ls -l total 3454824 drwxr-x--- 58 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 76 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-x--- 3 drwxr-x--- 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 -rw-r--r-- 1 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwxrwxr-x 11 drwxr-x--- 2 drwxr-xr-x 2 drwx------ 2 drwxrwx--- 7 drwxrwxr-x 6 drwxr-x--- 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle root oracle root oracle oracle oracle root oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oracle oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 Old_OraHome1 root 749880159 Jan 8 21:53 OraHome1.tgz oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 OraHome2 root 2381596260 Jan 9 15:56 OraHome2.tgz oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 admin oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 cfgtoollogs oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 checkpoints root 402718594 Jan 9 16:01 dbase.tgz oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 dbscripts oinstall 4096 May 2 2013 diag oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 flash_recovery_area oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 install oinstall 16384 Nov 19 2012 lost+found oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:26 oraInventory oinstall 4096 Dec 30 20:19 oraInventory.bkp oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 oradata oinstall 4096 Nov 19 2012 wallet 13. Exit back to admin and start the database and verify it is available to all users: a. Type exit and press Enter. b. Type start_db and press Enter. c. Type check_db and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 262 Turning off database security at Dialer 14. Start the Mid-Tier and the Dialer and verify all processes are up: a. Type start_mts and press Enter. b. Type start_pds and press Enter. c. Type check_pds and press Enter. d. Type check_mts and press Enter. e. Type check_db and press Enter. Ensure the system is up and running. Ensure that the database is functioning properly by looking at real-time and historical data. 15. After verifying the database information, remove the old Oracle Home directory and the database backup files: a. Type cd /opt/dbase and press Enter. b. Type su sroot and press Enter. c. Type rm –rf Old_OraHome1 and press Enter. d. Type rm *.tgz and press Enter. e. Type exit and press Enter. Turning off database security at Dialer About this task Procedure 1. Log in as Oracle. 2. Go to$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. Typically, this directory is in the /opt/dbase/ OraHome1/network/admin directory. 3. Create the backup of sqlnet.ora from/opt/dbase/OraHome1/network/admin/ sqlnet.ora 4. Open sqlnet.ora file and change SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (TCPS, BEQ) to SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (TCP, BEQ) 5. Create the backup of tnsnames.ora from the following path and put it in the backup folder: /opt/dbase/OraHome1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. 6. Open tnsnames.ora file and change (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = =2484)) to (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) 7. Create the backup oftnsnames.ora from the following path and put it in the backup folder: /opt/dbase/OraHome1/network/admin/listener.ora. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 263 Server environment configuration 8. Open listener.ora file and change (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = = 2484)) to (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) Configuring the FTP service About this task Due to security reasons, FTP is disabled by default. Instead SFTP is enabled on the dialer. To enable FTP service follow these steps: Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as sroot. 2. Open the file in vi editor. This file is located at /etc/firewall/conf/. 3. Uncomment the following line by removing the hash at the start of the line: #$IPTABLES A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT 4. At linux prompt, type #chkconfig --list|grep ftp and press Enter. The following information is displayed gssftp.orig: off gssftp: off 5. At linux prompt, type #chkconfig gssftp on and press Enter to enable the FTP service. 6. Open the gssftp in vi editor. This file is located at /etc/xinetd.d/ 7. Modify the server_args = -l –a parameter to server_args = -l 8. Restart the server using the following command: /sbin/shutdown –r now Note: You cannot configure anonymous user ftp using gssftp. Result You are able to access FTP service running on the dialer. Configuring the Telnet service About this task Due to security reasons, Telnet is disabled by default. Instead Secure Shell (SSH) is enabled on the dialer. To enable Telnet service: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 264 Automating Tomcat startup Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as sroot. 2. Open the file in vi editor. This file is located at /etc/firewall/conf/. 3. Add the following lines in file: # telnet $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 23 -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p udp --dport 23 -j ACCEPT Note: Add the above lines below these line: # ftp #$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT 4. At linux prompt, type #chkconfig --list|grep telnet and press Enter. The following information is displayed krb5-telnet: off 5. At linux prompt, type #chkconfig krb5-telnet on and press Enter to enable the Telnet service. 6. Restart the server using the following command: /sbin/shutdown –r now Result You are able to login to the dialer using telnet. Automating Tomcat startup About this task To start WebLM automatically you will have to create a tomcat script in the /etc/init.d directory and create link for this script in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory. Note: You must specify the appropriate Java version used with theAvaya Proactive Contact dialer in the Tomcat script. Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as admin. 2. Type vi tomcat and press Enter. 3. Copy the following script in the vi editor. #---------------------------#!/bin/bash # # tomcat July 2018 /etc/init.d/tomcat ------------------------ Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 265 Server environment configuration # # chkconfig: # description: Start up the Tomcat servlet engine. # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions RETVAL=$? export CATALINA_HOME="/Tomcat_Directory_Path" export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/<version_number>) case "$1" in start) if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ]; then echo $"Starting Tomcat" . $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ fi ;; stop) if [ -f $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ ]; then echo $"Stopping Tomcat" . $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ fi ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}" exit 1 ;; esac exit $RETVAL #----------------------- end of /etc/init.d/tomcat ---------------------- Note: In the above script: • /Tomcat_Directory_Path is the path where tomcat is installed. • /usr/java/<version_number> is the path where java is installed. 4. Save and exit from vi editor. 5. At prompt, type su – sroot and press Enter. 6. Type root password and press Enter. Move the file tomcat to /etc/init.d directory. 7. Type chmod +x tomcat and press Enter to provide execute permission to the tomcat file. 8. Type cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d and press Enter. 9. Type ln -s /etc/init.d/tomcat S990tomcat and press Enter. This command will create a link for the tomcat script in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d directory. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 266 Configuring network printer Configuring network printer You can print Character Based (System Telnet) reports from Proactive Contact dialer. Before you begin Verify that the drivers for the printer are present at /usr/share/cups/model or /usr/share/ cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds directory. If the drivers are not present in the cups directory, download the Linux Operating System based network printer driver as a tar file from the printer vendor's web site. Note: Any network printer that is supported by Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) will work. The default drivers provided with CUPS are located at usr/share/cups/model and /usr/ share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds directory. Procedure 1. Determine if a printer is enabled. a. Login to the dialer as a admin user. b. At linux prompt, type lpstat –a and press Enter. • If there is no output then there is no printer enabled. • If there is output similar to the following then the printer is enabled: lpr1 accepting requests since Wed Sep 1 08:17:03 2011 c. If the printer is already enabled, then you can print from the printer using lpadmin command. If the printer is not enabled, continue with the next steps. 2. Enable the printer. a. Log in to the dialer as a sroot user. b. Edit the /etc/hosts file and add/change the printer host entries. For example: lpr1 # Network Printer c. Check whether the printer drivers are present in /usr/share/cups/model directory. • If the drivers are present in /usr/share/cups/model directory, continue with the next step. • If the drivers are present in the /usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds directory, then copy the file from foomatic-db-ppds directory to /usr/share/ cups/model directory and continue with the next step. • If the drivers are not present in the /usr/share/cups/model or /usr/share/ cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds directory, then, download Linux operating system based drivers for the printer from the printer manufacturer web site to the /usr/share/cups/model directory. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 267 Server environment configuration d. At the Linux prompt, type cd /usr/share/cups/model and press Enter. Note: The printer driver files present in the /usr/share/cups/model directory are in *.ppd.gz file format. The *.ppd.gz files are compressed driver files for various makes/types of printers. You must decompress the files to use with lpadmin command. e. To decompress the *.ppd.gz driver files, type gunzip printer_model_file.ppd.gz and press Enter (do not use tar -xzvf command). A file with printer_model.ppd name is extracted from the compressed printer driver file. f. Type cd /usr/sbin/ and press Enter. g. Type one of the following commands and press Enter depending on the type of printer you use: ./lpadmin -p Printer_Name -E -v socket://printer_ip_address -m printer_model.ppd OR ./lpadmin -d Printer_Name Note: Here: printer_model.ppd Name of the printer driver file decompressed in the /usr/share/cups/model directory. lp filename Command for printing any file. lpq Command for checking the printer queue. cancel jobidnumber Command for cancelling any print job. lp –d Printer_Name File_Name If there are more than one printer in the network, you must specify the printer name and then the file name. lpstat -a To check spooler if the printer is ready to accept print request. 3. Deleting a printer. a. Remove the corresponding printer entries from /etc/hosts file. b. Type lpadmin –x Printer_Name and press Enter. c. To verify if the printer is removed, type lpadmin –a and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 268 Configuring network printer The command will not show any output for the printer that was removed. 4. Enabling printing on multiple printers. a. This allows the user to choose from multiple printers when they print reports from the Character User Interface (for example, System Administrator Menu). The single printer printing from the cui is governed by the file /opt/avaya/pds/shell/spool_one b. Take a backup of the original spool_one file using the following command: cp -p spool_one spool_on.<your_initials>.ORIG c. Copy the spool_one.multi file from tools directory and copy the file to the shell directory using the following command:cp -p /opt/avaya/pds/tools/shell/ spool_one.multi /opt/avaya/pds/shell d. Customize the /opt/avaya/pds/shell/spool_one.multi file. The spool_one.multi file has two sections. • Set ONE: This is used for displaying the list of printers on the display. The information needs to be manually updated. For example: Set ONE: print "\t\t 1) print "\t\t 2) lpr1 HP Laserjet 4350" lpr2 Toshiba estudio523" • Set TWO: This is used for execution/printer device option. For example: Set TWO: 1. LPRDEV=lpr1 ;; 2. LPRDEV=lpr2 ;; e. Replace the current spool_one with spool_one.multi file using the following command: cp spool_one.multi spool_one f. Test printing though a CUI menu option. When you select a report print, you are presented with a list of printers to print from. From the list of printers, select the required printer. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 269 Chapter 18: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration The Proactive Contact and Interactive Response integration solution provides a subset of Proactive Contact commands for use with the Avaya IR system. This integration allows the Avaya IR to act as agents attached to Proactive Contact. The Proactive Contact commands can be used as external functions in Avaya IR designer applications to add outbound functionality to the Avaya IR system. This integration allows the Proactive Contact to make an outbound call and pass that voice and data to the Avaya IR. The Avaya IR then processes that call as it would any other inbound call. The flexibility of the Avaya IR allows the Avaya IR designer application to provide a high level of complexity to the subsequent caller interaction. When the call is complete, certain information related to the call is passed back to the Proactive Contact so the record in the calling list is updated. There are three scenarios supported by the Proactive Contact and Avaya IR Integration solution. In all three, Proactive Contact first makes a call to a customer on the calling list. After that, one of these three general call flows occurs • The call is passed to a Virtual Agent on the Avaya IR and is completely handled there. • The call is first passed to a live agent on the dialer who then passes it to the Virtual Agent on the Avaya IR. The call is completed on the Avaya IR. • The call is first passed to a Virtual Agent on the Avaya IR and is then transferred to a live agent on the dialer. The call is completed on the dialer. Proactive Contact and Avaya IR integration provides the following benefits: Outbound dialing on Avaya Communication Manager (CM). No need for a continuous connection on the IR channel. The IR channel receives events from CM for incoming call or hangup. In case of hangup, event execution of script stops. Use AES to communicate between Proactive Contact and Avaya Communication Manager (CM). IR channel receives incoming call event on channel, on such event it will execute the application/script assigned to it by sim_agt. Support for a new command called AGTTransferCall for transferring a customer call on Proactive Contact systems configured for trunk-to-trunk transfers. Modifications in the configuration utility for the Integration software. You will be prompted with two additional questions during the configuration for soft versus hard dialer options and for Proactive Contact with Avaya IR integration. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 270 Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes The Dialer and the Avaya IR communicate with each other on an administrative level through a socket connection between a process on each machine. On the Avaya IR, dialer_conn acts as the server, and on the Dialer, ivr_conn acts as the client. Through this interface, initial connections are set up and administrative commands are processed. The Dialer and the Avaya IR also communicate with each other on an individual agent level through a socket connection between another process on each machine. On the Avaya IR, sim_agt acts as the client, and on the Dialer, agent acts as the server. Through this interface, the Dialer commands required by the Virtual Agent script are processed. The sim_agt process uses the Dialer's Agent API to send and receive commands to and from the Dialer. There is one other process on the Dialer that serves as the interface between the character-based (CUI) menus on the Dialer and the ivr_conn process. This process, called ivr_supr, acts as a client and ivr_conn acts as the server. The PC IR interface processes are: • The dialer_conn process on page 271 • The ivr_conn process on page 271 • The ivr_supr process on page 271 • The agent process on page 272 • The sim_agt process on page 272 The dialer_conn process The dialer_conn process is a permanent process on the Avaya IR that is started when the Voice System starts. It listens to a specific port and waits for a socket connection to be established by the ivr_conn process on a Dialer. When a connection is established, the dialer_conn process sends a list of scripts to the Dialer. Then, in response to a command from the Dialer, it starts a sim_agt process for each channel configured as an agent. The dialer_conn process, in response to a command from the Dialer, will also stop each sim_agt process. The ivr_conn process The ivr_conn process is a permanent process on the Dialer that is started when the Dialer system starts. It listens to a specific port waiting for a socket connection to be established by the command interface process, ivr_supr. When a connection is established, the ivr_conn process acts according to the commands given. If the command is a CONNECT command, a socket connection to the dialer_conn process on the specified Avaya IR is established. This initiates the download of script names from the Avaya IR, the starting of a job on the Dialer and the logging in of virtual agents from the Avaya IR (sim_agt processes). If the command is a DISCONNECT command, the agents are logged off, the job is shut down and the socket connection disconnected. If the command is a GET_SCRIPTS command, a request for an updated list of scripts is sent to the dialer_conn process. The ivr_supr process The ivr_supr process is invoked from the CUI menus on the Dialer to send commands to the ivr_conn process. When invoked, the ivr_supr process establishes a socket connection to a July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 271 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 specific port being listened to by the ivr_conn process. Once established, it sends the specified command, disconnects and then terminates. The possible commands are CONNECT, DISCONNECT and GET_SCRIPTS (see The ivr_conn process). The agent process The agent process serves as the command interface between the Dialer and any Agent API application such as sim_agt. The communication of the sim_agt process is through secure sockets layer. This process is started on the Dialer when the system is started and runs as a permanent process. In its permanent state, the agent process simply listens to a specific port waiting for a socket connection to be established in this case by sim_agt. When a connection is established, the agent process creates a copy of itself. This copy becomes the individual agent process associated with the particular copy of sim_agt that established the connection. The individual agent process handles all interaction between the Dialer and the Virtual Agent script. When the sim_agt process executes a logout command, the socket connection between the agent process and the sim_agt process is dropped and the associated individual agent process is terminated. The sim_agt process The sim_agt process is the Agent API application that serves as the interface between the agent process on the Dialer and the Virtual Agent script on the Avaya IR. It is started and stopped by the dialer_conn process in response to commands from the Dialer. The communication of the sim_agt process is through secure sockets layer. Related links Difference between Proactive Contact hard dialer and soft dialer integration on page 273 System components for Avaya Proactive Contact CTI dialer and Avaya IR integration on page 274 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 272 Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes Difference between Proactive Contact hard dialer and soft dialer integration The table below provides the differences identified in hard dialer and IR integration and soft dialer IR integration Table providing difference between Hard Dialer and Soft Dialer Hard Dialer Integration CTI dialer (soft dialer) Integration Uses DIGITAL/PG230RM for outbound dialing Outbound dialing is done on Avaya Communication Manager There is continuous connection between headsetport on digital switch and station on DEFINITY There is no continuous connection on IR channel. IR channel receives events from CM for incoming call or hangup. In case of hangup event execution of script stops. Digital switch uses E1/T1 connectivity to Avaya CM Uses AES between Proactive Contact and Avaya Communication Manager. Digital switch send zip tone (DTMF 4) to channel for IR channel receives incoming call event on channel, synchronization of script execution and voice on such event it will execute the application/scrip connection assigned to it by sim_agt Note: In previous releases, the IR agent configuration utility (agt_config) assigned the agent application (agt_chl) to all the agent channels. Now, for soft dialer deployments, agt_chl does not need to be assigned to the channels. During configuration, you choose between the two options. An entry for this will be made in the agt_data file. For soft dialer, assess such points while designing the application. Also, some commands are not supported on Soft Dialer. For more details, refer to Agent API Reference. During configuration you will be asked if you are going to integrate with Proactive Contact. Enter ‘Y’ if you are integrating Avaya IR with Proactive Contact. Enter ‘N’ for all other versions of Proactive Contact and PDS. The communication between Proactive Contact and Avaya IR is over SSL. Important: When integrating Proactive Contact with Avaya IR, ensure that you have SSL certificates in $IR_HOME/vs/data/pds/. Currently self generated certificates are shipped along with the IR software package and will be installed in the $IR_HOME/vs/data/pds/ folder. If you plan on using third party certificates, contact your Avaya support team to get instructions on how to achieve this. Using SSL generally has performance impact, so it is advised you assess this impact. Related links Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes on page 271 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 273 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 System components for Avaya Proactive Contact CTI dialer and Avaya IR integration Related links Avaya Proactive Contact-Avaya IR Interface Processes on page 271 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 274 Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software About this task To enable the IR Integration feature, you must install and configure software components on both the Avaya Proactive Contact and the Avaya IR system. Procedure 1. Install the integration software on the Avaya Proactive Contact system. 2. Configure the integration software. 3. Install the integration software on the Avaya IR system. 4. Configure the integration software on the Avaya IR system. Related links Configuring the Avaya Proactive Contact IR integration software on page 275 master.cfg on page 277 inbound.edt on page 278 outbound.edt on page 278 Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR on page 279 Configuring the Avaya Proactive Contact IR integration software About this task To configure the integration files, make or verify the following settings in the Avaya Proactive Contact system configuration files: Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as admin. 2. Stop all the Dialer services. • Type stop_pds and press Enter. • Type stop_mts Enter • Type stop_db Enter 3. Login to the dialer as sroot. 4. Services: Verify the following entries exist in /etc/services a. agent 22700/tcp # Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API b. ivr_conn 22800/tcp # Avaya Proactive Contact IVR Connection Point 5. Add the following information in the /etc/hosts file of the Avaya Proactive Contact system: IP_ADRESS_OF_IR_SYSTEM July 2018 MACHINE_NAME_OF_IR_SYSTEM Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? MACHINE.DOMAIN 275 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 6. Verify/edit the master.cfg file. For details see master.cfg on page 277 7. Edit the dgswitch.cfg file. This file is located at /opt/avaya/pds/config/ a. Open the dgswitch.cfg file in a file editor. b. At the end of the "Inbound Ports" section, add the following line: N:X:1216:0::#DUMMY PORT for IVR POOL JOBS where X is the new value of the PORTS parameter. Note: This is the port assigned for use by the IR pool jobs even though there is no physical equipment for this port. This ensures that IR agents will take no calls while on the IR pool job. 8. Update the *.edt files located in /opt/avaya/pds/config a. Type menu install and press Enter. b. Type 2 and press Enter to select Value added products. c. Type 6 and press Enter to select Install IVR Integration. Note: This will update all the *.edt files located in /opt/avaya/pds/config 9. Verify/edit the blend.edt file with the parameter provided below. This file is located at /opt/avaya/pds/config/ IVR_POOL:Job is a pool for IVR agents:NO:NO:YES:YES::::3: Setting IVR_POOL to YES indicates that the job is a pool job for IR agents to join when they first log on to the Dialer. 10. Verify/edit the inbound.edt file. For details see inbound.edt on page 278 11. Verify/edit the outbound.edt file. For details see outbound.edt on page 278 12. Type menu sysadm and press Enter. 13. Type 6 and press Enter to select IVR Administration. 14. In the IVR Administration screen, type 2 and press Enter to select Setup IVR connections option. 15. Press Ctrl+X to exit from the menu. 16. Start all the Dialer services. • Type start_pds and press Enter. • Type start_mts Enter • Type start_db Enter Verify that all the dialer processes are running. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 276 Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software 17. At root prompt, type cd /opt/avaya/pds/job and press Enter. Update the following parameters in IVR job and the outbound job. IVR_ID IVR_Agents: YES IVR_Script:dialer1 18. Add the agents on the Avaya Proactive Contact dialer using the following command. createop Note: You must add the same agents as provided in the agt_data file located in the IVR system Next steps Install the integration software components on Avaya IR. Related links Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software on page 275 master.cfg The master.cfg file contains all the settings required by the dialer Parameter Settings PORTS Increment by 1 to allow for a “dummy” inbound line for the IR pool jobs. LINEASSIGN Append this string to the end of the LINEASSIGN parameter ;IVR,I=x Where x is the new value of the PORTS parameters AUTORELEASE YES Add this parameter manually if not present. AUTORELAGENT NO IVR_INTEGRATION YES If the IR feature has been installed. If it is not installed, contact your system administrator to install this feature. MAXHIDSLOTS July 2018 The agent, system telnet, System Operator, and System Administrator logins are dependent on available resources as defined in the MAXHIDSLOTS parameter. The required MAXHIDSLOTS calculation is OPERATORS + SYSOPS + 10. The OPERATORS and SYSOPS values are set to the purchased license limit. If the Table continues… Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 277 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Parameter Settings value is set too low, shared memory capacity may exceed. This prevents additional agents or sysops from logging in. If the value is set too high, more than required shared memory will be reserved which can cause instability. Related links Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software on page 275 inbound.edt Verify/set the four new parameters in the inbound.edt file as per the info provided in the table. The inbound.edt file is located at /opt/avaya/pds/config/ Parameter Settings IVR_POOL:Job is a pool for IR agents:NO:NO:YES:YES::::3: YES Indicates that the job is a pool job for IR agents to join when they first log on to the system. IVR_ID:IVR identifier::YES:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:2:27: Specifies which IR is to be used by the job. IVR_INITSCRIPT:Initial script to run on the IR::NO:NO:NO::::11: Specifies which script to run on the IR when the agent joins a job (other than the pool job). IVR_INITSCRIPT needs to have a value set only if it is necessary to run the Agent API command SetNotifyKeyField. IVR_SCRIPT:Script to run on the IR::YES:NO:NO:::: Specifies which script to run on the IR when a call is 11: passed to the agent. Note: The system administrator will set IVR_ID, IVR_SCRIPT, IVR_INITSCRIPT when the administrator transfers IR agents from the pool job to an inbound or outbound job. Related links Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software on page 275 outbound.edt Verify/set the three new parameters in the outbound.edt file as per the info provided in the table. The outbound.edt file is located at /opt/avaya/pds/config/ Parameter Settings IVR_ID:IVR identifier::YES:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:2:27: Specifies which IR is to be used by the job. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 278 Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software Parameter Settings IVR_INITSCRIPT:Initial script to run on the IR::NO:NO:NO::::11: Specifies which script to run on the IR when the agent joins a job (other than the pool job). IVR_INITSCRIPT needs to have a value set only if it is necessary to run the Agent API command SetNotifyKeyField IVR_SCRIPT:Script to run on the IR::YES:NO:NO:::: Specifies which script to run on the IR when a call is 11: passed to the agent. In the case of the CTI dialer, provide the VDN number when you start the job using config_ed. For example, “config_ed outbound outbnd”. Note: To configure the Agent blending class of service (COS), see the Agent Blending section of the Implementation guide. Related links Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software on page 275 Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR After you have installed and configured the integration software on the Avaya Proactive Contact system, you are ready to install the necessary software components on Avaya IR. Before you begin Before installing the integration software on Avaya IR, perform the following steps: • Ensure the Avaya IR system is set up and can receive calls. • Assign feature_tst to one of the channels. • Call the Avaya IR system. • Verify that the Avaya IR system picks up the call. Procedure 1. Gather the following information and record it on the Worksheet - Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration on page 280: a. Name of the Dialer machine b. IP address of the Dialer machine c. For each simulated agent: Channel number, Channel extension, Agent logon ID, and Agent password July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 279 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Note: Obtain this information from the person who installs the Avaya Proactive Contact and IR integration software on the Avaya Proactive Contact system or from the network administrator. 2. Obtain the Avaya Proactive Contact Integration software package on the Avaya IR system. For details see Obtaining the Proactive Contact integration software package on the Avaya IR system on page 280 3. Install the Avaya Proactive Contact Integration package on Avaya IR. For details see Installing Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR on page 281 4. Configure the Avaya IR software. For details see Related links Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software on page 275 Worksheet - Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration on page 280 Obtaining the Proactive Contact integration software package on the Avaya IR system on page 280 Installing Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR on page 281 Worksheet - Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration This sheet is used to record the various details of the Proactive Contact dialer Dialer Name Dialer IP address Simulated Agents Information Agent logon ID Agent password Channel number Channel extension Related links Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR on page 279 Obtaining the Proactive Contact integration software package on the Avaya IR system About this task The software package (called AVdialer) can already be loaded on your system. To determine if you must obtain the Proactive Contact integration software: Procedure 1. Login in to the Avaya IR system. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 280 Installing Proactive Contact and IR Software 2. At the Solaris prompt, type ls /export/optional_packages and press Enter. If the system displays AVdialer, you can install the package using the procedure described in Installing the Proactive Contact integration package for Avaya IR. If there is no AVdialer package, follow the steps below to obtain the package from Avaya. 3. Open a web browser and go to 4. From the navigation menu (the area on the left of the browser window, under Technical Database), select Call Center/CRM. 5. From the navigation menu, select Interactive Voice Response. 6. From the navigation menu, select Interactive Response. 7. From the main display area of the browser window, select Software Downloads. The browser displays a table listing the current software downloads. 8. In the Software Downloads table, click the link for the Proactive Contact Integration (AVdialer) package. The browser displays information about the software package, including instructions for downloading, installing, and uninstalling the package. 9. Follow the download instructions, to copy the software package file from the Web site. Next steps Installing the Avaya Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR. Related links Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR on page 279 Installing Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR The Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR is contained in the AVdialer package. The AVdialer package is one of the optional packages included with the Avaya IR software. About this task To install the AVdialer package: Procedure 1. Login to the Avaya IR system as root. 2. On the Avaya IR, add the following entries to the /etc/services file: agent 22700/tcp #AgentAPI dialer_conn 22800/tcp #dialer_connector_process 3. Add the following entries in the /etc/hosts file: IP_ADRESS_OF_PC_SYSTEM MACHINE_NAME_OF_PC_SYSTEM MACHINE.DOMAIN Note: You must have received this information from the person who installed the Dialer or from the network administrator. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 281 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Verify that you have the AVdialer package. See Obtaining the Proactive Contact integration software package on the Avaya IR system on page 280 for the procedure. Note: The AVdialer package requires a licensing feature password to install. To have this package installed, contact the Avaya Technical Services Organization (TSO). Refer to the Legal page (back side of title page) for information about how to contact the TSO. Related links Installing the integration software components on Avaya IR on page 279 Configuring the Avaya IR integration software About this task After the AVdialer package has been installed, use the agt_config process and the information you recorded on the Worksheet - Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration on page 280 to configure the Proactive Contact integration feature on Avaya IR. Procedure 1. Login to the Avaya IR system using Administrator or Root. 2. Update agt_data file in the $IR_Home/vs/data directory. Keep the required agents. Update the file as per the hard dialer or soft dialer system. 3. At prompt, execute the following command to run the agent configuration tool:agt_config -U. This file is located in $IV_Home/vs/bin/vrs directory. This program creates the data table used by dialer_conn to spawn off sim_agt processes. When agt_config prompts for the name of the dialer machine, enter the same name that you entered in the /etc/hosts file. 4. Start the processes. • Run stop_vs • Run start_vs 5. For each simulated agent to be configured, enter the following: • Channel number • Channel extension • Agent logon ID • Agent password July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 282 AGENT API REQUIREMENTS Note: Agent logon ID and Agent password must match the ones that have been configured on the Dialer. 6. After all the agent data have been configured, enter y to confirm the changes. AGENT API REQUIREMENTS For details refer to the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API guide. Initial IR Connections and Administration Use the System Administrator IR Administration screen to set up and configure an IR system connection, connect to, disconnect from or reset a connection to an IR system, or request a script download from an IR system. When you have an IR system connection, you will have additional parameters to set on the Job Run Verification screens. See Appendix B of the Administering Avaya Proactive Contact guide for complete information on system administration tasks. About this task Follow these steps to setup and configure initial IR connections and administrations: Procedure 1. Set up IR connections 2. Connect to IR 3. Disconnect from IR 4. Reset connection to IR Set up IR connections About this task Use this procedure to enter the ID, IP address, and description for a particular Avaya IR. The ID and IP address will be entered in the /etc/hosts file and the ID and description will be entered in the $VOICEDIR/ivr/ivr_id.lst file. To set up Avaya IR connections: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 283 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Procedure 1. From the Administrator Main menu, select IR Administration > Set up IR connections. The system displays the Set Up IR Connections screen. 2. Press Control+L to add a new IR connection. 3. Type the IR ID, then press Enter. Use the following shortcut keys on the IR Administration screen: a. Control+L to add a new IR connection b. Control+C to change a field c. Control+D to delete displayed connection d. Control+F to find an IR connection e. Control+X to exit IR Administration screen 4. Type the Avaya IR IP address, then press Enter. 5. Type the Avaya IR description, then press Enter. 6. Press Control+X to exit the screen and return to the IR Administration menu. Connect to Avaya IR About this task Open a communication channel to an Avaya IR system and start a pool job for the Avaya IR agents from that IR system. The system will also get a list of scripts from the IR and put them in $VOICEDIR/ivr/<ivr_id>.scr, where <ivr_id> is the Avaya IR system ID, for use with the job. To connect to an IR system: Procedure 1. From the Administrator Main menu, select IR Administration > Connect to IR. 2. Enter the Avaya IR system ID, then press Enter. The system returns to the previous menu. Disconnect from Avaya IR About this task Shut down the pool job for a specified Avaya IR system and close the communication channel to IR system. To disconnect from an Avaya IR system: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 284 Resetting connection to IR Procedure 1. From the Administrator Main menu, select IR Administration > Disconnect from IR. 2. Enter the IR system ID, then press Enter. The system returns to the previous menu. Resetting connection to IR About this task This will close the communication channel between the system and the specified IR and then reopen it. It will then re-establish the connection and restart the pool job. To reset a connection to an Avaya IR system: Procedure From the Administrator Main menu, select IR Administration > Reset connection to IR. Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response The Avaya Proactive Contact— IR integration commands are included as external functions in IR Designer. The Set_Softdisc, Handle_Disc, Set_early_hu, and End_Softdisc external functions are required to handle caller disconnects, to provide continuity within job execution, and to disconnect the call and end processing. All other Dialer external functions provide optional functionality. Note: The IR Designer application must never hang up the line or perform a quit instruction. The system will recover, but this leads to great inefficiencies in the processing of jobs. The following table describes the Dialer external functions that can be used in IR Designer applications. For more information about Dialer external functions, see the Avaya IR Designer online help. Name Description DoNotCall o n page 287 Identifies a customer record as "do not call" (DNC). All matching records on other calling lists are also marked DNC. The DNC feature ensures that records appearing in multiple calling lists will not be recalled. End_Softdis c on page 288 Ends handling a soft disconnect and again executes the agt_chl application for the next call. See the descriptions for the Handle_disc and Set_Softdisc external functions. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 285 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Using Releases a customer record and inserts a call completion code into the record. This must FinishedItem be the last activity performed by the script, since the Dialer sends another call after external receiving it. function on page 288 Using Handle_disc external function on page 289 Sets the label for handling a soft disconnect. This function marks the beginning of the event-handling code. Between Handle_disc and End_softdisc, place whatever code you think is necessary to clean up the call, for example, updating the completing code on the Dialer system. See the descriptions for the End_softdisc and Set_Softdisc external functions. HookflashLin Transfers the current call by way of a switch that accepts hookflash-initiated transfers. This external function disconnects the transferring application before transferring the call. e on page 289 ListCbackFm Returns the date format from the caller record. It also lists the number of telephone t on numbers in the customer record. page 290 LogoStart on Turns on message-logging on the dialer to trace call transactions. Creates a file on the page 290 dialer named /tmp/AgentName_API.trans. It contains all the messages between the agent application and the dialer. Use this file to verify message content and to track the agent application session. See the description for the LogIoStop external function. LogoStop on page 291 Turns off message-logging on the dialer. Stops the agent binary from writing to the /tmp/ AgentName_API.trans. Use this external function to terminate the log file. See the description for the LogIoStart external function. MoFlashBlin d on page 292 Transfers the current call and data record to another job on the dialer. This external function disconnects the transferring application before transferring the call and customer record. The Dialer places the customer call in the queue for the new job or connects the customer to an available agent. If the Dialer uses ANI/DNIS information, the transferred call carries the outbound number the dialer dials as the ANI and the original outbound job name as the DNIS. The inbound or blend job receiving the call sees the call as an inbound call. ReadFile on page 292 Reads a field from the dialer customer record. ReleaseLine on page 293 Releases the telephone line but allows further updating of the customer record. SendMessag Sends a message to the dialer supervisor's screen. e on page 293 SetCallback on page 294 Sets the time on the dialer to schedule a customer callback. Set_early_h u on page 295 Prepares the application for an early hangup. The sim_agt DIP posts a hangup event to the application when the dialer detects a hangup. The application must define an L_EARLYHANGUP label. The code associated with the L_EARLYHANGUP label must perform the processing that is required when an early hangup event is received. SetNotifyFld on page 295 Sets the system to pass the value of a specified key field from the dialer calling list with the CallNotification message. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 286 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Note: The SetNotifyFld function must be used only in an initial application to be run when an agent joins a job. Set_Softdisc Prepares the application for a soft disconnect. This function catches the dipterm event and on page 296 runs the handler. This must be the first external function in the application. See the descriptions for the Handle_disc and End_Softdisc external functions. UpdateField on page 296 Updates a data field on the dialer customer record. Related links Using DoNotCall external function on page 287 Using FinishedItem external function on page 288 Using End_softdisc external function on page 288 Using Handle_disc external function on page 289 Using HookflashLine external function on page 289 Using ListCbackFmt external function on page 290 Using LogloStart external function on page 290 Using LogloStop external function on page 291 Using MoFlashBlind external function on page 292 Using ReadField external function on page 292 Using ReleaseLine external function on page 293 Using SendMessage external function on page 293 Using SetCallback external function on page 294 Using Set_early_hu external function on page 295 Using SetNotifyFld external function on page 295 Using Set_Softdisc external function on page 296 Using UpdateField external function on page 296 Using DoNotCall external function About this task The DoNotCall external function identifies a customer record as "do not call" (DNC). All matching records on other calling lists are also marked DNC. The DNC feature ensures that records appearing in multiple calling lists will not be recalled. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 287 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 • -2 = a timeout condition Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see “AGTDoNotCall” in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent APIGuide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using FinishedItem external function About this task The FinishedItem external function releases a customer record and inserts a call completion code into the record. This must be the last activity performed by the script, since the Dialer sends another call after receiving it. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not In execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Completion Code The two-digit numeric code to place in the customer record that indicates the results of the telephone call. This completion code is customer-specific, but you must be consistent with the completion codes on the dialer. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTFinishedItem in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using End_softdisc external function About this task The ends handling a soft disconnect and re-executes the agt_chl application for the next call. See the descriptions for the Handle_disc and Set_Softdisc external functions. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if this external function does not get executed. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 288 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response This external function uses the Avaya IR soft disconnect (soft_disc) command. For information about soft disconnect, see the Avaya IR System Help. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using Handle_disc external function About this task The Handle_disc external function sets the label for handling a soft disconnect. This function marks the beginning of the event-handling code. Between Handle_disc and End_softdisc, place whatever code you think is necessary to clean up the call, for example, updating the completing code on the dialer system. See the descriptions for the End_softdisc and Set_Softdisc external functions. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. This external function uses the Avaya IR soft disconnect (soft_disc) command. For information about soft disconnect, see the Avaya IR System Help. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using HookflashLine external function About this task The HookflashLine external function transfers the current call by way of a switch that accepts hookflash-initiated transfers. This external function disconnects the transferring application before transferring the call. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Atribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not exclude this external function. The Return codes are: • -1 = a failureof the DIP • -2 = a timeoutcondition smsg The number to transfer the call to. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTHookflashLine in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 289 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using ListCbackFmt external function About this task The ListCbackFmt external function returns the date format from the caller record. It also lists the number of telephone numbers in the customer record. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Date Format Select or name the variable in which to store the date format that dialer will return. The date format returned will be one of the following: • CCYY/MM/DD • MM/DD/CCYY • DD/MM/CCYY Number of Phones Select or name the variable in which to store the number of phones listed in the customer record. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTListCallbackFmt in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using LogloStart external function About this task The LogIoStart external function turns on message-logging on the dialer to trace call transactions. Creates a file on the dialer named /tmp/AgentName_API.trans. It contains all the messages between the agent application and the dialer. Use this file to verify message content and to track the agent application session. See the description for the LogIoStop external function. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 290 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. The return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6digit error code from Dialer for this external function. The error code is: M00000 - Complete For more information, see AGTLogIoStart in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using LogloStop external function About this task The LogIoStop external function turns off message-logging on the dialer and stops the agent binary from writing to the /tmp/AgentName_API.trans. Use this external function to terminate the log file. See the description for the LogIoStart external function. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. The return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6digit error code from Dialer for this external function. The error code is: M00000 - Complete For more information, see AGTLogIoStop in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 291 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Using MoFlashBlind external function About this task The MoFlashBlind external function transfers the current call and data record to another job on the dialer. This external function disconnects the transferring application before transferring the call and customer record. The dialer places the customer call in the queue for the new job or connects the customer to an available agent. If the dialer uses ANI/DNIS information, the transferred call carries the outbound number the dialer dials as the ANI and the original outbound job name as the DNIS. The inbound or blend job receiving the call sees the call as an inbound call. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. The return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-digit error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTMoFlashBlind in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using ReadField external function About this task The ReadField external function reads a field from the dialer customer record. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. The return codes are: • -1 = a failureof the DIP • -2 = a timeoutcondition Field Name Enter the name of the field in the dialer calling list from which to receive the field format and the field value. Get the field name from the Dialer administrator. Field Value Select or name the variable in which to store the field value returned by the dialer. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 292 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response For more information, see AGTReadField in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using ReleaseLine external function About this task The ReleaseLine external function releases the telephone line but allows further updating of the customer record. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. The return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Script Label This is an optional attribute. This attribute refers to a label in the /opt/avaya/pds/ scripts/telephony.spt file. Message Number This is an optional attribute. This attribute refers to a message number configured in the /opt/avaya/pds/config/voicemsg.cfg file. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from ialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTReleaseLine in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using SendMessage external function About this task The SendMessage external function sends a message to the dialer supervisor's screen. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 293 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Message Enter the message (or select the variable that contains the message) to send to the Dialer supervisor. The maximum message length is 79 characters. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. The error code is: M00000 - Complete For more information, see AGTSendMessage in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using SetCallback external function About this task The SetCallback external function sets the time on the dialer to schedule a customer callback. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Callback Date Enter the callback date or select the variable in which you have stored it. The format must match the format returned by the ListCbackFmt external function. The date can be in one of the following formats: • CCYY/MM/DD • MM/DD/CCYY • DD/MM/CCYY Callback Time Enter the callback time or select the variable in which you have stored it. The time can be in any of the following formats: • HHMM (24-hour clock) • HHMM[A|P] (12-hour clock) • HHMM+ (incremental time from current time) Phone Index Index of the dialer phone field to use for the recall. This information can be obtained from the dialer administrator and must fall in the range returned by the ListCbackFmt external function. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 294 Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Optional Fields Specify a customer name and telephone number (separated by a comma) to contact during the recall. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTSetCallback in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using Set_early_hu external function About this task The Set_early_hu external function prepares the application for an early hangup. The sim_agt DIP posts a hangup event to the application when the dialer detects a hangup. The application must define an L_EARLYHANGUP label. The code associated with the L_EARLYHANGUP label must perform the processing that is required when an early hangup event is received. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. This external function uses the Avaya IR soft disconnect (soft_disc) command. For information about soft disconnect, see the Avaya IR System Help. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using SetNotifyFld external function About this task The SetNotifyFld external function sets the system to pass the value of a specified key field from the dialer calling list with the CallNotification message. Note: The SetNotifyFld function must be used only in an initial application to be run when an agent joins a job. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes: Attribute Description Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 295 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Field Name Enter the name of the field in the dialer calling list from which to receive the field value as part of each CallNotify message. Get the field name from the dialer administrator. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTSetNotifyKeyField in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using Set_Softdisc external function About this task The Set_Softdisc external function prepares the application for a soft disconnect. This function catches the dipterm event and runs the handler. This must be the first external function in the application. See the descriptions for the Handle_disc and End_Softdisc external functions. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IR does not execute this external function. This external function uses the Avaya IR soft disconnect (soft_disc) command. For information about soft disconnect, see the Avaya IR System Help. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 Using UpdateField external function About this task The UpdateField external function updates a data field on the dialer customer record. Use the Node Inspector to assign and edit the following attributes. Attribute Description Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 296 System file reference Put Return Code In Select or name the variable in which to store the return code if Avaya IRdoes not execute this external function. Return codes are: • -1 = a failure of the DIP • -2 = a timeout condition Field Name Enter the name of the field in the Dialer calling list to update, or select the variable in which you have stored the field name. Field Value Enter the new value to insert into the field. Error Code Select or name the variable in which to store the 6-character error code from dialer for this external function. For more information, see AGTUpdateField in Chapter 6, “Commands and Notification Events,” in the Avaya Proactive Contact Agent API Reference Guide. Related links Scripting with the Avaya Proactive Contact and Interactive Response on page 285 System file reference System configuration files master.cfg In addition, there are two parameters in master.cfg that need to be modified when the IVR Integration feature is installed. The first is the PORTS parameter. This parameter must be incriminated by one to allow for a “dummy” inbound line for the IVR pool jobs. The second is the LINEASSIGN parameter. The string “;IVR,I=X” must be appended to the end of this parameter where X is the new value of the PORTS parameter. IVR_DIR:$VOICEDIR/ivr Defines the directory location of files associated with the Avaya IR Integration feature. IVR_INTEGRATION:NO Specifies whether the IVR Integration feature is turned on or off. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 297 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Adding new entry to dgswitch.cfg About this task There is a new entry that needs to be added to the dgswitch.cfg file when the IVR Integration feature is installed. It is related to the changes made to the PORTS and LINEASSIGN parameters in master.cfg. At the end of the “Inbound Ports” section, the line: N:X:1216:0::#DUMMY PORT for IVR POOL JOBS must be added where X is the new value of the PORTS parameter. This is the port assigned for use by the IVR pool jobs even though there is no physical equipment for this port. This ensures that no actual calls will be taken by IVR agents on the IVR pool job. Example # Inbound Ports N:29:1324:1::#I::1:1119221 N:30:1325:1::#I::1:1119222 N:31:1326:1::#I::1:1119223 N:32:760:0::#I:10:1:1117317 N:33:761:0::#I:10:1:1117318 N:34:762:0::#I:10:1:1117319 N:35:763:0::#I:10:1:1117320 N:36:1216:0::#Dummy port for IVR # Transferthru Trunks T:1:764:0::#T:28:1:1117321 # Can't mix ISDN and T1 Transfers #T:1:1302:1::#T:9:1:1119123 inbound.edt # Job type parameters EDTFILE:Job type / .edt file name:inbound:NO:DROPDOWN:YES:JOBTYPE:1:15: INBOUND:Inbound job flag:YES:NO:CHECKBOX:NO:JOBTYPE:2:3: IVR_POOL:Pool job for IVR agents:NO:NO:CHECKBOX:YES:JOBTYPE:3:3: VIRTUAL:Run job without agents:NO:NO:CHECKBOX:YES:JOBTYPE:4:3: # IVR Integration parameters IVR_AGENTS:Allow IVR agents on job:NO:NO:CHECKBOX:NO:IVR:1:3: IVR_ID:IVR identifier::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:2:27: IVR_INITSCRIPT:Initial script to run on the IVR::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:3:11: IVR_SCRIPT:Script to run on the IVR::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:4:11: outbound.edt # IVR Integration parameters IVR_AGENTS:Allow IVR agents on job:NO:NO:CHECKBOX:NO:IVR:1:3: IVR_ID:IVR identifier::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:2:27: IVR_INITSCRIPT:Initial script to run on the IVR::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:3:11: IVR_SCRIPT:Script to run on the IVR::NO:TEXTBOX:NO:IVR:4:11: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 298 System file reference and The file contains the definitions of the valid keystrokes for the ivr_config tool. The file contains descriptions of those keystrokes. ivr1pool.job The ivr1pool file is a sample IR pool job. The IR pool job is an inbound job that will not actually take any calls but instead serves as a “home base” for IR agents. When IR agents first log on to the Avaya Proactive Contact system, they will join their respective IR pool job. They will sit there until a supervisor transfers them to a job where they will take calls or until they are instructed to log off. In this job file there is a new parameter called IVR_POOL that is a YES/NO parameter and is set to YES. IVR_AGENTS:NO: IVR_ID:: IVR_INITSCRIPT:: IVR_SCRIPT:: Using ivr.cmd and ivr.hlp About this task The ivr.cmd file is a menu that allows the system administrator to perform the functions necessary to integrate with the IVR. The ivr.hlp file contains the help for those menu items. The ivr.cmd menu can be accessed from the Administrator Main Menu by selecting item 7, IVR Administration. The ivr.cmd menu looks like the following: IVR ADMINISTRATION COMMANDS ITEMS ITEMS _______________ ______ 0. Exit from Menu 1. ivr1 1. Display help 2. ivr2 2. Set up IVR connections 3. Connect to IVR 4. Disconnect from IVR 5. Reset connection to IVR 6. Update list of IVR scripts Enter Command Number July 2018 and Enter Item Number Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 299 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 Command 2 Brings up a screen that is used to specify the IRs to which Avaya Proactive Contact system will be connecting . See “/usr/vl/ivr/ivr_config.tpl” below. Commands 3 Require a selection be made from the list of “ITEMS”. –6 Command 3 Establishes a new connection to the selected IVR. In doing so, it will connect to the IVR, start the associated IVR pool job and request the IVR send a list of scripts available to run on the IVR. Command 4 Stops the associated IVR pool job and disconnect from the IVR. Command 5 Essentially performs command 4 and then command 3. Command 6 Requests the IVR to send an updated list of scripts. Using ivr_config.tpl About this task The ivr_config.tpl file is the screen used by the ivr_config binary to add, change, or delete information about IRs to which Avaya Proactive Contact system will attach. The screen looks like the following: To add an IVR, press CTRL-L and then enter an ID, the IP address and a description for the IVR. The ID will be used in subsequent operations on this screen and is what will be displayed in the ITEMS list on the IVR Administration menu above. To change either the IP address or description for an IVR, first press CTRL-F and enter an IVR ID to find a specific IVR. Then go to either the IP address field or the description field and press CTRL-C. Enter the new information and press RETURN. To delete an IVR, first press CTRL-F and enter an IVR ID to find the IVR to be deleted. Then press CTRL-D to delete the displayed IVR. Once all additions, changes and deletions have been made, press CTRL-X to exit the screen. Answer y or n to the “Save changes? – (Y/N)” question to either save or discard the changes. Procedure 1. To add an IVR, press CTRL-L and then: a. Enter an ID b. Enter an IP address c. Enter a description for the IVR The ID will be used in subsequent operations on this screen and is what will be displayed in the ITEMS list on the IVR Administration menu above. 2. To change either the IP address or description for an IVR: a. first press CTRL-F and enter an IVR ID to find a specific IVR b. go to either the IP address field or the description field and press CTRL-C c. Enter the new information and press RETURN July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 300 Other files 3. To delete an IVR: a. press CTRL-F and enter an IVR ID to find the IVR to be deleted. b. press CTRL-D to delete the displayed IVR 4. Once all additions, changes and deletions have been made, press CTRL-X to exit the screen 5. Answer y or n to the Save changes? – (Y/N) question to either save or discard the changes. ivr_passwd.vl and ivr_services.vl These two files are used at installation time only. The ivr_passwd.vl file contains a set of login IDs for test IVR agents that get added to the system. The ivr_services.vl file contains the port number to be used by the ivr_conn process. This information is appended to the /etc/services file. Other files File name Description /etc/hosts This file is modified by the ivr_config binary to add an entry for each IVR added. The entry contains the IP address and the ID. /usr/vl/ivr/ ivr_id.lst This file is created and maintained by the ivr_config binary. It contains a list of the IVR IDs and their descriptions as entered on the ivr_config.tpl screen. There is one ID and description per line separated by a TAB. /usr/vl/ivr/ <ivr_id>.ivr There is one of these files created for each IVR added by the ivr_config binary. The name of the file is determined by the ID entered on the first field of the ivr_config.tpl screen. The file contains the description entered on that screen. /usr/vl/ivr/ <ivr_id>.scr There is one of these files created by the ivr_conn binary when a connection is made to an IVR. This file contains a list of the scripts on the IVR that can be selected to run when a call is received by an IVR agent. The format of the file is one script name per line. An entry from this file is used to populate the IVR_SCRIPT parameter when starting a job. Binaries ivr_config This new binary is used to add, change, or delete information about IRs to which an Avaya Proactive Contact system will attach. See the description of ivr_config.tpl. The ivr_config binary can be invoked with command line parameters to bypass the interactive screen. The following usage message describes those parameters: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 301 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya Interactive Response 4.0 ivr_config [-a ID IP DESC] [-d ID ] [-e ID IP DESC] [-f ID] [-h|-?] where: -a ID IP DESC means add IVR with specified ID, IP and DESC -d ID means delete IVR with specified ID -e ID IP DESC means edit IVR with specified ID using IP and DESC -f ID means find IVR with specified ID -h|-? displays this usage message ivr_conn This new binary is used to establish a connection to one or more IVRs. It is started by the vl.start command if the IVR parameter in master.cfg is set to YES and is responsible for the following: • Initiating the connection to the IVR. • Sending the request to the job_strter binary to start the IVR pool job. • Informing the IVR the pool job has started. • Obtaining from the IVR a list of scripts that can be run when an IVR agent takes a call and processing that list into the /usr/vl/ivr/<ivr_id>scr file. • Periodically sending a “heartbeat” message to each IVR to maintain the connection. ivr_supr This new binary provides an interface between the ivr.cmd menu and the ivr_conn binary. It will be invoked by the ivr.cmd menu with the following parameters: ivr_supr ivr_supr ivr_supr ivr_supr July 2018 IVR_CONNECT <ivr_id> IVR_DISCONNECT <ivr_id> IVR_RESET <ivr_id> IVR_GET_SCRIPTS <ivr_id> Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 302 Chapter 19: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ Overview of Proactive Contact —Avaya IQ integration Proactive Contact integration with Avaya IQ 5.2.3 provides a single reporting solution for inbound agent calls, blended inbound, and outbound agent calls. In Proactive Contact 5.1, the Proactive Contact integration with Avaya IQ also supports call transfers and conference. It is also supported in a POD environment. Proactive Contact provides an excellent option of source files from the database, to Avaya IQ to develop reports based on agent performance and various other reports for agent improvement. This section consists of the following topics: • Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ integration pre requisites • Proactive Contact synchronization with Avaya IQ • Proactive Contact configuration with Avaya IQ Requirements for Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ Prerequisites to integrate Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ: • Communication Manager — 5.2.1, 6.0 or later • Proactive Contact Following additional information are required to integrate Proactive Contact withAvaya IQ: • Name • Description • Proactive Contact System Name • IP Address • Host Name • Naming Service Host • Naming Service Port July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 303 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ • Account Login • Account Password • Input ID Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ synchronization Proactive Contact synchronizes with the Avaya IQ with the translation data in the data source to keep current Avaya IQ reports. Types of data that gets synchronized with Avaya IQ are: • Administration data (RFTB) • Completion codes Proactive Contact synchronizes simultaneously with Communication Manager when data is recorded to the database. Proactive Contact administration synchronization completes and Proactive Contact completion code synchronization starts. Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ Configuration Proactive Contact supports Avaya IQ configured with Communication Manager for blended inbound and outbound agents. (Avaya IQ does not work with only the outbound agents.) Avaya IQ collects all the events from each separate Communication manager and Proactive Contact and then blends them together in the Real-Time and Historical Even Processors. Events represent the start and end of the different states that each contact. Proactive Contact provides source for Avaya IQ. To verify the administrative requirement for Proactive Contact following must be configured: Note: You can associate only one Proactive Contact to one Communication Manager. • Administration of the link between Avaya IQ and Proactive Contact must be done either in non-encrypted or encrypted mode. For more information, refer Avaya IQ documentation. • The NTP time synchronization service must be done with all hosts, Communication Manager, and Proactive Contact in the deployment. Remote Data Collection host can use the same NTP source as its associated Proactive Contact. • An ASAI link must be set up between the Proactive Contact and its associated Communication Manager. • The Proactive Contact must be administered for blended agents. • Routing Points (VDNs) and queues (skills) used by the Communication Manager for the Proactive Contact must be measured. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 304 Proactive Contact supported files with Avaya IQ Note: Only outbound and managed types of jobs are currently supported. Proactive Contact uses PCAdapter to implement a protocol that manages the communication link between Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ. The Proactive Contact Input Translator (PCIT) normalizes event content from Proactive Contact before sending it to Avaya IQ historical and real-time event processors. Proactive Contact configurations without a Communication Manager are not currently supported by Avaya IQ. Proactive Contact systems configured for call blending or overflow blending are not supported. Proactive Contact supported files with Avaya IQ Following table provides information about supported files for Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ. Proactive Contact Configuration Supported by Avaya IQ One or more PG230RM hard dialers connected to a single CM Yes Multiple PG230RM hard dialers in a pod Yes PG230RM hard dialer without CM (non-CM switch) No Single PG230RM hard dialer connected to multiple Communication Manager No Multiple PG230RM hard dialers connected to multiple Communication Manager No One or more CTI soft dialers connected to a single Communication Manager No Multiple CTI soft dialers in a pod No Notes Multiple Proactive Contact dialers which function independently can be deployed in administrative group called pod. Avaya IQ can be configured to the individual dialers in the pod. Setting up Proactive Contact and Avaya IQ July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 305 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ Before you begin Proactive Contact with Avaya IQ uses the link in a non encrypted mode. This must be administered by Avaya services personnel in preparation for the installation of Avaya IQ release 4.1. About this task To administer the link for non-encrypted mode: Procedure 1. Log in to the Proactive Contact server as admin. 2. Enter the following commands to stop the system: • stop_pds • stop_mts 3. Ensure that the option SSLIOP is YES in the file /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg. 4. Edit the file /opt/avaya/JacORB/etc/ 5. Find the item "" and change "ON" to "OFF". 6. Save and close the file. 7. Enter the following commands to re-configure and restart the system: • start_mts • start_pds 8. Enter the following command to log in as sroot: su – sroot. 9. Enter the password for sroot. 10. Enter the following command to add the login used by Avaya IQ to the system: useradd -c "Avaya IQ Interface" -g pds_system statspmp. 11. Enter: passwd statspmp. Change the password to zbtq4tsn or the password to be used in administering the Proactive Contact data source on the Avaya IQ system. 12. You must be able to convey the user name and password administered in this procedure to the person administering the Proactive Contact data source on Avaya IQ. Note: Other scripts are required to configure the Proactive Contact system to operate in nonsecure mode. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 306 Chapter 20: Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center About Agent Blending Agent Blending integrates outbound calling activities on Proactive Contact with inbound calling activities on Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) for Inbound Call Center. The Agent Blending feature monitors activities on inbound route points. The feature monitors Controlled Directory Numbers (CDNs) in Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Proactive Contact acquires agents to take outbound calls and releases agents, according to business needs and configurations. Agent Blending feature uses a pool of ACD blend agents for outbound calling. The ACD agents log in to Proactive Contact and ACD. Agent Blending monitors the activity on the ACD to determine when to move agents between inbound and outbound calling activities. When the inbound calling activity decreases, Proactive Contact acquires the pooled agents for outbound calling. When the inbound calling activity increases, Proactive Contact releases the pooled agents to inbound calling. The transfer between inbound and outbound calling keeps the ACD blend agents busy and the ACD service level within the prescribed limits. Note: The term dialer is used to refer to Proactive Contact. Overview of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Proactive Contact overview Proactive Contact is an enterprise outbound solution software application. To increase the productivity of contact center agents during unpredictable inbound calls, Proactive Contact is used with the Agent Blending feature. Avaya Aura® Contact Center overview Avaya Aura® Contact Center is a standards-based, robust, solution that facilitates agents and knowledge workers to efficiently and effectively collaborate with customers and partners across multiple media types. Using Avaya Aura® Contact Center, a business can manage customer July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 307 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center experience, deliver service, generate profitable revenues, assert brand identity, and remain competitive. A central component of the Avaya Aura® Contact Center suite utilizes Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) capabilities to improve connectivity and establish collaborative interaction sessions regardless of the media type. When you use Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite with Avaya Aura® Contact Center with Midsize Business Template (MBT) or Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, all voice calls are routed on Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite. Therefore, you must configure Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager blend with Application Enablement Services (AES). For details on the Avaya Aura® Contact Center documentation, see The following architecture diagram explains the Avaya Aura® Contact Center and MBT components: Figure 1: Avaya Aura® Contact Center-MBT components The following diagram explains the components of Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000 over Application Module Link (AML): July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 308 Overview of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Figure 2: Avaya Aura® Contact Center-CS 1000 over AML Related links Architecture of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center integration on page 309 Differences in Proactive Contact Agent Blending feature for Avaya Aura Contact Center MBT and Avaya Aura Contact Center CS 1000 on page 310 Architecture of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center integration The following diagram shows the integration of Proactive Contact with Avaya Aura® Contact Center: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 309 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Proactive Contact uses the Contact Management Framework (CMF) Web services interface available in Avaya Aura® Contact Center as the integration point to the CS 1000 and Midsize Business Template systems. CMF is a SOAP-based Web services API that provides Proactive Contact access to CDN and agent events to achieve Agent Blending. After this integration is complete, the Agent Blending feature in Proactive Contact works in the same manner as with any other ACD, for example, Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. Related links Overview of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center on page 307 Differences in Proactive Contact Agent Blending feature for Avaya Aura® Contact Center MBT and Avaya Aura® Contact Center CS 1000 The following table describes the differences in Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Agent Blending, when you connect Avaya Aura® Contact Center with voice switch MBT or CS 1000: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 310 Avaya Aura Contact Center Configurations Avaya Aura® Contact Center-MBT Avaya Aura® Contact Center-CS 1000 When Avaya Aura® Contact Center connects with MBT, the connection is called as Avaya Aura® Contact Center connection to MBT over SIP. When Avaya Aura® Contact Center connects with CS 1000, Avaya Aura® Contact Center can connect over SIP. There are different types of connections, for example, AML, for CS 1000 voice switch to connect with Avaya Aura® Contact Center. When a Proactive Contact agent logs in to the Proactive Contact Agent application, the agent must give the telephone number of the agent for the telephone extension. When a Proactive Contact agent logs in to the Proactive Contact Agent application, the agent must give the ACD position ID of the agent for the telephone extension. Related links Overview of Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura Contact Center on page 307 Avaya Aura Contact Center Configurations Configuring hard dialer Procedure 1. Stop the dialer and the mid-tier processes. 2. Modify the dgswitch.cfg as per the switch configuration. 3. Modify the opmon.cfg as per the switch configuration. 4. Modify the LINEASSIGN and SWITCHTESTMODE parameters in the master.cfg. 5. Add switch entry in host file. 6. Restart the dialer. Configuring WS open interfaces Procedure 1. Go to Start > Avaya > Contact Center > Manager Server > Server Configuration 2. In the Server Configuration window, click WS Open Interfaces. 3. Select SOA Enabled. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 311 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Creating users Procedure 1. Log in as Webadmin. 2. Go to Contact Center Management. 3. Assign the required skills to the agents in the New Agents Details window. Creating CDN Procedure 1. Log in as webadmin. 2. Go to the Configuration tab. 3. Add the CDN with the required attributes for every skill. Adding Passive RoutepointAddresses Procedure 1. Open the Contact Center Manager Administration Web Interface. 2. Go to Launchpad > Configuration > CCT Server > Launch CCT Console. Adding RoutePointAddresses and agents in CCT Procedure 1. Right click Addresses. 2. Select Add new address. Creating skillset About this task The following image shows the skillsets creation process: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 312 Avaya Aura Contact Center Configurations Procedure Mapping CDN and skillset Procedure 1. Launch Service Creation Environment. 2. Create a script for every skill that you have created. 3. Specify the priority with which the contact is queued. 4. Assign a priority of 1 to 10. The inbound call should have higher priority than acquire calls for agents. A contact is assigned a priority of 10 by default. Contacts with high priorities are presented to agents before the contacts with low priorities. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 313 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Mapping skills to CDNs Procedure 1. Go to Master Script in SCE. 2. Add listed CDN to configured routes. 3. Choose the script which you have created for the CDN. Changes on the dialer Installing features Procedure 1. Log in as root. 2. Stop the dialer and mid-tier processes. 3. Run the Installation and Configuration script. 4. Select option 2. 5. Select option 2. 6. Provide the dialer host name in CPU to run IICB (Host) option. 7. Press Control + G. Configuring features About this task Procedure 1. Log in as admin. 2. Stop the dialer and mid-tier processes. 3. Configure Avaya Aura® Contact Center Agent Blending configuration on the Proactive Contact dialer. 4. Start the mid-tier and dialer processes. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 314 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Agent Blending support for Avaya Aura® Contact Center Proactive Contact provides Agent Blending capabilities using the following configurations: • CS 1000 • Communication Manager Mid size Business Template (MBT) configuration. MBT consists of Application Enablement Services, Communication Manager, and SIP Enablement Services (SES). Note: When you integrate CS 1000 with Avaya Aura® Contact Center over Application Module Link (AML), Proactive Contact Agent uses ACD position ID as a phone extension. You can configure ACD position ID in CS 1000. The ACD position ID is associated with the phone extension of an agent. MBT is used when Proactive Contact uses a phone number as a phone extension which resides on Communication Manager. Supported configurations: • Proactive Contact with PG230 and CS 1000 connected to Proactive Contact through Contact Management Framework of Avaya Aura® Contact Center using AML. • Proactive Contact with PG230 and CS 1000 connected to Proactive Contact through Contact Management Framework of Avaya Aura® Contact Center using SIP. • Proactive Contact with PG230 and MBT connected to Proactive Contact using Contact Management Framework and SIP of Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Note: You must have a PG230 to configure Proactive Contact with Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Predictive Agent Blending (PAB). Proactive Contact does not support Avaya Aura® Contact Center configuration with a CTI dialer. Software requirements: • Avaya Aura® Contact Center 6.1 SP2 and Proactive Contact. • Earlier versions of Nortel environments such as CC7 are not supported. Upgrade earlier versions of Nortel environments to Avaya Aura® Contact Center 6.1 SP2 or higher. • Communication Manager supported by Avaya Aura® Contact Center SP2. • The supported version for AES is 5.2.1, CM is 5.2.1, SES is 5.2.1, and CS 1000 is 6.0 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 315 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center • CS 1000. Hardware requirements: • Server which runs with Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.x. • Avaya PG230 switch which is generic 16.2 and higher versions. You must also enable the Web Services. To enable the Web Services, perform the following steps: 1. Go to Start > AACC > CCT. 2. Click the CCT console. 3. Click CCT Web Services. 4. Select Enable Web Services. Note: CallRecordUser is defined on Avaya Aura® Contact Center and is used for OpenInterface and CallRecord API. You must create CallRecordUser on Avaya Aura® Contact Center. Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Agent Blending Proactive Contact supports Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000. For Agent Blending to acquire or release an agent, the agent must log in to both Avaya Aura® Contact Center and Proactive Contact. To configure Avaya Aura® Contact Center, you must set the following: • Treat call queues as domains • Domain groups • Control methods and parameters of each group. Agent Blending monitors the activity for each split, hunt group, or skill hunt group that you setup as a domain. Agent Blending for Avaya Aura® Contact Center receives call event messages for the following domains: Inbound domain: An agent group that receives inbound calls from customers. Acquired domain: An agent group that receives acquired calls from Proactive Contact. On Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000, domains are skill hunt groups. On Avaya Aura® Contact Center without CS 1000, domains are splits or hunt groups. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 316 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Setting up Avaya Aura® Contact Center configuration for Agent Blending About this task Agent Blending monitors two types of domain groups: • Predictive Agent Blending. • Proactive Agent Blending. You must perform the following steps before you configure Avaya Aura® Contact Center: Procedure 1. Contact your Avaya Aura® Contact Center representative to provide the Controlled Directory Number (CDN) information for each domain you want Agent Blending to monitor. 2. Specify the following information for each domain group: • Domain group name • Domain group type • Domain group settings 3. Create the appropriate domain groups. a. To configure the system for Predictive Agent Blending, set up a Predictive Agent Blending domain group. The control method can be either Average Speed to Answer (ASA) or Service Level (SL). Assign one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain to the group. b. To configure the system for Proactive Agent Blending, set up a Proactive Agent Blending domain group and assign at least one acquire domain and at least one inbound domain to the domain group. The control method is OB_ONLY (Outbound only). Note: A domain can belong to only one domain group. List of configuration files The Proactive Contact Agent Blending feature works with the Avaya Aura® Contact Center using the same configuration files as the current blend implementation with Communication Manager. The list of configuration files and their descriptions are as follows: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 317 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Name of configuration files Description /opt/avaya/pab/config/CBA_procs Verify that the host name in CBA_procs is the dialer host name. If the host name in CBA_procs is not the dialer host name, then change the host name in CBA_procs to the dialer host name. /opt/avaya/pab/config/CBA_cfg Configure as you configure Avaya CM-PAB. /opt/avaya/pab/config/ctirc1 • Copy ctirc.auracc to ctirc1 (cp ctirc.auracc ctirc1). • Provide AACC Server information in ctirc1. • Change line CallRecordUser: as CallRecordUser:<AACC Server IP>:<Domain>:<AACC Switch Connection Type>:<Event Watch Interval in Secs>: 9084:9091:9092 • <AACC Switch Connection Type> is used for the connection type that Avaya Aura® Contact Center uses to integrate with Voice Switch. The value of <AACC Switch Connection Type> can either be SIP or AML. • <Event Watch Interval in Secs> is time interval in seconds. cep_auracc monitors events during this time interval. If no events are received within this time interval, cep_auracc starts event registration to correct issues, if any, with switch connection. • Here, 9084 is the port number on which the Web service of Contact Manager Service is exposed on Avaya Aura® Contact Center (CCT-OI services). • 9091 is the port number that the client of CMF Service uses. • 9092 is the port number that the client of Event Service uses. You can have multiple gateways. In case of multiple gateways, copy the ctirc of the respective switch to ctirc2. /opt/avaya/pab/config/ • You must use the CDN numbers instead of VDN numbers. In Avaya Aura® Contact Center, Call Center route points are called as CDN. In Avaya CM, Call Center route points are called as VDN. • The configuration of the domain groups remains the same as Avaya CM PAB. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 318 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center Name of configuration files Description • Inbound and acquire CDNs, which Proactive Contact, must monitor must be provided in the domain list. /opt/avaya/pab/config/acd_ext.cfg • Configure as you configure Communication Manager-PAB • You must add the required agent telephone sets using install_acd_ext application on the dialer. The components of the ACD extension menu are as follows: • 1. List ACD extensions • 2. Add ACD extension • 3. Delete ACD extension • Q. Quit To add an extension: 1. Enter option 2. 2. Enter the ACD scai link ID (Use 1 if only using one PBX): 1 3. Enter the extension number to be added (Q to quit): 22002 4. Enter the extension number to be added (Q to quit): Q /opt/avaya/pab/config/cti_passwd.cfg • The cti_passwd.cfg file contains the encrypted CallRecordUser password. Use the cti_passwd utility to create the password. Use cti_passwd -b to create the cep_auracc password stored in the /opt/avaya/pab/ cti_passwd.cfg cfg file and the password is updated. The following settings must be updated in master.cfg on the dialer when you install blend using menu install: 1. The value of the call_blending parameter must be set to Yes. 2. The value of the iicb_host parameter must be set to Yes. The following licenses are required: 1. Number of Agents with Predictive Dialing (VALUE_APC_PREDICTIVE_AGENTS) 2. Number of Agents (VALUE_APC_TOTAL_AGENTS) July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 319 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center An example of the cti_passwd -b command is as follows: Configuring Agent Blending for Proactive Contact Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Stop the Dialer and Mid-Tier processes using the following commands: stop_pds stop_mts 3. Copy ctirc.auracc to ctirc1 using the cp ctirc.auracc ctirc1 command. 4. Edit line CallRecordUser:<AACC Server IP> :<Domain_Name>:< AACC Switch Connection Type>:<Event Watch Interval in Secs>:9084:9091:9092 in ctirc1 file to provide Avaya Aura® Contact Center IP and domain name in ctirc1 file. For example:CallRecordUser: 5. Set CallRecordUser user password using the cti_passwd –b command. 6. Copy CBA_cfg.example file to CBA_cfg using the cp CBA_cfg.example CBA_cfg command. 7. Copy CBA_procs.example file to CBA_procs using the cp CBA_procs.example CBA_procs command. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 320 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center 8. Verify the host name in CBA_procs file is the dialer host name. If the hostname in CBA_procs is not a dialer host name, then change the host name in CBA_procs to the dialer host name. 9. Copy file to using the cp command. 10. Configure file similar to Communication Manager blend. Use CDN numbers instead of VDN numbers. 11. Restart the Dialer and Mid-Tier processes using the following commands: start_mts start_pds Note: Confirm that the SOA is configured properly by using the http:// <CCMSHostName>:9080/SOAOI/services/OpenNetworking?wsdl link. The details of CallRecordUser:<AACC Server IP>:SIP:300:9080:9091:9092 elements are as follows: • CallRecordUser: AACC user CallRecordUser, which is used to get events from AACC. Do not change this user. • <AACC Server IP>: The second field is the AACC Server IP Address. It can be the alias for the IP address of the AACC server, and additionally must match the entry in the /etc/hosts file of the PDS. • AACC: The third field is the Domain Name. Domain Name is passed with AACC server, and AACC uses it for user authentication. This is the alias for the IP address of the DNS Server, used by AACC Server. • SIP: The fourth field is the connection type, being used by AACC to integrate with Voice Switch. It can have one of the two values, SIP or AML. • 300: The fifth field is watch interval in seconds to monitor the events flow. cep_auracc will watch and check whether events received during last interval. If not cep_auracc will assume, there is come issue with switch connection and it will restart event registration. • 9080: The sixth field is the port number, on which Contact Manager Service as web service is exposed on AACC (CCT-OI services). • 9091: The seventh field is the port number used by CMF Service as Client. • 9092: The eighth field is the port number used by System Event Service as Client. Configuring Avaya Aura® Contact Center for Agent Blending Procedure 1. Start the Computer Telephony Adjunct Links feature on Avaya Aura® Contact Center. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 321 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center 2. Reserve one CTI-link number for the CTI interface. 3. If you are using the Monitoring and Recording interface with AES Call Recording, configure the T1 lines designated as headset trunks so that Avaya Avaya Aura® Contact Center can identify call events for acquired calls. 4. Assign a station ID to each port on the T1 that is used as a headset trunk. 5. For each agent queue that Agent Blending recognizes as a domain, define the CDN and the domain type. Note: Agent blending has four different configurations based on the switch you use: a. Agent blending using Communication Manager and AES: In this case, the ctirc.cvct file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. b. Agent blending using AACC+CS 1000(SIP): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. c. Agent blending using AACC+CS 1000 (AML): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. d. Agent blending using AACC+ Communication Manager + AES (SIP): In this case, the ctirc.auracc file is copied in ctirc1 or ctirc2. Example The following example contains two CDNs and skill sets. The CDN 35001 is an inbound domain that queues calls to skill set Skill_Inbound. The CDN 35002 is an acquire domain that queues calls to skill set Skill_Acquire. Agents 1 and 2 are inbound-only agents that belong to skill set Skill_Inbound. Agents 3, 4, and 5 are Predictive Agent Blending agents that belong to skill sets Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 322 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center • The example contains two CDNs and skill-sets. CDNs are 35001 and 35002 and skill-sets are named as Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire. • The CDN 35001 is an inbound domain that queues calls to Skill_Inbound skill-set • The CDN 35002 is an acquire domain that queues calls to Skill_Acquire skill-set • Agents 1 and 2 are inbound-only agents assigned with to Skill_Inbound skill-set. • Agents 3, 4, and 5 are Predictive Agent-Blending agents assigned with to Skill_Inbound and Skill_Acquire skill-set. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 323 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center The following screenshot shows the CDN configuration: Avaya CS 1000 integration checklist The Proactive Contact system receives inbound call information from the ACD of CS 1000 through the network. Ensure that the following items are configured on your CS 1000 system: # Description Notes 1 Verify that the Avaya Aura® Contact Center 6.1 SP2 or later supports CS 1000 2 Set up an Avaya Aura® Contact Center or verify that an Avaya Aura® Contact Center exists that can be used. 3 Obtain licenses to use Avaya Aura® Contact Center. 4 Verify the installation type of Avaya Aura® Contact Center matches with the integration type of CS 1000. 5 Verify that the services of Avaya Aura® Contact Center are functional. 6 Verify that the CCT-OI Web services are functional on Avaya Aura® Contact Center. 7 Verify that the CS 1000 system is correctly integrated with the Avaya Aura® Contact Center system. 8 Verify that the CS 1000 system is correctly integrated with the Avaya Aura® Contact Center system. 9 Set up an Avaya Aura® Contact Center User CallRecordUser on Avaya Aura® Contact For information on setting up and configuring the Avaya Aura® Contact Center, see Avaya Aura® Contact Center, documentation. For information on setting up and configuring the Avaya Aura® Contact Center with CS 1000, see Avaya Aura® Contact Center documentation. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 324 Integrating Proactive Contact and Avaya Aura® Contact Center # Description Notes Center and provide this login and password for Agent Blending. 10 Provide the IP address of the Avaya Aura® Contact Center server. 11 Provide the port address of CCT-OI Web services of Avaya Aura® Contact Center. 12 Define and provide all CDNs that Proactive Contact requires for monitoring. Provide an inbound and acquisition CDN. For details on integrating with AACC, see Configuration — Avaya Communication Server 1000 Integration at AACC configuration table The following table shows the configuration details and the components that you require to configure AACC: Components Required CCMS CCMA CCT CCMM AMS Agent Desktop AACC with Avaya CM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AAAD or CCT user creation, enabled client CDN creation, skillset creation, mapping CDN and skillset. AES is required. AACC SIP with CS 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AAAD or CCT user creation, enabled client CDN creation, skillset creation, mapping CDN and skillset. AML with Avaya CS 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes July 2018 AAAD or Agent Telset. CCT enabled client Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? Configuration Required user creation, CDN creation, Skillset creation, mapping CDN and skillset. 325 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Maintenance and Troubleshooting Verifying if Avaya Aura® Contact Center and the dialer are synchronized Procedure 1. Check the synchronization by putting one inbound call and one CDN, and monitor the call on ACD snapshot. The call should come into the wait queue. 2. Start the outbound job, log in ACD agent and attach the ACD agent to the same outbound job and check if the dialer acquires the ACD agent or not. 3. Check the soe_log to verify whether the CDN monitor requests are successful or not. 4. Verify the CCT logs file located at Avaya/Logs/CCT/CMF_OI.log. There should be no error regarding dialer communication. Error codes E58035 Error code E58035 Error text Failed to start Call Event Consumer Service for receiving the call events from Avaya Aura® Contact Center. E58050 Error code E58050 Error text Call Event received with NULL pointer event received with no data. E58051 Error code E58051 Error text In <function name> call_id=<Call id> is not present in VPBX. E58036 Error code E58036 Error text Failed to start Notification Consumer Service. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 326 Maintenance and Troubleshooting E58037 Error code E58037 Error text Failed to create/define Session Service Object. E58038 Error code E58038 Error text Failed to create/define ContactManager Service Object. E58039 Error code E58039 Error text Failed to create/define NotificationProducer Service Object. E58040 Error code E58040 Error text Failed to log off from CCT Server. E58041 Error code E58041 Error text Failed to login on CCT Server. Error Code:<error code>. E58053 Error code E58053 Error text Failed to start System Event Listener. Error Code: <error code>. E58054 Error code E58054 Error text Failed to Stop System event Listener. Error Code: <error code>. E58045 Error code July 2018 E58045 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 327 Integrating Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Blending with Avaya Aura® Contact Center Error text Failed to subscribe for events. Error Code: <error code>. E58047 Error code E58047 Error text The CDN List does not contain any CDN address. At least one CDN is required. E58048 Error code E58048 Error text Failed to Start Address CallEvent Listener. Error Code: <error code>. E58033 Error code E58033 Error text Failed to restart Call Event Listener: Domain =. Return Code = <error code>. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 328 Chapter 21: Client environment configuration Configuring Supervisor software About this task You configure the Supervisor applications using the Configurator. The Configurator is a configuration and troubleshooting utility installed with the Health Manager application. The Configurator is started automatically the first time you run Health Manager. It also starts at the end of the Supervisor installation. Procedure 1. If the Configurator is not running, access and run it from the Health Manager. 2. In the Configurator dialog box, complete the following fields: Field name Enter Primary Dialer machine Name The name of the primary system Primary Dialer IP Address The IP address of the primary system Email Server Name The name of the Email server Email Server IP Address The IP Address of the Email server Database Server Name The name of the database server Database Server IP Address The IP Address of the database server 3. Click OK to save your settings. Next steps If you want make changes to this configuration, you must first stop the Health Services Bridge. Removing security from database communications About this task Procedure 1. Open a Windows Command Prompt window. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 329 Client environment configuration 2. At the system prompt, type cd C:\Program Files\Avaya\Proactive Contact 5.x\Services\3rdParty\Oracle11g and press Enter. Note: In the above step, the x in the 5.x stands for the release number. 3. At the system prompt, type copy tsnames.ora tsnames.old and press Enter. 4. Open tsnames.ora with Notepad. 5. In the AVAYAPDSDB section in the line, (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS)(HOST = pudslx10)(PORT = 2484)), change TCPS to TCP. 6. Save and close tsnames.ora. Configuring agent workstations (network attached) Procedure 1. Verify client network connection and availability for testing. 2. Add client network connection to the enterprise network. 3. Verify all client workstations are loaded with appropriate networking software. 4. Ensure you have a stelnet session to Proactive Contact server (you see a login prompt). 5. Verify the network addresses, subnet masking, and routing table information. 6. Load all workstations with Custom Cut & Paste software (Optional). 7. Complete headset connections at each workstation. Configuring Agent workstation for use with Citrix About this task Proactive Contact Agent writes each user preferences to an .ini file on the local computer. In a Citrix environment, writing each user preferences to an .ini file on the local computer is not possible. Instead, Proactive Contact the Agent application needs to be configured so that user preferences are either suppressed or stored at a specified location (other than the default one). Note: Avaya provides support for the PCAgent client software installation on specific versions of the Windows operating system as documented in the Proactive Contact Agent release notes. Installation and support of the Agent application in a Citrix and Terminal services (or other similar) environment is the responsibility of the customer. If issues arise with such usage, support to any such issue will be provided on the basis of a PCAgent installation on a local supported Microsoft Windows desktop workstation implemented as per documentation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 330 Configuring agent workstations (terminal server attached) Procedure Start Proactive Contact Agent with one or more of these command line arguments. Argument Description -r Read only. Proactive Contact Agent will not write any configuration back to the ini file. This disables features such as remembering release keys for the shortcut bar, and remembering the position and size of the window. -c filename Explicitly points the agent to an ini file in a different directory. The default is a file named PDSAgent.ini in the PDSAgent directory. -l filename Explicitly specifies the path and file name of the log file. -sl filename Explicitly specifies the path and file name of the socket log file. -nc This tells the agent that there is no ini file, and do not look for one. Note: This will disable all features that rely on saving information in the ini file. Also, you must use the -d flag to supply a list of dialers to choose from. Normally, this list is in the ini file, but because there is no ini file, you must specify the argument on the command line. This flag also disables both logs. If you want logs, you must specify the -l and -sl flags. -d ip_address Specifies a dialer's address to use in the list for the agent to choose from. You can use multiple -d flags to put multiple entries in the list. Configuring agent workstations (terminal server attached) Procedure 1. Complete data cabling connections for all required agent workstations. 2. Verify that there is a login prompt at all required agent workstations. Virus scanning software Proactive Contact Supervisor software has been tested and approved with the following software: • McAfee AntiVirus • Symantec AntiVirus Any additional third party software loaded on the Supervisor computer might not be compatible, and must not be used. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 331 Client environment configuration Using Windows Firewall About this task You must not turn on Windows Firewall on computers that are running Proactive Contact Supervisor application. If you do, Windows Firewall displays a warning message each time you start any of the Supervisor applications. Although this warning states that the firewall is blocking some application functionality, the applications continue to run without causing any problem. You must either turn the firewall off or enable it to allow application exceptions. Procedure 1. To turn off the firewall, with administration privileges, open each application. When the warning message appears, click the Unblock button. The application is added to the list of exceptions to firewall policy and allows all other users to access the application. 2. To allow application exceptions within the firewall, click Security Center in the Control Panel. 3. Click on Windows Firewall > Exceptions > Add Program. 4. Select Analyst Application, Monitor Application, Editor Application, and Health Manager Application, 5. Click OK once to close the Add Program dialog, then click OK again to close the Windows Firewall dialog box. Enabling enhanced Internet browsing security About this task By default, Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 6.x and higher prohibits active content from being run on your computer. This ensures that all online help pages display a message at the top of the page stating that Microsoft Internet Explorer has restricted the file from showing active control that can be used to access your computer. This restricts your ability to navigate easily through the online help system. Procedure 1. Click Internet Explorer. 2. Click Tools > Internet Options > Advanced. 3. Scroll down to the section titled Security. 4. Check the box labeled Allow active content to run in files on My Computer. 5. Click OK, then close Internet Explorer. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 332 Sockets 6. Close Internet Explorer and restart your computer. Sockets The following table references ports/sockets that are required for successful network communication. The details of these ports are available in the /etc/services file present on the Proactive Contact dialer. Service Socket Protocol Purpose Non-Proactive Contact specific services sftp 115 tcp Secure FTP sftp 115 udp Secure FTP ssh 22 tcp SSH remote login protocol ssh 22 udp SSH remote login protocol jetdirect 9100 tcp Laserjet and other HP printers snmp 161 tcp SNMP responds to requests JetDirect,HPNP,NetBlazer for MIB data snmp 161 udp SNMP responds to requests JetDirect,HPNP,NetBlazer for MIB data snmptrap 162 udp SNMP trap events sent and JetDirect,NPNP,NetBlazer received ldap 636 tcp LDAP over SSL ldap 636 udp LDAP over SSL Proactive Contact specific services soe_routed 3000 tcp SOE router daemon listserver 22600 tcp List server agent 22700 tcp Agent API ivr_conn 22800 tcp IVR connection point nuimon 22900 tcp Nuisance monitor services Proactive Contact Dialer CORBA services dccs 23100 tcp Command and control service dccs_ssl 23101 tcp Command and control service over SSL enserver 23120 tcp Event service enserver_ssl 23121 tcp Event service over SSL hdsc 23130 tcp Historical data service Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 333 Client environment configuration Service Socket Protocol Purpose hdsc_ssl 23131 tcp Historical data service over SSL dialerSM 23140 tcp Service Monitor dialerSM_ssl 23141 tcp Service Monitor over SSL dialerSA 23150 tcp Service Activation dialerSA_ssl 23151 tcp Service Activation over SSL dialerHealthSvc 23160 tcp System Health service dialerHealthSvc_ssl 23161 tcp System Health service over SSL Proactive Contact Mid-Tier CORBA services NameService 23200 tcp Naming service NameService_ssl 23201 tcp Naming service over SSL logger 23220 tcp Logging service logger_ssl 23221 tcp Logging service over SSL serviceMonitor 23240 tcp Service Monitor serviceMonitor_ssl 23241 tcp Service Monitor over SSL ccs 23260 tcp Command and Control service ccs_ssl 23261 tcp Command and Control service over SSL serviceAct 23280 tcp Service Activation serviceAct_ssl 23281 tcp Service Activation over SSL syshealthSvc 23320 tcp System Health Service syshealthSvc_ssl 23321 tcp System Health Service over SSL RTRM 23370 tcp Real-Time Request Manager RTRM_ssl 23371 tcp Real-Time Request Manager over SSL RBACManager 23390 tcp RBACManager Service RBACManager_ssl 23391 tcp RBACManager Service Configuring user groups About this task If the you have custom logins, for example, special login types that access special menus upon login other than the baseline menus, you must configure user groups. Procedure 1. Add a new group entry to the /opt/avaya/pds/config/group.pds file for the custom login. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 334 Configuring user groups 2. To change to the sroot user, at the system prompt type su — sroot and press Enter. 3. At the password prompt, enter the sroot password. 4. To add the new group, at the system prompt type addgroup /opt/avaya/pds/ config/group.pds and press Enter. 5. To set up the profile for the new group: a. At the system prompt, type mkdir /etc/skel_dlr/new_group and press Enter. b. At the system prompt, type chown admin:new_group /etc/skel_dlr/ new_group and press Enter. c. At the system prompt, type chmod 750 new_group and press Enter. d. At the system prompt, type cp /etc/skel_dlr/pds_system/.profile /etc/ skel_dlr/new_group/.profile and press Enter. e. At the system prompt, type chown admin:new_group /etc/skel_dlr/ new_group/.profile and press Enter. 6. At the system prompt, type exit and press Enter. 7. Change the .profile file of the new group created. a. At the system prompt, type vi /etc/skel_dlr/new_group/.profile b. Add new group entry into the .profile file. The new group entry must be placed in the case block of the .profile file. c. Provide the appropriate privileges to the group by writing into the case block of the group. Note: Create a .menu file for the new group. For new systems, create their appropriate login menu for the new group_name as /opt/avaya/pds/menus/ with the customization. Related links group.pds file on page 335 group.pds file on page 335 group.pds file The format for entries in the /opt/avaya/pds/config/group.pds file is: group_name:(blank):group_number:shell:mark_bit:screen:description: other_group_names July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 335 Client environment configuration Parameter Setting group_name Usually the same as the login name (for example, Login name=system2, group_name=system2). Group_name must match the screen (see below). group_number Number identifying the group. 101, 102, 103, 105, and 106 are the current group_numbers in the group.pds file, so 104 must be used for the first new group and 107 for the new groups after that. shell Shell to be used by the login. Use /sbin/sh. mark_bit 1 if the group is managed by the system, which must be the case for most if not all custom logins. If it is not managed by the system, use 0. screen Use the same name as group_name. definition Short definition, in all capital letter, of the group. Maximum length 20 characters. other group_names Comma-delimited list of additional group to which this user belongs. In most cases, this will be the group pc_system and pc_agent, which must be included for system or sysadm type logins. If no other group names apply, leave off the colon that would normally precede this parameter. A couple example entries are: system2::104:/sbin/sh:1:system2:SYSTEM2 OPERATOR:pds_system,pds_agent Related links Configuring user groups on page 334 Configuring user groups on page 334 Adding users About this task User accounts must be set up for each user that will need to log into the Proactive Contact system. Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as admin. 2. From the Administrator Main Menu screen, select Administrative Tasks > Manage user accounts. 3. On the Manage User Accounts screen, press Ctrl+L to add a user. 4. Enter the data for User Name, Password, Group, and Description. 5. Press Ctrl+X when you have finished adding the accounts. 6. Type y to save changes. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 336 Setting password ageing Setting password ageing Procedure 1. To set the time in weeks for password expiration, edit the PASSWDAGE parameter value in /opt/avaya/pds/config/creatop.cfg file. 2. To force users to reset their password, edit the FORCEPWCHANGE parameter value in /opt/avaya/pds/config/creatop.cfg file and set it to 1. Configuring sftp without a password Procedure 1. Login on the dialer as admin. 2. At the system prompt, type ssh-keygen -t rsa and press Enter. 3. At the Enter file in which to save the key (/home/admin/.ssh/id_rsa): prompt press Enter to accept the default value. 4. At the Enter passphrase(empty for no passphrase): prompt press Enter to accept the default value of no password. 5. At the Enter same passphrase again: prompt press Enter to accept the default value of no password. 6. For each user on the dialer, set up sftp and scp: a. At the system prompt on the user's dialer, type ssh -l username dialer_ipaddress mkdir -p ssh and press Enter. b. At the system prompt on the dialer in step 1, type cd $HOME and press Enter. c. At the system prompt type cat .ssh/ | -l username dialer_ipaddress 'cat >> .ssh/authorized keys and press Enter d. At the password prompt, enter the password. Configuring a trusted host for network backup/restore About this task You cannot schedule or automate network backup, which is a back up or recovery, on a third-party host. You require to type your password multiple times during back up or recovery, on a third-party host. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 337 Client environment configuration Procedure 1. Login on the dialer as admin. 2. At the admin prompt, type su sysadm and press Enter. 3. At Password prompt type the sysadm password and press Enter. 4. If the sysadm user does not have .ssh directory in its $Home directory, following command will create .ssh directory containing private and public key. At the system prompt, type ssh-keygen -t rsa and press Enter. 5. At the Enter file in which to save the key (/home/pds_sysadm/.ssh/ id_rsa): prompt press Enter to accept the default value. Note: If you already have file within .ssh directory type Y and press Enter to select Overwrite option. 6. At the Enter passphrase(empty for no passphrase): prompt press Enter to accept the default value of no password. 7. At the Enter same passphrase again: prompt press Enter to accept the default value of no password. 8. At the sysadm prompt, type ssh -l username dialer_ipaddress mkdir -p .ssh and press Enter. Note: The username mentioned above is the user account on the third party host. For details on Managing Backup Configuration files, refer to the Administering Avaya Proactive Contact guide. 9. Type the password for the user and press Enter. 10. At the sysadm prompt on the dialer in step 1, type cd $HOME and press Enter. 11. At the system prompt type cat .ssh/ | ssh -l username dialer_ipaddress 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' and press Enter 12. At the password prompt, enter the password and press Enter. 13. Type ssh —l username dialer_ipaddress. Note: In a POD configuration, configure the secondary dialer as a trusted host to prevent providing password many times during backup/restore. You must configure the sysadm user on the secondary dialer using the steps provided above. Result If you successfully performed the above steps the dialer will not ask you for a password. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 338 Access server Access server The access server provides for the following: • End user access to the Proactive Contact system components' console ports (for system shutdown and other administrative purposes) through a menu-based interface. • Secure remote access between the system and Avaya through a modem or network connection. Refer to the COMPAS document 148215 for additional information including instructions for installation and configuration of the access server hardware. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 339 Chapter 22: Optional features Multitenancy Multitenancy is an optional feature in Proactive Contact. You can continue to use Proactive Contact as the default resource group, without Multitenancy. The other new features in this release such as, Increased Dialer Support and Out of Time Zone Cellphone Support are available in both tenantised and non-tenantised environments. Using Multitenancy, you can create various tenants on the Dialer. Within these tenants, you can administer and use dialer and its functionalities so that each tenant performs actions on the dialer without hampering the work of other tenants working on the dialer. Therefore, each tenant, can work in the capacity of individual dialer while residing on the same setup. You can allocate campaigns, agents, calling lists, schedules, agent keys, and other components to the tenants. For more information on Multitenancy, see Administering Avaya Proactive Contact 5.1. Agent Blending Setting up Agent Blending Procedure 1. Determine the Agent Blending requirements corresponding to your system specifications. 2. Specify the following Agent Blending elements: • Settings • Domains 3. Configure the Agent Blending software to match the system specifications. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 340 Agent Blending Blending Intelligent Call Blending Proactive Contact uses Intelligent Call Blending (ICB) as a call blending method for call centers whose main priority is outbound dialing. ICB distributes a blend of inbound and outbound calls to Proactive Contact agents. Usually, the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) transfers inbound calls to available inbound or blend agents on Proactive Contact. When an agent is unavailable, Proactive Contact places calls in the inbound wait queue. If your system does not use an ACD, Proactive Contact transfers inbound calls to available inbound or blend agents. With ICB, blend agents handle outbound calls until there are more inbound calls than available inbound agents. ICB passes the excess inbound calls to the blend agents. When the inbound call volume decreases, Proactive Contact returns to passing outbound calls to the blend agents. Agent Blending Agent Blending integrates outbound calling activities on Proactive Contact with inbound calling activities on your ACD. In an Agent Blending system, ACD agents log in to both Proactive Contact and the ACD. Agent Blending monitors the activity on the ACD. Agent Blending uses this information to determine when to acquire agents for outbound calling and when to release ACD agents to handle inbound calls. Note: The time-out of acquire calls incase the ACD agent does not pickup the phone is approximately 25 seconds. Proactive Contact uses a pool of ACD (blend) agents for outbound calling. The system acquires the pooled agents for outbound calling when the inbound calling activity decreases. It releases these agents to inbound calling when the inbound calling activity increases. This movement keeps the ACD blend agents busy while keeping the ACD service level within your prescribed limits. Note: You can configure Proactive Contact dialer to simultaneously run Agent Blending and Intelligent Call Blending. Predictive Agent Blending If your first priority is servicing your inbound customers and your inbound volume is fairly high, you can benefit from using Predictive Agent Blending. Predictive Agent Blending focuses on the inbound mission. Predictive Blending acquires agents for outbound only when the Service Level (SL) or Average Speed to Answer (ASA) parameters are above the desired value. These agents take inbound calls until Proactive Contact predicts that there are too many agents on inbound (based on the service level requirements you set). Proactive Contact then acquires agents from the ACD to handle outbound calls until the inbound volume increases. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 341 Optional features Call centers with moderate to heavy inbound traffic and more than 25 agents in an inbound pool benefit from using Predictive Agent Blending. Predictive Agent Blending uses events from the ACD to forecast call volume and determine when to move ACD agents between inbound and outbound calling. For this movement to occur, your agents must receive internal (station-tostation) calls. Predictive Agent Blending uses events from the ACD to forecast call volume and determine when to move ACD agents between inbound and outbound calling. For this movement to occur, your agents must receive internal (station-to-station) calls. Related links Setting up Predictive Agent Blending on page 342 Setting up Predictive Agent Blending About this task Two control method options are available within Predictive Agent Blending: Average Speed to Answer (ASA) and Service Level (SL). Procedure Set up an ASA or a SL domain group that contains one or more acquire domains and at least one inbound domain. Each type requires different settings. Related links Predictive Agent Blending on page 341 Setting up Average Speed to Answer on page 342 Setting up Average Speed to Answer About this task The Average Speed to Answer (ASA) domain group type uses the target ASA field (MAAS) to calculate when to acquire and release agents. Agents are acquired for outbound calls when the ASA value for all inbound domains in the group is less than or equal to the targeted value. Agents are released when the value rises above the target value. Procedure 1. If an ASA domain group does not exist, create it. 2. For each parameter in the ASA domain group, set the appropriate value for your installation. Related links Setting up Predictive Agent Blending on page 342 ASA domain group parameter values on page 343 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 342 Agent Blending ASA domain group parameter values on page 343 ASA domain group parameter values Parameter Description Desired level (required) The average number of seconds within which agents can answer calls. Select a setting between 0 and 100 seconds. The setting represents an average calculated over the ASA interval. Average Speed to Answer The interval that Proactive Contact uses to calculate the ASA. This parameter influences how responsive the system is to fluctuations in answer delays. This parameter is a rolling interval that starts whenever you start Proactive Contact or restart Agent Blending. The minimum setting is 0.25 hours (15 minutes). For example, a setting of 1 calculates the activity during the past hour. Traffic intensity threshold (required) The percentage of agents available to take calls. Use this setting to determine how quickly Proactive Contact moves agents between inbound and outbound calls. The goal is to prevent agents from being acquired or released too frequently. Agents are available if they are not taking calls or updating records. Agent Blending tracks calling statistics and uses this information to predict future availability. To calculate the threshold, Proactive Contact divides the projected inbound call volume by the projected number of available agents. Minimum number of agents on outbound (optional) The minimum number of ACD blend agents, in this domain group, dedicated to handling outbound calls. Initial traffic rate (optional) The estimated number of calls per second. Proactive Contact uses this rate for the first 30 calls. It ensures that there are enough agents to handle the first 30 calls. Minimum talk time (optional) The estimated minimum seconds agents spend connected on each inbound call. Proactive Contact adds Talk time and After Call Work (ACW) time to determine agent availability. Agent availability is sometimes called service capacity. Minimum after call work time(optional) The estimated minimum seconds agents spend, after a call, updating records and processing information. This setting overrides Desired level. For example, no matter how low the ASA, this number of agents is always unavailable to handle inbound calls. Use this option when you must meet outbound goals more than service inbound calls. Related links Setting up Average Speed to Answer on page 342 Setting up Service Level on page 344 Setting up Average Speed to Answer on page 342 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 343 Optional features Setting up Service Level About this task The Service Level (SL) domain group uses the Service criterion (SC), Desired service level (DSL), and Abatement service level (ASL) fields to calculate when to acquire and release agents. Procedure 1. If the SL domain group does not exist, create it. 2. For each parameter in the SL domain group, set the appropriate value for your installation. • Agents are acquired for outbound calls when the percentage of inbound calls answered within the Service Criterion is greater than or equal to the DSL percentage. • Acquisitions for outbound calls stop when the actual service level reaches the ASL value. • Agents are released back to inbound calls when the service level falls below the desired value. The actual service level is calculated using all inbound domains in the group. Related links ASA domain group parameter values on page 343 SL domain group parameter values on page 344 SL domain group parameter values on page 344 SL domain group parameter values Parameter Definition Desired service level (required) The percentage of calls agents must answer within the Service criterion. Abatement service level (required) The percentage (SL) where Proactive Contact stops acquiring agents for outbound calling. Select a value greater than the Desired level and less than or equal to 100. Service criterion (required) The maximum time within which an agent must answer a call. It measure the seconds an inbound call is in the ACD queue. Service level interval(required) The interval that Proactive Contact uses to calculate the SL. This parameter influences how responsive Proactive Contact is to fluctuations in answer delays. This parameter is a rolling interval that starts whenever you start Proactive Contact or restart Agent Blending. The minimum setting is 0.25 hours (15 minutes). For example, a setting of 1 calculates the activity during the past hour. Traffic intensity threshold (required) The percentage of agents available to take calls. This setting determines how quickly Proactive Contact moves agents between inbound and outbound calls. The goal is to prevent agents from being Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 344 Agent Blending Parameter Definition acquired or released too frequently. Agents are available if they are not taking calls or updating records. Agent Blending tracks calling statistics and uses this information to predict future availability. To calculate the threshold, Proactive Contact divides the projected inbound call volume by the projected number of available agents. Minimum number of agents on outbound (optional) The minimum number of ACD blend agents, in this domain group, dedicated to handling outbound calls. This setting overrides Desired level. For example, no matter how low the ASA, this number of agents is always unavailable to handle inbound calls. Use this option to meet outbound goals more than service inbound calls. Initial traffic rate (optional) The estimated number of calls per second. Proactive Contact uses this rate for the first 20 calls. It ensures that there are enough agents to handle the first 30 calls. Minimum talk time (optional) The estimated minimum seconds agents spend connected on each inbound call. Proactive Contact adds Talk time and After Call Work Time to determine agent availability. Agent availability is sometimes called service capacity. Minimum after call work time The estimated minimum seconds agents spend, after a call, updating (optional) records and processing information. Related links Setting up Service Level on page 344 Setting up Service Level on page 344 Proactive Agent Blending If your focus is on outbound calling but you are required to service a low volume of inbound customers, use Proactive Agent Blending. Proactive Agent Blending focuses on outbound calls and releases agents to inbound only when an inbound call enters a monitored queue on the ACD. When an ACD agent logs in, Proactive Contact immediately acquires the agent for outbound calling. When an inbound call comes into the ACD queue, Proactive Contact releases the agent to handle the call. The number of queued calls before agents are released to inbound can be configured for each OB_ONLY domain group. If inbound calls continue to come in, Proactive Contact continues to release agents. As soon as the queue is empty, Proactive Contact acquires the agent for outbound calls. Outbound Agent Blending Outbound Agent Blending acquires ACD agents to handle outbound calls as soon as they log in to Proactive Contact and the ACD. Since there is no inbound domain in the OB_ONLY domain group, agents assigned to an Outbound domain are not released to handle inbound calls. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 345 Optional features Inbound calling and Agent Blending Agent Blending integrates outbound calling activities on your Proactive Contact with inbound calling activities on your ACD. ACD agents log in to Proactive Contact and the ACD. Agent Blending monitors the activity on the ACD and uses this information to determine when to acquire and release ACD agents for outbound calling. Proactive Contact uses a pool of ACD (blend) agents for outbound and inbound calling. The system acquires the pooled agents for outbound calling when the inbound calling activity decreases. It releases these agents to inbound calling when the inbound calling activity increases. This movement keeps the blend agents busy while keeping the ACD service level within your prescribed limits. Blending and ACDs Setting up Agent Blending requires coordinating settings on the ACD and on Proactive Contact. Many ACDs require special settings and have unique terminology. Work with your switch and Avaya technical support representatives to ensure system settings are compatible. Domain Use Domains Proactive Contact requires domains and domain groups for all the supported switches. Domains are the Proactive Contact name for ACD call queues that are defined on the switch and on Proactive Contact. Each domain is a member of a domain group. Agent Blending collects calling events for each domain and adds them by domain group for statistic calculation. The domain group uses these statistics to determine when to move agents between inbound and outbound calling. The domain group does not add statistics across domain groups, and it does not monitor activity in call queues that are not part of a domain group. Configure Domains The types of domains you configure depend on the ACD. The two main domain types are inbound and acquire. All Agent Blending systems must have an acquire domain. • Inbound domains determine agent availability by monitoring and analyzing the traffic. • Acquire domains acquire agents for outbound calling. In addition to inbound and acquire domains, Proactive Contact recognizes two additional domains. Some ACDs use these auxiliary domains to monitor all the calling activity in a domain group. Meridian switches without multiple queues assignment (MQA) use transient domains to temporarily hold agents that are moving between inbound and outbound. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 346 Agent Blending Related links Identifying domain groups on page 347 Assigning agents to domains on page 347 Agent Blending domain group on page 348 Identifying domain groups Procedure 1. Define each domain group using one of the following four configurations: • Outbound without inbound domain (OB_ONLY control method) • Predictive Average Speed to Answer (ASA control method) • Predictive Service Level (SL control method) • Outbound with inbound domain (Proactive Blend, OB_ONLY control method) 2. Identify which domains you want grouped. A domain group contains one or more domains. Related links Configure Domains on page 346 Agent Blending domain group on page 348 Assigning agents to domains Procedure Assign your agents to domains based on skill sets. For example, you can divide three sets: • Agents who handle only credit card customers • Agents who handle consumer loan customers • Agents with skills to handle both credit card customers and consumer loan customers Related links Configure Domains on page 346 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 347 Optional features Agent Blending domain group July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 348 Agent Blending Related links Configure Domains on page 346 Identifying domain groups on page 347 Agent logins In an Agent Blending system, an agent can handle inbound calls, inbound and outbound calls, or outbound calls. Agents who handle only inbound calls log in to the ACD. Proactive Contact monitors the inbound calling activity of the agent based on the system and ACD configuration. Agents who handle both inbound and outbound calls log in to Proactive Contact as ACD agents. These agents also log in to the ACD to receive inbound and outbound calls. Proactive Contact monitors the inbound calling activity and acquires ACD agents for outbound calling when appropriate. Agents who handle only outbound calls log in to Proactive Contact as ACD agents and the ACD to receive outbound calls. Proactive Contact acquires the agent immediately for outbound calling. Related links Agent login and call type on page 349 Agent login and call type on page 349 Agent login and call type The following table summarizes agent log ins based on the calls an agent handles and whether you want Agent Blending to monitor agents and calculate statistics based on agent calling activity. Call type Monitored by Proactive Agent Contact log Blending in ACD log in Inbound only No N/A ACD log in Inbound only Yes N/A Log in using the method to receive only inbound calls, not outbound calls, from Proactive Contact (ACD and acquire skill related). Outbound and Yes Inbound ACD agent Log in to receive ACD inbound and outbound calls from Proactive Contact. Outbound ACD agent Log in to receive outbound calls from Proactive Contact. Yes Related links Agent logins on page 349 Agent logins on page 349 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 349 Optional features Configuring Health Manager with Predictive Agent Blending About this task You must modify the .HMCfg.txt file for Health Manager to display the status on the call event processor for the particular switch. This file is located at /opt/avaya/pds/config. Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as admin. 2. Type cd /opt/avaya/pds/config and press Enter. 3. Open .HMCfg.txt file in a suitable editor and add the following information: #start = #eventName = AGENT_BLENDER #serviceName = SN_CEP_PWAY #binaryName = cep-spectrum #startCmd = $VPHOME/scripts/start_cbamain #stopCmd = kill -15 #isMidTier = N #isAutoStart = N #end 4. Save the file and exit from the editor. 5. The supported call event processors for various switch are as follows: Event Processor Switch Type cep_pway Avaya CM and the AES cep-spectrum Aspect Spectrum switch. cepaspect Aspect Contact server switch Example • For Avaya CM and AES the code will be as follows: #start = #eventName = AGENT_BLENDER #serviceName = SN_CEP_PWAY #binaryName = cep_pway #startCmd = $VPHOME/scripts/start_cbamain #stopCmd = kill -15 #isMidTier = N #isAutoStart = N #end = • For Aspect Spectrum switch the code will be as follows: #start = #eventName = AGENT_BLENDER #serviceName = SN_CEP-SPECTRUM #binaryName = cep-spectrum #startCmd = $VPHOME/scripts/start_cbamain #stopCmd = kill -15 #isMidTier = N #isAutoStart = N #end = July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 350 Enabling cell phone time zone Enabling cell phone time zone About this task Earlier, when the called party move to other time zones and keep their old numbers, Avaya Proactive Contact dialer used to dial numbers on their cell phones outside of regulatory time zone hours. This limitation was putting Avaya Proactive Contact customers out of compliance or severely reducing the calling times for Dialer customers who deploy cell phone-centric campaigns. In this release, you can support calls to mobile phones when the called party keep their original mobile phone numbers after moving to a different time zone. For this feature, you designate a field that identifies the time zone for each phone number which is migrated to different location. The dialer checks this field for each record for time zone determination. If the value is null, then it continues with the normal phone number's time zone. If it is not null, the value in the field sets the time zone for the phone number. Before you begin 1. Ensure that your raw data contains fields for alternate phone numbers such as MODZONEPHONE1 and MODZONEPHONE2. Note: The values for the MODZONEPHONES fields are <Area Code>-<Exchange number>. Examples of values are: 270-209. 2. Set the field values for the zonephone fields in the Download Dictionary tab. 3. Import the data to calling list dictionary by using the Import from Download Dictionary option. Procedure 1. Right-click on outbound calling list, which is created in pending stage, and select Calling list details option. 2. Click the Features tab. 3. Select the Cell Phone Time Zone check box. Since the dialer determines the time zone based on the area code and exchange numbers, it assigns the area code and exchange numbers of the actual location of the contact. The exchange number is not mandatory in such a case. If an area has multiple exchange numbers with different time zones, then the exchange number is needed. The area number that the customer provides for migrated cell number should be configured in locale.cfg otherwise, the dialer fails to determine the time zone information using that area code. Examples of values in the <Area Code>-<Exchange number> are 270–209. 270-209 : ZONE:1:D:Eastern Daylight. This field value indicates the time zone that the customer is in which is Eastern Daylight. 224 : ZONE:1:I:Illinois Daylight. This field value indicates that the customer is in the Illinois Daylight time zone. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 351 Optional features Configuring PG230RM for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection Before you begin Switch Generic 18.0.2 or above must be installed on PG230RM switch. To download and install the latest Switch Generic refer to CID: 144313. About this task The token CPA FIELD must be added to the outpluse rules of the PG230RM. Procedure 1. Log in to PG230RM switch as admin user. 2. Type A to select Data Base Administration Menu and press Enter. 3. On the D A T A B A S E A D M I N I S T R A T I O N M E N U screen, type D to select Outpulse Rules and press Enter. 4. In the O U T P U L S E R U L E S T A B L E screen, add a new field for the token CPA FIELD to the rule numbers 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. A sample of the OUTPLUSE RULES Table is provided below. Set the value of CPA FIELD to 4. O U T P U L S E RULE # 8 OP DTMF OP FIELD CPA FIELD TIME SUP FINAL SUP _________ RULE # 9 ___ 1 4 24 4 ___ RULE # 13 ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ RULE # 26 ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ RULE # 10 OP DTMF OP FIELD CPA FIELD TIME SUP FINAL SUP _________ ___ 1 4 30 4 ___ RULE # 14 1 4 24 1 4 ___ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ OP DTMF OP FIELD CPA FIELD TIME SUP FINAL SUP _________ 1 4 30 1 4 ___ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ ___ 1 4 36 4 ___ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ OP DTMF OP FIELD CPA FIELD TIME SUP FINAL SUP _________ RULE # 12 ___ 1 4 42 4 ___ RULE # 16 1 4 36 1 4 ___ RULE # 28 1 4 30 1 4 ___ T A B L E RULE # 11 RULE # 15 RULE # 27 1 4 24 1 4 ___ R U L E S ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ ___ 1 4 60 4 ___ RULE # 17 1 4 42 1 4 ___ RULE # 29 1 4 36 1 4 ___ OP DTMF OP FIELD CPA FIELD TIME SUP FINAL SUP _________ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ 1 4 60 1 4 ___ RULE # 30 1 4 42 1 4 ___ ISDN TX CPA FIELD TIME SUP ISDN DFLT WAIT SUP _________ 1 4 60 1 4 ___ 5. Press Enter to save the changes. 6. Press Ctrl + G to go to the main menu. 7. Press Ctrl + X to log out from PG230RM. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 352 Configuring a job for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection in Editor application Configuring a job for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection in Editor application Before you begin Switch Generic 18.0.2 or above must be installed on PG230RM switch. To download and install the latest Switch Generic refer to CID: 144313. You must configure PG230RM for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection. For details, see Configuring PG230RM for Enhanced Cell Phone Detection on page 352. Note: You must enable Enhanced Cell Phone Detection on jobs targeted for cell phones so that you can adjust the algorithm for better cellphone voicemail detection. Procedure 1. Log in to the Editor application with appropriate permissions. 2. In the Editor application, under Contact Management, click Jobs. 3. Open the job that is to be configured for Enhanced Cell Phone detection. 4. In the Job Detail pane, under Call Pacing, set the value for Cell Phone Campaign Call Progress (valid 1–4, 0 for regular campaigns). 5. Save the job. Note: When ECPA=0, it means that the “Improved ECPA for Cell phones” is not active. As you increase ECPA from 0 to 1,2,3 and then 4 the length of greeting accepted as live voice decreases. The timing becomes more restrictive to long salutations which allows shorter and shorter recorded messages to be correctly classified. The customer must be advised to use as low a setting as possible to achieve their goal. This feature must always be disabled in the UK. This is because settings 1-4 will increase the chances of false positives and risk violation of OFCOM regulations. Configuring Opt-out feature on Avaya PG230RM Before you begin • Generic 18.0.2 must be installed on PG230RM switch. To download and install the latest Switch Generic refer to CID: 144313. • Ensure that you have a spare span on a DSP2 card on PG230RM. • In order to Opt-out to VDNs, transfer trunks must be configured on PG230RM. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 353 Optional features Note: Each call that is opted out to a VDN will consume one transfer trunk until the call is disconnected. Keep sufficient transfer trunks free during an operation of Opt-out virtual campaign. There must be more than or equal number of trunks than the lines used in the virtual job. The Opt-out job will not report a lack of transfer trunks until it reaches the transfer trunk limit. About this task On Proactive Contact with Avaya PG230 Proactive Contact Gateway, the dialer is involved in the Opt-out process. The dialer can either transfer the call (both Voice and Data) to a specified Inbound/Blend job, or can transfer the call to a specified Inbound VDN which queues the call on an ACD. A separate Resource Group consisting of DTMF Receivers must be configured on the PG230RM Switch associated with the Proactive Contact dialer in order for the Opt-out feature to work. Procedure 1. Log in to the PG230RM switch as admin user. 2. Type C to select MAINTENANCE MENU and press Enter. 3. On the MAINTENANCE MENU screen, type A to select Card Maintenance and press Enter. 4. In the CARD MAINTENANCE screen, type A to select Add, press Ctrl + N and enter the R,L,S values for the spare span on a DSP2 card and then press Enter. C A R D R L S -------1 1 1 1 1 2-1 1 1 2-2 1 1 2-3 1 1 2-4 1 1 3 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-2 1 1 4-3 1 1 4-4 M A I N T E N A N C E CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- Enhanced Network Bus 15.02 A Tone Generator DSP2-41 1.01 A Call Progress DSP2-41 1.01 A Conference DSP2-41 1.01 A Tone Generator DSP2-41 1.01 A Large Port Voice Card2 1.01 A DTMF Receiver DSP2-41 1.02 A Tone Generator DSP2-41 1.02 A Call Progress DSP2-41 1.02 A Conference DSP2-41 1.02 A A)DD, D)ELETE, C)HANGE, P)ORT: A 1 1- 64: 11111111 11111111 11111111 65-128: 11111111 11111111 11111111 129-192: 11111111 11111111 11111111 193-248: R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S ---12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-4 17-1 17-2 CARD TYPE V.RV S ---------------------- ----- 96-Port Quad T1 3.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 3.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 3.00 M 96-Port Quad T1 3.00 M 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 4-Span Quad E1 PRI-120 O 1 4-1_ DTMF Receiver DSP2-41 PORTS: 192 A 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 5. Press Ctrl +A till you find DTMF Receiver DSP2 and press Enter. 6. Press Ctrl +X two times to go back to the main menu. 7. Type A to select Data Base Administration Menu and press Enter. 8. In the DATABASE ADMINISTRATION MENU screen, type B to select Resource Group Summary and press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 354 Configuring Opt-out feature on Avaya PG230RM 9. In the RESOURCE GROUP SUMMARY screen, navigate to an empty slot for name, type a name for the Resource Group, and press Ctrl + N. 10. Press Ctrl + A to select HUNT TYPE as CYCLIC and press Ctrl + N till you reach DSP and press Enter. 11. On the RESOURCE GROUP CONFIGURATION screen, type A to select Add. 12. Press Ctrl + N, type 1 as POS, type the newly added DTMF Receiver span in the R, L, S, fields, and press Enter. R E S O U R C E RESOURCE GROUP - #4 POS --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PORT NAME -------- G R O U P C O N F I G U R A T I O N NAME - dtmf LOCATION R L S - - ---1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 ADD/DELETE/CARD P --1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (A/D/C) _ POS --13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 POS ___ PORT NAME -------- LOCATION R L S - - ---1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 1 1 4-1 P --13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 R L S P _ _ ____ ___ 13. Press Ctrl + X three times to go to the main menu. 14. Type C to select Maintenance Menu and press Enter. 15. In the MAINTENANCE MENU screen, type A to select Card Maintenance menu and press Enter. 16. Type C to select Change, press Ctrl + N and enter the R, L, S of the new DTMF receiver. 17. Press Enter. 18. Type A and press Enter to activate the card. 19. Press Ctrl +X to go back to the MAINTENANCE MENU screen. 20. Type A to select Card Maintenance and press Enter. 21. Ensure that the status of the newly added DTMF receiver span shows as A. Note: • An inactive/nonexistent DTMF Receiver Card and Resource Group will cause the Opt-out feature to fail. This failure can be detected by the dialer only during runtime, and it will be logged only then. • DTMF Receivers are limited (for example, the number of DTMF receivers mentioned in the above CARD MAINTENANCE screen is 192). Every call on an Opt-out July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 355 Optional features enabled virtual campaign will consume one DTMF Receiver while it plays the voice message. It is advised to keep more number of DTMF receivers than the total number of outbound ports in Opt-out enabled virtual campaigns. Result The DTMF Receiver span will be added in the Resource Group that you created. Configuring Opt-out feature on Communication Manager Before you begin • The Avaya Call Center Deluxe package or Avaya Call Center Elite package must be installed on Communication Manager in order to collect digits. The collect digits command is also available with the Automated Attendant RTU. • At least one TN744 Call Classifier circuit pack or TN2182 Tone Clock circuit pack must be in the system unless the command is used only to collect digits returned by a VRU or sent by the network and never to collect digits from a caller. For more details, refer to Communication Manager documentation on the Avaya Support Site. Configure the following on Communication Manager for Opt-out feature to w 1. Vector Directory Number (VDN) for Opt-out feature. 2. Announcement for Virtual Campaign. 3. Vector Routing Table describing pattern for Digit Collection. 4. Skill to which Opt-out call will be queued. About this task Create a VDN with a Vector that must do the following: Procedure 1. Play the announcement (voice message) intended for the virtual campaign. 2. Collect digits during/after the voice message. 3. Look for a specific digit in the digits collected. 4. If it is present, queue the call to a particular skill on an ACD. 5. Otherwise, just hang up the call. Example 01 02 03 04 05 collect goto step stop queue-to stop 5 4 digits after announcement 3000 if digits in skill 13 for none table 2 pri h In the above example: 1. 3000 is the announcement number. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 356 Configuring PG230 for Autorelease to Ready Mode for Voicemail 2. 5 is the number of digits to be collected during/after the voice message. 3. table 2 is a Vector Routing table of the following type. VECTOR ROUTING TABLE Number: 2 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Name: Alok_VRT Sort? n 9+ ?9+ ??9+ ???9+ +9 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: The entries in the tables are essentially patterns that detect if “9” is one of the 5 digits collected. The “?” wildcard represents a single digit. On the other hand, the “+” wildcard represents any number of digits at the beginning/end of the collected digits. Note: The “Prompting Timeout” field on page 11 of the Feature-Related System Parameters on the Communication Manager represents the digit collection timeout on the Communication Manager. The minimum value for the timeout is 4 seconds and the maximum is 10 seconds. This timeout determines the amount of time the Communication Manager will wait before responding to a digit press. display system-parameters features FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM CALL CENTER SYSTEM PARAMETERS EAS Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Enabled? Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length: Direct Agent Announcement Extension: Message Waiting Lamp Indicates Status For: VECTORING Converse First Data Delay: Converse Signaling Tone (msec): Prompting Timeout (secs): Interflow-qpos EWT Threshold: Reverse Star/Pound Digit For Collect Step? Available Agent Adjustments for BSR? BSR Tie Strategy: Store VDN Name in Station's Local Call Log? SERVICE OBSERVING Service Observing: Warning Tone? Service Observing Allowed with Exclusion? Allow Two Observers in Same Call? PARAMETERS Page 11 of 19 y station Delay: 0 Second Data Delay: 2 100 Pause (msec): 70 4 2 n n 1st-found n y n N or Conference Tone? n Configuring PG230 for Autorelease to Ready Mode for Voicemail Procedure 1. Log in to the PG230RM switch as an admin user. 2. Type A to select Data Base Administration Menu. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 357 Optional features 3. Press Enter. 4. On the Data Base Administration Menu screen, type H to select Answer Supervision Templates. 5. Press Enter. 6. Update the Answer Supervision Template 5 as per the following screenshot: Optional features configuration Unit Work List job compatibility with infinite lists About this task Proactive Contact adds the ability to Unit Work List Jobs to run using an Infinite List. This allows users to feed records into Unit Work List Jobs in near real-time. The Unit Work List Job processing then places new calls based on priority and routes them to agents who have joined the Unit ID associated with those records. This enables new high priority records to be called before other records and to have them handled by agents based on the specific skills of the agents. Configuring Unit Work List job with Infinite lists: Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Goto /opt/avaya/pds/etc directory. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 358 Optional features configuration 3. Open master.cfg file in an editor such as vi editor. 4. Change the value of the parameter INFINITE_SUPPORT_UWL: to YES to enable Infinite lists support for Unit Work List. 5. Change the value of the parameter MAX_EXPANSION_UNIT: to an appropriate value. The MAX_EXPANSION_UNIT: parameter is associated with UWL with infinite job (INFINITE_SUPPORT_UWL:YES). If first, the call selection run at the start of infinite job, creates "n" number of units for log in of agents. Setting this value to 10 allows a space to have 10 additional units which can be added as part of the additional download and call selection in the lifetime of infinite job. Note: The default value for this parameter is 10. The minimum value that this field can have is 0 (zero), and maximum is 50. 6. Save and exit from the application. Example In master.cfg, the value for MAX_EXPANSION_UNIT is set to “5”. If the call selection at start of the infinite job creates number of units equal to 10, then subsequent download and call selection can create maximum 5 additional units for login of agents. If subsequent downloads create units which are more than the MAX_EXPANSION_UNIT then, those extra records will not be added to the job for calling. Configuring agent playable messages About this task An agent can play a message to a customer at the end of the call. This action has a specific release code. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/voicemsg.cfg and configure the pf_msg_* with the extension of the announcement port with the desired message. 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/ and add the command and telephony script label. Example This example shows both which lines to edit in the /opt/avaya/pds/config/voicemsg.cfg file and the /opt/avaya/pds/config/ file. In the voicemsg.cfg file edit the lines in this font below: 1:fwait1:1001:Female:Folder1:Voice:Message1 2:fwait2:1002:Female:Folder1:Voice:Message2 3:fwait3:1003:Female:Folder1:Voice:Message3 4:fwait4:1004:Female:Folder1:Voice:Message4 5:infwait1:1005:Female:Folder2:Voice:Message5 6:infwait2:1006:Female:Folder2:Voice:Message6 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 359 Optional features 7:infwait3:1007:Female:Folder2:Voice:Message7 8:infwait4:1008:Female:Folder2:Voice:Message8 9:mwait1:1009:Male:Folder1:Voice:Message9 10:mwait2:1010:Male:Folder1:Voice:Message10 11:mwait3:1011:Male:Folder1:Voice:Message11 12:mwait4:1012:Male:Folder1:Voice:Message12 13:inmwait1:1013:Male:Folder2:Voice:Message13 14:inmwait2:1014:Male:Folder2:Voice:Message14 15:inmwait3:1015:Male:Folder2:Voice:Message15 16:inmwait4:1016:Male:Folder2:Voice:Message16 17:fvirt1:1017:Female:Folder3:Voice:Message17 18:mvirt1:1018:Female:Folder3:Voice:Message18 19:pf_msg_1:1019::Folder4:Music:Message19 20:pf_msg_2:1020::Folder4:Music:Message20 21:pf_msg_3:1021:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message21 22:pf_msg_4:1022:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message22 23:pf_msg_5:1023:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message23 24:pf_msg_6:1024:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message24 25:pf_msg_7:1025:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message25 26:pf_msg_8:1026:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message26 250:greeting:1027:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message27 251:inbound:1028:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message28 252:outbound:1029:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message29 253:notLoggedIn:1030:Female:Folder4:Voice:Message30 In the file, add a line similar to this: KEY:^AE^M:RELEASE:pf_msg_1:20:F6 Play pre-recorded msg Testing Infinite Jobs To configure infinite job: Procedure 1. Run the record selection for infinite job from the menu or from the command line: callsel -l list1 -s inf_listname -w -x -p. Note that the record selection name and job name must agree with EXECPROG entry in app_listname.prep. 2. If do not already have a file for appending, create a 10 to 100 record calling list to be appended to the original list: dd if=? of=? bs=160 count=10 (input file is the correct rawfile for that list, output file name must match rawfile name being called in the .conf file found in app_listname.dnld). These new records must not be duplicates (if checking for duplicates takes place). 3. Start the infinity job via menu or command line: config_ed outbound infinity. 4. Append the new records via the File Transfer Menu option for Download records for Infinite Job, or from the command line: hosttopds app_list1. 5. Verify that records are added to the job by watching jobmon. 6. Log in as an outbound agent to the infinity job, verifying that calls are being placed. 7. You can append and verify that an additional set of records have been added to the running infinite job. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 360 Optional features configuration 8. Verify that the infinite job did not shutdown on its own. It must be shutdown manually. Configuring agent session timeout About this task Agent Session Timeout automatically logs off an agent after a specified time of inactivity. The system detects how long an agent has been inactive on the system, then displays a warning message that the agent will be automatically logged off the system if remains still inactive. After the specified number of minutes past the warning, the agent is logged off the system. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/log_file. In the Security section add Agent Session Timeout. This will help when upgrading versions, cloning the system and technical support. 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/master.cfg. The OPINACTIMEOUT value is already set to 30,5. The OPINACTIMEOUT value is already set to 30,5. The first value, 30, is the number of minutes before the system displays the message to the agent about being logged off if inactive. The second value, 5, is the number of additional minutes before the agent is logged off. Note: To disable this feature, change the value to 0,0. 3. Test the Agent Session Timeout: a. Login as an agent and time how long before the warning is displayed. b. After viewing the warning, time how long before you are logged off of the system. c. Make any adjustments in these time intervals using step 2. Configuring ANI outpulse About this task Outpulse ANI provides the ability to send the calling party ID to the agent. • The supervisor can choose one number to pulse out on all campaigns • The supervisor can change the number on a per campaign basis, through the Job Run Verification screen. Procedure 1. Identify the following information during system specification: • If you want the same number outpulsed on all jobs, specify the number. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 361 Optional features • If the you want the option to change the ANI on a per job basis, you can set up a default ANI number for the .edt files or just leave the default blank so the supervisors can define it at job startup. 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/log_file. In the Features section add Outpulse ANI. This will help when upgrading versions, cloning the system and technical support. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/*.edt. This file contains the default ANI to be outpulsed and the toggle for it to be editable through the Job Verification screen or not. 4. For systems which will use the same ANI on all jobs and who anticipate the ANI digits to remain constant, modify the *.edt files as follows: • For systems which will use the same ANI on all jobs and who anticipate the ANI digits to remain constant, modify the *.edt files as follows: ANI:Calling party number (ANI):<phone_num>:NO:TEXTBOX:NO:BASIC:1:15: • For systems which will require editing or viewing the ANI digits, modify the .edt files as follows: ANI:Calling party number (ANI):<phone_num>:YES:TEXTBOX:NO:BASIC:1:15: Next steps This feature must be tested on a live system during the Installation process. Configuring the default ANI number for the .edt files in case of a softdialer Before you begin Enable the SA 8481 special application in ACM to enable this feature. About this task Follow the following procedures to configure the default ANI number for the .edt files: Procedure 1. For systems which use the same ANI on all jobs and who anticipate the ANI digits to remain constant, modify the vi outbound.edt and blend.edt file as follows: • ANI:Calling party number (ANI):8005136841:NO:TEXTBOX:NO:BASIC:1:15: 2. For systems which require editing or viewing the ANI digits, modify the vi outbound.edt and blend.edt file as follows: • ANI:Calling party number (ANI):8005136841:YES:TEXTBOX:NO:BASIC:1:15: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 362 Optional features configuration Next steps Note: In the Editor application, if you want to set a job specific ANI, then set the value for ANI parameter in the Job. If you want to set record specific ANI, then select the parameter which are only numeric. Characters are not displayed. Configuring the callsel report About this task A special Callsel (call selection) report allows the user to see specific field values for all records selected included in the call selection standard report, as well as the output of cseldump against the corresponding .inx file. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/etc/log_file. 2. In the Features section add Special Callsel Report. This will help when upgrading versions, cloning the system, and technical support. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/menus/*.cmd. 4. For all menu options that execute callsel, add the -R option and change the -p option to -P as follows: Change: F2:%callsel:YES::YES:Create a record selection:-l:list1:-s:Selection File Name ,$pn:Report Description,-v$pn:-p By adding the text in this font below: F2:%callsel:YES::YES:Create a record selection:-l:list1:-s:Selection File Name ,$pn:Report Description,-v$pn:-R:-P Next steps Run the report. Cruise Control configuration Cruise Control is a call-pacing algorithm that enables outbound-only jobs (can be an outbound job in agent blending environment) to place calls with pre-configured service level that are guaranteed to be met. You can also use Cruise Control to maintain compliance with the UK OFCOM laws. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 363 Optional features Note: Cruise Control and the traditional call pacing algorithm (Expert Calling Ratio) are exclusive to each other. Related links Configuring job files for Cruise Control on page 364 Configuring OFCOM with Cruise Control on page 365 Configuring job files for Cruise Control Procedure 1. Edit job files, /opt/avaya/pds/job/*.job, and make the following changes: Parameter Setting CPMETHOD C for Cuise ControlE for Expert Calling Ratio CONNTOLE 1 (secs) is the connection tolerance used to specify how long a call in the queue is considered in good (serviced) call. Note: If the queued time is longer than CONNTOLE seconds, then it’s a bad (nuissance) call. SERVICELEVEL % from 70 - 99.9 2. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/master.cfgand make the following changes: Parameter Setting CCFLOOR 0.9 (calls) Determines how many calls to dial for each idle agent. There won't be any calls to dial for an idle agent during the beginning {startup} of outbound jobs. CCFALLBACK YES Since cruise control does not dial calls at all even though there can be idle agents {which can happen at the beginning of outbound jobs}, this parameter forces the algorithm to place a call for each idle agent. CCSTAT YES Jobs write statistics to a cruise control statistics file, /tmp/ jobname.ccs, that is used for troubleshooting. Use the ccsl tool to display the contents of the *.ccs files. Related links Cruise Control configuration on page 363 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 364 Optional features configuration Configuring OFCOM with Cruise Control Before you begin Install the OFCOM patch before you attempt this configuration. Procedure 1. Ensure the following parameters are set in the /opt/avaya/pds/job/*.job files (for outbound and blend jobs): Parameter Value Description OFCOM YES On/off toggle RUNOFCOM OUT_wait1_f_ofcom Subroutine defined in telephny.spt which defines how to handle calls when they expire after 2 seconds waiting in queue. A typical Out_wait1_f_ofcom definition is: rem ***** play message for ofcom call ****** deliver 1 let CODE CONNEXPIRE return . CONNTOLE 0 Call waiting expiration time The call waiting script OUT_wait1_f_ofcom must be referenced in all OFCOM jobs. It is referenced in the *.job file, not in telephny.spt. When the script OUT_wait1_f_ofcom gets executed, the 2 seconds have expired already. What the script OUT_wait1_f_ofcom tries to do here is play the voice msg 1 to the customer and let the completion code be CONNEXPIRE which is what is defined in compcode.cfg for the ofcom feature. You can change the voice message to fit your needs. 2. Navigate to the /opt/avaya/pds/config/compcode.cfg file. A unique completion code is needed to indicate OFCOM call results. The default code is 96 and its appearance in compcode.cfg is listed below: 96:CONNEXPIRE:OP:YES:NO:NO:YES:NO:NO:CONNEXPIRE:connect to agent expired:OP: If you already use code 96, then use any unused code Note: The call abandoned flag (7th field) has been turned on with a value of YES in the above. If it is desired to view an OFCOM call as an abandoned call in the reports, then the corresponding changes must be made in Analyst. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/lists/*.fdict. 4. Three additional fields are needed to save the DATE, TIME, and CODE for the abandoned OFCOM calls so that they will not be called again in the next 72 hours except on managed jobs through record selection process. Add the following three new fields to all the *.fdict files. : July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 365 Optional features Parameter Value Description ABDNDTE 10:D Abandoned system date ABDNTME 8:T Abandoned system time ABDNCODE 3:C Abandoned completion code. The field length is 3, not 2 as it was in PDS 12.0 systems. 5. Rebuild the existing calling lists with the new *.fdict as shown below. In the following example, list1 is the calling list, and list1.fdict is the dictionary file name for list1. cp list1 list1.orig ext_list list1 list1_new list1 cp list1_new list1 The syntax for ext_list is: Syntax: ext_list (calling list) (new calling list) (new file dict.) [options] The options are: • -f first_rec • -l last_rec (0 to create empty list) • -i interactive 6. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/scripts/alljobs.dat. 7. Configure outpostgene with three assignments for the fields ABDNCODE, ABDNDTE and ABDNTME when a call is marked as 96. For example:. outpostgene increment COUNTER test CODE = 93 copy test CODE = 96 copy test CODE = 96 copy test CODE = 96 copy end CODE SVJCODE CODE ABDNCODE DTE ABDNDTE TME ABDNTME When a call is coded as 96 (CONNEXPIRE), the date, time, and code of the call must be saved in the three new fields so that the same record can not be called again in the next 72 hours except by managed jobs. 8. Make changes to the latelst/latemrk configuration to carry forward values of the new fields ABDNCODE, ABDNDTE and ABDNTME. a. For latelst/latemrk, change the list1.prep file to include the following parameter or something similar to it as long as it includes code 96. LATELIST: 02,03,05,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 ,34,35,36,37,38,39,40, 47,48,96,98 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 366 Optional features configuration b. For latelst/latemrk, change the latelist1.fdict file to include the fields for which data will be brought forward to the new calling list. ABDNDTE:10:D:Abandoned System Date: ABDNTME:8:T:Abandoned System Time: ABDNCODE:3:C:Abandoned Completion Code: c. For Infinite Job, change the app_list1.prep file to include the LATELIST parameter. For example: LATELIST:02,03,05,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,47,48,96,98 9. Example A sample record selection criteria to screen out the OFCOM calls in the next 72 hours is displayed below. It is a sample and does not include the real business selection criteria. In this example, the record selection criteria selects the records with a ABDNCODE not equal to 96, or ABDNCODE is 96 but its ABDNDTE is older than three days. For example, if the selection file is ofcom.S, then its content is: DISPLAY:YES IGNORETZ:NO SELECTTYPE: LIST:redlab06-list1 TZONE:* RCODE:NOTCALLED,BUSY,AUTOVOICE,NOANSWER,HANG_OUT SELECT:ABDNCODE:~ 96:O:1 SELECT:ABDNCODE: 96:A:2 SELECT:ABDNDTE:<$TODAY-3:O:2 UNITFIELD: STGYFILE:phone1 Related links Cruise Control configuration on page 363 2016 OFCOM implementation Supervisor The existing Abandon Call Rate (ACR) formula is modified to reflect in existing OFCOM reports in both Monitor and Analyst application. The completion codes can be configured to allow the Agents to mark a false negative call. The number of false negative calls are excluded from the ACR formula. Also, the phone numbers associated with these calls are restricted for 24 hours as they were marked as answering machine by Agents. OFCOM reports are also modified to display the Short calls. If a call to one of the number in a record is abandoned, this enhancement also restricts all the numbers associated in that record for 72 hours. Changes in Editor Following are the two new parameters introduced in the Editor in the job module: • Completion codes excluded from Abandon rate - User can select the completion codes to be excluded from ACR calculation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 367 Optional features • Short call Timer – If Agent talk time is less than the value specified, then that call is considered as a Short call. Note: To enable or modify ACR exclude codes in an OFCOM job, create a new job instead of adding the codes to an existing job. Creating a new job ensures that the ACR Excl Count and Abandon Rate columns in the summarized monthly OFCOM reports display correct information. Changes in Monitor Following are the two new columns added: • New column Calls Excluded from ACR is introduced in JobCompletionCode view. Calls Excluded from ACR column displays the number of calls marked as false negative by the agents and these calls are excluded from the abandon call rate formula. • New column Short Calls Count is added in JobQuality view which displays short call count. Changes in Analyst Following are the two new columns added in all OFCOM reports: • ACR Excl Code Count - Displays the number of calls marked as false negative by the agents and these calls are excluded from the abandon call rate formula. • Short calls count – Displays the Short call count. Dialer and Database The abandon call rate formula is modified to reflect in existing OFCOM reports in both Monitor and Analyst application. The completion codes can be configured to allow the Agents to mark a false negative call. The number of false negative calls are excluded from the abandon call rate formula. Also, the phone numbers associated with these calls are restricted for 24 hours as they were marked as answering machine by Agents. OFCOM reports are also modified to display the Short calls. If a call to one of the number in a record is abandoned, this enhancement also restricts all the numbers associated in that record for 72 hours in either job, dialer, or tenant. Configuring international dialing and time zones About this task International dialing allows the system to call phone numbers outside of the local country to any foreign country. Specify whether or not to view all the available time zones when setting up call selections. Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/phonefmt.cfg. This file defines the data format in the calling list PHONE# fields. 2. If phone numbers are not presented in the standard format, convert them using the CL_TO_STDFMT entry. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 368 Optional features configuration 3. The STD_TO_DIALFMT entry must be configured for each country to be called as follows: STD_TO_DIALFMT:<country_code>:<line_type>:<strip>:<prefix>:<suffix>:<description> 4. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/stdday.cfg. 5. Set corresponding standard to daylight savings time changes for all entries as follows: <zone_def>:<description>: (<dlt_mon,dlt_days>:<dlt_time_diff>:<std_mon,std_days>:<std_time_diff>) 6. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/timezone.cfg. 7. Set the appropriate time zones parameters for the international calling needs. 8. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/locale.cfg and make an entry for STDFMTLEN for each foreign country to be dialed as follows: STDFMTLEN:<country_code>:<international dialing?>:<length of domestic number> 9. Also in /opt/avaya/pds/config/locale.cfg, entries need to be made for the various time zones within the foreign county as follows: ZONE:<country_code>:<zone_code>:<zone_description> AREA_NUMBER:<areacode1,areacode2,…>(:<prefix1,prefix2,…>) Note: Make entries for reject numbers in the domestic format. For example, >REJECT:61:000*:Australia Emergency Numbers rather than REJECT:61:901161000*:Australian Emergency Numbers 10. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/xfer/public/public/<rawfile>. 11. Add international numbers in the PHONE# fields, use the following format: <country code><country_code_separator><domestic_number> Next steps Test this feature by running a download process then running sample jobs. Related links International dialing and time zones parameters on page 369 International dialing and time zones parameters Each section details the parameters in one specific file. phonefmt.cfg The parameters for the CL_TO_STDFMT entry are: Parameter Setting country_code Numeric code to use to dial the foreign country from the local country (for example, 61 for Australia). Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 369 Optional features Parameter Setting line_type ALLTYPES strip Number of digits to strip from the phone number prior to dialing. prefix String of digits to dial prior to the number. For example, 9011 to dial out of the PBX, then 011 for an internal call. suffix Digits following the number (for example, the long distance access code). description Identifies the type of call (for example, International dialing to Australia). stdday.cfg The parameters for setting standard to daylight savings time are: Parameter Setting zone_def Linux time zone definition for the time zone (for example, CST-9:30CDT for South Australia). description Time zone description. dlt_mon,dlt days Specific dates within which to change the Daylight time (for example, 10,1-7 for South Australia indicates the change must be made on the Sunday which falls between the first and seventh of October). dlt_time_diff Number of hours to offset the Greenwich Mean Time value specified (for example, 0 for South Australia). std_mon,std_days Specific dates within which to change to Standard time (for example, 3,25-31 for South Australia indicates the change must be made on the Sunday which falls between the twenty-fifth and thirty-first of March). std_time_diff Number of hours to offset the Greenwich Mean Time value specified (for example 1 for South Australia). locale.cfg The parameters for the STDFMTLEN entry are: Parameter Setting country_code Numeric code used to dial the foreign country (for example, 61 for Australia). international dialing 1 - International dialing 0 - not international dialing length of domestic number Single digit or range to indicate the length of the number as it appears in the calling list (for example, 12-15 for Australia, 0852134567 appears in the calling list as 61#0852134567, a total of 12 digits not including the separator. The parameters for time zones within foreign countries are: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 370 Optional features configuration Parameter Setting country_code Numeric code to use to dial the foreign country (for example, 61 for South Australia). zone_code Single letter used to define the time zone (for example, f for South Australia). zone_description Name of the time zone. areacode1, areacode2,... Comma delimited list of area codes within that time zone. prefix1,prefix2,... Further defined list of prefixes within the time zone in the event that a single area code is divided between two time zones. If there is only time zone in a foreign country, the use the default ALL following the AREA_NUMBER entry. <rawfile> The parameters for the PHONE# fields are: Parameter Setting <country_code> Numeric code used to dial the foreign country (for example, 61 for South Australia). <country_code_separat or) Symbol used to separate the country code from the domestic number as entered in the COUNTRY_SEP parameter in master.cfg (for example, #). <domestic_number> Number as it would be dialed in the foreign counry (for example, 0852134567 in Australia). Related links Configuring international dialing and time zones on page 368 Configuring letter generation About this task The Letter Generator feature allows you to create a PC Analysis Extract that includes file headers needed by word processing programs to perform a mail merge. Tip: When the system creates the Letter Generation extract, it creates a .prn file and a .txt file. These files include a header that shows the field names for the data displayed. The configuration file defines the delimiter, so be sure this delimiter works with word processing software. Users transfer the text file to the Proactive Contact and use the word processing software of their choice. This feature is a standard feature, however you can configure some of the details of how the feature works. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 371 Optional features Procedure Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/menus/extract.cmd and ensure it contains the menu selection to Execute a Letter Generation extractas shown below: F5:form_letter:YES:YES::Execute a Letter Generation extract:$fn Next steps This feature must be tested on a live site during the Installation process. Configuring managed dialing About this task A managed job is an outbound job that allows agents to preview a record before the system dials the number. Managed jobs can also be configured to give agents the option to cancel a call. Specify the following information during system specification: • The CANCEL and DIAL keys need to be specified in the ag_cmd*.ky files. • Any Managed Dialing specific codes (Ex. MANBUSY) • Keys for codes 89 and 90, the Managed Dial non-connect Procedure 1. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/config/ag_cmd*.ky and configure the keys in the following table using this syntax: <comseq>:<command>:[<sptlbl>]:[<arguments>]:<desc>: Key Setting CANCEL call_complete:35:F2 Managed Cancel Call Key to cancel call during record preview time before the system dials the call DIAL :::CF1 Managed dial ahead Key to dial before the preview limit expires RELEASE Must contain managed release keys (suggested codes 89 and 90). These would be used in the case of busy numbers, wrong numbers, or various other non-connect issues that the system handles without agent interaction. These keys are, however, not required for the feature to function properly. 2. Ensure that /opt/avaya/pds/scripts/telephny.tbl contains the names of the usable labels in telephny.spt. 3. Navigate to /opt/avaya/pds/job/managed.job and set the keywords in the following table, using this syntax for the managed job: <keyword>:[<value>]: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 372 Optional features configuration Keyword Value MINHITRATE 100 Minimum hit rate as a percent must be set to 100. Since the agents are previewing one record at a time, the hit rate must be set to 100. This forces the system to dial only one number per agent. PVCANCEL YES Allow agents to cancel calls-if set to YES, an agent can choose not to call the previewed record and the record is coded appropriately. If set to NO, the agent cannot cancel the call and an attempt will be made when the preview limit is reached. PVDIAL YES If set to YES, allow agents to dial record before preview limit time is reached. If set to NO, agents will have to wait until preview limit is reached before system will dial. PVEMPTYREC NO Display empty record at preview. PVIGNOREDEL NO Allow dialing from deleted record. PVKEYFLD Key field for LIS record search PVLENGTH 60 Preview limit for each call. The range is 0 to 999 seconds. If the Preview Limit is set to 0, the agents have unlimited time to preview the record, otherwise the system will automatically dial the record when the Preview Limit has been reached, or when the Managed Dial-ahead key/button is used. PVSEARCHTYPE NONE Method for record search at preview. RUNCALL preview_call Indicates the label, as text, in the calling script, telephny.spt, to use to start processing outbound calls. Start script label selection must be a managed dialing script, such as preview_call. The managed dialing script tells the system to first pass the record to the agent for preview. Related links Testing managed dialing on page 373 Testing managed dialing Procedure 1. Configure and start a Managed job. 2. Log into the job as a Managed Agent-Agent Type = m. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 373 Optional features 3. Verify, if Preview Limit is not 0, that you are allowed to preview a record before a call is made. 4. Allow the Preview Limit to be reached and confirm that an attempt to call the record is made. If connected, release the line and record. 5. Preview another record. You can cancel the call attempt using the Managed Call Cancel key or button. If connected, release the line and record. 6. Preview another record. You can cancel the call attempt using the Managed Dial-ahead key or button. If connected, release the line and record. 7. Confirm that the appropriate completion codes are used in conjunction with all managed releases. Related links Configuring managed dialing on page 372 Configuring Predictive Agent Blend Before you begin About this task You must first collect all the information listed in the Worksheet - Installing Predictive Agent Blend on page 375 Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as admin user. 2. Verify whether the dialer processes are stopped by running the following commands: check_pds check_mts check_db If the dialer process are running, then run the following commands to stop the dialer processes: stop_pds stop_mts stop_db 3. Switch to sroot user. 4. Type menu install and press Enter. 5. In the INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION screen, type 2 to select Value added products and press Enter. 6. In the VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS screen, type 2 to select Install Predictive Agent Blend and press Enter. 7. Follow the on-screen instructions. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 374 Optional features configuration Related links Worksheet - Installing Predictive Agent Blend on page 375 Worksheet - Installing Predictive Agent Blend Before installing Predictive Agent Blend, collect the details for the information provided in the table. Requirement/component/machine name Value/requirement Notes IP Address of Application Enablement Services (AES) CTI password AES LINK value AES administrator user login and password Number of users that can be acquired for outbound calling List of ACD Extensions to be configured Related links Configuring Predictive Agent Blend on page 374 Configuring FCC amendment About FCC amendment The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating inter-state and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. The jurisdiction of FCC covers 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions. Under FCC, the additions to the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) include additional restrictions to outbound calling campaigns to enhance called party rights to privacy while allowing contact. The latest amendments to FCC 12-21 rules for telemarketing are summarized as follows: • Telemarketers are required to transmit Caller ID information and should not block their numbers • Each telemarketing robocall must include an automated method for the called party to opt out of the call immediately by pressing a few keys on their phone. Then, the telemarketer must immediately disconnect the call and add the phone number to their Do Not Call List. • The prerecorded telephone message played by the robocall must clearly state: - The identity of the business, individual, or other entity initiating the call at the beginning of the message. - The telephone number or address of such calling business, other entity or individual during or after the message July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 375 Optional features • Nuisance calls, which are the calls for which no voice is heard when answered, must be limited. A call is deemed FCC nuisance call if the call is not transferred to a live sales agent within two seconds of the recipient answering the call. During a 30-day period, a telemarketer can have FCC nuisance calls for no more than three percent of calls answered by a person per campaign. These rules do not apply to informational robocalls, such as airline flight updates, school notifications, or warnings about fraudulent activity in bank accounts or credit cards. Do not call feature in Proactive Contact 5.1 release Currently, in Proactive Contact 5.1 systems, in case of a live call, you can use the Do Not Call (DNC) feature to allow agents to mark the called party record as DNC and mark all the matching records with the same unique called party identifier in other selected calling lists as DNC. Integration of FCC 12-21 amendment with Proactive Contact The FCC 12-21 amendment is applicable to all predictive outbound and blend jobs in telemarketing campaigns. Note: This amendment is not applicable for inbound jobs. In Proactive Contact, this feature is available in both Proactive Contact with CTI and Proactive Contact with PG230 deployments. Proactive Contact releases supporting FCC 12-21 amendment Avaya Inc. has implemented the FCC 12-21 amendment for both Proactive Contact release 5.1. This document provides information on the implementation of the FCC 12-21 amendment for Proactive Contact release5.1. Integration of the FCC 12-21 amendment for virtual calls In case of virtual job, as a pre-recorded message plays to the called party, Proactive Contact provides a DNC opt-out option to the called party for automatic indication to mark the record as DNC. The DNC opt-out option is available throughout the duration of the call. To implement the FCC 12-21 amendment for a virtual call, you can configure a message that can be a combination of the following: • DNC opt-out message that provides instructions to the called party on how to add their record to the DNC list. • General opt-out message that provides instructions to the called party on how to opt out from voice message and connect to an agent. Note: This option is applicable only to the Proactive Contact 5.1 release. • Virtual message for business purpose. Integration of the FCC 12-21 amendment for live outbound calls In case of outbound live call on Proactive Contact with PG230RM, if a welcome message is played to the called party before connecting to the agent, the system provides the DNC opt-out option to the called party throughout the duration of the welcome message. After the welcome July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 376 Optional features configuration message, the call must be connected to a live agent within two seconds. The two second timer begins after the ending of the welcome message. If the system is not able to find an available agent, then the call is put in the wait queue. While the call is in wait queue, if the system finds an available agent at any point of time, the call is connected to the agent. If the system cannot find an agent to attend to the call within two seconds of the end of welcome message, the system marks the call as an FCC nuisance call. However, the called party continues to be in the wait queue until: • The call is connected to a live agent. • The called party chooses DNC opt-out. • The called party terminates the call. • The system terminates the call. After the system connects the called party to the agent, then the automated DNC opt-out mechanism becomes unavailable. However, the called party can still request the agent to mark the record as DNC. Note: After the system connects the called party to the agent, then the automated DNC opt-out mechanism becomes unavailable. However, the called party can still request the agent to mark the record as DNC. In case of Proactive Contact with CTI, in an outbound job, if an agent cannot be found within the FCC timer duration of the called party answering the call, then the call is terminated with code 48, which indicates that the dialer could not find an agent for the outbound call. However, if the called party presses the DNC opt-out digit, then the call is marked as code 97, which is the DNC opt-out completion code. Implementation of the FCC 12-21 amendment in Proactive Contact 5.1 In case of virtual jobs on Proactive Contact 5.1 release, the called party now has two options: • The called party can opt-out of the virtual call and connect to a live agent by pressing a predesignated digit. After the call is connected to an agent, the option of DNC opt-out by pressing the pre-designated digit is not available. • The called party can opt-out of the virtual call and mark the record as DNC in the system by pressing a different pre-designated digit. In this case, the system marks the record as DNC instead of transferring the call to a live agent. The record is marked as DNC in all the calling lists belonging to the DNC group for that campaign. Note: The DNC opt-out digit must be different from the opt-out to agent digit configured in the virtual job. On the Editor application, the system validates that the opt-out to agent option and opt-out to DNC option do not use the same digit. In case of outbound jobs on Proactive Contact 5.1 release, the called party can choose DNC optout only during the welcome and wait queue messages. On connecting to the agent, the called party can request the agent to mark their record as DNC. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 377 Optional features Note: You must not select the Run job with FCC check box in Editor for managed jobs as the FCC feature is not required in the managed jobs. If you select the Run job with FCC check box for a managed job, the FCC nuisance rate report might display incorrect data. FCC 12-21 implementation in Proactive Contact with PG230 and Proactive Contact with CTI The FCC 12-21 amendment works differently for Proactive Contact with PG230 and Proactive Contact with CTI setup. Proactive Contact with PG230: If you have enabled the DNC opt-out feature using the Editor application, then the PG230 collects the pre-defined digits while playing the virtual message. The PG230 collects the digits during the welcome message and waitqueue message in the outbound jobs. After the called party initiates the DNC opt-out procedure by pressing the predefined digit during the call. • Dialer fetches the digits from PG230 and compares with the Do not call digit. • And if the digit is validated, then: - Dialer marks that record as DNC in the calling list. - Dialer plays the confirmation message for DNC opt-out, if it is configured in the Editor application. - Dialer terminates the call. Proactive Contact with CTI: In case of Proactive Contact with CTI, you must configure the Do not call feature in the Avaya Aura ® Communication Manager. In Communication Manager, you must set up two VDNs with two different vectors. When the called party initiates DNC opt-out by pressing the pre-defined digit during the virtual call, then: • The first VDN redirects the call to the second VDN. Proactive Contact monitors the second VDN. • As soon as the call reaches the second VDN, Proactive Contact registers that record in the DNC list. • Dialer terminates the call. In case of outbound job on Proactive Contact with CTI, if the called party opts for DNC during the welcome message, while the data for the call is displayed on the agent screen, then the system performs the following: • The call is processed for DNC and the customer is disconnected. • The Release Line dialogue box is displayed on the agent screen. The agent can select a desired completion code and release the call. • However, the dialer overrides the code selected by the agent and marks the call as DNC OptOut by automatically assigning completion code 97 to the call. In case of a virtual job on Proactive Contact with CTI, if the called party is detected as an answering machine, then the system does not collect the DNC opt-out or opt-out to agent digits. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 378 Optional features configuration Also, if the called party presses the DNC opt-out and opt-out to agent digits within 5 seconds of each other, then the system acknowledges the digit that was last pressed. Note: established after the welcome message completes. Therefore, you must instruct the agents to not release the call manually in case the agents view the customer data on the screen but do not hear any voice on the call. If the called party opts out to DNC during the welcome message, then the agents receive an auto-release message on the screen. If the agent hears the voice, then there is no change in the existing behavior. You must enable the autowrap functionality if you have a welcome message configured for the job. FCC ccompletion code A new completion code is introduced in Proactive Contact for DNC opt-out. The code 97 is sent out to the dialer if the called party initiates the DNC opt-out. DNC opt-out message guidelines The DNC opt-out message can contain brief explanatory instructions for the called party on how to use the DNC opt-out mechanism. The DNC opt-out message can include the following information: • The purpose of the call • The name of the business • Instructions on how to initiate DNC opt-out • A telephone number where the called party can call back to request for DNC. If the called party calls back at the pre-defined telephone number, which is a part of the DNC optout message, then the inbound call center must handle the marking of the records as DNC in the appropriate outbound calling list. You can use the backend application menu for marking records as DNC. Note: If the FCC related data, such as DNC opt-out, FCC jobs, and nuisance calls, does not get populated to the database, you can populate the data to the database manually by running the db_populate script. However, you must run the db_populate script in the increasing order for the date range for which you want to populate the data. For example, to populate data from 5th May to 8th May, you must run the db_populate script in the order, 5th May, 6th May, 7th May, and 8th May. FCC nuisance calls report The Analyst module of the Supervisor suite provides a report for FCC nuisance calls that displays the FCC nuisance call data for a job for each 30 days period. Note: To contain the FCC nuisance rate to the 3% limit for each job automatically, you can use the cruise control job by setting the following parameters: • Set the FCC_TIME parameter in master.cfg to 2 seconds. • Set the NUISANCE_TIME parameter master.cfg to 1 second. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 379 Optional features • Set the CONNTOLE parameter in the Job file, which is Time to connect tolerance (seconds), to 1 second. • Set the desired service level as required, for example, 97% to limit the FCC nuisance rate within 3% for the job Configuring the DNC opt-out feature on Proactive Contact dialer About this task To configure the DNC opt-out feature on the dialer, perform the following steps: Procedure 1. Set the following parameters in the master.cfg file located at opt/avaya/pds/etc directory. • FCC_ACT_DATE: Set the value of this parameter to the date when the FCC 12-21 amendment takes effect. The format for setting the date is YYYY/MM/DD. You must not provide a back date for this parameter. • FCC_TIME: As per the FCC 12-21 amendment, the default value for this parameter is set to two seconds. You can set this value ranging from two seconds to five seconds. • FCC_VDN: In case of Proactive Contact with CTI, specify the Do not call VDN in this parameter, without which the call is not marked in the DNC list. By default, the value of the FCC_ACT_DATE parameter in master.cfg is set to the date when you install the patch. You must, then, set the date for this parameter to the actual date when the FCC amendment is activated. When you run the jobs before the actual date of activation, you must disable the FCC settings by clearing the Run job with FCC check box on the Job details pane. 2. Set the number of DTMF receivers which must be sufficient to address the following conditions in an outbound call: • Welcome message • Wait queue • Virtual message In case of Proactive Contact with PG230RM: • An inactive or non-existent DSP2 card configured as DTMF Receiver causes the DNC opt-out feature to fail. This failure can be detected by the dialer only during runtime, and it is logged subsequently. To procure additional DSP2 cards, contact Avaya Customer Care. • In case of virtual campaigns, you must keep the number of DTMF receivers equal to the total number of outbound ports in the DNC opt-out enabled campaigns. In case of outbound jobs, each call that plays the welcome message or wait queue message requires a DTMF receiver resource for the duration of the message. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 380 Chapter 23: Maintaining and troubleshooting servers General troubleshooting The references listed below contain general troubleshooting information. Topic Reference Getting started with server troubleshooting TG: Getting started Common problems TG: Common problem resolution Diagnostic gflowcharts TG: Diagnostic flowcharts HP resources TG: HP resources for troubleshooting Avaya recommendation Error messages: • POST error messages and beep codes (separate alphabetical and numeric lists) • Review beep codes. If suggested action can be accomplished, replace server. • Event list error messages • Memory: ensure that DIMMs are installed correctly. Reseat memory if necessary. • Insight Diagnostics processor error codes Replacing external components Use the checklist below to replace any of the following external server components: Part number Description 700501426 DL360G7 SRVR 146GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD drive Y 700501249 DL360G7 SRVR 146GB 15K SAS 2.5” HDD Y Hot-swappable? Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 381 Maintaining and troubleshooting servers Part number Description Hot-swappable? 700501314 DL360G7 SRVR 300GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD 700501182 DL360G7 SRVR PWR SUP 460W HE Y, if redundant 700501312 DL360G7 SRVR AC PWR SUP 750W Y, if redundant 700501313 DL360G7 SRVR DC PWR SUP 1200W Y, if redundant Y Note: Hard disk drives and redundant power supplies are hot-swappable; you do not have to power down the server. Replacing a power supply usually does not require removing the server from the rack unless cables or other obstructions prevent removing and replacing the power supply. No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation 1 Power down server if the part being replaced is not hot-swappable. MSG: Power down the server Determine whether the replaceable component is hotswappable. 2 Slide the server out of the rack if required to access the part being replaced. MSG: Extend the server from the rack Check that the Cable Management Arm (if present) moves freely out of the way of rear panel components. 3 MSG: Remove the server from the rack Replace the component: • DL360G7 SRVR 146GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > SAS and SATA hard drive • DL360G7 SRVR 146GB 15K SAS 2.5” HDD MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Hard drive blank • DL360G7 SRVR 300GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD • DL360G7 SRVR PWR SUP 460W HE • DL360G7 SRVR AC PWR SUP 750W • DL360G7 SRVR DC PWR SUP 1200W 4 Slide the server into the rack (if slid out) MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Hotplug power supply MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Power supply blank UG: Installing the server into the rack Ensure that the replacement power supply matches the specifications of the defective power supply. Check that the Cable Management Arm (if present) Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 382 Replacing internal components No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation moves freely out of the way of rear panel components. 5 Connect the power cable(s) to the power supply (if disconnected) UG: Powering up and configuring the server 6 Power up the server (if powered down) UG: Power up the server Replacing internal components Use the checklist below to replace any of these internal server components: Part number Description 700501424 DL360G7 DVD-RW DRIVE W/ BRKT 700501322 DL360G7 SRVR DUAL PORT 1GB NIC 700501425 DL360G7 SRVR FAN FRU 700501318 DL360G7 SRVR 2GB MEMORY DIMM 700501319 DL360G7 SRVR 4GB MEMORY DIMM 700501324 DL360G7 SRVR 650 MAH RAID BATTERY Note: Although not used frequently, Avaya customers are required to have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse available for use by installation and/or servicing technicians. No. Task Reference 1 Have the proper tools MSG: Required tools 2 Observe safety warnings TG:”Important safety information Avaya recommendation MSG: Safety considerations 3 Power down the server MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Power down the server 4 Slide the server out of the MSG: Removal and rack replacement procedures > Extend the server from the rack Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 383 Maintaining and troubleshooting servers No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Remove the server from the rack 5 6 Remove the cover MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Access panel Electrostatic alert: MSG: Removal and replacement procedures: Omit Steps 4 and 5 from both procedures. You do not need to remove the air baffle or the BBWC battery pack. Ensure that you are properly grounded before handling internal components. Replace the component: • DL360G7 DVD-RW DRIVE W/ BRKT • DVD tray • DVD-ROM or DVD-RW drive • DL360G7 SRVR DUAL PORT 1GB NIC MSG: Removal and replacement procedures: • PCI riser board assembly • Expansion boards • PCIe riser board Mark any cables connected to the NIC and reconnect to the same ports after the NIC is replaced. The NIC requires a half-HT faceplate. You might need to remove the full faceplate and replace it with the half faceplate, which requires a crosshatch (Phillips) screwdriver. Note: If adding a NICs: populate PCI Slot 1 first, followed by Slot 2. • DL360G7 SRVR FAN FRU MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Fan module Refer to the Systems Insight Display LEDs to identify the defective fan. • DL360G7 SRVR 2GB MEMORY DIMM MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > DIMMs Refer to the Systems Insight Display LEDs to identify the defective DIMM. • DL360G7 SRVR 4GB MEMORY DIMM Caution: When removing the air baffle, ensure that the RAID battery does not fall out of its Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 384 Replacing internal components No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation compartment in the baffle. Caution: Refer to the information on the top of the air baffle and inside cover for correct DIMM placement. • DL360G7 SRVR 650 MAH RAID BATTERY MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > BBWC battery pack or FBWC capacitor pack Caution: Consult the internal label with directions for removing the air baffle. Be careful that the RAID battery does not fall out of its compartment in the baffle. To remove the cable from the battery, gently rock the connector back and forth and free of the alignment slots. Caution: When replacing the air baffle and facing the front of the server, insert the left side into the alignment slots, then gently flex the baffle so that the right side slides into its alignment slot easily. DO NOT attempt to force or pound the baffle into place. Caution: DO NOT pinch the battery cable when replacing the air baffle. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 385 Maintaining and troubleshooting servers No. Task Reference 7 Replace the cover MSG: Removal and replacement procedures > Access panel 8 Slide the server into the rack RI-SR 9 Connect and secure the power cords GS: Connecting the Power Cables Avaya recommendation Check that the Cable Management Arm (if present) moves freely out of the way of rear panel components. GS: Securing the Power Cord 10 Power up the server GS: Turning on the System Contacting Avaya Services Avaya provides a telephone number to report problems or to ask questions about your product: • The support telephone number is 1–800–242–2121 in the United States. • For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Website: support. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 386 Chapter 24: SNMP Configuration Configuration Important: Due to security issues, SNMPv1 is not supported; however, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 are supported. A working knowledge of SNMP, and managing security around it is a prerequisite before configuring SNMP on a live system. This is assumed to be out of scope. Net-SNMP is used for this purpose. See manpages for snmp.conf snmp_config snmpd.conf snmptrapd.conf variables snmpd snmptrapd and snmpbulkget snmpbulkwalk snmpcmd snmpdelta snmpdf snmpget snmpgetnext snmpinform snmpnetstat snmpset snmpstatus snmptable snmptest snmptranslate snmptrap snmpusm snmpvacm snmpwalk. Configuring the dialer to monitor the switch alarms is a three-step process, with Step 0 being the basic first step, and Step 1 and Step 2 mutually independent steps thereafter. Listing of files and executables Filename Description /opt/avaya/pds/bin pg230AlarmMonitor PG230 Alarm Monitoring daemon process alarmd Alarms daemon process alarmadm Alarms administration & reporting utility mibadapter PC MIB adapter mibquery PC MIB query process for NetSNMP agent's 'pass' directive /opt/avaya/pds/shell init_pg230AlarmMonitor Initialization & verification script for PG230 alarm monitor Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 387 SNMP Configuration Filename Description init_alarms Initialization & verification script for Alarm Framework, and alarms daemon process. Other /opt/avaya/pds/config/snmp/pcmib_v1_1.mib AVAYA-PROACTIVECONTACT-MIB file. /opt/avaya/pds/ipc/pg230am.base PG230 alarms database Fetching alarms from the switch - configuring PG230 Alarm Monitor The first step is to connect to the PG230 switch in order to fetch alarms. This will require configuring the switch to allow an incoming connection for this purpose through its Host Configuration in the System Configuration Menu. You must configure the Ethernet port 2051 on the PG230 switch. The value for SWITCHALARMS in master.cfg is used for this purpose, with its default value being 2051. The binary pg230AlarmMonitor does this. You can just monitor the switch alarms and have them logged locally, without populating the MIB or generating traps. It runs as a daemon, and can be started/restarted/checked using the script init_pg230AlarmMonitor. It uses SWITCHNAME and SWITCHALARMS parameters from master.cfg to connect to the dialer's switch. It starts at bootup, and polls for the switch every minute in case of no connectivity. Note: If the master.cfg is modified for this purpose, the alarm monitor needs to be restarted to pick the new parameters using command init_pg230AlarmMonitor -r. To disable the alarm monitor, either set ENABLED=0 in init_pg230AlarmMonitor, or assign nothing to SWITCHALARMS in master.cfg and run init_pg230AlarmMonitor -r. Related links Configuring port 2051 on the PG230 switch on page 388 Configuring port 2051 on the PG230 switch About this task You must configure port 2051 for using SNMP. Before you begin • Access to PG230 switch • Client such as Putty for connecting to the PG230 switch July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 388 Fetching alarms from the switch - configuring PG230 Alarm Monitor Procedure 1. Login to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Telnet into the PG230 switch. For example on the system prompt type telnet switch1 and press Enter. 3. Enter the username and password for the PG230 switch and press Enter. 4. In the ADMINISTRATION MAIN MENU type B to select System Configuration Menu and press Enter. 5. In the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MENU type C to select Host Configuration and press Enter. You will see the configuration for ports 2048, 2049, and 2050. 6. Press Control + F to go to the next page. 7. Configure the Interface Ethernet for port 2051 as shown in the following image. Related links Fetching alarms from the switch - configuring PG230 Alarm Monitor on page 388 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 389 SNMP Configuration Configuring NetSNMP About this task Taking an example of an SNMP v3 user with name pc412ro, and another pc412rw with password 12345678, follow these steps: Procedure 1. Run the command: su - sroot 2. Update /etc/firewall/conf/, adding the following lines before the #Reject section: $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT , $IPTABLES -A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT service iptables restart. 3. To start snmpd at boot time, run the following command: chkconfig snmpd on 4. Update or create /etc/snmp/snmp.conf with the following entries: # location of all the MIBs + pcmib_v1_1.mib mibdirs +/usr/share/snmp/mibs: mibdirs +/opt/avaya/pds/config/snmp: # load the MIBs mibs +ALL mibs +AVAYA-PROACTIVECONTACT-MIB 5. Update /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf with the following entries: rwuser initial rouser pc412ro rwuser pc412rw createUser initial MD5 setup_passphrase DES # invoke our script to serve requests for pcmib_v1_1.mib pass . /opt/avaya/pds/bin/mibquery service snmpd restart. 6. Run the following commands to create a new user, and set the password: snmpusm -v3 -u create pc412ro snmpusm -v3 -u create pc412rw initial -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase localhost initial initial -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase localhost initial snmpusm -v 3 -u pc412rw -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -x AES -X priv_passphrase -A setup_passphrase \ localhost passwd setup_passphrase 12345678 Tests You can run any or all of the commands listed below to test the setup: snmptranslate -IR -On host snmptranslate -IR -On mib-2 July 2018 -Tp | less -Tp | less Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 390 Generating Traps snmptranslate -IR -On pcmib1 -Tp | less snmptranslate -m +AVAYA-PROACTIVECONTACT-MIB -IR -On pcmib1 snmpget -v 3 -u pc412ro -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase localhost sysUpTime.0 snmpwalk -v 3 -u pc412ro -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase localhost .1 OnQ snmpwalk -v 3 -u pc412ro -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A setup_passphrase localhost pcmib1 -OnQ snmpwalk -v 3 -u pc412rw -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A 12345678 localhost pcmib1 -OnQ snmpset -v 3 -u pc412rw -n "" -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A 12345678 localhost \ apcDialerAlarmSeverity.15 s Clear Generating Traps Generating Traps Traps will be generated every time an alarm is raised or cleared. For multiple occurrences of the same alarm, a trap is not generated. The user name that is used for sending traps need to exist in the NMS (or the running snmptrapd). It must be a read-only user on the NMS. Configuring traps.cfg To configure the traps.cfg file: 1. Update the nodes 'destination' in /opt/avaya/pds/config/alarms/alarmsconfig.xml with a command similar to the following: snmptrap -v2c -c public localhost snmpinform -v 3 -u pc412rw -a MD5 -A 12345678 -l authNoPriv localhost 2. Restart alarmd using the init_alarms -r command. See man snmpinform or man snmpcmd for more options that can be necessary. You must run the command until the following are added by the trap generation script: • agent specification which is the remote SNMP entity to communicate with. • System uptime • Trap OID • Other varbinds 3. Open port 162 in the firewall. Follow steps mentioned earlier in configuring NetSNMP, with port 162. Check the same also on the NMS. Tests July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 391 SNMP Configuration The traps can be tested using snmptrapd on the same box, or any other box that has the default port 162 open. The following variable in the makefile sets the log level for a library or a binary, by getting added to LOG_DEBUG: • Create or update /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf with the following lines: authCommunity log,execute,net public createUser pc412rw MD5 12345678 DES 12345678 authUser log,execute,net pc412rw • Run any of the following commands in another terminal on the local machine to view the traps live on the screen: snmptrapd snmptrapd snmptrapd snmptrapd snmptrapd -Le -Le -Le -Le -Le -f -f -f -f -f -OX # print in extended index format -OS # print MIB module-id plus last element -OneQ # print OIDs & enums numerically, with equals sign -OneQs # print only last symbolic element of OID -OneQ 2>&1 | tr '\t' '\n' • Wait for an alarm to be generated from the switch, or run the following command to manually generate a trap: snmptrap -v2c -c public localhost "" system.0 snmpinform -v 3 -u pc412rw -a MD5 -A 12345678 -l authNoPriv localhost 42 system.0 Known issues SNMP WALK operations on the MIB are heavy; therefore, subscribing to notifications is the preferred and optimal way to monitor alarms. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 392 Chapter 25: Overview of HALDAP Background Avaya Proactive Contact uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) when Avaya Proactive Contact solution is deployed as Pool of Dialers (POD). In POD configuration, without using LDAP, user accounts must be created on each of the dialers in the POD for the following reasons: • This is a manual process and can be error prone. • It is possible that the users’ accounts get out of sync across POD dialers. • There is a possibility that some users are added in a dialer in POD and are forgotten to be added in other dialers in POD. • It is also possible that the same user has different password on dialers in POD. LDAP addresses all these problems by providing a single repository for user authentication which is available over the network. Note: LDAP is mandatory in Avaya Proactive Contact release 5.1. Without using LDAP, POD configuration or a standalone system is not supported by Avaya Proactive Contact. LDAP can be installed on Standalone Dialer system, but LDAP does not provide any significant value addition. Avaya Proactive Contact uses OpenLDAP version 2.4.23. Avaya Proactive Contact does not support the use of existing third party LDAP implementation. Avaya Proactive Contact supports OpenLDAP version 2.4.23 and High Availability feature via native support. Architecture overview The following diagram shows the overview of the High Availability LDAP configuration: July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 393 Overview of HALDAP With the solution shown in the previous figure, every dialer in the POD now hosts an LDAP server. For every authentication attempt, locally configured LDAP is used. All LDAP servers are updated, using synchronization replication software within OpenLDAP. If the local LDAP server is not functioning, authentication fails over to the next available configured LDAP server. For a fourdialer POD, every dialer has a self-authentication and three available failover LDAP servers within the POD. LDAP replication LDAP server contains Sync Replication engine known as syncrepl. Syncrepl uses the LDAP Content Synchronization protocol (or LDAP Sync) as the replica synchronization protocol. Since the replica synchronization protocol does not require a history store, the provider does not need to maintain any log of updates it receives. Syncrepl supports both push and pull based synchronization. Avaya Proactive Contact uses a push-based synchronization. This synchronization is called refreshAndPersist mode of synchronization in OpenLDAP documentation. In this mode, the provider keeps a track of the consumer servers that have July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 394 Overview of the LDAP installation and configuration tools requested a persistent search and sends them necessary updates as the provider replication content is modified. In-depth information about replication is not included in this document. For additional details on replication, see the OpenLDAP Web site admin24/guide.html. Overview of the LDAP installation and configuration tools The following scripts are provided for LDAP installation and configuration: • ldap_install_features • ldap_admin These scripts are available in /opt/avaya/pds/shell directory and must be executed with root privileges. LDAP installation tool Use the ldap_install_features script to install LDAP. The script has the following menu items: • 0 Exit • 1 Help • 2 Install LDAP • 3 Turn On/Off LDAP Authentication • 4 Test LDAP Installation Install LDAP • This menu option requires information about the certificate parameters and the domain name to be used for LDAP. • Domain name can be any unique string. LDAP uses this domain name internally and LDAP has no connection with the domain name defined in /etc/resolv.conf. • You must enter only a single word as the domain name, for example, avaya. The system does not support entries such as rnd.avaya. .com is automatically added to the domain name. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 395 Overview of HALDAP • Script installs the LDAP binaries as well as performs the following actions: - Generates Certificates - Enables LDAP authentication - Installs LDAP Turn on/off LDAP authentication This menu option allows user to switch between LDAP authentication and file based authentication. Test LDAP installation This menu option verifies that various configuration files, certificates and so on are correct. Optionally, the user can see the files that are modified while installing LDAP. This menu option is typically used in conjunction with menu option 2. Install LDAP LDAP administration tool The ldap_admin script is used for configuring LDAP. It has the following menu items: • 0. Exit • 1. Help • 2. Add/Delete LDAP Nodes • 3. Add FTP User • 4. Export LDAP db • 5. Import LDAP db • 6. Display LDAP Info • 7. Start/Stop LDAP service • 8. Synch FTP users Add/Delete LDAP Nodes This menu option is used for configuring replication and authentication failover. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 396 Add FTP User Add FTP User This option is used for adding an FTP only user to LDAP. Although the menu option is FTP user, Proactive Contact does not support non-secure FTP access. Instead, this FTP user is allowed secure FTP access to the Proactive Contact system. This FTP user is not allowed secure shell access (ssh) and secure copy (scp) access. While adding FTP user along with the user name and password, the administrator needs to select a tenant for which the user is created. In multitenancy, for each tenant, a separate jailed root folder is created. When the user logs in via sftp, the user is restricted to as jailed root. A jailed root is when a user is locked within a certain directory instead of being able to navigate freely to any directory. What the sftp session sees as / is /opt/avaya/pds/xfer/public/public/<tenant name> on the dialer and this path /opt/avaya/pds/xfer/public/public/<tenant name> is a symbolic link to /opt/ avaya/pds/xfer/public/public/<tenant ID>. Due to multi-tenancy this option works on the secondary dialers of pod as well. An FTP user created for a default tenant has access to the /opt/avaya/pds/xfer/public folder on the dialer. Export LDAP db This menu option can be used to save the LDAP database in a text file. This menu option can be used for taking a backup of LDAP database. This menu option can also be used when you migrate your LDAP database to other machine. Import LDAP db This menu option is used to initially populate the LDAP database based on existing LDAP database available in LDIF file format. The following points must be noted: • This option will clean the existing LDAP DB, so the user must be careful when using this option. Warning to this effect is displayed when the menu item is invoked and the user has an option not to proceed. • This menu option uses slapadd internally. This command does not perform any sanity check on the input file provided. Therefore, the user must ensure that you point to the file which: - is not an empty file - contains actual LDIF data - contains exported LDAP database for the same domain, as your currently running LDAP server. For example, if you have exported LDAP DB of domain1 and you try to import it to LDAP server configured for domain2, the import operation will not be successful. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 397 Overview of HALDAP • Do not import additional records to existing LDAP database. This menu option must not be used for merging few records from other LDAP DB into already functioning or existing LDAP DB. • Errors from this operation are redirected to /opt/avaya/pds/account/ldap.err. Display LDAP info This menu option shows the following information about your LDAP configuration: • Nodes configured for failover authentication. • Nodes configured for replication. • Status of LDAP server and whether it is functioning or not. Start/Stop LDAP service This menu option is used to toggle the status of LDAP service. It displays the current status of LDAP server, and asks the users whether they want to change the status. For example, if the server is functioning, the user can shutdown the LDAP server and vice versa. Synch FTP User The Synch FTP User menu option is used to synch FTP users if any of following criteria is met: • Unable to use SFTP using FTP users created before upgrade. • Unable to use SFTP to all secondary dialers newly added. Note: This needs to run on each dialer which causes problems to use SFTP for existing FTP users. Installing LDAP on all dialers in POD using LDAP scripts The following procedure explains the installing of LDAP on a fresh system of Proactive Contact: Before you begin 1. Ensure that NTP is correctly configured. For more information, see Determine the domain name that is to be used for this LDAP installation. on page 406. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 398 Installing LDAP on all dialers in POD using LDAP scripts 2. Ensure that DIALERID in master.cfg of each dialer in POD is unique. The default value is set to 1. Unless the default value is manually changed, all the dialers in POD can potentially have the same DIALERID value in master.cfg. This leads to problems during replication. 3. Select single word as domain name, for example, Avaya. Names such as rnd.avaya must not be used. 4. To disable password expiry, the PASSWDAGE parameter should be set to 99999, and not to 0, in createop.cfg About this task Procedure 1. Log in as sroot user 2. Go to the shell directory using the # go shell command. 3. Run the ldap_install_features tool using the # ldap_install_features command. 4. Install LDAP using the menu option 2. Install LDAP. • On the prompt the system displays Do you want to use default parameters in /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf [Y/N] .Type Y. Users can configure their own parameters by typing N. • On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to change the above certificate parameters [Y/N] .Type N. • On the prompt the system displays, Please enter domain name for LDAP. Enter the domain name for LDAP. Note: Make sure that the domain name is the same for all the dialers in the POD. Domain name is any unique string. This domain name is used internally by LDAP and has no connection with the domain name defined in /etc/resolv.conf. Enter only a single word as domain name, for example,avaya. Entries such as rnd.avaya must not be used. LDAP installation adds “.com”. • On the prompt the system displays, Do you want to change domain name [Y/N]:” Type N. • On the prompt the system displays,Do you want to proceed [Y/N] Type Y. The script performs the following actions: - generates Certificates. - installs LDAP. - enables LDAP authentication. • On the prompt the system displays,Do you want to configure LDAP-HA now [Y/N] Type N. 5. Test LDAP using the menu option 4. Test LDAP Installation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 399 Overview of HALDAP If LDAP is installed successfully, the system displays the message LDAP is properly installed 6. On the prompt the system displays, Do you want to see the files modified by the LDAP installation to verify [Y/N] . Type Y. The system displays the information as follows: 1. Host entry in /etc/hosts hostname --------------------------------2. IP entry in /etc/hosts.allow --------------------------------slapd = --------------------------------3. Certificate : cacerts directory --------------------------------1171259f.0 cacert.pem --------------------------------4. Server certificate : certs directory --------------------------------servercrt.pem serverkey.pem --------------------------------5. Certificate path in slapd.conf --------------------------------TLSCACertificateFile /etc/openldap/cacerts/cacert.pem TLSCertificateFile /etc/openldap/certs/servercrt.pem TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/openldap/certs/serverkey.pem TLSVerifyClient never --------------------------------6. ssl and port related parameters in /etc/ldap.conf --------------------------------ssl yes port 636 TLS_REQCERT never --------------------------------7. Localhost entry in /etc/hosts -------------------------------- localhost --------------------------------8. authconfig setting --------------------------------USELDAP=yes USELDAPAUTH=yes --------------------------------9. LDAP-Replication configuration --------------------------------ServerID 001 index entryCSN eq index entryUUID eq #mirrormode TRUE overlay syncprov July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 400 Configuring HA LDAP on the Primary dialer syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 --------------------------------- 7. Exit LDAP installation using the menu option 0. Exit. 8. Run the ldap_admin tool using the # ldap_admin command. 9. Verify LDAP server is running using menu option 6. Display LDAP Info. The user sees the information similar to the following: LDAP Node Configuration ======================= Nodes configured ----------------------------------------------------------No. Node IP Local/Remote ----------------------------------------------------------1 hostname Local ----------------------------------------------------------LDAP Replication Configuration ============================== Server ID : 001 ----------------------------------------------------------No. Node Syncrepl ID ----------------------------------------------------------- LDAP service: UP LDAP Service Status ===================== Press Enter to continue... 10. Verify LDAP flag is set to YES in master.cfg. The getvar LDAP command must return the output as YES. Configuring HA LDAP on the Primary dialer About this task Procedure 1. Log in as sroot user 2. Navigate to the shell directory using the # go shell command. 3. Run the tool ldap_admin using the # ldap_admin command. 4. Add LDAP nodes by using the menu option 2. Add/Delete LDAP Nodes a. To add the Secondary dialer node, select option 1 by using the menu option 1. Add. b. On the prompt, the system displays, Enter host name of node. Enter the secondary dialer hostname. c. On the prompt, the system displays, Enter IP Address of xxxxxx. Enter the IP address July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 401 Overview of HALDAP d. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to change? [Y/N] Enter N e. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to copy the certificate? [Y/N]. Enter Y. f. On the prompt, the system displays, User Name. Enter admin. g. On the prompt, the system displays Password. Enter the admin password h. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to configure replication for this node? [Y/N]. Enter Y. i. On the prompt, the system displays, LDAP-HA/Replication is not properly configured. Do you want to configure it now? [Y/N]. Enter Y. 5. Repeat step 4 for all the secondary dialers in POD 6. Use the menu option 0. Exit to exit out of adding a node menu 7. Ensure that the LDAP services are UP and the nodes contain the correct hostnames and IP addresses. 8. Select the 6. Display LDAP Info menu option. 9. Repeat step 4 for adding all the other secondary dialer nodes. 10. After adding all the nodes, select the 7. Start/Stop LDAP service menu option to restart the LDAP server. 11. Select the 0. Exit option to exit out of ldap_admin. 12. On the prompt, the system displays, Are you sure you want to exit? [Y/N]. Enter Y. 13. Select the 6. Display LDAP Info menu option of the ldap_admin script to verify that the LDAP server is functioning. Configuring HA LDAP on the Secondary dialer Procedure 1. Log in as sroot user 2. Type the # go shell command to go to the shell directory. 3. Run the tool ldap_admin using the # ldap_admin. 4. Use the 2. Add/Delete LDAP Nodes menu option to add other dialers in the POD as LDAP nodes. a. To add the Secondary dialer node, select option 1 by using the 1. Add menu option. b. On the prompt, the system displays, Enter host name of node. Enter the remote dialer hostname. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 402 Testing High Availability functionality of LDAP c. On the prompt, the system displays, Enter IP Address of xxxxxx. Enter the IP address. d. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to change? [Y/N]. Enter N. e. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to copy the certificate? [Y/N]. Enter Y. f. On the prompt, the system displays, User Name. Enter admin. g. On the prompt, the system displays, Password Enter the admin password. h. On the prompt, the system displays, Do you want to configure replication for this node? [Y/N]. Enter Y. i. On the prompt, the system displays, LDAP-HA/Replication is not properly configured. Do you want to configure it now? [Y/N]. Enter Y. 5. Repeat step 4 for all the secondary dialers in POD. 6. Exit out of adding a node menu by using the 0. Exit menu option. 7. Select the 6. Display LDAP Info menu option to ensure that the LDAP services are functional and the nodes contain the correct hostnames and IP addresses. 8. Select the 7. Start/Stop LDAP service menu option, after adding all the nodes, to restart the LDAP server. 9. Exit out of ldap_admin by selecting the 0. Exit menu option. 10. Select the 6. Display LDAP Info menu option of the ldap_admin script to verify that the LDAP server is functioning. Note: Make sure replication is working correctly using instructions given in Verify whether replication is working correctly on page 408. Once you have tested replication, complete LDAP setup and configuration. For better results, ensure that on Secondary dialer, the first remote node added is the Primary dialer of the pod. Then, add other Secondary dialers in pod if it is a 4-Dialer pod. The replication related changes do not take effect until LDAP server is restarted after adding all the nodes. Testing High Availability functionality of LDAP Procedure 1. Log in as sroot user on the primary dialer. 2. Type the # go shell command to go to the shell directory. 3. Type the # ldap_admin command to run the tool ldap_admin. 4. Use 7. Start/Stop LDAP service to stop the LDAP server July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 403 Overview of HALDAP 5. Perform the ldapsearch procedure on the dialer. Execute the # ldapsearch uid=joes command. The UID given in this command is an example. When the local LDAP server is not functioning, and ldapsearch is successful, it indicates that the search results are provided by another LDAP server. 6. Log in as user joes. When the local LDAP is not functioning, successful login ensures that the authentication was provided by another LDAP server. 7. Use the 7. Start/Stop LDAP service menu option to start the LDAP server. 8. Perform steps 1 -8 on all the secondary dialers in POD. Note: Check if you need to perform any Post Installation steps. Refer to Post Installation on page 407. This concludes LDAP setup and configuration on a new system. Creating third party client users in LDAP Procedure 1. Use the following template to create your own LDIF file and third party client users such as NICE or Verint: dn: uid=<USERNAME>,ou=People,dc=<DOMAIN>,dc=com uid: <USERNAME> cn: Test Server Client objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword: <CLEARTEXT PASSWORD> loginShell: /bin/false uidNumber: <UID> gidNumber: 102 homeDirectory: /home/pds_system shadowLastChange: 14596 shadowWarning: 7 shadowMin: 0 shadowMax: 99999 gecos: <USERNAME> user description: "<USERNAME> user , 2. Replace all the instances of the text in all uppercase that are enclosed in the angled brackets, with the actual values. 3. All other values remain the same. 4. To avoid identifying an unused UID, you must use a high value, such as 5000, to test the availability. $ ldapsearch uidNumber=5000 # extended LDIF # July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 404 Determining open LDAP version # # # # # LDAPv3 base dc=avaya,dc=com default with scope subtree filter: uidNumber=5000 requesting: ALL # search result search: 2 result: 0 Success Note: This indicates that UID 5000 is not used; therefore, it can be used while modifying the LDIF. For additional similar users, check if 5001, 5002 and so on are already available. 5. After modifying the LDIF file, run the following command as root to create the user in the LDAP database:ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=<DOMAIN> ,dc=com" -w secret -f <FILENAME>.ldif 6. Replace <DOMAIN> and <FILENAME> with appropriate values. For example, <DOMAIN>: Avaya <FILENAME>: ldapdb.ldif. 7. Ensure that the user is successfully added using the ldapsearch uid=<USERNAME>. 8. Replace the <USERNAME> with an appropriate value. For example, ldapsearch uid=Jon Determining open LDAP version Output of the ldapsearch –VV command identifies the version of LDAP that is running. Performing ldapsearch on the primary dialer Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as sysadm. 2. Add the agent login details using the Manage user account menu option in the Administrator Main Menu. For example, add the login name as joes. 3. Select the 2. Administrative tasks menu option. The system displays the Administrative Tasks window. 4. Select the 2. Manage user accounts menu option. 5. Add a user login and track the required UID. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 405 Overview of HALDAP 6. Perform ldapsearch on the agent login created in the previous step. 7. Log in as sroot user. 8. Execute the # ldapsearch uid=joes command. Performing ldapsearch on the secondary dialer Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer an sroot user. 2. Execute the # ldapsearch uid=joes command. If the LDAP server on the secondary dialer was not functional when you added the user, restart the LDAP server on the secondary dialer. The time taken for replication depends on the size of the LDAP database. If the ldapsearch command shows that the user is available, then the user was replicated on the secondary dialer. 3. Repeat the test on the other secondary dialers in the POD. Next steps Perform the following steps to check if the replication is set correctly: 1. Run the ldap_admin command as root. 2. Use the 6 – Display LDAP Info menu option. The system displays the nodes that are configured for replication. 3. If all other dialers in the POD are set for replication, then run similar tests on the other dialers as well. 4. Check if the replication is set correctly after setting up LDAP servers on all the dialers and configuring them for replication. Synchronizing time on the dialers using ntp Procedure 1. Ensure all the dialers in the POD are in same time zone. 2. Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file and ensure that the /etc/ntp.conf file contains the entry for Time Server. 3. Restart NTP daemon after modifying the configuration. Deleting local node July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 406 Migrating to Proactive Contact 5.2 Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as sroot user. 2. To add a remote node refer to Configure HA LDAP on the Secondary dialer on page 402. 3. Delete the local node. Note: You can only delete a local node if you have added a remote node. Migrating to Proactive Contact 5.2 You must follow the migration instructions to migrate to Proactive Contact 5.2. For detailed instructions for migration, see Migrating to Proactive Contact, 5.2, - Release Notes. Post installation The MAX_USERS in /opt/avaya/pds/config/createop.cfg parameter controls the maximum number of users createop supports. Increase this value to an appropriate number based on your requirement. Verifying whether replication is configured correctly Procedure 1. Run the ldap_admin command as sroot user. 2. Use the 6 – Display LDAP Info menu option. The nodes that are configured for replication are displayed. 3. Check that all the dialers in POD are listed 4. Run similar test on the other dialers if all other dialers in the POD are set for replication. Note: The verification of whether replication is configured correctly must be done after: • setting up LDAP servers on all the dialers • configuring them for replication Once the replication is configured correctly, check that replication is working correctly. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 407 Overview of HALDAP Verifying whether replication is working correctly When you execute the ldapsearch command to search for a specific UID, the system always displays a response irrespective of whether the user was found or not. Failed ldapsearch returns numResponses: 1, while successful search returns a higher number depending upon the search criteria. Successful search returns the following details in output: $ # # # # ldapsearch uid=agent1 extended LDIF LDAPv3 base <dc avaya,dc=com> default with scope subtree # filter: uid=agent1 # requesting: ALL # # agent1, People, dn: uid=agent1,ou=People,dc=avaya,dc=com uid: agent1 cn: Test agent1 objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword:: <encrypted password="" shadowLastChange: 14676 shadowMax: 99999 shadowWarning: 7 loginShell: /bin/rbash uidNumber: 105 gidNumber: 102 homeDirectory: /home/pds_agent gecos: Test agent1 # search result search: 2 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1 /encrypted/dc LDAP logs LDAP Server (slapd) logs can be retrieved by running the grep slapd /opt/avaya/logs/ msgs command. Errors from Import LDAP DB operation are redirected to /opt/avaya/pds/ account/ldap.err. Related links “Failed to copy the certificate from the node” when adding node on page 409 “Server is unwilling to perform (53)” when executing ldap commands on page 409 Replication does not work on page 409 Deleted accounts do not replicate on page 410 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 408 LDAP logs dialerSM and bridgeSmEnf do not come up/Java process count is incorrect/password expiry related errors seen in logs on page 411 Unable to log in to only one of the dialers in POD on page 411 User password expires everyday on page 412 “Failed to copy the certificate from the node” when adding node This can occur if incorrect user name or password is provided or if there are network connectivity problems between server running ldap_install_features and the remote node. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution Procedure 1. Fix networking issue, if any. 2. Retry the Add node option with correct user name and password. “Server is unwilling to perform (53)” when executing ldap commands This can occur when the LDIF file that is being used with LDAP commands like ldapadd is incorrect. For example, if /etc/openldap/slapd.conf is configured for dc=DOMAIN1,dc=com, and your LDIF file contains dc=DOMAIN2,dc=com, then your LDIF file is not accepted by ldap commands. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution Check the LDIF file to see if domain in the LDIF is same as that of /etc/openldap/ slapd.conf. Replication does not work Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution • Ensure that time on all the machines in the POD is synchronized using the ntp command. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 409 Overview of HALDAP • Ensure that all the dialers in the POD are using the latest version (2.4.23) of OpenLDAP. If one of the Dialers is running older version of OpenLDAP, replication may not work. Use the ldapsearch –VV command to determine the OpenLDAP version. • Ensure that ServerID value in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf is unique across all the dialers in POD. A common problem is that different dialers in POD have the same ServerID set to 001. You must change this to the same value as DIALERID value in master.cfg • When the LDAP server on any one of the dialers in the POD does not function, then, once the LDAP server is functioning, it takes five minutes for the LDAP databases in all the dialers in the POD to get synchronized. • Check the network connectivity. If ping works, run the telnet <hostname> 636 command to ensure that there is no firewall issue. • If you get connection refused error, then the issue may be related to iptables. • LDAP uses ports 636 and 389. Both these ports must be listed in /etc/firewall/ conf/ file as ACCEPT. Deleted accounts do not replicate When the LDAP server on all the dialers in the POD is functioning, the delete operation is reflected across all the dialers without any problems. Users may run into this issue only in case of the following scenarios: • LDAP server on one of the secondary dialers in the POD is not functional. • An account is deleted from the Primary Dialer in the POD. • LDAP server on the secondary dialer in Step 1 is started. • The account that is deleted in Step 2 is still available on the secondary dialer. This issue may happen because of a bug in the OpenLDAP server. For more information see,;selectid=5843. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution The deleted account needs to be manually removed from the secondary dialer using the ldapdelete command as root. For example, ldapdelete -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=<DOMAIN>,dc=com" -w secret uid=<USER_TO_DELETE>,ou=People,dc=<DOMAIN>,dc=com. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 410 LDAP logs dialerSM and bridgeSmEnf do not come up/Java process count is incorrect/password expiry related errors seen in logs This errors can occur if PASSWDAGE parameter in /opt/avaya/pds/config/createop.cfg was set to 0 when corba users were added. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution Procedure 1. Stop all services on the dialer. 2. Delete all the corba users using the ldapdelete command. 3. Set the PASSWDAGE=99999 parameter in /opt/avaya/pds/config/createop.cfg. 4. Add all the corba users using the manage_corba_users –A –D <dialerid> command. 5. Start all the services on the dialers. To disable password expiry, the PASSWDAGE parameter must be set to 99999, and not to 0, in createop.cfg. Unable to log in to only one of the dialers in POD There can be an issue when user logins to only one of the dialers in POD fail, while logins to other dialers in POD are successful. This may happen due to the following conditions: • Dialer in question has network connectivity problems with other dialers in POD. • Local LDAP server is not functional. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution You must start local LDAP server using the 7. Start/Stop LDAP service menu option of ldap_admin. You must also fix the networking issues so that: • Local LDAP database can be synced with Primary Dialer. • Other dialers can be used for authentication failover. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 411 Overview of HALDAP User password expires everyday This can occur if PASSWDAGE parameter in /opt/avaya/pds/config/createop.cfg was set to 0 when the user was added. Related links LDAP logs on page 408 Proposed solution Procedure 1. Delete all the users facing this issue using the createop –d <username> command. 2. Set the PASSWDAGE=99999 parameter in /opt/avaya/pds/config/ createop.cfg. 3. Add all the users again using the createop command. To disable password expiry, the PASSWDAGE=99999 parameter should be set to 99999, and not to 0, in createop.cfg. Reference material • See the Administrator Guide at • See the common errors that are encountered when using OpenLDAP at http:// July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 412 Chapter 26: Enhanced Access Security Gateway About Enhanced Access Security Gateway Enhanced Access Security Gateway (EASG) is a challenge and response protocol that eliminates the need for a shared password. EASG is supported by Avaya Services. The accounts that require EASG authentication are the admin, craft and sroot accounts. Currently, Proactive Contact provides sroot and admin accounts that are shared among Avaya Services, business partners, and customers. Avaya Services periodically updates the passwords through a manual process several times a year. Change of passwords is done by a personal visit to the customer site which incurs significant costs. All the shared accounts do not provide the Services team the ability to determine who made changes on the system. The shared accounts also prevent Avaya Services from using other authentication technologies for Services access. To overcome the problems of sharing passwords, you must implement EASG on Proactive Contact. The following are the key points for EASG implementation: • A single EASG RPM deploys all required files, such as scripts and product certificates, to setup EASG. • A single product certificate for Proactive Contact 5.2 is installed through EASG RPM installation. • Proactive Contact 5.2 uses the single EASG certificate, which is deployed during installation, for all customers. • The product certificate is always located at - /etc/asg/Product.p7b. • EASG utilities have manual (man) pages that describe the EASG commands or utilities. Verifying if EASG tools rpm is installed Procedure Run the following command to confirm if EASG tools rpm is installed: $ rpm -qa | grep asgtools asgtools-pc-2-0.AV07 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 413 Enhanced Access Security Gateway Enabling EASG to service accounts Before you begin You must be logged in as an sroot user. About this task The EASGConfigure command does the following: • Configures craft and sroot as EASG service accounts. • Changes the access of the admin account by: - Disabling SSH access to user admin by updating sshd_config. - Restarting SSH daemon service. - Disabling console access to user 'admin' by updating access.conf. • Changes the access of the craft account by: - Allowing the craft user to login as an admin user without requiring a password, by running the command: $ sudo su - admin. • Changes /etc/pam.d/system-auth. • Copies /etc/pam.d/system-auth to /etc/pam.d/password-auth-ac. • Enables EASG authentication. Procedure Run the EASGConfigure command to enable EASG authentication on the dialer. For example, here is a sample output: #root# /usr/bin/EASGConfigure Log file - '/opt/avaya/logs/easg.log'. For details please follow the log file. Executing "EASGConfigure " Performing configuration changes for EASG... Updated SSH config file Disabled console access of "admin" user Restarting SSHD daemon service Stopping sshd: [ OK ] Starting sshd: [ OK ] Updating sudoers file Updated sudoers file Updated profile of "craft" user Updated EASG system-auth configuration. Updated EASG password-auth configuration. Enabling EASG Authentication... EASG Access is enabled. Performed by user ID: 'root', on Dec 13 2017 - 11:09 EASG Authentication is now enabled... Completed configuration changes for EASG. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 414 Generating response Generating response Procedure 1. Use the global handle which has access to the EASG Web Mobile page, and log in to 2. To open the EASG Web Mobile page, open 3. The dialer generates a challenge along with a Product ID, and prompts for a response. 4. Go to the EASG web page to see four text fields: Product ID, Login Name, Challenge, and Key Version (0-3). Key version has the default value as 0 and should remain 0 while generating the response. 5. Submit the EASG user name, Challenge and Product ID to the EASG Web Mobile web page. 6. Copy the response and paste it in the session where you attempted to connect to the dialer. Logging in as an admin user Before you begin If you are using Putty to login remotely, you must use the Putty version greater than 0.63. Procedure 1. Log on to the dialer as a craft user. After the craft user is EASG authenticated, the user sees the following message: You have logged in as "craft" user. If you want to continue to work as admin, do "sudo su - admin". 2. Enter the command: $ sudo su - admin. EASG utilities The following are some of the EASG commands or utilities that are available: • EASGConfigure - To configure EASG access on the dialer. • EASGStatus - To display EASG status. • EASGManage - To configure the enable or disable states of individual EASG users and of the EASG module as a whole. • EASGProductCert - To print details about the Product Certificate and also check for Product Certificate expiration. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 415 Enhanced Access Security Gateway • EASGSiteCertManage - To grant access to the machine by trusting Site Certificates. You can use the man command to know more about these commands. EASG log maintenance EASG logs are available at /opt/avaya/logs/easg.log. Additionally, if EASG is installed or disabled, it is also logged in the /opt/avaya/logs/ account.log file as a part of the account log. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 416 Chapter 27: Dynamic Logging Logs prior to Avaya Proactive Contact 4.1.2 Logs are generated by various dialer processes that help in troubleshooting in the live environment. Logs that are emitted on the dialer can be classified into two main types – account and debug. Account logs All the logs that get placed in the /opt/avaya/pds/account directory, or those that are always emitted without a need for a 'debug binary', can be collective termed as 'account logs'. These are the logs that are the first reference point for troubleshooting any issue in the field. These logs do not roll-over automatically, therefore, requiring a cleanup every mid-night. Debug logs All the logs that get placed in the/opt/avaya/debug directory or those that are only emitted after replacing the binary with a 'debug binary' and thereafter exporting an environment variable DBG_*, and restarting the process/system, can be collectively termed as 'debug logs'. These are the logs that help clinch the root cause of the issue. Until now, this typically requires receiving a debug binary on the same patch level as the original from the CPE team. Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Overview In Proactive Contact 4.1.2, the traditional way of logging on the dialer as described above has been discontinued. However, the character and distinction between the two types described above have been retained. No log statements have been added or removed, but the way that they are logged has been modified for the new strategy. The new logging method has the following features: • Syslog-NG is used for logging services. • Linux utility 'logrotate' is used for rotation of logs. • For every dialer process, a log level can be checked, set or reset at runtime, without process stop/start, to get debug logs, using a new command line utility 'logadm'. There is no need to July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 417 Dynamic Logging replace the binary, which nonetheless can be done if additional debug logs statements are introduced, like in a hot diagnostic. • All the logs can be viewed using a new utility 'logcat' that has a host of options to help get logs of interest, or all of them, or continually trace them out. • Debug logs from the libraries too can be controlled at runtime through the log level of a process. • Account logs are emitted at a log level of 5. • Debug logs are emitted at a log level of 7. • Default log level of every process is 6, so that account logs are always ON, and debug logs OFF. Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4 Syslog-NG is the new industry standard for logging, that addresses several shortfalls of the default unix syslogd utility. On the Proactive Contact dialer server, Syslog-NG is used for logging by all the dialer processes. Note: Syslog-NG is the replacement service for the default unix syslogd. More details related to syslog-ng administration can be found online at html/syslog-ng-v3.0-guide-admin-en.html/bk01-toc.html. Related links Location of logs on page 418 Syslog Ng Configuration on page 419 Service Syslog Ng Status on page 420 Syslog-ng Initialization at Bootup on page 420 Location of logs The new location of the logs is under /opt/avaya/logs directory, as the size of the partition is ~37G, facilitating the log rotation without having to move the typically huge files. After log rotation, the files are renamed into the directory ./rotated-logs with a suffixed sequence number. This location can be reached from anywhere on the dialer using the cd logs or go logs commands. Note: Note that typically you will not need to view the logs directly in this location. The new command line utility 'logcat' has several options to trace, scan, view, search, and save desired logs from any path. This utility searches for and presents logs from all relevant rotated files as well. This is a read only directory and the logs here must not be moved, deleted, or modified without a syslog-ng reload. If required, the command rotate_logs -f can be run as root to force a log rotation. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 418 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 All account logs are now suitably tagged and placed in the account.log file. Whenever debug logs are switched on for any process, its output is placed in the debug.log file. Other files that are created are auth, cron, daem, kern, msgs, user, dynl and msgdump.log. Links to /opt/avaya/logs are placed in/var/log,/opt/avaya/pds/account, and /opt/avaya/ debug. Each log statement in account.log is tagged with the old filename under which the logs were previously placed in the/opt/avaya/pds/account directory. For example: {account}, {mid_tier_log}, {soe_log}, {switch_log}, {sp_log}, {dialersa}, {dialersm}. As these tags can be provided to logcat to view those specific logs. For example, logcat -a account, logcat -a mid_tier_log, logcat -a soe_log, and so on. Mar 25 03:01:38 pudslx09 porter[8092]: -07:00 2010 920 1 .pds v1| 0 {account} !!PORTER! porter!!(null)!!porter 00 startup Mar 25 02:59:58 pudslx09 serviceMonitor[6713]: -07:00 2010 793 1 .pds v1| 0 {mid_tier_log} !!LOGGER!/opt/avaya/pds/bin/serviceMonitor!!(null)!!1269511198|4| pudslx09|SERVICEMONITOR|ServiceMonitor_Misalliance.cxx|6713|-1219421280|| GetProcStatus(): found 0 of SN_STATS_PUMP services running in the system Mar 25 03:00:42 pudslx09 soe_routed[7877]: -07:00 2010 294 1 .pds v1| 0 {soe_log} 2010/03/25 03:00:42.294|event|low|router|7877|Messaging activated on pudslx09(154 soe_routed.c) Mar 25 03:01:39 pudslx09 porter[8167]: -07:00 2010 213 1 .pds v1| 0 {switch_log} Unknow!2010/03/25!03.01.39!(type=3,severity=3,subsys=6) Switch interface started, device = Process ID 8167, mailbox id 0x0015002a. Mar 25 03:02:29 pudslx09 statsPumpCtrl[9111]: -07:00 2010 193 1 .pds v1| 0 {sp_log} logmsg: [ base configuration loaded from file /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_13/lib/ ] Mar 25 03:01:57 pudslx09 dialerSA[8253]: -07:00 2010 819 1 .pds v1| 0 {dialersa} !! DSARequest::ReadData()!dialerSA!!(null)!!key=startCmd, value=$TAO_ROOT/bin/ Naming_Service -ORBEndPoint iiop://:$NSEndPoint/ssl_port=$NSSSLEndPoint -ORBUseIMR 0 ORBIMREndpointsInIOR 0 -o $TAO_DATA/ns_ior -p $TAO_DATA/ns_pid_file -f $TAO_DATA/ ns_persistent_file > /dev/null 2>&1 & sleep 5 Mar 25 03:01:42 pudslx09 dialerSM[8224]: -07:00 2010 729 1 .pds v1| 0 {dialersm} !! RegisterSMM()!dialerSM!!(null)!!EventReceiver::Successfully register to SMM mailbox. Since debug is typically run for just a few processes, their logs in debug.log can be searched by PID, or process name itself, logcat --debug -P <PID>,, logcat --debug -p <processname>. This will be further covered in the section on logcat below. Related links Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4 on page 418 Syslog Ng Configuration The configuration file for the new syslog-ng is/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf. This file is actually a soft link to /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/syslog-ng.conf. As in the config file, all account logs are emitted under syslog facility.severity of local0.notice, the debug logs under local0.debug, and msgdump under local1.notice. New files are created as root/ pds_agent, 0644. The syslog-ng daemon supports a maximum of 2048 concurrent connections . Logs are filtered using log levels. At system startup, a shared memory data structure is initialized with a log level for every possible dialer process. The default log level for every process is 6. Thus, account logs, that are emitted at LOG_NOTICE, that is 5, are always collected, and the debug logs, that are emitted at LOG_DEBUG, that is 7, are not collected. To collect debug logs from a July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 419 Dynamic Logging given process, set its log level to 7, and when done, reset it back to 6 (without restarting the process). After updating the syslog-ng.conf file, its syntax can be verified by running the following command as root: su - sroot /opt/syslog-ng/sbin/syslog-ng --syntax-only service syslog-ng reload The list of default syslog files, and their contents are as follows: /opt/avaya/logs/msgs /opt/avaya/logs/auth /opt/avaya/logs/cron /opt/avaya/logs/daem /opt/avaya/logs/kern /opt/avaya/logs/mail /opt/avaya/logs/user /opt/avaya/logs/dynl /opt/avaya/logs/msgdump.log /opt/avaya/logs/debug.log /opt/avaya/logs/account.log messages auth, authpriv cron daemon kernel mail user Processes dynamic logging configuration values msgdump (use logcat -M ... for viewing) debug log (use logcat -D ... for viewing) account log (use logcat ... for viewing) Related links Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4 on page 418 Service Syslog Ng Status The syslog-ng service starts up automatically at bootup. At any point of time, the status of the service can be checked as root using the service syslog-ng status command, and if required, can be restarted with the service syslog-ng restart command, or can be reloaded with the service syslog-ng reload command. A 'restart' will stop and start the service. Note: The logs can be lost for the period of time that the service was not available. A 'reload', on the other hand, triggers syslog-ng.conf to be re-read without stopping the service, with no loss of logs. The service is automatically reloaded with the rotate_logs -f command, or when log rotation kicks in through logrotate cron job, in order to notify syslog-ng to put the logs into a new file. Theclear_all script calls rotate_logs -f, which in turn reloads the service. Related links Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4 on page 418 Syslog-ng Initialization at Bootup The syslog-ng rpm installation will create appropriate links in/etc/rc.d to have the service automatically restarted at bootup. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 420 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Note: • In case of an unplanned server shutdown, like in case of loss of power supply, syslog-ng can fail to remove its pid file (/opt/syslog-ng/var/run/, precluding its automatic startup. In this case, this pid file may need to be manually deleted, and the service needs to be manually started. . su - sroot rm -f /opt/syslog-ng/var/run/ service syslog-ng restart service syslog-ng status These steps are automated in the script 'init_syslog' that is invoked at bootup, and every mts/pds check/stop/start to check the health of syslog-ng. It needs to be run under root privileges. sudo init_syslog • In case the system time needs to be modified, it should be done as root, not sroot, since the cron jobs and some dialer processes have a SETUID set for root. If this rule is not followed then the logs can show discontinuous time. • If any of the log files are manually deleted or overwritten, syslog-ng needs to be notified about the change in node number of the destination through a reload using service syslog-ng reload, or init_syslog -r. Related links Syslog-NG using syslog-ng-3.0.5-1.rhel4 on page 418 Syslog-Ng logrotate configuration The linux utility 'logrotate' is used for rotation of the logs that get created by the dialer processes using syslog-ng. Cron Job At the time of Proactive Contact installation, a cron job is added into root's crontab that invokes logrotate every minute using file /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng.logrotate.conf. This file is a link to the actual file at /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/syslogng.logrotate.conf. Configuration The following is the default configuration for logrotate on the log files in /opt/avaya/logs: File files (MB) account.log 6400 debug.log 4000 msgdump.log 1600 msgs 3100 the July 2018 current Note rotations (n) max each file (MB) max all 1 7 800 A dialer usually creates 500MB/day. 1 4 800 This is only if debug is turned on. 1 1 800 Max space occupied now will be 1.6G 1 30 100 Undergoes rotation every night too, so Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 421 Dynamic Logging below auth 3100 cron 500 daem 500 kern 500 user 500 dynl 500 actual size of the file would be the max that is allowed. 1 Total 20700 1 30 100 4 100 1 4 100 1 4 100 1 4 100 1 4 10 100 92 3100 • The rotated files are numbered from 1 to n from newest to oldest. This sequence of newer to older in ascending order is always maintained, such that the oldest file gets deleted by falling off the sequence. • The moment the file size crosses the max for the given type, it qualifies for rotation. • On rotation, the file is moved into ./rotated-logs, a suffix added, and syslog-ng reloaded to now append logs to the newly created file. Note that until the time that syslog-ng is reloaded, even after the file is moved into ./rotated-logs, new logs keep pouring in into that file. • Log rotation forced using rotate_logs -f will also perform a syslog-ng reload. • The files are retained in uncompressed form as they can still be used to view logs from, and compression or decompression of such huge files can be very resource intensive, giving a false sense of availability of space. • If debug is turned on, the debug.log file could grow at a rate of tens of MB every second. For this reason, the optimal time to check for rotation is every minute (*/1 * * * *). • This default configuration should be modified as per the needs of a given customer, or as needed for collecting a greater amount of debug logs. Example /opt/avaya/logs/* { rotate 12 size 800M missingok delaycompress compress olddir rotated-logs sharedscripts postrotate /sbin/service syslog-ng reload /opt/avaya/pds/shell/logmsg -p logrotate -a LogRotation "logrotate: Log rotation performed for /opt/avaya/logs at $(date)." date > /opt/avaya/logs/last ls -ltrR /opt/avaya/logs >> /opt/avaya/logs/last endscript } July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 422 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Setting log levels using logadm Setting log levels using logadm The {"logadm"} utility is used for all administration related activities with respect to logging. It allows you to: • Set the log level through scripts. • Set the log levels by providing a file that contains the log levels of a desired set of processes. • Query the current log level. • Reset the log level to the previous setting after a duration. It would be good to get familiarized to all the options it provides, and reach an optimal way of using it. Either long or short options can be used. An exhaustive number of examples are listed below the usage of the utility. Syntax logadm [-i processname Command name Format Description -I init Initializes system for accessing the log levels. Used with --file. -N deinit De-initializes system and disables the access to log levels. -d display Displays current log level of all the processes. -f file. <fname> Parse log level from the file <fname>. Used with: --init, --set or --verify. -s set When used with --file, sets the levels. -v verify Verify initialization, or file syntax (with --file) -p process . <pname> Operates in the context of process <pname> only. Process instance may be appended using a ':n'. eg: '-p porter:0' for the first instance of porter. Used with: -display, --level & --monitor. -l level <level> Sets the log level of a given process to <level> killin Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 423 Dynamic Logging Command name Format Description -m monitor Spawns a thread to monitor level for <pname> -D debug Runs in the debug mode. -q quiet Gives no output. Operation results from the return value. -h help Shows this usage. Understanding dynamic logging In dynamic logging, a shared memory data structure is used to maintain a map of log levels for each process on the dialer. The identity of each process is a string that is internally passed to DBGINIT(), with the DBG_ prefix removed. This may not be the process name. Hence, turning on the debug logs also requires some knowledge of the internal implementation of the process. Whenever each process starts up, it finds its own index in the data structure, fetches its own log level, and then sleeps until it is notified of an update to the log level map. Thus, this shared memory data structure should be initialized before the process starts up, failing which, the process will use the default level of 6, and poll for the data structure to be created. Turning on debug for a process dynamically is akin to replacing the binary with a debug one and collecting debug logs. Multiple binaries are seldom replaced with their debug versions, therefore you must be very careful as to not switch on debug logs for multiple processes the same point of time. Like all debugging, this too will have an affect on the system performance. Initialization of dynamic logging Initialization of dynamic logging occurs at the time of bootup. Further, at every start/stop/check mts/pds, it verifies the initialization, and if required, re-initializes it. This is done using the script init_dynlog. At bootup, thelogadm --init script is invoked through an /etc/init.d script to initialize this data structure. The initial log levels come from the file /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/ default-dynlog-levels.xml. Therefore, the actual invocation is: logadm -i -f /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/default-dynlog-levels.xml Note: If the file /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/proc-list.txt is modified, then a manual explicit re-initialization is required thereafter. Run the command init_dynlog -r, and verify that the output of the same is as required. Checking log levels At any point of time, the following command lists the current log level of every process: 'logadm -d | less' July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 424 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Note that the log levels in the table are in hex. The output being put in less, one can easily search for the process of interest. Other alternatives are: logadm -d | grep <process> In order to find the exact process identifier, searching in the output of logadm -d, is the best way. To get a list of all processes that have 'debug' switched on, run the logadm command: $ logadm ======================================================================== # LogLevel* Symbol* Depth ProcessKey Identifier .-----------------------------------------------------------------------======================================================================== * LogLevels & Symbols in HEX. >>> Found '0' of '164' process keys with log-level >= '7'. A count of the number of processes types that have 'debug' switched on, is presented at every stop/start/check pds/mts: $ check_pds ... ----------------------------------------------------------->>> Found '1' of '209' process keys with log-level >= '7'. -----------------------------------------------------------... Setting log levels As mentioned earlier, knowledge of the string passed to DBGINIT() of the process is necessary. The way to find the exact string is to look for it in the output of logadm -d. Once confirmed, the current log level should be fetched, the level update to the desired, and rechecked. Here is an example to start debug for opmon: $ logadm -d | grep opmon 115 6 0 $ logadm -p opmon -d Log level for 'opmon' => 0 => - 6 (0x6) [0:0] $ logadm -p opmon -l 7 Log level updated for 'opmon' $ logadm -p opmon -d Log level for 'opmon' opmon => '6' to '7' (0x7) [0:0]. 7 (0x7) [0:0] $ logadm ======================================================================== # LogLevel* Symbol* Depth ProcessKey Identifier -----------------------------------------------------------------------115 7 0 0 opmon ======================================================================== * LogLevels & Symbols in HEX. >>> Found '1' of '164' process keys with log-level >= '7'. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 425 Dynamic Logging Note: • Turning on debug for a process dynamically is akin to replacing the binary with a debug one and collecting debug logs. As we seldom replace multiple binaries with their debug versions, we should be very careful as to not switch on debug logs for multiple processes the same point of time. This will definitely mar performance of the system, like all debugging does. You may want to verify the processes set to log debug (having a log level greater than 6): logadm -d | less init_dynlog -c • Setting a log level of a process to less than 5 will disable their account logs too, resulting in no logs being generated by the given binary. • The life of this updated log level is until the next reboot, or until the next invocation of init_dynlog -r, when the levels are reset from the default-dynlog-levels.xml config file. • Log levels of 7 to 16 will emit progressive greater quantity of logs for the processes caller, dccserver and rtdataSvr. A level of 7 will have minimal impact on their performance, and log volumes. Updating log levels for multiple processes The directory/opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog has several samples xml files that show how the configuration could be set. The easiest way to do is make a copy of default-dynlog-levels.xml. Copy the line "<proc name="logadm" loglevel=" 6" />”, and change the name attribute to our process of interest. More than one such lines could be added. The comment on the top, between <!--' and '-->' shows how bits could be set for the libraries. After this is done, verify the levels that could be set using that file, and set the levels. logadm -v -f default-dynlog-levels-NEW.xml logadm -s -f default-dynlog-levels-NEW.xml Note: • For any process that is not listed in the output of 'logadm -d', the '!!DEFAULT!!' level will be used. • If the file default-dynlog-levels.xml is updated, the resultant log levels from that file will be set at every reboot, or every time that the command 'init_dynlog -r' is run. Setting log levels for specific CALLER instance Specific instances of caller processes can be placed into debug mode instead of all, by setting an 'identifier string' with the job name, or the PID of the caller process. When the caller starts up, it matches its jobname/PID against this identifier, and if it matches, accepts the log level of 'caller'. It July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 426 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 this does not match, the log level of 'caller' is not accepted. The identifier can be any standard regular expression. logadm -d -p caller logadm -d -p caller:job1 logadm -d -p caller:job.* # display level for caller # display level for caller for job1 # display level for jobs matching 'job.*' logadm -p caller -l 7 logadm -p caller -l 5 # turn on debug for all callers # turn off debug for all callers logadm -p caller:job1 -l 7 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to 'job1' # ie - place caller handling 'job1' in debug logadm -p caller:nnnnn -l 7 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place caller with PID 'nnnnn' in debug logadm -p caller:job.* -l 7 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to 'job.*' # ie - place all callers handling jobs # like 'job.*' in debug logadm -p caller: -l 5 # unset the caller identifier, while # also switching off debug for all callers Setting log levels for specific AGENT instance Specific instances of agent processes can be placed into debug mode instead of all, by setting an 'identifier string' with the agent ID, or the PID of the agent process. When the agent starts up, it matches its agent ID/PID against this identifier, and if it matches, accepts the log level of 'agent'. It this does not match, the log level of 'agent' is not accepted. The identifier can be any standard regular expression. logadm -d -p agent logadm -d -p agent:ag1 logadm -d -p agent:ag.* # display level for agent # display level for agent id 'ag1' # display level for agent ids matching 'ag.*' logadm -p agent -l 7 logadm -p agent -l 5 # turn on debug for all agents # turn off debug for all agents logadm -p agent:ag1 -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to 'ag1' # ie - place agent with name 'ag1' in debug logadm -p agent:nnnnn -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place agent with PID 'nnnnn' in debug logadm -p agent:ag.* -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to 'ag.*' # ie - place all agent with names # like 'ag.*' in debug logadm -p agent: -l 5 # unset the agent identifier, while # also switching off debug for all agents Note: When using an agent ID to obtain logs from a specific agent, each newly logged in agent will generate debug statements until the point of time that it comes to know the agent name. The number of debug statements generated is proportional to the log level set for the agent binary. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 427 Dynamic Logging Setting log levels for specific PORTER instance Specific instances of porter processes can be placed into debug mode instead of all, by setting an 'identifier string' with the port number. When the porter starts up, it matches its port number against this identifier, and if it matches, accepts the log level of 'porter'. It this does not match, the log level of 'porter'' is not accepted. The identifier can be any standard regular expression. logadm -d -p porter:10 logadm -d -p porter # display level for 'porter 10' # display level for porters logadm -p porter:10 -l 7 logadm -p porter:10 -l 5 # turn on debug logs for 'porter 10' # turn off debug logs for 'porter 10' logadm -p porter -l 7 logadm -p porter -l 5 # turn on debug for all porters # turn off debug for all porters logadm -p porter:1 -l 7 # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to '1' # ie - place only 'porter 1' in debug logadm -p porter:nnnnn -l 7 # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place porter with PID 'nnnnn' in debug logadm -p porter:[1-9] -l 7 # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to '[1-9]' # ie - place all porter on ports # matching "[0-9]" in debug logadm -p porter: -l 5 # unset the porter identifier, while # also switching off debug for all porters logadm -p porter -l 7 logadm -p porter:1 -l 7 # turn on debug for all porters # turn on debug for the porter on port 1 Using export DBG along with the log levels Exporting DBG_<ProcessKey> into the environment of the process allows it to further narrow down the type of logs that are emitted by it. For example: export DBG_dunup=2,3 limits the debug logs emitted by 'dispatcher' to the debug areas of 2 and 3, when its log level is set to 7. De-initializing dynamic logging Warning: Explicit de-initialization must not be performed. It is best that the log levels be reinitialized using the following command: # Verify dynamic logging init_dynlog # Re-initialize dynamic logging # (de-initialize it, and then initialize it again using $VD/config/dynlog/default-loglevels.xml) init_dynlog -r July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 428 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Collecting debug logs from the libraries Debug logs can also be obtained from the libraries by turning on the correct bit for the libraries. The lower 8 bits of the log level are reserved for the log level itself, and can be used to get incrementally more logs. The bits 9 to 21 are reserved, and are used to switch on debug output from the libraries that the processes bind to, as follows. Note that even after switching on the library bits, a process will still need to be put into the debug mode by OR'ing the log level with 7. oooo oooo oo11 1111 1111 111o oooo o111 (4193799 or 0x003ffe07) || |||| |||| ||| ^^^^ ^^^^ || |||| |||| ||| Reserved for log levels. || |||| |||| ||| 7 = Debug || |||| |||| ||| 5 = Account || |||| |||| ||| || |||| |||| ||\__ $((1<< 9)) - libcallsel || |||| |||| |\___ $((1<<10)) - libcorba || |||| |||| \____ $((1<<11)) - libcpp || |||| |||| || |||| |||\______ $((1<<12)) - libdsi || |||| ||\_______ $((1<<13)) - libdynlog || |||| |\________ $((1<<14)) - liblinux || |||| \_________ $((1<<15)) - libsoe || |||| || |||\____________ $((1<<16)) - libswif || ||\_____________ $((1<<17)) - libsysv || |\______________ $((1<<18)) - libui || \_______________ $((1<<19)) - libutil || |\_________________ $((1<<20)) - libutil++ \__________________ $((1<<21)) - libmembuf libcallsel 519 libcorba or 1031 libcpp or 2055 libdsi or 4103 libdynlog or 8199 liblinux or 16391 libsoe or 32775 libswif or 65543 libsysv 131079 libui 262151 libutil 524295 libutil++ 1048583 libmembuf 2097159 or Eg: $(( 7 | ( 1 << 9) )) or $(( 7 + 512 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 10) )) or $(( 7 + 1024 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 11) )) or $(( 7 + 2048 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 12) )) or $(( 7 + 4096 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 13) )) or $(( 7 + 8192 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 14) )) or $(( 7 + 16384 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 15) )) or $(( 7 + 32768 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 16) )) or $(( 7 + 65536 )) $(( 7 | ( 1 << 17) )) or $(( 7 + 131072 )) or $(( 7 | ( 1 << 18) )) or $(( 7 + 262144 )) or $(( 7 | ( 1 << 19) )) or $(( 7 + 524288 )) or $(( 7 | ( 1 << 20) )) or $(( 7 + 1048576 )) or $(( 7 | ( 1 << 21) )) or $(( 7 + 2097152 )) or logadm -p logadm -l $((7 | (1<<13))) logadm -p logadm -l 8199 # DEBUG + libdynlog <proc name="logadm" log-level="8199"/> July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 429 Dynamic Logging logadm -p logadm -l $((7 | (1<<13) | (1<<19))) logadm -p logadm -l 532487 # DEBUG + libdynog + libutil proc name="logadm" log-level="532487"/> Note: • You must verify (and use) the string for name as it is shown in the logadm -d output. These are the export DBG_.* strings, without the 'DBG_' prefix. • You must not use shell arithmetic in an XML file. • There is no bit for libenforcer and libdbg, which indicates that the logs emitted from these libraries will continue to emit. Collecting debug logs from a function call tree For any debug enabled binary, debug logs can be collected exclusively from an individual function call tree up to a given depth. Though all the binaries are built in 'release' mode, the symbols are retained for this purpose, which can then be listed using the utility /usr/bin/nm, the '-C' option of which will list their demangled names. Selecting a symbol to obtain debug logs from needs insight into the implementation of a given binary, and knowledge about the call tree covering the issue under investigation. This feature is dependent on the system call backtrace:string(), and dladdr(), and their ability to fetch the addresses of symbols on the stack. For some binaries, these system calls can not return addresses for some of the symbols. They also do not provide addresses of static functions. Hence, selection of the symbols for debugging should always follow a trial with the same in the lab prior to setting it on a production box. Eg: Debug function 'runForEternity()' in 'logadm': # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Step 1 - FIND THE SYMBOL ADDRESS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .. by searching through the listing $ nm -C `which logadm` | less # .. by grepping for it $ nm -C `which logadm` | grep runForEternity 08062e58 T dynlog::ProcessMon::runForEternity(void*) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Step 2 - SET THE SYMBOL ADDRESS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# .. take the default call tree depth of 255 $ logadm -p logadm -a 08062e58 -l $((7 | (1<<13))) Log level updated for 'logadm' => '8199' to '8199' (0x2007) [8062e58:255]. # .. keep the call tree depth to just 2 $ logadm -p logadm -a 08062e58:2 -l $((7 | (1<<13))) Log level updated for 'logadm' => '8199' to '8199' (0x2007) [8062e58:2]. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Step 3 - VERIFY WHAT YOU HAVE SET # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 430 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 $ logadm ======================================================================== # LogLevel* Symbol* Depth ProcessKey Identifier -----------------------------------------------------------------------97 2007 8062e58 2 logadm ======================================================================== * LogLevels & Symbols in HEX. >>> Found '1' of '164' process keys with log-level >= '7'. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Step 4 - Reproduce the issue & collect logs. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------$ logcat -D -p logadm -c .. $ logadm Viewing logs using logcat A new utility script logcat can now be used for viewing any kind of logs. It would be good to get familiarized with all the options it provides, and reach an optimal way of using it. Either long or short options can be used. Note: You cannot use the logcat utility to find /search logs inside cancel_logs. Note that the new cancel_log file is created under the opt/avaya/logs directory. Options: Command Command Name -D debug Executes in the 'debug' context, and not in the default 'account' context. -M msgdump Executes in the 'msgdump' context, and not in the default 'account' context. -d date Format <date> Description Fetch all logs for the specified date, formatted as 'Mmm dd [yyyy]'. This option with the current date is the DEFAULT option. To look for all dates provide a *. (as d=* or "*" or '*'). Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 431 Dynamic Logging Command Command Name Format Description -s start-date <date> Fetch logs since <date>, given in format 'Mmm dd [yyyy]' (inclusive). Logs for the date must exist. Verify using --list-dates. -e end-date <date> Fetch logs since <date>, given in format 'Mmm dd [yyyy]' (inclusive). Logs for the date must exist. Verify using --list-dates. -c trace -l tail <Number> Show last <number> lines of logs. -L head <Number> Show beginning <number> lines of logs. This helps see log age. -f find <String> Search for specified extended regex pattern. -F stop-find <String> Suspend search on encountering the specified extended regex pattern. -a account <String> Fetch logs from a specific account -p process <String> Fetch logs from a specific process. -p pid <Number> Fetch logs from a specific PID. -H host <String> Fetch logs from a specific host. -r logroot <String> Specify alternate root directory for log files. DEFAULT='/opt/avaya/ logs' -o out <String> Append output to the file, instead of presenting them in a viewer by DEFAULT. If file extension is '.gz', it is gzip'd. v version Continuously trace logs to STDOUT as they are being generated. Fetch version. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 432 Dynamic logging from PC 4.1.2 Command Command Name Format Description V verbose Provide diagnostic output from this utility. Good to use as first option. h help Display usage. Common searches Command Format Description --list-heads List heads and tails of all 'relevant' files. --list-accounts List all 'accounts' that has logs available. --list-procs List logs available by 'process'. --list-dates List all 'dates' that has logs available. Overrides --date option. --list-hours List logs available by 'hour'. --list-minutes List logs available by 'minute'. --list-seconds List logs available by 'second'. -S --log-stats Show syslog-ng statistics. Use with --tail/-l to scan last 'n' lines, instead of the entire 'msgs'. --agent <string> Search for an agent's login, and then get all DEBUG logs for that agent's PID. --porter <number> Get all DEBUG logs from the porter for the given port. Note that port numbering is 0 based. This is similar to running the following three steps: $ logcat -f 'porter <num> startup'# Noting down the porter PID, and then$ logcat -D -p <PID> --caller <string> Get DEBUG logs from all callers for the given job name. This script internally uses SED to parse the logs and present those that are relevant. Several of the options listed above can be logically combined to get the desired output. The output is presented in 'less', which allows an efficient way of opening huge files, and has a powerful interface that allows searching highlighting, moving screen fulls to the right using Right-Arrow, and several other which can be viewed by pressing 'h'. Note: • By default, the logs are presented for only the current day. To search all logs, use the option -d=*. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 433 Dynamic Logging • Complex queries in a huge amount of logs may take a while to present. • The --process option takes the process identifier passed to DBGINIT(), and cannot always be the same as the process name. • Use the key combination of '-S' to toggle wrapping the text presented by logcat. Example The usage displayed by 'logcat -h' now lists a number of examples and the most usable navigation keys of 'less', to provide a handy reference in the field. • logcat • logcat -a soe_log • logcat -a mid_tier_log -d=* collected so far (could be last 12days). • logcat -p opmon -d=* {switch_log} both, ignoring date. • logcat -P 18468 18468. • logcat -c account logs. Run at startup. • logcat -d=* --list-heads account log file. • logcat -D • logcat -D -d=* Useful when you want to check if any # View all account logs for the day. # View {soe_log} for the day. # View {mid_tier_log} from all the logs # View logs from opmon in {account} and # View logs only from process with PID # Continuously trace live output from # View first and last 12 lines from every # View all debug logs for the day. # View all debug logs on the system! debug logs were ever collected. • logcat -D -d=* --list-heads # View first and last 12 lines from every debug log file collected. • logcat -v -D -d 'Oct 9' # View debug logs for 'Oct 9', verbosely displaying file selection and query criteria. • logcat -v -D -d 'Nov 9 2008' # View debug logs for 'Nov 9 2008'. • logcat -D -c # Continuously trace live output from the debug logs. • logcat -D -c -p opmon # Continuously trace live output from the debug logs of process opmon. • logcat -D -p opmon -o ~/opmon.dbg.gz # Extract all debug logs for the process opmon into the file, and gzip it. Collecting logs using get_logs The utility get_logs can be used to collect important setting on the system, and also to fetch relevant logs. Standard gzip is used, which can compress text logs by around 95%. After that, these logs can be extracted onto any directory on a lab dialer, and then viewed using logcat on that dialer itself. The location of the new log files can be provided to logcat using its --logroot option. In this case, logcat checks the logs in the context of the new location provided, not the default on that dialer. $ get_logs Usage: get_logs [ -n '<timestamp>' | -c | -t | -a | d ] get_logs [ --newer-than '<timestamp>' | --current-logs | --today | --all | -dynlog ] Creates a gzip'd tarball from the logs files, and system check. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 434 Dynamic Logging in Proactive Contact Newer - Current Today - All - f -ls' Dynlog - Collect files modified since <timestamp>. 'find /opt/avaya/logs -type f -newer <file-timestamp> -ls' Collect 'non-rotated' files currently being logged into. 'find /opt/avaya/logs/* -type f -maxdepth 0 -ls' Collect all files modified since midnight today. 'find /opt/avaya/logs -type f -daystart -mtime -1 -ls' Collect entire syslog, install logs, and core dumps. 'find /opt/avaya/logs /var/log/*-Install.log /opt/avaya/debug/core.* -type Check current dynamic logging configuration. Always performed. 'check_dynlog' FILE OUT => '/tmp/pds_logs_<HOSTNAME>_<TIMESTAMP>.tar.gz' The script now has five options: • The option --newer-than / -n allows collection of files modified after a specified timestamp. This will allow a user to rotate_logs before attempting to reproduce an issue, and note the time from when the logs should be fetched. Using this timestamp, all files that were updated since then can be collected. • The option --current-logs / -c allows collection only the 'current' set of logs, and ignore all rotated files. • The option --today / -t allows collecting all log files created 'today', including those that have also undergone rotation. Ignore other rotated files. • The option --all / -a allows collecting all log files created by syslog-ng, all installation log files of the dialer, all core dumps. • The option --dynlog / -d allows collecting only the configuration and directory listing related to dynamic logging using check_dynlog. This has a special option that does only this when used, however, this is also collected for all other options. Use this utility to get log snapshots at various periods of time. Dynamic Logging in Proactive Contact Log configuration and collection Prior to Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2, users collected logs using the get_logs tool. However, the get_logs tool collected all the logs and users could not select specific logs. In Proactive Contact Release 5.1.2 and later releases, users can capture specific logs or system details using the following scripts: • collect_logs • get_info • config_debug July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 435 Dynamic Logging The collect_logs script Users can use the User Interface (UI) provided by the collect_logs script to collect different categories of logs from the system, including account log, debug log, msgdump.log, Linux msgs logs, kernel log, cron log, and auth log. You can also use the UI to specify the duration and location of the logs to be collected. For example, you can specify that collect logs from a particular date till today, or collect logs only for current day, or collect logs only from the base directories. For information on how to set the properties of the logs to be collected, see Specifying the properties of the logs to be collected. The get_info script Users get a snapshot of system information including system model information, RAM, swap, Linux version, network settings, Proactive Contact version and build information, patches installed, and some additional basic information from the configuration. You can store the get_info output in collect_logs or run get_info independently. For information about how to collect the system information to be included in logs, see Collecting system information. The config_debug script Users can display, enable, and disable dynamic debugging on the system. For information about how to specify the debug level in dynamic logging, see Setting the debug level. Related links Specifying the properties of the logs to be collected on page 436 Collecting system information on page 437 Setting the debug level on page 438 Specifying the properties of the logs to be collected About this task Use the collect_logs script to specify the categories of logs to be collected from the Proactive Contact system. The collect_logs script also enables you to specify the duration and location of the logs to be collected. Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Run the collect_logs script from the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts directory. The system displays the collect_logs screen, where you can choose the categories of logs that you want to collect. The types of logs that you can collect from the system include account log, debug log, msgdump.log, Linux msgs logs, kernel log, cron log, auth log, and all logs. 3. Type the number of the type of log that you want to collect and then press Enter. For example, if you want to collect cron logs, type 6 and then press Enter. You can specify the number of various log types one by one. 4. Once you have completed your selection, type 9 and then press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 436 Dynamic Logging in Proactive Contact The system displays the screen where you can select the duration and location of the logs to be collected. 5. Select the duration and location of the logs to be collected and then press Enter. The options are: • Logs Newer than a particular date • Logs only from the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts base directory i.e. exclude any logs that are rotated • Logs only for today 6. Check the information that the system displays regarding your selection of the duration and location of the logs to be collected. The system displays the tar.gz file in the format: tmp/ pds_logs_<hostname>__YYYYMMDDHHmmSS.tar.gz. 7. Check that the system creates the tar.gz file in the /tmp folder. The tar.gz file also contains the system_info_<hostname>__YYYYMMDDHHmmSS file, which is the output of the get_info script. The get_info script runs implicitly with the collect_logs script. Collecting system information About this task Use the get_info script to collect the system information to be included in the logs. System information includes system model information, RAM, swap, Linux version, network settings, Proactive Contact version and build information, patches installed, and some additional basic information from the configuration. Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Run the get_info script from the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts directory. The system displays a screen containing the Proactive Contact system information. 3. Use the space bar to navigate through the screens, or press Enter to move ahead lineby-line. You can also use the up arrow and down arrow to move up and down on the screen. The system displays the X-Y/Y (END) lines in the display bar when you reach the end of the file. 4. Enter q to quit the file. The system displays the End of getinfo message and specifies the location of the output file generated. The system saves the output in the /tmp/ system_info_<hostname>__YYYYMMDDHHmmSS file. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 437 Dynamic Logging 5. Check that the system creates the output file in the /tmp folder. Setting the debug level About this task Use the config_debug script to display, enable, and disable dynamic debugging on the system. Procedure 1. Log in to the dialer as an admin user. 2. Run the config_debug script from the /opt/avaya/pds/scripts directory. The system displays the Debug Menu screen. 3. On the Enter your menu choice [1–5] prompt, type the debug level number that you want the system to display and then press Enter. The options are: • [1] Display debug levels of ALL processes • [2] Display and / or Disable debug for processes with level > 6 • [3] Display Library Debug Levels • [4] Enable debug level for a process • [5] Exit/Stop 4. To display the current debug level of all the binaries on the system, type 1 and then press Enter. a. Use the space bar to navigate through the screens, or press Enter to move ahead line-by-line. You can also use the up arrow and down arrow to move up and down on the screen. The system displays the X-Y/Y (END) lines in the display bar when you reach the end of the file. b. To quit the file and come back to the main menu, type q. 5. To disable a debug level for any process, type 2 and then press Enter. a. Type the name of the binary for which you want to disable debugging and press then Enter. b. To quit the file and come back to the main menu, type q. 6. To view processes for which debug is enabled, type 2 and then press Enter. To quit the file and come back to the main menu, type n and then press Enter. 7. To display all the debug levels that exist in the library, type 3 and then press Enter. To quit the file and come back to the main menu, type q or press Enter. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 438 Disabling Dynamic Logging 8. To enable binary level debugging, type 4 and then press Enter. a. Type y. The system displays all the binaries with serial numbers. b. Type the serial number of the binary for which you want to enable debugging and then type y to confirm the selection. The system displays all the possible debug levels that can be set for the binary. c. Type the appropriate debug level and then type y to confirm the selection. The system enables the debug of the selected binary to the chosen level and provides option to add another debug level. d. (Optional) If you want to add another debug level for the selected binary, type add. e. To quit the file and come back to the main menu, type 0. Disabling Dynamic Logging You can disable dynamic logging and revert the entire system to the older method of logging by exporting PDSDynlogConfig into the execution context of the given process. This environment variable carries a default value of 7, that is, the first 3 bits are ON. You can assign any value between 0-7 to this variable depending on the your requirement. MSGDU MP MSGDU MP MSGDU MP DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG ACCOU NT ACCOU NT ACCOU NT PDSDyn Bit 3 logConfi g File Syslog Bit 2 File Syslog Bit 3 File Syslog 0 Yes Yes 1 Yes Yes 2 Yes ON Yes 3 Yes ON Yes Yes ON 4 ON Yes Yes 5 ON Yes Yes 6 ON Yes ON Yes 7 (default) ON Yes ON Yes Yes Yes ON Yes Yes ON Yes Yes ON Yes Note: If the system or a process is reverted to the older mode of working, creating file in account, and debug, then a complete restart of the system or that process is necessary. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 439 Dynamic Logging To get debug logs under these circumstances, you must perform the following steps: • Provide the new value of the environment variable PDSDynlogConfig to the process. It needs to be correctly exported where it will be picked up by the process. • Provide a suitable export DBG_<process id> . • Set the process' log level to 7, using 'logadm -p <process name>-l 7'. Exceptions The exceptions are as follows: • The log file /var/log/messages is now /opt/avaya/logs/msgs. • The srt.log, enserver.log, cba.err, cba.log continue to remain at their previous location, that is at /opt/avaya/pds/account and /opt/avaya/pab/log. • For agent binaries, after log-level has been increased to 7, the logs start getting collected only for the all new agents that login. An already logged in agent will need to re-login. Known issues The known issues are discussed in the following sections. Impact on performance Depending on the amount of logs that a given process generates, its performance can degrade. Caution should be exercised when placing more than three processes in debug mode, continuously monitoring the performance of the system. Placing the caller in debug mode, at log level higher than 7, will generate a significant volume of logs, spiking CPU occupancy of syslog-ng during that period, and affecting performance of other processes that are also emitting debug logs. The ability to now selectively and dynamically get debug logs from a given process should be exploited to save the system from onslaught of placing more than a very few processes in debug mode. Other issues The other issues that can arise are as follows: • The execution time for any process will increase in proportion to the rate at which it generates the debug logs. • Certain debug logs are generated through calls other than DBGWRITE(), or DBG*() • These logs are not yet supported through Syslog-NG • Those binaries that do not use DBG macros for their debugging will continue to function in their old (pre-4.1.2) manner. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 440 Syslog server configuration • Certain processes like statsPumpCtrl and hdcc put logs to STDOUT. These are then put to syslog-ng through a utility logmsg. However, when this utility is used for piping logs to syslog, the PID of the utility is used instead of the process, when it invokes logger for putting logs to syslog. Thus they log with tags {sp_log} and {hdcc_log}. In order to have these logs go back to their older locations, their output will need to be redirected to respective files through /opt/ avaya/pds/shell/mtscontrol. • The binaries swif_dg[12] will log to syslog under the name SWID. Syslog server configuration You might require security events require to be captured as part of the logging and monitoring of any application. You might also require that security event logs should not be overwritten or modified. Proactive Contact Release supports storing of logs on an external syslog server and can enable remote logging. Avaya recommends that you configure only system logs such as kern, auth authpriv, cron, mail, and emerg are supported. Configuring account and debug logs is not recommended since the amount of logs is huge causing heavy traffic that might impact the server and network. Syslog configuration is a very broad area and all the configuration supported by syslog is automatically supported. You can use the available online documentation and create advanced set of rules for logging. This document only explains the process of configuring remote logging so that the logs from the remote server can be logged in the server. Configuring the remote logging server About this task To enable remote logging, you must configure the machine that will receive the logs. Procedure 1. Log in to the server as an admin user. 2. To enable syslog to receive logs from a remote machine, in the editor type /etc/ sysconfig/syslog and locate the SYSLOGD_OPTIONS=“” line. syslogd uses configuration settings defined in the /etc/sysconfig/syslog and /etc/ syslog.conf files. 3. Type -r in the SYSLOGD_OPTIONS=“” line. SYSLOGD_OPTIONS=“-r —m 0” 4. Change the iptables rulesets located at /etc/sysconfig/iptables to permit traffic on UDP port 514, based on the following choices: • If the server and client are on the same subnet then use the following command: #root# iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 514 -j ACCEPT July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 441 Dynamic Logging • If the server and client are on different subnets then use the following command: #root# iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 514 -s <Client IP address> -j ACCEPT 5. Restart the portmap services on the server, using the following command: service portmap restart 6. Restart the xinetd services on the server, using the following command: service xinetd restart 7. Restart the iptables services on the server, using the following command: service iptables restart 8. Restart the syslog services on the server, using the following command: service syslog restart 9. Verify that port 514 is open for listening, using the following command: netstat -nulp Configuring the remote logging client Procedure 1. Log in to the server as an admin user. 2. To enable syslog to send logs to the server, in the editor type /etc/syslog.conf and add the following line to the file: *.* @<SERVER IP ADDRESS> The above command instructs the client machine to redirect all the logs to the server. 3. Restart the syslog services on the server, using the following command: service syslog restart 4. Restart the client server. 5. Restart the syslog services on the server, using the following command: service syslog restart For the other logs such as account.log or debug.log, you can add the patch directly to /etc/syslog.conf and the same will redirected to the server. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 442 Syslog server configuration Next steps After setting up the client and the server system, the logs are written to the /var/log/messages file on the server. 1. Verify that the logs from the remote server are written into the /var/log/messages files, using the following commands a. On the client, type logger hello. b. On the server, type #root# tail —f /var/log/messages. Disabling remote logging Procedure 1. To disable remote logging on the server, you must modify the /etc/sysconfig/syslog file on the server machine that receives the logs by performing the following steps: a. Log in to the server as an admin user. b. Open the /etc/sysconfig/syslog file. c. Modify the SYSLOGD_OPTIONS= line to SYSLOGD_OPTIONS=-m 0. d. Restart the syslog services using the following command: service syslog restart 2. To disable remote logging on the client perform the following steps: a. Open the /etc/sysconfig/syslog file in the editor and remove all the modifications that you made in the syslog file when you were enabling the system as a remote logging client. For example remove the *.* @<SERVER IP ADDRESS> line. b. Restart the syslog services using the following command: service syslog restart 3. Restart the client server. 4. Restart the syslog services using the following command: service syslog restart July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 443 Dynamic Logging Troubleshooting Not getting any logs If you do not see the size of the file increasing in the/opt/avaya/logs directory, check whether the syslog-ng service is running fine by using the following commands: service syslog-ng status service syslog-ng start Sudden syslog-ng shutdown In case of sudden server shutdown, such as in case of loss of power supply, syslog-ng fails to remove its PID file (/opt/syslog-ng/var/run/ before the automatic startup. In this case, the PID file needs to be manually deleted, and the service needs to be manually started. To remove the PID file and restart the syslog-ng service, run the following commands: su sroot rm -f /opt/syslog-ng/var/run/ server syslog-ng restart server syslog-ng status Logs with time out of sequence In case, the system time needs to be modified, it must be done as root user, and not as an sroot user. This is because the cron jobs and some dialer processes have a SETUID set for root. If this rule is not followed, then logs can show discontinuous time. Therefore, after running the su sroot command, you must run the su root command before modifying the system date and time. Binary dumps core If a binary dumps core, logs must be the last reference point for analyzing the root cause. The primary focus must be at analyzing the core, or strace and pstack output. These two methods are independent of the log statements in the binary, and hence are much more reliable and quick. Analyzing core files Avaya Proactive Contact installation adds an entry to /etc/rc.d/rc.local to populate / proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern with the string /opt/avaya/debug/core.%e.%s.%p.%t at every bootup. This will capture any core that gets created on the system, providing the executable name, the signal that caused the core, the PID and the seconds since epoch. PUDSLX09(admin)@/opt/avaya/debug [46] $ ls -l core* -rw------- 1 admin pds_system 2072576 Nov 13 18:23 core.statsPumpCtrl. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 444 Listing of all related files 11.29870.1258165387 PUDSLX09(admin)@/opt/avaya/debug [47] $ date -d @125816538 Wed Dec 26 21:02:18 PST 1973 Use the PID and the timestamp to correlate events in account/debug that just preceded creation of the core. If a hot fix or a hot diagnostic is planned, ensure that the symbols are not stripped. You must view the core files dumped in /opt/avaya/debug. These must then be dissected using GNU Debugger (gdb) after attaching the exact same binary that was provided to the customer. For core files generated by stripped release binaries, symbol tables for the respective binary must be attached to the core and then analyzed through the GNU Debugger (gdb). These symbol tables are available in the 'debuginfo' rpms that are also generated at the time of the build. For all future builds, these will be packaged on the Dialer ISO image in a new directory named .debug-info. Using strace strace is a useful diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool. It is helpful in solving problems with programs for which the source is not readily available since these programs do not require to be recompiled in order to trace the problems. By tracing even ordinary programs, you can learn a lot about a system and its system calls. Since system calls and signals are events that happen at the user / kernel interface, a close examination of this boundary is very useful for isolating bugs, checking sanity , and attempting to capture race conditions. See 'man strace'. # It may be 'attached' to a running process using its -p option. nohup strace -p `pgrep enserver` -o /unused/enserver.strace.`pgrep enserver` & # to attach to all the porters nohup strace -p $! -o /unused/porter.strace.$! & # to trace only the signal related system calls nohup strace -p `pgrep enserver` -o /unused/enserver.strace.`pgrep enserver` -e trace=signal # here is an example of a core created when getvar is not passed any parameter strace getvar Listing of all related files Logs Location of syslog created logs. This partition being ~37GB in size is the best bet to managing the log files. The file/var/log/messages is now /opt/avaya/logs/msgs. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 445 Dynamic Logging logadm file The location of logadm file is opt/avaya/pds/bin/logadm $ logadm -h Usage: logadm [options] [optarg] -i, --init Initialize system for accessing log levels. Used with --file. Deinitialize system & disable access of log levels. Last set level, or a level of 5 will be used when the system is not initialized. -N, --deinit -f, --file <fname> -v, --verify -s, --set Parse log level from the file <fname>. Used with: --init, --set or --verify. Verify initialization, or file syntax (with --file). When used with --file, will set the levels. -p, --process <pname> Operate in context of the process <pname> only. An agent, caller or a porter identifier may be appended after a ':'. To unset the identifier use just ':', or the process name. A regex is allowed. Used with: --display, --level & --monitor. -l, --level Set the log level of a given process to <level>. <level> -d, --display Display current log level of all processes. Use with --level to list a subset. -a, --saddr <address> Symbol address to filter debug logs from. Depth of the call tree may be appended after a ':'. Used with: --process. May be combined with: --level. -m, --monitor -D, --debug -q, --quiet Spawn a thread to monitor level for <pname>. Run in debug mode. Give no output. Operation result from return value. -h, --help Show this usage. Examples: 1. 2. logadm -i -f new-levels.xml logadm -N # initialize # deinitialize 3. 4. logadm -v -f new-levels.xml logadm -s -f new-levels.xml # verify file # set levels from file 5. 6. 7. 8. logadm -d | less logadm -d -l 7 logadm logadm -h # # # # display all levels display processes with log level >= 7 display processes with log level >= 7 show this usage logadm logadm logadm logadm logadm logadm # # # # # # display display display display display display 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 'ag.*' 15. July 2018 -d -d -d -d -d -d -p -p -p -p -p -p opmon porter:010 porter agent agent:ag1 agent:ag.* logadm -d -p caller level level level level level level for for for for for for opmon porter:10 all porters agent agent id 'ag1' agent ids matching # display level for caller Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 446 Listing of all related files 16. logadm -d -p caller:job1 17. logadm -d -p caller:job.* # display level for caller for job1 # display level for jobs matching 'job.*' 18. logadm -p opmon -l 7 19. logadm -p opmon -l 5 # turn on debug logs for opmon # turn off debug logs for opmon 20. logadm -p porter:010 -l 7 21. logadm -p porter:010 -l 5 # turn on debug logs for 11th porter # turn off debug logs for 11th porter 22. logadm -p caller -l 7 23. logadm -p caller -l 5 # turn on debug for all callers # turn off debug for all callers 24. logadm -p caller:job1 -l 7 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to 'job1' # ie - place caller handling 'job1' in debug 25. logadm -p caller:nnnnn -l 7 debug 26. logadm -p caller:job.* -l 7 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to 'job.*' # ie - place all callers handling jobs # like 'job.*' in debug 27. logadm -p caller: -l 5 # unset the caller identifier, while # also switching off debug for all callers 28. logadm -p agent -l 7 29. logadm -p agent -l 5 # turn on debug for all agents # turn off debug for all agents 30. logadm -p agent:ag1 -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to 'ag1' # ie - place agent with name 'ag1' in debug 31. logadm -p agent:nnnnn -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place agent with PID 'nnnnn' in debug 32. logadm -p agent:ag.* -l 7 # turn on debug for agent, while # setting agent identifier to 'ag.*' # ie - place all agent with names # like 'ag.*' in debug 33. logadm -p agent: -l 5 # unset the agent identifier, while # also switching off debug for all agents 34. logadm -p porter -l 7 35. logadm -p porter -l 5 # turn on debug for all porters # turn off debug for all porters 36. logadm -p porter:001 -l 7 # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to '001' # ie - place only porter '001' in debug logadm -p porter:nnnnn -l 7 debug 38. logadm -p porter:00? -l 7 July 2018 # turn on debug for caller, while # setting caller identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place caller with PID 'nnnnn' in # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to PID 'nnnnn' # ie - place porter with PID 'nnnnn' in # turn on debug for porter, while # setting porter identifier to '00?' # ie - place all porter on ports Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 447 Dynamic Logging # like '00?' (00[0-9]) in debug 39. logadm -p porter: -l 5 # unset the porter identifier, while # also switching off debug for all porters 40. logadm -p porter -l 7 41. logadm -p porter:001 -l 7 42. logadm -p porter:001 -a 08057190 # # # # # # # # # 43. logadm -p porter:001 -a 08057190:0 <funcname>' 44. logadm -p porter:001 -a 0:0 45. logadm -p porter -l 7 45. logadm -p porter -l 5 turn on debug for all porters turn on debug for the porter on port 001 turn on debug for the porter on port 001 and only for the call tree invoked from symbol address 08057190 obtained using 'nm porter | grep <funcname>' turn on debug for the porter on port 001 and only for the symbol address 08057190 obtained using 'nm porter | grep # unset the symbol address & stack depth # unset the porter selection identifier # turn of debug for porter . [7.13.0x2000.0x6.0.1] logcat file The location of logcat file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/logcat You can use the following command:$ logcat --help Avaya PC 'logcat' Ver Copyright (C) 2010, Avaya Inc. Search dialer logs, current and rotated, with the following options, and present them for viewing using '/usr/bin/less -Jmn' (See 'man less', or 'h' while viewing) Usage: logcat [-v] [-D|-M] [-d|[-s ][-e]] [-c|-L|-l] [-a][-p][-P] [-o][-r] [-h] logcat [ --list-heads | --list-accounts | --list-<TIME-OPTS> | --list-procs | -log-stats | --agent <agent-id> | --porter <port-id> | --caller <job-id> ] . Options (may be combined): -D --debug context. -M --msgdump context. -d --date 'Mmm dd [yyyy] Execute in 'debug' context, not the default 'account' Execute in 'msgdump' context, not the default 'account' <date> [hh[:mm[:ss]]]'. This option with the current date is the DEFAULT option. To look for all dates provide a *. (as -d=* or "*" or '*'). -s --start-date <date> [hh[:mm[:ss]]]' -e --end-date [hh[:mm[:ss]]]' July 2018 Fetch all logs for the specified date, formatted as <date> Fetch logs since <date>, given in format 'Mmm dd [yyyy] (inclusive). Logs for the specified time should exist. Fetch logs until <date>, given in format 'Mmm dd [yyyy] Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 448 Listing of all related files (inclusive). Logs for the specified time should exist. -c --trace generated. Use ^C to stop. -l --tail <number> -L --head <number> log age. Continuously trace logs to STDOUT as they are being -f --find -F --stop-find regex pattern. <string> <string> Search for specified extended regex pattern. Suspend search on encountering the specified extended --account --process --pid --host <string> <string> <number> <string> Fetch Fetch Fetch Fetch -r --logroot <string> Specify alternate root directory for log files. DEFAULT='/opt/avaya/logs' -o --out <string> Append output to the file, instead of presenting them in a viewer by DEFAULT. If file extension is '.gz', it is -a -p -P -H gzip'd. -V --version -v --verbose first option. -h --help --list-heads Show last <number> lines of logs. Show beginning <number> lines of logs. This helps see logs logs logs logs from from from from a a a a specific specific specific specific account. process. PID. host. Fetch version. Provide diagnostic output from this utility. Use as Display usage. List heads and tails of all 'relevant' files. --list-accounts --list-procs List logs available by 'account'. List logs available by 'process'. --list-dates --list-hours --list-minutes --list-seconds List List List List -S --log-stats Show syslog-ng statistics. Use with --tail/-l to scan last 'n' lines, instead of the entire 'msgs'. --agent <string> logs for that agent's PID. --porter <number> Note that the following --caller <string> logs logs logs logs available available available available by by by by 'date'. Overrides --date option. 'hour'. 'minute'. 'second'. Search for an agent's login, and then get all DEBUG Get all DEBUG logs from the porter for the given port. port numbering is 0 based. This is similar to running three steps: $ logcat -f 'porter <num> startup' # Noting down the porter PID, and then $ logcat -D -p <PID> Get DEBUG logs from all callers for the given job name. Navigation keys (less): h r ^R -S ESC-) ESC-( July 2018 ^L RightArrow LeftArrow Summary of less commands Repaint screen Toggle wrap text Move half screen width right Move half screen width left Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 449 Dynamic Logging e y f b ^E ^Y ^F ^B j ^N CR k ^K ^P ^V SPACE ESC-v Forward Back Forward Back one one one one line line screen screen /<pattern> ><pattern> n N -G -I Search Search Repeat Toggle Toggle forward back search search highlighting ignore case in searches g G Go to first line Go to last line m<letter> '<letter> '' Mark the current position with <letter>. Go to a previously marked position. Go to previous position <<command> Execute a shell command q Quit Note: • The date and time comparisons are simple string comparisons. • Default execution context is 'ACCOUNT' and for the CURRENT DATE. This can be overridden using the --debug switch for debug logs, or --date for a given date. • Multiple options can be combined, if logical and not mutually exclusive. • If the start-date appears to be later than end date, then the start-date is considered to be of the previous year. Use date related options to narrow down file selection for searches. • Custom searches are exclusive, and should not be combined with other options. The searches parse all the logs before presenting data. • When logs are presented in 'less', you can search and scroll using standard vi commands, and quit using 'q'. You can even switch on line numbering using '-N'. Press 'h' for a summary of available commands. Examples (only short options are shown here): 1. logcat # View all ACCOUNT (loglevel 5) logs for the CURRENT day. 2. logcat -a soe_log # View {soe_log} for the CURRENT day. 3. logcat -a mid_tier_log -d=* # View ALL {mid_tier_log} collected and available. 4. logcat -p opmon # View CURRENT day's ACCOUNT log from PROCESS opmon. 5. logcat -P 23456 # View CURRENT day's ACCOUNT log from process with PID 23456. 6. logcat -a account -d 'jul 4' # View {account} for 'Jul 4'. 7. logcat -a account -d '20100325' # View {account} for 'Mar 25 2010'. 8. logcat -a account -d '3/25' # View {account} for 'Mar 25' (1 day). 9. logcat -a account -d '3/25 10:00' # View {account} for 'Mar 25' from 10:00 to 11:00 (1 hour). 10. logcat -a account -d '3/25 10:05' # View {account} for 'Mar 25' from 10:05 to 10:06 (1 min). 11. logcat -s 'mar 25 10:00' -e 'mar 25 17:00' # View all ACCOUNT logs between July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 450 Listing of all related files the two timestamps. 12. logcat -v -s 'dec 31' -e 'jan 1' # View query, date & file selection in VERBOSE mode. 13. logcat -a soe_log -c # TRACE continuously output from {soe_log}. Press ^C to stop. 14. logcat --list-heads -D # View 12 lines of head and tail of CURRENT day's DEBUG logs. 15. logcat -D -P 23456 # View DEBUG logs from PID 23456. 16. logcat -D -p rtdm # View DEBUG logs from PROCESS 'rtrm' (rtdataSvr). 17. logcat -D -p rtdm -P 23456 # View DEBUG logs from PROCESS 'rtrm' when its PID was 23456. 18. logcat -D -p rtdm -d 'jul 4' # View DEBUG logs from PROCESS 'rtrm' for 'Jul 4'. 19. logcat -D -p rtdm -c # TRACE DEBUG logs from PROCESS 'rtrm'. Press ^C to stop. 20. logcat -c # TRACE ACCOUNT logs currently getting logged. 21. logcat -M -p opmon # View MSGDUMP from PROCESS 'opmon'. 22. logcat --list-accounts # REPORT log count for each accounts. 23. logcat --list-procs # REPORT log count for each process in ACCOUNT. 24. logcat -r . -a soe_log -d 'jul 4' # View {soe_log} for 'Jul 4', using account.log files in current dir, # not at the default location of /opt/avaya/ logs. The '-r' option # expects files account.log, debug.log and ./ rotated-logs. 25. logcat -p opmon -d 'jul 4' -o ~/jul4.log # Extract ACCOUNT logs from 'opmon' for 'Jul 4' into # the file ~/opmon-jul4.log. Do not compress it. 26. logcat -a account -o ~/acct-today.gz # Extract CURRENT day's {account} logs from into the a file # and gzip it into ~/accttoday.gz 27. logcat -d 'Jul 4' # Fetch all account logs for the specific date. 28. logcat -a mid_tier_log # Fetch all account logs for 'mid_tier_log' for the current date. 29. logcat -F '[Ee]rror|[Ff]ailed' # Fetch all account logs for the day until encountering the specified pattern. 30. logcat -s 'Jan 9' -e 'Jan 11' # Fetch all account logs from 'Jan 9' until 'Jan 11'. 31. logcat -s 'jan 9 11:05' -e 'jan 9 12:30' # Fetch all account logs from 'Jan 9 11:05' until 'Jan 11 12:30'. 32. logcat --list-dates -D -d '7/4' # REPORT DEBUG log count for every hour on 'Jul 4'. 33. logcat -S # REPORT syslog-ng stats for the CURRENT day from 'msgs'. 34. logcat -S -l 20 # REPORT syslog-ng stats for the CURRENT day from last 20 lines of 'msgs'. name >): 35. To look for DEBUG logs for a specific agent (Similar to using --agent <agent- ^^^^^ $ logcat -f "Agent sign on, logon id = <agent-name>$" for a given agent-name. $ logcat -D -P <PID> July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? # Grab the agent PID # Look for logs from 451 Dynamic Logging that PID in DEBUG. 36. To look for DEBUG logs for a specific caller handling the given job (Similar to using --caller <job-name >): ^^^^^^ $ logcat -f "Job <job-name> startup" # Grab the caller PID for a given job-name. $ logcat -D -P <PID> # Look for logs from that PID in DEBUG. num >): 37. To look for DEBUG logs for a specific porter (Similar to using --porter <port- $ logcat -f "porter 09 startup$" PID for port 09. $ logcat -D -P <PID> that PID in DEBUG. ^^^^^^ # Grab the porter # Look for logs from -{logcat} Done. </PID></port-num></PID></job-name></job-name></PID></agent-name></agent-name logmsg file The location of logmsg file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/logmsg This utility can be used from scripts to format the messages appropriately for logging to 'account'. $ logmsg --help Avaya PDS 'logmsg' Ver 4.2-01 Copyright (C) 2010, Avaya Inc. Usage: logmsg -a <account-name> -p <process-tag> [--follow-pipe] Command line utility to log to syslog-ng in the Avaya Common Logging Format. -a --account-name account in each statement. -p --process-name process in each statement. -d --debug default account. -f --follow-pipe program output to syslog. -h -V --help --version <account-name> The string to be used for naming the <process-tag> The string to be used for naming the Write to debug facility, instead of the This option may be used to redirect a Display usage. Display version. Examples: -------1. tail -f /opt/avaya/account/sp.log | logmsg -p statsPumpCtrl -a sp_log -f July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 452 Listing of all related files 2. NameService pipe 3. ${VOICEDIR}/bin/statsPumpCtrl -s $DBIP $CPATH $IORFILE -ORBUseIMR 0 -ORBIMREndpointsInIOR 0 -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:$NSHostName:$NSEndPoint/ | logmsg --process-name statsPumpCtrl --account-name sp_log --followlogmsg -p logrotate -a LogRotation "Logs rotated at $(date +%c)". init_syslog file The location of init_syslog file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/init_syslog This utility is run from init_dynlog at startup and at every stop/start/check pds/mts. It reports the health of syslog-ng, and re-initializes it if run with '-r' option. It needs root permission to be run. $ sudo init_syslog Syslog-NG running OK. $ sudo init_syslog -r Stopping syslog-ng: Starting syslog-ng: Checking for syslog-ng service: 3429 running Syslog-NG running OK. check_dynlog file The location of check_dynlog file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/check_dynlog This script can be used to fetch all relevant system level configurations and setting on the dialer using a single command. It used with the '-c' option, it also checks for connectivity to The utility 'get_logs -d' internally runs this script. $ check_dynlog ............................................ /tmp/check_dynlog.20100415-205514.log.gz init_dynlog file the location of init_dynlog file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/init_dynlog This utility is run at startup and at every stop/start/check pds/mts. It reports the health of dynamic logging data structures, and re-initializes it if run with '-r' option. It also reports the number of process keys with debug turned on. It uses default-dynlog-levels.xml to initialize the log levels. $ init_dynlog Syslog-NG running OK. Dynamic logging verified OK. ----------------------------------------------------------->>> Found '1' of '209' process keys with log-level >= '7'. ------------------------------------------------------------ July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 453 Dynamic Logging $ init_dynlog -r Syslog-NG running OK. Dynamic logging verified OK. Dynamic logging initialized OK. get_logs file The location of get_logs file is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/get_logs This script can be used to collect relevant logs on the system. If used with the -n option, it collects only those log files that were modified since the given time. $ get_logs Usage: get_logs [ -n '<timestamp>' | -c | -t | -a | d ] get_logs [ --newer-than '<timestamp>' | --current-logs | --today | --all | -dynlog ] Creates a gzip'd tarball from the logs files, and system check. Newer - Current Today - All - f -ls' Dynlog - Collect files modified since <timestamp>. 'find /opt/avaya/logs -type f -newer <file-timestamp> -ls' Collect 'non-rotated' files currently being logged into. 'find /opt/avaya/logs/* -type f -maxdepth 0 -ls' Collect all files modified since midnight today. 'find /opt/avaya/logs -type f -daystart -mtime -1 -ls' Collect entire syslog, install logs, and core dumps. 'find /opt/avaya/logs /var/log/*-Install.log /opt/avaya/debug/core.* -type Check current dynamic logging configuration. Always performed. 'check_dynlog' FILE OUT => '/tmp/pds_logs_<HOSTNAME>_<TIMESTAMP>.tar.gz' $ sudo rotate_logs -f Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's config config config config file: file: file: file: $ date Thu Apr 15 20:56:25 PDT 2010 $ get_logs -n 'Thu Apr 15 20:56:25 PDT 2010' Timestamp => 201004152056.25 ............................................ /bin/tar: Removing leading `/' from member names _______________________________________________________________ Contents: -rw-r----- root/pds_agent 388 2010-04-15 20:56:33 opt/avaya/logs/msgs -rw-r----- root/pds_agent 866 2010-04-15 20:56:27 opt/avaya/logs/account.log -rw-rw-r-- admin/pds_system 30473 2010-04-15 20:56:37 tmp/check_dynlog. 20100415-205633.log.gz _______________________________________________________________ File => Size => July 2018 /tmp/pds_logs_server1_20100415205633.tar.gz 31104 bytes Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 454 Listing of all related files Use 'logcat --logroot [...]' option to analyze on your dialer. Tip: alias lc='logcat --logroot ./opt/avaya/logs', and use 'lc'. rotate_logs file The location of rotate_logs file is opt/avaya/pds/shell/rotate_logs This utility can be used to check and perform rotation of logs if required. If used with the '-f' option, it forces a rotation. It internally uses logrotate, and /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/ syslog-ng.logrotate.conf. $ sudo rotate_logs $ sudo rotate_logs -f Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's Reloading syslog-ng's config config config config file: file: file: file: find_hot_files The location of find_hot_files is /opt/avaya/pds/shell/find_hot_files At the time of installation of the dialer, a baseline registry is created for the binaries and scripts on the dialer. This registry is updated with every patch that is installed. Once this is done, this script can be used to quickly find out the binaries that have originated outside of official patches/ packages. $ find_hot_files Rogue files found: 0. # If the check_dynlog was modified now: $ find_hot_files /opt/avaya/pds/shell/check_dynlog Rogue files found: 1. default-dynlog-levels.xml file The location of default-dynlog-levels.xml file is /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/defaultdynlog-levels.xml logadm -v -f default-dynlog-levels.xml To set the log levels, run either of the following commands: logadm -s -f default-dynlog-levels.xml init_dynlog -r July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 455 Dynamic Logging Structure of a dynamic logging configuration file (also listed in config/dynlog/dynlogconfig-readme.txt): Nodes & Attributes M/O (1) # (2) Description Mandatory or Optional. Number of times the node may repeat per file. dynlog-levels M 1 The ROOT node! Log levels of all processes will be reset to the resultant of this file. @ ver M 1 Defines the version of the config file. Current = "2.0". @ action O 1 If 'update', the 'default' node will not be respected, and only explicitly defined loglevel will be set. If 'resetall', levels of all the processes with be overwritten after parsing the file completely, taking the 'default' value for missing procs. The default value, if the attribute is no present, is 'reset-all'. This value is overridden to 'reset-all' for initialization. default M 1 Defines the default log level for processes not listed in the file. @ log-level M 1 log-group O n A number of log-group nodes may be defined that groups processes for convenience. @ name O 1 The group may name itself for easy identification. @ log-level O 1 The group may define the log-level for all it's processes. Table continues… July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 456 Listing of all related files Nodes & Attributes M/O (1) # (2) Mandatory or Optional. Number of times the node may repeat per file. proc O n Identifies processes in the log-group's. Has to be below a log-group. @ name M 1 Names the process. @ log-level O 1 Assigns the log-level to the process. @ identifier-regex O 1 This is valid only for 'agent', 'caller' & 'porter' processes. This allows setting a regular expression for selection of individual instances of agent, caller or porter based on matching the agent-id, job-name, or port-number against this identifier. @ symbol-address O 1 Allows one to define a symbol address, to be debugged. Debug logs from all other symbols will be filtered out. @ stack-depth O 1 Allows one to define the depth of the call tree from the defined symbol address until which to allow debug logs. Debug logs from symbols at greater depths are filtered out. instance Description NO LONGER SUPPORTED. Use identifier-regex for selecting porter instances. proc-list.txt file The location of proc-list.txt file is /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/proc-list.txt This file can be updated with the process-key for new processes to enable dynamic logging for them. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 457 Dynamic Logging syslog-ng.conf The location of syslog-ng.conf file is /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/syslog-ng.conf. It is linked to /opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf). syslog-ng.logrotate.conf The location of syslog-ng.logrotate.conf file is /opt/avaya/pds/config/dynlog/syslogng.logrotate.conf. It is linked to /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-ng.logrotate.conf It is the configuration file for logrotate. You can modify the 'rotate'and 'size' parameters to alter the amount of log created. syslog-ng The location of syslog-ng file is /opt/syslog-ng/sbin/syslog-ng. It is the binary executable for the syslog-ng process. The location of file is /opt/syslog-ng/var/run/ This is the syslog-ng PID file. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 458 Chapter 28: Resources Documentation The following table lists the documents related to Proactive Contact. Download the documents from the Avaya Support website at Title Description Audience Avaya Proactive Contact Overview and Specification Provides an overview of Avaya Proactive Contact, the new features, capacities and interoperability. Business partners, Avaya Professional Services, and all customers. Using Avaya Proactive Contact Agent Provides detailed description of Avaya Proactive Contact Agent. Agents of contact centers and all customers. Using Avaya Proactive Contact Supervisor Provides detailed description of the Avaya Proactive Contact Supervisor suite of applications. Supervisors of contact centers and all customers. Planning for Avaya Proactive Contact Provides detailed description of the planning process for Avaya Proactive Contact. Sales engineers, Avaya Professional Services, and design engineers. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Avaya Proactive Contact Provides detailed information about hardware and software maintenance of Avaya Proactive Contact. Avaya Professional Services and business partners. Avaya Proactive Contact Safety and Regulatory Information Provides information about safety regulations. Avaya Professional Services and all customers. Administering Avaya Proactive Contact Provides detailed information about the operation of the Avaya Proactive Contact system through a Linuxbased menu. Administrators, design engineers, and business partners. Avaya Proactive Contact Software Technical Reference Provides detailed information about the binaries, scripts, and configuration files of Avaya Proactive Contact. Avaya Professional Services and business partners. Finding documents on the Avaya Support website About this task Use this procedure to find product documentation on the Avaya Support website. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 459 Resources Procedure 1. Use a browser to navigate to the Avaya Support website at 2. At the top of the screen, enter your username and password and click Login. 3. Put your cursor over Support by Product. 4. Click Documents. 5. In the Enter your Product Here search box, type the product name and then select the product from the drop-down list. 6. If there is more than one release, select the appropriate release number from the Choose Release drop-down list. 7. Use the Content Type filter on the left to select the type of document you are looking for, or click Select All to see a list of all available documents. For example, if you are looking for user guides, select User Guides in the Content Type filter. Only documents in the selected category will appear in the list of documents. 8. Click Enter. Training The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at Enter the course code in the Search field, and click Go to search for the course. Course code Course title 1C00010W What's New with Proactive Contact 5.1 AVA00989H00 Avaya Proactive Contact 5.0 Basic System Supervisor AVA00990H00 Avaya Proactive Contact 5.0 Advanced System Supervisor AVA01013WEN Avaya Proactive Contact Solutions 5.0 Overview - Assessment Viewing Avaya Mentor videos Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products. About this task Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on the Avaya-run channel on YouTube. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 460 Support Procedure • To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and perform one of the following actions: - In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos to see a list of the available videos. - In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the Content Type column on the left. • To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to and perform one of the following actions: - Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or topic. - Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos posted on the website. Note: Videos are not available for all products. Support Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date documentation, product notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues. Use the online service request system to create a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to questions, or request an agent to connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise. July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 461 Index Special Characters (Spectrum) application telescript examples ...................................190 A about QDTC2 card ...............................................................98 Access Server ....................................................................339 activating license entitlements ............................................. 50 activating the card ..............................................................103 add a QDTC2 card .............................................................101 Adding entry to dgswitch.cfg ......................................133, 298 Administrator console .......................................................... 27 advantages of QDTC2 ....................................................... 101 AES ......................................................................................47 AES server configure .....................................................................132 AGENT, PC-AGENT, AGENTAPI .........................................68 AGENTAPI ........................................................................... 70 Agent API guide .................................................................283 agent binary ......................................................................... 68 agent blend ........................................................ 159, 162, 315 Agent Blend Avaya Aura Contact Center ................................ 161, 316 Avaya Aura Contact Center configure for ........... 161, 317 Predictive ....................................................................341 agent blending and ACDs ................................................................... 346 configure with CTI .......................................................146 CTI domains ............................................................... 148 logins .......................................................................... 349 set up Spectrum job ....................................................193 Agent Blending .................................... 34, 176, 307, 310, 341 agent login .................................................................. 349 agents, calls, and log ins for PINNACLE 5ESS ..........175 Agents, calls, and log ins for Spectrum ...................... 185 application telescript examples for Spectrum ............. 190 application telescripts for Spectrum ............................189 application with TL1 commands for Spectrum ............190 Aspect CallCenter .......................................................167 Avaya Aura Contact Center ........................ 164, 166, 321 calls, events and logins for Aspect CallCenter ........... 169 Communication Manager ................................... 155, 157 Communication Manager configure for ...................... 156 configure Aspect CallCenter for ..........................167, 170 configure groups for Aspect CallCenter ......................169 configure PINNACLE 5ESS for .................................. 177 configure ROLM 9005 for ........................................... 183 configure Spectrum Transaction Link ......................... 186 configure the PDI III card to support Spectrum Transaction Link ......................................................... 187 defineagent groups for Spectrum ............................... 188 July 2018 Agent Blending (continued) domain group ..............................................................348 inbound calling ............................................................346 Outbound Agent Blending .......................................... 345 PINNACLE 5ESS ....................................................... 175 Proactive Agent Blending ........................................... 345 Rockwell Spectrum .....................................................184 ROLM 9005 agents, calls, and log ins for ...................180 ROLM 9005 domains for ............................................ 181 ROLM 9005 installation .............................................. 178 ROLM 9751 CBX (ROLM 9005) ................................. 178 setup ...........................................................................340 set up PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending .............. 176 set up ROLM 9005 for ................................................ 179 set up the Spectrum for configuration with ................. 184 Spectrum, create an application telescript with ICS ... 189 Spectrum COS ........................................................... 188 verify hunt group configuration for ROLM 9005 ..........184 agent delivered messages ...................................................34 agent groups Aspect CallCenter and Agent Blending ...................... 169 agent groups (Spectrum Agent Blending) define ..........................................................................188 agent keys ......................................................................... 238 adding .........................................................................239 create ..........................................................................201 agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending configure .....................................................................129 agents, calls, and log ins Agent Blending and PINNACLE 5ESS ....................... 175 ROLM 9005 and Agent Blending ................................180 Spectrum and Agent Blending ....................................185 agent session configure timeout ........................................................ 361 agent stations (Communication Manager) configure .....................................................................126 agent super groups ............................................................169 Agent workstation ................................................................ 27 configure for use with Citrix ........................................ 330 agent workstations configure .....................................................................330 specifications ................................................................ 42 agent workstations (terminal server attached) configure .....................................................................331 ANI outpulse configuring .................................................................. 361 ANI support ..........................................................................33 announcement boards ................................................... 46, 47 Anti-virus software ............................................................. 331 application create with TL1 commands for Spectrum Agent Blending) .................................................................... 190 Application Enablement Services Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 462 Index Application Enablement Services (continued) configure server ..........................................................132 Application Enablement Services (AES) ..............................30 application telescript create with ICS (Spectrum Agent Blending) ............... 189 examples (Spectrum) ................................................. 190 Application telescripts (Spectrum Agent Blending) ............189 ARS ..................................................................................... 34 configure .....................................................................128 ASA domain group parameter values ........................................................343 Aspect CallCenter Agent Blending ........................................................... 167 calls, events and logins for Agent Blending ................169 configure for Agent Blending .............................. 167, 169 configure for Agent Blendng ....................................... 170 Outbound Agent Blending domain group ................... 174 Predictive Agent Blending .......................................... 172 automate tomcat startup .................................................... 265 Automatic Call Distribution .................................................307 automatic route selection (outbound) configure .....................................................................128 Auto Route Selection (ARS) ................................................ 34 AUTOWRAP ........................................................................ 33 Avaya Aura Contact Center ....................................... 159, 315 Agent Blend ........................................................ 161, 316 Agent Blending ........................................................... 166 configure for Agent Blend ................................... 161, 317 configure for Agent Blending .............................. 164, 321 Avaya Communication Manager ..........................................30 Avaya IQ integration .......................................................... 303 Avaya licensing .................................................................... 50 Avaya Proactive Contact overview ....................................................................... 18 Avaya Services .................................................................. 386 B backward compatibility .........................................................21 beep detection ..................................................................... 34 Binary files ......................................................................... 301 C call classification ............................................................ 46, 47 calling cell phone number ........................................................ 39 calling list calllistapp.tbl file structure .......................................... 203 create ..........................................................................197 edit defaults ................................................................ 198 environment components ........................................... 194 Calling list details ............................................................... 199 calling lists environment ................................................................194 list#.upld file ................................................................209 listnamednld file ..........................................................204 July 2018 Calling lists download lists ............................................................. 197 master.cfg ................................................................... 197 uploads lists ................................................................197 Callsel report configure .....................................................................363 Card Indicators .................................................................. 100 card parameter description ................................................ 106 card upgrades with QDTC2 ................................................. 99 certificates on the agent workstation ................................... 72 certificates on the dialer .......................................................71 certificates on the supervisor workstation ............................71 changing boot order .............................................................93 checklist CS 1000 ......................................................................324 Class of Restriction (COR) .................................................. 34 clearance requirements ....................................................... 81 client disabling remote logging .............................................443 collect_logs .................................................................. 25, 435 collecting system information ..................................................... 437 combining CAs .....................................................................72 command files ....................................................................253 example ...................................................................... 256 fields ........................................................................... 254 keywords .................................................................... 253 prompts in ...................................................................255 CommunicationManager configure Proactive Contact features ......................... 123 Communication Manager Agent Blending ................................................... 155, 157 configure for Agent Blending .............................. 156, 157 CTI and .......................................................................122 comparison of QDTC2 ....................................................... 101 compcodee.cfg .................................................................. 228 completion codes .......................................................226, 230 add ..............................................................................228 categories ................................................................... 227 change ........................................................................233 compcode.cfg fields ....................................................228 in pods ........................................................................ 227 config_debug ............................................................... 25, 435 configure ............................................................................ 122 AES server ................................................................. 132 agent groups and super groups ..................................169 agent login IDs and skills for Agent Blending ............. 129 agent stations (Communication Manager) ..................126 agent workstations ......................................................330 agent workstations (terminal server attached) ............331 ANI outpulse ............................................................... 361 Application Enablement Services server .................... 132 ARS ............................................................................ 128 Aspect CallCenter for Agent Blending ................ 167, 170 automatic route selection (outbound) ......................... 128 double-digit reason code ............................................ 131 high cipher .................................................................... 20 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 463 Index configure (continued) hunt groups for Agent Blending .................................. 128 international dialing and time zones ........................... 368 job files for Cruise Control .......................................... 364 letter generation ..........................................................371 managed dialing ......................................................... 372 NFS ............................................................................ 201 PDI III card (Spectrum) for Transaction Link for Agent Blending ......................................................................187 phantom numbers for Agent Blending ........................ 130 PINNACLE 5ESS for Agent Blending .................176, 177 port assignments .........................................................119 ROLM 9005 for Agent Blending ..................................183 Spectrum Transaction Link for Agent Blending .......... 186 Supervisor software ....................................................329 transport layer security ................................................. 20 trunk groups (Spectrum) .............................................187 user groups .................................................................334 VDNs .......................................................................... 127 VDNs (Communication Manager ) ..............................129 vectors ........................................................................ 127 wait queue announcements ........................................127 configure Avaya IR software .............................................. 282 configure Avaya Proactive Contact IR integration software ............................................................................................275 configure CTI link double-digit reason codes .......................................... 131 two-digit reason codes ................................................131 configure FTP service ........................................................264 configure inbound.edt ........................................................ 278 configure outbound.edt ...................................................... 278 configure PAB ............................................................ 163, 320 configure port 2051 ............................................................388 configure Predictive Agent Blend .......................................374 configure RAID HP DL 360 G7 .............................................................. 83 HP DL 360 G9 .............................................................. 83 HP DL 360p G8 ............................................................ 83 configure Span type field ........................................... 107, 108 configure telnet service ......................................................264 configure the line impedances ............................................. 98 configure time zone ........................................................... 245 configurevectors (Communication Manager) vectors (Communication Manager ) ........................... 129 configuring agent playable messages ...........................................359 remote logging client .................................................. 442 remote logging server .................................................441 SIPREC ...................................................................... 135 Configuring Callsel report .............................................................. 363 convert dialer non-telephony mode ..............................................38 COR .....................................................................................34 CORBA binaries .................................................................. 63 CRC ................................................................................... 109 July 2018 create a mondo backup ....................................................... 84 creating, new wallet ............................................................. 60 cruise control configure OFCOM ...................................................... 365 Cruise Control ....................................................................363 CS 1000 integration checklist .................................................... 324 CTI configure agent blending with .....................................146 deployment tips .......................................................... 138 CTI:supported software ....................................................... 47 CTI:system diagram .........................................................................31 CTI link configure .....................................................................122 CTI option telephony requirements ................................................ 45 currency configuration ............................................................... 240 set format ....................................................................240 currencyfmt.cfg .................................................................. 240 custom certificates overview ....................................................................... 57 servers and clients ........................................................58 D debug log ........................................................................... 425 default parameters ............................................................. 111 define agent groups (Spectrum Agent Blending) .................. 188 application (Spectrum) ................................................191 define class of service Spectrum Agent Blending ...........................................188 DEFINITY ............................................................................ 46 DEFINITY LAN Gateway (DLG) .................................... 46, 47 deleting a card ................................................................... 105 deployment options features .........................................................................33 description of QDTC2 card parameters ............................. 107 dgswitch .....................................................................133, 298 dialer non-telephony mode .....................................................38 dialer installation installation environment ................................................91 verify environment ........................................................ 91 dialer processes ...................................................................93 Digital Switch ....................................................................... 98 digital transmission standards ............................................. 99 disabling remote logging ............................................................443 Disconnect from IR ............................................................ 284 DLG ............................................................................... 46, 47 documentation downloading ................................................................. 77 domain group Agent Blending ........................................................... 348 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 464 Index domain groups identify ........................................................................ 347 domains ............................................................................. 346 assigning agents to .....................................................347 configure .....................................................................346 ROLM 9005 Agent Blending .......................................181 DoNotCall .......................................................................... 285 DoNotCall external function ............................................... 287 downloading software .......................................................... 56 E EASG commands .................................................................. 415 EASGConfigure command ......................................... 414 enabling EASG to service accounts ........................... 414 logging in as an admin user ........................................415 log maintenance ......................................................... 416 overview ..................................................................... 413 response generation ...................................................415 utilities .........................................................................415 verifying EASG tools RPM ..........................................413 ECPA ................................................................................. 352 Editor ................................................................................. 353 Enabled Network Bus Controller (ENBC) ............................ 27 ENBC ...................................................................................27 End_Softdisc ......................................................................285 End_softdisc external function ...........................................288 Enhanced Access Security Gateway .................................413 Enhanced Cell Phone Detection ........................................353 enhanced Internet browsing security enable .........................................................................332 enhanced password .............................................................95 enserver events ................................................................... 34 equipment Avaya provided ............................................................. 80 customer provided ........................................................ 80 EventSDK ............................................................................ 67 export trusted CA certificate AE 7.0 .........................................................................137 external syslog server logging .......................................................................... 24 F features 5.1.2 external syslog server support ......................................24 Java, WebLM and Tomcat upgrades ............................ 25 log customization ..........................................................25 manual dialing .............................................................. 25 support for windows 8.1 ................................................25 field-replaceable units external .......................................................................381 internal ........................................................................383 Finisheditem ...................................................................... 285 FinishedItem external function ...........................................288 fresh installation ...................................................................92 July 2018 future enhancements with QDTC2 .................................... 101 G general configuration of QDTC2 card ................................ 106 get_info ........................................................................ 25, 435 group.pds file ..................................................................... 335 H Handle_disc ....................................................................... 285 Handle_disc external function ............................................289 hard dialer .......................................................................... 311 hardware PBX options ..................................................................46 Hardware requirements HP DL 360 G9 .............................................................. 77 headsets Establishing audio links ...............................................118 Health Manager and Predictive Agent Blend .....................350 HookflashLine .................................................................... 285 HookflashLine external function .........................................289 hot plug-in .......................................................................... 100 hunt group verify configuration ROLM 9005 and Agent Blending .184 hunt groups for Agent Blending configure .....................................................................128 I Importing certificates into the Jacorb store .......................... 74 importing certificates into Windows Certificate Store ...........73 inbound.edt ........................................................................ 298 infinite lists ......................................................................... 358 initial IR connections and administration ........................... 283 install Proactive Contact servers ............................................ 76 Install operating system .......................................................... 89 installation ............................................................................92 install Avaya Proactive Contact integration software for Avaya IR ....................................................................................... 281 installing 5.1 .................................................................................92 5.1.1 ..............................................................................92 5.1.2 ..............................................................................92 Proactive Contact ......................................................... 92 installing Avaya PC and IR software ..................................275 installing Proactive Contact ................................................. 93 installing software components on Avaya IR ..................... 279 install operating system Release 5.1 .................................................................. 89 Release 5.1.1 ............................................................... 89 Release 5.1.2 ............................................................... 89 integration requirement ......................................................303 Intelligent Call Blending ..................................................... 341 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 465 Index international dialing and time zones configure .....................................................................368 internet monitor ....................................................................62 interoperability ..................................................................... 26 IP 8100 ................................................................................ 46 IP 8300 ................................................................................ 46 IP 8500 ................................................................................ 46 IP 8700 ................................................................................ 46 IQ Configuration .................................................................304 ivr_config ........................................................................... 301 .......................................................................299 .......................................................................299 ivr_config.tpl .......................................................................300 ivr_conn ............................................................................. 301 IVR_passwd.vl ................................................................... 301 ivr_services.vl .................................................................... 301 ivr_supr .............................................................................. 301 ivr.cmd ............................................................................... 299 ivr.hlp ................................................................................. 299 ivr1pool.job ........................................................................ 299 J Jacorb store ......................................................................... 74 Java upgrade to 7.x ............................................................. 25 Job file Basic jobs ................................................................... 222 Blend jobs ...................................................................216 Inbound jobs ............................................................... 219 IVR jobs ...................................................................... 224 Managed outbound jobs ............................................. 224 Other jobs ................................................................... 225 Outbound jobs ............................................................ 220 UWL jobs .................................................................... 225 Verify jobs ................................................................... 225 jobs create unit work lists ................................................... 215 creating blend ............................................................. 213 creating inbound ......................................................... 212 creating managed .......................................................214 Unit Work Lists ............................................................214 L ldapsearch ................................................................. 405, 406 LED operation descriptions ................................................100 LEDs .................................................................................. 100 letter generation configure .....................................................................371 license entitlements activating ...................................................................... 50 searching for .................................................................52 line groups ........................................................................... 34 Linux operating system ........................................................89 ListCbackFmt .....................................................................285 ListCbackFmt external function ......................................... 290 list of certificates on the agent workstation .......................... 72 July 2018 list of certificates on the dialer ............................................. 71 list of certificates on the supervisor workstation .................. 71 list server ............................................................................. 70 logging ............................................................................... 425 customization ................................................................25 external syslog server ...................................................24 LogloStart .......................................................................... 285 LogloStart external function ............................................... 290 LogloStop ...........................................................................285 LogloStop external function ............................................... 291 M maintenance modem ........................................................... 27 managed dialing configure .....................................................................372 testing ......................................................................... 373 manual dialing ......................................................................39 MAPD ............................................................................ 46, 47 master.cfg .......................................................................... 297 MBT ................................................................................... 310 menu example ...................................................................... 251 fields ........................................................................... 251 files ............................................................................. 249 header keywords ........................................................ 250 messages agent delivered ............................................................. 34 configuring agent playable ..........................................359 field descriptions .........................................................202 stringing voice ...............................................................34 Virtual agent ..................................................................34 voice ............................................................................. 34 wait queue .................................................................... 34 migrate to Release 5.2 ................................................................ 407 miscellaneous commands ................................................... 75 missing logs ....................................................................... 444 mode manual dialing .............................................................. 25 non-telephony ...............................................................38 modify Port timing .............................................................. 110 MoFlashBlind ..................................................................... 285 MoFlashBlind external function ..........................................292 mondo backup ..................................................................... 84 Multi-Application Platform for DEFINITY (MAPD) ..........46, 47 Multi-Application Platform for DEFINITY (MAPD);MAPD, see Multi-Application Platform for DEFINITY ....................... 46, 47 Multi-site multi-switch environments supported ......................................................................46 MultiVantage ........................................................................ 46 N network printer configure .....................................................................267 new installation .................................................................... 92 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 466 Index new in this release ............................................................... 18 TLS 1.0 and high ciphers ..............................................24 New in this release CSR3 ............................................................................ 24 HP DL 360p G9 ............................................................ 24 new wallet, creating ............................................................. 60 NFS configure .....................................................................201 no logs ............................................................................... 444 not supported Windows XP ................................................................. 25 O Obtain RAID configuration tool .................................................82 obtain Proactive Contact Integration software package on IR system ............................................................................... 280 OFCOM ............................................................................. 367 OOF threshold field ............................................................109 Opt-out feature on Avaya PG230RM switch ...................... 353 Opt-out soft dialer .............................................................. 356 Oracle removing security from database communications .... 329 turning off database security, Dialer ........................... 263 Oracle database .................................................................. 60 Other files .......................................................................... 301 outbound.edt ......................................................................298 Outbound Agent Blending Aspect CallCenter domain group graphic ...................174 outbound calling swif_ct.cfg parameters for CTI ....................................144 with CTI ...................................................................... 141 outbound job setting up (Spectrum) ................................................. 192 outgoing ports ................................................................ 46, 47 out of sequence timestamps ..............................................444 Out Of Service ................................................................... 104 P PAB .................................................................................... 350 parameters international dialing and time zones ........................... 369 parameters for QUAD E1 ................................................... 111 parameters for QUAD E1 DSS ...........................................113 parameters for QUAD E1 PRI ............................................ 112 parameters for QUAD T1 ................................................... 114 parameters for QUAD T1 PRI ............................................ 116 passwords set ageing ................................................................... 337 PBX features required .......................................................... 47 hardware options .......................................................... 46 PBXs supported ......................................................................46 PC setup IQ ....................................................................... 305 July 2018 PDI III card (Spectrum) configure for Transaction Link for Agent Blending ......187 PDS ..................................................................................... 28 PG230RM .................................................................... 98, 352 phantom numbers for Agent Blending configure .....................................................................130 PINNACLE 5ESS Agent Blending ........................................................... 175 agents, calls, and log ins for Agent Blending ..............175 configure for Agent Blending ...................................... 177 setting up configuration for Agent Blending ................176 placement ............................................................................ 61 platform characteristics ........................................................89 PLDS ................................................................................... 50 downloading software ...................................................56 POD dialers ......................................................................... 59 pods configure primary system ........................................... 149 configure secondary system .......................................150 configure servers ........................................................ 151 list share sans Campaign Update ...............................152 list share with Campaign Update ................................152 list sharing .................................................................. 151 Proactive Contact systems with ....................................36 Proactive Contact with CTI and, graphic ...................... 37 Proactive Contact with PG230RM and, graphic ........... 37 test configuration files .................................................153 port assignments configure ..................................................................... 119 ports ...................................................................................333 predictive agent blend ........................................................375 Predictive Agent Blending ..................................................342 ASA ............................................................................ 342 Aspect CallCenter .......................................................172 Average Speed to Answer .......................................... 342 Service Level .............................................................. 344 setting up (Spectrum) ................................................. 192 SL ............................................................................... 344 printers .................................................................................27 proactive contact HP DL 360 G7 .............................................................. 76 HP DL 360 G9 .............................................................. 76 HP DL 360p G8 ............................................................ 76 HP DL 385 G2 .............................................................. 76 HP DL 385 G5 .............................................................. 76 IBM x3650 M2 .............................................................. 76 Proactive contact non-telephony mode .....................................................38 Proactive Contact ................................................................ 95 5.1 .................................................................................92 5.1.1 ..............................................................................92 5.1.2 ..............................................................................92 install completion .......................................................... 94 installing ........................................................................92 server installation ..........................................................76 software architecture (graphic) ..................................... 44 stand-alone system graphic ..........................................28 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 467 Index Proactive Contact and Interactive Response Integration Worksheet ..........................................................................280 Proactive Contact hard dialer ............................................ 273 Proactive Contact Interactive Response Integration ..........270 Proactive Contact-IR Interface Processes .........................271 Proactive Contact servers configuring RAID .......................................................... 83 Proactive Contact soft dialer ..............................................273 Proactive Contact with PG230RM ....................................... 28 graphic ..........................................................................29 Product Licensing and Delivery System .............................. 50 Q QDTC2, about ......................................................................98 QDTC2 replaces .................................................................. 99 QDTC2 upgrades .................................................................99 Quad Digital Trunk Card 2 ................................................... 98 R RAID .................................................................................... 82 RAID1 .................................................................................. 82 RAID5 .................................................................................. 82 ReadField .......................................................................... 285 ReadField external function ............................................... 292 red, green, yellow LEDs .....................................................100 regenerating a license file ....................................................55 rehosting activated license entitlements .......................................53 related documentation ....................................................... 459 ReleaseLine .......................................................................285 ReleaseLine external function ........................................... 293 remote access server .......................................................... 27 remote logging ................................................................... 441 client ........................................................................... 442 server ..........................................................................441 removing old database ...................................................... 257 report add a blank line between records ...............................236 add an expression ...................................................... 234 create ..........................................................................234 creating duplicate ....................................................... 237 parameters and options ..............................................232 run and view from command line ................................237 reporting telephone features ........................................................33 reports adding or deleting fields ..............................................235 configure .....................................................................233 Resetting IR connection .....................................................285 Rockwell Spectrum Agent Blending ........................................................... 184 ROLM 9005 Agent Blending domains .............................................181 Agent Blending installation ......................................... 178 agents, calls, and log ins for Agent Blending ..............180 July 2018 ROLM 9005 (continued) configure for Agent Blending ...................................... 183 setting up configuration for Agent Blending ................179 ROLM 9751 CBX (ROLM 9005) Agent Blending ........................................................... 178 S scripts collect_logs .................................................................435 config_debug .............................................................. 435 get_info .......................................................................435 searching for license entitlements ....................................... 52 secondary dialer ................................................................ 406 select specific logs .............................................................435 SendMessage ....................................................................285 SendMessage external function ........................................ 293 server baseline specifications, configuration, and options ...... 78 disabling remote logging .............................................443 proactive contact .......................................................... 76 remote access .............................................................. 27 Service Observe monitoring:supervisors ................................................. 33 Set_ear;u+hu external function ..........................................295 Set_early_hu ......................................................................285 Set_softdisc ....................................................................... 285 Set_Softdisc external function ........................................... 296 SetCallback ........................................................................285 SetCallback external function ............................................ 294 SetNofityFld ....................................................................... 285 SetNotifyFld external function ............................................295 setting log level .................................................................. 426 setting logs .........................................................................425 setting up ........................................................................... 342 setting up an IR connection ............................................... 283 sftp configure .....................................................................337 shadow jobs preview ......................................................................... 24 SIPREC ............................................................................. 135 SIT configure .....................................................................125 site inspection ...................................................................... 41 SL domain group parameter values ........................................................344 SLIP threshold field ............................................................109 sockets ...............................................................................333 special information tones configure .....................................................................125 specific caller instance .......................................................426 specifying debugging levels .........................................................438 disable debugging ...................................................... 438 enable debugging ....................................................... 438 log categories ............................................................. 436 log duration .................................................................436 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 468 Index specifying (continued) log location ................................................................. 436 Spectrum agents, calls, and log ins for Agent Blending ..............185 application telescripts for Agent Blending ...................189 application with TL1 commands for Agent Blending ...190 configure Transaction Link for Agent Blending ........... 186 create application telescript with ICS for Agent Blending .....................................................................................189 define class of service for Agent Blending ..................188 Setting up an outbound job .........................................192 setting up for Agent Blending configuration ................184 setting up Predictive Agent Blending ..........................192 standalone dialer ................................................................. 59 starting the dialer processes ................................................93 supervisor ............................................................................ 65 Supervisor software configure .....................................................................329 Supervisor workstation ........................................................ 27 supervisor workstations ....................................................... 43 hardware requirements .................................................43 software requirements .................................................. 43 support ...............................................................................461 external syslog server ...................................................24 Windows 8.1 ................................................................. 25 support information ............................................................ 305 switches equipment options .................................................. 46, 47 synchronization with Avaya IQ ...........................................304 syslogd ...............................................................................418 syslog-ng ........................................................................... 418 syslog-ng initialization at bootup ........................................420 syslog-ng shutdown ........................................................... 444 syslog server ......................................................................441 System components .......................................................... 274 system diagrams CTI ................................................................................31 system information log collected ................................................................437 T telephony manual dialing options ..................................................40 telephony mode manual dialing configurations ....................................... 40 telephony requirements CTI option ..................................................................... 45 terminal server ................................................................... 339 time zones codes .......................................................................... 243 configure .....................................................................242 timezone.cfg ............................................................... 244 time zone worksheet ..........................................................246 TN744 call classifier cards .............................................46, 47 TN744 card .......................................................................... 45 Tomcat upgrade to 7.x ......................................................... 25 July 2018 training ............................................................................... 460 troubleshooting general ........................................................................381 trunk groups (Spectrum) configure .....................................................................187 trusted host ........................................................................ 337 TS0 .................................................................................... 109 TS16 ...................................................................................110 TXCLCK and RFCLCK ...................................................... 109 TXGAIN and RXGAIN ........................................................108 types of digital transmission standards ................................99 U uninstall ................................................................................95 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) ................................... 27 unit work list compatibility .................................................. 358 UpdateField ....................................................................... 285 UpdateField external function ............................................ 296 UPS ..................................................................................... 27 USB ..................................................................................... 93 user groups configure .............................................................334, 335 users add ..............................................................................336 using QDTC2 card with PG230RM ......................................98 UUI fields ............................................................................. 33 V VDN 4986 .......................................................................... 139 VDN 8901 .......................................................................... 140 VDN 891 ............................................................................ 138 VDNs configure .....................................................................127 VDNs (Communication Manager ) configure .....................................................................129 Vector Directory Number (VDN) .......................................... 34 vectors configure .....................................................................127 vectors (Communication Manager) configure .....................................................................129 verify configuration Agent Blending hunt group for ROLM 9005 ............... 184 verify settings in master.cfg ............................................... 277 videos ................................................................................ 460 Virtual agent messages ....................................................... 34 voice messages ................................................................... 34 create ..........................................................................202 voicemsg.cfg ........................................................................34 voice switch ....................................................................... 310 W wait queue announcements configure .....................................................................127 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 469 Index wait queue messages .......................................................... 34 WebLM upgrade to 6.x .........................................................25 Windows Certificate Store ................................................... 73 Windows Firewall using ........................................................................... 332 July 2018 Implementing Avaya Proactive Contact Comments on this document? 470