1 Activity 1: What Is Identity? Draw a diagram (or make an illustration) showing the labels that you use to refer to or identify yourself, and the labels that others use to identify you. Make a short explanation of your diagram. Be guided by your reflection on the following questions: HOW I SEE MYSELF: Kind Awkward HOW OTHERS SEE ME: Serious Friendly Careful Funny Hard-working Approachable Athletic Introvert Respectful Shy In control Has attention to Conservative Negative thinker detail Behave Impulsive Trustworthy Boyish Not approachable The labels that I used to refer to myself are based on what labels I identify myself in terms of interacting with other people and what sides are dominant and observable when I am socializing. Labels such as kind, awkward, hard-working, introvert, shy, careful, conservative, behave, and athletic are among the labels that I identify myself with for the reason that I believe that I possess those things. On the flip side, I do not agree that I am too serious, not approachable, introvert, negative thinker, and impulsive. Maybe they just identified me as such because they do not really know me and because I am always giving the impression of being shy and silent. Most of the time, I become aware of how people perceive my identity by interacting with them. At times, engaging in a conversation makes other people open up about how they feel about you. These notions that they have created influence how I perceive myself especially if I am being identified as such by many people. It helps me to see the bird’s eye view of what people think of me and how they perceive me as a person. However, that does not mean that I agree with them. How I define myself will remain my true definition of myself, other people’s definition of me are just their opinions.