Uploaded by Kashif Muhammad

Education & Abortion in Nigeria: A Statistical Analysis

I like to make this submission before going into this assignment. In my assignment three,
I used my personal data, and from one of the classes we had, we were told to adopt data
that will be of help in this assignment four and the final project. For this reason, I decided
to adopt the GSS data 2010 to enable me carry out my assignment. Please note for your
kind consideration. For this submission, I will be looking at the topic: How degree of
education influences on women abortion for any reason in Nigeria.
Survey: The GSS 2010 data described research conducted on the reasons for women
abortion. The data seeks to explain the various variables responsible and/or influencing
women abortion. The sample size was 1500 out of which 940 respondents representing
62.7% was valid Data and 560 respondents representing 37.3% was mission.
Hypothesis is a tentative statement of a research work. Hypothesis is a supposition or
explanation that is provisionally accepted in order to interpret certain events or
phenomena, and to provide guidance for further investigation.
For the purpose of this assignment and the proposed research topic: the degree of
education on women abortion for any reason in Nigeria.
Hi: is a statement reflecting the substantive hypothesis. It is always repressed in terms of
population parameters, but its specific form varies from test to test.
Hi: the degree of education has direct influence on women abortion for any reason.
Ho: the degree of education has no impact on women abortion for any reason.
In this hypothesis, the degree of education is the independent variable while abortion for
any reason is the dependent variable. An independent variable is a variable that stands
alone and is not change by other variables, while the dependent variable is the variable
that is influence by other variables.
Bivariate table
Bivariate table displays the distributiion of one variable across the categories of another
variable. It is obtain by classifying cases based on their joint on two nominal or ordinal
Correlation is the measurement of relationship in variables. From the above table, the
R= -.21, which indicate weak and negative relationship between the variables.
The coefficient/ significance of this determination R2=0.00. This indicates that there is a
zero significant relationship error between the variables. It means that the researcher will
make zero (0%) error to say that the degree of education influence the choice of abortion
by women for any reason.
Below is the bivariate table for coded data on women abortion for any reason and Neduc
highest degree.
Chi- Square test for variables
 We assume that the samples are independent of each other. That the degree of
education is independent of abortion for any reason. This means several other
factors could be responsible in term of level of knowledge acquired in school, age
and level of or class of education.
 Stating the research and the hypothesis. The research on impact of degree of
education of women abortion in Nigeria. My research hypotheses are:
H1: degree of education has direct impact on women abortion for any reason.
H0: degree of education has no direct impact on women abortion for any reason.
H1: μ1 ≠ μ2
H1: μ1 ˂ μ2 or H1: μ1 ˃ μ2
Ho: μ1 = μ1
The null hypothesis says there is no significant influence or impact on education
and women abortion for any reason; we are interested in finding evidence to reject
or accept the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between degree of
education and women abortion for any reason. Theoretical probability distribution
will be used for both variables which greater than 50 (source: GSS 2010 data).
 The Alpha level is 0.5
The table above shows the analysis of the degree of education in influence on women
abortion for any reason. From the analysis, it shows 48.96% relationship signifying midrelationship with a degree of freedom level of 4, and the significance level is 0%,
meaning that the researcher is likely to make 0% error to say that the degree of
education have relationship with women abortion for any reason
Assuming the estimated prevalence or value otherwise known as alpha is .05 or 5%, the
analysis in the regression table above shows that the correlation with the measurement of
relationship in the variables otherwise refers to as R is -.21 or -21%. This shows a weak
negative relationship because it is less that the alpha (5%). The R square is 0.05 which is
5% exactly equal to the value of alpha, while the adjusted R is 0.04 which is 4%.
The P value is 0.000 or 0% which means the relationship is 0% less of an error. Though
this suggest for further research since the R square was exactly 5%, the critical value as
shown in the chi sq. table is 48.96 with significance or P value of 0.000. The significant
value is 0.00 while the alpha α is .05. The significant value is less than the alpha and
degree of freedom is 4 and therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
Regression future projected value
Y= a + bx
Y= 1.76 + -0.08x
Assuming x = 100
Y= 1.76 + -0.08 (100)
Y= 1.76 + -8
Y = -6.24
Y= 1.76 =
Source: GSS 2010 Data