From the website, follow tabs across the top of the page. Each section below corresponds, matches to the tabs. Scroll down in each tab page for links to answer questions. Avoiding Plagiarism Purdue owl: MLA classroom poster Purdue owl: avoiding plagiarism 1. Why is it important to cite your sources? 2. How will you cite internet sources in this class? 3. How will you cite text (book) sources in this class? Australopithecus Afarensis 1. When did this hominid exist? (Give the range of dates.) 2. Where did this hominid live? (Where have fossils been found?) 3. This hominid had a special characteristic that some believe to be the single most important difference between human and apes. What was this characteristic and what does it mean? 4. What was the scientific name given to this species? What does it mean? 5. What is the name of the most famous fossil of this species? When and where was it found? 6. What were the Laetoli footprints? Why are they important? Homo Habilis 1. When did this hominid exist? (Give the range of dates.) 2. Where did this hominid live? (Where have fossils been found?) 3. In regards to Homo Habilis's brain, what makes it a signature evolutionary trend? 4. Due to his increased brain size, Homo Habilis was the first to use what? 5. Homo Habilis, due to his use of the answer to #4, has what nickname? 6. What name has been given to the making of the items mentioned in #4? Describe what these items looked like and what they may have been used for. Homo Erectus 1. When did this hominid exist? (Give the range of dates.) 2. Where did this hominid live? (Where have fossils been found?) 3. What is the key feature of Homo Erectus (has to do with how he walked)? 4. Based on where fossils of Homo Erectus have been found, what can we assume about the species? (two more questions below) 5. Who was the Turkana Boy? When and where was he found? 6. Like Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus also created and used tools. One of the most important advancements for human survival was made by this species. What was this advancement and what evidence has been found? What may this advancement have been used for? Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis 1. When did this hominid exist? (Give the range of dates.) 2. Where did this hominid live? (Where have fossils been found?) 3. What were two ways Neanderthalensis was adapted to living in the cold weather. 4. What are two reasons it is believed that Neanderthalensis are thought to have been more advanced than other species of hominids? (One has to do with tools, another with how they treated their dead.) 5. Fossils of Neanderthalensis show lots of fractures (breaks), some of which had healed. Combined with how they treated their dead, how do you think Neanderthals thought about each other (how might their relationships have been different from earlier species)? 6. Neanderthalensis was the first species to do what? Why do you think they did this? Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Cro-Magnon Man) 1. When did this hominid exist? (Give the range of dates.) 2. Where did this hominid live? (Where have fossils been found?) 3. What are two physical features of Homo Sapiens Sapiens skulls? 4. Using wooly mammoth fur and various animal bones, what were they able to build? 5. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is considered to be the first person to do this, a practice that existed before writing that allowed for people to tell their stories (caves are required for this). What do you think the purpose of this activity was? 6. Of all the hominids, Homo Sapiens Sapiens is the only one we know to survive to the present day. Why do you think this species has lasted this long? (What has made the species the most "successful?")