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Histology Test Questions: Krok 1 Medicine

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Krok 1. Medicine
3.0 Гістологія
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After infectious disease in 20 years old patient the inflammation of the reproductive system with the consequent
death of spermatogenic epithelia and infertility developed. What does such epithelium cover?
A. * Convoluted seminiferous tubules
B. Straight seminiferous tubules
C. Testicular network
D. Epidydimis
E. Seminal vesicles
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A 45-year-old man after frequent trachea inflamations has had biopsy of trachea mucosa. Preparation shows low
cells oval or triangular shape in composition of pseudostritified columnar epithelium. Its top do not reach the
apical surface of epithelium, figures of the mitosis are seen in a some cells. What function execute this cells?
A. Growth
B. Barrier
C. Supporting
D. Endocrine
E. Exocrine
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Synovial fluids of normal joints are devoid of collagen. It has been demonstrated that patients suffering from
rheumatoid diseases will have different types of collagen in their synovial fluid, depending on the tissue being
damaged. If a patient has type II collagen in his synovial joint, which of the following tissues is being eroded?
A. Articular cartilage
B. Vascular endothelium
C. Compact bone
D. Vascular smooth muscle
E. Synovial membrane
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At worker of a chemical production after poisonous steams breathing a quantity of slime in respiratory passages
is increased. Which epithelial cells of respiratory ways participate in mucousa moistening?
A. Goblet cells
B. Fibroblasts
C. Endocrine cells
D. Langergans cells
E. Intercalated cells
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A 47-year-old man are suffering from gastritis over a long time and has destruction of
type of epithelium covers of the stomach mucousa?
stomach mucosa. Which
A. Simple columnar mucous epithelium
B. Pseudostritified cilliated columnar epithelium
C. Simple squamous epithelium.
D. Simple cuboidal epithelium
E. Simple columnar brush-border epithelium
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A 40- year-old patient after stress reaction has accidental involution of tymus and decreasing number of
lymphocytes in peripheral blood. After their maturation in the thymus and release into the circulation,
T-lymphocytes migrate preferentially to which of the following sites?
A. Paracortex of lymph nodes
B. Cortical lymphoid nodules of lymph nodes
C. Hilus of lymph nodes
D. Red pulp of the spleen
E. Medullary cords of lymph nodes
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Patient who are suffering from thyrotoxicosis symptoms of vege-toasthenic syndrome was revealed. The
histological appearance of a thyroid gland being stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) would show
which of the following?
A. Columnar-shaped follicular cells
B. Decreased numbers of follicular cells
C. Increased numbers of parafollicular cells
D. An abundance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle
E. Decreased numbers of parafollicular capillaries
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A 30-year-old man was determined a low number of spermatozo-ons, which undergo maturationn on Sertoli
cells.Which one of the following functions is atributed to the Sertoli cells?
A. Secretionn of
androgen-binding protein
B. Secretionn of
follicle-stimulating hormone
C. Secretionn of
D. Secretionn of
luteinizing hormone
E. Secretionn of
intersticial cell stimulating hormone
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If odontoblasts malfunction due to developmental anomalies, which of the following will be affected?
A. Dentin
B. Cementum
C. Enamel
D. Tooth crown only
E. Tooth root only
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A 30-year-old man was determined a low level of testosterone in the blood. Testosterone is produced by which
of the following?
A. Intersticial cells of Leyding
B. Sertoli cells
C. Spermatogonia
D. Spermatids
E. Spermatocytes
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Tomographiс study of suprarenal gland a patient has revealled tumor of zona fasciculata. What zona fasciculata
of the adrenal cortex synthesizes and secretes?
A. Cortisol
B. Mineralocorticoids
C. Glucagon
D. Epinephrine
E. Aldosterone
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A patient who are sufferring from hepatitis is defined yellowish color of the skin. Because bile is the exocrine
secretion of hepatocytes, it enter the sinusoids. Which one of the golloming statements concerning liver
sinusoids is true?
A. The space of Disse is located between sinusoidal cells and
B. Their lining includes Ito cells (fat storing cells)
C. They recive bile from the hepatocytes
D. They are lined by nonfenastrated endothelial cells
E. Sinusoids convey blood from the central vein to the portal vein
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A patient who are sufferring from hyperacid gastritis amount of the hydrochloric acid is increased in gastric
juices. Which of the following stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
A. Gastrin
B. Somatostatin
C. Secretin
D. Cholecystokinin
E. Urogastrone
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A 26-year-old female pattient goes to the dentist because of a toothache. On examination the dentists notes that
the patient has a carious lesion not only the enamel but also the dentin and the cementum of the tooth. Which
of these substances cannot repair itself?
A. Enamel
B. Dentin
C. Cementum
D. Dentin and cementum
E. Dentin, cementum and enamel.
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A 45-year-old musician mho has been plaing guitar for 26-years in a rock band noticed that he is having
difficulty hearing. An otolaryngologist confirms his loss of hearing and associates it with prolonged exposure to
loud sounds. Which of the following structures would show degeneretive changes that would account for this
A. Hair cells of the organ of Corti
B. The epithelium lining the inner portion of the tympanic membrane
C. Hair cells in the ampullae of the cemicircular ducts
D. The auditory tube extending to the middle ear cavity
E. Ossicles in the middle ear
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A patient addressed to dermitologist because of inflammation of the skin appeared after trauma. Although
fibroblasts are the predominant cells present in connective tissue, many other cell types also are found in
connective tissue. Which of the following is an antibody-manufacturing cells?
A. Plasma cell
B. Pericyte
C. Macrophage
D. T-lymphocyte
E. Mast cell
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A 5-year-old boy is examined in clinic because of chondrodysplasia. Histochemical studies is revealled low
contents of collagen in ground substance. The chondroblast manufactures which one of the following types of
A. Type II
B. Type I
C. Type III
D. Type IY
E. Type Y
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A medical student who has chronic lower respiratory infections seeks the advice of an ear, nose, and throat
specialist. A biopsy of the student’s respiratory epithelium reveals alterations in certain epithelial structures. This
patient is most likely to have abnormal
A. Cilia
B. Microvilli
C. Desmosomes
D. Hemidesmosomes
E. Basal plasmalemma infoldings
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A 25-year-old woman who are suffering from disseminated sclerosis myelination of nerve fibers is violated.
Myelination of peripheral nerves is accomplished by
A. Schwann cells
B. Astrocytes
C. Oligodendrocytes
D. Neural crest cells
E. Basket cells
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A 32-year-old woman who are suffering from thyrotoxicosis a biopsy of the thyroid gland has shown numerous of
Hassall corpuscles. Which of the following statements concering Hassall corpuscles is true?
A. They are located in the thymic medulla
B. They are located in the thymic cortex of young individuals
C. They are located in the thymic cortex of old individuals
D. They are located in the white pulp
E. They are located in the red pulp
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A 55-year-old patient is observed by endocrinologist concerning disfunction of a pancreas. Biohbiochemical
blood test has shown the reduction of glucagon amount. The function which cells of the pancreas is violated?
A. A-cells of Langerhans island.
B. B- cells of Langerhans island.
C. D-cells of Langerhans island.
D. Рр-cells of Langerhans island.
E. D1-cells of Langerhans island.
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In a saliva of the patient the contents of enzymes is reduced. What cells of secretory portion do not work?
A. Serocytes
B. Mucocytes
C. Striated
D. Mucous
E. Myoepitheliocytes
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The chemical analysis of a saliva of the patient has revealed decrease of concentration of potassium and
bicarbonate ions, on the contrary sodium and chlorine concentration there were much above norms. The
function of which departments of salivary glands is broken?
A. Striated ducts
B. Mucous secretory acini
C. Serous secretory acini
D. Intercalated ducts
E. Interlobular ducts
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The patient, who was admitted to the neurological department, has loss of sensitivity connected with the defeat
of? pseudounipolar neurocytes. Pseudounipolar neurons are the variety of bipolar neurons and is localized only
in one place of human body. Name it.
A. Spinal ganglia
B. Retina of eye
C. Spiral ganglia of ear
D. Intramural vegetative ganglia
E. Thalamic hillock
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In electron micrograph of a nervous cell with plenty of organelles in a cytoplasm is represented. What type of
cellular structures does the chromatophilic substance of neuron behave to?
A. Organelles of proteinsynthesizing apparatus
B. Mitochondria
C. Lyzosomes
D. Diktyosome of Golgi complex
E. Sytoskeleton
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After the traumatic squeezing of extremity the degeneration of nervous fibers is found in its nervous trunk. There
are all displays, except for:
A. Deaths of Schwann cells in a distal segment
B. Disintegration of endings of nervous fibers
C. Tigrolysis
D. Destructions of myelin
E. Phagosytosis of fragments of the damaged nervous fibers
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A patient has lost the pain and temperature sensitiveness of the left low extremity. The functions of what
conducting ways are broken?
A. Spinotalamicus lateralis from the right
B. Spinotalamicus dorsalis from the right
C. Spinotalamicus ventralis from the left
D. Ventral pyramid from the left
E. Ventral pyramid from the right
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As a result of traumatic damage of spinal cord at a patient the coordination of motions was violated. A paralysis
is not observed. With the damage of what structures can it be linked?
A. Dorsal roots of spinal cord
B. Ventral roots of spinal cord
C. Ventral horns of spinal cord
D. Jelly substance
E. Ventral funiculus of spinal cord
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Alcoholic intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by violation of coordination of motions and equilibrium as a
result of damage of structural elements of cerebellum. The functions of what cells of cerebellum are violated
above all things?
A. Pear-shaped
B. Basket cells
C. Grain cells
D. Stellate cells
E. Fusiform
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A patient had the degenerative changes in cells of the III and V layers of cerebral cortex, resulting in
demyelination and degeneration of fibers of pyramid tracts. The functions of what effektor tissue are violated at
this patient?
A. Skeletal muscle tissue
B. Cardiac muscle tissue
C. Smooth muscle tissue
D. Nervous tissue of spinal ganglia
E. Connective tissue of spinal ganglia
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Because of laser correction of sight the stratified squamous epithelium of cornea collapses on the line of
incision. What cells is the regeneration of epithelium due to?
A. Basal epitheliocytes
B. Spinous epitheliocytes
C. Fibroblasts
D. Fibrocytes
E. Lymphocytes
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At the inspection an oculist found out that a patient did not distinguish a dark blue and green color, at normal
perception of other colours gamut. What structures of retina is this violation related to?
A. Cone neurons
B. Rod neurons
C. Unipolar neurons
D. Amacrine neurons
E. Horizontal neurons
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During the experiment the structural features of cornea were studied. What from the following is not characteristic
for the structure of cornea?
A. Presence of capillaries in the corneal stroma
B. Presence of stratified squamous epithelium
C. Presence of simple squamous epithelium
D. Presence of
fibroblasts in the corneal stroma
E. Presence of boundary membranes
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One of the most widespread and successful operations in ophthalmology is transplantation of cornea for lack of
reaction of tearing away of transplant. What structural features of cornea are instrumental in it?
A. Absence of blood vessels
B. Good regenerative ability
C. Stratified squamous nonkeratinized
D. Absence of receptors
E. Transparency
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A pathological process at a patient staggers the receptor cells located in the crista ampullaris of semicircular
ducts of membranous labyrinth. What function is affected?
A. Сorrection of position of body in space and motion
of eye muscles
B. Perception sound irritations of low intensity
C. Coordination of motions
D. Perception of the irritations related to position of body to the
gravitation field
E. Perception of sound irritations of high intensity
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Morphologically and functionallly in oral cavity mucosa can be distinguished musticatory, lining and
specialized zones. Where the musticatory type mucosa is found on?
A. Hard palate, gingiva
B. Cheek, lip
C. Floor of the mouth
D. Dorsal surface of tongua
E. Inferior surface of tongua
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Embriologically, structurally and functionally pulp and dentine of a tooth constitute a uniform complex. What
cells provide this interrelation?
A. Dentinoblasts
B. Ameloblasts
C. Fibroblasts
D. Cementoblasts
E. Macrophages
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At inspection of the patient with disease of small intestine the infringements of processes of terminal digestion
are revealed. What cells functional violations is it connected to?
A. Enterocytes with a striated boder and Paneth cells
B. Enterocytes without striated boder and Paneth cells
C. Goblet cells and enteroendocrine cells
D. Enterocytes with a striated boder and enterocytes without striated
E. Enteroendocrine cells and Paneth cells
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The reason of occurrence of some diseases of a oral cavity is connected to structural peculiarities of its mucous
membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these features?
A. No muscularis mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium
B. Transitional epithelium, no submucosa
C. Simple columnar ciliated epithelium
D. Well developed muscularis, no submucosa
E. Transitional epithelium, no muscularis mucosa
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At children in the age of 6-8 years the change of teeth takes place: deciduous are replaced by permanent. What
embrionic tissues are the sources of formation of permanent teeth tissues?
A. Ectodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
B. Entodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
C. Mesodermal epithelium and mesenhime
D. I, II brachial arches
E. Entodermal epithelium and mesoderm
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The diseases of a stomach can be accompanied by decrease or increase of the contents of a hydrochloric acid in
gastric juice. It is connected to infringement of what cells activity?
A. Parietal exocrinocytes
B. Chief exocrinocytes
C. Endocrinocytes
D. Neck mucous cells
E. Mucous exocrinocytes
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Blood coagulability of the patient is slowly decreased. What function of a liver is probably broken?
A. Protein synthesis and secretion
B. Glycogen formation
C. Storage of vitamins
D. Bile formation
E. Detoxication
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The B cells of endocrine portion of pancreas are selectively damaged by alloxan poisonings. How it will be
reflected in a condition of blood plasma?
A. The content of sugar increases
B. The content of fibrinogen
C. The level of sugar decreases
D. The content of globulins decreases
E. The content of albumins decreases