Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Thermal Energy 1 2 T H E 3 T R M A L E X P A N S C O N V E C T I O N I 4 H 6 E R M 7 T H E R M A L A L R A D P O T H E R M A L L L H U E E P R R M M A A L L C I E N E R G Y I A T I O N C O N D U C T E A T A 11 T A B S O L U T E Z E R O I O 12 T H E R M A L C O N D U C T N O T E M P E R A T U R R N N S D U U L C A T T O R 13 T S H 10 5 T H F 9 N H C 8 O R O R E Across Down 1. An increase in the size of a substance in response to an increase in the 2. A temperature increase in a body of water that is caused by human activity response to an increase in the temperature of the substance and that has a harmful activity and that has a harmful effect on water quality 3. The transfer of thermal energy by the circulation or movement of a liquid or and on the ability of that body of water to support life gas 4. The transfer of energy as heat through a material 7. The kinetic energy of a substance's atoms 5. A material that reduces or prevents the transfer of heat 8. The transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves 6. The quatitiy of heat r in a equired to raise a unit mass of homogeneous 9. A material through which energy can be transffered as heat material 1K or 1C in a specified way given constant pressure and volume 10. The enegry transferred between objects that are at different temperatures 11. The temperature of which molecular molecular enegry is at a minimum, 0K on the Kelvin Scale 12. A material through which energy can be transferred as heat 13. A measure of hot (or cold) something is; specifically, energy of the particles in an object