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History of Tourism: Lecture Notes

The word "tourism" (19th century) is derived from the Hebrew word "torah" which means
studying, learning, searching
Early tourism
This is the era of tourism where the main purpose for travelling is for business or
religious purpose
Were the first people to use the concept of money, using rings made of gold, silver and
other metals which facilitated travel and exchange of goods.
Olympic Games
in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus.
Another reason for travelling during early tourism
Roman traveler
are travelers in early tourism that was largely aided by improvement in communication,
first-class roads, and inns.
In between distances of 100 miles were __________ or stables where horses could be
changed (equivalent of the present gasoline station)
English pilgrims
Beginning in 1388, these were required to obtain and carry permits, the forerunner for
the modern passport.
In this era travel declined. It became burdensome, dangerous, and demanding to
travel. Thieves inflicted in harm on those who dared to travel.
One of the few individuals who braved to travel during the medieval period
this is the era where people travel for education and was introduced largely by the
Grand Tour
a pilgrimage of aristocrats, wealthy and diplomatic persons to tour the important area of
Europe to obtain the knowledge and classical culture.
medicinal baths, "spas" (derived from the Walloon word "_______________" meaning
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In this era technological changes as well as social changes allows people to travel as a
recreational activity.
Tourism in the 19th century
This is the era where in the term tourism was first used. Traveling as made easier
because of introduction of railway and steam power.
Thomas Cook
British Pioneer of mass tourism. Used a large railroad to take many people around the
country for a cheep price.
Tourism in the 20th century
In this era, pleasure continued to expand because of job creation, economic
diversification, source of foreign exchange, world peace and prosperity.
Wright Brothers
First to achieve a sustained, controlled flight in a powered airplane
an inn in some Eastern countries with a large courtyard that provides accommodation
for caravans
Ancient Egyptians
Were the first to see that food service and lodging should be provided to travelers. They
were the first to begin the activity we now call tourism and hospitality.
Ancient Greece
Inns and taverns became common during this period. Restaurants were often respected
and served fine food.
A combination of stables, sleeping accommodations, and fortresses which provided
shelter from sandstorms and enemies who attacked caravans
Hospice of St. Bernard
Most famous monastery-shelter- Hospice of St. Bernard located in the Alps (8,110 ft.
above sea level).
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The first coffee house in Central Europe that served the first cup of coffee sweetened
with honey and milk.
Cesar Ritz
He became the general manager of the Savoy Hotel in London, one of the most famous
and luxurious hotels in the world. His hotel's name is synonymous with refined, elegant
hotels and service.
Ellsworth Milton Statler
Considered to be the prime hotel-man of all time. He brought a high standard of comfort
and convenience to the middle-class traveler at an affordable price.
Conrad Hilton
The biggest hotel man in the world; NY Times described as "master of hotel finance".
He formed the first major chain of American hotels in 1954.
Howard Dearing Johnson
Pioneer of brand leveraging; the first to introduce franchising on 1930s
J. Willard Marriott
He founded the Marriott Corporation which has continue to be an important asset to the
hospitality industry. He began with a root beer stand and built it into a multibillion-dollar
Ray Kroc
Milkshake salesman that turned a small eatery into the McDonalds mega-franchise
China Clipper
In the 1920's, the steamship and the airline pioneers, brought passengers to Manila via
Hong Kong