ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 123 Computer Programming Ryan Schmidt CM 2599 ME 123 Section 02 Due Date: 11/2/2020 Day (32) Exercises Exercise 1 _________ Exercise 2 _________ Exercise 3 _________ Exercise 4 _________ Total _________ Honor Statement (Choose one) 1. I pledge my honor that I did not copy any of this homework, but I did receive help from ________________________________________. (the name of the students should go here) __________________________________________________ (your signature) or 2. I pledge my honor that I did not copy any of this homework and this work is entirely my own. ___________Ryan Schmidt_______________________________________ (your signature) Exercise 1 MATLAB code: clc clear variables file_n=fopen('Day32_Ex1.txt','w') x=[0:0.1:2]; y=1-x.^2; tol=1.0e-02; findit=5/10; for i=1:length(x) if (x(i) < (findit+tol)) && (x(i) > (findit-tol)) fprintf('The %1.0fth entry is 0.5. \n',i) end end plot(x,y,'k',x(6),y(6),'ro') title('Function') xlabel('X VALUES') ylabel('Y VALUES') legend('Function','Closest Point') Output to text file: ^ Exercise 2 MATLAB code: clc clear variables file_n=fopen('Day32_Ex2.txt','w') x=[0:0.001:2]; y1=1-x.^2; y2=x; plot(x,y1,'b',x,y2,'r',x(619),y2(619),'ko') title('Plotted Intersection') xlabel('X-Values') ylabel('Y-Values') legend('Y1','Y2','Intersection') tol=1.0e-04; findit=618/1000; for i=1:length(x) if (x(i) < (findit+tol)) && (x(i) > (findit-tol)) fprintf('The %1.0fth entry is 0.618. \n',i) end end Output to text file: Exercise 3 MATLAB code: clc clear variables file_n=fopen('Day32_Ex2.txt','w') x=[0:0.001:2]; y1=1-x.^2; y2=x; plot(x,y1,'b',x,y2,'r',x(619),y2(619),'ko') title('Plotted Intersection') xlabel('X-Values') ylabel('Y-Values') legend('Y1','Y2','Intersection') tol=1.0e-04; findit=618/1000; i=find(abs(x-findit)<tol); fprintf('The %1.0ft entry is 0.618. \n',i) Output to text file: The 619t entry is 0.618. (with same plot from EX:2 aswell) Exercise 4 MATLAB code: clc clear variables file_n=fopen('Day32_Ex3.txt','w') x=[0:0.001:2]; y=1+x-x.^2; [maxy,max_index]=max(y); fprintf( ' y has a min value of %6.4f at x=%4.2f \n',maxy,x(max_index)) plot(x,y,'b',x(max_index),y(max_index),'ro') title('Plotted Maximum Point') xlabel('X-Values') ylabel('Y-Values') legend('Y','MAX-Point') Output to text file: y has a min value of 1.2500 at x=0.50