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Deviance Quiz: Stripping, Gangs & Victimization

Deviance Quiz
1. According to chapter 36, “Stripping as a Confidence Game,” the stripper plays two primary
roles in order to cultivate the mark. She will act as a sex object for the customer and also…
a. qualify the mark
b. “cool” him out
c. offer counterfeit intimacy
d. entice desirable victims
2. According to chapter 36, the most significant symbol that aids in the social interaction
between the stripper and the customer is the…?
3. According to chapter 36, one reason that the stripper is mindful when in the process of
“cooling out the mark,” and often offers positive reinforcement, is that she wants him to believe
she had a genuine interest in him.
4. According to Chapter 36 on Stripping as a Confidence Game, the stripper plays two primary
roles in order to “Cultivate the Mark,” (the mark being the customer) these two main roles
a. offering counterfeit intimacy for the customer
b. providing beer and cocktails for the customer
c. cooling out the mark/customer
d. act as a sex object for the customer
e. give the customer confidence in his game
5. According to Chapter 35 “Gender and Victimization Risk among Young Women in Gangs,”
the option of being “sexed in” to the gang further stratified women, who were already relegated
to a lower-status position within the male-dominated sub-culture.
6. According to Chapter 35, the young women interviewed predominately joined the gang for…
a. rebellion
b. a social life
c. protection
d. money
e. distancing
7. According to Chapter 35, though the young women joined the gang for protection from risk
and victimization, they often found they were at risk for victimization and violence from what
two sources…?
8. According to Chapter 35, what were the two ways that female members could climb the status
hierarchy in the male-dominated gang?