ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN FINANCIAL SECTOR Shantanu Krishna CONTENT & FLOW OF PRESENTATION OverviewRemittance Industry Changing Market Landscape UAE ExchangeAreas of Operations AI applications Are you AI Ready? Overview- Remittance Industry REMITTANCE INDUSTRY • For the first time in recent history, remittance flows to developing countries registered a decline for two successive years. • Remittances declined by an estimated 2.4 percent, to $429 billion, in 2016, after a decline of 1 percent in 2015. • Low Oil prices & weak economic growth in Russia & GCC countries –main reasons of lower remittance flow. Going through a Transitionary Phase… Remittance flow to developing countries on a decline in the last 2 years REMITTANCE INDUSTRY Going through a Transitionary Phase… Increased Cost of remittances adding to the problem • Structural constraints like De-Risking* raising regulatory burdens on money transfer operators • Labor market “Nationalization” policies in the GCC & Anti immigration sentiments have dampened remittance flows, especially through formal channels. • Imposition of Service Tax of 12.36% by Govt. of India, on remitting money is passed on directly to consumers making it difficult for the businesses to maintain competitiveness. • Despite this, UAE has the lowest remittance fee of 2.5% *International correspondent banks close the bank accounts of money transfer operators, to avoid the risks of money laundering and financial crime Changing Market Landscape Rising remittance costs coupled with rapid technological innovation has made the market more competitive than ever! Let’s understand this changing Market Landscape! 1. CHANGING MARKET LANDSCAPE Disruptive Innovations in Financial Services Social Media encircling Money Transfer services! *Source: World Bank, April 2017 Emerging Social Media Platforms for Money Transfer Services Facebook has currently around 50 different regulatory licences in the US alone that will allow FB users to transfer money via their messenger app. It has become one of the most common tools to transfer money. Last Chinese New Year, they processed more than 8 billion red envelope transactions Alibaba’s firm launched a money market fund that has become the 3rd biggest money market fund in the world, dislodging incumbents who have been doing this for decades. 2. CHANGING MARKET LANDSCAPE Digital becoming mainstream • Using the existing card infrastructure, creation of new cards based products ( dual cards) through which migrants families can withdraw remittances through ATMs • Proliferation of smartphones that make online transfers more convenient & cheaper Disruptive Innovations in Financial Services P2P Lending platforms & Digital media growth *Source: World Bank, April 2017 3. Future Financial platforms will not be traditional banks but will be technological firms • Peer to peer lending platforms now offer consumers an alternative to loans that used to be previously available mainly at banks • Robo advisory platforms offer consumers asset management solutions that are not only more transparent than what they charge but also substantially cheaper. 4. CHANGING MARKET LANDSCAPE Disruptive Innovations in Financial Services Rise of Fintech *Source: PWC global Fintech Survey, 2016 FIN-TECH (Financial Technology) in key sectors It is the innovative use of technology in the design & delivery of financial services to replace the old or enhance the usage of these services in the existing financial companies. Fintech is an umbrella that covers a number of categories of IT innovations applied in the financial sector, such as: CHANGING MARKET LANDSCAPE Big Data Disruptive Innovations in Financial Services Rise of Fintech Financial Education Stock Trading Apps Crypto Currency Algorithm based Trading Peer to Peer Lending Artificial Intelligence Robo Advisors Block Chain Crowd Funding Personal Finance Tools Focus on Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence AI is a field in computer science that focuses on simulating the intelligence of humans into artificial machines with the help of sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing algorithms. MAJOR BRANCHES OF AI- REPLICATING ABILITY TO THINK, ACT & LEARN “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make” Nick Bostrom *Source: AI Magazine, Vol. 27, Number 3 Artificial Intelligence AI is a field in computer science that focuses on simulating the intelligence of humans into artificial machines with the help of sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing algorithms. MAJOR BRANCHES OF AI “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make” Nick Bostrom 1. Machine Learning: Machine learning is the process of automatically discovering patterns in data. Once discovered, the pattern can be used to make predictions. Important algorithms: 1. Regression Based Algorithms 2. ANN ( Artificial Neural Networks) 3. Fuzzy Logics 4. KNN 5. Bayesian Networks 2. Autonomics: Refers to the systems that are designed to perform routine tasks and operations performed by humans. They are programs that ‘observe’ the way a trained user takes decisions or resolve issues and replicate the same decision making process in future events. Artificial Intelligence AI is a field in computer science that focuses on simulating the intelligence of humans into artificial machines with the help of sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing algorithms. MAJOR BRANCHES OF AI 3. Machine vision: Refers to the ability of computers to identify objects, scenes and activities in images. Computer vision technology uses sequences of image processing operations that breaks down images to manageable pieces. E.g. Face recognition softwares used by FB. “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make” Nick Bostrom 4. NLP: Ability of a computer to interpret human language and take appropriate action. Most well known application is Siri for the iPhone. AI Application Avoid AML* Practices by having a more efficient KYC System This is done to avoid false positives & false negatives by using AI & ML Algorithms Learning: learning from data on which a model is developed & rules are created Artificial Intelligence Application in Money Transfer Services Reasoning: Self-correction: the ability to draw conclusions Improving future outcomes based on feedback to past reasoning Important AI/ML Techniques • Machine Learning: Machine learning provides computers the ability to learn and change without being explicitly programmed. • Collaborative Filtering: Capable of finding transactions with missing, matching and/or odd information. • Feature Matching: Utilized to identify transactions below a specific monetary threshold • Fuzzy Logic: Used to find data matches with slight changes to names or addresses *AML stands for Anti Money Laundering Practices Avoid AML* Practices by having a more efficient KYC System Essential features of AI Solutions & Potential Applications in KYC-AML Artificial Intelligence Application in Money Transfer Services *AML stands for Anti Money Laundering Practices Source: Celent Check the rising cost of Customer Servicing through Chat-Bots! Bots are simple artificial intelligence systems that you interact with via text. “Chatbots also have the potential to help businesses significantly cut labor costs. While complete automation of the customer service workforce is not feasible, automating customer management and sales positions where possible through Chatbots and other automation technologies would result in considerable savings.” (The Chatbot Explainer, BI Intelligence, July 2016) Artificial Intelligence Application in Money Transfer Services This could help in better utilization of funds & resources & reduction in the cost it takes to hire & train new agents in situations of high attrition! Predicting Foreign Exchange prices for better money management This could be important to minimize risks/ adjust costings to maximize returns Artificial Intelligence Application in Foreign Exchange Services Using NLP & Text Mining/Sentiment Analysis techniques, Currency Market Predictions are possible by analyzing written text sentiments of people on Twitter & other social platforms. This could be important to make important business decisions including anticipating money transfer requests & manpower requirement/ Cost estimation & Robo Advisors to give wealth management tips to your clients! Personalized port-folio decisions taking into account client’s historical investment decisions, Market reports, Risk profile & other factors What & How do they do? Artificial Intelligence Scouring articles, stock ratings, reports by AI Bots to collect data Application in Wealth Management Services Market predictions considering all possible factors ❶ ❷ Profiling info. to Scouring Big data from different sources Knowing what to invest in? Market Predictions Preparing for investment ❹ figure out the best investment decisions AI chatbots Can help client answer all possible questions before investment ❸ AI Bots built with NLP & ML algorithms are making it easy to make bill payments with/without internet This allows users to make direct p2p payments without leaving your preferred app or platform. For instance, you can simply type “/PayPal send $5 to @Tom” within Slack to pay him back for that morning cup of coffee. Artificial Intelligence Application in Utility Bill Payments Companies like Hipmunk are using Messenger to book and pay for hotels with the linked card on Facebook directly within Messenger, which streamlines their entire booking process. Mypoolin offers chatbot that allows you to send or receive payments via text messaging. All users have to do is input a command like ‘transfer [amount] [phone number]’ and once the payment is processed the recipient receives the money instantly. Why superior Customer Experience is so important? Rising awareness in substitutes available Greater Consumer Choice Eroding Loyalty Customer Experience Artificial Intelligence Application for superior CX Stream Lining Processes Personalization of Marketing Image & Pattern recognition Robotic Process Automation Natural Language Interfaces Marketing Automation NLP for Customer Satisfaction Real Time Tailored Communication Recommendation Systems Predicting Customer Churn & Segmentation Improve Customer Loyalty & Retention How is AI changing Customer Experience? *CX stands for Customer Experience Stream Lining Processes Contact centers improve customer interactions by using Chatbots to provide quick resolutions to their problems, there by reducing over head costs without impacting customer service Businesses are increasingly taking advantage of this desire for personalization by employing AI to analyze their customers’ habits and interests and offering them sales, marketing and other content that entices them to make a purchase Artificial Intelligence Application for superior CX Few Examples *CX stands for Customer Experience Robotic Process Automation RPA is the application of a computer software or “robot” to process transactions, manipulate data or trigger responses, depending on the scope of the request. Leveraging algorithms like Naïve Bayes & Neural Networks, we can analyze history of product purchases (Financial) and present personalized content recommendations. Natural Language Interfaces Personalization Recommendation Systems Speech recognition technology has come a long way with advances in natural language understanding. This enables customers to speak to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system in a natural way. Implement the following before thinking about AI Focus on Clean data: ML algorithms require clean data to learn from Integrated data warehousing: Identify Starting Point Connect data from different silos Think about deploying AI strategically 4 Different ways to deploy AI in your Organization! Artificial Intelligence Is Your Organization ready for AI? Automated Intelligence Assisted Intelligence Augmented Intelligence Autonomous intelligence • Improves human productivity by automating manual tasks (e.g., software that compares documents and spots inconsistencies and errors). • Helps people perform tasks faster and better (e.g., medical image classification, real-time operational efficiency improvement). • Helps people make better decisions by analyzing past behavior (e.g., media curation, guided personal budgeting, onthe-fly decision analysis). • Automates decisionmaking processes without human intervention while also putting controls into place Thank You!