6 W E E K B O OT Y GU I D E ( GY M ) DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C O N T E N T S p 1 N U T R I T I O N p 2 W H A T A R E M A C R O S p 3 - 8 C A L C U L A T I N G p 9 F O O D S T O p 1 0 R E A D I N G A I M M A C R O S F O R N U T R I T I O N L A B E L S p 1 1 - 1 2 S U P P L E M E N T S p 1 3 i m p o r t a n c e o f s l e e p P 1 4 t r a c k i n g m a c r o s p 1 5 T R A C K I N G P R O G R E S S p 1 6 - 1 7 C O M M O N p 1 8 P R I O R T O E X E R C I S I N G p 1 9 E X E R C I S E p 2 0 R O U T I N E Q U E S T I O N S C A L E N D A R E X P L A N A T I O N p 2 1 - 2 3 E X E R C I S E s p 2 4 - 3 5 G L O S S A R Y p 3 6 T H A N K Y O U p 3 7 D I S C L A I M E R 1 - 6 N U T R I T IO N A L G U I DE How to track macros to meet your goals. HOW DOES NUTRITION AFFECT YOU? When embarking on a fitness journey nutrition, plays one of the largest roles. The first step towards determining your nutrition would be to figure out what is your “body type”. To your right hand side you’ll find a chart with the 3 main body types; Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Besides what your body type may be, other metabolism or hormonal issues may impact the way your body reacts to food. I highly recommend to always get a check-up with your doctor to make sure you are not suffering from any metabolic or hormonal issue that can stop your personal fitness goals. ECTOMORPH Lean, difficulty gaining muscle. Gains little fat mass. MESOMORPH WHAT ARE MACRONUTRIENTS? Muscular, well built. Fast metabolism gains muscle easily, loses fat easily. This word you hear all over just means one thing; its a category of “nutrients”. The three macronutrients all have their own specific roles and functions in the body and supply us with calories or energy. For this reason, the body requires these nutrients in relatively large amounts to grow, develop, repair and feel good! ENDOMORPH Bigger, high body fat, stores fat easily. Building muscle may not be hard. 1 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M W hat a r e m ac r os How to track macros to meet your goals. 1 2 3 CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are comprised of small chains of sugar which the digestive body breaks down into glucose to use as the body’s primarily energy PROTEIN FATS Protein is essential for repairing and regenerating body tissues and cells, a healthy functioning immune system and manufacturing hormones. Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. They improve brain development, overall cell functioning, protect the body’s organs and help you absorb vitamins. CARBS are essential to give you ENERGY. Once you digest carbohydrates your body will convert them into glycogen. Glycogen is what your muscles use as a form of energy to perform. So what happens when you don’t eat enough carbs? Less glycogen = less energy to exercise. Eat too many carbs? Excess glycogen = gets turned into stored fat. Carbs are essential and will yield great results when you eat them according to your body’s needs! It is important to have a high carb meal prior to exercise to give your muscles the energy needed to perform their BEST! PROTEIN is essential for muscle tissue growth and repair. Under “stress” (exercise) your muscles tear and thus you need to intake high protein meals after your workouts to help with new tissue growth and to repair the “damaged” muscles. I recommend eating a meal high in protein 15-30 minutes after a workout. FATS help with brain development and normal hormone function. For women, we need to keep a stable fat intake because our body fat composition determines our monthly cycle, fertility, skin issues and overall hormones. They are IMPORTANT, and you wont get “fat” if you eat them accordingly. WATER is highly important. You should consume HALF of your body weight (POUNDS) in ounces. So a person weighing 150 pounds should consume 75 oz of water daily. 2 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 1 K n o w t h e p ro p er t ie s t h at t h e s e t h r e e m ac r o n u t r i e n t s h av e a s fa r a s c a l o r i e s : 1 gr a m o f ca r b s = 4 c a l o r i e s 1 gr a m o f p ro t e i n = 4 c a l o r i e s 1 gr a m o f fat = 9 c a l o r i e s 2 Tak e yo u r c u r r en t b o dy w e i gh t I N P O U N D S a n d m u lt i p ly i t by b e t w e e n 1 2 - 1 4 ( W H I C H E V E R A P P L I ES T O YO U R L I F E S T Y L E ) 12= NOT VERY ACTIVE. (DESK JOB/NO EXERCISE) 13=SOMEWHAT ACTIVE, REGULAR EXERCISE (CASHIER) 14=VERY ACTIVE, REGULARLY EXERCISE, PHYSICALLY DEMANDING JOB (CONSTRUCTION WORKER) . EXAMPLE: I weigh 150 lbs. I am 14 (VERY ACTIVE) *IF YOU ARE USING THE 6 WEEK GYM BOOTY GUIDE 14 IS YOUR NUMBER *IF YOU ARE USING THE 4 OR 8 WEEK AT HOME BOOTY GUIDE 13 IS YOUR NUMBER 150 LBS X 14 = 2,100 CALORIES. This is my calorie intake to MAINTAIN my current weight 3 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 3 D e c i de if yo u wa nt t o GA IN m u s c l e m a s s a n d fat or i f you wa nt t o L O S E fat a n d ga i n m u s c l e t one . HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO? If you want to get “thick” and grow your booty and gain both more fat & muscle. This would be recommended for someone who is thin and wants to gain weight overall. You will calculate your macros for WEIGHT GAIN. Click here to see a client who chose this option for reference. If you want to lose fat while gaining muscle and lift/make your booty rounder not necessarily bigger and tone your legs, you will calculate your macros for WEIGHT LOSS. Click here to see a client who chose this option for reference. 4 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 4 C a l c u l at e yo u r m ac r o s ! I f yo u a r e h av in g a h a r d t i me yo u c a n a lways c l i c k he re a n d u s e t h e f r ee m ac r o c a l c u l at or o n o u r s it e. TO GAIN…If you want to gain weight add 300 calories to your “maintenance” calorie amount. Eventually as weeks pass by (2-3 weeks) you can add 100 extra calories per week. I recommend this so that you don’t overwhelm yourself with food and so that you don’t gain a lot of fat while trying to gain muscle. EXAMPLE: If I wanted t gain… 2,100 + 300 = 2,400 would be my calorie intake daily. TO LOSE… If you want to lose weight drop your calorie intake by 300 calories for steady weight loss. For a more aggressive approach you’d drop it by 500 calories. You can also pick a number in between and decrease it by that amount. (I don’t recommend less than 1,600 calories per day!) EXAMPLE: If I wanted to lose… 2,100 - 300 = 1,800 would be my calorie intake daily. 5 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 5 C a lc ul at e yo u r p ro t e i n i n ta k e I f yo u a r e h av in g a h a r d t i me yo u c a n a lways c l i c k he re a n d u s e t h e f r ee m ac r o c a l c u l at or o n o u r s it e. Women who are lifting weights should take on “average” 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you are a person who weighs over 180 pounds doing this may not work since consuming a lot of protein can lead to fat gain and it may be to much for your body to breakdown. So if this is your case you can opt for 0.75 to 0.85 grams of protein per pound of body weight. In my case I would consume 150 grams of protein since I weigh 150 pounds. So how many calories of protein would I consume? Remember 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories. So 150 grams x 4 calories is 600 calories. EXAMPLE: Your body weight in pounds x 1 gram (if you are under 180 lbs) = 6 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 6 C a lc u l at e yo u r fat i n tak e I f yo u a r e h av in g a h a r d t i me yo u c a n a lways c l i c k he re a n d u s e t h e f r ee m ac r o c a l c u l at or o n o u r s it e. The recommended fat intake for women ranges between 25-35 % of their daily calorie intake. I recommend opting for 25% of your calorie intake to come from fats. Fats help regulate hormones and brain function so it is essential in your diet, and no consuming fat wont make you “fat” when consumed moderately. In my case I am supposed to consume 2,100 calories daily, so to figure out how many grams/calories of fats to eat I would multiply 2,100 by .25 (represents %.) and the amount this equals to is the amount of calories I should intake from fats. 2,100 calories x .25 = 525 calories So remember: Your daily calorie intake x .25 = Fat calorie intake Then you would move onto determine how many grams of fat to consume by dividing the calorie amount (525 for me) by 9, since 1 gram of fat = 9 calories. Example: 525 calories / 9 calories = 58.33 grams (round to nearest whole number) so 58 g of fat is what I would consume daily. Final Formula: Your cal intake x .25 = Fat calorie intake / 9 cals = fat intake in grams 7 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C a l c u l at i n g m ac ro s How to track macros to meet your goals. 7 C a lc u l at e yo u r ca r b i n ta k e I f yo u a r e h av in g a h a r d t i me yo u c a n a lways c l i c k he re a n d u s e t h e f r ee m ac r o c a l c u l at or o n o u r s it e. Carbs are essential in your diet, they supply your body with energy and fuel your muscles to allow you to lift. Low carb diets will slow down your progress when gaining muscle is a priority, so consuming carbs moderately is the best option in my opinion. To determine your carb intake you will subtract from your original calorie intake goal the calories consumed from fats and protein, the amount of calories remaining is the amount of carbs you should intake. In my case that would be 2,100 goal cals - 600 cals (protein ) - 525 cals (fat) = 975 calories worth of carbs would be my carb intake & to determine the amount in grams I would divide 975 calories / 4 calories (since 1 gram of carbs = 4 cals). Leaving me with 975 / 4 = 244 grams of carbs when rounded. So remember: To calculate your carb intake you need to figure out the amount of fats and protein you are consuming first, the remainder is carbs. Final Formula: Entire calorie intake - (Fat cals) - (Protein cals) = Carb cals / 4 cals = Carbs in grams 8 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M F o o d s t o a i m f or How to track macros to meet your goals. FATS ‣ AVOCADO ‣ AVOCADO OIL ‣ NUTS ‣ NUT BUTTERS ‣ OLIVES ‣ OLIVE OIL ‣ SUNFLOWER OIL ‣ CANOLA OIL ‣ FLAX SEED OIL ‣ FLAX SEEDS ‣ PLANT BASED BUTTERS AVOID: FULL FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS LIKE BUTTER, MAYONNAISE, CREAM CHEESE AND SO ON I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO STAY AWAY FROM! PROTEIN ANIMAL ‣ TURKEY BACON ‣ SALMON ‣ CHICKEN BREAST ‣ LEAN GROUND TURKEY ‣ LEAN GROUDN CHICKEN BREAST ‣ SHRIMP ‣ TILAPIA ‣ EGG WHITES PLANT ‣ TEMPEH ‣ TOFU ‣ SEITAN ‣ NUTS ‣ NUT BUTTERS ‣ EDAMAME ‣ BEANS ‣ LENTILS ‣ HEMP SEEDS ‣ CHIA SEEDS THERE ARE MANY OTHER OPTIONS OUT THERE, THE LESS PROCESSED THE PROTEIN SOURCE IS THE BETTER! CARBS ‣ OATMEAL (OATS) ‣ WHOLE GRAINS ‣ WHOLE WHEAT PASTAS ‣ BROWN RICE ‣ BEANS ‣ CORN ‣ COUSCOUS ‣ QUINOA ‣ SQUASH ‣ POTATOES (ALL KINDS) ‣ YAMS ‣ BANANAS ‣ STRAWBERRIES ‣ PLANTAINS ‣ LENTILS ‣ VEGETABLES ALSO COUNT! ‣ BROCOLLI ‣ COLIFLOWER ‣ ASPARAGUS ‣ CARROTS ‣ MUSHROOMS ‣ SPINACH ‣ TOMATOES ‣ ANY OTHER KINDS OF FRUITS. 9 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M R e ad i n g n u t r i t i o n l a b e l s How to read nutrition labels There are two sections to the nutrition information on food labels: the N u t r i e n t I n f o r m at i o n a n d t h e I n g r e d i e n t L i s t. I t ’ s i m p o r ta n t t o n o t e t h at the nutrient amounts listed on a nutrition label indicate the amount in 1 serving, not the total amount in the container (unless specified). To d e t e r m i n e t h e t o ta l c a l o r i e s i n t h e w h o l e p a c k a g e , m u lt i p ly t h e c a l o r i e s per serving by the total number of servings. T h e p e r c e n t d a i ly va l u e s ( D V ’ s ) l i s t e d o n t h e n u t r i t i o n f a c t s p a n e l h e l p you determine how much of a nutrient the product provides in one serving b a s e d o n a s u g g e s t e d t o ta l d a i ly i n ta k e . T h e D V p e r c e n ta g e r e p r e s e n t s t h e a m o u n t o f e a c h n u t r i e n t o n e s h o u l d h av e i n a d ay b a s e d o n a 2 0 0 0 - c a l o r i e d i e t. 10 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M S u p p l e m e n t s Recommended supplements K e e p i n m i n d, s u p pl e m e n t s D O N O T l o o k a m a zi n g on t h e i r o w n. Yo u h t h e w o r k , yo u ca n s e e c h a n g e s w i t t h em ! Yo u s h ou l dn ’ t f e e l t h e n e e o n t h em , F OO D i s F U E L . ma k e yo u av e t o d o h o u t u s i n g d t o r e ly T h e ex a m p l e s b e l o w a r e s o l e ly to e d u c at e yo u BCAA’S BCAA’s are a must have supplement. When you choose to add supplements into your diet you should choose branched-chain amino acids (BCAA’s) which will support your immune system. Whenever you are weight training, lifting heavy or doing a high intensity workout your body is under a large amount of stress. Sometimes the body is unable to tolerate these stress levels which will result to illness and no muscle recovery. This essential amino acid cannot be produced by our bodies meaning we have to consume it directly. BCAAs are not only necessary as building blocks of protein for muscle growth and repair. They have multiple properties that enhance these growth processes well above and beyond normal amino acids. (Consume during your workout). I recommend powder form. L-GLUTAMINE L-Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in our muscles (60%). Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation can minimise breakdown of muscle and improve protein metabolism. During an intense workout, Glutamine levels are weakened in your body which decreases strength and recovery. It could take up to 5-6 days for Glutamine levels to increase back to normal. Glutamine helps maintain hydration, healing process and cell volume. Studies have shown that Glutamine is linked to protein synthesis which prevents your muscles from being “eaten up”. It can also help the production of growth hormones and serves as a boost to your immune system. (Consume anytime of the day) . I recommend powder form. 11 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M S u p p l e m e n t s Recommended supplements K e e p i n m i n d, s u p pl e m e n t s D O N O T l o o k a m a zi n g on t h e i r o w n. Yo u h t h e w o r k , yo u ca n s e e c h a n g e s w i t t h e m ! Yo u s h ou l dn ’ t f e e l t h e n e e o n t h em , F OO D i s F U E L . ma k e yo u av e t o d o h o u t u s i n g d t o r e ly T h e ex a m p l e s b e l o w a r e s o l e ly to e d u c at e yo u PROTEIN POWDERS Protein powders can aid in muscle recovery and muscle cell synthesis. It is recommended that protein powders are consumed 30 minutes to 1 hour after your workout (unless other wise stated on the product labels). Although Many people enjoy whey protein, I recommend plant based ones. Studies have shown that whey protein is closely affiliated with acne and bloating, an issue many women frequently deal with. thus if you’re having a hard time meeting your protein intake daily I recommend a plant based (vegan) protein powder. SOME BRANDS I RECCOMEND ARE: EHPLABS.COM alaninu.com MYVEGA.COM I AM NOT AFFILIATED/SPONSORED WITH THESE BRANDS BUT HAVE USED THEIR PRODUCTS AND ENJOYED THEM. THEM. 12 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M I m po r ta n c e o f sl ee p Hormone regulation. S l e e p i s i m po r ta nt f o r a var i et y o f d i f f e r e n t a s pe c t s. Yo u r m u s c l e s r e q u i r e s l e e p t o r e cov e r a n d yo u r h o r m o n e s’ b a l a n c e a l so de pe n d s h i g h ly o n yo ur s l e e pi n g s c he du l e . Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that is produced in your fat cells. The less l e p t i n y o u p r o d u c e , t h e m o r e y o u r s t o m a c h f e e l s e m p t y. T h e m o r e ghrelin you produce, the more you stimulate hunger while also reducing the amount of calories you burn (slowing down your metabolism) and increasing the amount fat you store. In other w o r d s , y o u n e e d t o c o n t r o l l e p t i n a n d g h r e l i n t o s u c c e s s f u l ly l o s e w e i g h t, b u t s l e e p d e p r i vat i o n m a k e s t h at n e a r ly i m p o s s i b l e . 13 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M T r ac k in g m ac r os How to track macros to meet your goals. W h at a p p do I u s e ? M y F it n e ss Pa l : T h is is my pre fe rr e d a pp at f o r t r ac k ing mac ro s. I t h a s th e larges t data ba s e f o r f o o d a nd d r ink i te m s a n d i s ex t re me ly e asy to nav igat e a nd u s e . MF P e v e n h a s a f o o d l a b el s canner s o yo u ca n q uick ly l o g ne w it em s e a s i ly. O n ce th e ite m ha s bee n e nt e r e d o nc e it is s t o re d i n yo u r his tory, allow in g yo u ev en q u ic k e r ac c es s t o fo o d s e ate n o f t e n. Cli ck h er e to s e e ho w t o u s e t h e a p p. Now that you have calculated your protein, fat and carb intake how can you find out how much you are really eating? By measuring and weighing it! To track macros you will need a food scale, nothing too fancy just something you can measure grams/ounces. I have found a large variety of inexpensive ones in places like Amazon.com. You should also invest in measuring cups / spoons. Most of the nutritional info of items that are packaged are on the labels, so all you’d have to do is look at this information and measure your portions and track your macros. Eating an item with no nutrition label like fruits? SEARCH FOR IT ONLINE! Just a click away on your phone or computer you can easily google things like (granny smith apple nutrition info) and you’ll have the information at the palms of your hands. When choosing foods that you perhaps did not prepare your self, less is better! Less sauce, less oil, try baked instead of fried, opt for more vegetables and even ask for your food to be given in separate containers so you can weigh it at home or even at your dorm and measure out your portions. Once you already know the nutritional info of the foods you are eating you can use a variety of apps to log your intake. There is Lifesum which even allows you to scan item barcodes and enter just the portion and does the calculations for you, or Myfitnesspal. If your goals are fat loss remember you need to be on a calorie deficit, and as you shed weight your macros will need to be recalculated and adjusted. If your goals are weight gain you need to be on a calorie surplus, and as you gain weight your macros will have to be adjusted. Lastly I recommend that you begin to not necessarily weigh yourself daily, instead try to do so every 2 weeks or so. Instead focus in taking progress photos or how your clothing is fitting. Adjust your macros slowly and steadily to see healthy long term gains. 14 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M T r ac k in g p r o g r ess How to track your physical progress. HOW DO I TAKE PROGRESS PICS? 1 Wear minimal clothing. In order to track your body, you will need to capture your body as it comes and as it will change. Recommended clothing would be a sports bra and shorts. 2Take your progress pictures hands free. Keep your phone/camera in a stable place and set a timer on it or get someone to take the pics for you. Weigh yourself at the start and then do so every other week. 3Make sure the lighting is clear and bright. Do not pose, keep your body relaxed in your very first picture. After a couple of weeks, you can pose/flex to show off your results! 4Take pictures every 2 weeks in the same lighting, room, and time. Also weigh yourself every two weeks, NOT DAILY. PLEASE SHARE YOUR RESULTS WITH ME! YOU CAN BE SOMEONE’S SOURCE OF INSPIRATION! YOU CAN USE THE HASHTAG #DNFGIRLS TO SHARE YOUR RESULTS ON INSTA! YOU CAN ALSO CLICK THIS EMAIL INFO@DARIHANANOVA.COM TO SEND RESULTS. 15 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C O M M O N Q U E S TI ONS YOUR ROUTINE WILL REMAIN THE SAME EVERY WEEK. AS THE WEEKS PASS BY I ENCOURAGE YOU TO TRY HARDER AND HARDER TO COMPLETE ALL REPETITIONS AND SETS AND TO ADD MORE WEIGHT/RESISTANCE. EXERCISES MAY GET A BIT HARDER AND COMPLEX, BUT YOU CAN DO THEM! YOUR WORKOUTS ARE MEANT TO BE COMPLETED IN THE SAME ORDER THEY ARE STATED FOR THE AMOUNT OF REPS STATED. WORK YOUR BEST AND RESULTS WILL COME! TRY TO TRACK YOUR MACROS FOR BEST RESULTS, SINCE NUTRITION IS KEY! AVOIIDING SORENESS: 1) DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND MEET YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE GOALS DAILY. 2) TAKE EPSOM SALT BATHS 3) GET ENOUGH SLEEP. VIDEOS: THE GUIDE WILL HAVE HASHTAGS # WHICH WILL BE CLICKABLE. THE LINKS WILL TAKE YOU TO AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT WITH VIDEOS OF THE EXERCISES BEING PERFORMED. YOU CAN ALSO LOOK UP THE HASHTAGS ON INSTAGRAM AND THE VIDEO DEMOS WILL SHOW UP. WHAT YOU NEED TO USE THIS GUIDE: 1. 2. 3. 4. A YOGA MAT. TWO DUMBBELLS (10-20 LBS ) **YOU CAN USE HEAVIER WEIGHTS** KETTLEBELL (15-20 LBS) **YOU CAN USE HEAVIER WEIGHTS** LOOP RESISTANCE BANDS (CLICK here TO PURCHASE MY RESISTANCE BANDS!) 16 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C O M M O N Q U E S TI ONS A B B R EV I AT I O N S : DB D U M B B E L L X S UP ER S ET BB B AR B E L L rB R E S I S TA N C E B A N D HOW MUCH WEIGHT SHOULD I USE? The weight you use will always vary! I can’t tell you the specific amount of weight you should use while exercising because everyone has a different resistance level. Using the word challenging means whatever heavy is to YOU. *MAXIMUM WEIGHT POSSIBLE WITHOUT AFFECTING FORM* As time progresses you will become stronger, thus you will need to increase the weight you are using. You should always push yourself even if it is by increasing weight 2.5 pounds weekly. If on your first week your heaviest squat was 25lbs total, your second week you should aim to squat 27.5-30lbs. *MEDIUM WEIGHT, HALF OF THE HEAVIEST YOU CAN LIFT* DROP SET: It is essentially a technique where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps until you reach failure. EACH DROP SET IS CONSIDERED ONE SET! SUPERSET: Doing two or more exercises one after the other with minimal to no rest in between. x means amount of times a set is repeated Example 3 x 21 = means 3 sets of 21 repetitions 17 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M P RI O R T O E X E R C I SI NG YO U CA N P E R F O R M A S M A L L 5 - 1 0 M I N U T E WA R M U P P R I OR T O T H E SE . A L I G H T J O G / WA L K , O R J UM PI N G R O P E S H OU L D W O R K J U S T F I N E . I D O N O T R E C OM M E N D D O I NG C A R D I O O N T H E DAYS YO U ’ R E U SI N G T H E G U I DE . I N S T E A D T RY T O D O C A R D I O O N YO UR N ON - L E G DAYS AT T H E E N D O F YO UR W O R KOU T S. A F T E R WA R M I N G U P F O R 5 - 1 0 M I N U T ES YO U W I L L J U M P I N T O G L U T E ACT I VAT I O N E X E R CI S E S M EN T IO N E D B EL O W. ACTIVATION YOU WILL ACTIVATE AFTER YOUR QUICK WARM UPS USING RESISTANCE BANDS EVERY TIME BEFORE A WORKOUT. YOU CAN OPT FOR TWO OUT OF THESE ACTIVATION EXERCISES WHICH YOU WILL FOLLOW FOR 2 SETS OF 25 SECONDS PER EXERCISE. CLICK THEM TO SEE VIDEOS! 1)CLAMS 2)LATERAL BANDED WALKS 3)BANDED KICKBACKS 18 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M E X ER CI S E C A L E N DA R DAY 1 WEEK 1 QUADSS/ GLUTES WEEK 2 QUADSS/ GLUTES WEEK 3 UPPER/CARDIO DAY 2 UPPER/CARDIO DAY 3 YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) ACCESORY/ BURNOUT QUADSS/ GLUTES YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) ACCESORY/ BURNOUT WEEK 4 QUADSS/ GLUTES YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) ACCESORY/ BURNOUT WEEK 5 QUADSS/ GLUTES YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) ACCESORY/ BURNOUT WEEK 6 QUADSS/ GLUTES YOUR ROUTINE (HAMSTRINGS/ YOUR ROUTINE CALVES/ GLUTES) ACCESORY/ BURNOUT ACCESORY/ BURNOUT 19 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M C O M M M O N Q U E S T IO N S WHY ONLY THREE ROUTINES? I am a firm believer that less is more. Routines do not have to be overly complicated to yield results. They should be quick and effective to fit into the daily lives of anyone. This guide consists of three routines (THIS IS CALLED PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD) with the most effective workouts I have used to mold my booty and legs. You will follow them for a total of 6 weeks and as you progress you should increase the weight and resistance used during the workouts. Keep in mind that your nutrition will play one of the largest roles so it is of importance that you are following your macro guidelines and eating to meet your goals. Make sure you’re taking photos of yourself to motivate you! You’ll be astonished at how much your body will change while following this program. As every week progresses you should increase the weight used while exercising. Make notes of the weight you used during your workouts weekly so you can increase it in the following weeks. Your workouts should be challenging. Don’t be that girl that goes to the gym and doesn't break a sweat and then wonders why there is no progress. It will take time, BUT if you challenge yourself it will happen! You can add more weight every week or add resistance bands to make the workouts more challenging. 20 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M W E E K 1 -6 E X E RC I SE S DAY 1 (remember you can click the hashtag to see videos) QUADSS/GLUTES E X E R C IS E S E T S A ND RE PS REC OMM E NDED WE IGH T /T IPS REST TI ME SEATED HIP ABDUCTIONS 3x 21 No rest while dropping 1 MINUTE BETWEEN SETS. (DS) (7 HIGH WEIGHT,7 MEDIUM weight. #DNFSEATEDHIPABDUCTIO WEIGHT, 7 LIGHT WEIGHT) CHALLENGING WEIGHT. NS LEG PRESS 3x 15 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN (SHOULDER WIDTH DON’T LOCK KNEES! SETS. STANCE) COME DOWN SLOW, SHOOT #DNFNARROWLEGPRESS UP. BB SQUAT 4x 15 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN (SHOULDER WIDTH KEEP BACK STRAIGHT/ SETS. STANCE) CORE TIGHT. #DNFBBSQUAT GOBLET QUAT 4x 15-20 HOLD WEIGHT CLOSE TO 30 SECONDS BETWEEN #DNFGOBLETSQUAT TORSO. SETS. 15 LBS+ SINGLE LEG PRESS ON PULL UP MACHINE #DNFSINGLELEGPRESS ELEVATED DB SUMO SQUAT (BENCH/ASSISTED PULLUP MACHINE) #DNFSUMOSQUAT STEP UPS (SMITH MACHINE) #DNFSTEPUPS 3x 15 (PER LEG) 4x 15-20 3x 15-20 (PER LEG) CHALLENGING WEIGHT. NO WAIT TIME BETWEEN SWITCHING LEGS. FOCUS ON GLUTES SQUEEZING UP AS HARD AS POSSIBLE. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. NO WAIT TIME BETWEEN SWITCHING LEGS. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 21 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M W E E K 1 -6 E X E RC I SE S DAY 2 (remember you can click the hashtag to see videos) HAMSTRINGS/CALVES/GLUTES EX ERC ISE SETS AN D R EP S RECO MM EN DE D WEIG HT/TIPS RE S T T I ME STANDING CALF RAISES (IN, OUT, STRAIGHT) #DNFINSCALFRAISE 4x 21 (7 STRAIGHT, 7 IN, 7 OUT) No rest while CHANGING STANCE. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. 45 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. SEATED HIP ABDUCTIONS (DS) #DNFSEATEDHIPABDUCT IONS 4x 21 (7 HIGH WEIGHT,7 MEDIUM WEIGHT, 7 LIGHT WEIGHT) No rest while dropping weight. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. DB ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS #DNFDBRDL 4x 12-15 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. SLOW & CONTROLLED. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. BB GOOD MORNINGS #DNFBBGOODMORNINGS 4x 12 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. SLOW & CONTROLLED. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. BACK EXTENSIONS (WITH WEIGHT) #DNFBACKEXTENSIONS 4x 12 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. SLOW & CONTROLLED. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. CABLE PULL THROUGHS #DNFCABLEPULLTHROUG HS 4x 15-20 FOCUS ON GLUTES 45 SECONDS BETWEEN SQUEEZING UP AS HARD SETS. AS POSSIBLE. BB STIFF LEGGED DEADLIFTS #DNFBBSTIFF 4x 12-15 CHALLENGING WEIGHT. SLOW & CONTROLLED. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 22 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M W E E K 1 -6 E X E RC I SE S DAY 3 (remember you can click the hashtag to see videos) ACCESORY/BURNOUT E X E R C IS E S E T S A ND RE PS CABLE KICKBACKS (BENT OVER) #DNFCABLEKICKBACK S DB LYING LEG CURLS #DNFDBLYINGLEGCURL DB CURTSY LUNGE #DNFCURTSYLUNGE 4x 12 (PER LEG) 4x 12 4x 30 (15 PER LEG) STATIONARY LUNGES (SMITH MACHINE) #DNFSTATIONARYLUN GE HIP ADDUCTIONS #DNFHIPADDUCTIONS 3x 15-20 (PER LEG) DB SPLIT SQUATS #DNFDBSPLITSQUAT 4x 12 (EACH LEG) DB STEP UPS #DNFDBSTEPUPS 4x 12 (EACH LEG) 3x 15 REC OMM E NDED REST TI ME WE IGH T /T IPS LIGHT WEIGHT. NO 30 SECONDS BETWEEN WAIT TIME BETWEEN SETS. SWITCHING LEGS. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. SLOW & CONTROLLED. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. KEEP BACK STRAIGHT/ CORE TIGHT. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. NO WAIT TIME BETWEEN SWITCHING LEGS. CHALLENGING WEIGHT. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. 30 SECONDS BETWEEN SETS. LIGHT WEIGHT. NO 30 SECONDS BETWEEN WAIT TIME BETWEEN SETS. SWITCHING LEGS. MEDIUM WEIGHT. NO 30 SECONDS BETWEEN WAIT TIME BETWEEN SETS. SWITCHING LEGS. 23 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M DAY 1 EX ER C IS E G L O S S A RY 1. SEATED HIP ABDUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: -Sit on the hip abductor machine towards the edge of the seat. -Keep knees at 90 degree angle. -Add 40lbs to the machine (or more if this is not heavy enough for you). -Slowly push outwards as much as you can. -Slowly return to starting position without letting the weight slam. -Perform 7 reps using this weight, then before you start your 8th rep decrease the weight by 10 pounds. -Continue to follow same movement pattern, on on your 15th rep decrease the weight by 10 pounds then repeat another 7 reps (21 reps total). -All of these should be done slow and controlled. -Wait 1 minute then repeat all over. 2.LEG PRESS INSTRUCTIONS: -Adjust the machine to fit your height. -Sit and lay back and have your back straight and fully touching the padding on the machine. -Add challenging weight. -Bring your feet up and place them on the platform, keeping them hip-to-shoulder width apart. -Point your toes straight ahead, lining up your knees with the second or third toes. -Lower weight slow and controlled, until you reach a 90 degree angle. -Push up thru your heels and squeeze quads as you push up. -Repeat 15 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 3.BARBELL SQUAT INSTRUCTIONS: -Use a weight that is comfortable. -Start by placing the barbell onto your shoulders, just below your neck. -Adjust your feet onto a at shoulder width stance. 24 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M -You may point your toes out a slight bit (45 degrees) if you feel like this position is more comfortable. -Keeping your abs tight and the weight stable on your shoulders lower yourself as far down as you can (preferably a 90 degree angel). -Your back should be straight at all times. -Don’t let your knees “buckle” or turn inwards. -Slowly come down and slowly rise back up, by pushing up from your heels not your tippy toes. -Squeeze your glutes as you rise up. -Return to starting position then repeat motion for a total of eps. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 4. GOBLET SQUAT INSTRUCTIONS: -Grab a dumbbell with a weight thats challenging. -Stand with your feet at shoulder width and toes slight pointing out into a 45 degree angle, this will be your starting position. -Then hold the weight sideways close to your chest. -During this keep your head looking straight ahead, your shoulders should be locked and your back as straight as possible, with your chest out. -Squat down between your legs until your hamstrings are on your calves. Keep your chest and head up and your back straight. -At the bottom position, pause and use your elbows to push your knees out. Return to the starting position, and repeat for 15-20 repetitions. -All of these should be done slow and controlled. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 5. SINGLE LEG PRESS ON PULL UP MACHINE OR LEG PRESS INSTRUCTIONS: -Set the pull up machine to 30-50 pounds to start. -Move the handles outwards so they aren't in your way. -During this exercise you will be "pressing" or pushing down the weight on the pull up machine using one leg. You should be pushing the weight with your heel and not your toes or mid foot. -Leaning forwards allows your glutes to be engaged more, so once you find a comfortable position to grip onto the pull up bar handles lean forwards a slight bit. -Your back should be straight, head looking down to avoid strain on your next and the foot on the machine’s peg should be stable. -Once you've got yourself positioned comfortably you'll begin to "press" down using your heel, stopping as far down as your legs allow you to reach, you will then slowly rise up bringing your knee just above the hips but not touching your chest. -Then return to your starting position. Continue to repeat this motion 15-20 times slow and controlled. Then switch leg! 25 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 6. ELEVATED SUMO SQUAT ON PULL UP MACHINE/BENCHES INSTRUCTIONS: -Grab a dumbbell with a weight that is challenging. -Move the handles outwards so they aren't in your way. -During this exercise position yourself with both feet in the pegs of the pull up bar. They should be positioned pointing outwards slightly. -With your back straight position the weight facing up with your palms facing the ceiling and as close to your body as possible. -Your back should be straight, head looking straight ahead. -Once you've positioned yourself, begin to come down to a "ass to grass" stance, meaning as low of a squat as you can, then rise back up to the starting position slow and controlled. -Continue to repeat this motion 15-20 times slow and controlled. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 7. STEP UPS (ON SMITH MACHINE) INSTRUCTIONS: -Use a bench and place it vertically under the smith machine (squat rack). -Bring the bar at shoulder level and add challenging weight. -Start of by placing your left leg on the bench, with your right leg on the floor. -You will lift your body up using your left leg while making sure you’re pushing though your heel. -Your right foot will be elevated. -Return to starting position without letting your right foot touch the floor as much as you can. -Do 12-15 reps as slow and controlled as possible, keeping your back straight at all times and trying to not let your right foot touch the floor. -Then proceed to perform the same movements with your right leg on the bench this time. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 26 8.LEG EXTENSIONS (SINGLE & DOUBLE LEG). **4 sets of 12 reps SINGLE (per leg)** **4 sets of 12 reps DOUBLE ** INSTRUCTIONS: -Make sure you adjust the machine so that your back is completely flat on it. Your glutes should be firmly on the seat. -Adjust the pad so it falls below the shins but above your feet. -At the bending motion your knees should form a 90 degree angle, if they don't adjust the chair. -Your knees should never go past the toes! -Slowly extend your legs while contracting your quads as you exhale, and hold for 1 second then slowly return to the starting position. As you return make sure you don't go past the 90 degree angle. -Repeat motion for 11 more reps. -Wait 1 minute then repeat all over. -Do this 4 times in total and rest 30 SECONDS in between sets. -AFTER you’ve done the double leg extensions lower the weight and proceed to extend with 1 leg at a time., holding it for 1 second also. -Wait for 1 MINUTE between sets and complete 4 sets per leg. 27 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M DAY 2 EX ER C IS E G L O S S A RY 1.CALF RAISES. (WITH DUMBBELL) **4 sets of 21 reps (7 straight, 7 in, 7 outwards)** INSTRUCTIONS: -Stand with your upper body upright holding two dumbbells in your hands by your sides as your starting position. -Point your feet straight at a shoulder width. **straight (to hit all parts equally)** -Hold the top contraction for a second. -Raise the heels off the floor as you exhale by contracting the calves. -As you inhale, go back to the starting position by slowly lowering the heels. -Repeat for the 7 REPS. -Change stance to inwards for 7 reps. -Change stance to outwards for 7 reps. -Wait 45 SECONDS then repeat all over. 2. HIP ABDUCTIONS **4 sets of 21 reps using drop-set method of each** INSTRUCTIONS: ELEVATED -Follow the same instructions as your first seated set. -Instead this time elevate yourself into a position similar to a squat with your glutes almost touching the seat, -Hold onto the machine’s body to stabilize yourself. -Perform 3 sets of 21 drop set reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 28 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M 3. ROMANIAN DB DEADLIFT **4 sets of 12-15 reps using dumbbells** INSTRUCTIONS: -Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them by your side at arm's length. -Stand with your torso straight and your legs spaced at shoulder width. Your knees should be slightly bent. This is your starting position. -Keeping your knees put, lower the dumbbells to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight. -Move forward as if you were going to pick something from the floor until you feel a stretch on the hamstrings. Exhale as you perform this movement. -Start bringing your torso up straight again by extending your hips and waist until you are back at the starting position. Inhale as you perform this movement. -Repeat for 12 reps. -All of these should be done slow and controlled. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 4. BB GOOD MORNINGS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS: -Begin with a barbell light in weight and place it above your shoulders. -The bar should be across the rear of your shoulders as you would a power squat, not on top of your shoulders. -Keep your back tight, shoulder blades pinched together, and your knees slightly bent. -Begin by bending at the hips, moving them back as you bend over to near parallel. -Keep your back arched and your cervical spine in proper alignment. -Reverse the motion by extending through the hips with your glutes and hamstrings. -Continue until you have returned to the starting position. -This movement is slow and controlled! -Keep proper form to avoid an injury. -Repeat for 12 reps. 29 -Wait 30 SECONDS between sets. 5. BACK EXTENSIONS **4 sets of 12 reps WITH WEIGHT** INSTRUCTIONS: -Lie face down on a hyperextension bench, tucking your ankles securely under the footpads, keep your knees slightly bend and point your toes a bit out. -Adjust the upper pad if possible so your upper thighs lie flat across the wide pad, leaving enough room for you to bend at the waist without having the pad in your way. -Hold a weight plate for extra resistance in front of you under your crossed arms. -Start bending forward slowly at the waist as far as you can while keeping your back STRAIGHT. Inhale as you perform this movement. Keep moving forward until you feel a nice stretch on the hamstrings, YOU SHOULD NOT ROUND YOUR BACK, so if you feel like you’ll round it stop and begin to rise back up. -Rise back into the starting position and squeeze your gluten as you come up. -This movement is slow and controlled! -Repeat for 12 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 6.CABLE PULL THROUGHS **4 sets of 15-20 reps** INSTRUCTIONS: -Add 30-35 pounds to the cable machine and lower it towards the floor. Begin standing a few feet in front of a low pulley with a rope or handle attached. -Face away from the machine, straddling the cable, with your feet set a bit wider than shoulder width. -Begin the movement by reaching through your legs as far as possible, bending at the hips. .Keep your knees slightly bent. Keeping your arms straight, extend through the hip to stand straight up. -YOUR ARMS SHOULD NOT BE LIFTING THE WEIGHT! -Squeeze your gluteus as you rise up into a standing position. -Come down slow and come up a bit faster. -Repeat for 15-20 reps. 30 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M -Wait 45 SECONDS then repeat all over. 8. BARBELL STRAIGHT-LEGGED DEADLIFT **4 sets of 12 reps** ***If you have never done these use a bar alone to practice form or very low weight.*** INSTRUCTIONS: -Hold a bar at hip level with a pronated (palms facing down) grip. -Keep your shoulders back, your back arched, and your knees slightly bent. This will be your starting position. -Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back. -Reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility just below your knees. -Do not go any lower because you'll risk an injury. -At the bottom of your range of motion, return the starting position by driving the hips forward to stand up tall. -Repeat for 12 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over. 9. BARBELL HIP THRUSTS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS: -Lie with your upper back supported on a bench and your feet planted on the floor in front of you. Hold a barbell across your hips. -Lower your hips down so your glutes almost come in contact with the floor. -Pressing through your heels and squeezing your glutes, return the barbell to the start position. -Push through the heels, not the ball of the foot. -Squeeze the glutes and pause for 1 second at the top while making sure not to hyperextend the neck -- keep your head in place. -Repeat for a total of 12 reps. -Rest for 1 minute, then repeat again. -Complete 4 sets in total. 31 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M DAY 3 EX ER C IS E G L O S S A RY 1.KICKBACKS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS -Hook a leather ankle cuff to a low cable pulley and then attach the cuff to your ankle. -Face the weight stack from a distance of about two feet, grasping the steel frame for support. -While keeping your knees and hips bent slightly and your abs tight, contract your glutes to slowly "kick" the working leg back in a semicircular arc as high as it will comfortably go as you breathe out. -Now slowly bring your working leg forward, resisting the pull of the cable until you reach the starting position. -Repeat for 12 reps. -Switch legs and repeat the movement for the other side. -Wait 30 SECONDS then repeat all over.; then repeat for another 3 sets. 2. LYING DOWN DB HAMSTRING CURLS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS: -Place a light dumbbell on the floor, standing on end. Choose a lighter dumbbell than you think you’ll need at first, until you’re comfortable with the exercise. -Lie down on the floor, on your stomach, with your legs straight and feet close to the dumbbell. Place your feet on either side of the dumbbell handle. -Squeeze the dumbbell between your feet and bend your knees to lift it off the floor. The top weight on the dumbbell will rest on the bottom of your feet. -Bend your knees slowly up toward your butt, keeping the bottoms of your feet facing the ceiling throughout the movement. Slowly lower the weight back down. Stop just before the dumbbell touches the floor; repeat for 12 reps. -Rest 1 minute; then repeat for another 3 sets. 3. DUMBBELL CURTSY LUNGES 32 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M **4 sets of 30 reps (15 per leg)** INSTRUCTIONS -Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell at waist height in front of you with both hands. You should be looking straight forward, with your chest up and shoulders back. This will be your starting position. -Start the movement by shifting your weight to your right foot, lifting your left from the ground. While keeping your torso facing forward, place your left leg behind your right, taking a wide, lateral step behind the front leg. -Descend into a lunge by bending your knees, lowering your body straight down. Continue until your front knee is at approximately 90 degrees, and then drive through the heel and extend the knee and hip. -As you come back up, return the back leg to the starting position. Alternate the movement; switch back and forth between both sides for a total of 20 reps, 10 per leg. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; then repeat for 3 more sets. 4. STATIONARY LUNGES (ON SMITH MACHINE/SQUAT RACK) **3 sets of 12-15 reps PER LEG** INSTRUCTIONS: -Set the bar on the rack just below shoulder level. -Add a challenging weight. -Step under the bar with feet at shoulder width, place it just below your neck on your shoulders. -Place yourself evenly at the center of the bar and hold onto it using both hands with a wide grip. -Stand with one leg forward, with front knee directly over ankle. -Keep back heel up with toes pointed forwards while keeping your back aligned straight and core engaged. -Keep your forward foot flat on the ground and lower your body until your back knee almost touches the floor. -Use slow and controlled movement to push your weight though your front heel as you rise and return to starting position. -Repeat for 12-15 reps. -Follow same routine on opposite leg for 12 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; repeat for another 2 sets. 5.HIP ADDUCTORS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS 33 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M -To begin, sit down on the adductor machine and select a weight you are comfortable with. When your legs are positioned properly on the leg pads of the machine, grip the handles on each side. Your entire upper body (from the waist up) should be stationary. This is the starting position. -Slowly press against the machine with your legs to move them towards each other while exhaling. -Feel the contraction for a second and begin to move your legs back to the starting position while breathing in. -Keep your upper body stationary and avoid fast jerking motions in order to prevent any injuries from occurring. -Repeat for 12 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; repeat for another 2 sets. 6. DUMBBELL SPLIT SQUATS **4 sets of 12 reps** INSTRUCTIONS: -Position yourself into a staggered stance with the rear foot elevated and front (RIGHT) foot forward. -Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang at the sides. This will be your starting position. -Begin by descending, flexing your knee and hip to lower your body down. -Maintain good posture throughout the movement. Keep the front knee in line with the foot as you perform the exercise. -At the bottom of the movement, drive through the heel to extend the knee and hip to return to the starting position. -Repeat for 12 reps. -Follow same routine on opposite leg for 12 reps. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; repeat from starting stance for another 3 sets. 7.DUMBBELL STEP UPS **4 sets of 20 reps per leg** INSTRUCTIONS: -Stand up straight while holding a dumbbell on each hand (palms facing the side of your legs). -Place the right foot on the elevated platform. Step on the platform by extending the hip and the knee of your right leg. Use the heel mainly to lift the rest of your body up and place the foot of the left leg on the platform as well. Breathe out as you execute the force required to come up. 34 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M -Step down with the left leg by flexing the hip and knee of the right leg as you inhale. Return to the original standing position by placing the right foot of to next to the left foot on the initial position. -Repeat with the right leg for the recommended for 20 repetitions and then perform with the left leg. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; then repeat for 3 more sets. 8. REVERSED BACK EXTENSIONS **3 sets until failure** INSTRUCTIONS -Using a bench, lay on your stomach with your hips not pressed onto the bench. -Use your arms to fix your upper body and ensure you don't slip off the bench. -Keep your back straight and head facing down so you don't strain your neck. -You’re going to lift your legs with your toes pointing away from your hips slowly. -Once you're reached your lower backs full extension (superman position) squeeze your glutes. -Return to the starting position and repeat. -The goal is to challenge your self, try to achieve as many until failure. -Wait 30 SECONDS ; then repeat for 2 more sets. 9. JUMPING SQUATS **3 sets until failure** INSTRUCTIONS: -Bring your body into a squatting position at a 90 degree angle, then explode upwards jumping as high as you can, while keeping your core engaged. -Land as softly as you can on your midfoot, into the starting position. -Then repeat as many reps as you can until failure. -Rest for 1 minute then start all over. 35 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE GUIDE! I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING MY GUIDE AND COMPLETING IT! PLEASE SHARE YOUR RESULTS AS YOU MAY BE THE REASON TO INSPIRE SOMEONE ELSE’S JOURNEY! YOU CAN USE THE HASHTAG #DNFGIRLS TO SHARE YOUR RESULTS OR EMAIL INF O@DA RI H A NA N OVA .C O M WITH PROGRESS PHOTOS! TAKE BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS! FOLLOW US ON INSTA BY CLICKING HERE TO BE INSPIRED BY OTHER #DNFGIRLS! 36 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M D I SCLA I MER We strongly advise that you consult with your physician before beginning this workout program, as not all exercises are suitable for different individuals and levels of fitness. This program was built for healthy individuals with a solid baseline of fitness. Darihana Nova has no medical experience or title and cannot suggest which exercises or workouts that will work for a specific individual. This program is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should understand that when you are involved in any exercise or workout program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or workout program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Darihana Nova from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Darihana Nova’s negligence. 37 DA R IH A N A N OVA .CO M