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Annotated Bibliography: Mind, Decisions, Procrastination

Writing Assignment - Developing an Annotated Bibliography
Nardos Gebriye
The article, “Mind: The Source of Wellness and Illness”, by Byline Nagendra gives an
insight about the power of our minds, as well as the different states and purposes of our
consciousness. Throughout the article there are many descriptions of the unique parts of our
minds that make it so powerful. What makes the article beneficial is the last paragraph which
states the benefits of yoga and that it is a way for us to be able to become in control and free our
minds. The article, “Decisions, Decisions”, by Andy Smarick gives an interesting perspective on
the different kinds of decision makers. The article describes the 2 major kinds of decision makers
which are sentimentalist and calculorists. There is a comparison between the 2 in which, their
cons outweigh their benefits leaving the readers with a third and better option for decision
making, prudence. Although the article also shows the cons for prudence decision making, in the
end its benefits still make this form of decision making the smartest one to use. The last article
was “The life and times of a procrastinator” by Farm Industry News. This article gave a personal
experience with procrastination, which is relatable to most people and gave advice on an
efficient way to tackle it.
I think that each article gave me insight and a different perspective that I find beneficial.
The article, “Mind: The Source of Wellness and Illness”, by Byline Nagendra help give me the
perspective that my mind is stronger and more powerful than I give it credit. It made me feel like
I can do and handle more than I am now. I think I can use this knowledge about the power of my
mind, the next time I get super nervous or don’t believe in myself. I also found the article
“Decisions, Decisions”, by Andy Smarick very helpful. I was able to find the weaknesses in the
way I have been making decisions up until this point. I was able to find an alternative that I can
use to make better decisions each day. Lastly in the article “The life and times of a
procrastinator” by Farm Industry News I was able to connect with the story of the author. I have
had a real struggle with procrastination which has held me back from accomplishing more than I
am now. This article helped me understand that others goes through it and I was able to get a
method that I can apply to my life that may fix my issue. Overall these articles don’t all come
together and focus on a particular area, but rather help me find solutions to the different areas of
my life that I struggle in so I can work on to become more successful.
Smarick, A. (2020). DECISIONS, DECISIONS. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life,
(308), 3+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A642621852/AONE?u=lirn47282&sid=AONE&xid=b046e5da
Nagendra, H. (2020). Mind: The Source of Wellness and Illness. International Journal of Yoga Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology, 8(2), 39.
Farm Industry News, NA. (2020, August 7). The life and times of a procrastinator.