SNC1D CANDLE EXPERIMENT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: PURPOSE: Name: _________________ Partner’s Name: ___________ I.V.: D.V.: C.V.: To determine the effect of beaker size on the time a candle will burn. HYPOTHESIS: ______________________________________________________________ MATERIALS: 1 candle 4 different sized beakers timer 2 unknown sized containers PROCEDURE: 1. Light the candle. 2. With the timer ready, place one of the beakers over the candle. Immediately start the timer. 3. Stop the timer as soon as the candle’s flame goes out. 4. Record the beaker size in the observation table and the time in the column labeled Trial 1. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 with the same beaker. Record the time in the column labeled Trial 2. 6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 with each other beaker. 7. Do the same experiment with the two unknown sized containers. 8. Record the average of the two trials for each container in the table. OBSERVATIONS: Size of Beaker (mL) Duration of Flame Trial 1 Duration of Flame Trial 2 Average Duration of Flame Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Make a line graph of the Average Duration of flame (s), (x-axis) and Size of Beaker (mL), (y-axis). DISCUSSION: 1. Use your graph to find out the volume of the two unknown sized bottles. State your results. 2. What size of beaker would be needed to put the flame out almost immediately? 3. Why were two trials done for each beaker? Explain. CONCLUSION: