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Brand Advertising Strategies: Samsung vs Apple

Brand Advertising Strategies
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Significance of Brand Advertisement Campaigns
The progress of any company in operation depends on its marketing strategy. Advertisements are
the most crucial component of marketing a particular brand as they determine the market
dominance of a product. Brand marketers design ads to proliferate the overall demand for their
goods and services. Marketers utilize various types of ads in their effort to capture consumers’
attention. They must however be cautious on the type of ads they use as they significantly
influence the customers’ response. Ads must provide accurate information about the brand and
advertisers ought to observe courtesy while generating them ensuring not to infringe on the
cultural, social or political values of the consumers. Samsung and Apple are major companies
that apply diverse advertising strategies in their operations to garner a strong customer base and
hence enhance a higher competitive advantage in the phone marketing industry. Each companies
approach is different as they try to outsmart each other to gain a higher niche in the market share.
The paper explores the different brand ads campaigns employed by the two organizations and
their significance to the companies’ output.
Market Targeting Strategies
The two giant smartphone manufacturing companies continue fighting for market
relevancy through different approaches. Each company in its adverts targets a particular
demographic group who possess the capacity to buy the special these smartphone brands.
Samsung’s provides a wide array of smartphones with different designs and prices affordable by
all people across the economic divide according to the consumer’s purchasing power and
preference. The technique helps Samsung compete advantageously against Apple enabling it to
establish a wide customer network. Apple’s promotional approach is different as it mainly targets
high ranking professionals and business persons. These are high income earners hence possess
the acquisition capacity required for the brand (Seli,2018). Apple aims at providing high quality
smartphones hence focuses on the innovative design of smartphones which appeal to customers’
needs influencing their demand for the product (Seli, 2018). Each company therefore eyes a
particular customer base through their advertisement methods attracting customers according to
their preferences and purchasing ability. Samsung employs prompting strategies such as reducing
prices to make their products affordable to customers while Apple markets on innovation and
design to lure more customers.
Application of the Marketing 4Ps
Samsung and Apple differ in their marketing 4 Ps as each firm has different visions and
objectives in their dealings. The marketing 4 Ps are product, price, place and promotion.
Organizations aspiring to increase their brand’s longevity in the market require proper
management of their marketing policies (Twin, 2020). Companies therefore should actively
reinforce the brand meaning and possibly consider revitalizing their brands to enhance their
competitive advantage. According to Keller (1999), companies should focus on managing their
brands dominance amid the existing market environmental challenges. He suggests that brands
should maintain their consistency, protect their sources of brand equity and consider revitalizing
their products while designing their ads to enhance their competitiveness. Samsung and apple in
their ads campaigns delve their efforts towards strengthening their brand’s marketing 4 Ps. Both
companies focus on improving the quality of their products, assigning prices according to the
brands value and perception, conducting vigorous promotional campaigns to propose their
products to potential customers, and identifying the best marketing destination for their
merchandises (Twin, 2020). The approaches however differ as each company concentrates on
surpassing the other in the global market share. in terms of product apple depends mainly on
IPhone smartphones for its market competitiveness while Samsung manufactures various
varieties of smartphones in effort dominate the smartphone marketing (Sheli,2018). The pricing
policies of the rival companies also oppose each other, for instance, Apple assigns their phone’s
prices according to their perception analysis thus most of their products are highly priced
matching their unique phone design. Samsung on the other hand has a wide range of
smartphones with each type’s price determined by the specialties involved in their making. The
target market destination for the companies exhibit some variances; Samsung targets accessing
markets all over the world thus adjusts their phones specifications according to a particular
country’s needs. Apple on the other hand concentrates their marketing efforts to the United
States as they perceive the US population capable of buying their products and hence sustaining
their market demand. The two competitors therefore utilize various advertisements strategies
according to their marketing 4 Ps. The ads campaigns target potential customers and therefore
should appeal to their cultural, social and economic values. The campaigns help the
manufacturers maintain brand consistency, revitalize a particular brand whose reputation is
fading, and aids them in managing the brand’s market supremacy.
Brand Positioning through Ad campaigns
The nature of ads campaigns utilized by a company is critical to its market position.
Customer response to a product determines its brand love and loyalty. Ads must therefore attract
customers and should be charismatic and responsive to the interests and desires of target
audiences (Khamis, Ang & Welling, 2016). The kind of ads used by a corporation depend on
their goal of advertisement. Most companies for example engage celebrity activism in effort to
lure a large audience to their products. Celebrity activism involves hiring notable influential
celebrities and involving them in the ads campaigns making process (Davis, 2010). Most of these
celebrities appear as role models to the target audience hence they play an integral role in
communicating the details of a brand hence garnering the company a larger market share
(Wright,2016). Samsung and Apple similarly use celebrities in bid to gain more clients of their
products. Samsung Inc. engaged Nargis Fakhri, a Bollywood actress to advertise their Galaxy
series in India (Sattar, 2015). The company further hired David Beckham to advertise Samsung
Galaxy Note. Involving the celebrities helped Samsung grow its overall global market share
Apple Inc. similarly incorporated prominent personalities in their advertisement strategy by
featuring Dr. Dre in their adverts but they appeared to be copying Samsung Inc. and thus never
reflected ultimate results. Through celebrities, the companies invoke the customer’s cultural and
social desires to influence their yearning for the company’s products. The companies thus
acquire a wide customer base across the world positioning themselves highly in the global
market competitiveness.
Companies indulge in comparative advertisements to challenge their similar competitors
in the industry. The approach is however dangerous to organizations considering it as customers
may misinterpret the message under conveyance by the advert. Some companies are however
tactical in their approach hence successfully utilizing this technique to win more brand support.
Samsung vs Apple competition best illustrates the use of comparative advertisements in
marketing. According to Sheli (2018), Samsung is a leader in this strategy and launches
continuous assaults towards Apple, for instance, it perpetrates the unfavorable comparison of its
Galaxy S3 series against Apple’s IPhone 5. Samsung use the Slogan ‘It does not take a genius’
directly referring to Apple Store’s genius experts. Samsung generated an add dubbed ‘Growing
up’ alluding that their brand is superior to apple’s IPhone in terms of attributes and innovations
involved. According to Neogy (2020), the Samsung ad effectively illustrate IPhone’s
shortcomings such as storage defects, lack of water resistance, absent headphone jack, and the
notch design of IPhone X. Illustrating IPhone’s shortcomings places Samsung a niche higher in
their market supremacy battles. The ad demonstrates a young man’s who has purchased Apple
devices for a period of ten years but opts to switch to Samsung after queuing for a long period
just in the eve of IPhone X’s launch (Neogy, 2020). Samsung therefore successfully dethrone
Apple in the global market control by incorporating comparative advertisements as one of their
tactics, successfully managing its pros and cons ensuring that the advertisements do not
negatively impact the company’s reputation. Organizations should therefore critically analyze
the advantages and implications of utilizing comparative advertisements in their ad campaigns as
they may detriment the customer’s interest in the company’s products.
Impacts of Ad Campaigns to Cultural, Social and Political Behavior
Different companies employ diverse methods in their advertisements to access and lure
more customers towards their goods and services. However, these techniques may influence or
affect the social, cultural and political heritage of communities. Marketers should therefore
develop advertisements transcending the divisions emerging among the current society and
address ultimate family values and practices. Families are the central core of business activities
hence their values should be regarded highly and treated with contempt as they inform the
market trends, conflicts, and innovations involved in the market (Oswald, 2003). Large firms
such as Samsung and Apple involve celebrities as an element of ad making process. The
celebrities’ involvement may affect the cultural and social conducts of the society. The
personalities may deliver the ads in a manner contrary to the social and cultural values of a
particular group thereby diverting their interest in the brand. Other notable figures portray and
promote moral uprightness of a society thus attracting more consumers and hence accelerating
the sales and enhancing market leadership of the brand.
Brand advertisements play a significant role in the success of a particular company. The
organization’s marketing aggressiveness impacts on its overall performance in the market
scenario. The companies organize their advertisement campaigns according to the needs of their
target audience. Various types of ad campaigns are deployed by firms aiming at creating and
sustaining market dominance. The organizations deploy marketing advertisements aiming at
enhancing their marketing 4 Ps. Samsung and Apple corporations’ supremacy battles exhibit the
various brand ads strategies used by companies to enhance their competitive advantage.
Samsung employs the comparative advertisement strategy successfully and criticize Apple’s
shortcomings efficaciously influencing their dominance over Apple in the smartphone marketing
industry. The advertisements utilized by companies influence and impact the social, cultural and
political values of the society. Some ads may deteriorate the cultural and social practices of the
society yielding lower customer attraction and hence lower market positioning. Organizations
should therefore delve their efforts towards promoting cultural diversity of communities for them
to win a large market fraction over other competitors. They must refrain from invading the
cultural and social attributes of a community via their ads. Managers of various companies must
therefore play an integral role in structuring adverts according to the company’s goals and
objectives and ensuring that they maintain good customer reputation.
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