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The Outsider Chapter 7 Summary

Chapter 7 - Summary
As the three brothers wait at the hospital to find out about their friends'
conditions, reporters bombard them with questions. Finally, Darry
convinces the reporters to leave, but the nurses still will not give Pony,
Soda, and Darry any information about the conditions of Dally and
Johnny (medical information is privileged and is only given to family
members). Darry manages to convince the doctor that they, the three
Curtis brothers, are the only real family that these two boys have, so the
doctor gives them the bad news. Dally's one arm is severely burned, but
he will eventually regain full use of it. Johnny is in critical condition; his
back is broken and he is suffering with third-degree burns. If he lives, he
will not be able to walk for the rest of his life. The realization that if he
lives, he would have to stay in his parents' house, a place he hates, for
the rest of his life is too much for the brothers. They decide to go home
for the night.
He is in the waiting room, worried about Johnny and
Dally, when Darry and Soda arrive. Soda gives Pony a
great big bear hug, and Darry stands back with his
hands dug into his pockets. When Pony looks at Darry,
he sees that he is crying. In that split second, Ponyboy
realizes that Darry does care for him, that he was just
trying too hard. After losing his parents, Darry fears
losing another loved one.
Ponyboy is the first one up the next morning and is
making breakfast when Steve and Two-Bit stop by.
They tease Ponyboy about being a hero and show
him the story about him in the paper. The
coverage is very positive for the brothers, and the
final line states that the boys should be allowed to
stay together. This is the first time Pony realizes
that he and Soda might be put in a boys' home.
He questions Darry about it, and then confesses to him
that he has had another bad nightmare. The
nightmares started after their parents were killed and
after one nightmare scenario, he always wakes up
screaming or in a cold sweat. The worst part is that he
can never remember them.
Ponyboy isn't feeling well, but he and Two-Bit leave
the house and walk toward the hospital to visit Dally
and Johnny. The blue Mustang reappears and
eventually pulls over. Ponyboy recognizes Randy
Adderson (Marcia's boyfriend) and the tall Soc who
had tried to drown him. Pony hates them, it is their
fault Bob is dead, Johnny is dying, and he and Soda
might be placed in a boys' home.
Randy asks him why he saved those children at the
burning church. Randy says that he would never have
done it, and that he can't believe that a greaser would
do anything like that. Pony explains that it wasn't a
greaser or a Soc issue — the decision is dependent on
the individual. Randy states that he isn't going to fight
in the big rumble that is planned for that night. The
fight isn't going to solve anything and no one will
really win.
As Ponyboy gets out of the car, Randy says, "Thanks,
grease . . . I didn't mean that, I meant, thanks, kid." "My
name's Ponyboy. . . . Nice talkin' to you, Randy."
Ponyboy thinks, "Socs are just guys after all. Things are
rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you
could tell the other guy was human too."