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Eukaryotic & Prokaryotic Cell Structure: Study Guide

Diagram of eukaryotic cells
Structure and function – cell-surface membrane
Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins etc.
Selectively permeable – enables control of passage of substances in and out of cell
Barrier between internal and external environment of cell
Structure and function – nucleus
Nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, nucleolus, DNA / chromatin
Controls the cells activity though transcription on mRNA
Nuclear pores allow substances e.g. mRNA to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm
Nucleolus makes ribosomes which are made up of proteins and ribosomal RNA
Structure and function – mitochondria
Double membrane – inner membrane folded to form cristae. Matrix containing small 70S
ribosomes, small circular DNA and enzymes involved in aerobic respiration (glycolysis).
Site of aerobic respiration producing ATP for energy release
Structure and function – Golgi apparatus
3 or more fluid filled membrane bound sacs with vesicles at edge
Receives protein from rough endoplasmic reticulum
Modifies/processes protein e.g. add carbohydrates/sugars
Packages into vesicles e.g. for transport to cell surface membrane for exocytosis
Also makes lysosomes
Structure and function – lysosomes
Type of Golgi vesicle containing lysozymes – hydrolytic enzymes
Release of lysozymes to break down / hydrolyse pathogens or worn out cell components
Structure and function – ribosomes
Float free in cytoplasm or bound to rER. Not membrane bound. Made from 1 large and 1
small subunit.
Site of protein synthesis, specifically, translation
Structure and function – rough endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosomes bound by a system of membranes
Folds polypeptides to secondary / tertiary structure
Packages to vesicles, transport to the Golgi apparatus etc.
Structure and function – smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Similar to rER but without ribosomes – system of membranes
Synthesises and processes lipids
Structure and function – chloroplasts (plants and algae)
Thylakoid membranes are stacked up in some parts to form grana, which are linked by
lamellae. These sit in the stroma (fluid) and are surrounded by a double membrane. Also
contains starch granules and circular DNA.
(Chlorophyll) absorbs light for photosynthesis to produce organic substances
Structure and function – cell wall (plants, algae and fungi)
Made mainly of cellulose in plants and algae, and of chitin in fungi
Rigid structure surrounding cells in plants, algae and fungi. Prevents the cell changing
shape and bursting (lysis)
Structure and function – cell vacuole (plants)
Contains cell sap – a weak solution of sugars and salts. Surrounding membrane is called the
Maintains pressure in the cell (stop wilting)
Stores/isolates unwanted chemicals in the cell
Organisation of specialised cells in complex multicellular organisms
Specialised cell – the most basic structural/functional subunit in all living organisms;
specialised for a particular function
Tissue – Group of organised specialised cells; joined and working together to perform a
particular function; often with the same origin
Organ – Group of organised different tissues; joined and working together to perform a
particular function
Organ system – Group of organised organs; working together to perform a particular
You should be able to apply your knowledge to explain adaptations of
eukaryotic cells with particular functions
Example: epithelial cells in the small intestine are specialised for efficient absorption. Villi
and microvilli increase surface area. Lots of mitochondria to provide energy e.g. for active
Structure of prokaryotic cell
How prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cell cytoplasm contains no membrane bound organelles e.g. mitochondria
WHEREAS eukaryotic cell contains membrane bound organelles
Prokaryotic cell has no nucleus / contains free floating DNA WHEREAS eukaryotic cell has a
nucleus containing DNA
Prokaryotic DNA is circular and isn’t associated with proteins WHEREAS eukaryotic DNA is
linear and is associated with proteins
Prokaryotic cell wall contains murein and peptidoglycan WHEREAS eukaryotic cell wall is
made of cellulose
Prokaryotic cells have smaller 70s ribosomes WHEREAS eukaryotic cells have larger
Prokaryotic cells may have…. one or more plasmid, a capsule, and/or one or more flagella
Acellular → not made of or able to be divided into cells
Non-living → unable to exist/reproduce without a host cell
Principles and limitations of optical microscopes, transmission electron
microscopes and scanning electron microscopes
Optical microscope
Use light to form a 2D image
Visible light longer
wavelength so lower
resolution 200nm
Low magnification x1500
 2D image
 Only used on thin specimens
 Low resolution; can’t see
internal structures of organelles
or organelles smaller than 200nm
e.g. ribosomes
 Low magnification
☺ Can see living organisms.
Scanning electron microscope
- Use electrons to form a 2D
- Beams of electrons scan
surface, knocking off electrons
from the specimen, which are
gathered in a cathode ray tube
to form an image
- Electrons shorter wavelength
(so higher resolution 0.2nm)
- High magnification x1500000
Transmission electron
- Use electrons to form a 3D
- Electromagnets focus beam of
electrons onto specimen,
transmitted, more dense =
more absorbed = darker
- Electrons shorter wavelength
(so higher resolution 0.2nm)
- High magnification x1500000
Vacuum; can’t see living
 Lower resolution than TEM
 2D image
 Only used on thin specimens
 Vacuum; can’t see living
☺ 3D image
☺ High resolution; can see
internal structures of organelles
☺ High magnification
☺ Used on thick specimens
☺ High resolution; see internal
structures of organelles
☺ High magnification
The difference between magnification and resolution
Magnification - how much bigger the image of a sample is compared to the real size,
𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞
measured by 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 = 𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭
Resolution - how well distinguished an image is between 2 points; shows amount of detail;
limited by wavelength of radiation used e.g. light
Measuring the size of an object viewed with an optical microscope
Line up eyepiece graticule with stage
Use stage micrometer to calculate the size
of divisions on eyepiece graticule at a
particular magnification
Take the micrometer away and use the
graticule to measure how many divisions
make up the object
Calculate the size of the object by multiplying the number of divisions by the size of
Recalibrate eyepiece graticule at different magnifications
Preparing a ‘temporary mount’ of a specimen on a slide
Use tweezers to place a thin section of specimen e.g. tissue on a water drop on a
microscope slide
Add a drop of a stain e.g. iodine in potassium iodide solution used to stain starch grains in
plant cells
Add a cover slip by carefully tilting and lowering it, trying not to get any air bubbles
Principles of cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation as used to separate cell
1. Homogenise tissue using a blender
- Disrupts cell membrane / break open cell
- Release contents / organelles
2. Place in a cold, isotonic, buffered solution
- Cold reduces enzyme activity so organelles aren’t broken down
- Isotonic so water doesn’t move in/out of organelles by osmosis so they don’t burst /
- Buffered keeps pH constant so enzymes don’t denature
3. Filter homogenate
- Remove large, unwanted debris e.g. whole cells, connective tissue
4. Ultracentrifugation
a) Centrifuge homogenate in a tube at a low speed
b) Remove pellet of heaviest organelle and spin supernatant at a higher speed
c) Repeated at higher and higher speeds until organelles separated out, each time pellet is
made of lighter organelles
d) Separated in order of mass/density: nuclei → chloroplasts → mitochondria → lysosomes
→ endoplasmic reticulum → ribosomes
There was a considerable period of time during which the scientific
community distinguished between artefacts and cell organelles
Repeatedly prepared specimens in different ways
If an object could only be seen with one preparation technique, but not another it was more
likely to be an artefact than an organelle
Cell cycle
- In multicellular organisms, not all cells keep their ability to divide. Eukaryotic cells that do
retain the ability to divide show a cell cycle.
S phase – DNA replicates semi-conservatively leading to two sister chromatids
G1 and G2 – Number of organelles and volume of cytoplasm increases; protein synthesis;
ATP content increased
Parent cell divides = two genetically identical daughter cells, containing identical/exact
copies of DNA of the parent cell.
Stages - ‘PMAT’
Stages of mitosis (the behaviour of chromosomes and the role of spindle
fibres attached to centromeres in the separation of chromatids)
Chromosomes condense, becoming shorter and thicker = appear as two sister chromatids
joined by a centromere
Nuclear envelope breaks down and centrioles move to opposite poles forming spindle
Chromosomes align along equator
Spindle fibres attach to chromosomes by centromeres
Spindle fibres contract, pulling sister chromatids to opposite poles of the cell
Centromere divides
Chromosomes uncoil, becoming longer and thinner
Nuclear envelope reforms = two nuclei
Spindle fibres and centrioles break down
The division of the cytoplasm, usually occurs, producing two new cells
The importance of mitosis in the life of an organism
Parent cell divides to produce 2 genetically identical daughter cells for…
Growth of multicellular organisms by increasing cell number
Repairing damaged tissues / replacing cells
Asexual reproduction
Recognising the stages of the cell cycle and explaining the appearance of cells
in each stage of mitosis
kerboodle textbook online)
Interphase – C → no chromosomes visible (visible nucleus)
Prophase – B → chromosomes visible but randomly arranged
Metaphase – D → chromosomes lined up on the equator
Anaphase – E → chromatids (in two sets) being separated to opposite poles by spindles, V
shape shows sister chromatids have been pulled apart at their centromeres
Telophase – A → chromosomes in two sets, one at each pole
Uncontrolled cell division can lead to the formation of tumours and of cancers
Malignant tumour – cancer – spreads and affects other tissues / organs
Benign tumour – non-cancerous
Many cancer treatments are directed at controlling the rate of cell division
Disrupt the cell cycle – cell division / mitosis slows – tumour growth slows
Prevent DNA replication → prevent / slows down mitosis
Disrupts spindle activity / formation → chromosomes can’t attach to spindle by their
centromere → sister chromatids can’t be pulled to opposite poles of the cells →
prevent/slow mitosis
 Disrupt cell cycle of normal cells too, especially rapidly dividing ones e.g. cells in hair follicles
☺ Drugs more effective against cancer cells because dividing uncontrollably / rapidly
Prokaryotic cells replicate by binary fission
Circular DNA and plasmids replicate (circular DNA replicates once, plasmids can be
replicated many times)
Cytoplasm expands (cell gets bigger) as each DNA molecule moves to opposite poles of the
Cytoplasm divides
= 2 daughter cells, each with a single copy of DNA and a variable number of plasmids
Viral replication
Viruses don’t undergo cell division because they are non-living
1. Attachment protein binds to complementary receptor protein on surface of host cell
2. Inject nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) into host cell
3. Infected host cell replicates the virus particles
Fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure
Molecules within membrane can move laterally (fluid) e.g. phospholipids
Mixture of phospholipids, proteins, glycoproteins and glycolipids
The structure of a cell membrane
Phospholipid bilayer
- Phosphate heads are hydrophilic so attracted to water – orientate to the aqueous
environment either side of the membrane
- Fatty acid tails are hydrophobic so repelled by water – orientate to the inside/interior
of the membrane
Embedded proteins (intrinsic or extrinsic)
- Channel and carrier proteins (intrinsic)
Glycolipids (lipids and attached polysaccharide chain) and glycoproteins (proteins with
polysaccharide chain attached)
Cholesterol (binds to phospholipid hydrophobic fatty acid tails)
The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure can explain how molecules can
enter/leave a cell
Phospholipid bilayer
Allows movement of non-polar small/lipid-soluble molecules e.g. oxygen or water, down a
concentration gradient (simple diffusion)
Restricts the movement of larger/polar molecules
Channel proteins (some are gated) and carrier proteins
Allows movement of water-soluble/polar molecules / ions, down a concentration gradient
(facilitated diffusion)
Carrier proteins
Allows the movement of molecules against a concentration gradient using ATP (active
Features of the plasma membrane adapt it for its other functions
Phospholipid bilayer
- Maintains a different environment on each side of the cell or compartmentalisation
of cell
Phospholipid bilayer is fluid
- Can bend to take up different shapes for phagocytosis / to form vesicles
Surface proteins / extrinsic / glycoproteins / glycolipids
- Cell recognition / act as antigens / receptors
- Regulates fluidity / increases stability
The role of cholesterol
Makes the membrane more rigid / stable / less flexible, by restricting lateral movement of
molecules making up membrane e.g. phospholipids (binds to fatty acid tails causing them
to pack more closely together)
Note: not present in bacterial cell membranes
Movement across membranes by simple diffusion and factors affecting rate
Net movement of small, non-polar molecules e.g. oxygen or carbon dioxide, across a
selectively permeable membrane, down a concentration gradient
Passive / no ATP / energy required
Factors affecting rate – surface area, concentration gradient, thickness of surface / diffusion
Movement across membranes by facilitated diffusion, factors affecting rate
and role of carrier/channel proteins
Net movement of larger/polar molecules e.g. glucose, across a selectively permeable
membrane, down a concentration gradient
Through a channel/carrier protein
Passive /no ATP/energy required
Factors affecting rate – surface area, concentration gradients (until the number of proteins
is the limiting factor as all are in use / saturated), number of channel/carrier proteins
Role of carrier and channel proteins:
- Carrier proteins transport large molecules, the protein changes shape when molecule
- Channel proteins transport charged/polar molecules through its pore (some are
gated so can open/close e.g. Voltage-gated sodium ion channels)
- Different carrier and channel proteins facilitate the diffusion of different specific
Movement across membranes by active transport and factors affecting rate
Net movement of molecules/ions against a concentration gradient
Using carrier proteins
Using energy from the hydrolysis of ATP to change the shape of the tertiary structure and
push the substances though
Factors affecting rate – pH/temp (tertiary structure of carrier protein), speed of carrier
protein, number of carrier proteins, rate of respiration (ATP production)
Movement across membranes by co-transport,
illustrated by the absorption of sodium ions and glucose
by cells lining the mammalian ileum
1. Sodium ions actively transported out of epithelial cells lining
the ileum, into the blood, by the sodium-potassium pump.
Creating a concentration gradient of sodium (higher conc. of
sodium in lumen than epithelial cell)
2. Sodium ions and glucose move by facilitated diffusion into the
epithelial cell from the lumen, via a co-transporter protein
3. Creating a concentration gradient of glucose – higher conc. of
glucose in epithelial cell than blood
4. Glucose moves out of cell into blood by facilitated diffusion
through a protein channel
Movement across membranes by osmosis and factors
affecting rate
Net movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane down a water
potential gradient
Water potential is the likelihood (potential) of water molecules to diffuse out of or into a
solution; pure water has the highest water potential and adding solutes to a solution lowers
the water potential (more negative)
Factors affecting rate – surface area, water potential gradient, thickness of exchange surface
/ diffusion distance
How might cells be adapted for transport across their internal or external
By an increase in surface area
Increase in number of protein channels / carriers
Antigen definition
Molecules which, when recognised as non-self/foreign by the immune system, can
stimulate an immune response and lead to the production of antibodies
Often proteins on the surface of cells
Note: proteins have a specific tertiary structure / shape allowing different proteins to act as
specific antigens
Antigens are specific so allow the immune system to identify…
Pathogens (disease causing organisms) e.g. viruses, fungi, bacteria
Cells from other organisms of the same species e.g. organ transplant, blood transfusion
Abnormal body cells e.g. cancerous cells / tumours
Toxins released from bacteria
Phagocytosis of pathogens – non-specific immune response
1. Phagocyte e.g. macrophage recognises foreign antigens on the pathogen and binds to the
2. Phagocyte engulfs pathogen by surrounding it with its cell surface membrane / cytoplasm
3. Pathogen contained in vacuole/vesicle/phagosome in cytoplasm of phagocyte
4. Lysosome fuses with phagosome and releases lysozymes (hydrolytic enzymes) into the
5. These hydrolyse / digest the pathogen
6. Phagocyte becomes antigen presenting and stimulates specific immune response
The cellular response (the response of T lymphocytes to a foreign antigen e.g.
infected cells, cells of the same species)
1. T lymphocytes recognises antigen presenting cells after phagocytosis (foreign antigen)
2. Specific T helper cell with receptor complementary to specific antigen binds to it, becoming
activated and dividing rapidly by mitosis to form clones which:
a) Stimulate B cells for the humoral response
b) Stimulate cytotoxic T cells to kill infected cells by producing perforin
c) Stimulate phagocytes to engulf pathogens by phagocytosis
The humoral response (the response of B lymphocytes to a foreign antigen e.g.
in blood/tissues)
1. Clonal selection:
a) Specific B cell binds to antigen presenting cell and is stimulated by helper T cells which
releases cytokines
b) Divides rapidly by mitosis to form clones (clonal expansion)
2. Some become B plasma cells for the primary immune response – secrete large amounts of
monoclonal antibody into blood
3. Some become B memory cells for the secondary immune response
Primary response – antigen enters body for the first time (role of plasma cells)
Produces antibodies slower and at a lower concentration because
- Not many B cells available that can make the required antibody
- T helpers need to activate B plasma cells to make the antibodies (takes time)
So infected individual will express symptoms
Secondary response – same antigen enters body again (role of memory cells)
Produces antibodies faster and at a higher concentration because
B and T memory cells present
B memory cells undergo mitosis quicker / quicker clonal selection
Quaternary structured protein (immunoglobin)
Secreted by B lymphocytes e.g. plasma cells and produced in response to a specific antigen
Binds specifically to antigens (monoclonal) forming an antigen-antibody complex
Describe and explain how the structure of an antibody relates to its function
Primary structure of protein = sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain
Determines the folds in the secondary structure as R groups interact
Determines the specific shape of the tertiary structure and position of hydrogen,
ionic and disulfide bonds
Quaternary structure is comprised of 4 polypeptide chains (tertiary structured) held
together by hydrogen, ionic and disulfide bonds
- Enables the specific shaped variable region (binding site) to form which is a
complementary shape to a specific antigen
- Enables antigen-antibody complex to form
How do antibodies work to destroy pathogens e.g. bacterial cells?
Binds to two pathogens at a time (at variable region/binding site) forming an antigenantibody complex
Enables antibodies to clump the pathogens together – agglutination
Phagocytes bind to the antibodies and phagocytose many pathogens at once
Note: the hinge region means an antibody can bind to antigens / pathogens different
distances part
What is a vaccination?
Injection of antigens
From attenuated (dead or weakened) pathogens
Stimulates the formation of memory cells
A vaccine can lead to symptoms because some of the pathogens might be alive / active /
viable; therefore, the pathogen could reproduce and release toxins, which can kill cells
The use of vaccines to provide protection for individuals against disease
Normal immune response but the important part is that memory cells are produced
On reinfection / secondary exposure to the same antigen, the secondary response therefore
produces antibodies faster and at a higher concentration
Leading to the destruction of a pathogen/antigen (e.g. agglutination and phagocytosis)
before it can cause harm / symptoms = immunity
The use of vaccines to provide protection for populations against disease
(herd immunity)
Large proportion but not 100% of population vaccinated against a disease – herd immunity
Makes it more difficult for the pathogen to spread through the population because…
- More people are immune so fewer people in the population carry the pathogen / are
- Fewer susceptible so less likely that a susceptible / non-vaccinated individual will
come into contact with an infected person and pass on the disease
Differences between active and passive immunity
Active immunity
Initial exposure to antigen e.g. vaccine or primary
Memory cells involved
Passive immunity
No exposure to antigen
No memory cells involved
Antibody is produced and secreted by (B) plasma
Slow; takes time to develop
Long term immunity → antibody can be produced
in response to a specific antigen again
Antibody introduced into body from another
organism e.g. breast milk / across placenta from
Fast acting
Short term immunity (antibody broken down)
Ethical issues associated with the use of vaccines
Tested on animals before use on humans → animals have a central nervous system so feel
pain (some animal based substances are also used to produce vaccines)
Tested on humans → volunteers may put themselves at unnecessary risk of contracting the
disease because they think they’re fully protected e.g. HIV vaccine so have unprotected sex
→ vaccine might not work
Can have side effects
Expensive – less money spent on research and treatments of other diseases
Antigen variability is often an explanation for why…
New vaccines against a disease need to be developed more frequently e.g. influenza
Vaccines against a disease may be hard to develop or can’t be developed in the first place
e.g. HIV
May experience a disease more than once e.g. common cold
Explain the effect of antigen variability on disease
Change in antigen shape (due to a genetic mutation)
Not recognised by B memory cell → no plasma cells / antibodies
Not immune
Must re-undergo primary immune response → slower / releases lower concentration of
Disease symptoms felt
Explain the effect of antigen variability on disease prevention (vaccines)
Change in antigen shape (due to a genetic mutation)
Existing antibodies with a specific shape unable to bind to changed antigens / form
antigen-antibody complex
Immune system i.e. memory cells won’t recognise different antigens (strain)
Evaluate methodology, evidence and data relating to the use of vaccinations
A successful vaccination programme:
- Produce suitable vaccine
- Effective – make memory cells
- No major side effects → side effects discourage individuals from being
- Low cost / economically viable
- Easily produced / transported / stored / administered
- Provides herd immunity
Evaluating a conclusion that’s been made from a set of data / study
- If there is a scatter graph, the relationship between two variables may be a positive /
negative correlation, or no correlation
- But correlation between two variables doesn’t always mean there’s a causal
relationship – correlation could be due to change or another variable / factor
- Repeatability (when an experiment is repeated using the same method and
equipment and obtains the same results)
- Have there been other experiments / studies showing the same?
- Validity (suitability of the investigative procedure to answer the question being
- Does the data answer the question set out to investigate?
- Example: research project on potential vaccines to protect people against HIV
used monkeys and a virus called SIV (which only infects monkeys and causes a
condition similar to AIDS in them) . Scientists have questioned the value of
the research because there may be differences between human and money
responses / immune systems, and a vaccine developed against SIV may not
work against HIV / may be (significant) differences between SIV and HIV
- Potential bias?
The use of monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal antibody = antibody produced from a single group of genetically identical
(clones) B cells / plasma cells
- Identical structure
Bind to specific complimentary antigen
- Have a binding site / variable region with a specific tertiary structure / shape
- Only one complementary antigen will fit
Why are monoclonal antibodies useful in medicine?
Only bind to specific target molecules / antigens because…
Antibodies have a specific tertiary structure (binding site / variable region) that’s
complementary to a specific antigen which can bind/fit to the antibody
Monoclonal antibodies: targeting medication to specific cell types by
attaching a therapeutic drug to an antibody
Example: cancer cell
1. Monoclonal antibodies made to be complementary to antigens specific to cancer cells →
cancer cells are abnormal body cells with different antigens (tumour markers)
2. Anti-cancer drug attached to antibody
3. Antibody binds / attaches to cancer cells (forming antigen-antibody complex)
4. Delivers attached anti-cancer drug directly to specific cancer cells so drug accumulates →
fewer side effects e.g. fewer normal body cells killed
Exam question example: some cancer cells have a receptor protein in their cell-surface membrane
that binds to a hormone called growth factor. This stimulates the cancer cells to divide. Scientists
have produced a monoclonal antibody that stops this stimulation. Use your knowledge of
monoclonal antibodies to suggest how this antibody stops the growth of a tumour (3 marks)
Antibody has specific tertiary structure / binding site / variable region
Complementary (shape / fit) to receptor protein / GF / binds to receptor protein
Prevents GF binding (to receptor)
Monoclonal antibodies: medical diagnosis
Example: pregnancy test
Pregnant women have the hormone hCG in their urine
Urine test strip has 3 parts with 3 different antibodies
- Application area, position 1: antibodies complementary to hCG (bound to a blue
coloured bead)
- Middle, position 2: antibodies complementary to hCG-antibody complex
- End, position 3: antibodies complementary to antibody without hCG attached
If pregnant
- hCG binds to antibodies in application area = hCG-antibody complex
- Travels up test strip, binds to antibodies at position 2 = blue line
If not pregnant
- No hCG in urine so hCG doesn’t bind to antibodies in application area so doesn’t
bind to antibodies at position 2 = no blue line
- Bind to antibodies at position 3 → blue line = control
Exam question example: Malaria is a disease caused by parasites belonging to the genus
Plasmodium. Two species that cause malaria are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. A
test strip that uses monoclonal antibodies can be used to determine whether a person is infected
by Plasmodium. It can also be used to find which species of Plasmodium they are infected by.
- A sample of a person’s blood is mixed with a solution containing n antibody, A, that binds
to a protein found in both species of Plasmodium. This antibody has a coloured dye
- A test strip is then put into the mixture. The mixture moves up the test strip by capillary
action to an absorbent pad.
- Three other antibodies, B, C and D are attached to the test strip. The position of these
antibodies and what they bind to is shown in figure 1.
(a) Explain why antibody A attaches only to the protein found in species of Plasmodium. (2
✓ Antibody has tertiary structure
✓ Complementary to binding site on protein
(b) Antibody B is important is this test shows a person is not infected with Plasmodium. Explain
why antibody B is important. (2 marks)
✓ Prevents false negative results
✓ (Since) shows antibody A has moved up strip / has not bound to any Plasmodium
(c) One of these test strips was used to test a sample from a person thought to be infected
with Plasmodium. Figure 2 shows the result.
What can you conclude from this result? Explain how you reached your conclusion. (4)
✓ Person is infected with Plasmodium / has malaria
✓ Infected with (plasmodium) vivax
✓ Coloured dye where antibody C present
✓ That only binds to protein from vivax / no reaction with antibody for falciparum
The use of antibodies in the ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) test
Can determine if a patient has
a) Antibodies to a certain antigen
b) Antigen to a certain antibody
- Used to diagnose diseases or allergies (e.g. HIV / Lactose intolerance)
Why use controls when performing the ELISA test?
- Controls enable a comparison with the test
- To show that
- Only the enzyme and nothing else causes colour change
- Washing is effective and all unbound antibody is washed away
Explain why the secondary and detection antibody must be washed away
- Enzyme attached to antibody reacts with substrate turning the solution a different
colour; indicates a positive result
- Not washed out → enzymes will react with the substrate
- Therefore give a positive result even if no antigen present (false positive)
Exam question example: A test has been developed to find out whether a person is infected with
G. lambia. The test is shown in the flow chart.
Explain why the antibodies used in this test must be monoclonal antibodies. (1 mark)
✓ All have same shape / only binds to Giardia / one type of / specific antigen
Explain why the Giardia antigen binds to the antibody in step 2. (1 mark)
✓ Has complementary 9shape) / due to (specific) tertiary structure / variable region
(of antibody)
The plate must be washed at the start of step 4, otherwise a positive result could be
obtained when the Giardia antigen is not present. Explain why a positive result could be
obtained if the plate is not washed at the start of step 4. (2 marks)
✓ Enzyme / second antibody would remain / is removed by washing
✓ Enzyme can react with substrate (when no antigen is present)
Exam question example: A test has been developed to find out whether a person has antibodies
against the mumps virus. The test is shown in the diagram.
(a) Explain why this test will detect mumps antibodies, but not other antibodies in the blood. (1
✓ Antibodies are specific to mumps antigen
✓ 2nd antibodies specific to mumps antibody
(b) Explain why it is important to wash the well at the start of step 4. (2 marks)
✓ Removes unbound 2nd antibodies
✓ Otherwise enzyme may be present / get a colour change anyway / false positive
(c) Explain why there be no colour change if mumps antibodies are not present in the blood. (2
✓ No antibodies to bind (to antigen)
✓ Therefore 2nd antibody (with the enzyme) won’t bind
✓ No enzyme/enzyme-carrying antibody present (after washing in step 4)
Ethical issues associated with the use of monoclonal antibody
Animals are involved in the production of monoclonal antibodies i.e. by producing cancer
in mice who have a CNS so feel pain, and it is unfair to give them a disease
Although effective treatment for cancer and diabetes has caused deaths when used in
treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
- Patients need to be informed of risk and benefits before treatment so they can make
informed decisions
You also need to be able to evaluate methodology, evidence and data relating
to the use of monoclonal antibodies
The structure of HIV – human immunodeficiency virus
The replication of HIV in helper T cells
1. HIV infects T helper cells (host cell)
- HIV attachment protein (GP120) attaches to a receptor on the helper T-cell
2. Virus lipid envelope fuses with cell surface membrane and capsid released into cell which
uncoats, releasing RNA and reverse transcriptase into cytoplasm
3. Viral DNA is made from viral RNA
- Reverse transcriptase produces a complementary viral DNA strand from viral RNA
- Double stranded DNA is made from this (DNA polymerase)
4. Viral DNA integrated into host cell’s DNA (by enzyme integrase)
5. This remains latent for a long time in host cell until activated
6. Host cell enzymes used to make viral proteins from viral DNA (within human DNA) → viral
proteins assembled with viral RNA to make a new virus
7. New virus bud from cell (taking some of cell surface membrane as envelope)
8. Eventually kills helper T cells
9. Most host cells are infected and process repeat
How HIV causes the symptoms of AIDS – acquired immune deficiency
Infects and kills helper T cells (host cell) as it multiplies rapidly
- T helper cells then can’t stimulate cytotoxic T cells, B cells and phagocytes →
impaired immune response
- E.g. B plasma cells can’t secrete antibodies for agglutination and destruction
of pathogens by phagocytosis
Immune system deteriorates
- More susceptible to infections
- Diseases that wouldn’t cause serious problems in healthy immune system are deadly
(opportunistic infections) e.g. pneumonia
Why antibiotics are ineffective against viruses
Antibiotics can’t enter human calls – but viruses exists in its host cell (they are acellular)
Viruses don’t have own metabolic reactions e.g. ribosomes (use of the host cell’s) which
antibiotics target
If we did use them… act as a selection pressure + gene mutation = resistant strain of
bacteria via natural selection → reducing effectiveness of antibiotics and waste money