Lord of the Flies Chapter Quizzes Chapter 1 1. How do the boys end up on the island? Plane crash 2. What medical condition does Piggy have? Asthma 3. What was Ralph’s father’s profession? Commander in the Navy 4. What do we learn about Piggy’s parents? They’re dead 5. How does Ralph call a meeting? Blowing in the conch 6. Who is the leader of the choir boys? Jack Merridew 7. Who is elected leader of the group? Ralph 8. Which three boys were in the expedition party? Ralph, Jack, and Simon 9. What was Piggy’s assignment given to him by the leader? Make a list of names of all the boys 10. What did the boys find, and what did Jack fail to do? A piglet; kill it *BONUS: What kind of store did Piggy’s aunt own?* Candy store Chapter 2 1. What rule is made regarding the conch? Whoever holds it gets to speak 2. What did the little boy claim he saw? A “beastie” 3. What does Ralph say about all the islands of the world? They’ve all been discovered 4. What do the boys decide to make? A fire 5. Why do they decide to make it? To attract ships 6. What object do they use to make it? Piggy’s glasses 7. What problem do they notice about it? It doesn’t produce smoke 8. How to they solve that problem? Adding green branches 9. What does Piggy say they should’ve built first? Shelter 10. What happened to the boy with the mark on his face? He disappeared *BONUS: Who does Ralph say has a map of the island?* The Queen Chapter 3 1. What two things do Ralph and Jack argue about? Shelter and food 2. What are the littluns afraid of? The “beastie” 3. What was Jack focused on? Be specific. Hunting pigs 4. What was Ralph focused on? Getting rescued 5. Why did Jack think the pigs were higher up on the mountain? For shade 6. Which boy does Ralph say helps out the most? Simon 7. Jack says, “But you can feel as if you’re not hunting, but – _____ _____.” Being hunted 8. What did the boys use to drink water from? Coconut shells 9. What did the hunters do when they got back? Went swimming 10. What does Jack say he needs to add to his spear? A barb *BONUS: How many shelters have they built?* Two Chapter 4 1. Why did the small children get stomachaches? Eating too much unripe fruit 2. What are the names of the two groups the boys had split themselves into? Littluns and biguns 3. What does Jack use to camouflage himself for hunting? Face paint 4. Whose hair doesn’t grow? Piggy 5. What type of device does Piggy suggest they make? A clock/sundial 6. What do the boys see on the horizon? Smoke 7. Why is Ralph furious with Jack? He let the fire go out 8. What do Jack and the hunters come back with? A dead pig 9. What happens when Jack punches Piggy? He breaks his glasses 10. Why did Jack not want Piggy to eat the meat? He didn’t help hunt for it *BONUS: What does Ralph call Piggy’s asthma?* Ass-mar Chapter 5 1. “Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had ____.” Brains 2. What does Ralph say the most important thing on the island is? The fire 3. What’s the new rule regarding the fire? It can only be built on the mountain 4. Where do the boys speculate the beast comes from? The sea 5. What do they think it might be? A squid 6. What do they vote on regarding the beast? Whether or not it’s a ghost 7. Piggy says, “Because the _____ are the one thing we got.” Rules 8. Everyone leaves the assembly except which three boys? Ralph, Piggy, and Simon 9. What do the boys wish for at the end of the chapter? Grownups 10. Who is Piggy scared of? Jack *BONUS: What is Percival’s full name?* Percival Wemys Madison Chapter 6 1. What falls from the sky? A man in a parachute 2. Who was tending the fire at the time? Sam and Eric 3. Why did Sam and Eric wake Ralph? They saw the beast 4. What does Ralph recommend Piggy do while they hunt? Watch the littluns 5. Who goes onto the rocks first? Ralph 6. What did Jack think this place would be good for? A fort 7. What problem does Ralph identify about the idea? No fresh water 8. What is Jack’s solution? Let coconuts collect the water 9. What does Jack imagine they could use as a weapon at this place? A large rock 10. What single word does Ralph keep muttering at the end of the chapter? Smoke *BONUS: What color is the rock at this place?* Pink Chapter 7 1. Ralph lists three things he’d like to do. Name two. Cut his hair, take a bath, and brush his teeth 2. What bad habit does Ralph start doing again? Biting his fingernails 3. Who tells Ralph that he’ll get back home all right? Simon 4. Where did Jack hit the boar with his spear? Snout 5. What do the boys do after hunting the boar? Re-enact the killing 6. Who was at the center of that activity? Robert 7. What does Simon volunteer to do? Go back to Piggy 8. What name do they give the rock place? Castle Rock 9. Why do the boys go up the mountain? To look for the beast 10. What animal does Robert suggest the beast could be? A frog *BONUS: Ralph names three books on his shelf at home. Name one of them. The Boy’s Book of Trains, The Boy’s Book of Ships, and The Mammoth Book for Boys Chapter 8 1. What does Jack call an assembly to vote on? Removing Ralph as chief 2. What’s the result of that vote? Ralph stays as chief 3. “The greatest ideas are ___ _______.” The simplest 4. What did Piggy do for the first time? Light the fire 5. What does Jack want to steal from the other camp? Fire 6. What does Ralph think he wants to steal? The conch 7. What does Jack and his followers offer the Beast? The pig’s head on a stick 8. Who is the Lord of the Flies? The pig’s head on a stick 9. What word becomes “taboo” around Ralph’s camp? Jack 10. Which boy does the Lord of the Flies talk to? Simon *BONUS: Whose face does Jack rubs his bloody hands on? Maurice Chapter 9 1. What did Simon stumble upon? The man in the parachute 2. What object does Piggy not want to get wet? His glasses 3. Ralph says the other boys left him for Jack for four reasons. Name two of them. Meat, hunting, war-paint, and pretending to be a tribe 4. What does Jack say “doesn’t count at this end of the island”? The conch 5. What’s Ralph’s reply? The conch counts everywhere on the island 6. What problem of Jack’s does Ralph point out when it begins to rain? They don’t have shelters 7. What do Jack’s boys do when it begins to rain? Dance 8. Who stumbled into the circle? Simon 9. What did they do to him? Kill him 10. What sent the boys running and screaming into the darkness? The parachute man blew down towards the beach *BONUS: What is the three-phrase chant the boys say?* “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” Chapter 11 1. What’s Piggy’s main concern when going to Jack’s camp? Getting his glasses back 2. What does Ralph not want to do for fear of looking like savages? Paint their faces 3. When asked his name, what does Ralph do? Blow the conch 4. Who does Jack instruct his crew to tie up? Sam and Eric 5. Speaking to Jack, Ralph says, “You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody _______.” Thief 6. Who serves as the watchman at Castle Rock? Roger 7. What does the lever do when Roger leans on it? Releases a large rock that rolls down 8. What two things does it destroy? Piggy and the conch 9. Does Jack feel remorse? No 10. Where does Ralph flee to? The jungle *BONUS: What article of clothing does Eric suggest they could pull over their heads like caps? Socks Chapter 10 1. What does Ralph say Simon’s death was? Murder 2. What does Piggy say it was? An accident 3. What lie did Ralph and Piggy tell to Sam and Eric? They weren’t at the dance 4. What excuse did they use to back up that lie? They left early because they were tired 5. According to Ralph, what two things was the fire good for? A rescue signal/beacon and for comfort 6. What does Ralph tell Piggy to write? A letter to his auntie 7. Who did Jack pretend to be when he went to the camp? The Beast 8. What did Piggy think Jack wanted? The conch 9. What did Jack steal from the camp? Piggy’s glasses 10. Why did they want it? To make fire *BONUS: What’s the name of the boy Jack had tied up and beaten? Wilfred Chapter 12 1. What does Ralph stumble across in the forest? The pig skull 2. What does he do it? Hits and breaks it 3. What does Sam give to Ralph? A piece of meat 4. What’s implied by Roger having a stick sharpened at both ends? He wants to behead Ralph and impale his head on it 5. Where does Ralph tell Sam and Eric he will hide? In a thicket close to the camp 6. How does Jack find Ralph’s hiding spot? Sam and Eric rat him out 7. What does Jack do to flush Ralph out of the jungle? They set the island on fire 8. Who finds Ralph on the beach? A naval officer 9. When asked who is in charge, who speaks up? Ralph 10. Ralph cries for three things: the end of ______, the darkness of man’s ______, and the death of ________. Innocence, heart, Piggy *BONUS: Ralph identifies three strategies to escape from Jack and his boys. Name two of them.* Hide, climb a tree, or charge them and break the line