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Portable Solar DC Pumping System with MPPT

2019 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2019
Portable Solar Powered DC Pumping System Using
Pump jack and MPPT
Basit Ali
Dr. Abdul Attayyab Khan
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Karachi, Pakistan
Qasim Ahmed Khan
Tooba Yamin
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Karachi, Pakistan
Muhammad Adeel
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University Karachi Campus
Karachi, Pakistan
have added a feature of storing water when the sun is not
shining, excluding the need for batteries, enhancing simplicity
and reducing overall system costs [1].
Lack of electricity in the country side area which is due to
the high demand in urban areas, Distance between the grid and
country side area. PV pumping system of water provides a huge
amount of savings and increase reliability. PV use not only full
fills the need of pumping but can also provide a small backup
for emergency lighting load. Its portability makes it more
suitable than any other grid solution [2].
Photovoltaic pumps provide intermediate applications for
small villages and remote areas. Many analysts have studied the
performance and execution of PVWPS(Photovoltaic water
pumping system). There are few hypothetical and experimental
studies for solar based water pumps that are installed in remote
districts [3-7]. The proposed solution is cost-effective and
Keywords—Pumping system, MPPT, Photovoltaic system, costfeasible for remote area. It consists of the pump jack, DC
effective solution
motor, MPPT, Inverter, and battery backup. The structure can
easily move by tying it to any vehicle. Cost-effectiveness is the
major aspect of this whole system which will be discussed in
Countries all around the globe are going through a severe later sections.
energy crisis and are progressing towards the environmentII. PROPOSED SYSTEM
friendly resources like sunlight, wind, tidal energy etc. The
most useful and effective renewable energy source is solar For the proposed solution an actual practice is done which is
energy and countries are using PV panels on the wide range so consist of the following sections
as to meet their energy needs. Most effective application of the
• Design and Implementation of the photovoltaic water
PV panel is for the extraction of the most important and most
pumping system.
basic need of human life that is water.
• Design and Implementation of MPPT to attain
Water pumping is one of the simplest and most
maximum power.
appropriate uses for photovoltaic. From crop irrigation to stock
• Design and Implementation of Inverter for AC load.
watering to domestic uses, solar powered pumping systems
fulfill a wide range of water demand. Most of these frameworks
Abstract— This paper proposes an economical photovoltaic water
pumping system with maximum power point tracking for
extracting water in remote areas. MPPT algorithm is used to draw
maximum available power from PV panels. The MPPT charge
controller technology increases the efficiency of the battery
charging state. Inside MPPT DC-DC converter is used to compare
voltages of PV module to battery voltage. MATLAB simulations
are used to check the DC-DC converter design and hardware
implementation. Battery supplies 12V to operate DC pump and
inverter converts 12V DC to 220V AC to run AC Load. The results
authenticate that MPPT can fundamentally increase the
proficiency and performance of photovoltaic panels. Analysis
between A.C and D.C system is also presented which shows the
cost-effectiveness of the system; Because of portable structure, it
offers a great advantage for the user. Moreover, it is eco-friendly,
has battery backup and is cost effective.
978-1-5386-9509-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
Design and Implementation of P&O algorithm using
DSPIC microcontroller.
The overall process is discussed in the flow diagram.
Fig. 2.
Block diagram of MPPT
In buck converter current is stored in the inductor for short
period and after that battery is charged. The battery supply 12V
DC to the load. Fuse (an electrical safety device) is also used
for protection of system from over current. To determine an
amount of current entering the circuit we have current and
voltage sensor at the input side. A microcontroller is used to
operate a DC-DC converter and provide duty cycle to attain
MPP. In this case, DC-DC converter is Buck converter. The
microcontroller used is DSPIC 30F4013.
Fig. 1.
Block diagram of the proposed system
When sunlight falls on the solar panel, this light energy is
converted into electrical energy. By using charge controller
which in this case is MPPT this energy will be stored in the
battery. MPPT also monitor the charging and discharging status
of the battery. The battery supplies 12V DC to operate DC
pump. A circuitry is required to convert 12V DC into 220V AC
as most of the home appliances operate on 220V AC. The main
purpose of MPPT is to extract maximum power from solar
panel. In other words, MPPT is used to increase the efficiency
of our system by increasing the charging state. Battery level
indicator is also used to indicate the status of the battery.
A. MPPT Design
Fig. 3.
The DC-DC converter (A)
The MPPT comprises of the many subparts that are buck
converter (step down converter), a voltage sensor, a current The remaining part of this DC-DC converter is shown in figure
sensor, ADC converter, and DSPIC microcontroller. The
proposed circuit diagram of MPPT is shown below.
P&O is a simple algorithm but provide top-level efficiency. It is
comparatively an accurate method and also known as a hillclimbing method. Because of ease of implementation, it is the
most widely used MPPT method. The flowchart of the
algorithm is shown below:
Fig. 4.
DC-DC Converter (B)
The efficiency of solar panels relies on two things i.e.
temperature and intensity of sunlight. Solar panel's current
depends on irradiance whereas voltage depends on temperature.
Whenever there is a change in weather or irradiance the
voltages across panels start fluctuating and this gives us
pulsating DC output. RC network is used to remove the noise
which is due to the AC component in pulsating DC. The battery
is charged using the filtered DC voltages.
B. Algorithm of MPPT
In this method, the sign of the last perturbation and the
sign of the last increment in the power are used to determine
Flow Chart of Perturb and Observe Method
what should be the next perturbation. As shown in Figure 5, on Fig. 6.
the left of MPP increase in voltage increases the power whereas
C. Pump Jack
on the right of MPP decrease in voltage increases the power.
Solar powered pumps are similar to a conventional electric
pump. The main difference is that solar-powered pumps use
solar energy (renewable energy) whereas electric pumps use
non-renewable energy for extraction of water. Here we have
used a pump jack which consists of a DC motor that operates on
the solar panel's output to extract water. Pumps with AC motor
are also available but they require complex circuitry (i.e.
inverter for DC to AC conversion) and are high priced. DC
motors do not require inverter so there are no electrical losses
due to the conversion of DC to AC, thus have more efficiency.
D. Inverter
The inverter is an electronic circuitry that converts direct
current (DC) to alternating current (AC) at the desired
frequency. DC source is used to provide power as inverter does
not produce any power. Almost all of home and industrial
devices operate on 220V AC so it is necessary to convert 12V
Fig. 5.
The relationship between power & voltage in P&O algorithm
DC to 220V AC. The inverter used in the proposed model
solution is of 1200Watts. The main component is CD4047
If the output power is increasing then the voltage shift of the PV which is low power consumption IC.
panel is kept in a similar direction but if the output power is
decreasing then the voltage of the PV Panel is shifted in
opposite direction. The process continues until MPP is attained.
The model proposed system is consist of the following
calculations and considerations.
The purpose of this project is to power the DC motor of
• 0.5 HP = 746/2 =373 Watts
Assuming DC motor is working for 1.5 hours daily.
• 3.73 x 1.5=560 Watt Hours
On Average, Pakistan has peak sunshine of 6 hours. Now the
required size of the panel, battery and charge controller (MPPT)
is calculated on basis of total load power and daylight,
• Panel= (560/6), 93.333 Watts
• Battery= (560 / 12), 46.66 Ampere Hours
• Charge Controller = (100 / 12V ), 8.33Amperes
A. Assembling of system
The whole system is designed and tested continuously at a
different time. The images of the designed system are Fig. 9.
mentioned below
Infrastructure for mobility of the system
The total power consumed in AC system is greater than
proposed DC system, so it will be not economical an analysis
regarding this proposed system vs AC is given in table 1 which
is tested by on our proposed system.
The comparison is done between A.C and proposed PV system
on the basis of the system running 3 hours per day. This system
ROI (return on investment) is 3.1 years. Which is quite
economical due to the lifespan of the solar panels. But lowquality panels are not economical due to its low quality and
brings unfavorable effect on the entire system [8].
Fig. 7.
1000 watt Inverter
(Per year)
A.C consumption
(Per year)
831.45 kWh
115.236 kWh
This proposed method is an efficient photovoltaic water
pumping system with MPPT. The purpose to provide an
affordable solution using renewable energy for generation of
power is successfully accomplished. Our consideration of P&O
algorithm and relationship between duty cycle and output
voltage signify that by using PWM of DC-DC converter MPP
can be achieved. The results authenticate that MPPT can
appreciably increase the ability and performance of solar
panels. The cost-effectiveness, mobility, and long life is the
major trait of the proposed system further its portability option
increase its grade.
Fig. 8.
10 Amp Maximum Power Point Tracker
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