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SDSGC0D Assignment: Competencies, Skills, Education

Student number
: 58089845
Unique number
: 687956
Module code
Assignment number : 02
Due date
: 08/06/2020
a) Practical competence: Demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks.
b) Foundational competence: Demonstrated understanding of what others or we are doing
and why.
c) Reflexive competence: Demonstrated ability to integrate or connect performances with
an understanding of those performances, so that we learn
from our actions and are able
to adapt to changes and unforeseen circumstances.
2. Skills and aptitudes
Good persuasive powers
Good problem solver
Good decision makers
Know how to manage time
Know how to handle information
Know how to solve conflict
Prepare to take calculated risk
Qualities and personality
Need for independence
Need for achievements
High initiatives
Moderate to high risk taking ability and see opportunities
Leadership abilities
Positive personality
Attitudes and values
Firm belief in control own destiny
Welcomes taking responsibility
Places a high value on money and status
Place high vales on creativity
Believes honesty id the best policy in business
Interested in business
Dealing with people
Artistic and creative activities
Fact and figures
Making/fixing hints with their hands
Working out of doors
Autonomous education institution which, with exception of academic training for a specific
occupation such as medicine provide broad based tertriy education in a verity of academic
Universities qualifications include bachelor degrees, honours degree, master degree, doctorates and
postgraduates, diplomas and certification.
University business school
Many universities have business school attached to them, which offer postgraduates course and
qualification for post qualifications or specialist course usually with the management or business
orientation. The universities degrees is equivalent is the normal entry qualification for post courses.
Are independent institutions, which provide courses, aimed at equipping students with immediate
skills for the job situation. They offer courses leading to internal certificates and national diplomas
qualification in a wide range of occupational fields.
Professional bodies
Professional bodies offer recognised qualification in their particular field. Courses leading to such
qualifications are often offered by recognised tertiary or post school educational institution or may
be offered solely through the educational department of the institution concerned
Industrial training schemes
Industrial have their own trading bodies, which set standard of training within the relevant industry,
supervise training facilities and .in many cases, and offer specials training to employees within the
industry concerned
Correspondence college
There are number of correspondence colleges offering a verity of education, professional and
vocational courses through the medium of distance education. Correspondence college studies allow
students who are in full time employment, or who ride in remote area the opportunity to upgrade
their educational standard or to obtain a recognised qualification.
Adult education school
For adults who have not had the benefit of a full school education and who wish to upgrade their
educational standard, the former department of education and ranging has established centres
throughout the country which offers academic courses ranging from basic literacy to grade 12
Private post school education institution
In most major centres, there are private training institution that offer instruction in a verity of skill
and knowledge area such as bookkeeping and computer skills.
How employer can get involved
Employers also have an important task in developing the skills and qualities of employees in their
services. In services, training is very important way of meeting this expectation.
Employers may can arrange open days, which implies that a factory or business is open to the public
and prospective students to visit and to enquire about the nature of the advantages and
disadvantages of a specific career or qualification.
Employers do not only have a responsibility to provide information about the different job
opportunities but also to support training by means of bursaries. And this bursaries should be
available to students from public and private sector.
Learner ship
Employers can also allow learner ship, which they can help students with skills and knowledge of
what they are supposed to do and give students opportunities to go and find job opportunities
somewhere else to companies that offers the job or qualification. Students after the learner ship the
skills gain something from the experience, companies such as BMW, NISSAN and other.
Mentorship/coaching and role model
Mentorship is one of the thing that companies can offer to the students, it allows students to be
able to practice what they have studied and get guidance from an experienced person someone to
be there for them when they come across problems.
Baseline assessments
Find out what learners already know so that lesson can be prepared to meet the needs of learners.
You establish the kinds of skills needed to cope with activity, unit and module. Such as a learners
jumping as far as they can and is recorded. This can be done at the beginning of the year or chapter.
Diagnostic assessment
Teachers identifies problem areas displayed by individual learners, poor balance, poor coordination
and weaken in feet. And intervention needed. This can be conduct after module, topic or unit to see
the progress and focus on weak areas.
Formative assessment
The teacher then teach according to the degree of difficulty. And they can be divided into two
informal and formal, informal can be an in-class route of learners hula hoops and formal can be a
dance route.
Summative assessment
3 Sum up of where learners
The teacher will conclude with evaluation against a specific scale rubric.
are after a series of lessons so that they be progress can be measured.
I Fhononda Pricilla Lusuno student number:58089845 declare that his is assignment 02 of the
SDSGC0D is my own work.
Total = 66 / 100 (66%)
1 Dear Student, Please note that each tick equals one mark, once maximum marks has been reached
stamp will be used to acknowledge the information
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