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Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) Security Principles

• Confidentiality is the concealment of information or
• Prevent assets from accessing by unauthorized
– E.g. individuals, organisation, government.
• Access control mechanisms support confidentiality.
– E.g. cryptography (keys), encryption.
• Integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data or
resources, and it is usually phrased in terms of
preventing improper or unauthorized change.
• Integrity includes:
– data integrity
• the content of the information
– origin integrity
• the source of the data, often called
• Integrity mechanisms fall into two classes:
– Prevention mechanisms:
• Seek to maintain the integrity of the data by blocking any
unauthorised attempts to change the data or any attempts
to change the data in unauthorised ways.
• E.g. Access control.
– Detection mechanisms:
• Do not try to prevent violations of integrity; they simply
report that the data’s integrity is no longer trustworthy.
• E.g. digital signatures.
Difference between Confidentiality and
• With confidentiality, the data is either compromised or it
is not,
• but integrity includes both the correctness and the
trustworthiness of the data.
– origin of the data (how and from whom it was
– how well the data was protected before it arrived at
the current machine, and
– how well the data is protected on the current
machine all affect the integrity of the data.
– Thus evaluating integrity is often difficult.
• Availability refers to the ability to use the information
or resource desired.
– E.g. Access website? Display correctly?
• Availability is very much linked to reliability as well
as of system design because an unavailable system
is as bad as no system at all.
• Someone may deliberately deny access to data or
to a service by making it unavailable.
• Attempts to block availability are called, denial-ofservice (DoS) attacks.
• DoS attacks are difficult to detect because it requires
the analyst to determine if unusual patterns of
access are attributable to deliberate manipulation of
resources or of environment.
• Sometimes DoS attacks just seem to be a typical
events or in some cases they are not even a typical.
• Statistical models are important here esp. of
network traffic.
Authenticity and Accuracy
• Authenticity
– Assets should be unforgeable by unauthorised
– E.g. Impersonation, forgery of digital signatures.
• Accuracy
– Be free from mistakes and errors.
– Provide information as end user expects.
– E.g. $ = AUD/USD/... ?
What is a Threat?
• Threat is a category of objects, persons, or other
entities that presents a danger to an asset.
• The violation need not occur for there to be a threat.
• The fact that the violation MIGHT occur is a threat.
• If the action occurs then it is an attack.
• The one who causes the attack to happen is an
Threats into 4 Main Categories
• Disclosure
– unauthorised access to information. (C)
• Deception
– acceptance of false data. (I.A)
• Disruption
– interruption or prevention of correct operation. (A)
• Usurpation (taking someone's power or property by force)
– unauthorised control of some part of the system. (A)
From the Source to the Destination
Interruption (A)
Interception (C)
Modification (I)
Examples of Threats?
• Snooping
– Unauthorised
interception of data.
• Wiretapping
– Passive vs active
• Data passing over a
network is modified.
• Modification, Alteration
• Masquerading
– Impersonation of one
entity by another.
• Delegation
– One entity passes
authority to another,
illegal permission.
• Repudiation of origin
– A false denial that an
entity sent or created
• Denial of receipt
– A false denial that an
entity received some
information or message.
• Delay
– Temporary inhibition of a
• Denial-of-Service
– A long-term inhibition of a
What is the Goal of Security
• Prevent an attack (before it happens)
– This is the ideal solution
– This is where technology should be helping most!
• Detect the attack (when it happens)
– Know what is going on, who is causing it
– This is really where technology is helping most!
• Recover from an attack (as soon as possible)
– Stop the attack
– Assess and repair the damage caused
Components of Risk Management
Risk Management
Risk Control
Risk Assessment
Selecting Strategy
Is the documented result of the
risk identification process
Inventorying Assets
Classifying &
Prioritising Assets
Identifying & Prioritising
Threats & Vulnerabilities
Risk Assessment
Risk Identification
Justifying Controls
Implementing &
Monitoring Controls
Three Important Definitions
• Assets
– Anything of value that is worth securing
– Can include tangible goods (e.g. computers) as well
as intangible goods (e.g. passwords)
• Threat
– Any eventuality that represents a danger to an asset
(e.g. possibility that financial transactions will be
• Vulnerability
– A weakness in a safeguard (e.g. input validity does
not exist in an order entry Web form)
Creating an Inventory of Information
Table 8-1 Organizational assets used in systems
Source: Course Technology/Cengage Learning
Creating an Inventory of Information
• Inventory process requires a certain amount of planning
– Whether automated or manual
• Determine which attributes of each information asset
should be tracked
– Depends on the needs of the organization and its risk
management efforts
Risk Assessment
• Identify
between assets and
• Identify and quantify
asset exposure
• Asset: paper document:
• threat: fire;
• vulnerability:
• document is not stored in a fire-proof cabinet (risk
related to the loss of availability of the information)
• there is no backup of the document (potential loss of
• threat: unauthorized access
• vulnerability: document is not locked in a cabinet (potential
loss of confidentiality)
• Asset: digital document:
• threat: disk failure;
• vulnerability: there is no backup of the document (potential
loss of availability)
• threat: virus;
• vulnerability: anti-virus program is not properly updated
(potential loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability)
• threat: unauthorized access;
• vulnerability:
• access control scheme is not properly defined (potential
loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability)
• the access was given to too many people (potential loss
of confidentiality, integrity and availability)
• Asset: system administrator:
• threat: unavailability of this person;
• vulnerability: there is no replacement for this position
(potential loss of availability)
• threat: frequent errors;
• vulnerability: lack of training (potential loss of integrity and
• The probability that a specific vulnerability will be the
object of a successful attack
• Assign numeric value: number between 0.1 (low) and
1.0 (high), or a number between 1 and 100
• Zero not used since vulnerabilities with zero likelihood
removed from asset/vulnerability list
• Use selected rating model consistently
• Use external references for values that have been
reviewed/adjusted for your circumstances
(Whitman and Mattord 2009)
Risk is
the likelihood (p) of the occurrence of a vulnerability
multiplied by
the value (a) of the information asset
the percentage (pc) of risk mitigated by current controls
the uncertainty (pu) of current knowledge of the
Risk  p  a  (1  pc  pu )
Jacobson’s Window
fraud, flood,
tsunami, lengthy
power disruption
Don’t care
Usually doesn’t
minor power
disruption, minor
happen (cannot
bugs, keying errors
Risk Determination
• Information asset B has a value score of 100 and has two
– Vulnerability 2 has a likelihood of 0.5 with a current control that
addresses 50 percent of its risk;
– vulnerability 3 has a likelihood of 0.1 with no current controls.
– You estimate that assumptions and data are 80 percent accurate
(i.e. 20% uncertainty)
• Impact of Vulnerability 2 = 100 x 0.5 x (1 – 0.5 + 0.2) = 35
• Impact of Vulnerability 3 = 100 x 0.1 x (1 – 0 + 0.2) = 12
Risk  a  p  (1  pc  pu )
value (a) of the information asset
likelihood (p) of vulnerability occurrence
% (pc) of risk mitigated by current controls
uncertainty (pu) of current knowledge of the
Policy, Standards, and Practices
• Policy is a plan or course of action that influences
and determines decisions.
– they are organizational laws in that they dictate
acceptable and unacceptable behavior within the
– they define what is right, what is wrong, what the
penalties are for violating policy, and what the
appear process is.
Policy: Passwords must be used
Standard: Passwords will be constructed of 6-8 alpha-numeric characters.
Procedure: To change your password, type your old password, then your new password.
Technical control: mechanisms used to regulate the operations to meet policy requirements
Policy, Standards, and Practices
• Standards are a more detailed statement of what must
be done to comply with policy practices.
• Standards may be informal or part of an organizational
• May be published, scrutinized, and ratified by a group
formally. (majority agreed)
Policy: Passwords must be used
Standard: Passwords will be constructed of 6-8 alpha-numeric characters.
Procedure: To change your password, type your old password, then your new password.
Technical control: mechanisms used to regulate the operations to meet policy requirements
Policy, Standards, and Practices
• Procedures and guidelines explain how employees
will comply with policy
• For policies to be effective, they must be:
– Properly disseminated, read, understood, and
Policy: Passwords must be used
Standard: Passwords will be constructed of 6-8 alpha-numeric characters.
Procedure: To change your password, type your old password, then your new password.
Technical control: mechanisms used to regulate the operations to meet policy requirements
Key Terms
• Prevent specific types of information from moving
between the outside world (untrusted network) and
the inside world (trusted network)
• May be separate computer system; a software
service running on existing router or server; or a
separate network containing supporting devices
What is a Network Firewall?
• A firewall is a system or group of systems that
enforces an access control policy between two or
more networks.
• A firewall can block traffic and/or permit traffic
through to a network.
• If you don't have a good idea of what kind of access
you want to allow or to deny, a firewall really won't
help you.
A Typical Architecture with Firewalls
(Internal & External)
Firewall Protection
• Some firewalls permit only a certain type of traffic
through them.
– e.g. email
• Can be configured to protect against unauthenticated
interactive logins from the “outside'' world.
• Can provide a single point for security and auditing
Firewall Protection
• Provide a summary of the types and amount of traffic
passed through it,
– how many attempts there were to break in
• Firewall logs are critically important data. They can be
used as evidence in a court of law in most countries.
What Can’t A Firewall Protect Against
• Firewalls can't protect against attacks that don't go
through the firewall.
– This is something of concern
– A magnetic tape, compact disc, DVD, or USB flash
drives can just as effectively be used to export
• Insider attackers who are allowed to do specific
Processing Modes of Firewalls
• Five processing modes that firewalls can be
categorized by are:
– Packet filtering
– Application gateways
– Circuit gateways
– MAC layer firewalls
– Hybrids
Selecting the Right Firewall
• When selecting firewall, consider a number of factors:
– What firewall offers right balance between protection and cost
for needs of organization?
– Which features are included in base price and which are not?
– Ease of setup and configuration? How accessible are staff
technicians who can configure the firewall?
– Can firewall adapt to organization’s growing network?
• Second most important issue is cost
• How do you select your home firewall?
Configuring and Managing Firewalls
• Each firewall device must have own set of configuration
rules regulating its actions
• Firewall policy configuration is usually complex and
• Configuring firewall policies is both an art and a science
• When security rules conflict with the performance of
business, security often loses
Best Practices for Firewalls
• All traffic from trusted network is allowed in
• Firewall device never directly accessed from public
• Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data allowed to
pass through firewall (else can’t send email)
• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data denied
• Telnet access to internal servers should be blocked
• When Web services offered outside firewall (DMZ)
HTTP traffic should be denied from reaching internal
Firewall Limitations
• Generally provides no data integrity (eg: doesn’t check for viruses)
• No authenticity for source of the data
• Often no confidentiality of data
• No protection against internal threats
• Only one point of entry (DoS susceptible)
• Maybe just one point of failure
• Higher levels of functionality = more complexity = possible failure
– but simpler systems have more vulnerabilities to attack
Categories of Cryptography
• Symmetric-key Cryptography
– Same key applied on both sender and receiver.
– Encryption, Authentication.
– E.g., DES, AES, RC4
• Public (asymmetric) key Cryptography
– Use a pair of public and private keys.
– Encryption, Authentication, Digital Signatures, etc
– E.g., RSA, DSS, ElGamal
Symmetric-Key Encryptions
• Plaintext can be encrypted through bit stream or block
cipher method
• Stream cipher: each plaintext bit transformed into cipher
bit one bit at a time
– RC4
• Block cipher: message divided into blocks (e.g., sets of
8- or 16-bit blocks) and each is transformed into
encrypted block of cipher bits using algorithm and key
Substitution Cipher
• Substitute one value for another
• Monoalphabetic substitution: uses only one alphabet,
e.g., Caesar ciper.
• Polyalphabetic substitution: more advanced; uses two or
more alphabets
• Vigenère cipher: advanced cipher type that uses simple
polyalphabetic code; made up of 26 distinct cipher
Transposition Cipher
• Easy to understand, but if properly used, produces
ciphertext that is difficult to decipher
• Rearranges values within a block to create ciphertext
• Can be done at the bit level or at the byte (character) level
• To make the encryption even stronger, the keys and block
sizes can be made much larger
Symmetric Encryption
• Uses same “secret key” to encipher and decipher
– Encryption methods can be extremely efficient,
requiring minimal processing
– Both sender and receiver must possess encryption
– If either copy of key is compromised, an intermediate
can decrypt and read messages
Example of Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric-Key Encryption
• Also known as public-key encryption
• Key pair
– Public key: publicly known for encryption
– Private key: only known by the owner; for decryption
– Public and private keys are mathematically related.
– Hard to find the private key from the public key.
Example of Asymmetric Encryption
Encryption Key Size
• When using ciphers, size of encryption key are very
• Strength of many encryption applications and
cryptosystems measured by key size
• For cryptosystems, security of encrypted data is not
dependent on keeping encrypting algorithm secret
• Cryptosystem security depends on keeping some or all
of elements of key(s) secret
Encryption Key Power
Note: time is different in different encryption algorithms.
Digital Signatures
• Digital signatures are a security primitive for demonstrating
the authenticity of a digital message.
– Sign: using the signer’s private (signing) key
– Verify: using the signer’s public key
• It mimics the function of handwritten signatures.
• Digital signatures should be unforgeable.
• Non-repudiation: the process that verifies the message was
sent by the sender and thus cannot be refuted (contested)
• Digital Signature Standard (DSS)
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
• PKI is a system which creates, stores and distributes digital
certificates of public keys.
• PKI supports the use of public key cryptography.
• Typical PKI solution protects the transmission and reception
of secure information by integrating:
– Certificate authority (CA)
– Registration authority (RA)
– Certificate directories
– Management protocols
– Policies and procedures
Digital Certificates
• Electronic document containing key value and identifying
information about entity that controls key
• Digital signature attached to certificate’s container file to
certify file is from entity it claims to be from
• Different client-server applications use different types of
digital certificates to accomplish their assigned functions
• Distinguished name (DN): uniquely identifies a certificate
Hybrid Cryptography Systems
• Except with digital certificates, pure asymmetric key
encryption not widely used
• Asymmetric encryption more often used with symmetric
key encryption, creating hybrid system
• Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method:
– Most common hybrid system
– Provided foundation for subsequent developments in
public-key encryption
Example of Hybrid Encryption