Plant Tissue Culture And its Applications in Crop Improvements Arun patel M.Sc- Agriculture Biotechnolgy Learning Objectives Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture History of Tissue Culture Media For Tissue Culture Various Techniques for Tissue Culture Germplasm Preservation Applications Limitations Introduction to Tissue Culture Tissue Culture (also known as Micropropagation or In vitro culture) is: The growing of plant cells, tissues, organs, seeds or other plant parts in a sterile environment on a nutrient medium. HISTORY OF PLANT TISSUE CULTURE 1838-39 cellular theory (Cell is autonom and totipotent) SchleidenSchwann 1902 First attempt of plant tissue culture Continuously growing callus culture Harberlandt 1946 Whole plant developed from shoot tip Ball 1950 Organs regenerated on callus Ball 1954 Plant from single cell Muir 1960 Protoplast isolation Cocking 1939 White 1962 MS media Murashige Skoog 1964 Clonal propagation of orchids Morel 1964 Haploids from pollen Guha 1970 Fusion of protoplasts Power 1971 Plants from protoplasts Takebe 1981 Somaclonal variation Larkin 1967 Anther Culture Maheshwari Landmark Achievers of PTC G. Haberladnt Skoog White Gautheret Murashige Maheshwai Nutrient medium and the role of growth hormones? The nutrient medium commonly contains Macronutrient, micronutrient, vitamins, Ferron & carban source The optimum culture medium may vary with the species, the genotype within the species, and the origin and age of the cultured tissue. The preferred physical state of the culture medium, whether a liquid medium or a solid agar gel, may vary with the species and the culture environment. pH- 5.8 Hormones in the agar Two Hormones Affect Plant Differentiation: Auxin: Stimulates Root Development Cytokinin: Stimulates Shoot Development Generally, the ratio of these two hormones can determine plant development: Auxin ↓Cytokinin = Root Development Cytokinin ↓Auxin = Shoot Development Auxin = Cytokinin = Callus Development Basic Procedure of Tissue Culture Types of In Vitro Culture Culture of intact plants (seed and seedling culture) Embryo culture (immature embryo culture) Organ culture Callus culture Cell suspension culture Protoplast culture Somatic Embryogenesis Micropropagation Somaclonal variation Micropropagation Embryogenesis Direct embryogenesis Indirect embryogenesis Organogenesis Organogenesis via callus formation Direct adventitious organ formation Microcutting Meristem and shoot tip culture Bud culture Steps of Micropropagation Stage 0 – Selection & preparation of the mother plant sterilization of the plant tissue takes place Stage I - Initiation of culture explant placed into growth media Stage II - Multiplication explant transferred to shoot media; shoots can be constantly divided Stage III - Rooting explant transferred to root media Stage IV - Transfer to soil explant returned to soil; hardened off Features of Micropropagation Clonal reproduction. Way of maintaining heterozygosity. Multiplication Stage can be recycled many times to produce an unlimited number of clones. Routinely used commercially for many ornamental species, some vegetatively propagated crops. Easy to manipulate production cycles Not limited by field seasons/environmental influences. Disease-free plants can be produced Has been used to eliminate viruses from donor plants. Types of Plant Tissue Culture What is Callus development A callus is a blob of tissue – (mostly undifferentiated cells) A callus is naturally developed on a plant as a result of a wound This callus can be left to develop or can be further divided Callus Culture Equimolar amounts of auxin and cytokinin stimulate cell division. Leads to a mass proliferation of an unorganised mass of cells called a callus. Requirement for support ensures that scale-up is limited. Callus Suspension Culture When callus pieces are agitated in a liquid medium, they tend to break up. Suspensions are much easier to bulk up than callus since there is no manual transfer or solid support. Protoplast Isolation Created by degrading the cell wall using enzymes. Very fragile, can’t pipette. The membranes are made to fuse. osmotic shock, electrical current, virus Regenerate the hybrid fusion product. Contain genome from both organisms. Very, very difficult . Use of enzymes results in a high yield of uniform protoplasts after removal of cellular debris Protoplasts can originate from different sources: greenhouse or field material, micropropagated plants, calli, Protoplast Fusion Techniques Protoplast fuse spontaneously during isolation process mainly due to physical contact. Induced Fusion. Chemofusion- fusion induced by chemicals. Types of fusogens PEG NaNo3 Ca 2+ ions Polyvinyl alcohal Mechanical Fusion- Physical fusion of protoplasts under microscope by using micromanipulator and perfusion micropipette. Somatic & Cybridization Somatic & Cybridization Uses for Protoplast Fusion Combine two complete genomes Another way to create allopolyploids Partial genome transfer Exchange single or few traits between species May or may not require ionizing radiation Genetic engineering Micro-injection, electroporation, Agrobacterium Transfer of organelles Unique to protoplast fusion The transfer of mitochondria and/or chloroplasts between species Somaclonal Variation Variation found in somatic cells dividing mitotically in culture A general phenomenon of all plant regeneration systems that involve a callus phase Some mechanisms: Karyotipic alteration Sequence variation Variation in DNA Methylation Two general types of Somaclonal Variation: Heritable, genetic changes (alter the DNA) Stable, but non-heritable changes (alter gene expression, epigenetic) Somaclonal Breeding Procedures Use plant cultures as starting material Idea is to target single cells in multi-cellular culture. Usually suspension culture, but callus culture can work (want as much contact with selective agent as possible). Optional: apply physical or chemical mutagen. Apply selection pressure to culture. Target: very high kill rate, you want very few cells to survive, so long as selection is effective. Regenerate whole plants from surviving cells. Advantages of somatic hybridization Production of novel interspecific and intergenic hybrid Pomato (Hybrid of potato and tomato). Transfer gene for disease resistance, abiotic stress resistance, herbicide resistance and many other quality characters. Production of heterozygous lines in the single species which cannot be propagated by vegetative means. Production of unique hybrids of nucleus and cytoplasm. Plant germplasm preservation In situ : Conservation in ‘normal’ habitat rain forests, gardens, farms Ex Situ : Field collection, Botanical gardens Seed collections In vitro collection: Extension of micropropagation techniques Normal growth (short term storage) Slow growth (medium term storage) Cryopreservation (long term storage DNA Banks Cryopreservation Storage of living tissues at ultra-low temperatures (-196°C) Conservation of plant germplasm Vegetatively propagated species (root and tubers, ornamental, fruit trees). Conservation of tissue with specific characteristics Medicinal and alcohol producing cell lines Genetically transformed tissues. Transformation/Mutagenesis competent tissues (ECSs). Conservation of plant pathogens (fungi, nematodes) Applications: Study of Biochemical & Physiological activities. The effect of various hormones. Production of Secondary Metabolites. To preserve the plant species which are on red-line. Improve crop yield with regard to molecular breeding & Genetic Engineering. To make transgenic & cis-genic plants. Commercial Applications of Clonal Propagation Clonal propagation has the potential for propagation of thousands of plantlets from a single genetic stock. Examples: orchids, potato, asparagus, strawberry, and various flowers or herbaceous ornamentals that set seed poorly. This may not be suitable for seeding field crops. Problems in Tissue Culture Application of protoplast technology requires efficient plant regeneration system. The lack of an efficient selection method for fused product is sometimes a major problem. The end-product after somatic hybridization is often unbalanced. Regeneration products after somatic hybridization are often variable. It is never certain that a particular characteristic will be expressed. Genetic stability. Sexual reproduction of somatic hybrids. Conclusion PTC is the technique by which plant cells can be grown in vitro sexually & asexually. By the help of this we can study biochemical, physiological and hormones activity. High yield, good quality of crops can be obtained. PTC , G.E. and Molecular breeding these techniques are used to transfer the gene of same species or from different species. References Plant Tissue Culture, ELESIVISER Publishers ,Bhojwani & Rajdhan H.S. Chawla M. S. Shekhawat Images from google search engine