Uploaded by Becky Gentry

Solar System Note-Taking Sheet

 A planet must do three things:
(1) it must orbit a star
(2) big enough to have enough
gravity to force a spherical shape
(3) big enough that its gravity clears
away any objects of a similar size near its orbit
 The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it revolves
o Mercury orbits the Sun once every 88 days; Neptune orbits once every
165 Earth years
Planets & dwarf planets
 Dwarf planets orbit the Sun & are nearly spherical in shape, but they share
their orbital paths with other objects similar in size EX: Pluto is now a
dwarf planet
 A moon is a natural satellite that orbits an object other than a star
 Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun; MOST are located in
the asteroid belt
 Comets are small, rocky icy objects that orbit the Sun; as they near the Sun,
the ice melts & the water forms a “tail” behind the comet
 Meteoroid A small solid particle that travels through space, if they burn
up in earth's atmosphere, they are called meteor. A meteoroid becomes a
meteorite only if it impacts Earth
Inner Planets (called the rocky planets b/c their surfaces are solid & rocky)
Mercury  Smallest planet, only other inner planet w/magnetic field (beside
 The "Incredible Shrinking" planet
.Venus  Hottest planet; thick atmosphere of CO2; hot b/c of the greenhouse
effect; has volcanoes
 Venus spins the opposite direction of Earth
Mars  Has two moons, reddish in color due to iron oxide (rust), the "Red"
Asteroid belt - separates the inner & outer planets; made of rocks called
outer Planets (called the gas giants OR ice giants b/c made mostly of
gas OR ice)
 Largest planet; contains more mass than the rest of the planets combined
 Has the most moons, and has a large red spot
 This planet is known for
having prominent bands of
coloring and storms.
 The planet that could float on
water, b/c it is made mostly of
hydrogen gas
 Over 60 moons & seven rings (rings made mostly of ice)
Uranus  Blue green color; Thin, dark rings & rotates tilted on its side;
over 27 moons
Appears blue when viewed through a telescope, has the highest winds in
solar system, and rotates counterclockwise.
 A planet must do three things:
(1) it must ___________________
(2) big enough to have enough ________to force a ___________shape
(3) big enough that its gravity __________ any objects of a similar size near its
 The closer a planet is to the Sun, the ________it revolves
o Mercury orbits the Sun once every ________; Neptune orbits once every
____Earth years
Planets & dwarf planets
 Dwarf planets orbit the Sun & are nearly _____________in shape, but they
share their ________________with other objects similar in size EX:
________is now a dwarf planet
 A moon is a _____________________that orbits an object other than a star
 Asteroids are small, _______objects that orbit the Sun; MOST are located in
the ___________
 Comets are small, __________objects that orbit the Sun; as they near the
Sun, the ice melts & the water forms a “________” behind the comet
 Meteoroids A small solid particle that ________________, if they
__________ in earth's atmosphere, they are called _______. A meteoroid
becomes a meteorite only if it ________Earth
Inner Planets (called the rocky planets b/c their surfaces are _______&
Mercury  __________planet, only other inner planet w/__________field
(beside Earth)
 The "Incredible _____________" planet
.Venus  ________planet; thick atmosphere of CO2; hot b/c of the greenhouse
effect; has volcanoes
 Venus spins the _____________direction of Earth
Mars  Has two moons, __________in color due to iron oxide (_____), the
"Red" planet
Asteroid belt - separates the ______& ______planets; made of _____called
outer Planets (called the _________OR _________b/c made mostly of gas
OR ice)
 ___________planet; contains more ________than the rest of the planets
 Has the most ________, and has a large ____________
 This planet is known for having prominent bands of coloring and
 The planet that could ________on water, b/c it is made mostly of
 Over 60 moons & ________rings (rings made mostly of _____)
Uranus ___________color; Thin, dark rings & rotates ______________;
over 27 moons
Neptune  Appears _____when viewed through a telescope, has the highest
______in solar system, and rotates ________________.