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Harry Potter Character Analysis

Potter is slim, and
slightly short. He has
very messy black hair
and really pretty green
eyes that are almond-
Reader's attitude
shaped. He wears
towards the hero:
glasses and has a
respectable and with
lightning-shaped scar
on his forehead. His
clothes are almost
always to big for him
Role of the hero in the
semantic content:
learns to be strong with
those who consider him
Author’s attitude
weak, and generous
towards the hero:
with those who depend
According to Rowling,
on his will.
Harry is strongly guided
by his own conscience,
and has a keen feeling
of what is right and
wrong. Having "very
limited access to truly
caring adults", Rowling
said, Harry "is forced to
make his own decisions
Hero’s language:
Action period: its
around 1981-1998 years
from an early age
on."[He "does make
mistakes", she
conceded, but in the
end, he does what his
conscience tells him to
Hero's inner state:
There is only one thing
Harry wants and that is
to grow, be free and
fulfill his goals. He will
do anything to make
this happen. With his
Defense from the Dark
Arts - from the very first
practical lessons, he
shows the ability to
Masterly control of the
broom - it seems to
obey any wishes of the
boy, which allows him
to become the best
catcher in a century and
even save his life.
The Patronus Spell Harry, at the age of 13,
managed to visualize
the Patronus in the
form of an animal,
which even mature
wizards rarely succeed
in. It usually appears as
a cloud.
Snake tongue - it is
believed that only a
dark magician can
become a snakemouth,
this feature was
transmitted to Potter at
the first meeting with
the Dark Lord, along
with part of his soul.
Master of the Deathly
Hallows - the young
wizard managed to
collect all the parts of
the Gifts, turning the
owner into the Master
of Death.
own Inner Circle by his
side, there might just
be hope for all his
dreams to come true.