My concern Comprehending Contextual approach and the Qur'ānic interpretations Evaluating its differences from the Textual approach and exegesis Determining the best principles for understanding the meanings and instructions of the Qur'ān Contextual Approach The Qur'ān should be understood by understanding the socio-historical context of the text, when it was revealed, as well as the context of the time and place in which it is being interpreted and applied Response to Modernity The Qur'ān was given in a specific context and its message was specific to the Prophet and his community traditional interpretations are historic, specific and context-based interpretations compatible with the conditions of the modern world not to implement rigid rules, but to establish societies based on justice, goodness and beauty enlightened interpretations can resolve the contemporary issues The leading proponent of Contextual Approach meaning of the Qur'ān as a whole and in its proper context eliciting general moral objectives through double movement theory legal rulings are binding primarily in their moral sense, not in their literal wording Other Contextualists Nasr Zayd Abu Hamid Amina Wadud Abdullah Saeed (1943-2000) (1952) (1964) Egyptian African-American Maldivian-Australian Research Questions How the Contextual approach differentiates from the Textual approach in the Qur'ānic understanding? To what extent the application of the contextual approach influences the Qur'ānic interpretations? What is the practical implication of the beliefs and practices endorsed by the contextualist interpretations and how much it meets the contemporary needs of life and the challenges posed by it? Research Method (Discourse Analysis) who wrote it And when? Discourse Analysis Text and Context and Cognition Process Country And Place ? Institutional And Personal Background ? Research Method (Framing Analysis) Frames used as references to make sense of Modernity Justice Rationality Peace Human Rights Scientific Discoveries Liberty Success Political Challenge Universality Advanced Technology Cultural Invasion Globalization Research Method (Framing Analysis) Rhetorical Framing Social Justice Qur'ānic Corporeal Punishments Adultery Theft (Q 24:2) (Q 5:38) Consumption of wine (Q 5:90) Brigandage Murder (Q 5:33) (Q 2:178)