SELF-MANAGEMENT FOR HEALTH: комфорта THEORYЗонаAND PRACTICE Развитие (ложное благополучие) благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия Introduction Contents: 1. Bird’s eye view of the subject 2. Basic tools in self-management of personal health May 2019 Question #1: Are you satisfied with your health? Зона комфорта Question #2: (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия What do you do daily to manage your health? Structure of the lecture 1. “map of the territory”: Health (wellness), disease (illness), medicine and health management Зона комфорта (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия 2. What today’s medicine can and cannot do: Opportunities and limitations 3. Lifestyle factors and the causes of chronic diseases 4. How can health be measured? 5. Basic principles of managing one’s health 1. “map of the territory”: what is Health (wellness), disease (illness), medicine and health management 1. Health (wellness), disease (illness), medicine and health management: “map of the territory” Health and disease are not discrete states; they represent a continuous range of states (a continuum) Premature death Progressing illness Comfort zone (False wellness) Progressing wellness High level of wellness Question #3: Where does medicine usually come into play within this continuum? Зона комфорта should Развитие Where management start? благополучия (ложное благополучие) Premature death Progressing illness Comfort zone (False wellness) Progressing wellness Высокий уровень благополучия High level of wellness Is today’s “western” medicine a system of managing health? NO, it’s rather a system of managing diseases Health continuum is only partially addressed by ‘disease-centered’ health care (‘sick care’) Definition: Health = state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (World Health Organization) Premature death Progressing illness Comfort zone (False wellness) Progressing wellness High level of wellness Question #4: What “sorts of health” can you find within this continuum? Question #5: Where are you in this continuum, where would you like to get to, and what prevents Развитие you from that? Высокий Зона комфорта Premature death Progressing illness (ложное благополучие) благополучия уровень благополучия Comfort zone Progressing wellness High level of wellness (False wellness) Genes load the gun, environment (= lifestyle) pulls the trigger Human being = unity of PHYSICAL BODY + MIND + SPIRIT (‘social body’) Question #6: What is the most important part of the human? ;-) Зона комфорта (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия The mission of MEDICINE is to manage health (keep a human healthy) In practice, medicine mostly manages diseases ”Western” medicine “Integrative” medicine 2. Opportunities and limitations of today’s “western” medicine Opportunities: Limitations: - Treatment of ACUTE illnesses (e.g. - Cannot effectively treat CHRONIC injuries) diseases (responsible for >60% of - Surgical methods (focused on the global mortality) physical body) Question #7: What are the major tools of the ‘western’ medicine? How adequate are they in chronic disease? Зона комфорта (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия 2. Opportunities and limitations of today’s “western” medicine Chronic preventable diseases are responsible for >80% of healthcare costs Causes of mortality (USA) : in 1900 vs 2013 Question #8: Do you have experience with integrative medicine? What tools does it use? Examples: - Acupuncture Ayurveda (India) Homeopathy Osteopathy Aromatherapy Naturopathy Kampo medicine Зона комфорта (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Высокий уровень благополучия 2. Opportunities of today’s medicine: FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE (=P4 Medicine: predictive + preventive + personalized + participative) Basic principles: - Health and disease represent a continuum - Prevention is most effective (at 30-70% of maximum health level) - Symptoms interaction of biochemical individuality and environment (lifestyle factors) - There are 6 (six) key modifiable lifestyle factors - Remove everything that impedes health, provide everything that is missing - Patient-focused (patient plays the central role) - Doctor’s role: to identify causative factors and teach healthy lifestyle - Clear and consistent algorithm for reaching the goals Opportunities: - Stop and reverse most chronic diseases - Healthy longevity 3. Lifestyle factors and the causes of chronic diseases: approach of Functional Medicine (the medicine of ‘WHY?’) Functional Medicine is medicine of systems and networks (“everything is connected with everything”) Modifiable Lifestyle factors as the causes of chronic disease Healthy food High quality sleep and rest Sufficient motion and exercise Effective stress management Toxin exposure Healthy relationships Question #9: What is the most important lifestyle factor? ;-) Зона комфорта (ложное благополучие) Развитие благополучия Principles of self-management for health 1. Screen to understand where you are (measure your health) 2. Evaluate risks and potential causes of problems (=modifiable lifestyle factors) 3. Set priorities and goals (=examine your values) 4. Evaluate readiness for lifestyle transformation 5. Find a coach 6. Build up a SMART plan (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) 7. Implement 8. Re-evaluate and make corrections Practical tools for measuring health (without a doctor) 1. Questionnaires - Signs and symptoms of functional problems (Digital platform) - Stress level (Psychological stress measure, PSM-9) 2. Body measurements / self-examination - Body mass index / Waist circumference / Waist:Height ratio - Skin and tongue 3. Simple functional tests - Breath holding tests (target: 40-60 seconds after full breath in; 30-40 seconds after full breath out) Take home messages 1. Health is a continuum 2. Environment pulls the trigger 3. Body is not the only (and not the major) part of the human 4. Western medicine is mostly effective in acute diseases, mostly ineffective in chronic diseases 5. The future of medicine is P4 medicine (= Functional Medicine) 6. Your health what you do / fail to do every day for years 7. Six (6) major lifestyle factors 8. Eight (8) steps of self-management for health Questions? PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS MEASURE (PSM-9) Check the number that best indicates the degree to which each statement has applied to you recently (last 4-5 days) 1. I feel calm 2. I feel rushed; I do not seem to have enough time 3. I have physical aches and pains: sore back, headache, stiff neck, stomach ache 4. I feel preoccupied, tormented, or worried 5. I feel confused; my thoughts are muddled; I lack concentration; I cannot focus 6. I feel full of energy and keen 7. I feel a great weight on my shoulders 8. I have difficulty controlling my reactions, emotions, moods, or gestures 9. I feel stressed 1=not at all; 2=not really; 3=very little; 4=a bit; 5=somewhat; 6=quite a bit; 7=very much; 8=extremely