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Lion, Witch, Wardrobe Plot & Symbolism Worksheet

Name: ___________________________________
Period: _____________
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Theme: ____________________________________
When C.S. Lewis wrote The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, he intended for Narnia to be a fictional representation of the world as it is documented in the books of the Holy
Bible. Lewis wanted to tell the story of Christianity from a fantasy perspective in order to appeal to and reach children of varying ages and adult non-believers. The Chronicles of
Narnia is a compilation of stories with Christian themes and characters that symbolize individuals and events presented in the Holy Bible.
Directions: Match the characters and events created by C.S. Lewis with biblical people, places, and events.
_____ 1. Aslan
A. a Christian’s desire to be with Jesus
_____ 2. White Witch
B. the promise of ruling and being with Jesus for Eternity
_____ 3. temptation & sin
C. the Battle of Armageddon
_____ 4. Edmund
D. life after death for Christian believers
_____ 5. the gifts from Father Christmas
E. Jesus Christ, the Savior coming to take back his kingdom
_____ 6. Stone Table
F. victory over sin and death through belief in God
_____ 7. Peter, Susan, & Lucy seeking Aslan’s help
G. Mary and Martha at the tomb of Jesus
_____ 8. Peter’s victory over the wolf
H. Satan, “The Evil One”
_____ 9. Aslan giving his life for Edmund
I. Turkish Delight
_____ 10. Susan & Lucy crying over Aslan
J. Edmund’s conversion from evil to Christianity
_____ 11. Aslan comes back to life
K. Jesus sacrificing his life for sinners
_____ 12. Aslan’s discussion with Edmund
L. tools Jesus gives to help Christians fight sin and evil
_____ 13. Longing to see Aslan
M. an individual as a sinner and an individual with a new life through Christ
_____ 14. reversal of the stone statue curse
N. the resurrection of Christ
_____ 15. Aslan’s final confict with & defeat of the White Witch
O. Calvary and the cross
_____ 16. Peter, Susan, Edmund, & Lucy reigning
P. praying to Jesus